ResurrectionChapter 2 free porn video

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Patterson and his driver and two other cars with two officers each headed northeast. SG was unconscious in the back seat of the chief's car. They were well beyond their department's jurisdiction, but the city owned 22 acres of land in the country that officers were supposed to use for training. An abandoned limestone quarry had been turned into a lake, and there was a firing range, a lodge and three cabins.

Superman and the Defense Department officials weren't due to arrive at the county airstrip until 8 o'clock that evening. It was now only 3:30. Plenty of time to have some fun with Miss "Sallie Gale."

They parked in front of the lodge, and Patterson slipped a noose made of nylon cord around SG's neck. He yanked the cord, and she tumbled out of the car. He dragged her up the wooden steps of the lodge and into a big high-ceilinged room with wooden rafters. There was exercise equipment on the far side of the room, a ping-pong table to the left, and a fireplace and big sofa to the right.

Patterson looked around, then sniffed. "It's musty in here. Let's get those windows open."

"What if she starts screaming?" an officer asked.

"So?" Patterson asked. "We're 20 miles from town. Nobody lives anywhere near. Anyway, I don't think she'll be making much noise. In fact, let's give it a test."

SG was lying on her side, near his feet. He kicked her savagely in the stomach. Her breath rushed out, and she curled into a tight ball.

"See, no screams. Now, let's strip her."

They pulled off her jeans and ripped her sweater to shreds. Then Patterson pulled her upright with the noose, and the others looked at her with mouths agape.

"Shit. What a body!" one whispered.

They bent her face down over the ping-pong table and raped her repeatedly. When she moaned and seemed to be regaining consciousness, Patterson slammed her on the back of the head with a club.

After they had finished, Patterson dragged her to the middle of the big room. "Watch this," he said.

He reached in his pocket and pulled out what looked like a small bottle of smelling salts. He had found it in the same safe where he had found the file on her, and the powdered kryptonite.

He opened the bottle, then grabbed her hair and lifted her head. Barely had he put the bottle under her nose than she began coughing and her eyes fluttered open.

"Do you know who I am, bitch?" he whispered.

She looked at him without comprehension.

"Do you know where you are? Of course not. Well, let's just say you're in purgatory. You'll be out eventually, but while you're here, you're going to suffer."

He leaned down until his face was inches from hers. "And you're going to enjoy it." He had read her file very carefully, especially the comments of young Louie Ungtjur about how much she seemed to enjoy being gang raped at Lackanooka Junior College, and Dean Toopermann's on what she perceived as SG's sexual perversion.

He pulled SG up to a kneeling position, opened his fly and put his prick inches from her mouth.

"What are you going to do with this?" he asked.

She said nothing.

He yanked the cord hard, and the noose tightened around her neck.

"What are you going to do, bitch?"

"Suck it," she croaked.

"That's right. You're going to suck it til I cum and swallow every drop. Then you're going to do the same for my men. Every one of them. And why are you going to suck them?"

"I don't know," SG whispered.

Patterson kicked her in the groin, but before she could fall to the floor he yanked the cord and pulled her back onto her knees.

"Why are you going to suck us all off?" he demanded.

"Because I'm slut," she said, almost inaudibly.

"Because you're what?" he shouted. "Speak up, bitch, so the rest can hear you."

"Because I'm a slut." She spoke loudly this time, in the tone of someone completely defeated.

She sucked all six of them, starting with the chief. And when she was finished, they took turns testing her ability to take a punch. One would hold her from behind while another hit her as hard as he could in the stomach.

The blows were painful, and she begged for mercy. But she didn't collapse or lose consciousness.

"She's tough," the sergeant finally said. "Is that why the Defense Department is interested in her?"

"I guess so," Patterson said. "All I know is that someone brought it to Washington's attention that she had come out from under Dedkaff Road. I get a call from the Pentagon saying they're coming to pick her up. Some important project. And Superman's going to be with them."

"Won't he be pissed that we've raped and beat up his little cousin?"

"Guy from the Pentagon said we could do whatever we wanted with her. They plan to do a lot worse. And it's all okay with the guy in the blue tights. It seems he thinks it's his patriotic duty to sacrifice Super Slut if it'll enhance national security."

SG lay on her belly, conscious but limp. Patterson slipped his shoe under her and flipped her onto her back.

"She really is a honey," he said softly. "All the punishment we put her through, and she still looks like Sleeping Beauty."

