Jasmine’s Desires Awakened free porn video

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It was still dark when Jasmine dragged herself out of the warm confines of her bed, cursing her best friend under her breath. She had had too much to drink last night and had an early start at wok this morning but Sammi had insisted on making the most of the weekend. She should have gone home way earlier then she did but Sammi is so convincing and she didn’t feel comfortable leaving her friend alone.

She showered quickly and threw her uniform on, pulled her long black hair into braid and quickly put some foundation on. She knew she wasn’t as stunning as Sammi but she didn’t need to put much makeup either. Sammi was 5ft, slim hips, more than ample chest, tiny waist, legs models would die for, she had long strawberry blonde hair, wide baby blue eyes and full lips, Jasmine was slightly taller than Sammi, not so slim in the hips but she had a tiny waist but wasn’t as blessed in the chest as her friend. Sammi was always tanned to perfect & Jasmine tried to tan but only ever achieved tomato coloured skin, Jasmine had long black silky hair down to the top of her pants, her eyes were a vivid green surrounded thick black eye lashes and plump pink lips. As she opened her bedroom door she was hit with the delicious sent of freshly cooked waffles and bacon, that was one of the advantages of living with your best friend (who never slept).

‘Good Morning sunshine, my don’t we look stunning in our uniform today.’ Sammi radiated happiness. ‘No need to be a smart ass Sam, god I don’t know how we aren’t whale size yet, thank for the breakfast. Is your latest Mr. yummy still in bed or have you booted him already’ Sammi always brought home some unbelievingly good looking man when we went out. It was like they couldn’t say no to her.

Sammi giggled and blushed ‘ he is still sound asleep, hope we didn’t keep you up too late. You know you could always bring your own Mr. Yummy home when we go out.’

Jasmine pointedly looked at her watch, ‘ Love to get grilled about my no existent love life but I am late for work, talk to you later’ She so didn’t want to have another conversation about her lack of experience with men and quickly shut the door before Sammi could respond.

She was actually running late, not that was unusual for her but it meant she had to run for the bus. luckily her boss wasn’t due in for a few hours, working in a large law firm had its perks but travelling to and from the city every day was getting to be an inconvenience. It was only an hour’s tip on the bus but it always seemed so much longer and she never managed to get a seat. She hear the driver call out her stop and made her way to the front of the bus to exist only getting groped once thank god. It was only a 5 minute walk to her office from the bus stop and she wasn’t running as late as she thought so she didn’t have to sprint there. As she walked in the receptionist looked up and smiled and waved her over. Louise was a nice enough girl, not to smart and always gossiping but she wasn’t bitchy about it.

‘Hi Louise, what’s up? You look nice today, the Max isn’t in yet is he?’ She new the answer would be no, her boss was never in before 11. ‘ No and I don’t think he will be in, the CEO is here and several people have walked out this morning not looking very pleased. You better get up to your office quickly, he hasn’t called for you yet but it won’t take long before he does.’ ‘ Oh really, thanks for the heads up. I have been here 5 years and I don’t think I have ever seen the CEO or even spoken to him on the phone, what’s he like?’ She had heard rumours around the office that several staff members had been taking cash under the desk from clients but she didn’t know who.

‘Well I only managed a brief glimpse as he hoped in the elevator with his entourage but damn he filled out his expensive looking suit well, I wouldn’t mind being stuck in a room with him.’ She gave a sly wink as she finished.

