S&S NerdChapter 7 free porn video

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"Would you look at that? They're both naked and Mom's on top of him. You don't suppose, do you?"

The other voice said, "I'm picking up the spread and checking it out. I want to see."

As I was tensing to move, Rita bit my ear lobe and whispered, "Stay still." The cover was lifted enough for the prying eyes to see what they wanted. The first voice said, "They are still doing it. Can you believe it; they fell asleep doing it and stayed that way? Let's leave them alone. They might wake up and want to finish. Did you see how thick that thing is? Darn, that's big. I wonder how it fits?"

One of them took one more peek at our joining and put the cover down before walking out into the sitting room. Rita said, "They'll never bother us again. We let them see what they wanted to see, or at least most of what they wanted to see, and their curiosity is now satisfied. Let's get a shower."

Rita groaned as she pulled free of my newly inflated sex. "Oh, I'm so sore, but a good sore. Let's get going so we can eat first."

We were in and out of the shower in minutes, and I was dressed and back to my room just as fast. I changed into jeans, boots, and a T-shirt without a pocket. This is what the college folks called my Farmer Brown outfit. Everyone in my family including my mom, dad, brother, and sister has dressed exactly this way all my life. It can't be bad as all that, since all of our friends dress this way, with minor variations. The clowns really got a kick out a classy western shirt. I wore a dressy western shirt with fringe on it one time, and one of the gay Profs was hitting on me. I'm just not with it.

I set my bag by the door and knocked on the girls' door. Wonder of wonders, all three were dressed in shorts, tops, and sandals. They had what looked like three fabric grocery bags that contained everything they had brought. Rita wasn't kidding about them traveling light.

After breakfast, I checked out with my credit card in hand, wondering how much it was going to be. I was told thank you for staying with them and handed a receipt with no numbers. I observed Rita getting the same treatment. I wonder if S&S treats all of their people this way.

We drove over the bridge and causeway, and arrived at the international airport and parked in the private aviation parking lot by about five after eight. Inside, I inquired at the operations desk about a King Air and the guy announced it was on final. We went outside on the tarmac side and watched the sleek aircraft gently touch down.

The aircraft turned on to the taxiway and came up to the operations building in precise turns. As the plane was shutting down, the door swung open and a short stairway swung down. A nice looking girl in an S&S T-shirt came down, and Rita met her and they hugged. The girl gave a hug to each of the twins before the dark-haired girl, with prominent, but no bounce tits, came to me with her hand stuck out. "Hi, I'm DeDe. I help run the school and charter service. That means I get to teach and fly charters. The kid who is going to drive your car is trying to get his long legs out from under the co-pilot controls. He'll be out in a minute. It's his check ride on the aircraft anyway. You know, kill two birds and all that."

A tall young man with a huge grin on his face came from the aircraft. He hugged DeDe and said, "Thanks, DeDe, you probably shouldn't have given me a check ride that way, but Carter is a good pilot and didn't really need the time."

DeDe grinned at him and said to me, "Give Jeff the keys and let's get this show on the road."

I gave the young man my keys and pointed the pickup out. He walked through the operations building and I could see him unlock the truck. After he looked everything over, he started the truck and left. He was proficient; I can say that about him.

We climbed into the bird and DeDe asked if I wanted to fly right seat. I was leery about that and suggested she should do that. I think she wanted to gossip with Rita, but she climbed into the right cockpit seat and I watched as both of the people were flipping switches and pointing to some kind of plastic card. The engines started and we began heading toward the runway via the taxiway.

It seemed as if we were setting up for landing almost as soon as we were off the ground. It couldn't have been a half hour. Rita and the girls chatted, and I was fascinated with the aircraft.

When the plane stopped in front of the CS&S air charter office, a bunch of people poured from the door. I recognized Steve, Sue, Tiny, Henry, Chuck the pilot, Lisa the co-pilot, Dennis, Sandy and his wife Sandy, Donny, Gerry, and a real fox of a lady. She was tall at about five eight or nine, and wearing heels tall enough they would have looked good on a titty dance stage.

I was shaking hands with everyone and saying their names as I did. I noticed Rita hugging the stone fox and pointing to her shoes. They laughed together until Sue said, "Well, Jenny, don't you want to meet Dr. Feeny?"

The lady beamed at me before giving me a genuine hug that had me feeling a lot of soft booby flesh. "I'm so glad to meet you, Doctor."

Rita said, "I've dubbed this guy Sal. So, if you have to, call him Doc, Doctor, Doctor Feeny, or just Feeny, but I think it is a little crass or too stiff. Everyone, meet Sal."

Steve said, "That was quite a rescue you performed up in Panama City Beach. Those kids would have drowned if you hadn't saved them. That's one hell of a feat. Oh, and thanks for giving the company a mention."

Wow, something so small meant something to the owner of this massive company. Chuck was whacking me on the back and telling me, "You have some Texas-sized guts to do what you did. That was an amazing feat to bring both of them in at the same time like that. You had them hooked up like a train."

