Making 60 Year Old Man Cum
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You don't need many directions to get to Florida. I could do this in a long two days of about six to seven hundred miles a day, or do it in three or four leisurely days. I went across to highway 331 and headed southeast to Interstate 20. There was some traffic diversion going through Abilene, and a little farther through Fort Worth and south of Dallas. That place is big and busy, who would want to live there? My goal for the day was to see if I could make it out of Texas.
Around Dallas, I used my cell phone to call Dennis at S&S to let him know I was on my way. He was glad to hear I was coming and stopped short, "We didn't send you any money or a credit card. Damn, we are a bunch of goofs. Don't take it as a slight, Doc, but we try to take care of everything in advance for someone coming to us. Tell you what though, when you decide to stop for the night, call me and I'll have our travel people get you a first class place. Don't try to kill yourself getting here. We agreed you wouldn't start this coming Monday, so take your time and if you decide to stop and do some sightseeing, do it. You know, you're going near New Orleans. You could go down there."
"Thanks, Dennis, I'll visit New Orleans another time. I want to get to you guys and get started. I might have to check on the spring break babes around Panama City, but that's just a look see for me."
Dennis laughed before he cautioned, "Be careful of the jailbait out on the beaches, Doc. Lots of sixteen and seventeen year olds mix in with the older crowd and wreak havoc with your head. They'll tease you into distraction, and then give it up to another teen."
"So you're telling me Florida girls do the same things Texas girls do."
With a laugh, Dennis said, "They must all sign up for tease instruction about thirteen, so that they're pros by the time they're sixteen."
"I'm not a chick magnet, Dennis. I lurk. I love to check them out, but if I begin to talk to them, my pocket protector puts them off."
"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha," Dennis couldn't quit laughing. "I know the feeling. I went to a local high school and was really cool driving my El Camino, but as far as getting close to some babe or scoring, SOL man. I didn't have any luck until I met my babe and she saw through or over the top of my appearance and tech interest. I'm lucky, hope you get lucky too, and that's not a pun."
Dennis continued, "But listen to me, I'll tell the travel lady to be ready for your call. We'll set you up in something plush. You're an important part of where we're going. Call, okay?"
Now I was chuckling, "I'll call. I want to make it out of Texas today or tonight, so I'll probably be ready to quit about five and I should be right around Shreveport. Have your lady find me a place there and get the directions. You know I'm a country boy and don't do cities very well."
"Got it, Doc, I'll have Jenny find you a first class place in Shreveport close to Interstate 20. I'll make sure they have a list of fun things for you to do there if you want. Have a great dinner and breakfast, it's on us. I'll give Jenny your cell number if that's all right."
"Sure, fine, Dennis. I'm just about past the heavy Dallas traffic, so I can get back up to Texas speed."
"And what is Texas speed, Doc?"
"Depends on the year of your pickup. If it's less than ten years old, you're safe under a hundred. They frown on faster than that."
"You better not drive like that down here. They'll only give seven miles an hour most of the time, and if there's no traffic on the interstate, they'll give you ten if they are in a good mood. Anything more than that and you'll have a ticket that will choke you up. Keep it down, Dude."
I had to laugh again, "I will, Dennis. I'm just used to burning tires up on the open highway. I hear you have to toe the line in Louisiana and Mississippi too, so I'll be doing only seventy as I make those states.
"Okay, Doc, drive carefully, and call if you want to chat while you're driving. I'll let you gab with Donny or Gerry for a while. You guys could talk equations or something together. You might even talk to Sandy; he has a whole slew of good stories. Drive carefully."
"Bye, Dennis."
Now that was encouraging. Dennis was okay and seemed to be just another guy. I knew Sandy was one of those guys who was like me and never seemed to hook up with women. I wondered how he met his wife. They seem really happy and they both work for one of the companies. I think his wife is one of the Quality Wear legal people.
It was about four forty-five my time, and I was about ten miles out of Shreveport when my new iPhone rang. I answered, "Feeny."
"Hi, Doctor Feeny, this is Jenny Huddy. I'm the travel lady for S&S, CS&S, and Quality Wear. How close are you to Shreveport?"
"I'm about ten miles out according to the signs."
