ResurrectionChapter 2 free porn video

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Patterson and his driver and two other cars with two officers each headed northeast. SG was unconscious in the back seat of the chief's car. They were well beyond their department's jurisdiction, but the city owned 22 acres of land in the country that officers were supposed to use for training. An abandoned limestone quarry had been turned into a lake, and there was a firing range, a lodge and three cabins.

Superman and the Defense Department officials weren't due to arrive at the county airstrip until 8 o'clock that evening. It was now only 3:30. Plenty of time to have some fun with Miss "Sallie Gale."

They parked in front of the lodge, and Patterson slipped a noose made of nylon cord around SG's neck. He yanked the cord, and she tumbled out of the car. He dragged her up the wooden steps of the lodge and into a big high-ceilinged room with wooden rafters. There was exercise equipment on the far side of the room, a ping-pong table to the left, and a fireplace and big sofa to the right.

Patterson looked around, then sniffed. "It's musty in here. Let's get those windows open."

"What if she starts screaming?" an officer asked.

"So?" Patterson asked. "We're 20 miles from town. Nobody lives anywhere near. Anyway, I don't think she'll be making much noise. In fact, let's give it a test."

SG was lying on her side, near his feet. He kicked her savagely in the stomach. Her breath rushed out, and she curled into a tight ball.

"See, no screams. Now, let's strip her."

They pulled off her jeans and ripped her sweater to shreds. Then Patterson pulled her upright with the noose, and the others looked at her with mouths agape.

"Shit. What a body!" one whispered.

They bent her face down over the ping-pong table and raped her repeatedly. When she moaned and seemed to be regaining consciousness, Patterson slammed her on the back of the head with a club.

After they had finished, Patterson dragged her to the middle of the big room. "Watch this," he said.

He reached in his pocket and pulled out what looked like a small bottle of smelling salts. He had found it in the same safe where he had found the file on her, and the powdered kryptonite.

He opened the bottle, then grabbed her hair and lifted her head. Barely had he put the bottle under her nose than she began coughing and her eyes fluttered open.

"Do you know who I am, bitch?" he whispered.

She looked at him without comprehension.

"Do you know where you are? Of course not. Well, let's just say you're in purgatory. You'll be out eventually, but while you're here, you're going to suffer."

He leaned down until his face was inches from hers. "And you're going to enjoy it." He had read her file very carefully, especially the comments of young Louie Ungtjur about how much she seemed to enjoy being gang raped at Lackanooka Junior College, and Dean Toopermann's on what she perceived as SG's sexual perversion.

He pulled SG up to a kneeling position, opened his fly and put his prick inches from her mouth.

"What are you going to do with this?" he asked.

She said nothing.

He yanked the cord hard, and the noose tightened around her neck.

"What are you going to do, bitch?"

"Suck it," she croaked.

"That's right. You're going to suck it til I cum and swallow every drop. Then you're going to do the same for my men. Every one of them. And why are you going to suck them?"

"I don't know," SG whispered.

Patterson kicked her in the groin, but before she could fall to the floor he yanked the cord and pulled her back onto her knees.

"Why are you going to suck us all off?" he demanded.

"Because I'm slut," she said, almost inaudibly.

"Because you're what?" he shouted. "Speak up, bitch, so the rest can hear you."

"Because I'm a slut." She spoke loudly this time, in the tone of someone completely defeated.

She sucked all six of them, starting with the chief. And when she was finished, they took turns testing her ability to take a punch. One would hold her from behind while another hit her as hard as he could in the stomach.

The blows were painful, and she begged for mercy. But she didn't collapse or lose consciousness.

"She's tough," the sergeant finally said. "Is that why the Defense Department is interested in her?"

"I guess so," Patterson said. "All I know is that someone brought it to Washington's attention that she had come out from under Dedkaff Road. I get a call from the Pentagon saying they're coming to pick her up. Some important project. And Superman's going to be with them."

"Won't he be pissed that we've raped and beat up his little cousin?"

"Guy from the Pentagon said we could do whatever we wanted with her. They plan to do a lot worse. And it's all okay with the guy in the blue tights. It seems he thinks it's his patriotic duty to sacrifice Super Slut if it'll enhance national security."

SG lay on her belly, conscious but limp. Patterson slipped his shoe under her and flipped her onto her back.

"She really is a honey," he said softly. "All the punishment we put her through, and she still looks like Sleeping Beauty."

