Justice ResurrectedChapter 12: A Just Quest free porn video

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The next morning saw Gnusyl collapsed not far from Jonar's tent, exhausted and oozing blood from a half dozen minor injuries, most of which would be closed and half-healed by nightfall. Myka was the first to wake in the area in which Jonar and the others had decided pitch their tents within the camp. She nodded to the nearest guard as she made her way over to the unconscious Gnath who was almost snoring in his exhaustion. She gingerly probed the four wounds she could get at, breathing a sigh of relief at their shallowness. Just as she was about to go wake her bodyguard, she noticed that the slumbering beast's claws and horn both had blood on them as well. After inspecting the huge feet and head, she shuddered, suddenly realizing that the blood was undoubtedly some other Gnath's.

"He fought well yesterday, my Lady," a strange, oddly soothing voice said calmly with a curious tone of respect. Myka whirled in surprise only to stop in even deeper shock. The Ce'al maiden had gotten used to the rough-hewn, chiseled features most Gnathar have. They are a bulky warrior race whose body-type seemed designed specifically for combat. But the man standing before her seemed the exact opposite of the archetype. His fine hair was parted down the middle and combed back behind long, almost Ce'al-like ears in feathery, dark blue wings, revealing a bronzed triangular face with soft curves. Midnight blue eyes watched her as she took in his stunning splendor over a straight, proud nose. The handsome face went with a lean but finely muscled body that seemed out of place in the cuirass and greaves; his fine steel gauntlets tucked inside a visored helm in the crook of his left arm. A rather thin sword and an overlong dagger were belted to his thin waist. An absent smile curved his expressive lips, giving him an overall elegance which disarmed her, despite the danger strangers posed to her and Jonar. "He has more than lived up to the expectations of the Darwyth pack leaders."

Myka blinked, shaking herself from his entrancing gaze. "Wh-who are you and what are you doing here?" she demanded haltingly, looking around to see if anyone else had seen this man walk into their camp.

"My name is Sancyr Yothorinsson, my Lady," he said with a deep, graceful bow despite being encumbered by his arms and armor. He saw her frantic gazing around the camp and smiled gently. "Worry not, Lady Myka, I mean you and your guardians no harm. I have already seen the Gnome merchant about the reason for my presence."

"And that would be?" Jonar's subterranean rumble asked calmly. Myka's eyes darted beyond the handsome stranger's face and noticed that her friend had come in his own armor, his sword and axe strapped to his huge frame.

Sancyr Yothorinsson turned and looked up in shock. "Ye Gods! They were not kidding when they said you were a giant, my young friend!" he exclaimed, his blue eyes wide.

"They?" two very different voices asked, Jonar's eyebrow raised and Myka frowning at the pretty stranger.

Yothorinsson shrugged depreciatingly. "My intelligence secretary's sources within the Domain. I was warned well in advance of your arrival but was in the field on exercises. I would have greeted you upon your crossing of the border but my superiors refused my request," he informed them in a businesslike manner, his Common unaccented but faintly aristocratic nonetheless. Then his eyes darkened somewhat. "I am the Lord General of the 2nd Imperial Gnath Corps and military auxiliary officer to the nomarsor of the province. Nomarsor Ikmyrfanlei has an ongoing feud with the elders of Telanaria and made sure I was free to be here to insure you were not harmed illegally."

A wry smile twisted the young Gnathar's lips. "Illegally? So it's alright if they harm me legally?" Sancyr shrugged helplessly. Jonar's eyes narrowed. "Why are you really here?"

Sancyr's smile wavered as his eyes darted around. They had begun to attract attention from the various guards, merchants, and drovers who were now awakening. "Could we perhaps talk about this in a more private setting?"

Before Jonar could answer, they heard the rattling of the massive chain that locked the city gates every night. The booming of the bar sliding back shuddered across the plain and the front gates opened ponderously. Sancyr's expression turned grim and he told them that the gates don't usually open until full sun up, which was a half hour and more away. A column of ten Gnaths thundered out of the city, each bearing more than one rider.

The Axeforger encampment frothed to wakefulness as if it were an ant colony just kicked over by a giant's careless feet. Gnathar, Gnomish, and Jotnari guards seethed out of tents as officers ordered the alarm and sleepy Gnaths snorted a little too eagerly to their companions' calls. Even the civilian members of the caravan unobtrusively girded themselves for trouble. The merchants were all gathering outside of Donnar's pavilion, each dressed in the richest costume available while they awaited the powerful Gnome tradesman to emerge. Jonar reached past Sancyr Yothorinsson to grab Myka's arm before hurrying off to find Donnar.

They were nearly to the little man's tent when he emerged, the subtle clink of Gnomish armor under the rich velvet robes and exquisite Gnomish jewelry warned Jonar that he expected trouble. The wealthy Gnome also had his huge axe in hand and was using it to lean on in a nonchalant manner, despite the tensely wary stance of the ten Jotnari warriors standing to either side of the Gnome, fully armed and armored.

