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"What a beautiful day it is, perfect for a stroll in the mountains." Turi thought aloud. Aspanu, his cousin & best friend came to the house. Turi wondered what Aspanu had been doing all of yesterday as he had a look of satisfaction on his face.

#Salvatore Guiliano or Turi to his friends, was a peasant, He was a Greek God in his appearance. His beauty came from the tall muscled torso indicating his daily turmoil & the exquisite features in a finely carved face. Eyes a dark green reflected light shining beautifully changing colour tones, full red lips, chiselled nose & a fair complexion. The typical, you know.#
#Aspanu Pisciotta was the dandy with a lean lithe body, slightly muscled, shaded a light brown. He was tall & lanky with an attractive face which could woo any woman.
Both were 20 years old.#

But ofcourse Aspanu was very much in a good mood & a mischeivous smile lurked on his lips. They ate breakfast together & went up into the mountains surrounding their tiny village from all four sides. They were laughing & racing towards one of their secret hideouts. They lumped down on the soft moist grass & started talking.

"What were u upto, yesterday?" Turi asked Aspanu.

"Well, its none of your business, signor." Aspanu teased.

Ofcourse it is, you good-for-nothing bastard," Turi retorted "and you better tell me right away."

Aspanu, pleased with Turi's curiosity said, "I was in Palermo, visiting a whorehouse but then th................". " Stop! " said Turi, "I am aware of what you are going to say next & I am least bit interested. Aspanu it is against the morals of a true Sicilian & you boast about your immoral acts after committing them."

"Turi, Turi, listen to me first." Aspanu pleaded, "Hear me out, my mate. I was, as I said, visiting a whorehouse. But there I met this beautiful farm lady in her early thirties. Wow! what eyes, what lips. She was amazing in bed. Do you know that she was a virgin. Unbeleivable, isn't it? I almost married her, buddy. That's how wonderful she was. But you no me, I can't stick to one woman all my life, ........................."

But Turi knew the exact reason why Aspanu was like a 'male slut' sleeping with anything that moved around in a skirt & it saddened him even more. For Aspanu had weak lungs. So Turi never argued much with him to change his unreligious life disobeying the morals of the society.

"Turi, what are you thinking? Did you here all that I said just now?" Aspanu questioned.

Turi nodded 'yes' & they talked for hours in the cool breeze over the mountains until dusk. A cluster of stars had begun to peep through the darkness of the night sky. They were completely unaware of the curfew declared by the Carabinieri (Police) because a bandit group had decided to attack the village that night.

They both slowly descended down the narrow pathway through the woods when they were confronted by three carabinieres. These officers assuming the boys to be members of the band of dacoits were arrested. They were tying Turi's hands.
"But officer, I am Turi Guiliano & this is Aspanu Pisciotta, my cousin. We both are from the village. We are honourable farmers & not bandits. Let us go." Turi blurted out.

The officers being drunk were in no condition to show any mercy & started to abuse the boys physically & verbally. Aspanu who was famous for his short temper moved swiftly like a snake & grabbed the lupara (rifle) of one of the officers. "If you don't let us go peacefully then you will regret the consequences." Aspanu warned them.

Yet they didn't heed his warning & were going to shoot them, leaving them no choice but to kill them first. Aspanu shot down an officer & Turi snatched his rifle. But the third one shot him. There was a big gaping hole in Turi's left hip were the bullet was lodged.
Just then Aspanu, filled with rage, shot down the rest of them.

Turi bleeding profusely & the village no longer accessible due to encounter with other guards made it even more terrible. But Aspanu knew of a safe place to hide & flinging Turi's right arm around his neck, half-carried & half-dragged him into the woods, far away from the village.

They were in the monastery of Abbot Roccofino. He was a heavily built man in his fifties' who still showed signs of his fading handsomeness. There were 45 monks in the monastery built in the 14th century following the ancient Cistercian order where monks were 'not' allowed to cross the holy grounds into the outer world. Aspanu had explained his crisis, the doctor sent for & Turi's wound dealt with. Turi was restored back to health almost after a month.

