Degrees of Intimacy Ch 02
- 3 years ago
- 27
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I was alone with Suki when morning came. She was snuggled up with her dark head on my shoulder. As I gently moved to attempt to get out of bed, Suki looked up at me with watery eyes, "You were perfect last night, Sal. I think we were all afraid that you would freak when you realized you were going to be a father to two babies."
The little woman scooted up to kiss me soundly. As I held Suki, she said, "I need the potty. Let me up and I'll come back to bed."
I told her, "I'll follow and we'll shower together and get a start on a good Saturday."
Suki sat up cross-legged and held my chest down, "Don't get too anxious to get going this morning. I have some plans before we go for breakfast."
She left for the bathroom and I got up to head that way as well. I went in to unload when Suki came out, and as soon as I shook off, she took one of my hands and pulled me back towards the bed.
The next hour was filled with all of the loving one could ask for. After our loving, we showered and I began to get dressed. Suki said, "I have to go home for a minute to get something to wear this morning. Can you bring your cart to my door?"
Suki went out the back door in a flash, so I finished dressing and went out front. Since their door was open, Mom and Dad obviously didn't come home last night. I locked up and drove the cart to Suki's.
Two dark beauties came out of Suki's door in wispy gowns and covers. I could see flashes of female flesh under the garments, but never a clear view. I raised an eyebrow as I asked, "Ah, I didn't think you were going to have Niki show her wares off yet?"
It was Niki who answered, "I'm eighteen now and can do what I want, but I do listen to Mom. I want to show off just like Mom. How do I look, Sal?"
I looked at Suki who was smiling as I answered, "Delicious. You are as tantalizing and beautiful as your mom."
That got me a big smile from the beautiful young lady. She said, "You better be ready for this morning, as I hear Grenaline and Donna are also going to dress up for the Saturday morning show."
"Be still my heart. How am I supposed to withstand the onslaught of three beautiful teens showing off their beauty?"
Niki smacked my shoulder from the back seat, "You'd better, or our moms will beat you senseless." She added in a lower tone that was almost a whisper, "Or fuck you senseless."
Suki gave me a sideways glance and smirk as we pulled up to the patio.
This was amazing. It was barely seven-thirty and the patio was packed as usual on a Saturday morning. The idea that it was packed with over half a hundred females showing their wares in filmy and sheer gowns and nighties, had to increase the attendance, but it was ridiculous for that many people to be up and around at that hour on Saturday morning.
Grenaline and Donna came running up to Niki as we walked in. Those two were dressed in filmy, almost revealing gowns, similar to their mothers'. It was a real treat to view the girls and their mothers next to each other. It would be a really tough decision to decide which one would command the most attention.
As we approached the bar, Tiny stuffed tall glasses that contained ice and a reddish liquid, with a slice of celery sticking out of the glass, into our hands. He said, "Good morning, Champ. Glad to see you made it through the night. I'm not sure about your mom and dad, though. Ruth is home trying to get them to respond. Of course, she may be using the wrong kind of stimulation to get them going."
I received a hip bump from Rita as I waved good morning to Steve and Glenda. The tall lady next to me led me to a table that held the other four of the fantastic five, as well as the three juniors. The cute ones there were Rita's twins, who were posing for me in short flannel gowns cut low enough to let the young teens give the suggestion of revealed cleavage.
With a smirk, Rita told me, "Be calm and don't attack them in public. They would go along with it, but I don't think it would do your reputation much good."
I had to tell Rita, "You have to admit they are giving their all to get my interest. Those two are a danger to the young male population around here."
"I would worry about them if the two didn't have their black belt at the dojo. I doubt any boy is going to get anything the girls don't want to give them. It's my duty to teach them what and when to give it."
I chuckled, thinking how difficult being a father was going to be.
My sister-in-law, Cindy, came and sat on my lap. "Sal, you need to be in on the family call to your brother today. I'd bet he'd like to talk to you."
My brother was my idol. The man was one of the best Marines the USA had. He had progressed to become a Captain in the Marine Corps, in charge of a group of forward troops. They didn't often have a communication connection where they could have a videoconference or even send and receive e-mail.
"When is it so that I know when to be free?"
"In about ten minutes," Cindy told me. "Steve said that we could have it on the big video screen out here since there is a video camera on the screen. We can all get in on the call."