The Telanarian delegation slowed to a walk fifty paces out from the encampment and approached with a regal air, as if the finely dressed men atop the beasts were imperial lords rather than the simple village elders they truly were. All of the Gnaths were under seven feet in height but they all had the massive build of elder bulls, much like the gnath lords on their backs behind the politicians. All ten of the gnath lords were clearly experienced veterans, most with visible scars showing despite the finery they wore over scale mail.

Watching these men approach brought Jonar back to the Telanaria of four years ago. Memories, long since suppressed and forgotten, bubbled up through the mental barrier to identify six of the men. Two of the gnath lords and four of the elders were among those who forcibly exiled him on a blustery late spring night so shortly after his family was given to the pyre for their journey to the Hall of Valor. Jonar felt his face turn stony despite his assertions to his friends that what they did to him mattered not. He became so focused on their individual faces that he barely felt Myka's light, restraining hand on his arm.

Donnar Axeforger stepped forward a few steps and nodded his head to the elder on the fore Gnath. "What brings you out so early, Lord Mayor?" the Gnome inquired in a neutral tone, his gray eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"Please, Lord Donnar," the white haired man atop the lead Gnath said amiably. He was a lean, lightly muscled Gnathar in his late fifties to early sixties, early middle-aged for Gnathar. His white hair was cut to shoulder length and tied with a silver cord. His fingers glittered with gems, as did his ear and there were the edges of tattoos on his light brown skin visible through the opened tunic of royal blue silk seen under the rich fur cloak he wore. Gabressi skin boots covered his feet and leather pants to the lower thighs, a luxury few anywhere on Titia-Lohr could afford. "We have known each other far too long to stick to such formalities."

Donnar nodded his acquiescence. "As you wish, Lord Arar. What brings you to my humble tent so early with such company? I have only minor business here and it will be finished by tomorrow."

The gnath lord behind the elder whispered in his ear, his eyes pinned on Jonar as the boy and Myka edged around the rear of the crowd surrounding the Gnome merchant. Arar Jukaadi-Lore, Lord Mayor of Telanaria, found the young Gnathar with his jet black eyes, wide with some emotion too subtle for Jonar to quite figure out. Several others of the elders also saw the towering youth and the emotions on their faces were more easily read.

Lord Arar's eyes narrowed and he clear his throat. "I was informed that you have a wanted fugitive within your caravan and I wanted to alert you before the miscreant could do you, a valuable trading partner of our humble town, any harm," the elder replied with a barely noticeable purr in his voice.

Donnar's gray brow rose slowly as he watched the look of cunning try to disguise itself on the Gnathar's face. "Truly? And just who is this criminal and what has he done that has you so bravely riding forth to unmask him?"

Lord Arar flushed at the barely hidden sarcasm in the Gnome's voice. "That tall man at the rear of your party, Lord Axeforger, has been sought by the constable of Telanaria for four years now," he replied with righteous indignation, his finger arrowing out at Jonar. "He is wanted for the murder of his own family."

"I think you might want to rethink your charges, my Lord," Sancyr said calmly, stepping out from behind a supply tent to the right of the mayor. "I was here the night Telan Novarsson and his family were killed by Zondron raiders. I seriously doubt you could sustain that a thirteen year old, newly paired cordach was in league with them."

The elder blanched, looking apprehensively around the camp. "Lord General! I didn't know you were back. Did you return alone?" he asked a bit too hopefully.

Sancyr snorted. "You should know me better than that, my Lord," he replied scornfully. "I brought just enough men back with me to know that if they don't hear from me in a couple of days that they should begin asking certain people certain questions."

"Are you threatening the Mayor, you imperial worm?" the youngest of the gnath lords bellowed loudly, the elder seated in front of him trying to quiet him. Though he was a younger lord, he looked very much like an experienced veteran to judge by the scars visible on his face and arms. He had jet-black hair and the weathered, deep nutty brown skin of a Gnathar well into his thirties. His tunic was unlaced at the throat to show off his clan tattoos marking him as a member of the Jukaadi-Lore family, if not exactly a legitimate, recognized member. The muscles beneath his heavy Gnath wool cloak were bulky and the mace-axe clipped to his Gnath's harness was huge.

Sancyr did not even dignify him with a glance. "I suggest you keep him under control, Jukaadi-Lore, or you will be missing a son and captain."

"Why are you here, Lord General Yothorinsson?" the gnath lord behind the mayor asked respectfully in a quiet, rumbling voice.

"Lord Rothar," Sancyr nodded to the gnath lord. "I am here to make sure your mayor does not do anything ... precipitous to the young, returned exile before he can state his business. And I think that young Jonar Telansson and his Gnath have some things to say to you and the worms who gave him the boot four years ago, not the least of which is who the new alpha of the Darwyth Pride is."

Looks of shock were plain on every single elder's face as well as the men riding behind them. "W-what do you mean?" the mayor's son asked in a shaky voice, his eyes haunted.

