Harry & Betty In Graduate School free porn video

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Doing it was on my mind from about the time I was in the second or third grade. I knew something went on but it was a mystery. I was confused by what Jimmy, a neighbor kid, told me. He was in the eighth grade and let on like he knew everything but now I realize that he too had a lot to learn.

I was shy and lacked confidence around girls so didn't get the courage to ask a girl for a date until I was a junior in High School. I finally asked Betty out a few times but the problem was, I didn't know what to do. Looking back, I realize that she was trying to encourage me to be more aggressive but I didn't know how to read the signals. One night as we were talking, she explained in detail about Dorothy, and how she and Al spent two or three hours kissing good night. I was so inexperience around girls I didn't understand that she wanted me to do what she was describing!

I went to college and had a chance to observe more experienced guys and girls. I also read some books that helped me understand more about the mystery. I began dating girls, ranging from shy too more aggressive. Before long, I realized that by treating girls with what I thought was great respect they actually got bored. What they really wanted to do was fight the guys off. Irene drove the point home when she simply put my hand on her breasts and responded passionately when I finally began feeling them in earnest.

I was home between my sophomore and junior year of college and ran into Betty at a party. After chatting for a while I asked her if I could take her home.

"Sure, I'm ready now."

We drove to the local town for a hamburger and malt then headed for her place. Finding a dark stretch of road off the beaten path, I pulled over. I was on her in an instant, kissing her with fervor. She responded in kind for a few moments but then began giggling. When I asked what was so funny she just sat there for a moment before responding.

"I gave up on you being interested in doing anything but talking," she said. “I finally decided that you really didn’t like girls and was just going with me to impress the guys. You never seemed to understand what I was trying to tell you.”

"I got some education in college," I replied.

“Oh yeah, just what kind of education did you get?” she replied with a suggestive smile.

Without comment I slid my hand between us and began playing with her breasts. She didn't protest, so I kept at it. After a while she pulled away sliding to the right side of the car. When I gave her a questioning look, she responded by putting my head in her lap and playing with my ears. This left me free to play with both breasts.

We played for a half-hour or so, exploring her breasts and necking. She stroked my chest, rubbed my ears, kissed my eyelids, etc. I wanted to get a better feel of her breasts but she was wearing a high neck dress that buttoned down the back. There was no way to get past the dress. I tried to slide my hand down the neck but there just wasn't enough room. After an hour or so she said that as much as she was enjoying my education, she had to be at work at seven the next morning and it was almost tomorrow already. Reluctantly, I took her home.

A couple of days later I called her only to find that she had gotten a fantastic job starting next Monday, and was moving to Mitchell. We chatted for a few minutes and made plans to stay in touch. I got a couple of letter from her in the next week or two, giving me her address and telling me about the apartment she shared with another girl. A week or two later I made plans to drive up to visit her, leaving about four Saturday afternoon. I arrived in Mitchell in the midst of a record high for the July day, just more than 100 degrees! My '54 Chevy had no air conditioning, so the drive was not much fun. I was looking forward to cooling off, but on arrival found that her apartment had no shade and was almost as hot as the car.

We decided to go out for dinner, then to a movie. The restaurant was air-conditioned which provided much welcome relief. The theater was cool as well, but the movie was really boring so we left before it was over. By then, the sun had gone down and although it was a bit cooler we were still very uncomfortable. Betty suggested that we go to her apartment and have some cool lemonade.

"What about your room mate?" I asked.

Betty explained that she had gone home to visit her parents for the weekend, so we would have the apartment to ourselves. Arriving at her apartment, we opened the windows. There was some breeze but it was still hot and sticky. The cold lemonade helped and in a minute or two, we were in a serious clinch. As I began playing with her breasts, she snuggled up to me letting me know how much she enjoyed my attention. I liked the feel, which was a softer feeling through the thin blouse that she was wearing than the feeling through her heavy dress of a few weeks ago. Trying not to be too obvious, I began unbuttoning her blouse from the bottom up hoping she wouldn't notice until I was fairly well along.

