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While they had been together Tiel had been forced to come out to his family, if only to avoid the shock of someone walking into his room in the morning to discover him spooning another guy. His dad seemed a little disappointed, but not surprised. His mom, though, had been much more annoying. She wasn't as overjoyed to have a bisexual son as he had expected, but made up for it by being excessively nosy. She began probing him about his relationships with every one of his guy friends as she had with the girls in his life before, and he remembered why he never told her anything. Next came his friends, fortunately, most knew before he told him so they didn't act any differently. The rest just didn't care, which he much preferred the former.

Anyway, the school year started. Tiel knew it was going to be different than his freshman year. He was walking in under an entirely different premise. Facebook had been updated, it was official: both the tacos and sausages were ok by him.

Before Tiel had even met Jack, there had been another guy he had had a crush on, to obviously no avail. That was Adam, oh beautiful Adam. Tiel had met Adam in one of his classes second semester, and decided to be friends with him based solely on the fact that he was damn fine. It worked out, Adam was a really cool guy, and they ended up being lab partners for the rest of the year. In Tiel's eyes, Adam was superior to himself in every way: smarter, better looking, and got a lot more action, but straight of course. Adam was a lot different than Christian Jack. Jewish Adam was even shorter, standing at around 5'8", but with the presence of someone taller due to his ripped body. Not the short and stocky ripped kind of body that seemed improportioned, but with the lean muscles of a swimmer, since Adam played water polo. Tiel had even wondered at first whether it he really had a crush or just that he had wanted to be him. It would be interesting to see how the semester played out. Tiel's cards were on the table, he just needed to see if he could pull Adam over with him. Being in the same major, Tiel was in most of Adam's classes, and they had been friends before, so they were hanging out just as much as before. Tiel couldn't sense any change in how Adam approached him, but he wasn't sure whether than was good or bad.

Weeks passed as classes, weekends and the occasional weeknight played out in beer pong: Tiel and his roommate (Henry) versus Adam and his friend (Tom). The second week of school they were a couple of games in when Tiel's roommate miraculously found some pot in his back pocket. Adam fell over backwards in appreciation and Tom went to get his bong.

After a couple of bowls, the four guys sat around the dorm's kitchen table all staring at the bong giggling and reminiscing.

"I was smoking so much this summer!" admitted Henry.

"From sober to stoner, you started last spring break." Tiel chastised.

"Well, I found something good and stuck with it."

"Fuck! It's 11:00 already, I gotta go meet Heather!" Tom exclaimed looking at his watch.

Adam did a 180º "Heather?"

"Yeah, we're dating now..."

"I thought you were just gonna fuck her and be done."

"Well, I found something good and stuck with it."

"Damn straight, man!" Henry chimed in. "I got back together with my ex for most of the sum-" and then he broke out laughing. Perplexed, Tom excused himself.

"Something happen in the last couple seconds?" Asked Tiel, amused with Henry's fit.

"You fucked a guy!"

There was a short pause. Tiel had known this would come up at some point. "I know your mom's masculine, but don't you think that's taking it a little far." It was a good save, alluding to his bisexual nature, but it was already too late. In his baked/drunk state, Henry had said what both him and Adam were thinking, it was bound to steer the conversation from this point. Maybe it was just the beer and pot talking, but the words were out of his mouth before he could take them back "...You never considered it?"

Henry was about to respond, but his face turned a peculiar shade of green and he ran off to the bathroom.

He probably shouldn't have had those shots of vodka before the game. Tiel thought, but then amended it to: How convenient. Since he was now alone with Adam and they were both under the influence.

Adam winked at Tiel, "And then there were two." He smiled. Tiel couldn't help but remember the way Jack's smile had melted him. He hadn't noticed how strong an affect Adam's had on him until now.

"The question's still on the table. Have you ever considered... doing things with guys?"

"Well, I hooked up with a guy once."

That caught Tiel off guard. He was shocked, Adam was so generically straight. He had assumed that since he couldn't turn Adam, he could at least make him feel uncomfortable. Apparently the little jew was full of surprises. Although, when he thought about it, Tiel wasn't that shocked. Adam was known to be very horny, and Tiel had always assumed that if pointed in the right direction at the right time, he was prone to do anything. "Details. Now."

"Well you remember SexFest?" Of course Tiel remembered SexFest. It was a party that the GLBT community and all of frat row came togther to throw. Dress code was the most creative way of wearing as little as possible. The party was thrown in a huge hall on campus and was dry, but everyone arrived drunk, afterall, being sober at a naked party would be really awkward. Everyone hooked up with at least one person, and it wasn't uncommon that activity went farther than that, bordering on sex in the bathroom or on the side of the dance floor. Tiel had managed to hook up with several women and even secure a blowjob, but the thing that stuck out in his mind was that was also the first time he had hooked up with a guy. He had been dancing and just ended up grabbing some guy out of the crowd and grinding with him and making out. It had been spontaneous and amazing, but Tiel immediately lost track of him. It had been easier to forget the experience back then than using it as a turning point to come out. "Well, I kept getting thrown around the party from girl to girl until some guy caught me on the dance floor." Tiel flushed, the story sounded familiar. "I dunno, I was pretty drunk and didn't really mind the attention until we started kissing. A girl grabbed me back when the song ended. It was weird, but it happened."

"Haven't heard that story before."

"Haven't told that story before."

"Do you remember what he was wearing?"

"I could barely see I was so drunk,"

"What were you wearing?"