It was not unusual for the Abbot to suggest the holy path of serving the Lord to the visitors & Turi when presented with the oppurtunity readily accepted the proposal.
Sicilians are very religious by nature so this was not a surprise at all.
But Aspanu on the other hand was reluctant to leave his vagabond life to become a holy monk.

"My dear cousin, come & follow the path of the righteous, become a holy servant of the 'Almighty God', don't hesitate to grab this prestigious oppurtunity,.................." Turi used to keep saying to Aspanu until at last he gave up & became a monk. His love & loyalty to his cousin forced him to accept the humble life.

"This is miserable life Turi, please let us escape from this state of celibacy. I cannot take much more of this holy torture. My desires haunt me day & night, in my dreams & even during prayers. You are a virgin, Turi, you have yet to taste the forbidden fruit. Come with me & I will show you the world of pleasure." Aspanu begged a month later.

"No Aspanu, come with me, for I will give you peace of mind...........& body." Turi stated & taking him by the arm took him to a huge dungeon below the monastery. There were numerous contraptions in the centre of the circular hall & there were many iron doors in the walls leading into smaller rooms.
The already puzzled mind of Aspanu became blank with confusion & Turi was pleased with his friend's expression, first of confusion, then, of fear. Fear of the Unknown.

"What is all this? Tell me Turi, don't keep me in the dark anymore. How long have you known about the existence of this secret room?" Aspanu demanded angrily.

"Aspanu my mate, don't be angry with me for I too was informed about this place just a week ago & since you had joined a week later, the Abbot had chosen today to reveal all to you." Turi explained. "Come with me into the other room for now. I will personally teach you the purpose of each mechanism, slowly, with time."

They went into one of the adjoining rooms. It was dark & Turi lit some candles revealing a small room with a huge double bed which occupied most of the space. There were silk sheets on top of the soft & comfy mattress constituting the bed.
There was nothing else in the entire room.

While Aspanu was trying to figure out things, Turi quietly freed himself of the coarse Monk's uniform & slid on top of the covers. Then he beckoned Aspanu to do the same.
Aspanu badly wanted to sink into the silken softness as it was a treasure compared to the hardness of the floor on which they were made to sleep every night.

They had seen each other naked countless number of times in the past but tonite the sight of Turi, sprawled naked on the bed, smiling at him, troubled him a lot. Nevertheless, he too stripped.
"Come & sit with me, Aspanu" Turi coaxed him, flashing his devastating smile. Aspanu complied. He slid into the bed & on a sudden impulse, covered himself with the sheet. Turi laughed at Aspanu's nervous fumblings.

'He has no idea what's going to happen to him.' thought Turi to himself & this thought gave him the control a predator has over its prey. Aspanu was perplexed yet seemed to relax under the covers. He couldn't help but remember his sexual episodes with beautiful girls whom he had taken great pains to seduce. The soft bed reminded him of the whorehouses he used to visit. His eyes were closed, his mind was completely focused & his cock was rising, forgetting all about Turi lying so close beside him.

"Aspanu, I am going to relieve you from all the tension & frustration build up inside you." Turi stated & he groped Aspanu's full erection over the thin silk cover.

"Uuunnngh" was only what Aspanu could mutter. But when he realized that it was not his imagination he cried out saying "Turi, stop. What are you doing?! This is not permitted. Hell will consume us."

"My, my, since when did YOU start caring about the right & wrong, good & bad, Heaven & Hell?" Turi mocked. Then he half-commanded in a tone which was dead serious "You must relax & surrender yourself to me. Trust in me to pleasure your body just like a woman, maybe even better."

"NO! I am going." Aspanu shouted back.

"Obey Me, Aspanu!" Turi ordered. How dare this weak man insults my command thought Turi fuming. His patience & self control gave way to a fierce hunger & passion.
"You can't do this" said Aspanu,"Please!, Don't!"

He tightened his grip around Aspanu's cock hurting him. His other hand was firmly knotted in his hair. "Turi, please, you know that I wont fight with you even if I could." Aspanu screamed. "Have mercy! I am your cousin. This is pure incest. Your have gone blind with Lust. Will you rape your own cousin, like a woman?"

