Eventualities: Allison (Revised)Chapter 7 free porn video

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After I hadn't heard from either of them for nearly two weeks, I determined to hunt down Myra and get some answers before I did another thing! It took me three days to track her down and I had to do it the old fashioned private eye way with a 24 hour stakeout and tailing them that eventually led me to the serpent's lair, literally.

The Serpents Lair (wasn't that also the name of a late 70's video game?) was down in the basement of the old Psych building on the Rice University campus. In the 60's wild-eyed professors with fat government grants ran testing labs down there and when this funding dried up by the mid-70's the graduate students turned this equipment junkyard into their official drinking and hangout den. With the obtainment of a legitimate beer & wine license in the early 1980's and named the Serpents Lair, this became the primary watering hole for the liberal arts and social sciences graduate students. Legal concerns shut the bar down for good a few years ago and the place had remained empty ever since, except for irregular shipments of boxes sent down for storage and then promptly forgotten about, by all parties concerned.

This place had been Myra's primary college home and she had witnessed its rise from obscurity, its heyday and final shutdown, had spent hundreds of hours here, bringing books from the library just across the street and reading until last call when the doors were padlocked. I had heard Myra mention the place often nostalgically so when I followed her car and saw her enter the building, I knew right where she was headed. As a valued alumnus, an occasional visiting teacher and guest lecturer, she had enough clout in the Psych department, to get a little 'research space' and where better than her old study den which was now only a semi-forgotten storage area?

Myra had apparently been a very busy little beaver; all of the old clutter had been moved into the corners and near the center of the room, where the old bar once stood was a large gleaming chrome metal tank, with several computer screen readouts, a printer, dials, hoses and instrument holders that seemed medical in purpose. There were wires everywhere, headphones and more still a few more individual computers, running along the right side wall on top of the original bar carpet covered bench seating that ringed 3 walls of the room.

The floor was bare concrete, and four large cement pillars lay in awkward spots near the corners of the room. The lighting was dim and irregular, about par for a nighttime bar level. Frankly the computer screens probably gave off more light than the fixed light fixtures did. I had never seen anything like this equipment before in any hospital or military base anywhere I had ever been.

"It's a sensory deprivation water chamber." Myra said, "Completely state of the art and it allows only one or two people to handle what used to take a staff of half-a-dozen. If there is anything better for reaching an alpha state trance, I've never found it. I had to get more help and spend more money to set this up than I would have preferred but that can't be helped, time is of the essence. Your Mr. "M" was a very, very smart man and he kept Allison in one of these for a long time while giving her drugs to reshape her entire personality. I'm betting that I'm smarter, and can undo at least some of his programming. Will you go away now?"

"Ummm, No." I replied. "We really need to talk."

"No ... we don't," she snapped, "You're just mad because you're not getting laid and I am, unfortunately involving the same woman who loves us both. But don't worry about that, if push came to shove she would and will, choose you over me in a heartbeat. You're Mr Right, I'm Ms. Right now. We can yell and call each other names or you can leave me to my work and just maybe you'll get to fuck her someday again five minutes sooner than you would otherwise, so stop being a selfish bastard and let me do what I need to do."

I gave the attempt at conversation one last try.

"Myra, I know you want to help, it seems to drive your every waking moments these days ... but is sleeping with your patient really necessary and or at all helpful to the situation?"

"For the millionth time, she is not 'technically' my patient. It's technically true, but other doctors, nurses and therapists actually sign all the paperwork, and she is my friend too, not just my lover." She angrily barked at me, and added more slowly and sadly, "Things just ... happened. But now we have complete trust with each other and that really seems to really help and make a difference."

I wish I could have thought of something else clever to use as a leaving line, but I couldn't think of anything worthwhile, so I just said "Ok, fine." and left.

Now I was really sure there was something going on man speak vs. women speak that I wasn't comprehending. Under other circumstances, it would have been Myra I would have asked to get a proper female to male translation, this wasn't likely at the moment. Isn't the age long battle between the sexes really annoying sometimes?