When I got to the top button, I slid my hand inside the blouse onto her bra and began stroking tenderly, taking care not to come into direct contact with her skin. I wanted to get acquainted with her bra before getting pushed away for going too fast. After several minutes I started playing with the space between her breasts.

"Whoa, looks like you are going for graduate school," she said as she pulled my hand away.

As she did, she discovered her blouse had been unbuttoned. She pulled back and buttoned it up, but did not resist my kisses on her neck and ears. A moment or two later we were once again locked in a clinch. I began pushing her down onto the divan and gradually made the transition from sitting upright to laying full length. Once again I unbuttoned her blouse, but this time I went straight to her bare tummy, working upward until I was once again in contact with her bra. This time I tried to slip my fingers under the band, but it was entirely too tight. Betty neither resisted nor helped, but continued to play with my ears and chest.

Being in reclining position, her bra felt a little slacker than when we were sitting up. Finding a barrier from below, I decided to try approaching from above. This time I opened the top button and pushed the blouse aside. She didn't resist, so I began kissing her throat, working my way down toward her breast. I knew a bra fastened in the back, but since we were lying on a very confined divan there wasn't room to maneuver her into position get the thing off. After a while, it seemed as if we were at a stalemate. I wanted to go further but there wasn't a practical way in the confines of the divan. In addition, when combining the heat of the evening with the heat of our passion it was unbearably hot.

By mutual consent, we took an intermission. Betty went to get some more lemonade and I used the opportunity to adjust my painfully hard cock to a less restricted position. We drank the cool liquid, feeling somewhat refreshed but still oppressive and hot.

"How do you ever get cool enough to sleep?" I asked.

Betty explained that she took a cool shower and had a window fan in her bedroom.

"Sounds good to me," I said as I stood up.

"What's this, going for a PHD?" she said as I pulled her up.

"That's what you go to school for isn't it?" I replied.

We went to her bedroom finding a breeze moving through the corner bedroom windows providing glorious relief. I began kissing and cuddling her with my hands all over her body. Since we were standing, I could move much more freely and I ran my hands down past her waist massaging her bottom, pulling her tight against my cock. She snuggled in close, obviously feeling my manhood against her belly. Once again, I began unbuttoning her blouse. This time I wasn't subtle about it. I began at the top and worked down. After opening the last button, I slid the blouse off her shoulders. She moved her arms from her side just enough to let the sleeveless garment fall to the floor. I began fumbling with her shorts, locating the button at the side and opening it. Down with the zipper and off her hips. She stepped close hugging me tightly.

"I think you are trying to get me naked," she said.

"How else do you take a shower?" I grunted.

"Well, what about you, do you take showers with your clothes on?" she asked.

"Haven't in the past," I said.

Betty began unbuttoning my shirt and slid it off. In an instant, she had my belt pulled open and my jeans unzipped. As I stepped out of them, she caught sight of my bulging cock inside my jockey shorts.

"That thing is huge!" she said with awe.

“Have you ever seen a naked man before? I asked.

“Well, kind of,” she replied. “Actually, just some of the boys I baby sat, but never a grown man.”

"What about you?" she asked.

“Oh, I see lots of naked men in the dorm shower room.”

“You know what I mean,” she said with mock irritation. “You ever see a naked girl?”

“Well, when you put it that way, I’ve seen some pictures, but never a real woman.”

We stood for a few moments studying each other. Finally I took her in my arms and gave her a long slow passionate kiss.

"Time for your shower," I said as I reached behind her and began fumbling with the clasp of her bra.

After what seemed like an eternity, I got it open, stepped back and slipped the straps off her shoulders. She shrugged her shoulders forward letting her bra drop to the floor. I gazed at her firm breasts standing proudly in the gentle breeze. I couldn't resist reaching for them. The feeling was unlike anything I had ever felt before. They were soft, but in a strange sort of way firm at the same time. She didn't have large breasts but they were beautifully shaped and pointed. I could feel her shiver as I touched them rolling the nipples between my fingers. After a minute or two she pulled back.

