Bad Karma Part II free porn video

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Part 2 - Preparations for the Big Event Lauren Goodridge had a lot of things that she needed to organise. The dress was already bought and her initial fitting had shown it was the right one. However going to the graduation ball involved so much more. There was the stretch limo that they were all going to arrive in, accessories like earrings and bracelets, arranging for a photographer to take the photographs that would be needed as a memento for years to come and getting the right pair of shoes to go with her new dress to name a few. All these things cost money. Money which she didn't personally have since she didn't have a job. Asking her mother to borrow her credit card had been a genius idea that had solved all her problems. The problem that remained was that she just didn't have enough hours in the day at the weekends to get it all done and still go out with the posse. At school they had what were known as study periods, where they were supposed to sit quietly in a classroom and get on with homework or read. The girls at school all referred to them however as free periods or more commonly doss hours. On Wednesday Lauren had a doss hour just before lunch, which gave her two and a half whole hours to do what she liked. In theory she wasn't supposed to leave the school during a doss hour, but that had never stopped Lauren in the past and it certainly wasn't going to stop her now. The railing at the back of the playing fields had been bent apart for as long as Lauren could remember, and the ground around the hole was worn down such that the grass had given way to mud. Fortunately the weather had been dry as they were approaching the summer, and the ground was just dusty and not muddy and thus didn't ruin Lauren's shoes. Muddy pumps would have been a dead giveaway to the teachers when she returned. She quickly slipped through the gate and headed in towards town. About halfway there she felt that she was being followed. As she looked behind her, on occasion Lauren just saw a figure dart back behind a hedge. The third time it happened she'd had enough and she turned and stomped back to the hedge to confront whoever it was who was following her. She rounded the outcropping of the bush that was overgrowing the pavement and shouted out. "I know you're there you little shit." The person following her had tried to hide further into the bush, but Lauren could see quite clearly that her tail was the be-speckled little nerd Colin Ward. He'd had the temerity to ask her out just after Christmas and she'd laughed in his face, turning him down flat. Then she'd passed it around to the other girls what a loser he was and ensured that he was mocked at every opportunities. "Show your ugly face Colin Ward, or has it got so bad with spots now that you have to hide it away in the bushes?" she mocked him. He sheepishly inched out of the bushes and glared at her. "Stop ogling me you piece of shit. I should report you to the police following me!" "I'll tell that you skipped out of school if you do," Colin replied. She really didn't need the damned teachers to find out about her little lunchtime sojourn. They could prevent her going to the ball if she got into too much trouble. "You're out of school too and you'll get into as much trouble as I will," Lauren pointed out. "Then it's a stalemate," Colin replied in a rather smug way. "No, it's not you shit. You think that your life is hell now, but if you don't stop following me right now then I'll make your life a living nightmare!" Lauren boasted to him. Colin's face fell at that and Lauren felt really smug. "Alright. Just get your friends to leave me alone," Colin replied sulkily. "I might." Lauren turned on her heels away from him. She had no intention of persuading the girls to let up on him, but she didn't want to clue him into that. Besides she had far more important things to be getting on with. ******** Dan parked in the main town car park before hurrying to his meeting at the Costa coffee with Oscar. Oscar was already there, sitting outside on the metal tables and chairs dressed in a tweed suit with a frilly cuffed white shirt underneath. Dan thought he looked a bit like a bad version of Austin Powers, but decided that perhaps it wasn't best to mention it. "Hi, I almost had a heart attack when taking pictures of Laura," he said putting the DSLR camera down on the table. "I thought she'd spotted me, but fortunately it was one of the geeky kids from school." "I warned you to keep your distance. That lens is very powerful and you can get good shots from some way off," Oscar replied sipping on his Frappuccino. "I knew that she was likely to bunk off in her study period and I guess I got lucky. I think I got everything you wanted." Dan passed the camera over to Oscar who flipped the little screen up and began scanning through the pictures. "These are the easy ones," Oscar told him. "You need to get some more intimate shots of her if we are to make you a perfect suit. Can you live with what you'll need to do to get them?" "What do you mean?" Dan asked. "You need to get pictures of her naked. She's not going to pose naked willingly for you or even in public. You're going to have to get them through some rather extreme voyeurism." Oscar put the camera down. "Then you've got to also get a voice sample, though that should be a bit easier I think. That will however involve lying and deception. What I'm getting at is, that to get your revenge, you're going to have to be prepared to do some things that you probably would never have considered before." "I already said that I'm in on this the other day Oscar. I'll do what has to be done. Why is it important to you?" Dan asked. Oscar flicked his lighter and lit up a small brown cigarette from a case. He took a long drag and exhaled before replying. "My soul is already marked Dan. I wanted you to understand what you have agreed to do here before you get too far into it. Now that I've said my piece, we need to start planning. Do you still have a way that you can get into the school and plant another camera? This one is smaller, lighter and is triggered by a motion sensor." "Yes I think I can get in," Dan replied, wracking his brains of all the ways that he could achieve the goal that Oscar wanted. "Good, here's what I need you to do." With that he leaned forward and outlined the plan to Dan. ********** Jasmine Goodridge had an appointment to keep with her potential new backer, and she was somewhat nervous as a result. Neither the banks nor her husband would loan her any money; certainly not after her last business failure. So Jasmine had needed to go to slightly less reputable source to obtain the money she needed for her business. She'd heard about Lenny Fossiter from her tennis coach Dean Sanderson, with whom she'd been having an affair with for the past two weeks. For Jasmine, pillow talk had always been useful in getting what she wanted, and quite by chance he'd mentioned that Lenny had been able to loan him quite of bit of money a few years back. Jasmine had quizzed him about Lenny and how she could contact him, before arranging this meeting last week to get what she needed for her new business. Jasmine had dressed in her smartest blue business skirt suit with a crisp cream coloured blouse with a pusseybow neckline that revealed just a small tantalising piece of cleavage. It was never good to show too much, Jasmine felt, since if you gave men too much too soon they didn't respect you. As a serious business woman that was the last thing that she wanted right now. The meeting was to be held in the Dog and Duck public house. It was not somewhere that she would have chosen to meet a business associate, but she guessed that Lenny didn't have an office of his own. When she arrived, there was a hawk nosed man already at the bar in a checked suit, scrawny brown hair and a pork pie hat. "Excuse me, but are you Mr Leonard Fossiter?" she asked nervously. Jasmine really didn't like going up to strange men in pubs, but since she didn't know her contact she had little choice and besides, he was the only other person currently in the bar with the exception of the barman. "Been a long time since anyone has called me Leonard," the man replied to her. He held out his hand. "Lenny. You must be Jasmine." Jasmine cautiously took the man's hand tentatively and Lenny firmly gripped it and began pumping her hand up and down quite vigorously. "So I hear you need some dosh?" Lenny asked her. "Err yes, I would like a loan, yes," she replied. It was not what she expected at all. "Can't get a bank loan then?" Lenny inquired and she nodded in response. "Alright how much do you want love?" Jasmine didn't much like his playful cheeky-chappy attitude, but at present she had no alternatives if she wanted to get her business going. "Ten thousand pounds. I need it to buy raw materials and to pay someone to set up my website." "I don't care why you need it love, I just need to know what you have as collateral," Lenny asked her. Jasmine had already thought about this. She had very little of her own. The house was in her husband's name, and all she had was the Jewellery that she wore and the Mercedes