I realized much later that Myra had said something very important that I should have asked a question or two about. It bothered me at the time but I didn't know quite why. I didn't have to wait much longer to get that answer but by then it was definitely the wrong question.

Another month slipped by, things did seem to be improving, my very irregular dinners with Allison (never with Myra along) seemed to become more frequent and we established a semi-firm 'Date night' now for every Monday night. Our sex schedule, however did not improve. Weekends seemed to remain strictly off-limits and I never saw (or seldom spoke to) her during those times at all. We managed little more than a few occasional 'quickies' and one interesting (but cramped) interlude in my car.

My mood at work, volatile these days at best, was becoming volcanic and I often thought about quitting, or loudly offering to do so to my Assistant Chief who still wanted me to assume the soon to be vacated Medical Director position when my useless boss finally retired, hopefully sometime in the next year. Fifteen years ago that was my dream job and was what I had driven myself towards my entire EMT career. More and more I became convinced that now I didn't want the job at all.

As the Divisional Training Manager (and pretty much the de facto Director of Training), I got to do a little bit of 'good, ' I felt. I could encourage and groom young EMT's with potential, get rid of the occasional bad apple, give a gentle hand with our 'burnouts' and saved more than a few from quitting. Once in a while I even managed another ride in the "box" and accompanied young EMT-I's and EMT's on a few calls for service but those occasions seemed to become fewer and farther between.

I was alone in my office at work on a miserable Friday afternoon dreading another weekend without Allison, just staring at the four walls of my offices at what seemed to be my endless certificates and certifications. I felt at that moment that I was little more than another "burnout" case myself and I had no clue as to how I could fix it. Myra was of course all busy with her crusade to save Allison.

There didn't seem to anyone available to 'save' me.

On Allison's Monday night dinners with me she invariably seemed happy and upbeat. They were making 'real progress', she assured me, but would say little beyond that. Any mention of her current sleeping arrangements seemed to provoke acute sadness and genuine unhappiness, and was guaranteed to cause an early end to the evening.

I bit my tongue some more, which was getting to be a new constant habit and we both tried to keep our conversations light and cheerful. I could tell that there was so much that she wanted to say to me and genuinely resented every moment that we were apart and invariably her parting words to me were a variation of "Soon, my beloved, soon."

It came as a surprise to me when she no-showed for one of our dinner dates, right after having received a final 'all's well' from her liver doctor, whom she would now only need to see much less frequently for checkups. Also, Tammy had phoned the previous Friday that nationwide raids of all of the identified Syndicate members was scheduled to start that weekend, and the Monday morning AM news station was reporting 'sweeping raids on a nationwide drug syndicate'. It looked to be the start of a great week.

I wasn't unduly disturbed by Allison's absence though until it became Wednesday evening and I had not received any telephone callbacks to the messages I had left either her and Myra. No one was answering the phone at Myra's house and I began to become concerned.

When I called Myra's secretary, Pamela at her office first Thursday morning, I was told that, "she had received a strange sort of phone call from Myra on Monday morning directing her secretary to cancel all of her appointments, classes and seminars for the week." When asked why, Myra had uncharacteristically screamed for her to, "Shut up and just do it," and then immediately hung up.

"Her voice just didn't sound right," Pamela added.

Now I was deeply disturbed. I cancelled all of my appointments with my own secretary and started to search for the women's whereabouts.

Using my house key for Myra's I gave it a quick look over, nothing obvious and lots of unanswered blinking of her answering machine. The cat food bowl was empty and the water dish dry. Her two cats, which had never had much use for me previously, were now suddenly my best pals as I refilled their food and water dishes. I couldn't resist a taking a look in the drawers of Myra's two bedside tables. I found a lot of interesting sex toys on both sides, with the more eye opening ones on the right side (probably Allison's, Myra always slept on the left side of the bed when we had shared a bed together). Amused and slightly educated, I left, there were no answers here.