Sancyr turned his back on the man to look at Jonar, whose faced was livid with suppressed anger. "Are you going to tell them or shall I?"

Neither one of them got the chance, however, because a deep rumbling began to shake the ground, drawing everyone's attention. A deep, brazen bellow thundered across the plain from the west, drawing all eyes to the dust cloud making its way towards them from the Hills of the Gnath. An answering bellow, sounding sleepy and half-hearted, resounded from the other end of the camp. Gnusyl slowly made his way through the camp, wandered through the area of confrontation, and headed towards the dust cloud. As he passed, Jonar leapt up to his back, swinging Myka up behind him and left the mayor and the others staring after them, their Gnaths bowing with respect.

Lord Arar tried several times to try to resume speaking but failed. He squawked before an intelligible sound came out in the form of: "Are you trying to tell me that his Gnath is the new alpha of our Pride!" It wasn't really a question as he stared at Lord General Yothorinsson.

Sancyr shrugged, a smile twinkling in his eyes. "I was hoping he would take the initiative and inform you himself. He would have liked to see the looks on your faces."

Donnar was staring after his young ward with a mixture of pride and concern before turning back to the stunned elders who had exiled the boy. His gray face turned stony, eyes narrowed with something that was close to, but not quite, hatred. The Gnome looked up at the elders of Telanaria with a hidden smirk and cleared his throat.

"If you would deign to descend from your lofty perches, we could go into my tent and discuss this matter away from the ears of these others," the merchant said bitingly, his eyes roaming over the huge, armed, armored crowd that had gathered.

At a loss as to what else they should do now that the plan they had arrived with had fallen apart, Lord Arar and the others dismounted and followed Donnar into his tent. The little merchant had apparently planned on negotiating with the elders because Kilthre was just shoving the last of the servants out of the large foreroom of the pavilion. A large table was set up with comfortable camp chairs surrounding it and refreshments and drink laid out. Donnar and Lord Sancyr immediately went to the head of the table facing the flap and Donnar sat down in the raised Gnomish chair, absently handing Kilthre his axe. He watched coolly as the elders entered and sat down around the table, leaving the gnath lords to stand behind their lieges.

The Telanarians were just getting seated when Lords Xavear, Brandar, and Lailar sidled in to stand by the flap. "I doubt you have even noticed them, but the three men behind you are Lord Xavear, Lord of the House Losh'Varrii from Meikar, Lord Lailar Ulfjansson, Commander of Their Royal Majesty's garrison at Port Meikari, and Lord Brandar Brandarsson, Major and weaponsmaster of Port Meikari," Axeforger introduced them in formal tones.

The ten elders and ten gnath lords looked at the strangers with mistrustful xenophobia. "What are they doing here in the Empire of the Gnath?" demanded the unmannerly gnath lord who had challenged Lord General Yothorinsson's authority outside.

Donnar slowly swung his gaze away from the mayor and glared darkly at the youngest of the Telanarians. "Is he always that ill-mannered or are all young, stupid Telanarians like that?" he asked Sancyr, the Gnome still pinning the Gnathar with his gray eyes.

Sancyr pretended to think about it before shrugging. "I can't honestly say, Lord Axeforger, as I don't know all young Telanarians," he said seriously. He swung his gaze over to the embarrassed face of Lord Mayor Jukaadi-Lore. "It could be that Czatnar's father pampered him too much as a child to make up for his mother's death."

A slate gray eyebrow rose as the Gnome swung his head around to look at the mayor before snorting. "Whatever his shortcomings, if he opens his mouth one more time in my presence, I will have my grandnephew take my axe and chop him up for the Gnaths' breakfast. Is that clear, Lord Mayor?"

Lord Czatnar looked like he was about to retort when the gnath lord next to him slammed a fist into his gut, toppling him to the floor. A Gnath bellowed from outside but was cut off by a sharper bark. "Our apologies, Lord Axeforger," he muttered in the deepest voice Donnar had ever heard come out of a Gnathar's mouth aside from Jonar's, his mouth twitching and ice gray eyes twinkling.

A responding smile tugged at Donnar's lips. "Not a problem," he said with a grateful nod to the gnath lord before turning back to the Lord Mayor of Telanaria. "What exactly did you plan to do this morning to my ward, Arar?" Shocked at both the tone of discourteous disrespect and the claim of kin-adoption by the Gnome, Lord Arar could only stare at Donnar with open-mouthed astonishment.

The leader of the gath lords cleared his throat, drawing the Gnome's attention. "Lord Mayor Arar had asked us to accompany him to arrest the cordach Jonar Telansson, my Lord Axeforger."

"And what, pray tell, were you going to arrest him for, Lord Rothar?"


Donnar glared at the stoic Gnathar for a long moment before asking, "And just whom is he supposed to have killed?"

Rothar shrugged apologetically. "Lord Arar says that the young man in question was responsible for the deaths of his mother, father, and brother."