A class that Marcus had bought her. "My car, which is parked outside. It was bought new last year for twenty one thousand pounds. That should be enough to cover it." Jasmine really didn't want to have to explain if she lost the car to her husband, but she was confident in her business this time. "Sounds good. I'll draw up some papers and meet you at the dog track on Friday evening. The interest rate will be 50% per annum," Lenny told her. It was a high rate, but where else could she go. Her figures were good and once she'd paid off the loan, Jasmine figured that she'd be rolling in it and a little less profit was the price that she would have to pay. "Alright, I accept," she agreed. He spat on his hand and offered it to her. She tried not to wince at all the germs on his hand now and shook it to make the deal. ********** Dan had spent the remainder of the day at Oscar's house wearing a corset and walking around in heels. Oscar had told him that both items were things that he was going to need to get used to if he was going to pull this off. By the evening his feet were hurting and he'd soaked them in the bathtub to try and staunch the pain. The corset conversely had been nice and snug at first, though he had increasingly found it restrictive to bend down in. His flexibility in the corset was really poor and instead of bending down Dan found that he needed to bend his knees to reach things down nearer the ground. In heels this was quite the added challenge. After he got home, Dan stayed up until one in the morning before packing the camera that Oscar had given him into the case. There had been a lengthy explanation on how to set it up, and he hoped he had down pat now. Wearing all black, Dan sneaked out into the night and headed to the school that he used to work at. His stomach rumbled at the lack of food he'd had during the day. His new extremely healthy diet was really quite difficult and he was constantly feeling hungry now. When all this was over, Dan promised himself that he was going to gorge himself on a huge steak to make up for all the lost meals, but for now he knew he had to suffer if he was going to pull this off. It had been quite a while since he'd been inside the school but Dan guessed that nothing much had changed. He was kind of hoping on it really, because although he had a copy of the key to get into the main building door, he still needed to get past the alarm. If they'd changed the code after he'd left then the alarms would go off and he would have to get out of there very quickly. After opening the door, Dan had just a minute to enter the numbers. He was nervous but he steeled himself as he entered 5162, the code as he remembered it from when he had to open up one Saturday to take a practice session for the school play one year. Dan was relieved to hear no alarm bells and he quickly headed further into the school building as quietly as he could. It wasn't as though there were any security guards that would be patrolling the school, but he really didn't want to wake up Mr Grimes the caretaker if he could help it. His first destination was the school secretary's office which he was relieved to find wasn't locked. It held the biggest treasure trove of information on Lauren Goodridge in the UK and Dan knew that there were things inside that would prove very valuable for his impersonation. Dan fired up the old PC, which was still running Windows 7. The education authority still hadn't upgraded the creaking old machine and he had to wait for several minutes before he got the login screen. He entered his credentials and was pleasantly surprised that it let him login. Unlike most businesses, the school had never actually gotten around to actually removing his account. After starting up windows explorer he located the sixth form pupils folder and underneath that the one belonging to Lauren. He stuck his USB stick in the slot and copied all the files across before shutting it the creaking old machine down again. He was careful to leave everything back in place where he found it, before taking the USB back out and pocketing it. Dan then made his to the girl's changing rooms. He had only been in there once before, when he had to go and talk with Miss Fanshaw, the ladies physical education teacher, about one of the girls in his form. His memory that the girl's changing room was a mirror image of the boy's one had not been far off. A funny shiver went down his spine as he entered what was normally a forbidden zone to men. Soon though he knew, it would be likely need to be very familiar to him. With that in mind, he took a quick look around to orientate himself There were a couple of dark blue short skirts still hanging on pegs on the frames atop the changing benches where some careless girls had left them behind. The dark blue skirts and white T shirts were the summer PE kit for the girls. Soon, he might have to wear this kit himself, and Dan wasn't sure that he was looking forwards to having to do physical education once again. If they could time the switch at just the right time, then hopefully he wouldn't have to. Next to Miss Fanshaw's office was an open bin containing lost property. There were a number of bras, knickers and discarded hosiery inside that all looked like they could do with a good wash. Had he not already had a number of Lauren's cast offs, he would have been tempted to take some of the unwanted clothes. Thinking about Lauren's old clothes though reminded him that he still had a number of questions he needed to ask his erstwhile partner in crime. Dan had accepted Oscar's proposal quite readily, but he really didn't know a lot about the man. For starters Oscar didn't seem to have a job, yet he seemed to have a nice plush flat, plenty of money and a rather comfortable lifestyle. This was all despite claiming to have lost a lot of money to Jasmine. Then there was the question of exactly why he had kept all of Lauren's clothes, when he was primarily focussed on getting his revenge on Jasmine. Since he already had a working disguise of Jasmine, Dan had to ask himself further why the man had not actually just got on with things and taken his revenge already. Something didn't add up but he couldn't figure out what was going on. Dan clambered up onto one of the benches, camera in hand and carefully slotted it between two of the water pipes such that its lens was focussed down into the room itself. Then he turned the dial to put it into 'motion activated sleep mode' and turned it on. He had to be careful as he left the changing rooms not to trigger it and thus run down the battery, carefully inching himself slowly against the wall and out the door. ********* Oscar watched Jasmine head into the office from the car. He would need to find out which of the firms that she had visited there later, but for now understanding her movements was all he needed. He checked his reflection out in the mirror. It was not the foppish thin young man that looked back at him in the glass though, but the lovely young brunette called Wendy Redfern. He thought back to the time six weeks ago when he'd first donned his disguise as Wendy and gone knocking at the Goodridges palatial home. He'd been so turned on that first day slipping into her skin that he'd needed to give his member a hand job before it would go down sufficiently to be able to slot into the pouch the held the catheter. Seeing his lower regions disappear and being replaced by a feminine mound, curvy hips and arse had been an incredible experience but Oscar had understood that he had to be focussed. He'd only needed a few minor adjustments to the chest area to ensure that the 'C' cup breasts didn't flop down all over the place. Wendy Redfern was a character of his own creation, one who didn't really exist and couldn't be traced back to him or anyone else for that matter. Her voice was real, in the sense that he'd used a YouTube video of a real woman doing a cookery demonstration to get his friend Vishnan to programme the chip. Other than that, the features of her lovely face were sculpted from a selection of different women, making her a fabrication of his own creation. The Jasmine Goodridge suit on the other hand was that of a real live person and to perfect the suit, he also needed to perfect her character. He'd felt that although Dan was fooled the other night, that his performance could have been better. An intimate encounter with her husband would be particularly tricky and hence the need for more information on his target. It was not long before Jasmine came back out from the office and slid back into her Mercedes. It was Wednesday, so Oscar was expecting her to go to her hairdressers soon like she did every week. That one was going to be a problem Oscar was sure. How would he be able to maintain that when his hair would be a wig and really would never need cutting? Oscar followed Jasmine's car at a distance and sure enough she pulled in to the car park next to Michelle's salon. He'd only told Dan part of the truth the other night and he wasn't sure if and when he would tell Dan the rest of his own plan. For now, the other man didn't need to know his longer term goals. ********** Dan had risen late in the morning due to his overnight foray to the