Driving in circles, I was running out of places to call and check for her when I remembered her new lab setup at the Serpent's Lair. I kicked myself; it should have been the first place that I should have gone looking for them at. I started to head for the University at once, but something kept bothering me enough that about 2/3rds of the way there I first detoured by my house and picked up my gun. Soon after my return from San Diego I had gone to a gun show and bought a vintage military surplus, but still very serviceable, Colt .45 to replace the pair that I had 'lost' to evidence at the sewage plant. Packing a little reassurance, I broke several speed limits getting to the University.

Just exactly what made me stop and go back home for that weapon I'll never figure out to this day. Come to find out though, it made no difference whatsoever.

Taking the stairs down the basement (there was a freight elevator, but it was key operated only, a good thing since it was also noisy as heck). I found that the chain and padlock were off of the door handles to the Lair (it had never had a proper door mounted lock even in the old days) and I quietly opened it and crept inside.

I could hear a muttering voice, but something told me that it wasn't Myra's. Prepared for the worst I crept down the three cement steps and looked around the right hand hall corner into the center of the room. In my past experience when you prepare for the worst you are rarely disappointed. What I saw did not elevate my spirits though.

First, I saw Allison; That was alarming enough. She was nude, except for wearing a collar around her neck and a pair of sturdy leather cuffs that restrained her hands behind her back. She was kneeling in a submissive position next to small portly middle-aged man wearing a tweed jacket and glasses, who was wearing a headset that seemed to be plugged into Myra's new giant toy, her sensory deprivation chamber, which ominously to be seemed all lit up. A dripping IV and other tubes bearing liquids confirmed my suspicion that someone (probably Myra?) was inside it.

I cursed my crappy luck and drew my gun and angled into the room enough to get a shooting angle, but I wasn't happy with my immediate choices ... either equipment or Allison's head blocked all of my immediate paths for shooting, plus I was not a cold blooded murderer. I also didn't know all of the facts and my growing suspicions could theoretically be wrong (in a pig's eye).

I first tried very discretely getting Allison's attention, but to no avail. Her eyes hardly seemed to blink and she didn't move a single muscle for the five minutes I observed her from my semi-hidden spot near the doorway. At least her captor, "M" (I was willing to bet my entire savings upon it being him) was so absorbed in his work, muttering seeming gibberish to me, into his headset microphone. Eventually, my increasing efforts to get Allison's attention attracted his; he seemed only a little surprised but recovered very quickly.

I brandished my gun in a manner that suggested much more confidence than I actually felt and charged into the room to face him. I was still unwilling to risk any shot with Allison anywhere nearby. I then ordered him to release Allison and then step away holding his hands in the air.

He laughed a thin squeaky sort of laugh and complied, whispering something in her ear as he released her from her cuffs and also handed her his silver tipped walking stick while stepping away from her, putting his headset down also.

My unease didn't diminish; Allison showed no signs of recognizing me and did not run or even hurry to my side. I grabbed her and pushed her behind me to protect her, and leveling my gun at "M", I ordered him to the floor and he complied. I thought again about just executing the man who had given me and my beloved so much irreparable grief but I slightly relaxed my grip and decided to cuff "M" instead. Myra might also need him alive to get all of his code words out of Allison, I thought.

Instead, as I took my first step forward to secure him, he shouted one of his codes out first. "Tula, Rumpleforeskin" and then "Tula, Kill!"

I turned just in time to see Allison swinging "M"s heavy silver-ended cane at my head with insane unblinking force. I had no time to dodge the block, which would have split my head open like a ripe melon, but I evaded just enough of the blows main force which struck me hard on the side of my head instead of upon the crown.

I was knocked dazed face down onto the cement floor and never felt the second (or third) blows that immediately followed.

I never realized how nearly my latest fuckup had also almost become my last, but my overworked guardian angel must have had a soft place in his or her heart for fools and utter idiots and I remained unconscious for a very long time.

I awoke with my head feeling like a small nuclear explosion had gone off. The pain was paralyzing and when I felt like I could almost manage to open my eyes, I had to immediately shut them due to the pain and at my quadruple vision.

Wonderful, I had a major concussion at the very least. My hands didn't seem to be tied and my face seemed wet, like I was in a puddle and I could taste blood - nothing bleeds like a scalp wound. The detached Paramedic part of my brain told me that I was hurt ... badly, but I could guess that "M" had thought I was dead. I guess he had never learned to take vital signs properly in med school, or else he was overconfident — it did feel like I was in a fairly big pool of blood ... all mine.