Aspanu was right. There was no mercy in Turi's eyes. There was only the raw lust encouraged by his virginity. He was strong & he knew that Aspanu could never stop him from forcing himself on him & he was very much intended not to let go of this golden oppurtunity.

"Pleeease, Nooo! Nooo! Stoooop!" Aspanu begged & struggled with Turi as he pinned him to the bed, tied his hands & legs to the four posts of the bed then straddled his face.

Aspanu's protests were muffled when Turi's big, hard cock penetrated his mouth, stretching it to the hilt. The penetration continued deep down into his throat until the whole cock dissapeared. Aspanu was breathless, gagging on the huge,leaking, salty-sweet cock of his own cousin.

He was in shock because he couldn't believe that his own blood, his best friend, the man he was ready to die for, was Raping him. He felt like a helpless woman, being used like a toy, without any considerations for his feelings.

Eventhough his mind was hating all this, his body no longer struggled, his screams had turned into loud moans & when Turi decided to retreive himself from his mouth Aspanu was left craving for more, so much so that, he said "Why.........Why did you stop suddenly? I am under your will, Turi. I no longer protest. Take Me, Lover!" to Turi in a husky voice, trying to heighten his animal hunger for his body.

With a sly seductive smile which said 'You are my slave & I am your master' Turi hovered just inches above Aspanu's luscious lips. He was restraining the urge to pounce on him & kiss him fiercely because he wanted to know whether Aspanu trully desired him as much as he desired Aspanu.

But Aspanu was not lying when he said he wanted more for he was now straining against the chains to which he was bound, to kiss Turi. He wanted desperately to be touched by this gorgeous male & was offering his body as a gift by arching his back, to be kissed & made love to.

Turi knew that Aspanu had become his slave, his whore, his lover. He fiercely entered his mouth & their tongues wildly probed each other's mouths, trying to engulf all that they could devour in their hunger for each other's body.

Turi slowly slid down the body of Aspanu to his raging cock & started to lick & mouth-fuck him like a tiger playing with its food. His soft lips, his warm mouth, his exploring tongue were all making Aspanu go mad with frenzy. Turi was drooling all around his cock, licking feverishly at this hard & sweet lollipop.

"AAAaaahhh", "AAAaaahhh","AAAaaahhh", "AAAaaahhh" Aspanu yelled in ecstacy.

Aspanu was being driven to the climax so fast that he was gasping for air, his breathing was short & quick, his heart was beating so fast it felt as if it would burst & his body was trembling like a leaf, nothing could stop his volcano from erupting. Turi's eyes fixed onto Aspanu's was mocking him, challenging him to try & stop him. But Aspanu had no such intentions. He was in heaven. He had never even imagined that such pleasure could exist in this world. Turi knew exactly how to instigate him in all the right places. Even the most experienced whore was not able to connect with him in such an intimate level.

"Uunnghh","Uunnghh","Uunnghh","Uunnghh" "Yesss" Do it" "Make me cum, big boy!"

"Unleash your wrath on me, Lover!"

Turi felt his balls twitch. He stopped.

"NO, NO, Don't stop now" pleaded Aspanu. Turi waited, watching his prey.

'It is time to make my next move' thought Turi. He slowly reached up & nibbled on his ears. "Aaaahhh" "Aaaahhh" This was preventing Aspanu's erection from going limp. His cock sprang into attention. They kissed again & again. The heat was rising.
Aspanu was dangerously close to orgasming just by the kisses.

Turi stood up on the bed. He knew what he had to do & he wanted Aspanu to beg him.
He didn't want to force himself on him again. It would be so much better if they both wanted the same thing.
Aspanu was in a fix, struggling against his restraints. He was looking hungrily at Turi's naked body like a Lion Provoked, yet helpless because it is caged. He understood the look in Turi's eyes & as if on cue, as if Aspanu could read his mind, he said "I NEED YOU" "You are my soulmate" "I BEG YOU TO FUCK ME, TURI."