It was Donny who had the right idea, "I know it's only ten in the morning, but isn't it Miller time yet?"

Steve told me, "You are a good excuse for everyone to hang out today and get nothing done. Come on, let's get home."

Tiny whacked me on the back and said, "Maybe you'd like one of my infamous Bloody Marys." This was a real party mood.

We arrived at the patio a few minutes later where mugs were soon being filled for all. I was surprised to see Sue take a drink from Steve's, but pour herself a Diet Coke. I was also surprised to watch Rita and Jenny chug a beer. These girls were fun.

Steve told me, "Jenny and Sue are going to take you to your new place. I suppose Rita could take you too, since you'll be next door to her. Go see your new digs and come back. I think Dennis and Sandy want to tell you what they ordered and what has arrived."

Oh boy, equipment is already coming in. These folks don't waste any time.

The place they took me to was a reasonably short double-wide, sandwiched between two huge double-wides. Sue, Jenny, Rita, Joanie, and Janice all came in to check out the home. They began in the kitchen, showing me everything that was there. Coffeemaker, toaster oven, built in microwave, toaster. The upper cabinets had food, glasses, plates, bowls, and cups, while the lower ones had pots, pans, and cleaning supplies. There was a drawer with flatware and a drawer full of cooking utensils.

The kitchen had a bar or counter with some stools in front separating the big room. There was a small table in the front near the bar, then an open area that was like a living or family room. Against the far wall from the kitchen was a monster TV. That thing had to be the largest available. That's nuts. I had a trash TV before and now this? I was shown a small bathroom and a utility room with a washer and dryer. The door at the end of the hallway opened into a huge bedroom, with a nice chair and lamp for reading, and a whopper of a king-sized bed. There was a huge bathroom with a walk-in closet. This was obviously behind the other bathroom and laundry room.

I turned to Sue and said, "This is beautiful, but it may not work. I suppose my folks could stay at the hotel, but we like to be together."

Jenny took my hand and pulled me back up to what I thought was the front. On the right side of the kitchen cabinets was a regular sized door that I thought was a pantry. Through the door was a duplicate of the bedroom in the back. I had to step out and check the dimensions of everything again. There just seemed to be more room than was possible.

"Thank you, Sue, Jenny, and everyone responsible for finding this wonderful place for me. This is far nicer than what I lived in at the University."

Sue told me, "You are worth it Doctor, I mean Sal. Now remember, the only reason you have some food in the freezer and cupboards is in the event you're feeling anti-social or want a private dinner. The patio has three meals a day that begins with coffee from six on. We're about a half hour later on Saturday and Sunday, but we start early on weekdays. Your neighbor, Rita, can help you get settled, as can Jenny, who lives on the other side of you."

"One last thing," Sue added, "your personal cart is out there and has been doctored up by Shawna and Hank. We took some pictures of you and they researched you a little. I think they are both going to get you on a Harley and let you go through your old university, racking the pipes all the way through. They were disgusted with the way those people were when they were trying to research you. Well, we know better, Sal, enjoy all of us."

Jenny said, "Oh my, it's getting late. We should be getting back to the patio for some snacks and to make sure the beer driver drops off another keg."

Sue told Jenny, "Multiple kegs, this is an important party."

Rita told me, "Take Jenny to her place to change into something more comfortable and get her out of those shoes. Bring her back to the patio, but take a long ride around to take a look at the park."

Jenny was grinning like the proverbial Cheshire cat as we walked next door. She had a much bigger trailer than mine, which obviously had the kitchen in the front. She said, "Come on in, while I change quickly. I have beer and booze if you want some."

We stepped through the door and the lady with the nice bazookas turned and pressed into me. With the tall shoes, her eye level was over mine. She kissed me as if we were just engaged, with her hips doing a number on my front. With a husky voice, "I hope Rita told you that we want you as a community stud. The community only has five of us, and you'll meet all of us in a little while. Since I saw you when you were here before and did up your travel, I've been dying to meet you. Don't think I'm too aggressive; I'm just a neglected female with kids, who needs a little loving every once in a while.

The woman was serious as she dropped her dress down around her ankles. That was all she was wearing. Man she was a fox. Jenny was working on my pants, and told me to pull my shirt off and sit so she could pull my boots off.

I was naked in seconds, being pulled up and back toward the rear bedroom. "I have protection for you back here, but I'm one hundred percent clean. I've even been for a test. Come on; let me make love to you, or is that you are supposed to make love to me?"

Jenny continued jabbering as she mouthed me into a very rigid state. She kept shivering and finally told me, "I'm so excited that I'm cumming just thinking about what we're going to do. I want to play with that gorgeous looking thing between your legs. It sure is nice looking."

Now I'm average, average, and possibly a little thick, but really just average. I'm just under that magic eight inches, but can rival some of the porn stars for width. But who cares. It has served me well the last couple of days and there have been no complaints.

I went to work on those luscious breasts. I told Jenny, "You have delicious and gorgeous breasts. I could play with these all day."