The family had seated themselves at the table in front of the big screen. One of the guys, who I knew to be one of the sound guys for the music people, focused the camera on the table and those that sat there. I sat next to Carmie, and Cindy sat on the other side of me. We were sitting there, talking about how technology was so cool, when my brother showed up on the screen. There was Val, in his BDU fatigues that were probably made right here. He looked good, but a little weathered and tired.
Val smiled and said, "Good to see everyone this afternoon but I guess it's morning there. Hey, Sal, how you be, Dude? I haven't seen you since I left. Are you taking care of Cindy for me? You know that the lady needs your help."
Mom interrupted and asked him, "Hey, Val, it's good to see you and hope you're safe."
"It's not that good, Mom. We lost a patrol leader to an IED this morning. I wish we could create a better vehicle that could withstand the blast of these explosives. That's probably wishful thinking, but one of my men, a Lieutenant Sharp, says his dad makes a vehicle that can withstand a blast. He says it can even take a rocket from a fighter-bomber and keep on going. That's what we need."
Dad spoke up, "Is your Lieutenant Sharp nearby? Call him over so we can talk to him."
"I will, Dad, but I don't want to give away my time with you guys. I love my Cindy and the kids so much and don't want to miss an opportunity to see them. Hang on, I'll holler for him."
Steve and Kathy had been standing back watching and when Val came back into view with a young Lieutenant, Kathy almost broke down crying.
Val introduced the young soldier, "This is Lt. Jake Sharp. He says his dad owns and runs a company by the name S&S Enterprises. He says they have a vehicle that can withstand an IED and can even handle fifty caliber rounds that try to penetrate the windshield or side curtains."
Kathy hollered, "Hey, J.J., call us when you get a chance. I hope you get some video time this week."
Jake waved and said, "Hey Mom, Steve, its good to see all of you."
Val was surprised, "Where are you guys and how did Jake's folks get there?"
I answered, "Val, I was hired by S&S Enterprises and we are at Jake's parent's patio in Florida making this call. Your wife and my sister are ganging up on me, so tell them to lay off. I will talk to Steve and see what we can do about getting you some of the company's vehicles to test."
"Good deal, Sal. They say it's going to be jarheads that win this war, but it's going to be you nerds who figure out how to keep us safe."
My brother smiled at all of us and said, "Now if the rest of you will turn your heads, I need to whisper some sweet nothings into the ear of my lover and wife."
It was at that moment that his two kids blurted out. His daughter, who is about ten, said, "Daddy, we miss you and want you to know how much we love you."
His son, a year younger, said, "Take care of yourself, Dad. We're waiting for you."
You could see the man's watery eyes as he tried to hide his emotional feelings for his kids.
Cindy said, "Take care of yourself, Val. You are important to us and we are here waiting for you to come home."
Val said, "It is good to see you guys together and a surprise to find you at the place where they make this special vehicle. Hopefully, a few of them will make their way here for us to test. I just know there is a better way every time we lose someone to a roadside bomb. If we set up a sniper to try to take them out, then we're shooting innocent civilians. Our target now is not the bomber, but the bomb. We figure that the bomber vanishes if we can set the bomb off, and no one misses him."
Cindy said, "I'll make sure that Mr. Sharp works on getting you a vehicle to use. I love you, Val. Know that, and know how much all of your family misses you."
Val pulled Jake into the screen view and said, "Say a few words to your parents, Lieutenant."
Jake said to Kathy, "Hope you're watching out for the rest of the crew at home. I listen to Bonita's music all of the time. The guys here can't believe my sister is the real leader of the Lucky Lady Blues Band."
Jake then said to Steve, "Get us some of those trucks dad. We could really use them. I'll talk to you all later, but this is Val's time."
Val was standing next to Jake and smiled for all to see, "I'm being signaled that the connection time is up so from Afghanistan, Jake and I say keep the home fires burning. And Sal, I'll e-mail you later today." With an enthusiasm that you wouldn't expect, the two of them hollered, "Semper Fi!"
The entire patio was stone quiet when the screen went blank. A baby giggled, another happily smacked his lips before nursing. You could hear the breathing of the people on the patio as if it was synchronized. I noticed Kathy hugging Steve while attempting to wipe her eyes of the tears she had shed. Steve even had watery eyes. Almost all of the Sharp kids were there looking at the blank screen. They felt lucky to have had this small glimpse of their brother, and relieved to know the man was still alive. They lived in daily apprehension, thinking of the danger J.J. lived in.