"Only there ain't no prince gonna kiss her pussy and make a happy ending," said the sergeant, to everyone's amusement.

The helicopter didn't need an airstrip for landing, but Patterson had recommended it because it was an open space that was easy to get to but wouldn't be busy after sunset. The three police cars were parked next to the tarmac, on a concrete pad in front of the Jeff's Air Service hangar.

The cops themselves were standing, waiting. Two of them held SG upright. She still seemed shaky.

They had dressed her in some of the finery left by hookers who joined the cops for occasional weekend festivities: hot pink shorts cut so low that the top barely covered her pubes and a white bikini top that did a similarly inadequate job of covering her nipples. They had used some makeup left by the hookers to tart her up. Her lips were brilliant red and they had turned her eyes into something out of a vampire movie.

"Wait'll Superman gets a load of this," Patterson had chuckled.

Now they smoked and talked and waited.

Finally, the sergeant said, "I think I see them."

A light was approaching from the north, moving just above the horizon. A few seconds later they heard the motors.

When it was about 100 yards away, Patterson recognized it as a CH-47. It bore no markings.

They had left their car lights on for guidance, and the chopper set down barely 50 feet away. They prop wash blew off the chief's cap.

He retrieved it, and when he looked up six men and a woman had exited the chopper: two MPs with sidearms, two soldiers with M-16s, an older soldier with two stars on his fatigues, a big guy in a suit, and a black woman captain with a medical bag.

Patterson rushed up and introduced himself.

"I'm the police chief here. These are some of my men. And this, of course, is the young lady you're interested in."

The general snapped an order, and a member of the chopper crew turned on an adjustable searchlight and aimed it at SG.

The general looked at her and snorted. Clearly, she wasn't what he expected. "Is this her?" he asked the big man in the suit.

The big man stepped close to SG and lifted her chin.

"Yes," he said quietly. "That's Kara."

SG opened her eyes and her body stiffened. "Kal-El," she whispered. "Is it you?"

The man in the suit turned away. "Get her in the chopper and let's get the hell out of here."

The woman captain and one of the MPs helped SG up the steps into the helicopter. The general, the man in the suit and the other MP followed.

As the big civilian ducked to enter, the captain whispered something to him. He turned and looked at the cops, then quickly descended the steps.

"Climb aboard," he told the soldiers with the M-16s.

He had to speak loudly. The engines were revving for take-off.

"Captain Stevens says my cousin has been raped," he yelled into Patterson's face. "There's cum dripping down her thighs."

"Hey, I don't know nothing..." Patterson started his denial but never finished. The punch almost knocked his head off. The man in the suit dispatched the other officers with equal efficiency. Within seconds, six bodies lay sprawled on the tarmac.

The general, looking down from the helicopter, muttered, "He never used to be like this."

The captain said softly, "Maybe that's because he's never had a cousin raped before."

The general sighed. If Superman got this upset because some small-town cops had a little fun with his blonde bimbo of a cousin, how was he going to handle the really rough stuff that was in store for her?

The Chinook landed at an army base during the night and refueled. SG slept through it. She didn't awaken until the sky was turning light in the east. They were flying north; she could tell that much. But she didn't really care where they were headed. All that mattered was that she was safe. Kal-El was a stuffy pain in the ass, but he would protect her.

At the moment, though, he was up front, talking with the general. She was sitting next to the woman captain, who had been kind and solicitous through the night. Twice she had taken SG's blood pressure, and one she had given her a couple of small white tablets that she said would help her sleep.

"Okay, folks, buckle up," said the pilot. "We're almost there."

SG looked out of a small window. Below was a collection of low white buildings scattered on nicely landscaped grounds. An illuminated sign said "DRI."

They landed on the roof of one of the buildings.

"Okay, listen," Capt. Stevens told her. "You're still pretty shaky, so I want you to lean on me and Harry here. We're going to get you down nice and slow."

Stevens was right. SG's knees buckled twice as she tried to make it down the steps. They held her tight.

At the foot of the steps were two men with a stretcher. "I don't need that," SG protested, but she let them help her get into it. It was strange, looking up at the early morning sky, then at the soft overhead lighting inside the building. The men carrying her, Capt. Stevens at her side, the others walking briskly in the corridor — everyone seemed busy but quiet.

"What a nice place to work," she thought, then she dozed off again.

When she awakened again, she was in a sunny room with big, open windows and a pleasant breeze filling the gauzy white curtains.