"Tell me, do you want to stay at a great place that has a casino like Harrah's, or the Horseshoe where they have had the World Series of Poker, or just a regular place and have to hunt for supper?"
"Wow, either one of those casino places should have good food. Fix me up with one that's easy to get to."
Jenny described the hotels, "I'm told that the Horseshoe has a real good steak. I'm sure Harrah's serves a good meal too. The Horseshoe is easier to get to from I-20."
"Make it the Horseshoe for me, Ma'am. Get me directions and I'll be on the east side of the city in less than twenty minutes."
"Okay, Doctor Feeny, you're set. I'll have a concierge call you and talk you right to their valet. Eat well and sleep good. Be careful if you gamble. We can't help you with that. You'll have to go to a casino with the bosses. I understand they are really lucky."
"Thanks, Jenny, this is great service."
"Well, remember to check with me tomorrow so I can get you into a good place wherever you are. Just call the number on your phone and I'll answer, twenty-four seven."
"Wow, you are a busy person."
Jenny giggled, "Not really, I actually normally give the phone to someone else by now, but you are important. Good night, Dr. Feeny, I'm on my way to the patio."
She hung up and all I could think of was that the patio sure had a big appeal. I thought of how great it was going to be to work with friendly people who weren't always conniving to do something to you or say something that isn't true about you. Those university assholes never took the opportunity to ever find out anything about me. I do remember Sandy asking about my pictures a couple of times. He was always interested in others.
My phone rang, "Feeny."
"This is Jack from the Horseshoe. I'm calling to direct you to our front door, Dr. Feeny. Where are you right now?"
When I told Jack where I was, he told me to stay on the phone, what exit to take, and to inform him when I was on the correct street. He did guide me right to their door. I thanked Jack as a valet came to the pickup door and stood.
There weren't any smirks or funny looks because I was driving a pickup with a cap and a lot of stuff in the back. Another man came to the truck and asked, "May I carry your luggage for you, Sir?"
I laughed at the situation, "Hang on, Guys. I just drove from west Texas. Let me get my bag from the back and give this man my keys. If you could, put this where it's safe. I don't have a lot, but I'm moving everything I have to Tampa. Take care of it."
The bellhop took my bag and the valet got into the truck. He gently drove away as the bellhop took me inside. A man met me just inside the door with his hand stuck out, "Dr. Feeny, right?"
I had a chance to nod before he led me toward the front desk. "I'm Jack, the guy who directed you on how to get here. Let me help you through the bureaucracy and get you to your room. I'll give you a quick tour, a rundown of everything you can do, where to eat, and you'll be on your own."
Check-in only required me to show them my driver's license and sign a card. The foxy lady handed me a key card and asked, "Do you have another traveling with you that might require a key?"
"Nope, all alone, thanks for asking."
"My pleasure, Sir. Enjoy your stay."
Jack said, "Come on, the bellhop will take your bag to your room. I'll show you around down here first."
We walked through a busy casino and past a couple of places that appeared to be entrances to shows or other entertainment. The only thing of interest was a sign that said "WSP Texas Hold'em tournament, $100, $500, $1000 buy in, sign up, 7:00 PM."
I asked Jack, "What's the deal with three buy in amounts?"
"That is weird, isn't it? Everyone gets the same amount of chips. If you win on a C note buy in, the pay out is ten grand. If you win with a five hundred buy-in, the prize is fifty grand, and if you put up a grand, the winner will get a minimum of a hundred grand. The winner of everything can win up to around a million. Do you play?"
"Wow! I love to play, but you must have a lot of players to pay out a million."
Jack told me, "The room will be packed. This is a weekly thing that brings in a lot of big names. You'll be surprised at how many thousand dollar buy-ins there will be. They post it on the board. Are you going to play?"
"I might. I'm hungry and I ought to shower. Seven is only an hour and half away."
"Hey, Doc, sign up now and go shower and eat. The tourney doesn't start until eight thirty. The signup is at seven, but they let people sign up anytime. It's right in here, let's do it even if you only sign for a hundred."
I was concerned that this was going to take all night so I asked, "How long does the tournament usually last?"
Jack was nodding, "Sometimes to the wee hours of the morning, but that's only because some of the guys put on a show by trying to outfox each other. I've seen them out of here by one. If the tables play fast, you'll be able to just about guess the time."