"Do you want me to fuck your ass?" Turi asked innocently while lining his cock at the entrance. Aspanu could never say no because he, Really, wanted the release. Months of celibacy & Turi's attacks on his body were taking their toll.

"YES, YES, FUCK MY ASS! JUST PLEASE, LET ME CUM!" "Oh! I..........I want you inside me. Do It. DO IT TO ME NOW!" Aspanu screamed.

On that command Turi plunged deep inside him till the base of his shaft was touching his ass. Aspanu screamed & screamed, for the PAIN was unbearable. Turi's cock had cut through him like a dagger tearing flesh. The ignorant boy had drawn blood.

A few drops of blood were leaking from Aspanu's asshole and MOUTH. He was trying hard not to cough because he would spray blood all over. All the strain had lead to this. He was embarassed at his weakness. He was angry at himself for not being able to control his body.

'I must be careful with him. He is delicate. Anymore blood & it might be fatal for him.' thought Turi. He leaned over & gently licked the blood clean, then, passionately kissed him.
Aspanu knew that Turi was cleaning him, the kissing was just so that he would not feel awkward. His eyes were filled with tears. Noone, had ever expressed such a deep & uninhibited love for him.

"Fuck, Fuck, Oh FUCK, Will you PLEASE FUCK ME!" Aspanu demanded trying to look brave eventhough every nerve in his body was throbbing & threatening to burst because of the immense pain he felt.

When Turi started to retreive his cock from his ass, Aspanu tightened his sphincter muscles around him. Turi looked up & what he saw left him frightened & awestruck.
For there was malice in Aspanu's eyes. He was at the verge of doing anything to please his lover. Turi knew how bad his condition was & which is why he felt his heart go out to him. He felt as if he were torturing Aspanu instead of pleasuring him.

'I do not want to hurt him anymore, than he already is. But look at him, being so brave & stubborn when he is so weak.' Turi thought to himself.

"Turi my love, don't despair, I promise you that I wont die from your love making. I desperately want you. PLEASE, PLEASE, don't leave me hanging in the air. Take me. Show me the depths of your passion & the give me the love that I give you." Aspanu beckoned.

Turi started to hump him slowly. "Faster" "Faster" "FASTER..................."Aspanu coaxed.

Nothing could stop them now. Turi fucked harder & harder. He was like a rabbit in heat.
Humping away as if there was no tomorrow. Aspanu was even more aggressive. He clamped down everytime Turi was pulling out. They were so DAMN horny. There seemed to be no end to their obsession with each other.

"Yyyeeessssss"......... "Yyyyeeeessssssss"..................."Uuuunnnnghhhh"...................."Uuuunnnghhhhhhhh"........................."Uuuunnnnngghhhhhhhhhh"............................"Aagghhh" "Aagghhh" "I am CUMING" "AAAAaaaaagggghhhhhhhhhh"
"ME TOO"................. "Aaaaaaaghhhhhhhhh"

Screams intertwined, the heated bodies sweating profusely, & at the end the eruption of the volcanoes with hot cum spurting out like smoldering lava.

Turi came first spurting load after load of cum, giving proof of his broken virginity, inside Aspanu's ass filling it to the brim & overflowing.
Within seconds Aspanu too followed shooting his hot cum high into the air like bullets from a gun. He was covered with his own cum from chest down spilling some even on Turi's chest.

The were completely exhausted. Turi slumped down beside Aspanu & with great effort released his hands & legs. Their bodies intertwined in a warm embrace with the knowledge that they had evolved from cousins to best friends to the highest level possible that of LOVERS.

"So the VIRGIN BOY has become a MAN at last! Turi I am your's for eternity. My body & soul are your's, lover. You know that don't you." Aspanu panted out.
Turi had thought the same. But there was no need for answering for Aspanu was not asking.

He already knew.