school, but he knew that he had things to be getting on with. First of all he had to go through all the material that he'd recovered from the school computer the day before. He knew a fair bit about Lauren's academic record from when he was teaching her, but he'd never really dug deep into her records. The first important discovery was a scan of Lauren's birth certificate, NHS number, and passport. The school liked to keep such things for school trips, particularly those going abroad and all these things were very useful. There were records of her eye and hearing tests as well as medical pointers that the school needed to know about such as allergies. Having poured through the data, Dan had to get on with the second and more important task that he needed to do. He had already downloaded the voice changing app on his phone and he plugged in his headset ready to make the call. The data file had detailed Lauren's mobile phone number on it, so after taking a deep breath he dialled the number, ensuring that his own number was withheld from her phone. It was lunchtime, so he figured that she wouldn't be in class and would probably answer it. Hello, who's this? I hope you're not some spam call! Lauren answered. "My name is Winston James and I am conducting a survey on behalf of a well-known High Street fashion retailer. Would you have five minutes to spare?" Dan asked. Not really! Lauren answered bluntly. Dan had half expected this. "Participation will enter you into a prize draw that could win you a voucher for ?1,000 to spend in store." Oh, which store exactly is it for? Lauren asked. "Future Fashions," Dan replied. It was a large chain aimed at young women and Dan hoped that she would fall for it. Oh, well I'm not much into their stuff really. It tends to be far too common. You know it just seems to cater for all the chavs really. Lauren replied haughtily. "Perhaps your feedback would help them improve the choice for you?" Dan suggested. No, I'd only do this if I thought that my time was worth it. I don't want any of their stuff, so I'm not going to do your stupid survey. With that Lauren ended the call. Dan just hoped that he had got enough in that short call for what Oscar's friend needed for the voice chip. *************** "Damn telemarketers," Lauren said aloud to Sally who was checking her makeup next to her at the dining table. "Sorry what?" Sally replied. Lauren had noticed that Sally was paying less and less attention to what she said nowadays. It was a most annoying habit that she was developing. "I said 'Damn telemarketers'. They just phoned me up to annoy me," Lauren repeated. "Oh, yeah. I guess. I'm going to hang with Fiona. See you later." With that Sally picked up her tray and took it over to the rubbish bin to dispose of the leftovers and left Lauren all on her own. That never happened. She was the most popular girl in school and she was in the main dining room all on her own. She looked around and spotted her boyfriend Reece on another table with all his rugby playing mates. Since she was on her own, it was a perfect opportunity for a bit of bf time. She headed over, swaying her hips to ensure that he noticed her approach. "Hi honey!" she said as she rounded his shoulder to talk softly in Reece's ear. "Yeah Jason was awesome on the wing. That dummy he sold their fullback and then sidestep around him was class," Reece told his buddies. They were talking sport. Lauren hated it when they talked sport and she didn't really like Rugby. She pretended to like it for Reece's sake, but truth be told she didn't actually understand all the rules. It was nice looking at all the fit young male bodies though, which was the only compensation to standing around in the cold to support her man. "How about we go and find somewhere where we can be alone together?" Lauren whispered in his ear. The fact that technically the sentence didn't make sense to her completely passed her by in her desire for a little school time smooching. Reece turned around to glance at her. "Not now Lauren, can't you see we're in the zone now. I'll see you later when school finishes." Lauren didn't like being brushed off, but she couldn't show it in front of Reece's friends. "Alright honey, I'll see you later." She gave him a false smile and blew him a kiss for show. She'd just go and find Fiona and assert her authority over the girls with the remainder of her lunchtime. There would always be a later with Reece. As she headed out of the dining hall she regretted not talking with the damn marketer. At least he actually wanted to talk with her! ********* Wendy headed back into the entrances of the Offices that she had sat outside the day before whilst watching Jasmine go inside. The entry lobby to the building had a reception desk with a security guard and a receptionist sat behind it. There were plaques of a number of different companies on the wall as well as some double doors that could only be accessed by a security pass. Wendy scanned the company names. "Can I help you?" the receptionist asked her. It was too fast before she'd had a chance to look over all the companies. "Quite possibly," Wendy answered still scanning the company names on the wall. "My boss came here yesterday. Her name was Jasmine Goodridge and she thought that she'd left a folder here. Do you think you could check please?" "Oh yes, I remember her. Blonde woman. Let me just ask Mrs Fredericks," the receptionist replied. She tapped some numbers into her phone and spoke into the headset. "Oh I'm sorry to bother you Jane but there's a lady here who says that she thinks that Mrs Goodridge might have left a folder behind yesterday." There was a brief silence and the receptionist looked back up at her and gave Wendy a wan smile. "She's just checking." After a few minutes of standing on her heels, the receptionist said into her headpiece. "Alright thank you for looking Jane." She looked up back at Wendy. "I'm sorry but they couldn't find anything in their offices. I'm sure that someone from Gemz Ltd will call Jasmine if they find anything." Wendy smiled and thanked the receptionist. She'd gotten everything she needed from the woman, the company name and the name of Jasmine's contact. All in all this encounter had been a bit of a result fro Oscar. ********* Lauren looked up and down the road outside the school looking for Reece. It was twenty to four now and he should have been here by now. She wondered what was holding him up. He said that he would see her after school. Lauren took her pink iPhone out of her bag and texted him. Where R U? It was several minutes before a reply came to her text. Oh sry L. Ended up bng dragged to J's. Catch U laterz. Jason was a good friend of Reece's she knew, but he shouldn't abandon her for him. After all she had a reputation to keep. It was just fortunate that none of the other girls were around to witness her being stood up. ********* Jasmine Goodridge would not normally be seen dead at the dog track, but she had been given no alternative venue to meet to get her loan. She had decided to dress down in her tennis sweatpants and a fleece jacket to try and ensure that she didn't stand out in the crowd of assorted riff-raff that inhabited this den of iniquity. Of course her sweat pants were the best that money could buy and had a gold trim all down the side with the Gucci logo emblazoned on the side, but it was as close to dressing down as she was going to get. Even with her 'disguise' Jasmine felt out of place and exposed at the dog track. People, men especially would barge past her in the way down towards where the bookmakers had installed themselves near to the track. She had kept on all her jewellery and Jasmine was paranoid that some local lowlife would pull a knife on her and demand that she give it to them. After all she'd heard stories of such things on the news from this end of town. Jasmine looked around nervously trying to spot the weasel faced man Lenny Fossiter. The quicker that she could sign the papers, do the transaction and be out of here again in her Mercedes with the cheque the better. She couldn't see the dratted man and there were already other undesirable men here giving her the eye. She was sure that her neatly styled blonde hair and earrings gave her away, but there was little she could do but wait. "Watch ya love," she heard a voice from behind her and turned to try and fend off whatever undesirable was trying to make a pass at her. It was not some undesirable though that she was faced with, but Leonard Fossiter still wearing the same old suit. He had some pieces of paper in one hand and a padded brown envelope in the other. Just behind Lenny stood two overlarge men with muscles on either side. "Oh Mr Fossiter it's you!" Jasmine replied. "Why, who'd you think it was love? Father Christmas! Still I guess I've brought you a present or two so you can fink of me as Santa even though I ain't got no red robe or white beard," Lenny replied to her in that so common accent of his. "You got a pen?" he added smoothing out the two dog-eared copies of the contract onto the railing. Jasmine fished into her bag for a pen. She had deliberately brought her plainest looking handbag with her and left all her cards and money at home. The pen