A lady in a skimpy costume smiled and pushed a signup sheet to me. I put my name and room number down and she scanned my key card. She was startled, "You are a winner or at least whoever's paying for your room is making you a winner. You're signed up for a thousand dollars, Sir. Hope you do well."
Now I was feeling a little funny. S&S is willing to drop a grand for me to play poker? They are gambling on me, but are also willing to drop another grand for me to play. Wow, this is special."
"Jack, show me the restaurant first. I'll find my room and shower afterward."
The restaurant he showed me into wasn't very busy and a busboy almost ran to put water into my glass. I had chosen a booth seat at a window so I could look out at a huge swimming pool with lots of yummy looking females lying on chairs. The sun was almost down, but they were still showing it off.
A waiter interrupted my thoughts. "What can I get you to drink, Sir?"
I was about to ask for a drink or beer, but remembered the game. "Iced Tea, lemon, no sugar. If you'll get me a menu, I'll order now."
"I can get you a menu, Sir, but we make anything you want. What do you have a taste for?"
Uh oh, this is going to be expensive. "Ah, actually I was thinking a medium sized rib-eye with a small lobster tail, and a few shrimp scampi with a buttered mixed vegetable. How about a small Caesar salad along with a good British Martini. A small size Martini, please."
The waiter grinned and told me, "I'll be right back with your drinks and salad. Do you have a need for speed tonight? Are you going to play in the tournament?"
Very astute of the man, "Yes, I am and speed would be good. I need to clean up before I go in there."
"I understand and will make sure you only have the one martini. Good luck."
The drinks were almost instantaneous, with a salad slid onto a plate almost as fast. I savored the salad with the martini, thinking this gin was something special. Almost as soon as I put my fork down, a busboy whisked the plate and fork away. The waiter was carrying a tray with something smoking on it. He put a fairly thick rib-eye steak on a metal hot plate in the center, a small plate with a shelled lobster tail on one side, and a plateful of shrimp scampi on rice on the other. Directly over my plate, he set down a bowl of mixed vegetables. The man was smiling and offered me a card, "Excuse me, Dr. Feeny, if you can't finish your meal now, you can call this number and we'll warm it up or bring you fresh up to your room later. We always want to please."
I was stunned. How did he know my name? He was perceptive because he figured out that I was going to play in the tournament, but how could he figure out my name?
He was gone before I could ask him. My nose brought my attention to the rib-eye. I had not specified how I wanted the steak cooked, but it was a true medium bloody rare that was so tender that I didn't need a steak knife. The shrimp was delicious, and a mouth full of lobster had me drooling. I didn't eat fast as I wanted to savor the meal.
At one point while I ate, the waiter refilled my iced tea and had already removed the martini glass that I had not finished. He didn't interrupt my focus on the food by asking how it was, he knew it was good. I actually finished every bite and sat back with a full tummy. They gave me too many shrimp, but this was Louisiana. Knowing the meal was taken care of, I pulled my money clip to leave a tip.
The waiter magically appeared, "Oh no, Sir. Your gratuities have been taken care of. Go win some money."
I checked my watch to see it was still just a little after seven, so I took the elevator up to my floor and found my room. The door popped open as I slid the card into the slot.
"Holy shit, this was special. There was a large sitting area and a bed that looked like a dozen people could sleep in it. A quick look around showed some kind of porch or patio outside some doors. I looked out there and was surprised, there was a hot tub outside my room; oh, my.
I didn't have time to gawk, so I looked for my suitcase and found it on the floor of the closet with my clothes neatly hung. Okay, that's a nice touch. I was stripped in seconds and through the shower. I kept my hair short so I didn't have to mess with it, which was another source of derision by my peers at the university. I thought it was smart to have short hair so I could wear a hat and it not mess with my hair or look like I just got up if I lay down for a nap.
After a quick shave, I dressed and rode the elevator to the first floor. I found what I wanted in the gift shop. I pulled an extra strength five hour energy bottle and a pack of chewing gum. Gum was my weakness, but it was better than chewing tobacco, the common product for my age group in Texas.
I walked through the door to the tournament room and a lady on a high stool with a computer monitor said, "Welcome, Doctor Feeny, you will be at table twenty-seven. Do you want a lucky number table?"
On a whim, I said, "How about thirty-three?"