A nurse and a doctor stood at the foot of her bed. The nurse was watching her intently, while the doctor read a chart.

"Our girl is awake, doctor," said the nurse.

He looked up. He had a kind, intelligent face.

"How do you feel?" he asked.

SG thought about it. "I think I feel fine," she said. "In fact, I feel wonderful."

"Amazing what two days of sleep will do for you," the nurse said with a grin.

"Two days?" SG was stunned.

"Fifty-two hours and twenty minutes, to be exact," said the doctor. "Are you hungry?"


"Good, we'll bring you breakfast."

The food was plentiful and delicious. She had never been in a hospital before, but she had heard all the usual complaints about hospital food. Maybe this isn't a hospital, she thought.

It wasn't. After breakfast, she was brought into a small meeting room where the general she had seen on the helicopter introduced himself and several other high-ranking officers and three scientists. Their names meant nothing to her, and she instantly forgot them — except the general's. His was Piric Zafer. She wondered if his friends called him Prick.

"You're at the December Research Institute. Important work is done here, work that is essential to preserving America's survival."

"You mean national security stuff?" SG asked.

"Yes," the general said, with a tight little smile. "National security stuff. Your uncle — excuse me, your cousin — is a valued member of the board of directors of this institute. His ideas and suggestions have opened exciting new areas of research."

"And he's pretty good at watching over our expenses," added one of the scientists. There was quiet laughter. SG noticed that the general didn't join in. He seemed to resent the interruption.

"Where is Kal... where is Superman?" asked SG.

"He will be here shortly," said Gen. Zafer. "He said he wanted to meet alone with you after this briefing. I'm sure you two have a lot of catching up to do."

The general began talking about something called the Close-In Assault Option and how important it was for the Army to have a way to fight an enemy at close quarters, such as in the Viet Cong tunnels, without suffering heavy casualties. CIAO could dramatically reduce the need for our young soldiers to fight, and die, in such situations.

He droned on and even brought out charts. What did all this have to do with her, she wondered. Then he turned the briefing over to the scientist who had interrupted him, Dr. Melton Hand. He certainly looked the part of a scientist, SG thought — frizzy hair that was thinning on top, thick glasses, a bow tie, even a pen holder in his shirt pocket. But his intensity more than compensated for his nerdy appearance.

"This is the most exciting project I've ever worked on," he said. "CIAO started out as just a concept. No one had any idea how to proceed. Robots were considered and rejected. We just don't have the kind of miniaturization yet to create the brains for a fighting robot. Then Dr. Erbaccia here" — he nodded toward another scientist, who smiled shyly — "made an amazing discovery. Melinda, let's have the slides."

Oh God, thought SG, when will this ever end?

The first slide showed a man standing next to what looked like a patch of tall weeds.

"Dr. Erbaccia was doing agricultural research at Iowa State at the time, and he's shown here next to a patch of normal hemp plants. As you can see, they are taller than he is, but not by much. Then he found a way, through genetic manipulation, to create this."

At this point the slide changed, and Erbaccia is shown standing next to a tree, or at least what SG assumed was a tree.

"This is a genetically modified hemp plant that at maturity reached 47 feet in height. It's fibers were so tough, the plant couldn't be cut down even with chain saws. It took a small explosive charge..."

"Not so small," Erbaccia interrupted, to general laughter.

"Okay, a not-so-small explosive charge to bring it down," said Dr. Hand.

One of the officers noticed that SG was nodding off and caught Dr. Hand's attention.

"Miss Gale," he said. Then more loudly, "Miss Gale, if I could have your attention just a few minutes longer."

SG awoke, blinked and said, "Okay. I'm back. Sorry."

"Dr. Erbaccia's work was brought to our attention at DRI, and he kindly agreed to join our efforts to develop..." Here he looked to Gen. Zafer for guidance.

"To develop a bioweapon that won't conflict with the administration's commitment to end germ warfare research," said the general. "We're not talking about microbes here. We're talking mega fauna — living creatures big enough to fight hand-to-hand with any man in the world, and win. And at an affordable price — less than a million bucks a unit."

With that, a new image appeared on the screen. At first, it reminded SG of a big, hairless ground sloth, minus the tail. Its head was round and too small for its body. Its skin was pinkish grey.

"It looks like it's made of Silly Putty," SG said.

"Well, in a sense it is," said Dr. Hand. "The wonderful thing about Silly Putty is that you can made almost any shape with it. And we've been able, thanks to Dr. Erbaccia, to shape a number of new plants and animals, creatures that never before existed."