"Only there ain't no prince gonna kiss her pussy and make a happy ending," said the sergeant, to everyone's amusement.

The helicopter didn't need an airstrip for landing, but Patterson had recommended it because it was an open space that was easy to get to but wouldn't be busy after sunset. The three police cars were parked next to the tarmac, on a concrete pad in front of the Jeff's Air Service hangar.

The cops themselves were standing, waiting. Two of them held SG upright. She still seemed shaky.

They had dressed her in some of the finery left by hookers who joined the cops for occasional weekend festivities: hot pink shorts cut so low that the top barely covered her pubes and a white bikini top that did a similarly inadequate job of covering her nipples. They had used some makeup left by the hookers to tart her up. Her lips were brilliant red and they had turned her eyes into something out of a vampire movie.

"Wait'll Superman gets a load of this," Patterson had chuckled.

Now they smoked and talked and waited.

Finally, the sergeant said, "I think I see them."

A light was approaching from the north, moving just above the horizon. A few seconds later they heard the motors.

When it was about 100 yards away, Patterson recognized it as a CH-47. It bore no markings.

They had left their car lights on for guidance, and the chopper set down barely 50 feet away. They prop wash blew off the chief's cap.

He retrieved it, and when he looked up six men and a woman had exited the chopper: two MPs with sidearms, two soldiers with M-16s, an older soldier with two stars on his fatigues, a big guy in a suit, and a black woman captain with a medical bag.

Patterson rushed up and introduced himself.

"I'm the police chief here. These are some of my men. And this, of course, is the young lady you're interested in."

The general snapped an order, and a member of the chopper crew turned on an adjustable searchlight and aimed it at SG.

The general looked at her and snorted. Clearly, she wasn't what he expected. "Is this her?" he asked the big man in the suit.

The big man stepped close to SG and lifted her chin.

"Yes," he said quietly. "That's Kara."

SG opened her eyes and her body stiffened. "Kal-El," she whispered. "Is it you?"

The man in the suit turned away. "Get her in the chopper and let's get the hell out of here."

The woman captain and one of the MPs helped SG up the steps into the helicopter. The general, the man in the suit and the other MP followed.

As the big civilian ducked to enter, the captain whispered something to him. He turned and looked at the cops, then quickly descended the steps.

"Climb aboard," he told the soldiers with the M-16s.

He had to speak loudly. The engines were revving for take-off.

"Captain Stevens says my cousin has been raped," he yelled into Patterson's face. "There's cum dripping down her thighs."

"Hey, I don't know nothing..." Patterson started his denial but never finished. The punch almost knocked his head off. The man in the suit dispatched the other officers with equal efficiency. Within seconds, six bodies lay sprawled on the tarmac.

The general, looking down from the helicopter, muttered, "He never used to be like this."

The captain said softly, "Maybe that's because he's never had a cousin raped before."

The general sighed. If Superman got this upset because some small-town cops had a little fun with his blonde bimbo of a cousin, how was he going to handle the really rough stuff that was in store for her?

The Chinook landed at an army base during the night and refueled. SG slept through it. She didn't awaken until the sky was turning light in the east. They were flying north; she could tell that much. But she didn't really care where they were headed. All that mattered was that she was safe. Kal-El was a stuffy pain in the ass, but he would protect her.

At the moment, though, he was up front, talking with the general. She was sitting next to the woman captain, who had been kind and solicitous through the night. Twice she had taken SG's blood pressure, and one she had given her a couple of small white tablets that she said would help her sleep.

"Okay, folks, buckle up," said the pilot. "We're almost there."

SG looked out of a small window. Below was a collection of low white buildings scattered on nicely landscaped grounds. An illuminated sign said "DRI."

They landed on the roof of one of the buildings.

"Okay, listen," Capt. Stevens told her. "You're still pretty shaky, so I want you to lean on me and Harry here. We're going to get you down nice and slow."

Stevens was right. SG's knees buckled twice as she tried to make it down the steps. They held her tight.

At the foot of the steps were two men with a stretcher. "I don't need that," SG protested, but she let them help her get into it. It was strange, looking up at the early morning sky, then at the soft overhead lighting inside the building. The men carrying her, Capt. Stevens at her side, the others walking briskly in the corridor — everyone seemed busy but quiet.

"What a nice place to work," she thought, then she dozed off again.

When she awakened again, she was in a sunny room with big, open windows and a pleasant breeze filling the gauzy white curtains.