The girl did some keystrokes and said, "Would you accept table three?"
I was enthusiastic when I answered, "That would be even better."
"You're all set, Doctor Feeny, good luck."
I stepped past her and watched how she knew who I was. When someone would stand in front of her, she would push a key and the machine would compare a series of faces until it came up with the correct face and the information about the customer or tournament entry. That was a slick use of a facial recognition program. The signup lady took the picture and it was stored for the entrance clerk who assigned tables.
I walked around the room toward where I assumed table three would be. I thought the low number tables were for high profile players, but I didn't care. If I could play with these big guys, I could play my way through for a while.
I looked at the sheet of paper the lady had given me. Everyone from twenty-fifth to first place won money. For me to make the thousand back, I would have to come in twenty-second. This was high stakes stuff.
I found table three and I looked at the seat markers. A lady in another skimpy costume was setting my name tag in front of a seat.
While I was standing there, a waitress asked if she could get me something. I asked for a no sugar iced tea with lemon. She asked, "Tall or short?"
"Tall, Ma'am."
The very short waitress grinned and said, "You sure are."
That was a flirt, as I'm not tall at all. That was a nice gesture and a hell of lot nicer than the usual "nerd" stuff I heard.
I was sipping my iced tea near the table when a couple of fairly well known poker players showed up. This was going to be fun. How many times do you get to play with guys you only see on TV? Pretty soon, the public address system announced, "Tables, Ladies and Gentlemen."
I sat at my place and checked my name tag. Oh shit, it said, "Dr. Salvatore Feeny". I didn't need that. As I sat, all of the players were recognizing each other and shaking each other's hand. One of the guys said, "That's a mouthful, Dr. Feeny, how about 'Sal'?"
I was nodding and smiling when another of the famous card players asked, "What kind of doc are you, a shrink, a surgeon?"
With a smile I told them, "I'm a PhD. A doctor only as a matter of students addressing me. I fool with electronics and computers."
That was the right thing to say as they all continued their conversations with each other. In front of each player was a tray of chips. The players were taking them out and stacking them by color.
The public address announcer broadcast, "For the purpose of the tournament, the black chips will be a thousand, the red five thousand, the blue ten thousand, and the purple twenty-five thousand. Each player has been issued two hundred fifty thousand in chips. Good luck, Gentlemen.
The dealer said, "A thousand for the blind, ladies and gentlemen." There were two well-known lady players at the table.
The first hour was fast and three at our table went out. I wasn't playing conservatively, but I was watching and trying to play smart. I did have a rep at home for being one of the better players at the Saturday and Sunday afternoon tournaments. It was surprising how many good players were making bad bets. I figured the game could be won early if you played the way you were supposed to.
After two hours, the only original players at our table were one of the ladies and me. Both of us had a nice stack of chips. The break was long enough to hit the john and order another iced tea. I couldn't get over the number of well known players sucking up booze. This was for money, why would you take away your edge?
When the play started again with a new dealer, he was dealing so slow that I asked him, "Do you get paid for dealing slow or is it just the way you deal?"
There were several people that spoke up and agreed with me. The guy said, "If you question me you can leave. I control this game and will deal the way I want to. Who are you to talk to me that way?"
That brought a lot of "ooh's" around the table. I began watching the guy's hands and looked up at the lady playing at the table. She caught my eye and winked at me. The guy was doing some fancy dealing. I had to quit betting because of the cards I was getting. The only thing I did was put in the blind.
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IncestHi this is Nivin again. This sex story is a continuation of the previous part superstition always bad- part 1. Kindly read it to know more. Anyway a short intro of myself and the previous part. The previous part was about me – Nivin, studying 3rd year in a college nearby my village, from a superstitious family, who left gym 2 years back, now with saggy chest(breast), big ass and how I was teased, humiliated and molested by my college guys in hostel. This is a slow story with many parts, with...
Gay MaleJanuary 14, 2018 Dear Ms. Diary, [Written January 16] So that I do not forget – Heather’s text: Competition parameters for January 15: Railing against winter; public beach wear, wearable in the hot tub. Competition parameters for January 18: All naughty bits covered but lots of boob (but no pasties). I woke and quickly remembered last night’s somewhat quiet debauchery with Gracey and Char. When the others woke, we had an emphatic, but quiet discussion started by Char. “I need to learn...