Cindy hugged me and buried her face in my shirt. She said, "I'm sorry, Sal. I know he's alive and I'm so thankful, but I'm scared. I wake up every day afraid that today will be the day I hear the bad news. He's doing what he says is important for our country, but there are so many of those big shots that only care about themselves, and not about the men there and the families that are left back here."
Rita's twins came to me, crawled onto my lap, and hugged me. They put their heads on my shoulders, but reached out and patted Cindy. Janice said, "I wish we could make everything good and bring your man back to you. If we didn't have Sal right now, we would be as lonely as you are. Sal will make you feel good, so let us all give you some happiness."
Cindy looked up at the two darling girls and said, "Sal is lucky to have friends like you two. Thank you for what you said, and I know Sal is here to take care of anything I need."
The two young teens got up and hugged Cindy before mixing back into their group. The noise of the patio slowly came back to normal. Steve waved at me to come over to him, so I excused myself from between my sister and Cindy before going to him.
Tiny pushed another Bloody Mary into my hand as Steve hauled me down to sit next to him. "Sal, I have a little influence with a couple of big guys in charge of the Marines' ground action over there. We gave them a couple of sample vehicles, but I don't think they're being used. I'll send enough vehicles for your brother's entire unit, if I can. They will hopefully get there and protect not only your brother, but also Kathy's and my son. Jake is the son of Kathy's first husband who was killed over there. I've adopted the five kids and the crazy lady has had two more with me. The music whiz, Bonita, is her last."
"Thanks, Steve. I'll get Cindy over here to give you the unit Val is in."
I went to find Cindy and brought her to the table where Steve sat. Tiny looked at me, holding his glass and looking at Cindy. I nodded and he instantly produced a tall glass with a stalk of celery. Cindy smiled at the glass and took a long drink. When Steve asked for the unit, she rattled it off, with all its designations and who the various officers in charge over Val were.
Steve used his cell phone in front of us. "Good morning, General, this is Steve Sharp. I'm not pushing you to buy anything, but I want to supply a specific unit in Afghanistan with some of my vehicles. I can have them at Andrews, or wherever you want them, later today. How about we quietly slip them in and replace the junk you guys are using. This is a freebie for your men to test in the field, General. I guarantee mechanical dependability, and you know how rugged the vehicles are. We have at least twenty ready to go, so let's get this show on the road and sneak them in for our boys over there. This unit just lost a team leader to an IED this morning."
After a long pause, Steve said, "I'll have all twenty vehicles at Naval Air Station Jacksonville in about five hours. I'm sending a couple of techs, who are also Marines not on active duty, who will help move the armament from your vehicles to ours. You don't have to worry about my men, they are good troops. When they are done, just get them back to somewhere where they can catch a ride home."
Steve hung up and dialed someone else. "Hey, Stan, I need the twenty units we have ready up at Naval Air Station Jacksonville ASAP with at least two support people. The on site support guys will be transferring armament from stock vehicles to ours. What do you need to get this done?" Steve paused and listened for a minute, before saying, "Okay, I'll come along to make sure everyone gets through the gates okay. I'll also be bringing a couple of civilians along to watch the aircraft take off."
Steve's phone rang and after he answered, he frowned and asked, "How are you going to convince your crews to come into MacDill?"
Another pause and then he said, "That's a good deal because that will knock off another five hours for travel to Jacksonville. We'll be out there in an hour. Thanks General."
Steve hung up and said, "The Air Force is going to play Fedex for us and have been assigned to use two C-5's sitting at MacDill to haul the trucks and some other supplies."
Steve turned to Cindy and speaking softly said, "Why don't you go put some regular clothes on and come with me while we ship some trucks out to your man. I think Kathy will also want to watch these trucks get shipped. I'll call Stan back with the change of plans and we can meet him at McDill."
It ended up that Mom, Dad, Carmie, Cindy, and I went with Kathy and Steve to see the equipment loaded onto the huge transport aircraft. When we got there, Cindy said, "At least we're trying to keep Val and his men safe." She turned to Kathy and said, "We're going to keep your Jake safe too."
Steve mentioned to a CENTCOM Marine that it was great to have the Air Force deliver these special vehicles for the Marines.