"You're ahead in your home work, my turn to do some studying."

She slipped her hands under the band of my shorts and tried to pull them down. Of course, they got hung up on my pounding hard cock. She had this funny little look on her face, kind of like, how do you get this thing off?

"You didn't help me with the bra," I said, “so no help here either.”

Betty giggled as she pulled the front of my shorts away from my body. She pulled, and pulled, and pulled. As she released my cock from its restrictions, it kept following her efforts.”

Wow! Do you have enough elastic to get past this thing?" she asked.

She made an exaggerated pulling motion, finally getting past the obstacle and sliding them off. She stood there for several seconds staring at my throbbing tool. Slowly she reached out and began exploring it with her hands. I thought I was going to shoot off right there! My knees felt weak and the urge to begin thrusting my hips toward her was almost overwhelming. As she ran her hands down the shaft to the base, I felt her begin to stroke my balls. That was all it took! I began pumping, squirting my juice all over her hands and onto her tummy and panties. Betty stood there with an amazed look on her face.

"Why didn't you tell me it was loaded? I could have been mortally wounded!"

I was so weak kneed that I had to sit on the bed for a minute.

"You took it off safety!" I told her smiling.

I could see my juices running down her tummy and on her hands.

"A good thing we're planning to take a shower," I said as I stood and slipped her panties off.

This time it was my turn to stare. Betty caught sight of my amazed expression and asked if something was wrong.

“Nothing, I just didn’t realize a girl would have so much hair down there,” I told her.

“Obviously you need to do a lot more home work,” she laughed

"Well, let’s go to the laboratory and set up the experiments," I replied with a leering smile.

Betty turned and led the way to the bathroom. I walked behind her, aware of my throbbing cock swaying from side to side. She turned on the water and adjusted it to a cool but tolerable temperature. It was a small shower, just big enough for one. She had put on her shower cap and picked up a bar of soap.

"Want to watch?" she asked as she stepped in.

She left the curtain open, which afforded me an unimpeded view. I watched with unabashed passion as she ran the soap over her body. Shortly, she stepped out. I held up a towel and let her step into it. I gently dried her, taking care to cover every square inch while exploring her mysterious body. When I was finished, she announced that it was her turn to watch and pushed me toward the shower. I made quick work of it, enjoying the cool spray of the water as it cascaded over my body. When I stepped out, she repeated my example by drying me off. While she rubbed my painfully swollen cock, my knees sagged as she ran the rough towel up and down.

We went back to the bedroom switching on the window fan. I turned off the ceiling light and took her in my arms. She snuggled up to me, grabbing my bottom pulling me close. I ground my cock into her tummy, pushing my hips into her as hard as I could. At the same time I kissed her with mounting fervor. I wanted to possess her, feel her, climb into her, and become one with her. At the same time I was a little apprehensive. I wasn't sure just what to do. I had read some things and heard stories from the guys who claimed to have done it.

It was so dark that I could barely see her, so I asked her if she had another light that wasn't so bright. She stepped to the head of the bed and turned on a little reading lamp. It was just the right amount of light. We could see each other but weren't overwhelmed with bright light. I moved to her, taking her in my arms. I pressed her back onto the bed and lay down beside her. The fan was perfectly positioned so that while lying on the bed we were pleasantly bathed in a cool breeze.

"Are you ready for lab work?" I asked.

Betty kissed me in response and rolled onto her back. I rolled between her legs and knelt on my knees.

"Be careful, go slow, I've never done this before."

"Me either," I replied as I settled over her body.