"Ooh, I hope you do. Suck on a nipple and I'll squirt for you."

I didn't know what squirting was all about, but I sucked on one nipple, and then changed to the other while caressing both breasts. Jenny was moaning loudly, quivering and shaking until I felt as if she was peeing on me. I looked down and her body was arched and streams of juice were squirting from her. "Oh, Sal, that is so good, I'm sorry, Honey, but I can't help but cum all over everything when I get that kind of attention."

I was going to go down and sample her, but thought I might need snorkel gear before I tried that. I also needed to get on the internet and check out this phenomenon.

Jenny rolled on top of me and kissed me while taking hold of me, "Fuck those rubbers. I want the real thing in there so all the juice that will run down my leg. Do me, Sal, fuck me like a real lady."

A half-hour later, we were both on our backs, lying on a soaked bed. Jenny said, "I know I am being a little forward today, but I just couldn't wait another second. That was wonderful, and what is even better is that there is more to come. Let's get a shower and I'll toss the bed into the washing machine. I need some Febreze in here too; it smells like a whorehouse."

Once again, I was showering with a strange and different female who had a stranglehold on me. When she was able to get me hard, which was not a big feat considering her looks, she turned and fit me into her as she leaned against the wall.

She was amazingly quick this time. I was massaging her clit while thumping her good spot and felt the streams of thick juice squirting out of her. Something about that had me planting another nice load into Jenny. I need to eat well and take some vitamins if I'm going to keep up with these women.

As we left, she said, "My son Jeff is driving your truck here, and my daughter Grenaline is in class, or I wouldn't have had the use of our place. It's convenient that you are right next door and close to all of us."

We dressed and took the long way around the park so Jenny could show me the three different recreation centers that each had a pool and hot tub. There was what she called a 'cypress swamp' in the back that covered a lot of area. Jenny told me there was a lake in the middle, but you probably shouldn't swim in it because it was thought to have alligators. When we arrived back at the magic patio, it had had a baby. Toward the back, there was a huge tent next to it, with tables and chairs inside, along with a bar. There was a guy outside, cooking what looked like ribs and chicken on two huge grills. That was making me hungry. I thought I had missed lunch.

We entered the patio amidst a hell of a lot of revelry. There were groups of people and kids everywhere. There were a couple of horseshoe games going on outside, and some kids were playing pool against some old guys inside. If those guys were like my gramps, the kids were losing.

Jenny kept leading me in circles, introducing me to new people in each circle. I finally had to tell her, "Jenny, there is no way I can remember all of these people at one meeting. I'll learn who they are, but don't make out like I'll remember."

"Oh, silly, they know you won't remember who they are, but everyone wants to hear their name, that's all." This girl knows people, and from the trip I just made, she knows how to put someone up on the spur of the moment.

I had reached a table that was full of veggies and dip. It also had a giant bowl of shrimp and sauce. I was hooked until someone put a glass of something clear in it in front of me. I looked up, and it was Chuck, the pilot. He said, "Welcome, Dr. Feeny, or as I've just heard, Sal. It's great to have you here. If you like music, you're in for a treat. We have several very talented musicians that live and record here. Lisa here is a wonder guitarist, as well as a great singer. She plays the piano too. See that little girl. The one who's growing about an inch a week, that's Bonita. She's a child prodigy who plays a dozen instruments and is now writing her own music. Hang out, Sal; you'll enjoy the fun we have here."

Chuck looked around, "You're from Texas, right? Are you a country fan or are you into some of the new wave stuff?"

I put my finger toward my mouth in the motion of gagging myself. "I like country, but I also like metal and real rock and roll. My favorite is pure blues rock. Something like the Expedition plays today. I'm a Stevie Ray fan, along with a new group the Expedition is releasing, "The Lucky Lady Blues Band." Give me some good jazz to mellow with, and I'm good. Country, sure if it's good, but it's blues all the way for me."

Lisa had left and came back with the girl Chuck had pointed out as Bonita. The girl was grinning and clutching a CD and a Sharpie. She looked at me, "That's my band, The Lucky Lady Blues Band. Actually, it's Chuck's, Lisa's, and mine. Let us autograph an album for you. It's great to know people like our music."

Holy shit! Who are these people anyway?

It was that exact moment when the giant television began playing one of the videos of the Blues Expedition trip to Italy. Son of gun, there was Chuck and Lisa doing a number with the Blues band and obviously killing it.

I sat down with my beer and just gawked. Jenny kept bringing me food and drinks, as I was mesmerized by what I was watching, realizing that I was among those people right now. Damn, I wish I could play music. I suppose I do, but with computers. I'll have to sample the instruments and put a program together they can use to create music with, but with their own instrument sounds.

About seven-thirty, there was a hush when Tiny stood in front of the crowd. "Let me have your attention, Folks. I need to make a few announcements while you're still sober. First and foremost, I want to introduce our newest genius to you. This guy is a proud nerd like our Dennis, who says that it's guys like him that really make things work. Give it up for Doctor Salvatore Feeny."