Donnar snorted. "How exactly did they die? I knew friends Telan Novarsson and they tell me he was built like a mountain," he said derisively. "I also met Jonar Telansson less than a year after the attack on Telanaria which claimed their lives and there is no way which he could have killed a grown woman of your race, never mind a master weaponsmith of Telan's stature."

"Not to mention he was also paired with a Gnath," Xavear put in, his face a stern mask. "One of the interesting characteristics of Gnaths, Lord Arar, is that they do not lie to each other. Gnusyl told my Loshnovy and Lord Lailar's Fharthyl their story when they came to Port Meikari with Lady Myka. It was Loshnovy's understanding that the boy was thrown out of Telanaria, both the town and the district, upon his parents' death due to lack of sponsorship."

"And we all know that isn't what happened, was it?" Lailar demanded. "Our sources suggest that Telanaria became the sudden mecca it is today just after Telan Novarsson's death. It couldn't be that you concocted this story of murder to procure his inheritance and insure he would never return to the Empire of the Gnath, could it?"

The mayor of Telanaria's face had gotten gradually whiter as they pressed him for the truth. He suddenly shot to his feet, his face turning red as he replaced shock with anger. "I am the Lord Mayor of this city, personally picked by the Imperial Secretariat! You have no right to question my decisions or accuse me of wrongdoing! Not a single one of you is a citizen of the Empire, let alone a member of the Imperial government! I want all of you out of the district by sunset tomorrow!"

As Lord Arar and his elders began to leave the tent with the gnath lords, Sancyr slowly rose to his feet. "Sit down," he said quietly. "Now."

The Lord Mayor froze and slowly turned around to face the Lord General. "Excuse me?" he asked, an eyebrow arching incredulously.

"You heard me, Jukaadi-Lore," the officer said in a dangerous tone. "Sit down, now! I will not tell you again."

The more timid of the elders slunk back to their seats, leaving Arar, his son and two others facing Sancyr on their feet. "Who do you think you are, ordering me around?"

Sancyr's eyes took on a dangerous glint, his hands resting on his swordbelt, inches from his weapons. "I am Lord General Sancyr Yothorinsson, Commander of the 2nd Imperial Gnath Cavalry Corps, military attaché to the Nomarsor Ikmyrfanlei. He, as you well know, is a member of the Imperial Government. As a matter of fact, he is the Imperial government as far as you are concerned. Now, sit!" Trying to maintain as much dignity as possible, Lord Arar walked slowly back to his seat. After glaring at him to make sure he kept his mouth shut, Lord General Yothorinsson let his eyes roam around the table, pleased to see worried looks on the elders' faces for the first time in a long time. "The murder charge is ridiculous, Lord Mayor. I was here the night the Zondrons attacked our town and my uncle personally saw Telan Novarsson leading the defense, his young son and his Gnath sent away due to their age. The Darwyth Pride is his alibi.

"As for his exile," Sancyr continued more somberly, "as the Elder of Telanaria at the time, you had the right to exile him, even if the boy did have a good case to appeal to his Imperial Majesty, had he been old enough to know his rights. His time outside of the Empire has validated it, however. The only thing you can do to him now is ask him to leave or set conditions which he must meet in order to regain his rights under Imperial law. His claim of insult, however, is still applicable and under those rights he may challenge you or your appointed proxy to claim his inheritance plus any returns those funds may have yielded."

Lord Arar lowered his head, a somewhat fearful look on his face, as one of the elders stood to face Sancyr. He was a broad, well-built warrior of later middle-aged, his hair iron gray and his skin riddled with scars. "You sound like a justicar, Lord Sancyr," he said, his Common harshly accented and his expression mixed with hope and chagrin. "Are you such?"

Sancyr shook his head. "No, Lord Brashklar, I am just very versed in the law due to my father's position as Deputy Military Justicar as well as my superior's position."

"Would you be able to answer a query I have regarding Jonar Telansson's legal status within the Empire?" the bulky elder asked pleadingly.

"You may ask," Sancyr said noncommittally, noticing the other elders were looking at the aging warrior with a mixture of sympathy and amusement, "but whether or not I have the answer is another question."

Lord Brashklar nodded slowly. "When Telan was alive, he and I promised each other's offspring to each other. When Illyanna, my daughter was born, she was betrothed to Jonar Telansson. I..."

"I think I understand your quandary and I am afraid that you are bound to the agreement unless you can get Jonar, as the last of the House of Telanar, to agree to the dissolution of the betrothal," Sancyr said soberly. "If that is all, I suggest you go back to town and decide what you will do about the young Telanar. I will be watching and if any harm comes to him, all of you will be held accountable to the Emperor."

The elders all rose and Sancyr watched them go with some misgivings. He noted that Lord Arar immediately went to Brashklar. As soon as the last of the elders had left, Lord Lailar hurried to the head of the table with a worried look on his face.

"I think Arar is going to try to get Brashklar riled up about that betrothal mess his daughter is in," he predicted gloomily. "He was empathizing with the man as they left and I heard him say 'I would not want such an innocent girl as Ana to be with such a thug as that either, Lord!' He means Jonar no good!"