A nurse and a doctor stood at the foot of her bed. The nurse was watching her intently, while the doctor read a chart.

"Our girl is awake, doctor," said the nurse.

He looked up. He had a kind, intelligent face.

"How do you feel?" he asked.

SG thought about it. "I think I feel fine," she said. "In fact, I feel wonderful."

"Amazing what two days of sleep will do for you," the nurse said with a grin.

"Two days?" SG was stunned.

"Fifty-two hours and twenty minutes, to be exact," said the doctor. "Are you hungry?"


"Good, we'll bring you breakfast."

The food was plentiful and delicious. She had never been in a hospital before, but she had heard all the usual complaints about hospital food. Maybe this isn't a hospital, she thought.

It wasn't. After breakfast, she was brought into a small meeting room where the general she had seen on the helicopter introduced himself and several other high-ranking officers and three scientists. Their names meant nothing to her, and she instantly forgot them — except the general's. His was Piric Zafer. She wondered if his friends called him Prick.

"You're at the December Research Institute. Important work is done here, work that is essential to preserving America's survival."

"You mean national security stuff?" SG asked.

"Yes," the general said, with a tight little smile. "National security stuff. Your uncle — excuse me, your cousin — is a valued member of the board of directors of this institute. His ideas and suggestions have opened exciting new areas of research."

"And he's pretty good at watching over our expenses," added one of the scientists. There was quiet laughter. SG noticed that the general didn't join in. He seemed to resent the interruption.

"Where is Kal... where is Superman?" asked SG.

"He will be here shortly," said Gen. Zafer. "He said he wanted to meet alone with you after this briefing. I'm sure you two have a lot of catching up to do."

The general began talking about something called the Close-In Assault Option and how important it was for the Army to have a way to fight an enemy at close quarters, such as in the Viet Cong tunnels, without suffering heavy casualties. CIAO could dramatically reduce the need for our young soldiers to fight, and die, in such situations.

He droned on and even brought out charts. What did all this have to do with her, she wondered. Then he turned the briefing over to the scientist who had interrupted him, Dr. Melton Hand. He certainly looked the part of a scientist, SG thought — frizzy hair that was thinning on top, thick glasses, a bow tie, even a pen holder in his shirt pocket. But his intensity more than compensated for his nerdy appearance.

"This is the most exciting project I've ever worked on," he said. "CIAO started out as just a concept. No one had any idea how to proceed. Robots were considered and rejected. We just don't have the kind of miniaturization yet to create the brains for a fighting robot. Then Dr. Erbaccia here" — he nodded toward another scientist, who smiled shyly — "made an amazing discovery. Melinda, let's have the slides."

Oh God, thought SG, when will this ever end?

The first slide showed a man standing next to what looked like a patch of tall weeds.

"Dr. Erbaccia was doing agricultural research at Iowa State at the time, and he's shown here next to a patch of normal hemp plants. As you can see, they are taller than he is, but not by much. Then he found a way, through genetic manipulation, to create this."

At this point the slide changed, and Erbaccia is shown standing next to a tree, or at least what SG assumed was a tree.

"This is a genetically modified hemp plant that at maturity reached 47 feet in height. It's fibers were so tough, the plant couldn't be cut down even with chain saws. It took a small explosive charge..."

"Not so small," Erbaccia interrupted, to general laughter.

"Okay, a not-so-small explosive charge to bring it down," said Dr. Hand.

One of the officers noticed that SG was nodding off and caught Dr. Hand's attention.

"Miss Gale," he said. Then more loudly, "Miss Gale, if I could have your attention just a few minutes longer."

SG awoke, blinked and said, "Okay. I'm back. Sorry."

"Dr. Erbaccia's work was brought to our attention at DRI, and he kindly agreed to join our efforts to develop..." Here he looked to Gen. Zafer for guidance.

"To develop a bioweapon that won't conflict with the administration's commitment to end germ warfare research," said the general. "We're not talking about microbes here. We're talking mega fauna — living creatures big enough to fight hand-to-hand with any man in the world, and win. And at an affordable price — less than a million bucks a unit."

With that, a new image appeared on the screen. At first, it reminded SG of a big, hairless ground sloth, minus the tail. Its head was round and too small for its body. Its skin was pinkish grey.

"It looks like it's made of Silly Putty," SG said.