There was enough noise from whistling, clapping, and just plain hollering, that I needed to cover my ears.

"Come up here, Sal, or Dr. Feeny, if you prefer."

I stood and walked up to stand next to Tiny. When offered, I took the portable wireless microphone and grinned at everyone before telling them, "Call me Sal; that would be perfect. Just like the signs over your doorways." That brought the house down with more applause, whistling, and yelling both inside the patio and within the tent outside.

"Please know that I will try to learn everyone's name and call you by that name when I see you. That's a tall order, since there are so many of you." There was more hollering and applause. "If you don't know, I'm the geek hired to come up with better ways to do things that normally take a long time to do and can be expensive. I have to tell everyone, I've been treated better getting here, and since I've been here, than anywhere except with my folks at home. You know you can't compete with home. My folks will be coming to visit soon, so hold on to this spirit and let them experience it. I have to say, I love this place and all of you. I hope I can do everything you expect."

There was a pause then, as what I said soaked in, the applause, whistling, and yelling got louder.

I didn't think what I said deserved all of that, but I'm glad they liked it.

I was going to head back to my couch seat when a big hand took my shoulder, "Not so fast, Feeny, Dr. Feeny, or just plain Sal; you have some explaining to do. You haven't done the first honest day's labor yet and you're already bringing orders in. Tell us about it, Phil."

Another aging gentleman stood, "Sal, I'm Phil, sort of the sales manager of, ah, I guess everything. What's important is that your travel has brought in some orders. Probably with enough profit that far exceeds the lowly lodging you were subjected to. First of all, Folks, good ole' Sal spent the night in Shreveport and entered one of these popular Texas Hold Em tournaments. He ought to know how to do a Texas Hold Em, ha, ha. The man goes into the tournament and is tearing them up, but then is a part of busting up a ring that was cheating the players. The folks there rewarded the players at that table, but the hotel ordered a total power backup package for there and their other three hotels. That's one hell of an order.

"Now, this same guy drives an old beat up pickup to Panama City Beach. He just happens to be walking along the seashore when some people called for help. You've all seen the video, and if you haven't, it will be playing on our screen in seconds. This self-professed nerd swims out and saves both people. He lines them up, makes the lady hold onto the guy, whom Sal is pulling in, and what do you know, he saves them both."

There was a lot of clapping and yelling. "Okay, okay, when the TV lady interviewed our man Sal, he tells the world he is on the way to work for S&S Enterprises in Tampa, and you know what? That brought in the heaviest ordering day we've ever had from that region. Our man Sal did it."

I thought the roof was going to collapse as the yelling and applause was so loud.

"Folks, what do you think about pairing Sal up with Steve everywhere Steve goes? We wouldn't be able to keep up with the orders."

Once again the hollering and applause were louder than could be expected.

Tiny took the Mike back and said, "And now our founder and leader, Steve Sharp."

Steve began, "It is nice to have new people that contribute before they even get here. You can ask Jenny. She'll tell you that our new man didn't expect a lot, but gave a lot back on the way. I'm proud to have a guy like this with our company, designing and creating for us."

Steve sort of paused, "The next thing is that we have gone another six months without laying anyone off in any division, any branch, or any distributorship anywhere. We've even had to hire some in areas. Know this; I had nothing to do with it. All of you had everything to do with it. This company exists because of you and our attitude toward perfection. Let's keep us moving in the absolute perfect direction. Let's keep trying."

The house came down again in a tribute to the man they all loved. Steve Sharp was someone special to everyone here.

Tiny got up once again, "All of you who have had too much to drink; as usual, we have people to drive you and your car home. The Holiday Inn is ready for those who don't want to go home. Have a great and safe evening, Folks. Now, if you will turn your attention to the sliding door, Bonita, Lizzy, Chuck, Lisa, Donny, and Marty are getting ready to entertain you with some country flavored blues."

There were probably another twenty kids playing rhythm guitar behind the group. One boy was beating on an electronic drum set. This was a regular hoedown. I wish Mom and Dad could see this.

I was walking in the back, listening and almost dancing to some good country, when I found a guy pushing buttons and moving slides around. I watched him until the music paused. I asked, "Is that one of those great controllers that acts like a sound board and records?"

"You got it in one, Champ. This is an 8000 that is killer. I get a lot of first cuts right here on the patio."

"My name is Sal Feeny."'

The guy with the controller said, "Yeah, I know, the computer guy. What can I do for you?"

I notice you have a regular recording going and what looks like a compressed recording. "Does that include when I was talking?"

"From the first word anyone said tonight, and a few minutes of noise beforehand. Want a copy?"

"You know it. When the night is done, if I can get a copy in a format that can be played on most players, I want to send my folks a copy of what was said and played tonight. I can't tell anyone how good all this was. They have to hear it for themselves."

The guy said, "You know it, Buddy." He stuck his hand out and said, "I'm Elmer, the controller geek. I'm just like you. A lot of people in the industry don't think we do anything, but you recognized it right off. Thanks. I'll get you copies that are playable. Your folks will be proud."