Sancyr snorted but was drowned out by Donnar's, "You should have known that before you even left Meikar. Not even you barbarians toss your young out into the wild on their own."

Lailar flushed at the reminder of their stupidity but he turned to Sancyr. "Do you know this Ana?"

The Lord General nodded with a smile. "If Jonar decides to marry the girl he will be the most envied male in the district and his new father-in-law will be furious," he replied with a chuckle. "Lord Brashklar has been entertaining offers for the girl from as far away as Klashnaro and South Ilia for the last six months. I assume that he would get nothing from Jonar if he takes Illyana because such pairings were made between castes and Brashklar was trying to raise his family's own caste-rank with the marriage. I can only assume that Brashklar served Telan in some spectacular fashion, maybe even saved his life, to deserve such an offer."

"Do you think the boy will take his bride?" Lailar asked rhetorically.

Sancyr shrugged and answered, "Not knowing the lad, I can't say, but I certainly wouldn't blame him. Illyana has been unenthusiastic about all of her suitors thus far and despite his current penniless state, Jonar is an imposing and handsome young cordach, not to mention the House of Telanar is legendary in these parts."

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Justice is served

Hello, my name is John Doe. One night my dad and mom went out with their friends, so they left my 21 year old sister in charge. Let me tell you about her, she is about 5 and has long red hair down to her waist, and about 36c breasts. Her name is Justice, and let me say, she has a very nice ass. That night we were watching "Into the Storm", and Justice was drinking a lot of beer. When the movie was about 75% over, I told justice I was going to take a shower and she nodded and said ok. I could...

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Meis Quest

Back again with another Story. This on is loosely based of Mei from Overwatch. As you can see by the image below.Please be sure to leave the dirtiest comments you can think of."Mmmph.", I moaned, my mouth completely filled with the hard, throbbing member as I sucked it, my tongue working along the underside with horny zeal on it's way towards the tip. My head moved rhythmically back and forth as the head of his cock grazed my tonsils, then back out to the tip until my mouth was flooded with his...

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The Quest

The Quest for Innocence by Carol Collins Steven Dillard received his Honorable Discharge papers from the US military. He had served his country and felt it was time to start his own life. That meant finding a girl, settling down and raising a family. Steven had an incentive for finding the perfect wife. His uncle had recently passed away and left him several million dollars in a trust fund as long as he was married by...

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(Disclaimer: The following story is purely fictional of Victoria Justice and Madison Reed. Any similarities between reality and this fantasy is purely coincidental and unintentional. This story takes place on the date that Madison, the younger of the two, turned of legal age.) “It’s okay, I know you’ll be allowed in. The club is eighteen and up,” Victoria Justice told her s*ster, Madison, as she parked in the lot next to the Pangea Lounge in their home-town on Hollywood, Florida.“Awesome! I've...

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Justice? The detective came into the interview room, and placed a tape recorder on the table. A pretty young woman followed him, and took the seat he indicated. "All right, before we begin, I have to remind you of your rights. You have the right to keep silent, but anything you do say can be used against you . You have the right to have an attorney present, and if you can't afford one, we will provide you one at no cost. Do you understand?" "Yes, I understand, detective. But I...

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Stuart sat at the back of the court listening to the judge’s decision. The defendant was given a large fine, banned from driving, and a hundred hours community service. Stuart shook his head in disgust.Lily had been seven years old when this bitch had hit her on the street where Stuart lived. Another victim of drink driving, just one more statistic. And the judge had released her back into the world, instead of locking her up.There was no justice, or so it seemed.Stuart had heard the screeching...

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Owensville, Texas was once a booming town; shipping ore from a large mine just outside the town limits. There was a railroad spur to ship the ore, first to El Paso and then on to smelters back east; but when the mine played out so did the prosperous future of Owensville. Twice a year a train would come down the spur to pick up cattle that local ranchers sent to market. The town proper now consisted of a wide street flanked by weather beaten buildings and stores; many of which were closed and...

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Justice the hard way

“This can’t be justice” he said pitifully. 4 months ago John was out late in the evening jogging and was hit by a car, he suffered a spinal injury and lost the use of his body from the waist down including the use of his penis, The car was full of young black males who were out celebrating their last high school football game, the driver was drunk like his passengers and he had not seen John jogging across the street. The court case was farcical due to the judge presiding it. Judge...

2 years ago
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Justice Club The White Queen

Emma Frost was approaching the striptease club known as The Justice Club. The White Queen was in her old uniform consisting of a white corset and white fur cape. To those who saw her, she appeared as a generic man who was rather large and no one would trouble the big man. Ever since she had taken over the school for Xaiver and started teaching the Generation X kids. She had slowly been losing money. Emma needed some place to invest money, and she heard that this place was starting to be a...