We watched as the twenty vehicles were lined up ready to be loaded onto the big C-5's. There were two big flat bed trucks with pallets on them ready to be loaded with the trucks. Steve told us, "This is going to take a few hours to load so let's leave these people to do what they do best. We can enjoy the rest of the day knowing Jake and Val will have some of our trucks."
It was somber group that drove back to the trailer park.
It wasn't even noon yet and we had already completed a lot of activities. I was feeling pretty good about what we had accomplished, but the women still worried about their man and son. Nothing was over until they could see them coming home to them at the airport.
Back on the patio, I asked Steve, "I need some relaxation. I'd like a poker tournament, or maybe a shooting competition. I'm not up on what's happening where and when around here, so where can I go to find out what fun is available?"
Steve laughed, "One of your women is the ideal person for that answer. It's Jenny's job to know just about anything of interest in the area, so ask her. A quick-draw competition might be a little out of her league, but I'd bet she knows where a poker tournament might be."
I found Jenny about ready to leave the patio for the girls' Saturday exercise time. When I asked her about my two activities, she said for me to call the number of a local gun club, and if that didn't work out, to go to the Indian reservation casino and they could accommodate my need for some poker competition.
I called the number for the gun club and listened to their schedule of events for the weekend. I would save the number and attempt to contact them to find out if they had any quick draw competitions.
The local Hard Rock Café and Casino had a poker tournament that began at one, but you had to have won at least one preliminary tournament to get in. I told the lady that I had a pass from the tournament in Shreveport, and she said she should be able to bring my name up. In seconds, she said, "Doctor Feeny, we would love to welcome you to our games. Check in is by noon and the tournament begins between one and one-thirty. Can we expect you?"
I assured the lady I would be there, so I went home and washed my face, and then put a fresh Western shirt and a pair of decent boots. While there, I called Rita to tell her to advise everyone that I was going to play in a poker tournament. Rita said, "You should ask Mercy if she wants to go with you. She loves to play poker. I think she is notorious out at the Hard Rock."
Instead of using the phone, I took my truck up to the patio and hunted for Mercy. I was told she was shopping with a bunch of other women. It didn't make any difference, because poker isn't played with partners.
It wasn't difficult to find the Hard Rock casino, but it was to park and find your way to the tournament room. The thousand dollar buy-in wasn't cheap, but I hadn't spent any money for a long while, so it wasn't too tough to let go of. Because I was a previous winner of a preliminary tournament, I was seated at the second table. Depending on my position at my table, I would move on to the main event table as an opening appeared.
No one around me was a known player, so I was ready for some young pros to play tough. It would take several hands to get the feel of the other players, and it was always the aggressive player who came out ahead in the early hands. My style was to be aggressive, but to watch how everyone was playing. If I thought someone was bluffing or making a mistake, I would jump on them hard.
I still hadn't got any cards worth playing by the sixth hand. Thank goodness the 'ante' or 'blind' wasn't high yet, since I was going to wash out with the blind by the way it was going.
Son of gun, I was dealt two queens. I didn't try to raise a lot, but added a raise of a low value chip to the bet as a sign of weakness. The flop was another queen, a seven, and a six. A couple of guys bumped the pot, and I raised a small value chip once again to keep everyone in. The river card was another queen. It was difficult for me not to choke, but I didn't do anything as I watched the faces of the other players. One of the young guys was grinning; he pushed his chips in and said, "All in."
The man to his right looked at him, pushed his chips in, and said, "Call."
I was last as it came around to me, and I looked up at the two guys and didn't think about it much before saying "Call," and flipping my two queens over.
The mouths of the two fell open as they looked at the queens. One had a pair of aces and the other trip sixes. Both had fewer chips than I did, so they were out. The dealer raked their chips over to me as one of the other players asked, "Doctor Feeny, huh? Are you a PhD of poker?"
I smiled and said, "I wish. I'm a computer nerd that enjoys the competition."
I had to play my cards a little differently after that, but I had respect from the other players now. I wasn't winning a lot, but steadily, and I was soon high chip count for the table. There was a half-hour potty break about six o'clock, when we could get something to drink and eat. I was shocked to find someone else in my seat when I came back to the table. The dealer looked up at me and said, "You were moved to the feature table."
I found my place at the feature table and continued at about the same pace as I had been. I had a couple of big wins, but a big loss also. I didn't read the other player correctly, but it didn't change my opinion of his moves. That proved to be important since he was trying to use his big win as a way to influence the way the others played.