Jenny found me about that time, "You've been busy, Sal. Every time I looked around you were in a deep discussion with someone. Come; meet some people that may have an effect on some of your time here."

Same as S&S Nerd
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Submission on the Bus

The bus ride home was an odd choice of highlight for Heather's day but when you work at one end of the line and live at the other, you are both guaranteed a seat for the whole journey and have plenty of time to read a book, browse the web or just sit back and relax for an hour. On this day, she decided to spend the ride home doing the latter; one of the perks of having to bus across London at 6pm on a November evening is that the river view is spectacular in the dark, arguably one of the best...

2 years ago
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Awesome Sex With My Cousin Bhabhi

Hello All, Hope you all are having a wonderful day!! This story is all about how I ended up in a sensual relationship with my cousin bhabhi. I am a college student with normal physic. My bhabhi is so beautiful and awesome and she has got all the assets to satisfy a man in all the possible way. She has got those pink nipples and awesome pussy. Coming to the story, my bhabhi is newly married and friendly in nature. I don’t know if she had any affair before marriage but I was always in the search...

2 years ago
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Playing with the ParkersChapter 15 Meanwhile Back at the Ranch

I wish I could have been invisible, sitting in the Parker's Buick, when Tad and Louise went off on their Saturday Night Adventure. Well -- I wouldn't have wanted to miss being where I was -- which was getting royally fucked by Louise's loving husband, Don. Me and Don had gotten it on, and let me tell you, it was everything I had hoped it would be. But I had to settle for Louise's after-the-fact account, back at work on Monday, of her part of that evening's festivities. But that wasn't...

2 years ago
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My Best Friends Sister

Even when I was younger, I'd always had friends anywhere from 3-5 years younger than I was. Mind you, I'd tried to socialize with people my own age, but for some reason, they were always too prude, too stuffy, too stuck up, or too damn old acting. Quite honestly, they just bored the shit out of me. Even as I was getting older, I still hung out with and dated younger girls. Some people used to say it was me trying to act younger, live younger, and not let go of something.Funny thing is, it was...

1 year ago
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MyBabysittersClub Evelin Stone Old Perv New Tricks

Few babysitters will ever look as hot as Davina Davis. This brunette teen is so hot, even the sun gets jealous. She is nothing but gorgeous with tits and ass for days. Not to mention, she just has this sexy youthful glow to go with that hotness. The man who hired her, Mr. James, lovesher babysit for him. Who wouldn’t want this eye candy around the house? She wears Daisy Duke jeans with her sweet ass hanging out of them. This causes Mr. James to ask her to stay overnight because he’s coming home...

1 year ago
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Never trust your friends

(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}}); My wife Niki and I have been married now for seven years. We were in our late twenties, five years married and still much in love, well at least I thought so. I’m an assistant manager in an old people’s home, there is no need for Niki to work, she has a monthly income from her late father’s estate. She keeps our home in shape, that’s when she’s not out shopping with her girlfriends or sunning...

1 year ago
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Story Reqested From old GF part 2

Debbie and V had shared sex talk and compared notes over the years and V had always wondered about Debbies claim of being able to deep throat so she watched with a mixture of amazement and admiration as Debbie slid Josh's cock back and forth in her mouth. She would pull back until just the head was in her mouth, her lips forming a seal around it and her cheeks sucking in as she tightened her mouth down and slid her lips down toward the base, Each stroke of her mouth taking more and more of his...

1 year ago
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The Great Airship Race Normandy

Enzo Ferrari chuckled as he looked in the mirror he held out over the side. He saw what he expected to see, the entire field of racers bunched up behind his cone of ships. He had had this happen before, just not so many at one time. He thought about his current employer, the French Government. They had hired him and his team after the Official French team went down in flames. He never did find out what caused them to crash like they did, all twelve at the same time, and he felt it best not to...

3 years ago
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Do Se Bhale Teen Me Poonam Or Vo 8211 Part 2

Hi dosto, kese ho aap log mujhe pata he ek dam mast honge or khub chudai kar rahe honge aap ki iss chudai ki or ranging banae ke liye aap ka jay singh ek or kahani le ke upasthit hu or sabhi ladko se anurod he ki wo ladkiyo ka no mujhse mang ke mujhe sharminda na kare… Meri jo clint hoti he unki bhi prvecy hoti he to use me mentione rakhta hu asha karta hu aap log is baat ko samjhenge Meri pichle kahani do se bhale teen me poonam or vo aap logo ko bohot pasand aayi uske liye me aap logo ka...

3 years ago
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Got fucked well this past weekend

Me and a buddy were hanging this past week end, had a few drinks and LOL one thing led to another. We ended up naked on the bed and playing with each others cocks which has happened before. We like to have a little kinky fun sometimes when we're alone, a little sucking and hand jobbing but never anal before. I couldn't resist sucking his dick and playing with his ass which got him pretty hot. I love to deep throat his cock and he really likes it when I do. Next thing I know he had me on my back...