"Well, in a sense it is," said Dr. Hand. "The wonderful thing about Silly Putty is that you can made almost any shape with it. And we've been able, thanks to Dr. Erbaccia, to shape a number of new plants and animals, creatures that never before existed."

At this point, the door to the briefing room opened and Kal-El looked in. When SG saw him, she said, "Excuse me, I've got to go," and rushed to the door. She hugged Kal-El, and he clumsily patted her back.

"That's okay, sir," Dr. Hand said. "We all need a break. Why don't you bring her back around two o'clock?"

Kal-El nodded, and he and SG walked down a long corridor.

"You want to go out and get some fresh air?" he asked.

"Sure," she said. "That'd be great."

They walked outside for a while, then found a quiet spot with benches and a fountain.

"Are you doing okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, I guess do. I've missed you terribly. I hated being at Marston, and then..."

"Then you disappeared," he said.

"Yeah, then I disappeared."

They were silent for a while.

"Why didn't you look for me?" she asked at last. "Why didn't you rescue me?"

"I didn't know where you were," he said. She could tell he was lying. He never had been a very good liar.

"Why am I here?"

"To help with our research," he said. When she started to protest, he added quickly, "Oh, I know you're not a scientist. You never did well in chemistry and math. I know, I know."

He looked at her. She was so beautiful. And so vulnerable.

"We've created something that could save thousands of American lives in wartime. A picture of it was on the screen when I walked in."

"Oh," she said distractedly, "you mean the big toy."

"Koko isn't a toy," he said.

"Koko! You've got to be kidding. You all named it Koko? Then it has to be a toy!"

"Okay," he said, with a hint of irritation in his voice. "He's a toy. But he's an eight-foot-tall, 450-pound toy that could flip over an M-60 tank or tear down a reinforced concrete building. He's unbelievably strong. And tough. He's nearly indestructible."

SG had been watching his face carefully. Now she understood. She had been brought here to fight this thing, this... Koko. Or to be sacrificed to him, like some virgin in a pagan ceremony.

Right, she thought. Some virgin.

"Why are you grimacing?" he asked.

"Nothing," she said. "So when do Koko and I meet?"

"In about a week. They want to do a lot tests on you. To make sure you're fit and at full strength."

"Why don't you fight Koko?" she asked.

"You know why," he said wearily. "I'd destroy him. It would be a total mismatch. I've already destroyed several earlier prototypes."

"But I'm fair game," she said. "With me it would be no mismatch. In fact, cute little Koko might even be the betting favorite."

"I wouldn't ask you to do this if I didn't think you would prevail — or at least survive."

"Right," she said grimly. "Just like I survived my college years."

"You got into trouble at Marston because of your own weakness and poor judgment," he said angrily. "You were in a bad crowd. You seemed to want to be degraded. I read the report. You were a little tramp."

The words stung, and her eyes filled with tears. But she wasn't going to let him off easily. "I seem to remember when you wanted me to be a little tramp," she said. "I remember you pulling me onto your lap and..."

"You misunderstood," he yelled, jumping to his feet. "You've twisted and distorted what was just..."

"Just some avuncular affection?" she cried. "Just Kal-El looking for a little love? Poor, pitiful, uptight Kal-El."

He slapped her so hard she fell to the ground.

"I'm sorry," he said, kneeling to help her up.

"Keep your dirty hands off me," she hissed.

From a second-story window looking down on this scene, Gen. Zafer smiled a tight little smile. Maybe this was going to all work out, after all. Maybe the test would be allowed to go to its full conclusion. Maybe Koko would be able to do what he was created to do — to kill, ruthlessly and efficiently, whether the foe was a battalion of mortal men or a lone, lovely blonde superheroine.

SG was assigned a trainer, a large, easy-going woman named Maggie.

"I'm here to get you in shape," she said at their first meeting. "After looking at you, I don't know how you could be in much better shape, but we're gonna try."

Maggie insisted in being kept in the dark about what SG was training for. "They pay me to train, not to pry into their deep dark secrets. I don't want know. You just keep working those triceps and those abs and those lovely glutes of yours."

Maggie didn't seem especially surprised when SG bench-pressed 385 pounds. This was a strange place, and strange things went on. If this gal could bench-press 385 without too much strain, then let's just try 420.

The physical training sessions were in the morning. In the afternoons, SG was instructed in combat techniques. The aim was to make her as effective a foe as possible when she went against Koko.

The instructor, a lithe lieutenant colonel named Mason, explained to her that Koko didn't have much in the way of vulnerabilities.