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Justice Club The Scarlet Witch Project

Chapter I The Scarlet Witch received the message from Charles Xavier at Avengers Mansion. She carefully listened to what the leader of the X-Men had to say and then agreed to assist him. It seemed that several young mutants belonging to Generation X, including Jubilation Lee, had gone missing. Jubilee's guardians had expected a visit from her for her birthday, and became concerned when she didn't show up. Professor Xavier had used his powerful telepathic powers to trace Generation X mentor...

1 year ago
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Justice ResurrectedChapter 19 Awakenings

I know not how long it was that I was aware of something. It came as a great shock to me when I realized it had penetrated the thick fog of my coma-like existence. Many beings had I dreamed of during my slumber, but none had so bright a soul nor so resolute a personality as to make my soul sing with the need to be nearer to it. I was surprised at how far away this person was, once my newly awakened senses began functioning. There were many leagues between my new master and me, for I was sure...

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MommyMe Series Justina Pt 2

“Hey, Tori!” Justina said, running up the porch steps, her breasts jiggling with every step. “Hi,” I said. She noticed me staring at her boobs and did the unthinkable. She flashed her breasts. I blushed and she winked at me as Mom came towards the door. “Hello Justina,” Mom said. “Hello, Mrs. Ryan,” Justina replied. “You girls are probably hungry, are turkey sandwiches ok with you Justina?” Mom asked. “Yes, thank you,” Justina replied. “Mom, I’m going to show Justina my room,” I told mom. “Ok...

4 years ago
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Justice League The New Recruit

(Watchtower) To Think, That Five Short Years Ago, He Was An Ordinary College Student, and Now He Was Standing In The Justice Leagues Watchtower, a Recent Addition. John Had To Keep himself from Wetting himself in Excitement. He Had Previously been the Protege of Guy Gardner, and Was One of the Few Non-Green Lantern Lanterns in the League. His Ring was Born from the Power Of Hope Itself. But Even Without The Ring, He Was Powered. Super Strength, Super Endurance, Skimming, Heat Vision, X-Ray...

2 years ago
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Justice In 2026 Part 1

Justice in 2026 by Jenile Efhratum The Frame, Conviction & Sentence Year 2026 I was just a normal young man trying to get his bearings on life after a messy divorce. I had been married to a lovely girl, Carolyn, but three years into our marriage, she said she wanted out and also wanted alimony, most of my property, and I really think the blood from my veins. It was just three days after we had returned from Aspen after a wonderful two weeks of skiing. At least they...

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Justice For Robin

JUSTICE FOR ROBIN by Susan Fantasy CHAPTER ONE: TROUBLE IN THE BUSBIE CLAN 1. Tennis pro turned math teacher Dr. Busbie's forty-one year old Lesbianite sister, Helen, was a very attractive woman. The slight Mongol element she had that came from a Russian ancestor was hardly noticeable; it was not nearly as evident as it was in the case of her brother. Not that this would necessarily spoil her looks if it showed, for Eurasian people can be good looking - and her...

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Justice ****** John sighed with relief as he saw the hands of the clock edging to 5. Nowadays he always felt that the workday would just never come to an end, and yet he also dreaded coming home to Sandy. It was not always like that for him. why, only six months ago he was a rising young executive, whose future with Consoladated seemed assured. Assured that is, till his atavistic male chauvinistic attitudes got him into deep trouble.He looked down at the keyboard...funny how fast he...

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Justice The Tale Of Pandora Trask

JUSTICE: THE TALE OF PANDORA TRASK (C) 2020, 2021 by Anthony Durrant "Dorrie! Dorrie! Can you hear me, Dorrie?" a man's voice whispered in Pandora Trask's ear. "Yuh...youh...yeas!" she cried, and the voice whispered again into her ear, "The surgery's pover and your brain is now in the skull of the frozen body we found in the wilds of Northern Europe. You're now in a private room, and will ramain hre for some time while your body and brain knit together." "But what about...

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When I look back at my life and the events that have led me to this place in time and a decision I now have to make you'd think I'd feel more ... well anger, hate, bitterness to name but a few, instead all I feel is numb. A numbness that currently clouds my judgement, affects my thinking and makes me mourn the loss of any feelings or emotions, or would no doubt if I could mourn. My name doesn't matter, not really, though you can call me Peter and my tale such as it is goes back over twenty...

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Justice Served

The digital readout of the alarm clock showed 2:38 AM on a Friday morning as I groggily reached for the phone. "Please help me, Jimmy," the soft voice sobbed. "They hurt me. They hurt me real bad." A cold fist clinched over my heart as I recognized the voice of my baby sister. "Where are you, Angie," I asked as I instantly became fully awake. "I don't know," she wept. "I think there are still two of them here. They're going to rape me some more." "Leave your phone on but...

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Justice League of America World War Three

THE WATCHTOWER The Watchtower, headquarters of the JLA (Justice League of America). It was a large space station that was parked on the moon. The station was made of promethium and its technology based on a mixture of Martian, Kryptonian, Thanagarian, Earth as well as New Genesis and Apokolips. Inside the Watchtower was the Monitor Womb, the heart of the Watchtower. This was where the JLA monitored everything that happened on Earth, with its vast computer/communications/sensors network. As...