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My downward spiral to a becoming a slut Chapter 14 The pregnancy come out

Introduction: If you have not read the other chapters of this story you will likely not enjoy it so please read the other chapters before reading this one. This is the next chapter about Tori. After a rape, a break up with her boyfriend, finding out shes pregnant and getting closer with her best friend, the drama of the rapists arrest effects everyone. See what happens as the story continues. I think I slept better that night with Elizabeth then I had for weeks. I called my mother first thing...

1 year ago
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Day At The Beach

Copyright© 061705 White, gooey cream oozed from the bottle of sunscreen into my hand. Dropping bottle on the towel, I spread the lotion in both hands and proceeded to apply it to my legs. I paid attention my thighs, calves and the bottoms of my feet. Once I got past that the next part of my body needed covering. Being that this was a nude beach, I felt a bit self conscious about rubbing lotion on my naked cock, but felt it better to be protected that have a burnt member. The lotion felt cool...

2 years ago
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OrangadeChapter 6

The girls were looking frightened watching Mrs Green shouting with big dog still locked to her and pumping his cum in her. I then noticed he was up her arse and the coke bottle was on the floor. It must have been forced out and the dog entered her arse. That’s why he couldn’t pull out. The girls were trying to calm her down by kneeling down next to her and stroking the dog but she was ignoring them and still shouting. Suddenly she pushed back and tried to get up, as she was still bent over...

4 years ago
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Hard Sex With Hot Bengalian Neighbor

Hey guys, i am dr aditya(name changed)from kolhapur maharashtra. I am fan of ISS since last year. In my free time i am enjoying all these crazy stories (experiences) of you guys, some of them narrates their stories very well interesting and arousing. Girls ladies from kolhapur pune mumbai belgum whoever would like to be in intimate, enjoyment, personal sex relationship, write me on The experience i am going to share here is about me and payal(name changed). She was cute beautiful sexy bengal...

1 year ago
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TeensDoPorn Liv Wild Naughty Nerdy Nympho

Liv Wild sits cross legged with her hair in buns and her cute body is ready for a hardcore pounding for the ages. At nineteen years old, she is so fresh to the scene that she has only just decided on her vivacious porn name, Liv Wild! She comes straight from the steamy and scandalous city of Miami, and she wants to be her own boss, so she is ready to shoot some lustful lovemaking on film. When she finally exposes her perfect ass, it is clear that Liv is something special. She backs it up on our...

3 years ago
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Was I Turning Gay PT3

Lying in bed with my first lover's cock still deep in my ass, I awoke to a new life and a million questions I didn't have the answers for. Less than a week before I hadn't ever been alone with or even kissed a man. Then, my progression to this state was fast and furious, and I couldn't be happier if it occurred any other way. Transforming myself from an alpha male to a willing and eager bottom in so little time was impossible to explain. All I knew was that I felt wonderful right now, and I was...

2 years ago
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The Wolf Inside

Jack stood at the edge of the cliff over looking the town below. A wolf walked up and stood next to him. He reached over and scratched the beautiful animal behind her ear. Ruka and this pack are his family now since he had left humanity behind. Thanks to his government he was cursed for life. A life of being a werewolf. He hated humanity, but his pack he loved. Luka came up to his other side and shoved his muzzle under Jacks other hand. “Are we jealous ol boy?” He laughed as he scratched Luka’s...

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Jeanettes Song

It had been a year or more since that fated day when I was purchased as a pet. Me? A pet? I had to laugh at the thought, yet was intrigued to know what that involved. Though I had been a participant in a few activities on that nameless site I had not often visited it so didn’t know what that meant. For the most part I still don’t, but will soon find out. I clicked on the tab to see who had purchased me as her own personal pet…turned out that was more a game of seeing how many pets a member...

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First Sex Of My Life With House Owner8217s Daughter

Hey hi guys, this is pranay sharma, from raipur, chhattisgarh. Baat un dino ki hai jab main engineering 3rd year me tha, aur maine march me new room shift kiya tha hum 4 friends ne ek 2bhk flat rent pe liya tha. Actually baat maine hi ki thi owner se fir flat conferm hote tak maine unki ek chhoti beti se baat ki jo usne hi kiya tha isi related baat karne ke liye.Tab tak maine unke family me se sirf usi ladki ko nahi dekha tha. Fir ek din ek mahine ke baad owner ki puri family police...

3 years ago
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we have all fantasized about aunties

well where to begin.well we guys always had a great looking aunt(if you didnt then you must have been in the minority).my aunt always looked after me .when i say that i mean from being very young she always seemed to be there.i would sleep over at her house to play with cousins .see her regularly(as you do)she always looked beautiful.blonde hair blue eyes.(never noticed her breasts till puberty hit-----me that is)i remember her wakening me up one morning and suddenly it was there a full boner...