Before Jasmine could ask any more questions the front desk phone started to ring and Louise sat back down to answer it. Jasmine waved goodbye and headed toward the elevator, she had the feeling today was going to be long, stressful and interesting. She only had to go up 3 floors, she could have used the stairs but her legs were still killing her from all the dancing she had done with Sammi the night before. The elevator felt like it was moving at snail speed and the standard elevator music made it worse. Finally she was at her floor, the doors creaked as they opened, as she stepped out she ran straight into Jason the junior on their floor. She picked up her documents she had been carrying and turned to apologize to him but the elevator doors had already shut. ‘Wow he was in a hurry, that must mean the CEO is on this floor already, I wonder if I can sneak into my office without being noticed.’ She headed straight for her office, it was only around 2 corners from the elevator. She did notice it was unusually quite on her floor, although that was to be expected there was only 5 people on her floor and her boss was one and by what Louise said he wasn’t coming into or anytime soon and she assumed Jason was just let go, so that only left Leea and Mr Perkinson ( she didn’t know his first name and he never left his office). As she reached he office door she noticed that the door was already open and the light was on. ‘Shit, not a good sign. Just breath it might be okay, I can’t really afford to lose this job’ She took a deep breath and walked, she didn’t look to see who was in her office she walked straight to her desk to sit down and then looked across her desk to see who was sitting on her sofa. Her eyes were met the one of the most delicious sights she had laid her eyes on. He looked like a Greek god sitting there in a perfectly tailored Brioni suit. He had an olive complexion, she could tell he was muscled under the suit & tried her best not to picture him without it on, he had a slight shadow on his chin, which defined his strong jaw line, thick black hair that looked like he never had to brush it and steal blue eyes, which to her embarrassment she realised where giving her the once over. She needed to stop looking at him, but she couldn’t take her eyes off him. Her throat was suddenly dry and her skin felt like it was on fire.

‘ Good Morning Ms Sirois, nice of you to finally join us. I was unaware I was paying staff to sleep in these days.’ He is eyes glinted devilishly, as he casually looked at her, he knew he was making her feel uncomfortable and he liked it, she looked like a deer caught in head light, albeit a hot deer, a very hot dear. He had been imagining her naked lying on her desk since she walked in and had to adjust how he was sitting several time as it was becoming painfully uncomfortable. He would have to keep this short or he would cross that line between employers and employees. She had blushed deeply in response to his comment and her lips parted and her tongue darted out to wet them slightly. Good she is going to drive me crazy. Jasmine gathered her wits, she was not going to be pushed around be this man, she didn’t care if he was the CEO. He had never come into the office before and she had been working late for 5 years now, so she was a little late in the morning, she felt she was a little entitled to it.

‘Good Morning Sir, it’s nice to finally meet you. How can I help you this morning? I am quite busy and really need to get stuck into my files or I will be working late again.’ She was one of their best employees and she had squeaky clean record, so he couldn’t fire her not without opening himself up to a lawsuit & she would fight if she had to.

Tristan smiled, he was impressed to see that she had a fiery spirit, he didn’t like delaying with the airheads like the receptionist downstairs. ‘Ms. Sirois we have recently had a few unexpected openings and will be looking to fill these quite quickly. I have been through your case record and your statistics show you are quite talented. We will be looking at instating you as the senior associate of this floor.’

She hadn’t expected that, she would have thought Leea or Mr. Perkinson would have been the next to be promoted to senior associate. ‘ Um thank you sir,’ She couldn’t wait to get home and tell Sammi.

‘ You will be moving into Max’s old office and I will have your new contracts sent to you tomorrow for you to sign. Your salary will increase as of next week and your company car will be available as of next week. If you have any questions after you have read through your new contracts please have a meeting set up with my PA Olivia.’ He need to get out of her office he was finding it harder and harder tho think straight, She smelled delicious like vanilla and raspberry and all he could think about was find out if she tasted like she smelled. He bet that her hair was soft as silk and would look sexy as hell splayed about her as she lay on her desk in nothing but those little red heels she was wearing. He was thankfully he was wearing his suit jacket, and stood up and re adjusted his belt and jacket. ‘ It was nice to finally meet you Ms. Sirois, I have a feeling we will be seeing each other again soon.’

Jasmine was a little shocked that he was leaving so abruptly but she really wanted to call Sammi and tell her about the exciting news and she really need to go to the bathroom and cool off. No man had ever had this kind of effect on her but she was pretty sure that she would have to throw her underwear as it was soaked just form him being in the same room as her. She moved to shake his hand and as she go closer she could feel the heat radiating from him. She held out her hand waiting for him to reciprocate, as their hands touched she felt a as though her legs had turned to jelly and she so desperately wanted him to lean down and kiss her. All too soon he withdrew his hand and exited her office. It took her a couple of minutes for her hear to stop racing and her breathing to return to normal. She felt stupid for reacting that way to a man she had never met before, she didn’t even know his name and he only used her last name but she knew he would fill her dreams that night.