I moved forward, trying to get the tip of my cock where I thought it should go. After a couple of futile probes, Betty reached down and guided my cock into position. I could feel the wet slickness of her hot womanhood as I pressed forward not knowing what to expect. I had heard that it hurt the girl the first time and while I wanted to ram it home, I didn't want a screaming girl on my hands. Betty lay perfectly still as I began the invasion of her virgin pussy. I slowly inched forward until I felt a slight obstacle. I paused for a moment, but Betty said it was OK and I should go on. I pressed on, and suddenly felt my cock just slide in and in and in. Our bones met, our hair mingled. For a moment I lay still, not knowing what to do. Betty clung to me for several seconds.

"Do you like it?"

In reply, I began thrusting into her hot slick pussy. At first it was awkward. We bumped into each other, but shortly she seemed to get into the rhythm and began meeting my thrusts. Much too soon, I reached my climax and fell shuddering on top of her. She didn't say much as my throbbing cock lost its rigid state. Slowly I rolled off and cuddled up beside her.

"Did you like it?" I asked.

Betty snuggled up to me and gave me a gentle kiss. We drifted off to sleep. Perhaps an hour later, I felt Betty stirring and jolted awake. I wasn't used to having anyone in bed with me, so any movement got my attention at once. Immediately my cock rose to attention.

"Ready for the next experiment?"

Betty rolled to her back and opened her legs in answer. This time, I plunged right in and we began pounding into each other at a fever pitch. Twice more that night, we awoke and conducted another experiment, each time taking a little longer. As the sun arose, streaming through the East window of her bedroom, it almost took my breath away as I looked on her beautiful body bathed in sunlight. Quietly I slipped out of bed and took another shower. As I stepped out of the shower Betty handed me a towel and stepped into the shower before I had a chance to turn it off. Moments later she joined me in the bedroom. The bed was a disaster, with the sheets pulled out and wrinkled. Evidence of my love juice was all over the bed along with a few blood smears.

"Did I hurt you?" I asked.

“Not really, I bled a tiny bit, but I guess that’s normal for the first time.”

She pulled the sheet off and replaced it with a clean one from the linen closet.

"Got time for another experiment?" she asked.

"Well, if I want to complete my graduate degree on schedule, I don't think we should miss any opportunity."

By now, although I once again had a powerful erection, my passion was somewhat subdued from having shot my wad five times in the last twelve hours. As I lay Betty on the bed once again, I took about a half-hour exploring her naked beauty from every possible angle. She reciprocated by studying me in the same sunlight. Finally we came together, but with less urgency than before. We savored the feelings and spoke of what felt good, asking each other to move or adjust the speed to achieve greater sensitivity. After several minutes of thrusting into each other I felt the beginnings of another orgasm. This time I sensed Betty building to a higher level of passion than before. I tried to move with her, wanting to match her level of excitement, trying desperately to stretch the feeling as long as possible. Suddenly, Betty began thrusting with an urgency I hadn't felt before.

"OH, OH, In, In, In hard!"

I began pumping with a renewed passion, and felt my come begin shooting. Betty clung to me in an embrace that I thought would smother me. At the same time, I could feel her fingernails digging into my back. I finished shooting my cum into her in a shuddering climax. I fell onto her breathing as if I had just run a mile at top speed. We clung together for what seemed an eternity until my limp cock slipped out of her love hole. As we drifted in to sleep, we clung to each other in the cool morning breeze.

We awoke about an hour later with all passion spent. Once again we showered, but this time with more leisure. We studied each other as we dressed, noticing the differences in our bodies and the way we dressed. After breakfast I prepared to leave when Betty stopped me.

"What grade are you going to give for this lab experiment?"

“Well, I first thought an unqualified ‘A,’ but then rethought. I think I would have to give you an ‘A’, but I think I only deserve a ‘B.’"

She looked at me with a question mark on her face.

"I don't have any thing to use as a standard," I explained. "Before I can establish a grading scale, I need to conduct enough experiments to create a standard."