1 year ago
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Being dominated by my wife when I wore her dress

I have been into cross dressing for a while now and have kept it a secret from my wife. She likes to play and is a dominatrix. Usually, we go into dom and sub mode where I worship her cunt with my tongue as she flogs my ass. I like getting dominated by my wife. But tonight, she saw me, in my female form. I was at a local club, which she doesn’t frequent, with my gang and we were all dressed up as pretty women. I was wearing her glitziest dress and had a full face of makeup with a wig. Yet she...

Cross Dresser
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A Ghost of a Chance Ch 02

Sitting on MacKenzie’s comfortable couch, legs curled up underneath her, Katherine listened as her dear friend ranted on. ‘Oh, come on Kath, you can’t REALLY expect me to buy this, can you?’ The attractive redhead sighed. She loved MacKenzie like a sister, they had been friends since Grade One, but sometimes, sometimes, MacKenzie’s practicality really bugged her. She brushed a stray red curl from her forehead, now that she was becoming more in touch with her sensuality, she was letting her...

1 year ago
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BrutalCastings Jamie Marleigh E55

Cute black teen Jamie Marleigh thinks her retail job at a clothing store makes her a fashionista. She’s sure that her bubbly personality and curvy little young body will landd her a job with the world famous Brutal Castings modeling agency. Think again, slut! It takes more than a nice fat ass, perky tits and minor dancing skills to impress Master Kyle. You’ve gotta be willing to beg, be sexually humiliated and get brutally fucked. Poor young Marleigh quickly finds herself tied-up...

3 years ago
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Robins Loving FamilyChapter 19 Underlining the importance of her lesson

Standing the water, mildly irritated at how long it took Jax to notice, Robin looked around nervously, wondering if anyone saw. Two boys, smirking at each other and pointing her direction, made her think that she might have displayed a bit to their curious eyes, and the way a young girl just walking into the water’s face was agog probably meant she’d spied her as well. Kyle soon was walking over, towel in hand, but he stopped just a few feet from the shore, holding the towel up out of the...

2 years ago
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Sex with a dream

Dear all, I am first time posting my story on ISS. I am one of the most regular readers of ISS, and i really like the way people share their experiences on ISS. Now instead of wasting your time, let me start a true incident, I am Nishu, age 25 from delhi. Having very fair looks, and athletic body, when i used to be in gujarat, ahmedabad for my studies, i was living in outskirts of ahmedabad from where my college was near. The place where i was staying was a decent colony, it was a three storage...

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Mr Marco Johnson

It has been a month since I started my relationship with Sara Johnson. She makes me feel so good, so alive. She has taught me so many things. I to kiss, touch and make love to another woman. Her daughter Kelly, my best friend, has no idea. I believe her husband knows, after all it was with him that I had my first time with her. He seemed to have his hands all over me too. He was a dark, handsome man and I did not mind the thought of having him fuck me once again. So, I didn’t take it badly...

3 years ago
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A Tale Of Lust 8211 Vanita 8211 Part 2

The passionate kissing with my darling Vanita Aunty had made me hornier..though she had left my house but aroma of my dusky beauty did felt around. I was so excited that I nearly shagged my tool thrice. It pained me a lot however, excitement of night was best herb that I had got. The time was passing by. every passing hour was giving me goose bumps, excitement was killing me I was thinking of how am I going to take her, shall I bend her and tell her to hold her washing machine and I will insert...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 56 Fixing Whats Broken Part II

August, 1984, Chicago, Illinois Tuesday night after dinner I was treated to another amazing display of flesh. Kenneth had joined us for dinner, and had left just before 8:00pm. He was indeed a really nice guy and I could see why Katy fell hard for him. Once he left, Elyse had suggested the sauna and that’s where I found myself amid a bevy of beautiful naked women - Elyse, Bethany, Kara, Cindi, Julia, Sofia, and Katy. Even amongst these girls, Kara still stood out. There was just something...

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Late for work

With your alarm sounding loudly behind you on your bedside table, you reluctantly pull your body from beside mine and get up out of bed. I begin to stir; even whilst still deep in slumber I notice your sudden absence and instantly, my world no longer feels complete.I clumsily search for you as I wake, reaching behind my body seeking your warmth, but my hand finds only the empty sheets that up until just moments ago, had wrapped us both in peaceful, loving contentment.“Come back baby, I don’t...

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Forbidden Desires Ch01

She swore again and checked her phone for what felt like the hundredth time. Still no more battery than the last time she had checked. Kicking the tyre of her stationery car she rummaged in her bag for her packet of cigarettes and lighter. Inhaling deeply she looked up and down the deserted road and cursed her mum and step-dad for moving her to such a god forsaken place. After falling in with the wrong crowd in her old school in London they had forcibly relocated her to the Dorset countryside. ...

2 years ago
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my Becky

Rebecca and my relations ship moved to a wonderful place after our first sex. She and i had deep frank conversations and got to a point of freedom with each other. Ive been in a lot of relationships since and im sure with Becky it was the most comfortable trusting one i was ever in sexually as well as personally. We had been together as a couple 6 months or so when there was a loss in her family. She took it very hard and i made sure to be there for her in every way i could. We didnt...