Tristan made it back to his own office without having to stop and make meaningless conversation he nodded to his PA and his way past he desk and closed his door as quickly as possible. He needed to unzip his pants as they were still painfully tight, he could seem to shake the mental image of her spread out over her desk begging for him. He knew he needed to have a taste but he wasn’t quite sure how to get her meet in a social setting. He knew from office records she rarely attended office functions, he would need to have a look through the social media websites and see if she was any of those.

Jasmine decided to take a long early lunch and send Sammi a message to met her at the bar around the corner from her office. It only took her 10 minutes to walk there and that was long enough to compose herself before Sammi got there. She had discarded her wet underwear in the toilets at her office and felt very naked and a little naughty being in public without anything on under her tight black pencil skirt. She ordered a long island ice tea and chose a table in the back overlooking to gardens, she only had to wait 5 minutes before Sammi got there. She knew that Sammi was there even without even turning around, all the males in the establishment had all let out wolf whistles which was the standard reaction when Sammi entered a building. ‘ Hey sexy lady, do you mind if I sit here with you for a while’ Sammi asked trying her best to look innocent.

‘It didn’t take you long to get here, did Mr. Yummy go home early?’ Jasmine asked with raised eyebrow, finally turning to look at what Sammi was wearing. God she needs to learn to wear more clothing, or at least clothing that cover something or anything. ‘ Did you forget your skirt Sam or is this the latest look?’ Sammi was wearing a black boob tube, the tiniest crocheted cardigan and what appeared to be a boob tube made of denim as a skirt.

‘Don’t be silly Jas, I am dressed plenty respectable. Mr. Yummy’s name is Tony and he is currently tied to my bed awaiting my return.’ She had such a mischievous look on her face that Jas snorted and spat her drink out.

‘Noooooo you named him, you’re not supposed to name them remember the rules.’ she threw up her hands in frustration. Sammi fiancé Davide had passed a year ago and at the funeral had found out she wasn’t his only partner, since then she had been determined to erase his memory with any Mr. Yummy she could but every time she got to know them they always wanted just more than sex and Sammi wasn’t emotionally equipped to handle that yet so there was a no names rule so they couldn’t get to close.

‘I really like this one Jas and he is very delicious and eager to please, anyway enough about me, what’s up? You never take a long lunch and I don’t think I have ever seen you drink during the day except at Davide’s wake.’ She looked expectantly across the table at her friend. Jasmine started to retell the morning events to her friend, some guy at the bar sent over drinks which the girls accepted and kept talking. She told her all about her encounter with her mega hot boss but left out the fact she had been so turned on by him she had to ditch her underwear, she wasn’t ready to deal with that just yet even though Sammi would have been super excited she was finally interested in a guy.

The girls chatted for over an hour before Jasmine decided to head back to the office and Sammi was eager to head back to the hot man she had tied up in her bed. Jasmine drank a little more than she had intended, hopefully no one noticed and she could sneak back into her office. Louise wasn’t at her desk and she deicide to take the stairs as the door to the stair well was next door to her current office so she would run into anyone. The rest of the day fairly uneventful and she decided she wasn’t going to stay back today as she was keen to o and celebrate with Sammi about her promotion. Sammi would have no doubt made a gourmet meal & all she wanted to do was eat & and not think about her oh so handsome CEO, which is all she had done since their encounter. As she got to her door she could hear music playing and smell lots of wonderful aroma coming down the hallway and as they were the only residents of the top floor (one of the perks of your best friend owning the building) it meant Sammi was working hard in the kitchen. Before she could turn the handle the door opened and Mr Yummy was standing there in a very well fitted pair of blue shorts. Sammi had really outdone herself this time. He was nothing short of drool worthy, tanned 6ft tall , lightly muscled thick blonde hair and deep chocolate eyes and a dazzling smile, No wonder she named him, I definitely would have. ‘Hi, you must be the roommate that Sam keeps talking about, I wouldn’t go into the kitchen if I were you. Every time I go in there she yells at me to leave so I am headed to the bottle shop, you want anything?’ His voice was smooth, deep and unassuming, He seemed genuinely nice she hoped Sammi didn’t crush him.