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I woke Saturday morning with a sweet little ass grinding back into my morning boner. I love waking up this way. I didn't open my eyes but thrust forward and squeezed the pert breast in my hand. I heard my baby say, "Good morning." "Good morning, sweetheart," I replied. Only then did I realize the words were directed at my ears. Instead of them being directed away from me. I opened my eyes to see Tamara lying on her side with her arm supporting her head and she was facing me. I then...

2 years ago
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Whatever Happened to Summer Jones

Whatever Happened to Summer Jones? By Callie Messenger The call came in from a French woman. I could tell by the accent. She sounded pleasant, but she was an odd combination of angry and sad. Her story was common in that her husband had committed adultery. It was uncommon in that she had not heard from him since. As there was the matter of the possessions, money and insurances she needed to find him. She wanted to talk to him too. I put straight on that. Leopards don't change...

4 years ago
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Adventures with Chelsea 2 Party time

I arrived at Chelsea’s boyfriends house at about 9, there was already quite a few people there, though I didn’t know many of them. I walked through the door and spotted Chelsea immediately, wearing a short ass skirt that barely covered her fine, round ass, and I tight top that looked like it was owned by a six year old. I decided to walk over to her, ‘Hey Chels, where your man at?’ ‘I didn’t say he would be here…nah I’m kidding, he’s out back by the keg.’ ‘Cool. You look great tonight.’...

3 years ago
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What the Boss Saw

Dusty Files... The Erotic Accident... At one time almost all big Companies had a basement where they would store their out-of-date files and records. Nowadays, they have it all contained in cold impersonal data bases, easily accessible to anyone who is authorized and knows the password. Easy, huh? A few years ago, in the not to distant past, my Boss would select a person to go down into the dirty, dusty storage basement of our big Office Complex and look up certain information. Anyway, for a...

3 years ago
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First Time in Person

Our eyes locked across the length of the airport lobby. We'd metcountless times before, but only in cyberspace. From the first time we'd chatted and ended up teasing each other into frenzied orgasms, we knew we'd have to meet in person. When we "talked" online, we always skipped the small talk, "Hi, how are you?" and sped right to the sex. Sometimes it was slow and seductive, but mostly it was hard and direct, with lots of colorful language. I was 22. You were 34. We had talked about desires. I...

4 years ago
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An old girlfriends sister

He was fifteen she was thirteen and this was to be a night of first. He found her sitting on her bed playing with some dolls. She was trying to glue pubic hair onto them and was so engrossed in what she was doing that it took a while for her to realize he was even there. Finally she looked up. Oh hi, how long you been there? Long enough. She held up her doll and asked, What you think? Looks pretty good. Whered you get the hair? From my head, I cut some from the back where it wouldnt...

2 years ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 5 Paying the PiperChapter 25 The End of an Affair

January 10th, 2009. MilSys HQ, London. "Have you got over the flu, or whatever the lurgy was which laid you low over the festive season?" Dougie Green asked as he entered my office. He saw the bewilderment on my face. "My wife and I bumped into Suzannah at the New Year's Day concert at Royal Albert Hall. I asked where you were, and she said you had some virus and were confined to bed. She was with your friend Colonel Ledbetter, who had stepped in at the last moment to accompany her to...

3 years ago
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The Package DealChapter 6 The Mayonnaise Chapter

Mayonnaise! How do you make chicken salad without mayo? I can't find any mayo in the stores. Mom reminds me that mayo would be a dangerous food to sell here as it goes bad quickly without refrigeration. Even if you have a fridge here ... well the power can go out for two days! So there isn't any mayo in the stores. I am grumbling because we have some cooked chicken here and I wanted a sandwich. Gel says make it. How? Ah she means make the mayo. So I get on the internet, look up recipes for...

3 years ago
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The Gown

The Gown Janet L. Stickney [email protected] When I was ready I slipped the dress over my head, then using a pull chain, I zipped it up, feeling the material tighten around me. Stepping into the shoes I walked to the mirror and stared at myself. The gown fit me perfectly, and except for the fact that I had zero cleavage, made me look like the girl I wanted to be. It had taken two weeks wages to buy the gown, more when you added in the corselet, padded pantybrief, shoes and...