I was dealt a hand that I almost threw away once again. I had the nine and ten of spades. I figured I could stay to at the least see the flop. No one felt their cards were that big and didn't raise a lot, so I stayed. The flop was enough to make me piss in my pants. There was the seven and eight of spades, along with an ace. This brought on three players going nuts with their betting. I stayed with them, as I had two draws to come up with a jack or six for a straight. Any spade would actually give me a flush which should win the hand, and, of course, in the unlikely event that I pulled the jack or six of spades it would be a straight flush, which could even beat four of a kind.
The betting was heavier than I wanted, but I stayed with them, acting hesitant a couple of times. The turn card made up my mind to go for all of it as it was the jack of spades. A natural straight flush should be a guaranteed winner.
The other three players were really beating each other up, betting and raising until their stacks were suffering. I could see some indecision by looking at each player's face, but also the greed that appeared on the faces of over-confident players when they felt that their hand was a lock.
When they dealt the river, I think every eye at the table watched as I looked at my cards and moved them around between each other, attempting to get a serious look on my face. The three competitors put me out of their mind and decided to go after each other. The high stack player among them said "All in."
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"OK, let's start with some definitions. What's a Progressive?" He mentally took a deep breath, diving in to the same old pool. Hope I drown, said something deep inside. The pool of despair, again and again and again. "Mr. Thompson, I know this is off the subject, but yesterday you said we used to have two school systems around here. That right?" The teacher nodded. "Uh huh. For about a hundred years." "How come I never heard of that?" The young black man looked offended or...
The Supermarket Trip?A summer dress can hide a lot of things, Raquel hoped this one covered her and kept a little secret safe underneath. Her nipples rubbed against the light material sending shivers through her body as she moved towards the entrance of the supermarket.?Raquel was wearing a floaty summer dress which showed off her figure nicely and meant a number of men had already double taked as she walked past. Some of this was also down to the 6 inch heels she was wearing and having some...
True story couldn't make this shit up if I wanted to. I have a real MILF of a MIL. She's 50 mix, long hair, fit, round fake tits and loves to show them off. All her clothes accentuate her ample bust. I've always fantasied about what it would be like to have her full lips wrapped around my cock or what it would be like to walk in on her which I've close to doing multiple times. She's answered the door in her towel before and I know she was Masturbating. When she answers the door like that she...
I will admit I have had an entrance met with less enthusiasm before but I also have to admit those times I was being shot at. The girls were for the most part scattered around the room in no particular order I could figure out but then what I don't know about recording music could fill entire databanks. Their expressions ranged from outright disgust to mild interest with a touch of apprehension and apathy thrown in. Rachael was standing in the middle of the room surrounded by interesting...
Kate decided that she was not going to let Bett's pussy been on show put her off so she just carried on chatting to Bett like everything was normal.Bett let one leg slip out form under her onto the floor. Now when Kate looked down she could see tha this little slut was very turned on. Her pussy hair was soaked with her juice, and Kate could smell the heady aroma aroused pussy wafting up to her nose. Bett let a hand slip between her legs and began to tease her clit, purring like a kitten. Kate...
I'm kissing you running my fingers over your body getting to know the feel of you. You break the kiss to take my shirt and bra off then your own. I run my hands down your chest to unfasten your pants. I quickly pull your pants and underwear down and you step out of them. You reach to take off my pants but I stop you. Smiling wickedly I push you towards the bed. Pushing you down until you are lying flat on your back. I then proceed to straddle you leaning forward so that my breasts are dangling...
EroticMy stress level was at maximum after a few years of dealing with every disaster imaginable. Family illnesses, personal injury, natural disasters and to top it off a six month fling with a man I thought was heading for divorce, who suddenly moved out of town back with his wife, who used to be my good friend, all of which had me more than on edge. I was fucking done. Emotional toast, brain fried. What could possibly happen next! I needed some stress relief and bad. With my stud muffin gone till...
Straight SexWe had only just gotten inside the front door of her house before Mia was tearing at my clothes, and shoving her tongue down my throat. We had teased each other all the way back in her car, hence the frenzy that was happening inside the front door. "Come with me" she said holding out her hand to lead me through the house. Our clothes were strewn about the floor just inside the frontdoor. We headed into her bedroom where she pushed me down on the bed, joining me by kneeling between my...