‘Hi nice to meet you, I am indeed said roommate, the name is Jasmine. Hahaha rookie mistake trying to get in the kitchen when she’s in there. Thank you for the offer but I will be fine.’ He flashed his dazzling smile and stepped aside so I could get inside, as he filled the doorway completely. I wonder how Sammi had him tied to the bed, he looks too big to fit on her bed.

‘ See you in a couple of minutes then.’ He waved and sauntered off down the hall towards the elevator.

The door had literally just clicked shut when Sammi came running up behind me squealing with delight. It was good to see her in such a good mood, it was infectious and you couldn’t help but smile and giggle with her.

‘ So I met Mr. Yummy, I think he out does the yummy name maybe we should call him Mr. mouth-watering. I can see why you named him. ‘ Sammi lightly slapped her arm and giggled again.

‘Isn’t he just and he really know his way around a bedroom. Dinner
should be ready in about 15 so you can go get cleaned up, wear something sexy he invited a friend over for you and I have a feeling he is going to be just as scrumptious.’ She gave me an evil wink and skipped off to the kitchen before any form a protest could be uttered. She shook her head at her friend retreating back and headed for her bathroom. It didn’t take long for the water to heat up and she instantly relaxed standing under the flow of water, she closed her eyes and leaned against the wall enjoying the hot water washing over her. Her mind instantly went straight for her own Mr. Yummy she had met this morning, she imagined his hands roaming over her, massaging her breast and pulling her into his body. Leaving a trail of kisses down her neck as one of his hands made its way from her breast to her sweet spot between her legs. His mouth had made its way from her neck to her nipple and he was slowly rolling it around with his tongue occasionally nipping it.

Knock knock knock ‘ Are you still alive in there Jas?’ Sammi had already opened the door and made her way into the bathroom before I could respond. I was a little annoyed she had interrupted my daydream but then my tummy rumbled and remembered she had been cooking a feast.

‘ Yes bossy pants, I was just really enjoying the hot water, it’s like have a free massage. I take it Mr. mouth-watering is back, what does his friend look like?’ Sammi handed me a towel and went and sat on the bed while I rifled through my closet. Sammi giggled and shook her head ‘ not telling you anything, it will be a nice surprise. I hope your hungry seem to have gone slightly overboard with the food and you are NOT wearing that .’ She got up and snatched the shirt I was holding out of my hands and proceeded to fling clothes out at me. It didn’t take her long to go through my entire closet (not much in there to begin with) pick an emerald low cut green top and my favourite pair of black skinny jeans for me to wear. I thought it was a little flashy for dinner but there was no point arguing with her. I quickly slipped on the clothes she had handed me, while she sprayed me with perfume.

‘You’re going a little over board Sammi, it’s just dinner. It’s not a date.’ I shook my head at her. She poked her tongue out at me and headed for the door, ‘You never know.’ Sammi bounded down the stairs and was already taking her seat at the table as I reached the bottom. I could hear her talking to the guests at the table. I saw him first before I looked over at Sammi and Mr. Mouth-watering, it took a moment to realise he was sitting at our dining table and I had to remind myself to breath. This had to be a mistake or maybe I had finally lost the plot, I tried to get Sammie’s attention but she was too busy laughing at whatever Mr. Mouth-watering had just said. I tried to act as normally as possible as I walked over to the table but I tripped over my own feet as usual my clumsiness is my downfall, luckily Sammi finally noticed I was downstairs and started with the introductions like nothing had happened. ‘Guys this is the best roommate in the world Jasmine, She got promoted today which is why we are having this I don’t want to too my own horn amazing meal. Jasmine you already met Tony and this is his brother Tristan, who apparently works for your company. How come you have never mentioned him before Jas?’ She gave me a questioning look.

‘Dinner looks amazing Sammi, um I have ever mentioned him before because we only met this morning and he doesn’t just work for the company he is the owner. Nice to see you again Sir.’ I was pretty sure my cheeks were bright red and the impossibly perfect and infuriating man was just sitting there smiling at me. I wasn’t sure that I was going to be capable of eating anymore.