"He's over eight feet tall, he's incredibly strong, and you can't kick him in the balls because they're inside his body. He's designed that way for protection."

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Saturday morning, the day after “Wow ... oh, fuck!” Mom screamed after I plowed her over the bathroom vanity, the door wide open as I had nothing to hide. “You seem to be used to having a motherfucker for a son now, Mom,” I smiled at my mother, Fawn Anne Durant. “Well, it’s ... actually ... very ... enjoyable! I’m sorry that I didn’t treat you better, but the fact is that you’ve been very nice to me ... in spite of that fact!” Mom grunted as she felt me bottom out inside her juicy wet...

3 years ago
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Gold MountainChapter 18 Lashback

“Good morning, Alpine-Colorado office of acquisitions and permits. How may I help you?” Marjean Foster answered. She struggled to maintain a neutral, friendly tone. Her secretary said the caller refused to identify himself but insisted that the call was most urgent. The moment the man on the other end spoke, Marjean’s hand clenched the handset so tightly her fingers cramped. She felt a premonition of fear. “You were told specifically never to call us,” she snarled, glancing to her open...

2 years ago
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Adventures in hypnosis

Their tenth anniversary had just passed, he had just climbed off her. They both rolled over and tried to sleep. John's thoughts disturbed him, he'd known when they married she wasn't the most adventurous in their sex lives but always hoped she would change over time. Monica on her part was wondering what she was doing. She knew he wanted her to be more adventurous but he hadn’t pressed when they'd first married, especially as what she'd done with her fingers and tongue had kept him more than...

3 years ago
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Bi sub used by bikers and Dom

I have a Dom guy named Dave that is always wanting to push my sexual limits and do crazy stuff. He told me he was taking me to a party out in the country for a group of guys he knew looking for a sub bottom. I had never really done more than two guys at once so I was very curious about it. I spent the whole week playing with dildos and getting nice and loose for the party. Dave came and picked me up in him truck and told me to get in a strip. I sucked him cock almost all the way there. When we...

4 years ago
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Mommy Shows Heaven 8211 Part II

Hi ISS readers. I’m back with the next part of my story ‘mommy shows heaven’. I hope you liked narration of this true incidence I witnessed. A lot of nasty thing happened later which I will tell you over a period of time. I will start from where I had stopped. I was watching steamy action between my mom and my best friend, Ajay from the store room vent. They had finished a session of lovemaking. From that, I came to know that my mom is very kinky & Ajay just had to do a little to make her to...

3 years ago
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Moms TreatChapter 9

About two months had passed since Jennifer and her mom Karen had to move away to be with her grandmother because she was sick. When they left, it made ME sick, because my sex life had just gone into overdrive. I started out with my own mother, then ended up with her best friend Karen, and eventually to Karen's daughter Jennifer. So things were going incredible until the two of them had to leave. When they left, sexual relations also stopped between me and my mom. Oh, I tried to get things...

2 years ago
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My Lover Returns

I take a seat at the bar facing the door and order a bottle of bubbly. I sit there sipping it, lost in a haze of anticipation. It’s been a week since I last saw you. I’ve missed you so much. My phone suddenly beeps. “I’ll be with you in two minutes,” your message reads. My heart races and I try to compose myself. My body is trembling and I take another sip of champagne to steady my nerves. The bar door opens. I’m like a rabbit caught in the glare of car headlights, transfixed at your beauty....

Straight Sex
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Mums Nylons

I made my way back home after my encounter with mum's best friend Bronwen. I didn't want to see my mum, so I went and watched tv in my bedroom. Would my mum confront me? Would she say something?. It was my mother that I had been thinking of all afternoon. Dinner time came soon and I made my way downstairs. Mum didn't say anything, she just looked at me. A whole week went slowly by without a word from her. During our week, I did notice one thing she started to do since my visit to Bronwen. Mum...

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Best Friends Part 2

Since that summer afternoon in Paradise, Em and I have not only grown closer as friends, we have also come to learn a lot about each other and things we had suddenly found ourselves curious about. Our parents were none the wiser although Anna knew since we had shared our secret with her and only her since she was Emma's twin sister and my friend too. Our oral and touch play continued very regularly since then and we had even let Anna be a part of it on occasion since she too was curious....

