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The receptionist smiles at you gently. “Please touch the orb to determine your rank within the guild, sir.” The orb she is referring to is a milky-white glass ball that is about three times larger than any human palm that would be placed on it. The ball sits in an indent within the receptionists desk at chest level.

Despite the fact that the attractive brunette receptionist behind the counter called you sir, the crowd gathered around the desk snickers. You are younger and more slight than most of the other men in the hall, so you understand why they think it is amusing. This is undoubtedly a common sight. Someone that does not know their own strength coming in, only to be rejected. Many of the people who have assembled from the class of individuals who are not being tested are very likely here just to gawk at those deluded individuals that think they have what it takes to become an adventurer, but actually do not. You know you are not among them. You confidently press your palm against the pale-white orb. During the brief pause of the milky-white interior swirling and coalescing, it briefly occurs to you that you are deluded. That your effort was play and that the people around you were lying about your ability. These thoughts cause the five or so seconds of calibration to drag until finally the color begins to change.

“Great! Blue is at least C grade.” The receptionist marvels, flooding you with relief. “At your age that is pretty impressive.” You almost pull away, thinking the ceremony is done; you accomplished your goal, so it was mission accomplished. Goodbye farmer, hello adventurer. The orb has other ideas. As you try to pull away the orb holds your palm in place is if it and your palm were both powerful magnets. The ball's interior turns purple, a color you have no reference for. The receptionist gasps and leans over the testing station, swirling purple reflects in her pale-blue eyes. They are flicking back and forth, searching for any error. She seems to decide it is not and announces excitedly.

“Purple means you're at least B-Grade!” The crowd you is now in stunned silence. You yourself can barely make a sound. Just as you think it may be done the orb changes again, causing the receptionist to cover her mouth and bounce up and down in place.

“I can't believe this!” The color finishes it's shift from purple to a dark red.

“At least A-rank, no... S-Rank!” You are finally able to pull your hand away. It tingles, giving you the feeling of having sat on it for a few minutes.

“What does this actually mean? Am I an S-Ranked adventurer?” You ask pointedly. It seems unlikely.

“It means that there is something about you that is causing our system to believe you should be valued at A-rank or greater.” She offers.

“Because you said A or S.”

“There wasn't a mistake. I need more information to understand why this happened. Let's take a look.” The receptionist is a sweet woman. Very sweet. It is not a common thing to share your status with anyone, as this can impart very personal, disadvantaging information. Such a right is usually reserved for doctors, parents and officials that are able to demand such a thing. The woman, again, seems nice and very helpful, so you nod and offer her permission. All it takes is for one to be making acknowledged contact with another while they open their status screen for both parties to be able to see it.

“Can I touch you?” She asks in such a tone that you are not sure you could refuse. The woman is about your age and definitely your type. Female.

You nod, giving her the go-ahead to lean on you. You are fairly sure that she needs to lean closer to see it easier, but having her breasts pressed around your arm is a bit much. You open the screen while mildly aroused and immediately regret it as the status below your name reveals to her, the only other observe, that you are in fact minorly aroused and on the way to being fully in that state.

“I'm sorry!”

“No need to apologize.” She shrugs. Her nonchalance feels a bit slighting and digs into your arousal, which thankfully makes it easier, if not a bit sour. With a bit more effort, you steady your emotions so that frustration does not show up.

The screen is an aspect of common life and is valuable in at least some way to most individuals. Being a farmer and having a verifiable grade for your ability to tend the land makes it a simple matter to get a job. So for most people it is novel and useful. For adventurers it is completely necessary.

“The orb takes all skills into account when making its assessment. It carries a magical algorithm that does all the work of identifying talent, basically.” She informs you proudly while looking over your screen.

“All the numbers seem mundane for a kid of your age...” She mumbles more or less to herself. “Promising Talent!?” She raises her voice excitedly, underlining that text with her finger to make sure she is reading it correctly.

“Hold on, I need to look this up.” The receptionist retreats and circles back around to behind the desk. She pulls out a heavy tome filled with enough page markers to double the already impressive thickness of it. The crowd is on edge as she searches. You stand by awkwardly, glancing around at the resentful faces of veteran adventurers. The majority of them are C, with a few stuck at the infamous bottleneck that is B. To see someone with guaranteed potential would make anyone like that frustrated.

“I found it! Yes, yes. It's good. Definitely S-Grade.” She announces. You hear the crowd groan collectively.

“What's that?” You decide to spare yourself the dirty looks and instead fix your attention on the woman.