1 year ago
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MyBabysittersClub Martini Bows Date Night Ditch

Peter has a hot date tonight for the first time in a while! This means its time to call the babysitter ASAP so the kids are taken care of and he can do his thing worry free. He asks for his usual babysitter Martini. Shes great with the kids and doesnt mind staying late. When she arrives, he tells her the situation and then heads to the bathroom to finish getting ready. As martini is waiting in the living room, she sees Peters phone ringing. Its his date! Martini answers the phone, curses the...

2 years ago
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Cuckold In Panties

Cuckold In Panties by Throne "But Ginger," Mason said tremulously, "I don't want to wear these panties." "What are you talking about?" his wife wanted to know. She looked attractive in a simple blouse-and-slacks combination. "I thought your problem was that you didn't like the cotton ones I put you in. So, I got you these satiny red ones that look like a bikini bottom." "No," Mason said. His cheeks were getting flushed and he was fighting back tears. "I don't want to wear ANY...

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Tipping Point Ch 03

Chapter 3: Moving Out and Moving On My last week on the job was one of mixed emotions. I was busy working, but I was saying goodbye to many of the guys and gals that I had befriended over the years. I had no way of knowing if I would see any of them again, but if I did, I was confident that it would be a happy reunion. If I could take anything from my twenty-three years with F & C it would be my relationships with my customers. I really couldn’t think of anyone that I wouldn’t want to work...

3 years ago
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Possession Pt 3

Stepping over to the counter Anna starts to speak when 2 men enter looking round, one nods towards the back of the shop and they walk down an aisle nodding to both women as they pass. The woman behind the counter shakes her head at Anna and waits for the men to disappear before she speaks ‘It’s no good you can’t give it back’, shocked Anna realises the woman was expecting Anna’s return. ‘What do you mean?’ Anna asks, the woman looks round to make sure they’re not overheard, ‘the book won’t...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 344

I spent two days watching Sylvia make calls. I would have made them myself, if I weren't trying to bring her into the business. She pared the potential appliance providers down to three. I allowed her to make the decision. She went with one that I might not have, but her reasoning was flawless. All the appliances were pretty much the same. Her supplier had all of them in stock from the water heater to the refrigerator. He would sell in small bulk packages three or four of each at a time. He...

2 years ago
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California CrewChapter 20

I woke up the next morning with a pounding migraine. I looked at my clock, it was already one o'clock. I lay in bed for over twenty minutes, when Mom finally came in. "Morning honey," she said, and I could tell that she knew everything. To my look, she nodded. "Kyle has called eight times, Brittany and Charlotte six, Parker and Erin five. Everyone is worried about you. Some kid named Leo also called, isn't he your stunt partner?" I nodded. She smiled at me. "Don't worry honey....

1 year ago
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Poetic Stimulation

This story is dedicated to the curvy, voluptuous women who will always be loved, while I was inspired by a woman in particular, I was also inspired by a song from Isaac Hayes, “The Look of Love”, respectively ©1973. However, I dedicate this to the curvaceous, the confident, and the lovely voluptuous women in the world. Cindy was a caring, warm-hearted woman who just got out of a bad relationship with a man of four years. She cooked, cleaned, and worked two jobs just to keep him happy. A...

4 years ago
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Cumslave the boyscouts pt4

Cumbag woke to more laughter...and a row of pissing cocks.Sometime during the night, as she slept, Cumbag was placed into a trench. Thetrees formed a canopy over her, blocking out the sun. In the cool shade, Cumbaghad no problem looking up at all of the cocks that were pissing on her. Boys ofevery age were aiming their young cocks down at the piss drinking whore."Wake up, bitch!""Here's your morning shower, cunt.""Drink that piss, slut!""She's really doing it!...The big-titted slut is really...

4 years ago
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Cuckold Confession

Me and my wife Emily got married four years ago and have enjoyed reading about cuckolded husbands, especially the ones where Black studs fuck the wives. They fueled our fantasies. For the last couple of years I had badgered her to give it a go herself to find out what makes Black guys so good.I became even more insistent when a Black youth joined the firm straight from college and became one of my apprentices last year. Carl was 18 but from his remarks and his way with girls, he was clearly...

2 years ago
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MAU Slayers Runaways

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Jordan and Laura were two friends who used the MAU to become Faith and Buffy from the television series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They began to work for the Agency, a group who searches for active MAUs and the people who use them. A man in the higher ranks of the Agency now wants the slayers as part of his plan. They are now on the run from the Agency. MAU - Slayers - Runaways "So what happened?" Agent R asked his partner, Agent S. They...

1 year ago
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Rogue MagusChapter 3

I was wrong about the police waiting for me when we got back to the apartment. In fact, it looked like no one was there at all. Cassandra accompanied me in. I hadn’t thought about it, but it was her night on the rotation. Since it was so late, and there wasn’t anything else I could do about Jordan tonight, we went straight to bed. She showed me just how much of her costume was ‘tear-away’ and then crawled over to me as if it were like any other night we had spent together. The problem was, I...

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