2 years ago
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Gangbang Girl

Well the weather has got warmer and I have been venturing out in my extreme heels, only to the local Express store, I have had a lot of comments from a gang of youth's that hang around the side of the building, on my way to and from the car.The tall black one is very loud,tends to fondle his crotch a lot.As the week wore on my usual trip for basics cigarettes and alcohol! became more fun, cheeky banter ensued."Its booty gal in the fuck me pumps" "Wanna cream her hot lips" "Spunk on her legs"...

4 years ago
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The Devils DiscipleChapter 9 Saturday February 5 Welcoming Anne To The Family

My eyes were closed but I was awake. I sensed Anne look from me to my father, felt her disengage herself from the hands we had on her breasts and sit up. Suddenly a vision came into my mind and that could only mean one thing, my brother was back. It was just after six-o-clock on Saturday morning, she was resting against the soft backboard. 'She's considering what to do next little brother, and she's thinking about what happened. About how you changed your mind on Thursday night and...

4 years ago
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Dont Sleep in the SubwayChapter 11

In all honesty, I have to admit I was surprised at how cold it was becoming as our column crossed from the chaotic State of Tennessee into the "Breadbasket of the Confederacy, the State of Georgia. A light sprinkling of snow made it even more bizarre for our operations in the heart of the Deep South. I looked in vain for some sign that we were crossing into Georgia but the terrain was quite similar and the roads showed no change at all. The people had that same blank look of shock at seeing...

4 years ago
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Sexy Shelly Part1

I was living in London 27 yrs old drinking and doing drugs and petty crime on a Daily basis . I didn't have a formal address was sleeping on friends hostel floors and friends sofas . I was on benefits and could be regarded as underclass of society one level bellow the working class , my friends also were also all in the same boat , i knew all the local junkies and alkies dealers and pimps i suppose you could describe me as "chav" scum . I was the oldest of our group of no-gooders. We...

2 years ago
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A Walk at the Beach A Morality Tale with a Tail

A Walk at the Beach, A Morality Tale with a Tail "Thirty bucks for this piece of shit? What a joke!" The man was clearly used to speaking his mind and getting his way. He loomed over the tired looking woman next to him. "Oh Larry," said the tired looking woman, "you don't have to buy me anything." She said it in the resigned voice of someone who knew that it made no difference. He turned toward the far end of the cluttered little shop where a frizzy- haired woman in a tie-dyed...

3 years ago
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It8217s Sex Between A Mom And Her Son

I would like to start the story with a short introduction about me and a little bit about my background. I am 23 years, my mom is 43. We are from a very poor background. But our lifestyle is good. We got a good education. Good health and almost like a middle-class family. But our house is very small. We 5 five family members stay in one chawl in Mumbai. So, one day everyone was out except me and my mom. And that day it was heavily raining. Water had entered my home. Since we have only one bed...

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Cousin with benefits part 3

So after railing my drunk wife in the ass, cumming in her and leaving her looking like a crime scene, I go into bathroom to clean up. I was hoping to just colapse from exhaustion as I had gotten great head from my cousin who was staying with us from out of town earlier that day. And now my wife's 'whore' alter ego was unleashed with the bottom of a wine bottle. I flick on the bathroom light to find my cousin spread eagle on the toilet with her fingers working in and out of her cunt. she moaned,...

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Student AssistanceChapter 26

Melissa said, “I told Paul to talk with his dad. I took my suitcase and went out to the car. I don’t know what I was going to do. I didn’t have money for a bus or even know where the bus station was located. I looked back and Paul was behind me. His dad was following us out.” Paul picked up the story. “Dad wanted me to come back inside. I told him that there is no ‘me’ any more. There is only ‘us.’ Then I said, ‘If we aren’t welcome, then we will not stay.’ I think he finally realized that...

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MoneyChapter 16

Getting a pilot's license is more than a few flight lessons. The light sport pilot can get a certificate with only twenty hours of instruction. They fly in some of the same airspace as someone who has hundreds and thousands of hours of experience. That's scary. I had to have a flight physical before I could begin flight school. I had taken the physical in Miami and had the completed form. CS&S were skeptical of anything from Miami and said there was a doctor next door to the trailer...

4 years ago
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Sex With My Hot Office Mate

Hello Guys, my name is Sam and I am from Bangalore working in an MNC and I am daily reader of ISS. Let me tell you about myself, I am 23 years old, 5’10 feet height, athletic body and good looking. I never had any girlfriend in my life but wanted one, unless I found few good looking girls in my Office. There were many girls with nice curves, especially with big boobs; I love to watch girls with big boobs as they make me hard every time. I look at them but wanted to see them naked. Now let me...