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The Stapler Game

The Stapler Game by Aesexual PseudonymJessica misbehaves at Grandma's house, and must then face her beloved Nelson for punishment and atonement, at which time he tries to cure the delicious jezebel of her unwholesome deathwish.  This vignette is an excerpt from Story #1, for those of you who require enticement before committing to read a 500,000 word book.         The voice mails from  Jessica's maternal grandmother persisted on a daily basis, like clockwork.  Jessica had been trying to avoid...

2 years ago
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Making new friends Strange Relationship

Originally I had no intention at all of meeting Ben again, it was the girls who talked me into it. Once I’d confessed to them that we’d met up for a drink, they were full of questions. None of them particularly like Richard, even though they haven’t met him. But they’ve all been around when I’ve had texts telling me he was going to be late, or heard him on the phone breaking a date. They never thought to ask how far Ben and I had gone on the date, which was good because I wouldn’t have been...

2 years ago
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The Most Wonderful Follow Up The True Meaning Of Christmas

The Most Wonderful Follow-Up: The True Meaning Of Christmas By Katharine Sexkitten I left the security guard clothes in the public washroom. They smelled. In fact they reeked. No doubt about it. Up until earlier this morning, I would have thought the odor was unusual, and not altogether attractive. Now I thought they smelled like heaven. They were completely covered in my own cum, more or less dried. I remember vividly making the mess. It was more cum than I'd ever...

2 years ago
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Secretary Girl

Author's Note: More adventures of Derek. I'm having way too much fun with this one. :P Secretary Girl by Hazel M "Well," asked Cathy, "what do you have for me Lenny?" The thin, rat faced man in the chair opposite her didn't know where to begin. "I...erm..." he began. "You were right. He was hiding something, just not what you thought." She looked at him suspiciously. "What do you mean?" "I don't have words. Why don't I let you see for yourself," he said, pulling some photos out...

4 years ago
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Breaking Cain

Introduction: Cain Wanted to join a fraternity, but didnt expect such a warm welcome!! Please leave relevant comments or else I will get them deleted!!! Stop putting adverts up on my stories!!! Breaking Cain. Chapter 1: The Break In The house was dark, the only sounds around, was the soft repetitive click of the clock quietly ticking away. The house was still and everyone was obviously sleeping. It was a winters day and it was 4 in the morning, no one is gonna be out of third bed unless they...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Luna Lovely Tana Lea Tana Can Not Believe How Slutty Luna Is

Sexy hot babes Luna Lovely and Tana Lea meet for the first time LIVE on camera and Tana is shocked at how slutty of a girl Luna is. She may look innocent but Luna wants to bury her face deep in Tanas sweet pussy and shocks her when she takes control getting oil all over those large beautiful tits! Tana is going to start spanking Luna every time she learns something new. Luna loves being paddled and welcomes every hard smack! The babes kiss and use a double sided dildo to see who can deep throat...

3 years ago
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At Her Own Pace Chapter 2

Chapter Two – Her Special Time One day she was off from work and the kids were out of the house. It was a perfect day to enjoy some alone time with her “boyfriend”. She showered and shaved herself smooth. She loved how her pussy felt when it was completely bald. A little bit of massage oil on her mons provided an extra bit of enjoyment as she started working her toy into herself. She lay back against the bed pillows and closed her eyes while letting her mind wander off into her fantasy world –...

3 years ago
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Pooja Aur Uski Business 8211 Part 2

Dear all, aap sab ko mere but bahut dhanyawad. Meri 1st story Pooja aur Uski Business aap sab ne pasand kiya. Bahut sari mail aur messages aye hai. Request karta hu ki Isko padne se pahle please 1st part ko jarur Mai apko ab Pooja ki dubatane jar aha hu. Waise aap sab jante hai ki Pooja ki business mai sambalata hu. Aur apko ye bi bata du ki Pooja ne hamara businesses develop karne bahut khas role ada kiya hai. Pooja ki role kya thi, wo apko iss story me dikhai dega. Office me Pooja aur mere...