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Justice ResurrectedIntroduction

Out of darkness we were brought forth into the Light of the Divine, forged by the hands of the fifteen Lords and Ladies of Heaven to bring wisdom and justice to those who came before us. For we were the Second Divine Miracle, the second time those who watch over creation came together to combine their might. My consciousness awoke to the feel of Sol, Dispenser of Justice, raising me in front of him with a slight smile of pride and satisfaction. As were they, we numbered fifteen, each to go to...

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Justice League Knocked Out

The justice league are the defenders of Earth, the greatest heroes humanity has to offer. But even they are not infallible. Even the mightiest of superheroes can be taken down a peg with just one lucky blow, one unfortunate circumstance, one unlucky matchup... or just the right amount of pressure to the right areas. And from there, anything can happen. Luckily the sort of people who would knock out a Justice Leaguer is never the sort who would abuse such a position of power after the fact......

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Christis Quest

Still, he preyed on the livestock of the village, not really eating more than a hungry fox or wolf, but being so frightening and inexplicable to the villagers, they thought him much greater of a menace. So that they complained to their Lord, loudly and frequently. The Lord, wanting to quell the threat of an uprising, called upon a hunter to dispense of the menace. The hunter who answered the call in the remote village, was in fact, a Huntress of some reputation--despite her lack of experience...

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Celtic Warrior 01 Ulrikes Quest

Celtic Warrior 1: Ulrike’s Quest On the receding edge of the great Northern ice sheet Approximately 11,000 BC He was tumbling through the air when he became conscious. The cold rushing past him tried to pull his breath out of his lungs. He flayed his arms and legs desperate to find some stability and leverage. His falling body rotated and the earth below came into view, a great expanse of white to his left and bright shades of green to his right. He landed against a gentle sloping wall of...

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Evolution Quest

Introduction Evolution Quest is a story that borrows a lot of themes from monster evolution 'Isekai' manga, if you're unsure of what to expect then I would recommend titles like 'Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka?' (So I'm a spider, So what?), 'Tensei Shitara Dragon no Tamago Datta - Saikyou Igai Mezasa Nee' (Reincarnated as a Dragon’s Egg ~Lets Aim to Be the Strongest~) and RE:Monster to name a few of the ones I have read. The story starts with your (John Dwellers) death. John was an American born miner...

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Mage quest

Welcome to mage quest. In this world, before a mage can fully graduate a leave the mage tower that they've spent the last 10 years in (imagine if high school to masters were all one building) to face the final trial, the hall of near infinite dungeons. If they pass the trial, they will receive their degree and be able to journey the world. Your name is Taylor. And you are eager to get out. And all magic requires you to have your magical tool. Though occasionally magic will happen wildly around...

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Pleasure Quest 8211 First Step Towards The Quest

Hey, it’s my first time and been over this site reading all your fantastic stories every day. Well, today I am here to share mine, please do indulge me. Let us start with an introduction, my name is Kris Aggarwal, age 24. And for how I look, I am fair, 152.6 centimeters (5 feet). Finally for my figure. I am quite dashing, 32D – 28 – 32. Location is secret though. Now, that we have finished up with our introduction I should start up with my story. I was young back then even my stats were low....

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Jungle Quest

JUNGLE QUEST © 2001, 2012 by Anthony Durrant I set sail on the transport ship Edward The Benevolent for Llendos for my health on a bright winter's day, and for the first part of the voyage we had smooth sailing. The view from the deck was excellent: I could see jellyfish in the water below where I stood "Flying fish off the port bow!" a sailor cried out. "Thank you, sir!" I shouted back. After about thirty minutes I grew tired and went to the...

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Bad End Quest

These are troubling times for the Domina Kingdom. The wealthy and powerful patriarchal empire stretches far and wide in every direction, ruled by a tyrannical queen ever-hungry for power. She rules with an iron fist and quickly makes an example of all those who oppose her. Savage barbarians from the frozen wastes of the north and the jungles of the south threaten the kingdom's borders and take more and more of its people as slaves with each raid. Evil sorceress and witches plot to take over the...

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Justins Descent Part 1

This is my first try to write an erotic story so the story draft may seem raw. I welcome comments from everybody and you can write to me of what you thought at [email protected] ---------------------------------------------------------------- JUSTINS DECENT by hfernandez1983 ---------------------------------------------------------------- It was a nice summer morning. Justin had just woken up and went straight to the window. He opened it and could feel the fresh breeze of...

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The girl in front of me adjusted a faded red cloth in her back pocket, stuffing it farther down as if to assure herself that it was still there. I couldn’t help noticing how the cloth draped over the pocket, following the movement of her butt as her weight shifted. The legs of her snug fitting jeans hid the tops of sturdy, yet worn, work boots. She was paying for, I took notice, two six packs of cheep beer which the clerk was placing in separate bags, a pack of medium sized cigars went in one...