2 years ago
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In Bruges

She first saw him in the dusky evening light on the far side of the deck. From a distance he looked like all the other scruffy truck drivers who had taken up residence on the windswept deck, the only place on the Cross Channel ferry where they could smoke their foul-smelling cigarettes, huddled in groups and muttering to each other in a strange language. Annie regretted her decision to venture out onto the open deck. Childhood memories of midnight crossings had given her a sense of adventure...

3 years ago
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Awakening From Innocence

Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! "Under attack" flashed through my mind. Where am I? What's happening? My awareness is hazy, yet my body flows with adrenaline. Slowly, I realize I'm not experiencing the war movie we watched last night, but the most intense thunderstorm of my life. I am shaking like a leaf and can't stop. "Tommy ... I need my Tommy" is all I can think about, as I'm drawn from my deep sleep. I run, as fast as my little feet can carry me, into his room. "Tommy ... Please" is...

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Jessie The Tornado Ch 01

If you are looking for a story filled with sex, then you are probably in the wrong place. I don’t write sex stories. I (hopefully) write interesting stories that contain sex. Someone once said that women need a reason to have sex, while men only need a place. Like most generalities, I think that is generally wrong. I think that people need to have a reason to have sex and that if they care for each other, then the love and sex will be even better. All the participants are at least 18. The...

2 years ago
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The Reluctant SultanChapter 3 Time for Change

The following morning, I asked Sue for some of her time in private. I wanted to discuss salaries. "Can you give me a salary schedule for the staff, please?" I began. "Of course," she smiled, reaching into her bottom drawer and extracting a file. She pulled out a computer printout and passed it to me. I looked at it and immediately had a number of questions. An hour later, I had a pretty good idea of who was properly paid and who was not. Don had looked after the four key ladies on...

4 years ago
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ldquoTHANK YOU FOR COMING TO THE ORGYrdquo From xhamster

It was a long journey to your hometown in China.I thought the advert “European English-speaking male wanted for five Chinese girls” was an English teacher job.When I arrive at the address texted to me, Wei Wei opens the door and says “You answered our advert. Thank you for coming to the orgy”I look shocked, is this a mistake. But Wei Wei takes my hand and leads me in to a room with four other girls.“Am I teaching English to all of you?”, I say.“Its not English teaching we had in mind”. Wei Wei...

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Memorable Masturbation

I am twenty-two now and I have been masturbating since I turned sixteen. I have tried many ways but the best orgasm I ever experienced came quite unexpectedly.A friend of the family, that I have known all my life, was staying over one summer night. I have always thought of him as a handsome, sexy older man. I loved hugging him and feeling my breasts pushing into his firm chest at every chance I got.When I was younger, my sister and I would climb into bed with him and snuggle as close to him as...

5 years ago
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Nandhini My Slutty College Senior 8211 Part 3

Hello everyone, Arshaan is back. I hope you guys enjoyed the earlier parts. I had received many positive comments and would love to thank my readers. Now, let’s conclude with the final part of the saga. My slutty college senior Nandini’s sexy ass is to die for guys, those heavenly shaped, perfectly cupped round and bouncing cheeks are an amazing sight to behold. I was watching her prepare Maggi in the kitchen with her ass globes facing me and I got an instant erection. Even though she had...

2 years ago
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Iron ManChapter 10 Managing Mayhem

"Kansas City Star Subscription Desk, This is Cef," "Keith Graham here Spider, how are you?" "I'm good Doc, how are you?" "Good as well," he told me, "Listen, we've got two open spots where we can insert you for the management program, and I thought I'd give you your choice." "Okay," I agreed. Meantime, my real thoughts were on Becka, and what it would mean to both of us. "Alright, the first one is Flint, Michigan, the Flint Journal." Doc paused there, to let it sink in,...

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High School Hell

The Characters: John: A 5'9 140 pnd 18-year-old man with blonde hair and blue eyes his body isn't nearly as muscular as he'd like but he does have an 8-inch cock. Lives with his mother, stepfather and three stepsisters. Doesn't know who his father is just what his mom has told him that it was a mistake but she never regretted having him. After moving around the northwest for years his family has finally settled in a new place. It was supposed to be a new start away from the teasing and daily...