however was an expensive Parker and she didn't want to lose it. "Sign here and then date there love," Lenny instructed her. His use of familiarity with her was infuriating, but she wanted the money and she wasn't going to call him out on it. She signed both copies of the contract and then put the current day's date next to her signature without reading the detail. "Lovely jubbly!" Lenny mimicked Del Boy's catch phrase from the television. It seemed the man had modelled himself on his TV idol. "Do you want me to count out all the dosh or do you trust me love?" "Count it out. Isn't it a cheque?" Jasmine exclaimed, clearly horrified at the thought of handling so much cash. "No, its cash. I've got ten bags of sand for you," Lenny said. Jasmine hadn't got the faintest idea what he was talking about. "I don't want sand, I'm not a builder," she stated firmly. "No love. Bags of sand is a grand in rhyming slang," Lenny replied with a chuckle. With that he opened up the jiffy bag and began pulling out wads of notes and flicked them through his fingers to show that they were all real ?50 notes in them. Jasmine had to quickly look at them and then stuff them quickly in her handbag. "All cushty love?" It all looked right to Jasmine so she nodded, and forced a smile even though she hated his manner. "Don't forget your first repayment is due on the 1st of next month. You can find me here at the track. I take cash, just as I paid it out to you," Lenny told her. It was all highly irregular, but then if she could have gotten a regular bank loan then she wouldn't have had to do this. "Fine Mr Fossiter. I will see you then," Jasmine told him as she looked for a way to get out of this place as quickly as she could heading back to her nice safe home. ********** Dan took the recording and the information around to Oscar's flat that evening. Since it was Friday he doubted that Oscar would be able to do much with it until the following week, but he wanted to show the other man that he was getting his tasks done. Of course the proof would be in the pudding when he actually retrieved the camera from the school next week, but for now he had done what he could. The door to Oscar's apartment was opened by a strange young brunette woman, dressed to kill in a light blue low cut lace 'A' line dress, hoop earrings and glittery silver strappy heels. "Oh excuse me, is Oscar in?" Dan enquired of the woman. The woman smiled. "Yes, come in will you, you must be Dan." Dan still had no idea who she was and gingerly followed her into the flat. There were several dresses discarded onto the sofa in a heap and several pairs of tights hanging over a radiator to dry. "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I don't know your name," Dan asked politely. "I'm Wendy, I'm Oscar's twin sister," Wendy told him. "Non-identical twin I'd guess," Dan cut in quickly. Wendy nodded. "You look nice. It's about time that my brother had some handsome friends. He's so much of a loner," Wendy said. Dan knew a come-on when he heard one and he loosened his collar slightly. "I only just met your brother recently. You seem to have got the looks from your egg in the womb," Dan was sure that this wasn't the best chat up line he'd ever come up with, but he was on the spot. "Oh that's sweet. No one's ever said that to me before. Would you like a drink?" Wendy smiled at him. She had a cute smile. Dan could see the vague resemblance to Oscar, but she looked far cuter than her brother ever did. "Oh well, they should have. Yes, a drink would be pleasant. A lager if you have it." Wendy went to the fridge and took out a cold one and poured it into a glass for him, He admired her assets as she bent down to get the tin from the fridge and she even wiggled her ass it a little as she did. He was sure that she was teasing him and Dan imagined himself pounding her from behind. "So, you live here too?" he asked as he accepted the glass. "Oh no, I just came over to drop something off for Oscar who had to nip out to the shops. I wasn't expecting to find a handsome young man turn up." She smiled sweetly at time. Dan was starting to have stirrings down below already based on that smile and her curves. He guessed that she must have had some idea that her brother was a transvestite given all the clothes around the place, but had no idea if she knew what he was planning to do. "I guess I'll just take a seat then." He looked around and cleared a space on the sofa before plonking himself down, his glass deposited on the side table next to it. No sooner had he done so when Wendy moved in and sat on his lap, her skirt covering his crotch area. Dan didn't know what to do as she smoothed his hair with her manicured hand and moved in towards his face to steal a kiss. In the end he did what any other red blooded male would do and put his arms around her waist, open his mouth and kiss her. He could smell her perfume as their tongues entwined as they kissed which sent more blood flow south into his swelling member. By the way that Wendy was sitting he was sure that she would be able to feel his excitement and he could feel her warm derriere in his lap. Instead of carrying on with the make out session, Wendy moved back a little way from his face. She couldn't get back off him though as she was still help firmly in his arms. "So that's the kind of dedication you need to do when you get into the role dude," Wendy told him. The words were incongruous with her sweet voice and Dan didn't know how to react or exactly what she was talking about. "Wha'?" he replied somewhat dumbstruck. "It's me, Oscar," Wendy told him. The realisation suddenly came to Dan that he'd just kissed another man and he took his arms from around Wendy's waist and began wiping his mouth. It was a pretty empty gesture really. "Look Oscar, I'm not here to play these weird sick twisted games of yours!" he said firmly to the fake woman in his lap. His penis however hadn't got the memo yet as to the reality of Wendy's gender. "On the contrary Dan, that's exactly what you signed up for when you said that you're going to impersonate Lauren. She does have a boyfriend you do know that? A boyfriend who will be escorting her to the Prom that is, and who is probably going to want to kiss her at the Prom and possibly do more with her afterwards," the fake woman told him. Her words slowly began to sink into his brain and Dan suddenly realised that this wasn't going to be just the simple bit of cross-dressing that he'd imagined. "I didn't think of it like that. I can't kiss a man. Unlike you, I'm completely straight!" he told Oscar. "You just did kiss a man. You didn't die from the experience did you?" Oscar as Wendy pointed out a touch harshly. "Look, I thought that you were a real woman. I wouldn't have if I'd have known," Dan explained. "You're going to have to get used to it Dan. Maybe I'll get you a temporary suit set up until you've lost enough weight for me to make the Lauren suit. That way we can go out and practice this together in the field. You'll get experience of feminine movements and mannerisms at the same time. Now did you get the voice sample? I need to get it sent off to start making the voice chip." Dan nodded dumbly. He didn't like the sound of this next stage of the training, but he'd already committed himself to this path of revenge. He could stop it all now he supposed, but then the little bitch and all her friends would just do the same thing again to another poor teacher. She needed to be taught a lesson. "Alright, I suppose." Dan found himself replying weekly. "Could you get off my lap please, as I can't get to the drive in my pocket with you on me, and quite frankly I'm not that comfortable with you being sat there?" With that Wendy slid off his lap and let his fish out the USB drive before he handed it over. Things would start to really hot up soon it seemed once he'd retrieved the camera. ************************************************************************ If you enjoyed my work here, check out my two novels under the name Katerina Hellam on Amazon:- 1) Finneas Awakes - A Contemporary Fantasy Adventure with Cross-dressing and a background that spans decades. The fact that van delivery driver Finn Maguire is a martial artist and a transvestite are just two of the more common place things about him. Weeks after the death of his girlfriend Marianne, Finn flips and decides to do his job en femme for the day as a V sign to his overbearing supervisor Martin Henderson. When Finn comes across a young photographer being mugged he can't leave without helping, which spirals off into a series of strange and mystical events. ebook/dp/B07NJSWGRL/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=Katerina+Hellam&qid =1582905685&sr=8-2 2) Kitten's Freaky Fairy Tales - A collection of 15 twists on classic fairy tales each with TG elements. Some heroes are born, some are created. Kitten in Heels did not start life as a feline in fine shoes, indeed she didn't even start out as a lady. However you take what the dice of life throw at you and make the best of it. The best for everyone that is in the strange Kingdom of Farosia. ebook/dp/B0849Q7LWT/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Katerina+Hellam&qid =1582905760&sr=8-1