3 years ago
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A Darker UniverseChapter 3 Assembly

Paul came out of his class and saw Jennifer standing there crying. He immediately went over and, ignoring all the looks he got, put his arms around Jennifer and gave her a hug. Resisting temptation, he kept his hands on her back. There were a few teasing catcalls from the assembled students but when he glared at them, they shut up. There was a certain sympathy since they all knew they could be in that position. "We have to go to the assembly," she reminded him. He took her hand and they...

1 year ago
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Turning My Wife To A Whore

Hii I am Siddharth. I married my wife when she was 25 two years back lot has changed in this two years. On the first night, I came to know that she was not virgin. But I didn’t ask her. Before marriage, I was into gay sex. Many people fucked me. My best gay friends always asked for my wife before marriage itself. Drop ur feedback at   After marriage, me and my wife shifted to another city where I work. My wife has a perfect body shape with a sexy face and lusty eyes. 1 month passed my friends...

1 year ago
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Losing Virginity To The Hardcore

Hi, I am Stephen 27 from chennai, I am a regular reader of ISS. Am not good in grammar, please forgive me for my mistakes. It’s a true story of mine, which will take you to the imagination. I like to share my experience of losing virginity to my GF. Guys hold your dicks, girls hands on boobs. Any feedback please post to this mail id Our relationship starts by love at first sight. She expressed her love and I accept her proposal in two days. Her name is Anitha, about her appearance she is...

2 years ago
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Sonia 8211 My Wife

Hi ISS readers, I am Ronak. This is my Third story I am submitting. I am sharing the moment when first time I saw the pussy in my life and I got my first sex experience. I am very interested in women from the days of my teenage. I always used to catch the chance to see cleavage of my teachers in school. Later when I came in college I tried always to see the figure and cleavage of Aunties who used to come to our house. I used to fantasize about them kissing them fucking them. But I never got the...

3 years ago
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ControlPart 2 Loss and Remembrance

A world dark and asleep. A world for Geoffrey, spread across the night and empty of people. There are always some people up and about, aren't there, even at the end of the evening? Not now and not here. Geoffrey drives along a parkway, watching the streetlights move by smoothly and quietly, one every few seconds, an endless procession of them, dignified and calm. He passes through a few blinking traffic lights. The green of the dashboard dials is so peaceful it makes him think of things far...

2 years ago
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The UpgradeChapter 9

My wives came out of the bedroom and approached the crowd on the couch. “We’re fine, Chuck.” Shirley was speaking for the crowd. “Kitten is right. We’ll be OK in a couple days. The collars are beautiful, but I’m pretty sure you know why we broke down. Girls?” She looked at each one of them. “Did you understand the significance?” We got four nods and two questioning looks. “Your collars aren’t locked. Ours are. You can walk away. We have pledged and he is holding that pledge with his heart....

4 years ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 9 The Evening of the Betrothal

Villefort had, as we have said, hastened back to Madame de Saint-Meran's in the Place du Grand Cours, and on entering the house found that the guests whom he had left at table were taking coffee in the salon. Renee was, with all the rest of the company, anxiously awaiting him, and his entrance was followed by a general exclamation. "Well, Decapitator, Guardian of the State, Royalist, Brutus, what is the matter?" said one. "Speak out." "Are we threatened with a fresh Reign of Terror?"...

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ltttle girl slut6

I was 40, made my money in the .com biz and now retierd. my name is Jack but from the moulment we met sissy called me her Daddy. the fucked up thing was she refused to spend a dime of my money all she wanted to do was baby me and treat me like a child. When she moved in with me she told me she was quiting her job and would be taking care of me full time, I didn't know what that ment then but I learned fast.....This little girl was a freak. The first clue was when I went to take a piss, she...

1 year ago
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Masters Dungeon

I wake up completely exhausted, slumped against something soft. It feels like a bed… I think, as I try to open my heavy eyelids. They open to a view that immediately starts my sluggish heart racing. Was I drugged…? I think to myself, blinking a few times to make sure the image is real. No…I definitely wasn’t drugged….  In front of me is an alluring woman, with long brown hair running down my chest. She’s completely naked and is lying over me while nothing but her hair touches my skin. Her green...