At this point, the door to the briefing room opened and Kal-El looked in. When SG saw him, she said, "Excuse me, I've got to go," and rushed to the door. She hugged Kal-El, and he clumsily patted her back.

"That's okay, sir," Dr. Hand said. "We all need a break. Why don't you bring her back around two o'clock?"

Kal-El nodded, and he and SG walked down a long corridor.

"You want to go out and get some fresh air?" he asked.

"Sure," she said. "That'd be great."

They walked outside for a while, then found a quiet spot with benches and a fountain.

"Are you doing okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, I guess do. I've missed you terribly. I hated being at Marston, and then..."

"Then you disappeared," he said.

"Yeah, then I disappeared."

They were silent for a while.

"Why didn't you look for me?" she asked at last. "Why didn't you rescue me?"

"I didn't know where you were," he said. She could tell he was lying. He never had been a very good liar.

"Why am I here?"

"To help with our research," he said. When she started to protest, he added quickly, "Oh, I know you're not a scientist. You never did well in chemistry and math. I know, I know."

He looked at her. She was so beautiful. And so vulnerable.

"We've created something that could save thousands of American lives in wartime. A picture of it was on the screen when I walked in."

"Oh," she said distractedly, "you mean the big toy."

"Koko isn't a toy," he said.

"Koko! You've got to be kidding. You all named it Koko? Then it has to be a toy!"

"Okay," he said, with a hint of irritation in his voice. "He's a toy. But he's an eight-foot-tall, 450-pound toy that could flip over an M-60 tank or tear down a reinforced concrete building. He's unbelievably strong. And tough. He's nearly indestructible."

SG had been watching his face carefully. Now she understood. She had been brought here to fight this thing, this... Koko. Or to be sacrificed to him, like some virgin in a pagan ceremony.

Right, she thought. Some virgin.

"Why are you grimacing?" he asked.

"Nothing," she said. "So when do Koko and I meet?"

"In about a week. They want to do a lot tests on you. To make sure you're fit and at full strength."

"Why don't you fight Koko?" she asked.

"You know why," he said wearily. "I'd destroy him. It would be a total mismatch. I've already destroyed several earlier prototypes."

"But I'm fair game," she said. "With me it would be no mismatch. In fact, cute little Koko might even be the betting favorite."

"I wouldn't ask you to do this if I didn't think you would prevail — or at least survive."

"Right," she said grimly. "Just like I survived my college years."

"You got into trouble at Marston because of your own weakness and poor judgment," he said angrily. "You were in a bad crowd. You seemed to want to be degraded. I read the report. You were a little tramp."

The words stung, and her eyes filled with tears. But she wasn't going to let him off easily. "I seem to remember when you wanted me to be a little tramp," she said. "I remember you pulling me onto your lap and..."

"You misunderstood," he yelled, jumping to his feet. "You've twisted and distorted what was just..."

"Just some avuncular affection?" she cried. "Just Kal-El looking for a little love? Poor, pitiful, uptight Kal-El."

He slapped her so hard she fell to the ground.

"I'm sorry," he said, kneeling to help her up.

"Keep your dirty hands off me," she hissed.

From a second-story window looking down on this scene, Gen. Zafer smiled a tight little smile. Maybe this was going to all work out, after all. Maybe the test would be allowed to go to its full conclusion. Maybe Koko would be able to do what he was created to do — to kill, ruthlessly and efficiently, whether the foe was a battalion of mortal men or a lone, lovely blonde superheroine.

SG was assigned a trainer, a large, easy-going woman named Maggie.

"I'm here to get you in shape," she said at their first meeting. "After looking at you, I don't know how you could be in much better shape, but we're gonna try."

Maggie insisted in being kept in the dark about what SG was training for. "They pay me to train, not to pry into their deep dark secrets. I don't want know. You just keep working those triceps and those abs and those lovely glutes of yours."

Maggie didn't seem especially surprised when SG bench-pressed 385 pounds. This was a strange place, and strange things went on. If this gal could bench-press 385 without too much strain, then let's just try 420.

The physical training sessions were in the morning. In the afternoons, SG was instructed in combat techniques. The aim was to make her as effective a foe as possible when she went against Koko.

The instructor, a lithe lieutenant colonel named Mason, explained to her that Koko didn't have much in the way of vulnerabilities.