"Time to leave my house. I don't want you living here anymore." My english ever. Also that if she wanted her cunt lapped I would do it then and there. I was happy with this because I loved being treated like a baby and never wanted to cahnge. I followed all the rules that were set and I sometimes pee on the carpet. Then mommy has to punish me by hitting me on the butt with what ever is near by. I love it and so does she, but we have not left the house yet. Those rules will be harder to follow.
LesbianThis was turning out to be much more enjoyable than Jocelyn would have thought. She certainly hadn't been looking forward to spending the fourth of July with her stepdaughter Stephanie and the girl's boyfriend. She was still pissed that Robert hadn't taken her to Tokyo with him and left her here to baby sit. Stephanie was hardly a baby--she was 19! Still, Robert was right not to trust her alone with the house. Especially with that boyfriend of hers. He was obviously a gold digger--it took...
CHAPTER ONE ‘Merde!’ Jardin Découpage swore, hitting the End Call button on her phone and fighting the urge to fling it across her hotel room. She stared out of the window at the New York skyline and wondered what she was going to do next. The call had been from her lawyer and had not brought good news. Her entire business – – the website, the modelling, her appearances on main stream TV – – was all ruined thanks to the financial dealings of her now ex-manager (and ex-boyfriend into the...
“Oh my God!” Laura said, with a wild look on her face. “I just saw one of your housemates.” I twisted towards her and screwed my face up into a ‘so-what’ expression. She was so excited that she couldn’t get the words out. “Naked!” Laura threw her hands in the air as though she’d just found out she’d won the lottery; I sank back into the sofa and took another sip of my herbal tea. Perhaps disappointed by my lack of interest, she tried to add spice. “What a hunk!” “Which one was it?” I asked,...
ExhibitionismThe sun was streaming through the windows and as morning moved towards noon, the light shifted across the room slowly revealing Kelly's nude body, lighting first her hair and then sliding like a silent intruder over her eyes. She brushed her hand across her face trying to shoo away the invader, but it was too late. The light had stirred something in her subconscious and it slowly turned on her other senses. Disoriented, Kelly, eyes still closed, tried to place where she was and why Aaron...
Chapter Sixteen: Taming the Rakshasa Princess By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn't write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Ankush, the Queendom of Naith Pyrriah's hand snatched the dagger from...
Darren closed his eyes and let the hot sun wash over him. His toes burrowed into the sand anchoring him to the beach like roots. He took a deep breath of ocean air and felt his whole body relax. Finally, summer. Last semester had felt like it would never end, but as he stood in front of his newly rented beach house it was like he'd been there all his life."Dare!" His sister's shout interrupted Darren's reverie but he didn't mind. It had been too long since he'd seen Delilah. He turned just in...
"Boy, you sure do squirt a lot of stuff, Unka D," Linda said as we reclined in the chair. "And you taste a lot different than everyone else. It's kinda like the bread Mama makes when we have sketti. I think it's called garlic bread." "Well, I do eat a lot of garlic, so that's probably why you tasted that." "It tastes really good. But you squirt so much and the first squirt almost went down my throat without me swallowin' at all. It really came out strong." "That's probably...
He walked in on her in the upstairs bathroom, it was one of those pass through types connecting to a bedroom as well as the hallway. He thought he heard some moaning sounds from behind the slightly open door so he opened it slowly and silently and stepped inside to find a young girl in a night shirt stroking her pussy while she looked through the other door into the bedroom beyond. The sounds of drunken sex came from the room and she was fully involved in her own pleasure as she watched...
I read and listen to the words that are written in the reviews that are left after my stories, they are what gives me the incentive to write on. All of you who eave reviews I feel close to and regard you as my friends, but when those reviews diminish and become more critical, then it is time to change, or to stop. In many ways I had wanted to bring the cake story to a conclusion a while ago, but I was persuaded to resurrect it. Recently I wanted to find the best ending and at that time...
They had been together for about one hour. And four fucks in that time weren’t bad at all. When Irene got up, a stream of their combined milky white fuck juices leaked out of her cunt, down her thighs and almost to her knees.[pic: Irene besamte Pussy mit Heu.jpg]BTW: of course this is not a picture of Irene as a teenager. But this is from her freshly shaven cunt at age ~35, and the nearly hairless crotch and rosy cunt lips probably come close to what her cunt looked at the time in Olsztyn.To...