4 years ago
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A First In The Rear

Are you sure this won't hurt?" Mary asked again."Absolutely. All you have to do is push back, like you are trying to go, and relax. Things will be just fine. I slide in a little, let you have time to get used to it, and take it easy. You'll love it." At least he hoped he wouldn't hurt her. He had used enough K-Y. If she were too tense, it would hurt. If she relaxed and wanted to enjoy this, it wouldn't."God I hope so. I've heard about this enough.""Girlfriends huh?" John said as he moved closer...

2 years ago
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After the Bath

You come out of the shower and sit down to dry your hair. I would come up behind you and begin to massage your back paying attention to your shoulders and neck. My hands would run all along and applying pressure to the sore and tense areas. I'd continue doing this moving all around rolling my fingers and pushing with my palms. My hands would slide down in front and massage your collarbone and further down to your breasts. The dampness of my hands feels cool on your nipples as my hands roll over...

4 years ago
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Transformations Nice Guys ClubChapter 12

In the girls' bedroom, just a wall away from the bathroom, Lindsey had definitely been affected by the sounds of Norma and Paul frolicking in the shower. She had just gotten in bed when the couple giggled their way into the bathroom. Just the fact that they might use the toilet with the other present was a jolt to the sheltered girl. When the shower started and it became obvious they were in it together, she could not suppress a gasp. Tomboy that she was, Becks was still imbued with her...

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The Joining

He boarded the aircraft with barely subdued excitement and some trepidation as well. This was the last leg of the holiday of a life time. Les was circling the globe visiting online friends and putting even more substance in already real life-long friendships. However this last leg was the most important, he was about to meet the woman with whom he had fallen deeply in love. The plane travelled toward that regional airport in Montana where his destiny lay. He reflected on the circumstances...

4 years ago
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Top Spin

The cold inconsistent wind was irritating her, blowing her long brown bangs into her eyes, swirling around her bare legs, and teasingly lifting her short blue skirt. Emma cursed her uniform under her breath. It was autumn and the temperature was dropping, even as the breeze swept golden brown leaves onto the court. Emma took a slow breath, knocking stray thoughts out of her tired head. Her eyes focused and landed on the small yellow ball in her hand. She forced herself to rest for a moment,...

3 years ago
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Help wanted

Waking up in the afternoon, kate Ambers went through her routine of showering, brushing teeth and hair, then applying makeup. She didn't need it, but she looks better with her face covored in everything she owns. Once dressed in casual clothes, she ate lunch and hesitantly looked at the classifieds for a job since she was low on money, because she spent her pocket money on makeup, the rest is only for rent pay. Going down the list she saw: SUPERHERO SCHOOL TEACHER FOOD SERVICE SECURITY...

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The Vassal GroupChapter 6

Dominique has traveled for the last five hours to get to training farm number one. Before departing the main office, she has called and told the Control officer at the farm to have Devon waiting for her when she arrives. A driver is sent with her, to insure she gets to her destination, and to insure she doesn't try and disappear with the secrets of the Vassal Group. "We have a problem Devon." Dominique said upon entering control "Hello Dominique, nice to see you, pleasant surprise and...

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Longing for My Marine

Up and down, up and down. My head is softly and slightly moving up and down, as I rest on his chest. I can hear his heartbeat, so strong it is beating. We lay there watching TV, once again, another normal night. But this night is different than others. We are sitting on the 3-seater couch, him leaning on one corner, as I lay between his legs, resting my head on him, both facing the TV. His arms are wrapped around me lovingly. I can smell his cologne, the one that I love. It has that slight...

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You came here to Suck it Get to it Gay

Charley was more than a little bit nervous. He was -- if he were to admit it - a little bit scared. And, at the same time, he was as excited as he'd ever been in his life. Whatever the feeling was called, he was in love with it. It was the same feeling when he'd first visited the local Adult Books Store (as they used to call it) and discovered the glory holes there -- then returned for the specific purpose of sucking cock.The same trepidation and excitement at the same time. The same buzz, only...

3 years ago
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Lazy Sundays

I shifted again, pressing my thighs together to try and relieve some of the pressure that had built up there, and noticed Jason shifting next to me as well. We’ve been doing lazy Sunday movie days for as long as I could remember, initially with my parents, and then by ourselves as we got older and our interests started to change. I don’t think either of us had known what we were getting into when we decided to watch Nymphomaniac. I knew that it would be steamy, but I didn’t think that it would...

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