Same as Bad Karma Part II Videos

2 years ago
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Who Said Karma Has To Be A Bitch

Introduction: A foreign exchange leads to fringe benefits. My life was far from perfect, but I really couldnt complain. Hell, I cant really complain now. God I wish I could go back to the beginning. I really do. It was so amazing, so intoxicating, so. . . intense . . .or exciting . . . well, both I guess. It was weird, it was really like it was my first experience, and I guess in a way it was, but really, it was old hat, cumming certainly wasnt a new thing. Teasing, cock massaging, blow jobs,...

3 years ago
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Karma my Dominant Neighbor

When I came back from the Army, I was 23, and working on the beach in South Florida at a hotel, tan, lean, "ripped!" I had a full head of wild blond hair from the sun and sea. Sex was on the menu 24/7 (okay, maybe 16/5) and I was always horny. I was staying at my mother's apartment until I could find a place of my own. She had a neighbor next door who's best friend would visit and always teased me. Karma. She was really HOT, 33 years old, a professional dancer (like ballet, jazz, tap, etc) and...

2 years ago
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Karma Rx 6300 780000

Twitter is more than a haters' paradise! Smart chicks use the platform for promotional purposes, and, lucky for me, these chicks are often sluts. Instead of going through tweets about Musk, Kim K's new boyfriend, and women's rights, I'm gonna focus all of my attention on a pair of bomb tits and their proud owner - Karma Rx. Stay around and find out what this tantalizing pornstar has to say on! Let's get this party started!Entertainer, lover, pig, patriot...That's what Karma...

Twitter Porn Accounts
3 years ago
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Bad Karma Part X

Bad Karma Part 10 - Capturing the Fraudulent Fraulein Lauren was not sure about doing what she'd been asked to do. Everything about associating with nerds had been drummed into her via the toxicity of the Alpha females. That she had led them in this for so long didn't help her anxiety at going to talk to Colin, but the attitude had originated from Fiona, before Lauren had taken over the gang. Lauren had just adopted it as the norm when she'd become leader of the alpha females. Now she...

3 years ago
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Bad Karma Good Karma

Authors' notes: the story idea actually came to me as I was reading some of the hyper board debates. While it is a typical stepford story, one of the subplots deals with identity death, and the claim that the perpetrator always gets away with it! As we will see here, some don't! Story notes: this is a very sexy, lots of love story, using Stepford as a starting point. I offer full credit to Sarah Barndt for the original story idea. Legal notes: DO NOT REPOST HARDCOPY, and OR ALTER AND...

3 years ago
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Bad Karma Part XI

Bad Karma Part 11 - Good Karma Kylie was not sure what to do with herself during the week whilst they waited for Marcus to come back so that they could move the plan forward. Jasmine was busy trying to get her jewellery business off the ground with the help of Jasper and Oscar who was by now completely dressed as Meredith. Most of the time Lauren was at school, which left Kylie pretty much on her own. She spent the first day just being herself in the town, although being herself was...

3 years ago
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Karma and ReincarnationChapter 2

My first thought was that something had happened to Grace Winthrop until I reread the note. At noon, I called Grace. “Hi Grace, I had a note that someone had passed and Susan had to attend a funeral. It gave me a start.” “You thought it might be me, didn’t you? Would you come for supper tonight and I’ll explain who it was and why she had to attend.” “I’ll be there. Don’t bother getting anything, I’ll pick up a bucket of chicken. I know Jake likes KFC.” “That would be nice.” I changed the...

4 years ago
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Fate Luck and Karma Yeah Whatever

Well my name is John. John Smith. Yeah, real original. Just like my parents who could have called me a thousand other names yet settled on the fucking most common possible name, John. Not even Jonathan or Jon without the stupid ‘H’. People have even asked me if that was my real name! This is the story about karma fucking with me, but in a kind of good way, not that I considered it good until my now-wife showed me how to look at in with a new perspective. I’m not a gambler. I have the worst...

2 years ago
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Karma By Heather Demosthenes The memories are still there, a bit faded now, and sometimes I think that other life was all just a dream, but I know it was real. I know things I shouldn't know. I remember events that happened before I was born. I never tried telling people because no one would believe me. Where to begin? My name was Mathew, Mathew what really doesn't matter anymore. I do remember that before it happened, I was unhappy. I had been injured in an accident as a child and...

3 years ago
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Karma This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. As always I write this for your enjoyment. A comment at the end would be greatly appreciated. Hugs Mary Beth. Synopsis: Mark Evans 18, hated being small. He hated his father and mother for their part in it, all the way back to his grandparents. It was fate he told his best friend Susan. It was fate Susan agreed. She was a Buddhist and told Mark to embrace his size. "Your...

3 years ago
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Karma and ReincarnationChapter 4

I didn’t see Susan all the next week and I had to call Jake and tell him that I was working Saturday and would come mow the lawn on Sunday. “I’ll come early and take everyone out to dinner so I can visit with your mom.” “Okay. Will you take my two sisters too?” “Of course. Are they going to be there?” “Yes, and their mom too.” “Great.” I was welcomed with coffee and homemade rolls. Jake wanted me to rush out and mow the lawn and Suzy and Cindy did too because they had so much fun before....