4 years ago
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Incest Fun With My Sister

Hi. I am vivek from goa. Iam going to tell my incest sex story with my sister. I am going to write my whole story in hindi so guys please forgive me if I had done something wrong.Mai ek college student hu. Meri umar 23 sal hai. Mai ba final year mai padta hu. Meri height 5ft8inch hai. Ab mai meri behen ke bareme bataunga. O ek sidhi sadhi ladki hai. Mujhse 2 sal choti hai. Ekdum kisi hollywood actress ki tarah dikti hai. Dekhte hi mume pani aa jata hai.Uske boobs to aise hai jaise ki roj doodh...

2 years ago
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Mia Pt 2

Mia – Part Two – Not close enough for comfort I took my wife’s advice to heart, and between the weather turning cloudy and cold limiting the use of the garden as well as business picking up keeping me away from home for days at a time, it was over a month before I saw Mia for more than a few seconds in passing. Her own life as well as my eldest son’s had also got increasingly fraught with the approach of their exams, and although both had more time at home, most of that was used for revision,...

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Haunted by the Futa GhostChapter 13 Possessed by the Futa Ghost

I gripped my gohei as I thrust my hand at the rice paper door. The roars of Mitsuko’s possessed father resounded through it. Shadows moved. A woman moaned, the same throaty sounds that I had brought forth from my Ojo-sama during our time at the onsen. The sounds of pleasure. Of orgasms. “You must free him,” Mitsuko-hime begged. “Please, Sayuri-chan.” “I will,” I told her, trembling. So much had happened. I was a futanari now, but my transformation had taken a full turning of the moon. So I...

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The long weekend continuesSaturday

It was Saturday, and with the previous days events still fresh in my mind, I approached the villa of Mistress Bea and Mistress Sara. I had been instructed to return today, because the very first Saturday of the month the ladies held parties at their villa, and I was to help them out with the festivities planned for the forth coming night , and what with Fridays events being captured on film, I wasn´t in a position to argue. I was met by Mistress Bea, who I must admit was looking amazingly sexy...

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A True History Book OneChapter 29

We had breakfast the next morning, then we all got into the van. We drove down Palm Drive, then had to turn onto Campus Drive, to Galvez Street, to work our way over to Jane Stanford Way, before turning onto Lasuen Mall, and pulling up outside Wallenberg Hall, on the east side. It didn’t look like we were supposed to park there, but we did, anyway. One of our guards stayed with the van, while the other two accompanied us. A flight of stairs led up into a Spanish style building, then into a...

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HornyHostel Zuzu Sweet Will be our secret

After an educational trip to Barcelona that ended amazingly, Zuzu was writing in her diary about the young charismatic boy she met at the hostel. He was so hot that she couldn’t help looking through the keyhole until he opened the door. She grabbed his big black cock and began to suck him hard until they almost got caught. Then she came back for a wild sex session and Jesus was excited to give her all the attention. After the roughly fucked her sweet pussy on the floor and she rode his...

1 year ago
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The Big Night

Note : This story is completely fictional! I spent Tuesday night packing all necessary things for our annual dirty expedition. My wife’s sexiest clothes, her crotch-less pantyhose, skimpiest skirts and tops, a long coat, the Big Blue (10” silky smooth dildo), massaging oils, video and digital camera, binoculars etc. Wednesday was the day I was waiting for. Claudia , my step-daughter went to a survival camp with her school… By 10a.m. we were on our way to the City. I have booked a hotel right in...

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Family Fuck

My little sister is a senior in high school, but she definitely still doesn't look or seem like an adult to me. She has always been a homebody, spending most of her time hanging out with my parents or reading books. She is barely five feet tall and weighs maybe 100 pounds. She has a cute face, I guess, but never wears makeup or dresses to look attractive. Her wardrobe is basically the same as it was in middle school. I couldn't even tell you her bra size, because she doesn't really need to wear...


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