After twelve years of city living, I was fed up with the daily hustle and bustle. Being a writer, my work also encompassed editing and proofreading. Truthfully, there was no reason for me to live in the city.With modern technology, I was already performing all my tasks from home, and that being the case, my home could be located anywhere. My decision was, therefore, an easy one, when I resolved to buy a home in what was essentially a small fishing village.The setting was beautiful but the home...
Gay MaleHe checked to make sure Ariel was alright, then removed her from the table, laying her gently on her bear-skin rug in front of the fireplace. "Ohhh Jack, take me, my love! Take me now! I want to feel you inside me, filling me with your hard cock!" she whispered urgently. He kissed her deeply then quickly shed his underwear and knelt between her legs on the rug. He teasingly rubbed the head of his throbbing shaft up and down the lips of her wet mound. He pressed the head into her then...
This was written by a friend of mine who is a Genetic girl. She wrote it long ago and to her, it had no TG significance at all. It's only since we met that she showed this poem to me and _I_ commented that it seemed very poignant and very expressive of the way _I_ feel as a gal trapped in a male body. I have her permission to post this, and I claim NO ownership of it. Cathy_t IN MY MIND By Jessica Morton. In my mind I'm totally free to live my life and dream my dreams. I can be...
The stairs into the basement were narrow, and lit only by the light from the room above and a dim glow from the basement area. I moved down the creaking stairs, listing for any indication that there were more guys in the basement, other than the two I had already shot. Thankfully, there were no other armed men in the basement to deal with. I breathed a further sigh of relief, when I realized I had found what I had been looking for. Charlie was propped up against a wall, staring at the...
Anna Morgan awoke knowing things weren’t right.That ache, low down. Different from the ache from her monthlies, which were at least two weeks away. Under the bedsheet, she was naked.No! She never slept naked.And why was she damp down there? Down in her dirty parts.Anna sat up and saw her pyjamas slung over a nearby chair.From downstairs came vague noises, one of them the chugging of the kitchen tap. She’d meant to have that fixed. Crazily, she connected the sound downstairs with her lower body....
Fantasy & Sci-Fi"And we didn't even have breakfast," Johnny laughed as his mother scrubbed him in the shower. She slapped his ass playfully, saying, "You always get breakfast, asshole." "Hey, that was good, Mother," he said. "You sure have a tight asshole. And it is so hot, I thought you were gonna burn my cock off." "I'm always hot for you," she said, dropping to her knees to rinse the soap from his ass. When she finished she began to kiss and lick along the crack of his asshole, running her...
It was after hours and the lights from one end of the office to the other were dimmed. Stuart watched with unrestrained glee as Yvette slowly walked toward him through the dimness, each step a study in eroticism. Yvette worked in the accounting department at his office. She was in her forties, but looked much younger. Her face had the typical moon-like qualities of most Asian women, but her deep dark eyes and wide mouth set her apart. She was dressed in a snow-white blouse with a filigree...
Interracial“Fuck me,” Emma said, as she moved her head in time to my cock. It was a request not an exclamation of surprise.My cock was inches from her lovely white face, it was swinging wildly in unison to the motion of my twisting hips.“You want this,” I wiggled it more, “you want my cock?”“Fuck me with it,” she said before looking up into my eyes.“I’m not fucking you. Get used to it.” Emma tried to lurch forward, her tongue fully extended, but she missed.I shouldn’t have laughed, but I did. Grasping my...
BDSMThe flight attendant had just accepted my invitation to get together after the flight, and we did so. Since neither had check-in luggage, we walked the concourse together - talking all the way. She caught the shuttle to her hotel (sadly, it was not my hotel), and I grabbed my rental car. After a quick check-in at my hotel, I made a beeline to her hotel. They were only about 10 minutes apart. I called her from the lobby (her request), and we arranged to connect.She came to the lobby and went to...
Only Sally's small corner lamp was on when Phillip opened the door to his dorm room which was enough to quietly latch the door behind him while his eyes adjusted to the lower light in their room. Putting his shoes next to the desk under his platform bed, Phillip pondered whether he needed a shower after the sex he had had with Rachael. Sniffing silently, a smile arose on his face as he smelled Rachael's remaining essence about his body. It smelled anything but dirty to him. Stripping down...