Things were bad but I had hope. I settled for that and kept my eyes shut for awhile and remained still, but despite my efforts to remain conscious I know that I blacked out at least a few more times. When my sight had improved to merely only having triple vision, I risked taking a long look around at my surroundings.

The pain was nearly unbearable, but I got the good look I needed to evaluate my situation. Allison was kneeling again in the same tranced out position she was in when I had first entered. "M" seemed to be taking a short catnap. I guess even the evil genius couldn't stay awake three or four days straight without a little rest and was lightly snoring with his headphones still on.

I was indeed laying in a large pool of my own blood, but not a dangerously large such amount. It looks worse than it was. I had been dragged across to the other side of the Lair from the doorway on the opposite side of the room from Allison and "M". There was still no sign of Myra.

My first piece of luck! Now, if I could move, I could get the drop on him for a change. The problem was my head was a broken mess and my body wasn't following instructions well. I tried to stand up and had another short blackout. I tried to pull myself up a bit but quit just as I felt myself start to blackout. Not so good.

I went to Plan B, I pulled out my cell phone. "M" assumed a dead person wouldn't be using it, and had left it in my pocket, but he had taken my gun) and started dialing numbers. I got no answer at either my office, Tiny's office (I couldn't remember his newish home phone number) or Myra's office. Darn, it's late at night then.

I seemed to have a harder time focusing and dialing and decided I really only had one good chance left. 911 or Tammy. I choose Tammy first and after at least five attempts someone answered that sounded vaguely like her. Now the problem was that my whispered speech made absolutely no sense to my own ears. Who knows what I was really saying. Was I talking nonsense and hearing it correct, or I was I speaking lucid and my brain was interpreting it as gibberish? For that matter I could not understand a word that Tammy was saying, if by a miracle that was her I had actually reached at all.

I think I then had another long blackout for when I revived, the phone was still powered on, but no one was there. I could see what looked like the low battery signal (I had improved to only suffering double-vision) and it could not seem to stay connected to any signal tower. I was on my own again, and it was now or never to come up with a plan to save ourselves.

I began to slowly inch my way across the floor towards Allison. It took seemingly forever. "M" shifted slightly once but continued to snore (he must have utterly exhausted) and did not awaken. I crawled it seemed for an hour, I reached Allison's side where I could whisper to her safely and not risk being overhead. The problem was, she didn't seem to see or hear me at all. Even gently poking her leg seemed to exact no response. I was exhausted and dizzy and feared that even moving another inch would cause another blackout ... I couldn't risk moving much further.

If "M" awoke now, there was no way I could play dead any longer.

Next to Allison was one of the old bar tables. Maybe it had my gun on it or something I could use? I risked pulling myself up into the old carpet covered wall length bench that used to be the main bar seats (there had been a few tables and chair but not many, the grad students had preferred to sit in a three-sided square along the walls for their drinking and group discussions). With effort, I pulled myself up enough to take a look, drat — nothing there on the table. In fact I thought I could now see my gun resting next to "M's" side in the corner. I saw no way of getting over to it, either quickly or safely.

That left only emergency Plan Z, which I had, really, really hoped not to have to try and prayed that my language skills had returned. I took two deep breaths and summoned every ounce of my will and concentration.

"Tula, Rumpleforeskin ... Tula answer Master, can you hear my voice." Allison answered in a tiny, far away voice, "Yes Master I hear your voice, but it does not sound like Master's voice." Ok, this might work, but I would have to be oh, so careful.

"Tula, you will listen to Master's voice and only to your Master's voice, will you obey Master? Answer me only in a whisper." She whispered "Yes, Master" but didn't sound completely certain. I swung for the fences.

"Tula, Master is unhappy with you. You do not sound like you want to Obey Master, you are considering being Disobedient and not Obeying Master." Allison's obvious distress grew, as she did want so want to Obey Master but was confused, uncertain.