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Justice League Satyr Silliness

In the quarters of Zatanna the Magician at the Hall of Justice, the woman sat at a table surrounded by trinkets and books that she had been collecting for some time, not for any dire situation really, just a hobby really. NONE of the items were dangerous, not by any stretch of the imagination but they were certainly powerful. One was a crystal ball that told her when she had forgotten something, she got that cheap at a shop in little china. One was a voodoo doll of Batman with over a dozen pins...

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Justice for my Brother

Justice For My Brother By Princess Chapter 1 She has little or no memory of her childhood. She knew she had a twin. Most official records said that she was the only child to her single mother Melissa Wisecarver. But she had a few memories of living with a brother when she was very young. Christine Wisecarver thought she was happy. She had lived a good life until around a year ago. She began having vicious nightmares of a little boy. IN her dreams the boy was very sad and...

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Justice is served

Nicole paced the empty men's locker room, pausing only occasionally to check her phone. "It's almost time," she said putting her phone in her jean pocket, "Those assholes are going to regret what they did." Nicole felt her fists clench as she thought of how the high school football team had mocked her friend Ashley when she tried out for placekicker. She remembered how Ashley had come to her a sobbing wreck after most of the team had either suggested or physically harassed...

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Justice For Bobby

JUSTICE FOR BOBBY By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2019 Warning: Horror. Author's Note: To the credit of its author, one story on FM disturbed me to the conclusion that, in order to sleep better at night, I needed to write a moral counterpoint to it. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely...

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Justice by EmileThis work is fantasy, and the author does not advocate anything other than consensual sex with adults. Copyright 2007---- The three studs were court martialled for bringing the service into disrepute when their diaries of sexual conquests, on mission and at base, on and off duty, were officially "discovered" by their commander during a night raid.  The troops had known for years, egging them on to more daring and filthy adventures, each trying to outdo the other for the audacity...

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Justice under the New Laws

Justice under the New Laws: by The Bitchfinder-General Part Two: Sarah in the Stocks: At eight o'clock sharp the following morning, the senior policeman and histeam arrived to let Sarah out of the pillory at last. The senior officer washolding the end of a fire hose attached to a water hydrant on the main road. "Youcan turn the tap on now," he told his colleague. Once the water was turned on, the senior policeman aimed the hose right atSarah's face and body. He knew from previous...

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The girl in front of me adjusted a faded red cloth in her back pocket, assuring her self that it was still there. I couldn't help noticing how the cloth draped over the pocket; following the movement of her butt as she shifted her weight. The legs of her snug-fitting jeans hid the tops of sturdy, yet worn, work boots. She was paying for, I took notice, two six-packs of inexpensive beer which the clerk was placing in separate paper bags, a pack of medium sized cigars went in one of the bags...

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Justice ResurrectedGlossary

Appendix I: The Gods of Titia-Lohr Avra (ăv-rä): Goddess of Love and Children; Patron of suitors and the innocent Cealie (sēl-ē): Goddess of the Home and Women; Patron of womankind and Guardian of the Hearth Fabialrhae (făb-ē-äl-rā): Goddess of the Earth and Agriculture; Patron of farmers Genifer-Elia (gĕn-ĭ-fer ĕ-lē-ä): Mother of the Universe; Goddess of Fire and Light; Patron of rangers, mothers, and the Clerics of Light Kaspar-Dei (kăs-pär dā): God of Travel and Commerce; Twin of...

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Justice ResurrectedChapter 3 The Game Begins

It was almost sundown in the city. Myka stared imperiously ahead as Gnusyl bore them through the streets of Port Meikari in a plodding gate that quickly brought them to the plaza in the center of the city where the governmental complex was located. The colossal home of the Council of Houses, with its columned portico and sculpted portal, stood opposite the grand palace of the Royal Governor with its vivid green campus and stately fruit trees. Ringing the rest of the plaza were the office...

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Justice ResurrectedChapter 4 Of Myths and Legends

When their little group stopped for the night that first day, Jonar learned that Lord Lailar brought with him the most skilled Gnathar instructors in Port Meikari as an escort. Being instructors with skills so great that they were rarely let out of the city, they were more than happy to leap at a chance to travel to the capital with their commander. All that day as they rode, Jonar was aware of their silent scrutiny, both the men's scrutiny of him and their Gnaths' appraisal of Gnusyl. The...

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Justice ResurrectedChapter 5 The Elysium of the Meikari

Doszar was almost exactly halfway between Port Meikari and the capital. As they stopped on their first night out from the dilapidated village, they realized it was going to take them a bit more time to get from Doszar to Hynost-Qaanzyr than it took to get to the tiny village. A warm front was moving in from the south, causing the snow-clogged roads to turn into a river of oozing mud. Gnaths are huge animals with wide, gripping feet that can travel at a shocking rate on almost any terrain. The...

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