“'Promising Talent' is one of the heroic traits. It is suspected that only a few of those pop up in humanity every couple decades, and even then some slip through the cracks. Not everyone will come and get tested. They live a normal life and become REALLY good at basket weaving, or something. So it is a BIG deal that you were discovered here, by me.” You note the insistence with which she makes sure to specify that it was her that discovered you.

“Okay... What does it actually do? When I looked at it, I always thought it seemed like a bland trait.”

“Have you always felt pretty capable at whatever you decided to do?” You answer her question with a nod.

“You're usually better than the people around you in your age group, or close to being better?” Another nod.

“That's 'Promising Talent.' It means you are going to pick up any skill intuitively, you are going to achieve more of an affect from any type of training and you are definitely going to be able to develop an affinity for magic, or other similar methods for harnessing mana.” She takes in a gasp of air after saying all of that with one breath.

“So I'm literally just good at everything?” You immediately decide to empathize with the looks of hatred from your soon-to-be peers. For people that had worked hard for most of their lives, someone with a trait like yours will naturally come off as being extremely privileged.

“So what rank am I going to start at? A-Grade?”

“D grade.” She says frankly.


She shrugs. “Potential is potential, but you are about average right now. Heroes are born AND made. It's what makes it possible that some go on to save the world while others end up getting really good at playing card games.” You show her you understand by nodding. It is not a difficult concept to grasp. No one would be able to immediately start out at the highest grade and flourish. She confirms this thought-process by adding.

“You are definitely going to grow into an A or S-grade talent, but we don't cultivate that brand of talent by killing them early on with impossible jobs.”

“I've been given a chance to do a lot of good for the world. I'll work hard and make it happen. That's all I've ever wanted to do.” You announce. You hear subtle 'Pshh' sounds from the various adventurers who are now in the process of leaving the guild hall.

“That's so cute. Spoken like a true hero.” The Receptionist pulls you behind the desk and shows you a few nice cards.

“So, I'm actually going to give you a plate, since I think you're going place. Most adventurers starting out have to settle for parchment.”

“Okay? Thanks.”

She pulls out a flat, inch-thick bronze plate and stamps it hard. The end result is a very nice-looking rectangular plate with his name and rank.

“Here you are, sir. This plate will serve as your identification, so make sure you keep it on you while you are on a job or picking up a job. Those are the main two.”

You spend a minute at the desk admiring it. It is just a plate, but it has some weight and shine to it, like a trophy. Feeling around, there is a catch at the back where it can be attached to your clothes. You start making plans for where to place it when it occurs to you that you have no idea what you are doing. “Where do I start?”

“Small jobs here and there.” She says evenly, guiding you back around to the front of the desk.

“As a rule of thumb, stick to your grade and group up for anything above that.” After the receptionist finishes talking she looks past you and inclines her head politely before retreating back behind the desk.

“Welcome!” She calls out.

When you turn around and look up from your newly gained treasure, there are only a few people left in the entire building. A few are in the process of leaving, fewer still are sitting at scattered tables spread out in the hall and four of the people among that group seem intent on speaking to you. These are the ones that the woman behind the desk felt the need to politely greet. They are lined up, jostling each other to be at the forefront of your attention.


“Hiya!” One says forwardly. She takes one big step to stand in front of the other three.

“Hi.” You wave awkwardly as she sizes you up with two sharp, golden eyes. The person that stepped forward is a beast-woman. That alone is enough to catch your attention, but this one in particular is stunning. Her hair is a striking shade of red. It is slightly curly and falls just a few inches below her shoulder. Poking quite obviously up from between the gorgeous, full strands of hair are two soft-looking fox ears. She does not appear to be wearing makeup and her clothing is simple. A thick, green cloth vest with black straps and fastenings wrapping around it like a harness. The piece is conservative, covering her entire torso, but the straps beneath and around her chest effectively push up and out her otherwise small breasts and have the effect of making them look bigger, whether that is the intention or not. The sleeves of a white blouse are poking out from the vest and just barely cover her shoulders. There are also hints of it shown through some small holes in the vest where the fastenings hold it together. Around the woman's waist is a tight belt holding up some of the shortest shorts you have ever seen. So short that they may as well just count as underwear. So short that he pouches attached to the belt around her waist mostly sit below where the shorts cut off. For footwear she wears a simple pair of cloth boots that ride halfway up her calves.

It is quite obvious to anyone present that you are staring, but the woman does not seem to mind. Rather than mind, she winks at you and motions you closer.