2 years ago
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Karmen Karma 100 844000

When the first thing that loads up when you're on Karmen Karma's Twitter page is a gangbang, you know it's about to be a super fap-worthy account! I'm used to seeing sluts on Twitter, but I am not used to seeing that much action soon in my review process. You usually have to scroll through a bunch of boring-ass OnlyFans promotions, and some bitches don't even show their fucking tits. Even some pornstars have betrayed their whore roots for gaming or some other irrelevant shit to porn. The only...

Twitter Porn Accounts
2 years ago
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Instant Karma

Instant Karma I looked at the clock-calendar, and the time was 21 minutes past 8, on Sunday the 7th of February, 2027. I should be 56 years old today, and I should be celebrating it surrounded by family. That was what I thought with part of my mind. The other part was looking at the Clearblue pregnancy tester I piddled on shortly after I got out of bed this morning, not really believing the dark line on it. I called out to my husband Peter, who was in the shower. "Peter, Peter, come...

4 years ago
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Karma is a Bitch

While laying naked on an examination bed, Dr. Lalita Sundari secured a gel-like device on my head to connect to my brain via wireless transmission to her computer. She opened my legs and tried to push a tube-like probe into my dry vagina.“Oh dear,” she said. “We need some lubrication. The gel will not work as well as natural lube. Would you mind if I stimulate your clitoris to get your juices flowing?”“If it will help, go ahead.” I was scared. This process would reveal my illegal genetic,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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Jocelyn finished her sixth glass of wine and settled in to finish reading her newly acquired book on the occult. She had paid an enormous fee to get the book, the word being in the underground that some of the incantations actually worked. She considered what she would do if she had magical powers to transform her life. There would be many changes. Yes, many changes. Jocelyn was wealthy, alone, miserable, and drunk. Wealthy because her company had gone IPO just over a year ago, and she was...

4 years ago
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Bad Karma Part IV

Bad Karma Part IV - A Switch in Time The sex with Ben last night had been great, although it was never quite the real thing with the bodysuits. Oscar as Wendy had stuck to being the good little woman who took her man in the standard missionary position, but had been sorely tempted to suggest that she might like to take it up the rear. Although there were many men who would do that with a woman, some men had a blocker on such activities and Oscar just had the feeling that Ben was one...

2 years ago
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Bad Karma Part VI

Bad Karma - Part 6 - A Bad Business All Round Jasmine admired her reflection in the mirror and then spritzed some perfume on her neck on both sides. She was nearly ready for her date with her husband whom she'd just heard had returned to the house downstairs. Having seen her substitute daughter off to the Prom, she'd had the house to herself to get herself all dolled up. It had been a veritable orgy of modelling all the different dresses that the real Jasmine had in her wardrobe for...

4 years ago
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Karma And A Lonely Friday

in the bar-stool to your right… nooo, your other right. Yeah that girl… well she is, along with the other patrons in this, mmmm, ?okay establishment? I mean, it's not a complete dive bar and even though there aren't that many "cultured" people beating down the doors to get into this place, it doesn't smell like piss and puke either… so let's go with that. Where was I? Right. This girl, like the others in this okay establishment, is quietly listening, to the diatribe of one, Father...

4 years ago
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A Little Karma for Mark

Did you ever do something for revenge? I did last week, when I found out my husband cheated on me. I was so mad and just wanted to get back at him. I've always had feelings for my husband’s brother. My husband wasn’t even sorry that he cheated on me. He said that he needed a change. We have been married only five years and I’m shocked he'd do this to me. I planned on getting back at him. Except, what I had planned would absolutely disgust him and that was what I wanted to do. I had called my...

2 years ago
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Karma Has Its Way Part III

Karma Has Its Way: Part III Ron and Seema had dinner that evening at the American consulate. Over dinner, their conversation covered many of Seema’s new duties as Ron’s Personal Assistant. The pay he offered was more than generous. She would have private quarters in Ron’s home to which she would have the only key. The American Ambassador to India joined them as desert was served. A representative of the Indian government accompanied the Ambassador. Seema was in awe. Never in her wildest dreams...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Laine Meets Karma

Hey Laine, where's the stock listing on the erectile dysfunction meds? I asked you for it over two hours ago, and haven't seen you lift a finger yet. Princess, if you want to make the money you'll be making as a pharmacist, you need to learn that you have to actually work for it," Ray scolded his freshman year employee."Dammit, I didn't get into Pharmacy College so I'd have to work for a nigger," Laine thought as she walked to the shelves to perform this latest mundane task that Ray, her...

4 years ago
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KARMA Jack always thought it was Karma, his fate, to meet Sarah, the youngest female lawyer ever to be made a barrister. They fell in love at first sight, courted for only three months before they were married. He just knew that with a woman like his, he would no longer need to do something that had occupied so much of his life since childhood. He thought of it as his dirty little secret and avoided anyone discovering it. As a pre-pubescent child, he used to dress up in his...

3 years ago
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Bad Karma Part IX

Bad Karma 9 - Reaping the Fruits Jasmine, or at least the person who was currently presenting themselves as Jasmine Goodridge, sat in her bedroom trying to sort her way through all the mess. The plans that she had were in disarray and now her partner in crime had even betrayed her. She was on her own, with both the loan sharks baying for her blood, her business failing and her husband trying to divorce her and throw her out of the house. On top of that she still hadn't found the...

2 years ago
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Bad Karma Ch 01

Well this is my first go at posting my stuff so reviews, constructive criticism or any comments are welcome. This story will probably take a few chapters to get into the sex – so for those looking for a gradual build up with some romance, you came to the right place Rye is in Yr 12 and so is 18 – Enjoy — Shit! Fuck! Shit! I’m late again. Why do I have to be late again?!! Fate is soo evil. I really don’t want to see Ms. Ablick again. The snotty fat cow, always snickering behind her hand,...

4 years ago
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Bad Karma Part VIII

Bad Karma Part 8 - Shifting Relationships Lauren decided not to go straight back home to the Goodridge family residence. Instead she asked the Uber take her back to Oscar's flat. She already had a key and she had money in Dan's wallet in his trousers that were still in the dressing room, so Lauren was able to pay the fare without relying on charity from her faux mother. After the driver left, Lauren decided to spend a little time snooping around Oscar's flat. She'd been there several...

3 years ago
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Karma ch 1

This is my first work of TG fiction so please be kind with reviews and comments, any feedback and recommendations would be greatly appreciated. The first couple chapters will be light on the sex and will emphasize the main character adjusting to his new life. I guess I should write this all down on paper, while I still remember it clearly. My name is Kyle, or should I say my name was Kyle. Until 3 years ago I was your typical college guy; a little too much drinking, not enough...

3 years ago
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Karma and ReincarnationChapter 3

“Gram, stay, and I’ll tell you about everything along with Grady. Overnight my situation has changed a lot. My financial situation has improved considerable. In fact, it is much better than that of Cary’s wife and family. I guess he thought he would live forever. He died and left his two kids and wife without the same cushion I have. There are savings, but it isn’t enough to last them for long. “By rights, it should have been me who was out in the cold. I’m glad I had a lawyer to go after...