Sunday morning should be a morning when people get to sleep a little later than other days. Not on a farm. The cow or cows still have to be milked, eggs laid overnight have to be gathered, and the other animals have to be fed. At my house, that includes the dogs. They had been staying out at night since they enjoy chasing the deer from the garden and patrolling around the chicken yard fence where critters look for a way inside to have chicken dinner. The two dogs are always so excited when...
There had indeed been a Tsunami, affecting the part of Grand Bahama that Winston and Kate were occupying! The event had been picked up by the TV networks trailing the progress of Dorian, and the viewer ratings for it were high; especially from viewers with folks on Grand Bahama. One such person was Delores who was aware that Winston was working on the Island at the Camper centre. She still loved him; still believed he would grow out of his penchant for deviant sex and rediscover the...
I returned from a run, sweaty and red-faced, stripped off in my room and grabbed a towel, heading for the shower. My flatmate and occasional fuck-buddy Lucy was in the kitchen, an assortment of bags on the table. “Hey, nice view!” I giggled. “Lucy, I’m sweaty for all the wrong reasons. Gonna hit the shower.” She playfully slapped my ass on the way past. “Come up to my room when you’re done, I’ve got a new toy to show you!” She stood up, kissed me on the lips, and grabbed her purchases. Lucy...
LesbianAuthors’ note: This is my first attempt at a story. So feedback is certainly appreciated. It gets off to a rather slow start but hopefully will pick up a bit in later chapters. I have the first few chapters mostly done but I can’t make any promises as to how quickly I’ll be posting new ones after that. I can however promise that I’ll finish it at some point if you’re patient. Hope you enjoy the experience of reading as much as I enjoyed writing it. Hats off to little_blonde_jug for her...
Lynn hurried back to her hotel. She and Peter had made love for over two hours. He had suggested she simply leave with him then and there, but Lynn had insisted she owed Denise more than to simply sneak away. She told Peter she would find the appropriate time to break the news and then she would go with him anywhere he wanted. He reluctantly agreed and they parted, but not before they again drove each other to another in a series of breathtaking orgasms, Lynn's labial lips sucking every drop...
I almost surely would've died if it hadn't been for Tabby. She saved me, again. It was a boiling hot day in southwest Washington. I think the thermometer topped off at 105 degrees, and it was dry as a barbecue pit in hell. All of us were pretty much loafing in the house with the windows open and fans blowing as hard as they could. The cows were huddled miserably in the barns and under trees. All we wanted to do was sleep. "Let's go to the lake," Tabby said suddenly. She was curled up...
I had been busy working in the yard for half the day I decided I would relax get a shower have some diner out on the screened porch and check the message boards afterwards.I got my shower a clean set of clothes made my dinner and had eaten it on the porch it was a nice warm sunny evening when I took my plate into the kitchen cleaned things up and grabbed my laptop off of my desk and went back out onto the porch I was perusing the message boards looking to see if my friend Ami was on or left me...
There are people who just exude a vibe. Sometimes it's clear cut and definable, sometimes it's not. Innately, we sense it, and establish an impression of that person. We can become drawn to them, or turned off to them simply by that “vibe”. She certainly had a vibe alright. I could feel it the first time I met her. I was too young at the time to know what it was, but there was something about her that was different than any other woman I had met. It was kind of humorous: men seemed to love her,...
MILFFrank and the kids were gone for three hours and that was enough time for her to be thoroughly fucked by Chris and Bobby. She was in a very mellow mood when the kids had been put to bed and Frank had come into her bedroom. She smiled up at him: "Want some pussy daddy? Want to fuck your baby boy's wife? Come on daddy; bring your slut her cock." She was deep-throating her father in law when the phone rang. She eased her mouth off of Frank's cock and as she reached for the phone she...
Georgette greeted me at her front door. "Right on time, come in." "Thanks." "Iced tea ... or water?" "Uhhm, water's fine," I said, settling into the now familiar wing chair. She passed me a chilled plastic sixteen-ounce bottle of water and a glass. I placed them on two fancy ceramic coasters. "Thanks," I smiled as she put a glass of iced tea on a similar coaster on the opposite side of the small table and sat in the matching wing chair, almost facing me. "Are you...