“You should probably just come with me. Don't gotta think too much about it. You wanna be stronger, right? I'll help you out.” After she says that you begin to step forward, but are snapped out of an apparent trance by another loud voice. The beast-woman lets out a low growl and turns to glare in the direction of the shrill sound.

“Stop! Stop! I have your attention? Good. Do not waste your potential, my dear boy.” That elegant please is made by the third member from the group of four you witnessed. As she steps up to stand beside the first woman, you begin to feel a little crowded, but can not say you mind. Your head is turned by the appearance of the new woman, to the annoyance of the beast-woman that had your attention first.

“You need to focus your attention on magic. Any fool can throw their fists around, but it takes a unique individual to learn a true art like magic.”

“I know m-” The beastwoman argues loudly, only to be interrupted incredibly quickly by the Mage.

“Real magic!” She waits to make sure she will no longer be interrupted, then turns her nose up with satisfaction and returns her pleasant gaze to you.

“What do you say?” The woman is undoubtedly an elf. You spot her long ears immediately and do not see any fur. That is how one can be sure. Her hair and eyes are both dark, but her skin is pale as porcelain, creating a stark contrast. She is more dressed in general than any of the others, especially the woman you just saw. Considering stark contrasts, looking at the two of them is like staring at night and day. The elf wears a long-sleeved dress that covers most of her lithe form down to her thighs, where the hem of the dress falls well above her knees. Even with the short skirt, the woman finds a way to hide her pale skin. She wears White stalkings that cover what is visible of her legs completely. The entire piece is frilly and girly in shape, but the base of the dress is black, with highlights in white. As opposed to the sensible footwear of the beast-woman, the elf is wearing a pair of heeled shoes. It strikes you that the complex outfit must take a little while to put on.

“Stop crowding him.” Comes the exasperated voice of the woman on the far right. She steps forward and tries to shoo the other two back. She is far easier to take in, as you recognize her garb quite easily. The woman has blonde hair, tied up in a pony-tail. She is not wearing clothing, but a uniform. Blue and white with gold buttons. It is a coat over a thin blouse. She wears pants instead of a skirt and black military boots. She gives you a very relaxed look. “They can be a bit much. Don't let them pressure you into anything.” You gulp and offer a short nod, triggering a slight smile in the dignified woman. Your gaze is not pulled to her by the state of her dress, but by what is so obviously beneath it. Though the coat is conservative, you can see where her heavy chest is being constrained by it. Her shapely body is perfectly complimented by the military clothes. Even the pants, which you have never seen on a girl, hug her wide hips in an attractive way.

“Huh...” Curiously, you look past the three women to the last figure. She had been looking down, but the moment you stare at her she tilts her head up to meet your gaze with her striking green eyes. Her hair is an unusual silver color, and incredibly long, falling half-way down her back. She wears casual-looking thick robes that cover her body to the point that it is not incredibly obvious how she looks. Out of the four, she is the only one to carry a weapon. Her long, slightly curved sword is sheathed at her side.

She exhales lightly. “Whether you decide to go with me or not is up to fate.”

“Let's slow down.” the soldier-looking woman says, raising her hands. She motions to herself.

“My name is Teuta. I am a Royal Knight sent by the Imperial Academy.” She looks over at the other women.

“I suspect you all received similar prophecies? You should probably introduce yourselves before you skip right to trying to kidnap this young adventurer.” She says it jokingly, but there is a definite annoyance in her tone.

The elf nods, her pale cheeks flushing with what you assume to be embarrassment. “I am Jeane. I was told to be in this place by the School of Sciences and Magic.”

The beast-woman shrugs. “Kara. Nice to meet ya. I'm a bit of a fortune-teller.”

The three of them, joined by you, look back expectantly at the fourth individual. She taps the hilt of her sword impatiently. From the start of the meeting to where you are now, her hand has been on it continuously. “Sword-saint Jhiana.”

Teuta scratches the side of her head awkwardly, looking away from Jhiana to regard you. “Alright then! All of these ladies look rather skilled, I think. I don't mean to shape your decision of who to go with too drastically, but in terms you're familiar with, I am A-Grade.”

“Same! But an A-grade mage is an S-Grade anything else! Keep that in mind.” Jeane says quickly.

“Whatever, bitch...” Kara shakes her head at the elf. “I'm like, A-grade, or whatever, too.”

“The hell did you call-” Jeane's argumentation is shushed by the group. Each of them is interested to hear what the apparent 'sword-saint' has to say about her grade.