We made plans for a series of lab tests over the next several weeks, which coincidentally matched her roommate's trips home to visit her parents. By the end of the summer, we believed that we could realistically award ‘A’ grades to each other!

At our last visit before I had to go back to Kansas for college, Betty observed that having gotten a Masters Degree, perhaps we should plan the start of a PHD the next May. By then, more advanced degrees were being formulated in my mind as well, perhaps even an MRS?


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Goodnight Betty

I was fortunate to spend New years day evening at Betty my neighbours house. Betty had a party for some of the neighbours, a very happy if not slightly drunken do. We had a great evening with everyone joining in with great stories and the general chatter of neighbours/friends. As the evening wore on the music got turned up bit by bit, mostly 60's and 70's music. Everyone joining in with dancing and singing going on until late into the night. As time wore on people slowly drifted off home until...

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A morning with Betty

After our first encounter, I knew I would be seeing Betty again. We'd left some unfinished business. At first I thought I would call her but, after thinking about it, I figured she would call me.sure enough, a few weeks later the call came! "Jeff! I've got this condo up in Peppertree Court and...and the floor is just horrible! Do you think you can help me out?" It said on my phone machine. Oh, I'll help you out all right. I thought.So I went over on a Saturday morning, not too early...

3 years ago
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Betty Takes On Chloe

I stared at my Mother in Law as she turned to me and snapped “well Chloe, I will now teach you not to be rude about my friends. Over my knee and be quick about it girl and then it will be the slipper and cane as well my girl.” I’m 23 years old and didn’t expect to ever be spanked again. Certainly not by my overbearing 48 year old Mother in Law, yet here she was, sitting on an upright spanking chair, demanding I present myself to be turned across her lap and spanked. Well,...

2 years ago
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Betty wants a baby and gets bred

I have asked her why she just doesn't get married again or find a guy but she doesn't want another man ,”I like my freedom”she would say. “I miss the sex but I have you for that” she would say “and once a week is just right”.I have to admit once a week with her has been just enough for me too . My wife seems happy too as I am not pestering her for sex like I had been doing. I still try to get my wife to do it with me but she keeps telling me to find a girlfriend,little does she know I...

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Betty and Sidney said they were stranded

I received a call at work with Betty telling me that her and my wife were having car trouble and where they were. I knocked off early from work and followed her directions leading me a few miles out in the countryside. While driving down a narrow dirt road I was thinking to myself why would they be way out here. Since it was a nice fall day I just thought maybe they were just sightseeing but when I arrived it wasn’t what I had expected. At the end of the road there were 4 cars parked off...

1 year ago
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Betty and my wife played out their fantasies

At first it was rather repulsive but I did it only because Sidney would have a more intense orgasm when I did. I had learned how to cum inside her and pull my cum out of her with my fingers before I licked and sucked .I rarely tasted my own cum so I had no problem doing that with Betty when they asked me to do it. “That is pretty kinky “I said “but if I say I will do that what sort of kink are you two going to do for me”? I watched as Betty moved her hands over Sidney's and asked...

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Archies Betty and Me HotdogChapter 19

The following day, Betty met up with Midge and told her what Jughead had revealed to her. Midge smiled in anticipation to the fun the three of them would have in the near future. But now they had to get over to the Lodge Mansion and their 'job'. Mr. Lodge saw them approaching through the large picture window and headed for his video safe room. He wanted to catch the action live today. He settled into his easy chair and switched on the cameras. He watched as the girls entered the kennel...

4 years ago
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Betty banged on the kitchen table

I had a few sessions with my widowed neighbour Betty, then it all stopped when her daughter found out i was banging her mother. Last night however i got a frantic call from Betty about her electricity being off. I went round to her house and after a quick cursory check discovered that a blown lightbulb had caused the circuit breaker to trip, so i replaced the bulb and reset the beaker and all was good in the world of Betty.Betty was full of thanks and praise for me, and offered me a cup of...