Tristan couldn’t believe his luck, he hadn’t been able to find her on nay social media websites, he had considered going through her employee profile but then he would have had to ask his PA for it and she would have asked too many questions. He had only agreed to come to this dinner because his brother had all but begged him to, he was apparently really into this chick and was eager to please her. Tristan was pleasantly surprised when Jasmine had come down the stairs, he knew as an employer he shouldn’t cross the line but he had too or she would drive him nuts. He was determined to at least get a taste of her mouth by he end of the night. The fact that she had instantly blushed and her lips parted ever so slightly when she made eye contact with him only made him want her more. She seemed so innocent and pure but he was sure that was not possible, not the way she looked. ‘We aren’t at work, you can call me Tristan but I do like the way sir sounds when it comes from you.’ He winked at her and was rewarded with sight of her cheeks flushing red again.

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Bedroom Desires

"My God, Brooke, I'm so fucking horny I could fuck a bedpost, if I had one.""I know what you mean, Arielle. After a couple of martinis, the gin goes straight to my pussy and my clit get as big as the olive. I'm running out of batteries for my toys at home.""You need to get the rechargeable kind," Arielle said. They both laughed.Arielle and Brooke are having their weekly afternoon luncheon at the local country club. Ever since Brooke moved into Arielle's neighborhood nine years ago, they've been...

3 years ago
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Desires on Hold

Desires on hold By Michelle Jane 17th May 2004. All of the following is true and has helped me immensely to put it into writing. It will also help, when I tell the whole story to my family. First of all let me introduce myself. My name is Mike, in my early sixties and I am semi-retired. I have always enjoyed dressing and for a very long time have realised that I am transgendered. My story begins many years before my birth. My Mother was born in the early 1900's and when she was...

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My Best Friend Satisfied My Sexual Desires

Hi, this is Rashmika, I am a big fan of Indian sex stories. After reading others experience, I want to share about my first sex experience with my Senior after my college days. I am a dusky skin girl with a perfect body shape i.e 34 27 34 and height 5’6 which all men die for. My desires are endless. I use to check out for hot boys and had wet dreams thinking about them. By that time of my 3rd year, I was still a virgin. My friends use to share their sex experience and I use to get disappointed....

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Secret Desires

Secret Desires ,  Secret Desires, Chapter 1My name is Susan I am almost passing my 25, by profession I am a beautician and doing job in a big Beauty Clinic situated in heart of the city. My twin sister is just alike me but, she is a Nurse she wants to be a doctor but she isn?t a hard worker. We both don?t need to do any job because our parents left for us enough. Our parents died 1 year before in a car accident and left heavy bank balance and two big houses one in main city and other...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 28 Rons Happy Birthday Part Three An Evening Snack

Chapter Twenty-Eight – Ron’s Happy Birthday Part Three – An Evening Snack Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mf, f-mast, ncon, cream pie, grope, magic, morph, rape, spank, unif, voy Ron’s birthday had been an interesting one to say the least; not only had he gotten an early morning surprise by his very own sister, he had been given the best birthday present...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 12 The Feast

Chapter Twelve – The Feast Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, magic, spank, unif, voy It was October 30th, and the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students were going to arrive later in the afternoon for a feast and the introduction into the Triwizard Tournament. Fred and George Weasley had been very careful not to use the Spellbook of Desires too much since they...

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Dark Desires

She lay back on the elegantly upholstered, exquisitely comfortable, chaise. The thought of that weekend stirred Servalan, her hand moved down to her crotch. She needed something, a quick orgasm would be perfect for her now. She was ready, she thought of her favorite fantasy. Torturing political prisoners in a dungeon, that one always got her there in a hurry. She hadn't had that pleasure for real, for years, during the revolution was the last time. It hadn't been long before the new regime...

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A Conflicted Girlfriend 8211 Part 1 My Sexual Desires

It is difficult for any woman in Indian society to navigate and explore her sexual desires as she wants. Especially for a young woman like me who lives in Bangalore under the supervision of her strict father. My parents are divorced, and I grew up without any guidance. But that comes with an advantage. I’ve learned to compromise my moral values because I want to get what I desire. I have suppressed my desires my entire life, compromised on what my body wants and my thirst for newness. Yes. I...