"He's over eight feet tall, he's incredibly strong, and you can't kick him in the balls because they're inside his body. He's designed that way for protection."

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She decided she had to stay after class and try to speak to Dr. Richardson. She had to at least try. She slowly made her way to the front of the classroom after her classmates had dispersed. Melinda: "Dr. Richardson, I missed the quiz today. Is there any way I could take it still? I'm struggling in your class and I need these points to pass." Dr. Richardson towers over tiny Melinda. His expression is intimidating. Dr. Richardson: "Well you should have thought about that...

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Deeply Satisfying Finger Fuck

Hello Friends, I’m Sunitha, a 38-years old married woman. I’ve been married for past 15 years have a 13 years old daughter too. My husband runs a pharmacy store. Our sex life has been pretty satisfying all these years. My husband keeps me very happy and I too reciprocate this happiness in the same measure. We’ve been so happy, satisfied and pleased with each other that it never occurred to me to seek sexual pleasure from outside. I’m an extremely pretty lady with fair skin and long jet black...

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Chachi Choot Phadi3

Hallo iss readers kaise hai aap sab ? Aur main aaj fir se haazir hoon apni kahaani ka agala part lekar to maine phali story me bataaya tha ki kaise meri chachi mere chacha ke dost aur uske ek dost se chudwa rahi thi aur main rosandaan se ho ki kaafi upar tha wahaan se Chachi ki chudaayi dekh raha tha jab wo dono jhad gaye tab main neeche utar aayi aur apne lund ko masalte hue aur apni chachi ke chudai ko yaad karte hue so gaya uske kuchh din ke baad ki ye kahani hai. Us din maine soch liya tha...

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Family Escapades 8211 Part 5 Making Sluts Out Of Homeowners

Hi, I am Jai and this story which I am going to narrate is a real-life incident, which happened in my friends’ life. I have narrated it as he explained it to me. Just sit back, relax and enjoy while shagging your dick. I even gotta see some encounters after my friend explained this experience. It’s a long story and I will try to make it as interesting as possible. I am a good looking, 5’8 tall and have a 6-inch strong dick; I work out regularly which helps me go really long sessions on the bed....

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A very nice trip of commission in train P very good these two videos also i have had a good situation like in these two videos in a nice commission trip by train with my sister. It was late summer, September, I remember, and there was a tepid weather, I'm very happy to take a trip with my sister for to can stay near to her :-P because it was from a bit of time that she makes at me very excited to the maximum, not that I...

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Queen Yavara Chapter 1

Prologue Yavara sat upon a black throne. She closed her eyes and savored the discordant symphony of wails and moans, the drone punctuated by the clanking of chains and the cracking of whips. Exhaling contentedly, she opened her eyes. Below her laid a spectacle of depravity, churning masses of flesh oscillating to some unheard cadence, their glistening forms bathed in the crimson torchlight. The prisoners’ eyes were wide with horror, as what was being done to them was horrible, but comingled...

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CherryPimps Eliza Ibarra Gia Derza Dysfunctional Cock Leads to Functional Cuck

Eliza Ibarra is tired of not getting fucked by her husband Johnny Hill! She leaves him to shop with his money, so he can enjoy some physical therapy without her. Maybe his therapist can get his dick working again, too! In comes his therapist, Gia Derza, and she’s ready to work. She couldn’t help but notice that he has such a smokin’ hot wife, and he cannot even fuck her! Eliza returns and needs to show off her lingerie to someone who will appreciate it. Of course, Gia loves...

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A Young Mans Fancy

Finally the day had come - his 18th birthday had arrived and with it his own laptop at last. He seemed to have been waiting for centuries for this day, hamstrung by his parent's refusal to let him loose on the internet alone...until now.But from today he was free; no more parental control; no-one looking over his shoulder to supervise his browsing and he was ecstatic.He was Chris, the strapping son of Bill and Sally; all 6 foot 2 inches of him; all 170 pounds of him. He who had another year to...

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My Love Jenna

Letter to Jenna I got home from work very late last night, and used my key to quietlyopen the door to your apartment in L.A. When I entered the room, my heartlightened as I was greeted by the fresh, clean scent of your perfume. Ipulled off my shoes and left them by the door so as not to disturb you. I smiled when I heard the familiar clicking of the keyboard, and I knewthat you were still awake. I walked up behind you, admiring how you looked;your silhouette aglow from the light of the computer...