4 years ago
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Camp Karma

Now I can only assume you are wondering who I am and what I am going on about, Well, Let's just say i've been told I have to tell you people how I came about living at this camp, Yes I do live at a camp, Used to live in a nice three story house but not anymore, Thats old news, Been living at this camp for what seems to feel like a millenium even though I guess at this exact time it will be six months, Maybe give or take a few days Alice:- *Will you get on with the story* Ahh that there...

2 years ago
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Carolines Karma

(My deepest thanks go to ArthurianMorgaine for editing this story for me. It was a joy to work with her and her edit has made this story flow so much better. In turn I hope you the reader enjoy this story as much as I had fun writing it.) Karma: – For every unpleasant event that occurs, a second event will occur that will cancel out by virtue the first event by being pleasant. As the organist flawlessly changed the background music to ‘Here Comes The Bride,’ everyone in the church turned,...

2 years ago
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Karma Has Its Way

Introduction: An intelligent young Indian woman takes some of lifes knocks while her dreams are often crushed. The comment section has been restricted to members only due to spammers and other idiots. Please feel free to PM your comments to me. Lucky Mann Karma Has Its Way Seema Patel was a lovely young woman. She was twenty-one-years-old and had recently graduated from college. She had gotten the highest marks in her classes and graduated with honors. Her mother, Asha Patel, and her younger...

4 years ago
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Introduction: Taken by a blonde stranger in an alley We had only met once and immersed ourselves in a brief flirtation outside a club one night. We went for a walk, breaking all my rules as I abandoned my friends in the club for twenty minutes. He seemed a sweet guy, lots of fun with sexy blonde hair that looked perfect for holding onto whilst he fucked me with his tongue. Maybe that is why I broke my rules and took a walk, because from the minute he introduced himself, I wanted to have him in...

4 years ago
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You have to love Karma

You have to love Karma. My wife, of 38 years decides to go the gym and begin a rehabilitation schedule for her knee surgery it was suggested by her pain management physician and referred her to a 23 year old post college ther****t. He apparently was above his class. He also had made some quick financial stability. Anyway, she extended her rehab beyond the 12 weeks and continued for 4 additional months. It was then she informed me she was leaving me for this guy, and to have a nice life Wow....

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Jakes Magic Remote Part III Karma Chamele

NOTE: This story is intended for adults only. It includes elements of voyeurism, time stop, non-consent/reluctance, ince$t, and mind control. If you are offended or upset by this sort of thing, please do not read it. The story is fiction and any resemblance to real persons or events is either coincidental or the result of artistic liberty.Feedback and positive criticism is welcome, as are suggestions and requests.------------------------------------------Sarah got home only a few minutes after...

2 years ago
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Jordanian wife karma is a bitch

I am sorry if this is a long story, but i wanted to share this karma experience. I think i have a cheating wife. I met this married woman long time ago, when online chats were new on the internet. We chatted online for several months and later over the phone before i finally met her. In our online chats, she told me a lot of things about her life and she lived in a loveless marriage, and how bad her husband treats her.Our first meeting was kind of awkward (in a hotel room). We have discussed...

3 years ago
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The Meaning of Freedom Chapter 4 Morals and Karma

The Meaning of Freedom Chapter 4: Morals and Karma By InnocentGuilt "Hello, this is 911 what seems to be the problem?" the 911 operator responded. "My name is John Smith. I don't know how long I can talk or stay on the line, but please listen and believe everything I say. Half the stuff I don't believe myself." John spoke in a very nervous, and very scared voice. He knew that if Jenny found him calling the police he would suffer the same fate as Kenny and Lilly. "Sir, if...

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Karma Part 16

Karma Part 1 The Voice said, "You have been a pitiful excuse for a person your entire life. You have tormented those that loved you and manipulated others to do you bidding. You have watched the suffering of others and profited off of their misery. You are unfit to enter these gates. There is no excuse that you can offer that will change our view of you. Are you prepared for our judgment?" After a verbal beating like that what else could I say but "Yes." I mean they were...

3 years ago
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Karma Part 7

Karma Part 7 When I woke up I wasn't sure where I was. I looked around the room and nothing was familiar. Then I heard the sound of a young boy laughing and I remembered I was at Anita's. With recollection came all the memories from the night before. "Rita." I thought to myself. As I started to get up my back let me know that I did a little bit too much yesterday. Settling back down to give it a moment I noticed the time. "10:22 am? God how could Anita let me sleep so late? I...

4 years ago
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Karma Part 8

Karma part8 Saturday morning 9:35am. The beginning of what I believe will be the most uncomfortable day of my life. I just lay there in my bed dreading the beginning of the day. Tonight I was supposed to go out with Mike. I don't think mere words can explain how much the thought of going on a date with a guy grossed me out. But I was committed. So I was going to do my best to keep my word and behave. However, just to add to my misery, first I was doomed to spend a few hours baby...

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Karma part 9

Karma part 9 By Amanda D "Get the fuck off of me!!!" I screamed. I thrashed and struggled but I couldn't free myself. As a matter of fact the more I tried to escape the tighter my restraints seemed to become. Finally I gave one great kick and I was free. I bolted up right and looked around the room I was in. Slowly it came to me I was home in my bed and the restraints that had trapped me was my blanket, now lying in a crumpled heap on the floor. "Oh god!" I exclaimed....

3 years ago
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Karma part 10

Karma, part 10 By Amanda D. Thinking back I probably should have taken more time to enjoy the day instead of wishing 2:30 would come faster. Perhaps a longer breakfast with Rita or one last roll in the hay with Pat would have been in order. But how was I to know what Paul and Mia had in store for me. The photos probably should have given me a hint, but in my heart of hearts I just didn't believe they were real. The first moment I saw the mug shots of Mandy, taken only a...

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Mirror Karma

Mirror Karma A Mirror on the Door Story by Kristine Roland Claire's good friend Jeffrey went through a mirror in the door, what effect did that have on Claire's life? Authors Note: This story is complete and can be read stand-alone. However The Mirror on the Door precedes this story in this universe. If you read The Mirror on the Door when it was first posted last year, at the suggestion of a number of people that story was revised recently, and the revised version is...

4 years ago
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Cartoon Karma

Cartoon Karma By Shawna Stimple Will Watson began his day like any other. He woke up, brushed his teeth, ate his breakfast, and made his way out the door to meet his girlfriend for coffee. Leaving his apartment, he said his hellos to the elderly duck couple that lived across the hall. They were always so polite, and tried to look out for the young human. Arriving at the caf?, he noticed his girlfriend, Megan, sitting in the corner with her nose buried in a giant book. Sneaking up b...

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Cartoon Karma 2 Going to the Chapel

Cartoon Karma 2: Going to the Chapel By Shawna Stimple It was a bright and not so early, when Will Watson awoke to his rooster neighbor, somehow drunk, and crowing at the crack of noon. "Please tell me that it's not morning already." he said, before glancing down at the diamond ring, still stuck on his finger, and groaning. He put on the same Jeans and T-shirt combo that matched every other outfit in his closet, except a certain puffy sleeved dress. After neglecting to shower, he...