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Hot Wife KatieChapter 44 Katiersquos Oral Desires

A few weeks after her last tryst with Tommy, Mrs. Katie Jackson, the reigning Mrs. America, was excited beyond belief. She felt like she was walking in the clouds and couldn’t believe what had happened. An agent from Dancing with the Stars, one of the top television series, called and offered her a spot on the next season. She could barely speak as she called her husband in England to let him know the exciting news. The hot wife couldn’t explain her emotions that erupted inside of her. She...

1 year ago
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Her Life and Her Desires

They had dated throughout high school, and married soon after that. Starting their life as a family a lot sooner than they would have planned. Having their first child only 9 and a half months after their vows. Their second child was born just 3 years later. Both settled into their marriage thinking at they know each others sexual wants and needs. Years later into their marriage the kids old enough to care for themselves. Krista finds that there is something different she is in need of. Not...

First Time
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How I Satisfied Three Girl8217s Hidden Desires At Their Flat

Hi everyone, this is Dinesh(name changed) from Andhra Pradesh, this is real story happened.in my life two years back. When I was working at Hyderabad, I found a xxx site to share sexual fantasies, in that I shared my fantasies. The next day I got a message from a girl.named Swathi(not real). She said she has some fantasies like femdom and be a submissive, actually they are three gals studying BTech in a reputed college in Hyderabad., she messaged me with her details and asked me if I was...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 26 Rons Happy Birthday Part One Morning Wood

Chapter Twenty-Six – Ron’s Happy Birthday Part One – Morning Wood Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, cream pie, grope, hp, inc, magic, spank, unif The Second Task of the Triwizard Cup had gone exceedingly well for Harry Potter; not only did he manage to score extremely well; he was able to take advantage of three very attractive and unconscious girls. ...

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My Sexual Fantasy And Desires Finally Comes To A Wonderful End

Hi guys..i am 21 yr old Delhi boy. I am 5″8 , lean built and good looking. I like to fantasies lot about having sex with beautiful girls.. and i am quite horny;-). I am a student and doing my internship. So here is my story, you are definitely gonna like it. I used to travel a lot in delhi metro due to my coaching and office works.you can usually see some good looking girls in metro. On a one fine day i was traveling with my friend after taking my coaching class. As soon as i entered in metro...

3 years ago
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Dark Desires

There is a dark side to us all, sexually I mean. I'm not sure I understand mine completely yet but I sense that it is there. It excites me, scares me a little. My fling with Neil and his flatmate Sally started me off on my adventures exploring my dark desires. I am a nurse and Neil a writer of sorts. We met at a conference I was attending for work; advances in stroke rehabilitation. I was giving a talk and Neil was in there to write up the meeting for some journal he was freelancing for. After...

Group Sex
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The dirty desires of innocent wife

Ramesh was happy to get over with his work much earlier than expected .It was an early afternoon on Saturday and he felt rather relaxed after having had a tiring and gruesome week .He wanted to be home at the earliest to be with his lovely wife .Ramesh often felt guilty regarding his wife. He realized it well that given the nature of his high profile job, he was not able to give sufficient time to his wife. His wife Sheetal had been an amazing companion through out nine years of their marriage....

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 4 Slumber Party

Chapter Four – Slumber Party Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmff, mmf, ncon, cream pie, hp, grope, magic, orgy, preg Harry was furious; he’d lost the Spellbook of Desires. He had looked everywhere, and he knew now that someone had stolen the book. Because the Weasley household was so large at the moment, it would be impossible to interrogate the entire...

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Dirty desires of a slut wife

Hi readers, thanks for your responses for my ealier stories. Before i start i must introduce myself. I am a 28yr old single guy from Delhi, working in an Top IT MNC. This incident had been sent by one of my freind and reader. He wants to tell the whole lot of husbands that they should now come out and should give a practical face to their desires. Since we all are aware that some fun and desires really excites and gives a now spice in the sex life but due to social constraints its not always...