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My Little Sisters GirlfriendChapter 17

I have to admit that I got real concerned when Princess came home one day with a new BFF called Sam. I could tell right away that this Sam had her mesmerized with bull-shit that I had no chance of coming close to. It should be explained right up front that "Sam" was really Samantha and the dark-haired tough little douche-bag was a cunt and not a guy. At first, I thought that was a plus because it opened up a lot of possibilities but after I saw Sam in action a few times I changed my first...

2 years ago
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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 56 ERIC AND THE PRINCESS

Elfi was gone and in her place was a goddess. She wore a shimmering gown of golden pleads hugging her body. Her helmet like black hair was now under a hood shaped head piece of stylized like golden wings. Over her shoulders a cape like mantle also golden and shaped in the pattern of feathered wings as well. Her face was hidden behind a translucent veil. It was like that I saw her standing surrounded by handmaidens in a court yard that with trimmed trees, fountains and flowerbeds. The Queen...

4 years ago
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I Fucking Missed You

She comes home after a long day of work to find him asleep in bed. He is face down, his arm beneath the pillow which his face is resting on. She grins approvingly, enjoying the sight of her baby boy; his smooth and hairless body, wearing nothing but the tight pair of short black shorts she loves so much. Unable to resist, she slips out of her clothing. Her breasts spilling out of her bra and her very large and thick cock flopping out as she pulls down her panties. Softly, she climbs onto the...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 9 Chapter 3 Naughty Elements

Book Nine: Blossoming Danger Chapter Three: Naughty Elements By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Chaun – The Haunted Forest “What is this green gunk?” Sophia asked, lifting her robe. “And why was it spewing it?” “It had a cold?” I suggested, staring at the dead...thing. It was a hideous beast, a brown, misshapen thing, leathery skin giving way to brown scales. It had five legs, three wings, and two mouths with mongrel teeth. “Are you...

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Straight To Gay For Pay 8211 Part 1

The year is 2015. I am 36 , a well settled and well traveled IT professional. It was exactly 15 years ago when I had my first gay sex. The year was 2000 and new millennium celebrations were followed by “dot-com bubble burst”. For IT professionals prospects were bleak. Most of my seniors were jobless. Like many others I had started pursuing careers other than from IT. I had just completed first year of college and was keenly interested in photography. I was very eager to drop out of college and...

Gay Male
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Sibling Rivalry the rematch

“What the fuck” our mum exclaimed.I looked into Jodie’s eyes, she was terrified, I can’t say I felt too happy either, how would we explain having just had the most incredible sex?!I was still kneeling between Jodie’s legs but quickly realised mum wouldn’t be able to see anything from where she was standing. I still had my dressing gown on and I was hoping that it was enough to cover the view. Jodie pulled her t-shirt down as I slowly straightened up and started to move out from between Jodie’s...

1 year ago
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A Hot Day at Work

'Oh, fuck it's hot!' I groaned wiping the sweat from my face, 'Whew baby!' We had been working hard dropping trees, clearing brush and doing burn piles. It was our first job of the season, making our winter hibernating bodies strain under the challenge. At our first break the homeowners came over to check our progress. They were rather hot and sexy men, very 'friendly'. JT & I exchanged glances both of us were thinking the same thing, 'well are they just a little different or what?' The...

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Giving my girlfriend to my friend for the night

Jason squeezed girlfriend's tits as he kissed her, sliding his tongue into her mouth, making her moan. They’d been out having a good time, drinking and hanging out with friends. He’d kept Anya close to him. His girlfriend of two years was super-hot and guys tended to flock to her wherever they went. Jason had learned very early in their relationship that the only way for him to avoid getting into fist fights, over assholes hitting on her, was to keep her by his side, making sure every dude in...

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House Girl X Mongolia

The quorum of Chinese officials that greeted us spoke in the regional Ordos dialect of Mongolian. All four were from the region, their hooded eyelids and broad flat faces were indigenous characteristics. We all bowed and nodded in the Eastern custom of greeting and finished when I extended my hand in the western custom. The lead officer took my hand as a courtesy. Within seconds I could understand Mongolian like a native and speak it without a western accent. I mentally suggested that it...

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Sensual Bus Journey Of Shanaya With Young Boy 8211 Pt 2

As the bus was halted, Aarav’s dad came and asked Aarav to go and sit where he was sitting as he wanted to sit in his place. It was very awkward. I was naked under the blanket and had to get up. I somehow got up and let Aarav move out. His dad went in and sat in his place. Luckily, the lights were still off. After 5 minutes, the bus started moving. After some time, I could feel a hand pulling me towards him and when I looked it was Arrav’s dad’s hand. I was shocked. I looked at his face and it...