I continued, "Master is growing displeased and Angry. You know what happens when Master gets Angry, especially with disobedient Bad Slave Girls that want to disobey." Allison was nearly crying by now and her pleas of obedience were becoming dangerously loud.

Same as Eventualities: Allison (Revised)
Chapter 7 Videos

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While Brit was in the den with Greg, Allison made her way up to Jeff's room to talk with Kari and him. "How are you feeling?" she asked Jeff, sitting down in an unoccupied chair. "A little tired, that's all." "And your head?" "Just fine right now." "Good. It breaks my heart to see you in pain. If there's anything I can do to help, just let me know." "I will. Thanks." Allison sat by him for a minute longer, as if she wanted to say something but was unsure about...

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Allison and Emanuel Naked In SchoolMonday AfternoonEvening Part 1

Monday Afternoon/Evening Allison Allison had somehow made it through AP History without falling asleep. Was it because she was feeling really horny but had no way of getting relief? Her thoughts had gone to Emanuel part way through class – thoughts of his perfect body, his smile, his caring touch. A small voice in the back of head told her, You’re falling for him. She blushed just even remembering this. As she made her way towards the cafeteria, she saw three boys waiting near some...

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Allison Rides the Spanking Horse

Alison got off the elevator. Instead of walking straight to Suite 2550, at the end of the corridor, she ducked into the ladies room right next to the elevators. Thank goodness no one was in the bathroom. She checked the commodes just to be sure. A quick little pull on her silver flask and she was ready for the interview due to start in 10 minutes. She checked the mirror. Her silver toned blond hair was impeccable. She had her lipstick on perfectly and the lip gloss added a sense of wetness...

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Allison and Emanuel Naked In SchoolWednesday Evening

Wednesday Evening Emanuel “Mainly, there are two important things to know about meeting Sensei for the first time. First, when you step through the curtain separating the outer area of the dojo and the inner, put your hands together near the upper middle of your chest and wait there until he acknowledges your presence. Secondly, shoes, socks and other belongings go in the cubbies before the curtain. Besides that, the obvious things: when addressing him, speak in a polite tone of voice and...

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Allison and Emanuel Naked In SchoolThursday Morning

Thursday Morning Emanuel Emanuel heard a shrieking noise suddenly start. I guess it’s morning. Good morning Manny. Emanuel sat up and glanced at the alarm clock. Good morning precious. You’re up early. I know. For some reason, I couldn’t wait to start the day. Emanuel smiled and started towards the bathroom. That tends to happen when life starts going well for people. That makes sense. Would you mind if I ask a stupid question? Why would I? Go ahead, I’ll do my best to...

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The Transformation of Allison 2

Introduction: Read the first before you read this one, and as always, if you do not like extreme stories, dont read this one. Allison woke up, smiling. She excitedly got up, seeing if the changes to her body were still there. Looking down, all she saw were perfectly round 36 DD cup breasts. She laughed as she got up, and looked in the mirror to admire her new body again. Everything was still there, she was as curvy as a porn star, and her blonde hair matched with her new bright blue eyes. She...

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Billy His Mom and Sister Allison

"Very," answered Billy "and fun to." "Yes, you certainly looked like you were enjoying yourself. It was almost like you wanted to show yourself to the Dr. and her nurse." Replied Cheryl. "I did mom, there was something very exciting about it." "Maybe you're an exhibitionist Billy, you know someone who enjoys exposing themselves to others." "Well, if that's what an exhibitionist is then I guess I am one." Said Billy. "Is it ok if I'm naked around the house some mom?"...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 80 Surprising Compromise

Allison tried her best to ease the tension in the family. She spent a good deal of time trying to comfort Brit and Jeff, or at least trying to get them to talk to each other. It helped a little, but not much. Throughout most of February, the children probably said less than a dozen words to each other each day. One night while Brit was over at Crystal's, Jeff lay in bed staring at the ceiling as he was wont to do these days. Allison knocked at the door and came in. He sat up, and she sat...