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Dark Desires

Miriam had dark desires from time to time but she knew that she shouldn't. The lovely blonde wife had been able to repress those feelings and desires before. She was happily married to her husband, Maurice, for fifteen years and had never strayed before. Before now, that is. It was really her husband's fault, she liked to think. Miriam enjoyed sex but for the past several years, the lovemaking with her husband didn't seem to satisfy the hunger within. She hadn't been sexually active during...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 33 Seeing Double

Chapter Thirty-Three – Seeing Double Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmff, exhib, hp, grope, inc, magic, mc, spank, voy It had been a very troubling and trying week for Hermione and Ginny; after losing the Spellbook of Desires and getting into a near dual with Hermione, Ginny refused to say a word to one of her best friends. Both girls gave each other the cold...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 10 Redemption

Chapter Ten – Redemption Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, hp, magic, spank, voy The first week of Hogwarts had been a very interesting one; the Spellbook of Desires had passed through several peoples hands. Harry, Ron, Ginny, Fred and George, and Draco Malfoy had all had their time with the book, but for the last month, Malfoy had been in firm control of...

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Friends meet to explore thier kinky desires Part

Part 3 – The Hotel GardensYour panties sit on the table in front of us, in normal circumstances you would have grabbed them, to hide them from anyone seeing, but here and now and with what you now knew and what you had recognised as seeing after being given an explanation, the panties were left laid on the table between us. Your hesitation was not about not being aroused, or willingness to feel a collar fastened signifying your submissive role....these things aroused you greatly, but how far...

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I cheated for my sexual desires but I dont regret Cheating Sex Stories

I have been married for 8 years now. We live in a quiet neighbourhood in Panaji in Goa. Our only child is off to hostel and it is just me and Salima at home all day. I am Sunny- a guy of 40 now. I own a small bar and restaurant in Panaji close to our home. Business is doing well. In short, our life is perfect. Everything we can ask for is in place and I could not have asked for a better life. But I cannot deny I often crave more. Life seems boring and mundane at times and all I want is to break...

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A firsttime story of forbidden desires MMD

As a young gay man, not yet even out of high school, it was always hard to find ways and means of fulfilling my sexual desires. The bathroom stalls were a hit and so were the parks. Cruising areas were a big hit because then no-one really cared about who you were, what your name was or even how old you were. Let me be clear this is not a story about a minor being taken advantage of. I was fully aware of who I was, what I wanted, and puberty was far behind me. In fact, if truth be told I was...

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My Desires Fulfilled For Now

The sunlight shining through the window and the soft chirp of birds stir me in my sleep and interrupt my dream. With my eyes closed and mind still only half awake, I roll over to wrap my arm around your sleeping form, only to find nothing there but empty space on the bed. I open my eyes and the visual confirmation of your absence reminds me - it's Monday. I twist my body under the sheets back to the center of our bed, my auburn hair partly covering my face as I close my eyes again. There's a...

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Desires at peak

At 26, Sheetal was in the prime of her sexual life with no intention of slowing down. She and Neeraj enjoyed an extremely fulfilling sex life, making love at least 5 times a week. Her husband always encouraged her sex drive and both enjoyed a very fulfilling and at times adventurous sex life. Neeraj loved Sheetal’s willing to try new things, and explore the boundaries of pleasure as much as possible. Neeraj had been afraid that Sheetal might end up like a typical conservative Indian wife...

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Night of Play Seduction carnal desires uncommitted sexual play

In turn I also find that an animal mating desire naturally drives the bond between men and woman. It is not based on an artificial field of boundaries of girlfriend, and at times one’s wife. Men protect and care for naturally chosen mates, and woman care and accept when they chose to breed by the male they attract. When matched the bond is for a lifetime. Tonight is to see if there is a potential match with a woman I have known for some time. After a sexy email dance and expression of...

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The Futa Fairy Futa MILFs Harem Wish Chapter 1 Mrs Fatimas Forbidden Desires

Chapter One: Mrs. Fatima's Forbidden Desires By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 “Have a good night a work, husband,” I said formally in Arabic as I embraced Tarik, fighting my disgust at the sour reek about him. I was glad to see him leave, even if he'd return in twelve hours. Once, when I was a girl of nineteen, I thought I loved him. But at forty, I knew differently. Especially after my encounter with Dr. Rita, a woman who had a huge cock and who healed me with her magical cum. Just...