Jhiana tilts her head to one side. “No comment.”

“Alright then.” Teuta chuckles lightly.

“There you have it. Would you be interested in coming with any of us?”

* * *

This is an evolving story where chapters will be posted immediately to Patreon and other sites, however, voting on what path the character chooses will only be available to Patrons. If that interests you, join myself and many others at https://www.patreon.com/TVWintergreen . $3 a month gives you the right to vote on the story and gives you access to other weekly, scheduled content and my entire archive of stories on top of that.

((Temporary Edit For Royal Roads admission.))

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Starting college was exciting. And hard. It took a little while for John Doe to get used to the swing of things, but once a few weeks had passed, he finally noticed that he was surrounded by gorgeous women. "College is amazing!" "What was that?" He turned to see his old friend Jane, who he went to High School with. She was an athletic, olive-skinned babe, and first_name had always been attracted to her. "Oh, hey Jane. I was just expressing my appreciation for Higher Education", he said with a...

2 years ago
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Calcium Quest

We'll start with a "hub" of sorts: pick the path you want to take, then embrace the madness that ensues. This hub page will be updated from time-to-time as we come up with more milky adventure scenarios. Please note that multiple characters across the different scenarios share names, appearances, and personalities. Consider these scenarios alternate universes. For example, the male protagonist of each story will be named Grimm; each story will also contain a major female character named Mars. I...

2 years ago
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Finas Quest

Danger is lurking everywhere in the Blackling Lands. It is a time full of perils, adventures and mystic creatures. Each forest is gloomier and more unforgiving than the other. One must be careful and wise in one’s decisions since each one could be the last… Fina was running. Her legs hurt and her eyes brimmed with tears. She was only wearing a thin dress that barely covered more than her abdomen. Her small, firm breasts bounced softly with each step she was running. Kretchers, human-like...

3 years ago
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Debased Quest

Jara holds little interest to the rest of the kingdom it's within and outside of maps held by the nobility no mention of it ever reaches past the borders. This is where you grew up, thatch roofs and rough stone walls are a sign of wealth here, most people live in roughly woven tents pitched against the cliff walls that hide your childhood home. Traditional and paranoid nothing has changed much in the last five hundred years and before that only one major event was ever forced upon the...

1 year ago
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An Epic Quest

You place your last few gold pieces on the table. You, John Doe of Fallen Woods, have finally saved up enough money to buy adventuring gear! You leave your quiet hometown, in search of adventure and love, with the ultimate goal of reaching the mighty city of Solaris. You are equipped with a slightly rusted sword and cheap leather armor--nothing special, but it will do in a pinch. You follow a road, but eventually it splits into three ways. Dammit, you forgot your map...But you're not about to...

2 years ago
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Domination Quest

The Kingdom of Celibas has always been under siege. Located in the central Chastelands, she faces constant attacks on the purity of her people from all sides, from tribes of Amzonian giantesses, sex-crazed goblins, devious demonic spirits, horrific monsters of all shapes and sizes and much more. But none pose a threat to the kingdom more than the Sorceress Sadista. Cunning as she is cruel, Sadista is the most powerful being in the world. Her attempts to enslave your kingdom have only been...

2 years ago
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Zombie Survival Quest

You saw the warning signs before anyone else. As soon as the news started airing reports of crazy biters, you started stocking your apartment up with supplies for a zombie apocolypse. Luckily, you live on the second floor at your apartment building and only have one neighbor across the hall and two below you. You figure your odds of survival are pretty good compared to the rest of the world. DAY 1 So far so good! You have enough food and water to last you weeks and your windows are boarded up...

1 year ago
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Necromancess QUEST

"So you wish to know the story of my life and un-life young one? It is a fairly long tale, but I will recount it with the limitless patience of the dead if you will just sit with me..." "Even now, I am uncertain about my early life, my first memories which I can fully trust are from the catacombs of Lost Troika..." "I woke in a small padded space, not much larger than my own body, there was no light to see by so I explored my surroundings and myself entirely by touch." "I found I could...

2 years ago
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Overwaifu Quest

Ever since you were a child, you'd dreamed of joining the ranks of Overwatch. After they were shut down, however, it seemed your dreams were unobtainable. So you fell into a deep depression, one which you never truly pulled out of. Now you lead a life of tedious mediocrity, working a minimum wage job and barely scraping by. You exit the bus, the brisk Autumn air nipping at you. Leaving the bus station, you start the final segment of your journey to the small studio apartment you call home....