2 years ago
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The Karma of Serenity

The Karma of Serenity By Morpheus It was Friday afternoon and school had just ended for the week. This should have put me in a good mood, but my mood was anything but good at the moment. I'd gotten a B- in history class, which wasn't quite the grade I'd been aiming for. Unfortunately it was too late to do anything about that now as they'd already e-mailed my grades home. I snarled as I walked down the halls, glaring at several students who got in my way and smirking as they...

3 years ago
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KARMA OR KISMET How I Became A slave Owner Again

KARMA OR KISMET?How I Became A slave Owner AgainBy: Charles E. Campbell   It was really just a pretty typical day, really, thinking back on it now from the comfortable perspective of eighteen months. What happened that day happened every day, on many a street, in many a town and city everywhere, actually. Mundane. Nothing innately unique or even noteworthy. At least, not right away.    I was in my driveway replacing the radiator on a mid-sixties Plymouth Valiant. A buddy of mine had owned one...

5 years ago
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The Karma Credit Plan

Another blow in the back. Shit, these seats must have been designed by some sadist on a particularly bad day. Even an inverted bucket would have been more comfortable. It wouldn’t have been so bad if the damn driver hadn’t regarded it as a matter of honor to find every single pothole this shitty backwater road had to offer. Well, if you could actually call this stretch of compacted mud a road. The fat woman next to me was still sleeping, which was a miracle. Sure, she had some extra cushioning...

3 years ago
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KarmaChapter 4 A leap of faith

I woke up slowly, luxuriating in comfortable warmth. Then I realized I was half-sprawled across someone. A man - Tony - my suddenly awake brain informed me. His scent filled my senses with my face buried in his hair, my lips brushing his neck. The rest of my body began reporting in and the news went downhill from there. My thigh was resting on an obviously aroused cock and his arm was between us, cupping one of my breasts through my tee shirt. Unconsciously I began gently moving myself...

2 years ago
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DreamweaverChapter 76 A Karma Day

Normally I hate hospitals. The last time I had been in one had been to say goodbye to Shannon. The time before that I had woken up in one after my fight with Brad Russell and his two buddies. I guess visiting a friend, even a dying friend, beats waking up in one, but still, not generally something I looked forward to; until now. This trip I was looking forward to. Rebecca used her ID to secure us a parking space that would normally have gotten her towed away and we made our way inside. It...

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The Karma genie

One day a lamp containing a genie was rubbed by an old man. Unfortunately he died of a heart attack when the genie appeared, not making any wishes. The genie, being mischievous as genies are known to be, used an old loophole and granted his own 3 wishes. To be freed. (Duh) To free all the other genies (duh) To pay back all these annoying humans for being so annoying. The universe granted the genies wish, in typical genie fashion. Random humans will be bitten by karma in the most humiliating...

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Bad Karma Part III

Part 3 - Becoming the Perfect Party Girl Over the next week Dan recovered the camera and gave the footage to Oscar to process. He did, much to his secret shame, watch all the footage himself from the camera, although he internally justified it as conducting research on Lauren. It was however not the complete truth and Dan was horrified at his own voyeurism in the whole endeavour. The time lapsed tape showed all the various girls classes changing for their PE lesson, many of which were...

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Sinbad The Sorcress and Djinn Fassad

This is a pastiche on the current TV show Adventures of Sinbad set in Raven's Djinn Universe. Those familiar with the show can skip the next part & get right to the story if they wish. CHARACTERS SINBAD A cross between Errol Flynn & Tom Cruise. Perhaps the best swordsman of his time. He does not have a self esteem problem. Also telling the truth is not as important to him as poetry. MAEVE Tall, beautiful, extremely well endowed, young sorceress. Red headed Celt with...

3 years ago
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Bad Karma Part I

Part 1 - "A Chance Meeting" Dan Edmunds was nursing his glass of cider at the bar in the Horse and Hound pub. He'd needed to make the drink last as he was running short on money and this was the last one that he could afford. The reason for his lack of finances soon became abundantly clear as he bemoaned his fortune to the barman. "Bloody school board sacked me today," he complained to the landlord who was serving a slight man next to him. "They took that silly little bitch Lauren...

4 years ago
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Karmas favorite victim

Introduction: A rich girl tortures girls, and someone gets payback after she cheats Karmas favorite victim, Pt.1 (Introduction) Rich girl gets what she deserves I dont know when it happened, but somewhere along the lines of when I was growing up, I turned into a bitch. It wasnt because I was jealous by any means, I always had great luck in life. Good boyfriends, money, and amazing looks. I basically had my own house by my parents, and they let me do whatever I wanted as long as I didnt bother...

4 years ago
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Floating Head of Karma

Rain soaked the dry land for days. Everything was gray and brown—gray sky, mud under-foot that quickly covered all it touched. Peasants danced in the streets, mindless of their drenched rags, for life had come in gentle sheets at the last possible moment, thwarting a disastrous season. In the small castle, glasses tinked together in celebration of the good harvest, now safely stored inside the thick stone walls. The dining hall was warmed against the early chill of autumn, and the low, happy...

3 years ago
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Karma Aint Always a Bitch Ch 09

First I would like to apologize for the length of time with no activity. Real life reared its ugly head. Now that I can work on this a bit, I started working Chapter nine up, and went back through to check a few things, and found myself looking at some necessary edits. They are clarifications and streamlines mainly, with one foreshadowing element added. This isn’t meant as a stand alone story, and as such, you might want to read the first eight chapters first, otherwise you might end up as lost...

3 years ago
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Karma Aint Always a Bitch Ch 04

First I would like to apologize for the length of time with no activity. Real life reared its ugly head. Now that I can work on this a bit, I started working Chapter nine up, and went back through to check a few things, and found myself looking at some necessary edits. They are clarifications and streamlines mainly, with one foreshadowing element added. This isn’t meant as a stand alone story, and as such, you might want to read the first three chapters first, otherwise you might end up as lost...

3 years ago
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Karma Aint Always a Bitch Ch 06

Thank you for taking the time to read this story. Just an FYI. This started with a premise and a dog. The turn it took in chapter two surprised me as much as it irritated some. I simply wrote what passed by as the ‘movie’ played. There have been complaints about the flashback scenes, noted, but I guess I like to know why people act and feel like they do. I didn’t jump through hoops to get the story to any point, even the dog. Any comments or feedback are welcome and can be left through my...

2 years ago
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Karma Aint Always a Bitch

First I would like to apologize for the length of time with no activity. Real life reared its ugly head. Now that I can work on this a bit, I started working Chapter nine up, and went back through to check a few things, and found myself looking at some necessary edits. They are clarifications and streamlines mainly, with one foreshadowing element added. In the interest of full disclosure there are a couple of things that you should keep in mind when you read on. I started this with the initial...

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