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Dangerous Desires

College transforms young individuals for their awkward teens to sensual adults, but there is always a hitch when it comes to the transformation, lack of privacy. Some are quicker to shed embarrassment while others burrow deeper into themselves to the point of antisocial behavior. In the case of Samantha’s evolution, she found herself blossoming in every case but her sexuality. Since leaving home, she has been unable to find the time or privacy for self-pleasure. Her roommate having fit into the...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires 0

Harry Potter and the Spell book of Desires – Chapter 1 - Camping Introduction: Harry Potter discovers the Spell book of Desires in his fourth year at Hogwarts Harry Potter and the Spell book of Desires Chapter One – Camping Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. I didn't write this i found it on the internet and wanted to share it with you Harry was having the best time...

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Dark Desires Of Sex Starving Lady

Hi, This story is based on truth and my personal experience with a 25 year old widow name Sehar Baig Living in Staten Island with her Parents. Let me describe the people involved in this story. This story is about dark desires of a woman whom i met in Staten Island and this woman was starving for sex for about 1 and half years. She went into complete depression where she was feeling doubts about herself , her body , and her inner desires. The woman was from Pakistan and living with her parents...

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Whatever Your Heart Desires Part 2

This story was originally posted on another web site as a six-part series. Part One (already posted here) has just been voted that site's 2004 Reader's Choice Award for Outstanding Transsexual/Crossdresser fiction. As you might expect, I'm proud of that. Through a stupid oversight on my part, I never followed up on this site with Parts Two through Six. They are included here, in their entirety. For those of you who posted those wonderful reviews of Part One, Mea Culpa. -...

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Whatever Your Heart Desires Part 1

Whatever Your Heart Desires By Cherysse St. Claire© I had never had a problem with men before I met my husband. I never allowed men to become a problem. Throughout high school, college, then after, men flocked to me. Tall or short, muscular or slender, boisterous or introverted ? I attracted them all. I made them crazy with desire for me ? and still do. I am not a saint. I am not ashamed to use my looks, sensual sapphire eyes, long, shapely legs and killer body to get what...

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Unnatural Urges and Desires Part 2

Today was the third birthday that Sam was celebrating since the last time he had real contact with Hermione, his ex wife, in a social setting. It has been two years since she has try to make any direct social contact with her ex-husband. On the first birthday after the divorce Hermie sent him a birthday card and left a voicemail. At that time all of his yesterdays with her meant nothing to him so he erased her message without listening to it and wrote return to sender on...

1 year ago
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My Deepest of Desires

Note : This story is completely fictional! It was shortly after my birthday, my grand entrance into my teenage years, that I first began my journey down the road of sexual exploration and desire by masturbating for the first time. It was an entirely new world, and a good one at that. I craved that sexual satisfaction for which I had little understanding of, but the greatest expectations. This was the point at which I began to see my older, and only, sister, in an entirely new light. She was 3...

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Submissive desires

Submissive desiresSometimes fantasy becomes reality. That can be something very satisfying,or even terrifying.I love erotic stories and am a voracious reader of stories on theinternet. My favorites are ones about trannies or cross dressers beingdominated and used to please men. That's what I love, both in my fictionand in my own sex life, to tell the truth. I've been cross dressing foryears, having finally given in to my urges to dress up and be the bestsissy slut I can be, and let me tell...

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When Married Angel Desires

Hi guys this is Yash, aged 22 from Bangalore. This is my Second Story & i thank to all those who appreciated my previous desirous story. I live in an independent house with my family. Adjacent to my house, there lives a Couple who just moved in two years back. Since two years their family & my family were too close. Here the Husband was very busy man, who never had time for his own wife. Let me introduce you her name Anagha aged 27 Years . She was a very beautiful Angel with a very sweet face...

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Dark Desires2

As it became harder and harder to hide the fact of it all from him, they had put less effort into trying. Nights of silence, cold and bitter were replaced more and more frequently with nights of arguing, shouting or even absence, his mother or father opting to spend the night somewhere else entirely. They’d promised themselves, apparently, that they would stay together until he moved out, for his sake. That plan had apparently changed to when he would turn eighteen. Then, to when he turned...

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