3 years ago
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A Heros Quest

You wake up in a dark place. You think you hear a strange voice in your head. You do and he is repeating everything you say. Yes I will say whatever you think. *Sigh* really is this where we are going. Fine I like ass on a stick. There you happy I said it. Now back to the story. Ah I seem to have forgotten who you are. You dont know either. Well then I guess we get to choose who we want to be! Lets start with the basics Male or Female?

2 years ago
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Maid and the Masquerade QUEST

There are infinite worlds with an infinity of realities. This is the story of one of them. ********************************************************************** “Are you sure this is the right place toots?” The gruff cabbie asked as his car continued down the long and winedy drive way. Ellie glanced down at her written directions once more and then back out the window. Lush trees blocked her view on both sides, the leaves eager to spring to life again now that winter was finally over. Reddish...

3 years ago
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Unlucky Lucy QUEST

Click "Oh no, not again! " pestered Lucy. She just heard the door click behind her and was now locked out. Well it was embarrassing to have to seek help to get inside the house but there was worse. She was naked! The worse part was that it was not a new experience to her. In the last years she seemed to be cursed with some bad luck that ended with her being stripped or humiliated. And now once again she was locked out without a stich on and no way to get inside. Lucy was a tall blonde with...

2 years ago
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Skyrim the Ever Quest

Jo'alcar began to open his eyes as he felt himself moving and a bump under him. The Khajiit found himself setting in a wood carriage being driven by a man in brown arm. https://e621.net/post/show/459310/abs-anthro-armpits-biceps-black_background-blue_ey Jo'alcar is a attractive male Khajiit weighing 200 lbs. He is 5 feet 10 inches tall. His cock is 8 1/2 inches long. "Hey you. You were trying to cross the border. Got caught in that Imperial ambush just like us and that thief over there." A...

3 years ago
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Dad Quest

Tom couldn't wait to play Dungeons and Dragons for the first time. Sure, it was nerdy, but after transferring to a new school, since the death of his father, Tom had wanted nothing more to make new friends. New friends meant that he could get away from his mother, who had become quite mean in the last few years. Also, it mean that Tom got a chance to try out his new camera. He had been told the boys had always done wacky things while playing D&D, and he wanted to get pictures of these things....

1 year ago
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Heros Quest

You are Jason Demores, was a young man of simple birth. You were born the son of a traveling merchant who went from city to city, in a medieval world. You grew up traveling from town to town just like your father did. Each town you passed was very much unlike any other town you would go to. Each had its unique culture, and each town had things which you remembered, and learned from. Still there were some things that were similar about each town that you went too. In every town, you traveled...

4 years ago
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Erotic Adventure Quest

You have finally come of age and its time to choose which profession you will be trained in for the next 5 years. 3 masters eye you, each bearing a unique set of weapons. You shift uneasily at their scrutiny and finally get the courage to speak. “I'm ready to begin my training.” you say with a sliver of nervousness in lade within your resolute tone. They all chuckled quietly in unison, and the master holding a large Axe responded. “We can see that lass, but from this point on you're going to...

4 years ago
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Reformed Fathers Quest

“Welcome home, Akiriya,” smiled Antoine Richards.“We’re happy to have you,” added Jason McGee.“Thanks,” the pregnant teen fidgeted with a ring on her finger.“It’s okay,” said the social worker. “Antoine and Jason are kind.”“Okay,” the 15 year-old replied.“Thanks, Shavon,” Jason gestured towards the door.“Come with me, Akiriya! I’ll show you to your room,” Antoine said. “You can leave your suitcase there. Jason will bring it.”The apprehensive minor mother-to-be followed behind the five-nine,...

1 year ago
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Roger and I and an unexpected quest

I came downstairs still groggy with sleep. I could hear Roger and Freddy and a strangers very deep voice laughing and talking about something on the television. I had turned to go grab my other robe when I heard Roger say. “ Here she is Miss America “ I cracked up and said yeah you wish.Where you going asked Roger? I told him to get my other robe. He said, oh you’re fine ( with a wink )come on down and grab us a few beers would you and watch some TV.? I wrapped my kimono tighter around me and...

3 years ago
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Vampire Quest

Why did life have to be so hard? That question kept running through Rhiannon's head as she walked by the McClintock Cemetery. She kept asking herself this as her witch senses went into overdrive."Did you just realize I was standing here? I thought you were the best vampire hunter around. People need to get their stories in order," she heard behind her.Natasha jumped from her ledge. "And you need to know when to learn that I don't want to deal with you tonight," Rhiannon retorted, as she looked...