Jamie felt Tia's lips moving across her body. She shuddered, knowing that she was helpless at the moment to even bother to resist. As she felt her left nipple being gently sucked on, Jamie couldn't help but to let out a rather loud moan. Tia took that as her cue to continue. Jamie felt the Thai girl's fingers gently playing with her now hard clit, and let out another moan. "Just relax. I'll take care of everything." She heard Tia whisper in her ear. Jamie thought about it for a second,...
The Other Side of Me - Part Two by Limbo's Mistress Thankfully for my fragile sanity, Jackson didn't do something awkward like put his arm around me to try to comfort me while I slowly pieced my mind back to a more cohesive state. Even though, I could tell he was in a fight-to-the-death battle to do just that. Not that I could blame really him. I mean, I currently inhabited the body of what I assumed to be his girlfriend. Which in itself was a whole another set of what-the-hells....
On the way home the next afternoon, I stopped and picked up a couple of shortie bathrobes for Marcie and myself. There was no point in messing up her dress and cumming in my clean pants every morning, assuming that this was going to keep on happening. My investment paid off handsomely the next morning. Marcie lounged openly in the doorway to the bathroom. Her robe was wide open as she fingered her cunt, giving me the best view yet of her treasures as I stroked my massive manhood. After I...
In mid-October Anne's stepmother returned from her farm bringing several hams and a brace of gamebirds along with a house guest, a mature gentleman named Pierce Joseph Amboy who styled himself "esquire" and was, in fact, a part-time lawyer as were many of the land-rich planters. At their first meal together, Mrs. Conroy raised the topic of marriage. "You are nineteen now, are you not, Anne?" she asked sweetly. "I'm sorry I missed your birthday this summer, but my place very much needed...
We were silent the entire way back to campus. I drove around trying to find a spot close enough to the theater building, but finally had to settle on a visitor's parking lot two blocks away. I stepped out of the car, and Mark came around to my side and held out his hand, helping me step over the short concrete bumper and onto the sidewalk. Just as during the drive there, we walked along in silence, though holding hands. When we came to a crosswalk, I felt his thumb rubbing against the top...
Hi ISS Reader this is Dev from jamshedpur, this is my 5th story in ISS. Well who dosen’t know about me for them I am 31 year old married health person. My email ID :- and hai. Meri dilchaspi hamesha shadishuda aurato pe hoti hai jo saari pahanti hai . Kyonki saari me aurat kafi sexy aur khubsurat lagti hai jise chodne me bhi kafi maza aata hai . Whenever I make sexual relation with any ladies my first ambition is to make her satisfied with my cock. Till now I have fucked around 50 ladies (...
Dexter looked down at his watch. He had taken the kids to the hospital at five thirty. It was now nine thirty and the kids were still visiting their mother. He figured that hunger should have driven them down to the cafeteria by now. It had now closed and he was left drinking vending machine coffee. It was even worse than the cafeteria coffee. A young man stood by the vending machine feeding money into it for a cup of coffee. He pressed a couple of buttons and stood back. The cup fell into...
Leaving Evansville and my new found nieces is the hardest thing I have done during this trip. Just the thought of Rebecca and Tracy has me trembling with an emptiness I have never experienced before. Leaving the many other preteens during my trip was sad, but in my nieces’ case, it is so different. Recalling how we spent the last weekend together certainly doesn’t help. Spending the majority of it in bed and enjoying the wonders of sex, is still vivid in my mind. It is a good thing I am still...
It's a really long time without posting and I know that. I don't even know if I still have readers out there. Anyway, there's the sixth part of the story. Enjoy. Here goes some considerations: - Even if there are some good conventional sex scenes and possibly a good dose of romance to come, this story tends to get darker as it goes. - I'm not an English speaker and I know I make a lot of mistakes, but I have no one to proof-read for me in time to post, cause I'm really busy and...
Summer had just finished when I started taking afternoon classes at one of the local community colleges just out of high school, I didn't have a car so I took the bus to and from school everyday. My parents helped me get an apartment so that I wont have to commute too far to get to school. About a few months into school everything was going good, my grades were where they should be and I was understanding all my classes and the instructors only made it easier for me to get through the...
It's been over a week and I'm still getting used to the image of me. Now your wondering what exactly what would a rather attractive, beautiful, curvy woman like myself would have to complain about. Well for starters a week ago I was a normal man. I had tried in vain to recall how I came to be captured let alone found myself in some kind of hospital or whatever this place is. It didn't matter I was used as a lab rat and I went from being male to female. The two scientists both women...