I had just reached the motel and had checked in, I was removing my bag from the car trunk when a young man approached. He was a few years older than I, maybe twenty-five or thirty, about 5'2" and close to 190lbs. He had the odor of one with poor hygiene and in need of a hair cut and shave, for some reason I had no fear of his quick approach. He looked timidly at me and mustered a smile saying 'hi, I'm William and I was wondering if I could help you with your bags for a little change to get...
Oscar finalized the last report and noticed that it was late. Yes, he had noticed as the rest of the staff trickled out for the night, but he now realized at 7:43 pm, it was probably time to finally go home. He had been working a lot — starting early and leaving late — avoiding going home to his empty townhouse that he now just shared with the cat. “Our new place won’t allow pets,” his ex Lucy said as she finished packing the rest of her things into the back of the new guy’s truck. He began to...
Quickie SexGeorge: "How late are we going to be, do you think?" I asked the tall, leggy stewardess. "Shouldn't be long now, sir. The weather has cleared the airport. We're just waiting for permission to land now." I checked my watch. I really wanted to be in before 5PM to call Jackie before Chad got home. Otherwise we might have trouble planning our next meeting. I wanted everything right for this one. It had been five weeks since I had her at her home, in her bed, in Chad's bed! It had been...
Now Put Your Nurse's Uniform On…By ManndeePart 1I guess when you start a diary; you should always start at the beginning. It is not my intention that anyone ever reads my diary, but I guess I have had some rotten luck as the years have gone by.My real Mum died; well that's what I tell myself, but to be honest, I don't even think of her as my real Mum. My step Mum was called Ruth. She was not my biological Mum, but if they hadn't told me that I was adopted at the age of 9 months, I would never...
A couple of weeks after Larry had returned from his trip to Korea, Tom came "home" (where he'd moved in with Larry and Susie) about an hour before Larry was due to get home. When he got there, Susie came to the door to meet Tom and she had quite a shocking surprise for him when he shut the front door of the house behind him. "Tom," Susie said as she stood there in a pair of shorts and a rather bust-emphasizing T-shirt, "I want you to make a baby with me. I'm ready to become a mother...
This is the story of how I lost my virginity in a completely unexpected manner Hello friends today I am going to tell you a story that happened a while ago when I was 21 years old. My family consists of my mom, dad me and my younger brother. My dad works in a government office from 9 to 5. We live in a double story house with kitchen guest room and bathroom on ground floor and bedroom, study room and washroom on first floor. My younger brother plays with his friends and also returns home late...
Indian1F/F Humiliation / Spank / BondageOK, it was a stupid bet, I know it was a stupid bet, but we were at a Super Bowl party and I had a little too much to drink and everyone was egging me on all the way. My name is Shelly and I work in a data processing center in Minneapolis with 22 other women. The office Super Bowl party is a tradition that goes back to before I started working there 6 years ago. Every year the entire office gets together for a ?girls only? Super Bowl party, and every year...
Teresa kept a low profile for several weeks following her public spanking by Barbara Anderson. Although Teresa had initially humiliated Barbara at the Little League ballpark by tearing off her skirt, Barbara turned the tables blistering Terri's bottom and stripping her completely. (Refer to "Teresa Scalia Strikes Back") This was on top of the stripping Teresa was subjected to earlier in the year at the community theatre by Barbara's hand. (Refer to "The Tale of Teresa Scalia") Down but...
I'm telling mom - PT 3Are you fucking your da(u)ghter John?Carroll, what kind of question is that?It's OK John. I just want to know, are you fucking your da(u)ghter?Yes Carroll we fucked a few times at the beach.I'm glad to hear you say that. My father worked a lot he was never home. Long story short my br(o)ther would fuck me and my mother. That's the reason my husband left me. It got to the point where he couldn't take knowing my br(o)ther was the first to take my virginity, he was the first...
Undeniably, the Miss Kitty's plan had been a success. Their sex life seemed to have caught fire again, and even their relationship in general had taken somewhat of a turn for the better. Nevertheless, Steve was still more than a little uncomfortable with their continuing meetings at Miss Kitty's. The sex might be better, and the fighting seemed to have ended, but when he was honest with himself Steve knew the love was gone. It didn’t help that two or three other girls in the brothel...