3 years ago
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Under Cover Quest

The upcoming road trip held all my hopes.My buddy and I were not getting together nearly often enough and this road trip promised 5 days of constant companionship. It had been nearly a year since our last intimate night and my desire for him had only grown more intense. When we did get together it was usually at a party with other buddies and the vibe was very machismo as we postured to gain the girls attention. We were 18 and close to finishing High School. This was in 1980. The pants were...

Gay Male
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CB quest

(All characters are 18 or older btw.) You wake up in a weird room, it's full of expensive decorations such as a crystal chandelier and ancient looking pots. On the floor is a strange circle with weird symbols and runes surrounding it. "W- where am I? This isn't the martial arts competition. " While you were dazed an extremely beautiful blonde walks up to you. She has a crown and ia wearing a skirt, she has a card with a heart on it in between her skirt. "Welcome brave heroine, you are currently...

1 year ago
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Sneha8217s Pregnancy Quest

“You are joking, right?” Sneha said with a hint of uncertainty. Her eyes darted left and right, eyeing the two men seated in front of her. The man on her right failed to meet her eyes. The man on the left leered at her. “Honey, we can try again. Couples never get it right the first few times. Maybe the pills will work now,” she pleaded with the man on the right. He shook his head. “Sneha, it’s my fault. I am not…,” he trailed off, unable to speak the words into existence. “At least, we can...

4 years ago
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Mercys Quest

Torch in hand, Mercy made her way silently through the damp moonlit wood. Her nose twitched as she passed yet another moldering corpse. "He should have ducked." She whispered as she toed the still occupied helmet aside. The steel incased head clanked softly against its former body. Four limbs lay several paces in four differing directions. This was the sixth armored body she had passed. The king had sent his six most trusted knights in a bold attempt to rescue his only offspring, Prince...

4 years ago
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An Ancient Knights Quest

Carrie could never be sure the exact day, or even the month, the handsome older man had first started coming through her check out line. One day... , he was just there. Being surrounded by people is the loneliest job in the world, she thought. Living each day in a world full of strangers—after a while, none of it seemed real. It's like watching some kind of a weird distorted music video. It had not always been that way. In what now seem like another life; Carrie had spent her innocent...

2 years ago
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A Massage Quest

Yesterday I wanted to find a new massage place, growing tired of the Thai massage parlor I have been going to. During my walks I had since this place on the third floor of a building that looked good. After I had climbed the three flights of stairs, I found that no one would answer the bell. After ringing the entrance bell a few times I game up and went back down. At the bottom there was an older Japanese guy who in broken English told me that place was closed. He told me that there was a...

2 years ago
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Vision Quest

I pulled the old Yamaha behind the tree and turned off the motor, immediately missing the thrum and vibration under my legs. Dropping the kick stand I allowed the cycle to lean over as I slid my leg across the tank and dismounted. Slapping my helmet down on the point of the sissy-bar backrest and stretching I took a deep breath of the early-morning mountain air. I unbuttoned my denim jacket and allowed it to hang open, I wore no shirt and the cool air felt good on my bare skin. Dropping the key...

4 years ago
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Blind Mans Quest

It was Carol's first trip to Hawaii and so far she was really enjoying herself. The travel agent had booked her into a two week vacation in a quiet resort on the north side of the small island of Lanai and it was everything she had been led to believe it would be. The resorts accommodations were perfect; the restaurants were as close to five stars as she had ever eaten in and the blue Pacific Ocean was literally right outside her front door. It was only her second full day on the island but...

2 years ago
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Justice ResurrectedChapter 12 A Just Quest

The next morning saw Gnusyl collapsed not far from Jonar's tent, exhausted and oozing blood from a half dozen minor injuries, most of which would be closed and half-healed by nightfall. Myka was the first to wake in the area in which Jonar and the others had decided pitch their tents within the camp. She nodded to the nearest guard as she made her way over to the unconscious Gnath who was almost snoring in his exhaustion. She gingerly probed the four wounds she could get at, breathing a sigh...

1 year ago
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The Paladins Quest

Marielle rowed her little sloop across the channel. The seas were calm, but the entire channel was blanketed in a thick fog. She navigated the waters cautiously. If she ran aground on the island of Vangel it would be incredibly difficult to get home. Furthermore, to get stranded on her first missive alone would not reflect well on her or Helios, her god and savior. She was a paladin in the church, her job was to investigate supernatural reports and, if necessary, act on them. The temple of...


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