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Allison and Emanuel Naked In SchoolSaturday Evening

Saturday Evening I think we just arrived. Did your mom make a reservation? I’m pretty sure she needed to. “Good.” The car came to a stop. I’m glad we’re here. I came close to moaning at least three times. It’s like Dad was trying to hit all of the bumps and rough roads. Came close? They were soft, but I don’t think you completely contained any of them. Not that it mattered though. Yeah. Dad’s little tirade was useful for that at least. “Go ahead inside kids. We’ll be in...

2 years ago
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Allisons Life Changing Experience Part 2

Allison woke up, smiling. She excitedly got up, seeing if the changes to her body were still there. Looking down, all she saw were perfectly round 36 DD cup breasts. She laughed as she got up, and looked in the mirror to admire her new body again. Everything was still there, she was as curvy as a porn star, and her blonde hair matched with her new bright blue eyes. She noticed that the bulge in her belly from all the cum was gone, and she had no stretch marks in sight. Allison realized how...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 15 Fantasies

For the second morning in a row, Greg awoke to the wonderful feeling of two very beautiful women lying in his arms. He could hardly believe what had happened last night. He had made love to his wife and her sister! Furthermore, they had made love to each other right in front of his eyes. His conservative upbringing told him that that was horribly wrong, but he couldn't deny that he had enjoyed every minute of it. Rachael was the second one to wake. She stared up at him and smiled. "Good...

2 years ago
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Allison and Emanuel Naked In SchoolThursday Afternoon Lunch

Thursday Afternoon: Lunch Emanuel began to step through the doors, when suddenly her free hand wrapped around his penis and squeezed gently. Allison “Are you particularly hungry now Manny?” He pause in thought for a moment. “No ... why do you ask?” She smiled, squeezed a little harder, and led him by the penis into the middle of the cafeteria. “Do you trust me?” He nodded his head, then paused, a worried look on his face. “What do you have in mind?” She smiled. “Nothing that goes...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 13 The Pajama Club

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Allison asked Greg as they sat in their hotel room on Saturday morning. Despite easily being able to afford it, Greg had never been to Las Vegas before, but Allison had come up with the idea of spending a weekend there. So far he had blown a couple of grand at the casinoes, just pocket change to a wealthy man like him. But that wasn't the real reason they were here. Tonight, Allison had something planned for him, something she had kept secret except for...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 26 Modeling

After her birthday, Brit spent most of her free time in the studio. Within a couple of weeks, she had the walls covered with her drawings, and sketches all over her desks. Jeff taught her how to scan her drawings into the computer and keep track of them in a database. He was amazed at how talented she had become in the last couple of years. Walking into the studio was like walking into a fantasy world; he found himself suddenly surrounded by fairies and unicorns and magical landscapes of all...

4 years ago
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The Maid 3 Meeting Allison

My senior year in college, I attained employment with Miss Laura as her maid. Miss Laura is 50ish, very rich, very demanding, and also very sexy and beautiful. I cleaned and cooked and did her laundry, etc. The pay rate was much higher than I had expected. My duties revolved around my classes and studying. Miss Laura was very demanding and wanted everything done HER way, but also very understanding. After graduation, she offered me the position of being her personal maid. I had to sign a...

1 year ago
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The Transformation of Allison 2

Allison got up in a jolt. Why was she sitting here fucking herself when she could get the plant to do it for her? She ran out to the forest, trying to jog without her massive tits jiggling up and down. She reached the plant, smiling and licking her lips. This time, it looked like a simple tentacle with a round base, perfectly rigid going straight up. Allison calmly walked over to it, and pushed her pussy all the way down to the bottom. She gasped as a fluid immediately came out of the tip...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 6 Secret Paradise

Allison had an idea for an activity the next day. She had been to Maui before; the summer after her graduation from high school her family had taken a vacation there, and Allison and Rachael had borrowed the car one day to find a certain swimming hole that they had read about. It had a spectacular waterfall, and although the water was cold, the beach surrounding it was sunlit and warm. The two girls had liked it so much that they had gone three more times during their vacation. Only once had...