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So me and paul go up to Sandras room and open the door she looks up at us sniffing daddy come on beautiful we have a high priest too vist, ok. The three of us end up in my room wow im impressed its clean for an eighteen year old thank you sir. Darrell you her its me Paul yup in the kitchen down the hall we all end up in the kitchen paull have a seat can i get you anything no thank you so tell me Darrell what do you think of the festival. Well its tradition between people who love each other...

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The TRUE story of our sex life

This is an absolute true and accurate story of our sex life. We are both 37 years old. She is a Black female about 5’7” with dark skin, wonderful D-cup breasts and a very shapely body. My name is Warren, white male, 5’8” coming in about 180.My wife and I have been married for ten years and began normal enough. However nobody wants to read about normal so I will fast forward two years into the marriage.My fantasy started out simple enough. I wanted to see my wife have sex with another man....

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Mother in laws dream comes true

The local paper prize – a naturist holiday for 2, but no one to go with her and so she invites me, her son in law to be.To set the scene a little first. My name is Chris, I was a 24 year old man at the time who had been with my girlfriend (Leila) for almost 5 years. We had a good relationship and were on the verge of engagement to be married (although I hadn’t asked her at this point). In previous relationships I had always got on well with my gf’s parents, I was well spoken with a good job and...

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Petras 4th sexy secret about Alex 2

PETRA APPLIES ALL SEXY SECRETS OF ATTRACTIVE ALEX: FINE FINALE FIRST 3-SOMEPetra is in total control of awesome Alex, seduced & subjugated, a tremendously tasty tiny tit teenPetra is also in total control of her great granddad - own fault of open erotic educating his hot teenPetra is as well very generous and a great intriguer of interesting intimacies she fancies for comingPetra is aware nothing gets her gorgeous granddad more hot and horny than a fresh vintage virgin!Petra keeps Alex...

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Mom Swapping Incest Orgy 8211 Part 1

My name is honey. I am a widow of 36 Yrs. with 17 Yrs. son som studying in 12th standard. and daughter Mou studying in class IX.It is the life story of my son and his friends. Let us hear from Som himself. I am Som. After joining in college I suddenly noticed that friendship grow up on likeness of mind and alike family background irrespective of caste and creed. My other two friends Ali and John is the greatest example of that.To tell about Ali his father has given Talaq to his mom and his mom...

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College life 31 the final chapter of the first se

To start my Sunday here in December, I headed down to do some laundry andhave it done before finals began here on Thursday with Wednesday being`dead day'. I was nice and threw in Kris's towels along with mine eventhough he still had a lot of laundry left. While doing laundry, I didcarry my laptop down and studied for some tests. I got a call from Dadwanting us to meet at his house for an early Christmas. I told him Tuesdaynight would be best for me. He agreed and gave me directions....

4 years ago
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Fishing For Fun

I love getting away from all the city stresses mainly by going for walks in the deep countryside. Away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Away from the noise and the pressure. As a family we would walk for miles but now, as the k**s have grown and moved on, it’s just my wife and me out on these rambles. Normally that is, but this time she was shopping with her sister in the city so I was alone. I’d left the car in the car park, map in hand, and headed into the hills. After a couple of...

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An unforeseen incident caught my wife and me off guard that changed Casey’s life, and our marriage. My wife Casey is the most perfect girl I've ever met; she has a caring, sympathetic heart, and is sweet to people around her. However, it’s not easy to have a beautiful wife who attracts other men’s attention when we go out for a dinner, shopping, or on the beach. Sometimes men like to flirt with her, and I notice they are all confident, big, and muscular. When I see that, I have an insecure,...

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Distribution Ch 11

Chapter 11: Paige’s Dilemma We became so intrigued by the letter Mackey had written for Corporal Ramsey that we forgot to get ready to go to dinner. Paige watched me fold the letter Mackey had written to an imaginary girl and put it in my pocket. She didn’t say anything, but we both knew that I would share the letter with our friends if the occasion arose. It was too good to keep under wraps. We found our little group in the bar, waiting for a table. Fred ordered drinks for us and a second...