3 years ago
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Betty Chapter 1

places are fictional...if you wish to comment, please do so...... She slammed the viberator into her cunt harder and harder as the voice on the other end of the phone kept telling her "Faster, Faster...don't stop yet Betty." She knew she would cum very soon and turned the viberator up to max speed, the humming sound filling the room along with her whimpers and moans. So close, she knew at any second she would explode...harder...faster...5 more seconds..."STOP!", came the...

3 years ago
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Betty Booped

== Betty Booped == My name is Benny. I'm what you'd call an Average Joe. I'm 5'4 (so I'm a little short), short blonde hair and currently wearing a normal t- shirt, jeans and tennis shoes combo. I'm just your typical young man trying to make a living here in New York City. At least I was until later today. I was currently looking for a new apartment to call home; unfortunately though, I didn't have much money to work with. The only thing I found available and in my price range was a...

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Archies Betty and Me HotdogChapter 13

Betty spent a restless night in bed that evening in anticipation to working closely with Mr. Lodge's dogs. Monday couldn't come soon enough for her this night. She was up at the crack of dawn. She was finishing her breakfast when her parents came down. She just couldn't wait to get started on the kennel. But it was still way too early, she'd have to be patient for still another hour before meeting Midge on her way to the Lodge Mansion. Mr. Lodge also had a restless night in...

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Archies Betty and Me HotdogChapter 7

Back at the pond, Betty and Midge were still recuperating from their love making. The experience had exhausted them both. Under the warmth of the rays of the Sun, their bodies were now completely dried off. Betty was debating whether to get dressed and head back home or not when she turned to look over at Midge. She was watching her, there on her back, with her chest heaving with each breath that she took. This was a mistake on Betty's part. Seeing Midge's naked body started her juices...

2 years ago
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A Darker UniverseChapter 10 Betty

Paul led her into their next class. It was history with Mrs. Brooks. The teacher began by announcing that today they were going to talk about slavery. "What does slavery make you think of?" she asked. She got the usual answer about slavery of Africans in the U.S. and slavery in the ancient world. "What about slavery in the modern world?" she asked. Most of the students didn't know. She continued by asking them what it meant to be a slave. Then she called on Jennifer. "Jennifer, come up...

3 years ago
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Penny Richard and Betty

It was just after nine o'clock at night and Penny and Richard were up in their tree house in the back yard. They were patiently waiting and watching. "Give me the binoculars," Penny said to Richard. "No, you had them for almost an hour, it's my turn." "Did not!" "Did too!" He had the binoculars trained on the bedroom window. THE window that looked directly into their mothers' room. Earlier in the day he and Penny had fixed the curtains in the bedroom so they would hard to, neigh...

2 years ago
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Barrack Room BettyChapter 15 Bettys Down Under

Michele had an emotional last day with Ying. As well as lovers they had become good friends. Michele promised to write to Ying and vowed that one day she would return to Thailand and they would reunite. Their last night together was a sex charged boozy affair and Michele rose early the next morning and left Ying fast asleep in the hotel. She was emotionally drained and didn’t want an extended farewell. She left an envelope with a considerable amount of cash on the bedside table; kissed the...

4 years ago
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Betty Spanks

  I looked at my husband as he undressed and was astonished to see how red and marked his bottom was, as though he had been spanked. But he is 24! “What happened to you?” David looked embarrassed, turned and covered his bottom in one movement, then said quietly “Mum spanked me.” “You are joking?” I was agog . “No” he said sullenly, blushing now a deep red, almost as red as his bottom. “She does know you are 24 and married?” I asked sarcastically. “She knows Chloe and I did tell you she...

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“Hi, David. It’s about time you started to mow this place. For the past two weeks, I’ve seen you going in and out of the house with what looked like your instrument cases, so I guess you’ve been playing a lot.” “What? Lemme shut this darned thing off. I see your mouth moving, but I can’t understand a word you say.” I undid the rope on the “deadman” and let the mower shut itself off. Leaving it in the middle of the yard, I walked over toward Betty’s house. “Now, what were you saying?” I asked....