This story is about me as well as my 'now' ex-wife discovering a new sexual experience beyond what we had ever planned for. My ex-wife Kandi and I had been married for over 2 years. I was 21 when we met and Kandi was 26. The sexual experience with the age difference was a huge turn on for me. Kandi had two c***dren from a previous relationship, although you would have never known by her figure or her hot super tight pussy - thanks to C sections. She had smaller breast like a small B cup, with a...
Our neighbours opposite are a mid 20s couple with a young baby. As we are on good terms, I know that he works overseas quite regularly, while she is left struggling wih the baby sometimes. I can hear them argue when he comes home so I suspect that all is not harmonious in their household.I often work from home and have joked with the her that, next time he is away on business, she should find a baby sitter and we could go out for some lunch and some drinks. My suggestion has never been taken...
This series is a figment of my imaginations. All characters mentioned in the story are fictional and are created for entertainment purpose. Please don’t mail me asking for my personal details. Review emails are appreciated. None of the characters is related to my old series i.e. ‘Adventures Of Sarah’. This is an Instalment of a series where I will be describing the Journey Of Sarah and the sacrifices she had to make to climb the ladder of life and reach on top. I had a nice bath and then...
I suppose it all began over a Rampant Rabbit. I’ve never really been much of a fan of sex aids though I know lots of men like to see women using them and I’ve occasionally been happy to use a variety of them even the larger ones at the request of the man of the particular moment if that’s what gets him going. However as a general rule I prefer the real article and it was only because a couple of my female friends raved about how good the RR was that I even heard about...
Note to readers: To give you a full multi media experience go to my profile page and you will find pictures, videos, recipes and music on my play list to accompany this story. All places and most people mentioned in this story are real though the story is a fantasy. As soon as the plane door opened and I felt that blast of hot humid air I knew I was home. My home away from home Jamaica the tropical paradise I had come to love many years ago. Only this trip was something very different because...
I am so ashamed. I am just so ashamed of myself, you have no idea. I have been so bad I should be punished by one or two of you fine looking women. Really, I have been a bad boy. I have let you people down big time. Oh yes, I really did it this time. Here I am on an adult web site and what do I write? Childish nonsense about lost tribes of wild women, going back to the Garden Of Eden, girls tied to fences. Utter nonsense. Here you people are out there, expecting some hot adult entertainment and...
OOF “My house?” “Yup,” Missy grinned. “Kegger”. She caught the look on his face. “Umh ... you didn’t know? OOPS.” “Who is throwing it and who is coming?” He asked. “And no I didn’t know.” “Why not? It’s your house.” “We went to Frankfort.” “What on earth for?” “A little problem with the Coast Guard.” He said, “You didn’t answer my question. Who is throwing the party?” “Summer folk ... and a bunch of guys from Central Michigan and Ferris State.” Then her mind caught up, “Coast...
This writer’s imagination has been working overtime, so now I’ll bring you a mixture of true events and fantasy. ************ About eight months after I began working for Joy, I began seeing a few signs of worry in her face. I didn’t worry too much about it when I was slamming her pussy or asshole, or getting my nuts off into her mouth. One day, after a session of hot sex in one of the motel rooms, Joy asked me if I’d just lay beside her and hold her a while. I had no problem with...
I"M Happy that spring is finally her and thegrass is growing fastwich means my neighbors young son well be cominh over tto mow my lawn among othrt things lol.LAst summer when he first started doing, it each weeki would invite him in for a cool drink Drink when he was done on one afternoon I Had been looking at some pictures of hot young naked guys and he saw the pics and commented on how nice the cocks lookedand I saw him get an erectionwhovh made me horny n hard also as i sat in my...
DAY THIRTEEN – Saturday Mac Melville - The Junction I woke up in my bed in the motel outside the main entrance to the CS&S airfield called 'The Junction' to the insistent buzzing of my cellphone. The secure line light was flashing, so I sat up and pressed the 'talk' button. After exchanging passwords, the man at the other end began. "Come on, Red Dog, wake up; others have been doing your work for you." It was my Secret Service contact. "You asked for the whereabouts of Bill...