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Malmoe Maiden III the send off

I was invited to join these two beautiful women for dinner. A short walk and we were at a cafe with outside tables. The menu had a wide variety of entrees, Sasha explained the first few to me - but I said that grilled chicken and greens was what I would like. We hit the bread, cheese and wine quite heavily as we waited to place our order. It was much the same as mainland Europe, bread, wine and menus were what you got for the first 30 - 45 minutes. If your order was placed within an hour,...

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How brother solves the mathematical problem2

Note : This story is completely fictional! Now I took her in my arms gave a long french kiss she said again “its enough bhayia “ I said don’t worry its just start try to feel the enjoyment and slowly I tried to took off her t-shirt she was not helping but also not restricting me, so I finally removed her t-shirt oh man what a size of her boobs were I have never seen any girl in bra. She was looking as paragon of beauty. I massaged again on her bra it was white half cup bra and was showing a...

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Star Traders a review

Star Traders: a review by Trismegistus Shandy ----- The short-lived television show _Star Traders_ (1972-73) has long been legendary among fans of science-fictional TV with good stories and bad special effects. Canceled after less than two seasons, it was never widely syndicated partly because of the small number of episodes and mainly because of rights disputes in the wake of the bankruptcy of Silver Silo Studios. These rights disputes prevented any official video release until...

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One Ring to Rule Them All

The estate of the great JRR Tolkien owns the characters. I am just playing with them. One Ring to Rule Them All By Eric Frodo was shaken to his core after the magically charged scene with Elf Queen Galadriel. The diminutive hobbit stumbled towards his bed. The one ring was alive in his hand. It seemed to warp time and space. He had offered to the inhumanly beautiful Galadriel and greatly tempted she had reached out her hand for it, but drew back in the nick of time. Frodo sat...

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Cute padosan

Hello Desi Friends I am ARMAN again i read many stories here and I really liked every one of them and this gave me courage to share my experience with all of you. Now let me tell u about myself i am 24 male A few weeks ago a Family (Hasband and Wife=>Shabana=>SHAB) came into the opposite on my house. Shab is so cute. 36-26-36, 5’4″; smooth, fair skin; beautiful, long hair; big eyes. Shab was just 25. In a very Short priod we becomes Very closet. One day Shab was alone Shab told me that in...

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Alex and Nicole 4

Alex and Nicole 4 Continued, from 3. You should read 3 before reading 4. Or you will be confused. I stretched carefully, I didn't want to wake Nicks up and cut this moment short, Nicole and I were like a pretzel, all intertwined. We had spent the night like that. Legs between legs, then wrapped around legs, hands and arms hugging or exploring, or both. I had felt her hand slip between my legs through the night, I was asleep but some things just sort of wake a guy up, you know,...

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The Collar

The Collar By Kyrie Hobson This is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters in this story and any actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story is copyright 2011 by Kyrie Hobson. Permission is hereby given to share this story on the World Wide Web, provided that (a) no charge of any kind, including, but not limited to, subscription fees, is made in connection with access to the story, (b) the story is reprinted in its entirety, including this...

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The Best Sister I have Got

Myself Naveen from Vizag, I am 27 years and 5 feet 8 inches, I do have a cute face(many people do say that) if not it will be difficult to own my Sister :) and coming to my cousin Deepu(name changed) age 22 who is damn sexy to look at and have an mind blowing shape of 34 30 36. Coming to my story, we use to meet very randomly at family functions and we never had this thought of any special intentions. I hardly remember, we have met when she is studying her 9th class for the first time when they...

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Wicked stepmother Part 14

For Crispin and Stancia the weekend was manic for they were moving into their new house on Monday. Admittedly it didn't all have to be done at once since they hadn't finished selling the old house but even so it was busy. Fortunately they had plenty of help in the form of their new neighbours who were also close friends Come Monday they oversaw the loading of the van and set off behind them. Since they could go on more minor roads they were able to overtake the larger vehicle and beat it to the...

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No Contest Book 1 Learning the Rules the Early 80sChapter 32

Cheryl and Joe crashed as soon as they got home, stripped and lay down on the pull out bed in the study. Next thing Joe knew, Joanna woke him cautiously. “Hey,” he whispered. “Hi,” she smiled. “I should go. There’s a little bit of work if you can get to it.” “Wait,” he said. “Give me a minute. Meet me in the kitchen.” “Yes Joe.” He went into the half bath and rinsed his mouth. Donning a robe over his naked body, he went to Joanna and embraced her, smiling at the kids on the way. And...

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