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Betty Spanks

  I looked at my husband as he undressed and was astonished to see how red and marked his bottom was, as though he had been spanked. But he is 24! “What happened to you?” David looked embarrassed, turned and covered his bottom in one movement, then said quietly “Mum spanked me.” “You are joking?” I was agog . “No” he said sullenly, blushing now a deep red, almost as red as his bottom. “She does know you are 24 and married?” I asked...

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Archies Betty and Me HotdogChapter 4

It must have been an hour before Betty woke up again and looked around. Hotdog was nowhere to be seen. Betty sighed and got up to look at herself. 'What a mess, ' she thought. 'I'd better clean up in the pond before getting dressed.' So in she dove. As she was swimming and cleaning herself off, someone else was coming down the path towards her. A few minutes later, Midge, Moose's diminutive girlfriend came into the clearing with her towel and a bag. She was a vision. Her short...

1 year ago
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Betty Boop Birthday

A summer cold is the worst cold you can get. I had one, a doozy. I was taking over-the-counter medications every four hours. It was keeping my nose clear but running and my sinuses from exploding. It also made me groggy as hell. When my wife and daughter decided to take a trip to her folks' house for the weekend of our daughter's birthday, I took a pass. Better to rest up for work on Monday. I had settled down for a quiet evening at home, alone. In t-shirt and shorts, I was sitting on the...

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Aunty Betty Part 3

Before reading this be sure to first read Auntie Bettie and then Aunty Betty Part Two.I had mixed feelings on the long drive home from Aunty Betty’s. I was thrilled to lose my virginity to a woman 25 years older than me but I was depressed at the thought of not being able to see her for another year. Because of my young age, she made me swear I would not tell anyone about what had gone on between us. To drive the point home she told me she could be sent to prison if anyone were to find out...

3 years ago
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Fucking Desperate Betty

As I crossed the lawn into Bettys yard, I couldnt help but think what a prick of a husband she had. I have no clue why she was even with the fucking jerk off. A beautiful woman in her early 40s, slightly above average height with shoulder length jet black hair and these amazingly beautiful deep sea green eyes that seemed to change colors depending on what she was wearing. She had a wonderful build, a womanly figure not so thin youd have to rattle the sheets to find her but not so plump youd...

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Pregnant and Horny My first Time With Betty

Sex has always been something that I could take or leave. It was never very important to me. I could go for weeks without sex and it didn’t bother me. Then I became pregnant for the first time and that all changed. Suddenly all I could think about was sex. Suddenly I was horny all the time. Then, I gave birth last fall but my new need for sex remains. I’m just as needy now as I was during those nine months of insatiable horniness. My hormones ran wild during those nine months. Since then my...

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On a list of the top one hundred things I wanted to do it was about number three hundred and seventy-six. To begin with, I did not like Leslie. She was one of those "I'm cool, you're not" kind of girls. You know, the girl who smiles and says, "Hi Roger" when she passes you in the hallway between classes and after passing you by she turns to whomever she's with and says, "What a dweeb." But she was Betty's friend and Betty wanted to double date with Leslie and the loser that Leslie...

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Archies Girls Betty and Veronica in Naked in SchoolPart V

Reggie Mantle settled back in the driver's seat of his convertible, relishing the blowjob. He would pay for it later, he knew — Veronica never touched a guy's dick without demanding something in return — but for now, all thoughts of intrigue were banished as her supple tongue slithered about his glans. The bitch was amazing. She knew just where to lick, when to jack, how hard to suck. Archie Andrews, the poor boob, would never know the ecstasy of a Veronica Lodge Special, simply because he...