1 year ago
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Allison and Emanuel Naked In SchoolSaturday MorningAfternoon

Saturday Morning/Afternoon “Allison! Sarah! Breakfast is almost ready!” Allison opened her eyes and glanced up at the clock. Isn’t it a bit early for breakfast? She turned her head to the still sleeping Emanuel asleep next to her, his hand having migrated to her breast at some point during the night. “Wake up Manny. Mom says breakfast is almost ready.” He opened his eyes and seemed to look groggily at her, then looked down at his hand. “Sorry.” Allison caught the hand as he attempted to...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 99 Guest of Honor

Jeff awoke in the morning happy, for the second morning in a row surrounded by the naked bodies of the people he loved. This time, he found Allison and Crystal curled up in his arms, slumbering peacefully. Next to him, Kari lay on her back with her arms wrapped around Brit, who lay on top of her, her head on Kari's chest. Jeff couldn't help but smile at the peaceful and serene look on his little sister's face as she cuddled with his girlfriend. Across the room, his father and Rachael lay...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 8 Jeffs Continuing Education

The school year ended with much excitement from the kids and much relief from the teachers and administrators. Jeff was of mixed emotions. On the one hand, he wouldn't see Kari Williams for another three months. On the other, he would see a lot more of Allison. He decided that all things considered, it was a net positive. At least Allison he could talk to, joke around with, and look at porn together with. Though he had been madly in love with Kari ever since he was old enough to like girls,...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 63 Fantasy Fulfilled

It was still night when Jeff awoke, so he must have slept only a couple of hours. He lay together with Brit and Allison in the same position as when they went to sleep. Brit was still on top of him, slumbering peacefully. Jeff reached out and wiped away a stray hair that had fallen across her face. Next to them, Allison still lay on her side, but she had removed her hand from Brit's back and was rubbing herself between her legs. Her eyes were closed, but Jeff could tell that she was...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 69 Test of Stamina

Back home, Jeff and Brit were having just as much fun as their big sister. Jeff hadn't felt so good since the day he had made love to Kari for the first time. Growing up, he had always thought that love was something shared between one man and one woman, but now he knew it was possible for a man to love two women. He was in love with both Kari and Brit. Perhaps Crystal too. And it appeared that they all loved him back. He still visited Kari whenever he could, especially on days when she...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 76 Exposure

Back home, life in the Primdale household was mostly happy. Greg loved to watch Jeff and Brit getting along. The contrast from their former bickering and arguing delighted him enough to keep him from worrying too much about that conversation he had had with Allison about teenage girls falling in love with their brothers. If Brit was going through a phase where she adored Jeff, well, that was all right. He had earned it after all, by saving her life twice. Eventually the phase would pass, and...

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Allison and Hazel

It was in the year of “social distancing” that this story takes place. Allison has barricaded herself in the house, never going out except to walk her dogs, and she tried a new neighborhood to walk them today. As Allison was passing this one house, there was a woman standing out front watering her plants. The homeowner saw her walking by and waved, “Mind if I pet your dogs?” Allison said, “Sure. I’ll bring them to you.” As Allison came up onto her porch, the dogs got all excited because they...

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Allison and Emanuel Naked In SchoolFriday Evening

Friday Evening The gates disappeared behind them a few moments later. “Are you ready for class today?” “Yeah. Can I ask another serious question?” “Of course.” “How are you feeling about the conversation with my parents later?” “Well...” I can feel your nervousness. You don’t need to try to hide it. Wouldn’t you be if our positions were reversed? She smiled. Totally. It’s only natural. Honestly though, you have nothing to worry about. “I know that, but that doesn’t lessen the...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 2 Allison Makes a Friend

In the morning, he woke up still thinking about her. He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't even yell at Brit for taking the bathroom before him. Their bathroom separated their two bedrooms, and was not otherwise accessible from the hall. Lissa, being the oldest, had one to herself. Brit had never quite gotten it into her bratty head that since she took at least three times as long in there as Jeff did, that he should be allowed to take his shower first. She almost treated it...