1 year ago
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Barrack Room BettyChapter 16 Barrack Room Bettys

The voyage back to Portsmouth was via Fremantle Western Australia, Colombo Sri Lanka, with a final fuelling stop at Gibraltar. It was uneventful until the last night at sea. Barrack Room Bettys had been filled to capacity every night as the ports on the return voyage were not particularly conductive to the sort of carousing that the sailors liked to get up to. The girls of BRB literally worked their arses off but they made a fortune. But all good things must come to an end and Michele and...

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Bitchin Betty Ch 04

Diego sat with his chin in hand, playing idly with the two-day old stubble on it. They’d been hurtling through space on a very specific course, but what that course was he didn’t know. Betty would chatter to the navigation computer every now and then and there would be a slight adjustment in the flight, then it would continue for hours with no excitement. ‘Are we there yet?’ No, stop asking. We’re still 6 hours away from Arden. Diego yawned and turned onto his side. Something was digging...

3 years ago
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Mo And Betty And Me

I was just leaving the posh supermarket, having paid over the odds for a whole range of things from milk to organic broccoli. They got away with it because this was an affluent part of the island and also midway between the two main supermarkets, both of which sold good stuff at reasonable prices. But the fancy one was here, right in the heart of Simpson Bay, and didn’t require a road trip to get there. And it was organic this and finest that and types of bread you’d never heard of.I grudgingly...

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Teacher Betty and the house welcome party

This is continued from my first story, but long overdue to be written. Betty the sexy teacher from college and I kept on talking after I finished my degree. After some time, she left teaching and moved about hour away for a better job. I went to see her in her new place, at the house warming party. The party was a typical older simple party. Several teachers were there, along with a few former students. As the party winded down, Betty was slowly cleaning up. As 9pm came about, it was just me...

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A Darker UniverseChapter 18 Betty on Top

The next morning, Jennifer awoke totally recovered. She got up and didn't even bother getting dressed. She did her necessaries and went to see Paul. The news was not welcome. "Jen," said Paul, "I have decided that today, just for the one day, Betty will be in charge of you. You will do everything she says and since she is still healing, you will be the one to be spanked today." Jennifer was startled by the news. She never thought he would actually go along with it. She just thought the...

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Archies Betty and Me HotdogChapter 18

Over the weekend, Betty and Midge couldn't help but notice a glow surrounding Cricket. She had this sweet little smile every time Reggie's name was mentioned. They both assumed that Reggie acted gentlemanly on their date the previous evening. Little did they know. Whenever the conversation turned to making out or kissing she would blush uncontrollably. The girls decided to spend that Sunday at the beach. That morning they met at the Chok'lit Shoppe and headed out in Betty's family car....

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Bettyrsquos Betrayal Part 1

My name is Beth Swanson, but everyone in my life just calls me Betty. On my knees, my hands tied behind my back, an old wrinkly cock in my mouth, hearing this man yell at my father, I wonder how I came to be in this situation.It started a few weeks ago. My dad has always provided me and my mom, and my brother, with everything we could always want. He didn’t have an amazing job, it’s not like he was a CEO, but I knew that he had a more stable job as an accountant at a family run auto parts...

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The moment I saw the flashing red-and-blues in my rear-view I knew I was fucked. A black male being pulled over in his deceased uncle's pickup on a secluded road in rural Georgia..."Shit...!" I blurted out to no one as I slowed the truck and pulled to the shoulder. I cut the engine and tried to follow the officer's movements in the mirror. It was still dark out at 5:00AM.License, insurance, title papers, Uncle Jonathan's death certificate....I went through the checklist and made sure my hands...

3 years ago
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Betty Jo Reminisces

Betty Jo Hatfield was a nice girl. She had a nice face, nice hair, nice tits, and a nice ass. But most of all she had a nice attitude, just like her momma taught her. Living way back in the Arkansas Ozarks, in a county that didn’t have even one stop light, Momma was “old school”. Life was hard enough without making more trouble so you took care of your men every way they needed it cuz you needed them to take care of you. The Hatfield genes were good at making strong bodies but weren’t real good...

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