2 years ago
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Allison Part 3

I didn't know how to adjust to what was happening in my marriage. I didn't know what to say, what to do, or how to make things better. I'd been trying for years. And it didn't seem to make a difference.My wife wasn't cheating on me. I knew that. I knew that, for some reason, over time, she'd lost interest in sex. I just didn't know why. I knew it couldn't be me. Before our marriage, I was fucking around a lot, having a good time, and I never had girls not want more. After I met her, we used to...

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Mrs Allison the white teacher

THE VICTORY DANCE Mrs. Allison Tappet dreaded her last period math class. Having been a teacher for 10 years she had seen the students go from showing some interest to practically none. Discipline in the schools was worse and her last period class was the worst. It contained all the ?STAR? high schools football players who felt they had a free ticket in her class because she had been instructed not to make them miss practice. The team was one game away from taking the state championship, and...

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Allison and Emanuel Naked In SchoolMonday AfternoonEvening Part 2

Allison Allison stepped off the bus, dreading the millions of questions her mother would likely have. She walked up to the door, opening it slowly. She quietly walked inside, hoping her mother wouldn’t hear the noise, and then maybe she’d have enough time to make it up to her room without being seen. That would make avoiding the questions a lot easier. She realized that plan was meaningless when she spotted her mother sitting at the dining room table. “Allison honey ... how was your first...

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Allison and Emanuel Naked In SchoolTuesday AfternoonEvening

Tuesday Afternoon/Evening Allison Allison opened her eyes slowly, letting them acclimate to the light coming through the open door. How long did we sleep? she wondered as she tilted her head towards the clock on the wall. Is it really that late? she thought for a moment. Maybe my eyes are deceiving me she added as she looked back at the clock, and felt Emanuel’s thoughts start to stir. Manny, sweetheart, it’s time to wake up. Huh? What time is it? he replied weakly. Nearly time for...

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Allison and Emanuel Naked In SchoolThursday Evening

Thursday Evening Allison Allison quietly made her way toward the box, breathing a sigh of relief as she realized the lock was still on it. She turned to Gary. “Do you have the key?” He shook his head and turned toward the right. “No Ms. Kirse, I do. Can I convince you to leave your robe in there until tomorrow?” Allison turned toward Ms. Frauhold. “If I had worn normal clothing today, maybe. I intend to use my bathrobe tomorrow morning though.” “Very well. I’ll unlock your box for...

1 year ago
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Allison and Emanuel Naked In School2nd Monday Afternoon Part 1

2nd Monday Afternoon: Part 1 Allison Allison’s smile soured slightly upon stepping through the doors. Manny? Yes precious? I don’t think our efforts so far have been enough to squash the new rumors. I see what you mean. Are you okay Kara? Yeah. What’s up with that group that’s been waiting by the door? Emanuel paused for a second, and focused. Groups. Three of them at moment if my sense of things is right. They’re our ‘cultists’ darling. You remember, from last week? Them? I...

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I never believed finding romance and love online was possible but that's exactly what happened to me. Her name was Allison and the minute I saw her picture I was hooked. She was simply stunning, with the prettiest face and smile I could have possibly imagined. While she lived in Oregon and I lived in England , the distance didn't really matter. After all, it was just a chat site, wasn't it? I thought for ages about a way to say hello that would at least ensure she replied to me. It was pretty...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 30 The Loss of a Sister

Brit woke up early in the morning to a pleasant sensation. She lay with her eyes closed for a while, just enjoying it. Finally, as sleepiness fled from her, she opened her eyes to discover just what felt so good. She lay on her back, and Crystal had rolled over on top of her, the girl's head on Brit's chest. Crystal's body felt warm and soft against her own. It was a little embarrassing though, since they were both nude. She tried to gently push Crystal off of her without waking her, but...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 43 In Love At Last

When Brit arrived home, she immediately came over and sat down beside him on the couch, taking his hand in hers. "How are you feeling?" she asked. "Just fine," he replied. "I had another long nap this afternoon, but no headache or dizziness. Thanks for your concern." "I am concerned," she said. "I care for you, Jeff. And when you're not feeling well, it bothers me." "I know," he smiled, putting an arm around her shoulders. "I'm so lucky to have a little sister like...

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