"Were you at the party?"

"What were you wearing?"

"Uhh, wow, that was a while ago, umm, boxers with martini glasses and suspenders."

"And a spiked collar?"



"Shit man. Shit. Wow. Talk about awkward."

"What did you think?"


"Well, how was I? How do I measure up as a dancer/kisser."

"I dunno, I was piss drunk man."

Tiel's words just kept coming, "What about now?" All of his senses were blinded by his wanton and he just kept a grin on his face as he pushed at Adam's comfort zone.

Adam smiled, his dimples drawing Tiel in, "What about what now." Tiel could tell how nervous Adam was getting, and relished in it.

Tiel stood up and walked over to Adam and then straddled his lap facing Adam, who gave no resistance, save for a slight nervous trembling and paler skin. Tiel leaned in until his face was was only inches from Adam's and asked, "Would you kiss me right now?"

Adam's breath was hot against Tiel's mouth as his eyes danced back and forth between Tiel's eyes and lips. Tiel could feel a sizeable straining beneath him as Adam hesitantly began closing the gap between their moist lips. Impatient as ever, Tiel met Adam halfway and kissed him forcefully. What began as a tender embrace turned into hot passion as they explored each others mouths and their teeth banged into one another. Wasting no time Tiel reached under Adam's shirt and pulled it up over his head, separating their faces only for a second to get the cloth of Adam and to enjoy his hairless chistled torso. Tiel pushed into Adam for another kiss before gently moving to Adam's neck to lay soft kisses while kneading his back muscles with his fingers. He worked his way up to Adam's ear and nibbled on his ear lobe before whispering, "You have a single, let's go back to your room."

Adam answered by shoving his hand down Tiel's pants and roughly squeezing his rock hard shaft. Adam pumped it twice forcefully though restrained by the tight denim, and pushed Tiel to his feet. Adam stood up and slid his hands under Tiel's shirt and lifted it up in one motion before throwing it across the room and leaning into to bite Tiel's neck with surprising vigor. This is new, but damn it feels good, thought Tield as Adam chewed on his flesh. Adam hooked one arm behind Tiel's head and pulled him into a kiss before finally saying, "Let's go."

Tiel pushed Adam against the wall and into one more kiss before grabbing his wrist and leading him out the door. They fled the building without their t-shirts and ran across the quad to Adam's dorm. Fall had not quite set in and the air was still warm against their exposed skin as they sprinted in the dark. Various students just now going out to the parties saw them running across the green, assuming the two half naked drunk kids were part of some frat rush. Adam got to the dorm's door first and keyed it open and closed it behind him just as Tiel got to the door, laughing as Tiel pulled. Tiel suddenly stopped trying to pull open the locked door and gave Adam a lustful look as he slowly humped the door, gyrating his hips against the glass. Satisfied with the display, Adam opened the door only to be pinned against the wall as Tiel kissed him. Seconds later, Adam slipped down and under Tiel's grip running up the stairs two at a time to his floor and door. Hot on his heels, Tiel was not going to be locked out again. When Adam got to his door, Tiel was already behind him, and as Adam flipped though his key chain, Tiel pressed his chest up against Adam's bare back and began sucking on the back of one of Adam's ears as he reached around and began to undo Adam's pants with his left hand, sliding his right in to service the man.

Adam found the key but was unable to keep his hand steady as his tried to fit the key into the lock. The more he concentrated, the farther Tiel got until Adam's jeans and boxers were down around his ankles and Tiel nibbled on his ear, dry ground himself into Adam's naked ass, kneaded his balls with his left hand, and pumped Adam's fully exposed massive cock with his right. It was around 7" long but must have been 2.5-3" thick with a slight curve up evident of frequent sex. Adam's knees began to give and he abandoned his attempts to unlock the door and dropped his hands to his sides. Tiel sped up his pace as Adam's eyes rolled back and his balls shrunk. Sensing the imminent climax, Tiel let go of the tool and swung himself around Adam dropping to his knees and engulfed the cock grabbing Adam's ass cheeks for leverage. It was too much for Adam and he exploded in the deep recesses of Tiel's throat.

Only then did it occur to them that they were in the middle of the hall and they panickedly looked back and forth. No one seemed to be enjoying the show, so Adam exploited the pause by unlocking the door with his now steady hand. He shuffled into the room with his pants around his ankles and kicked off his shoes. By the time he he had his pants and socks off to turn around and see Tiel, Tiel had already undone and thrown to the side his clothes and was standing on one leg taking off his last sock, his cock standing to attention. Tiel felt the gaze and looked up to catch Adam's appreciative smile of the 7.5 x 2" torpedo. Tiel caught the contagious smile and got off the sock before Adam grabbed Tiel's shoulders and threw him down onto the double bed that took up 75% of the tiny single save for a desk and nightstand. Adam crawled on top of Tiel and ran his hands through Tiel's short chest hair playing with his nipples. Meeting Tiel's eyes, Adam grinned an evil smile and demanded, "Your dick. My ass. Now."

"What have you got in stock?"

Adam rolled off of him to go to the nightstand and pulled open the first drawer, revealing dozens of condoms and a big bottle of lube. Not surprising considering the width of that fucking cock, Tiel thought to himself with a grin. Adam grabbed a condom and ripped open the case bringing the condom with him back over to Tiel. Tiel reached up to grab it and put it on but Adam swatted his hand away and put the condom in his mouth. Oh no he didn't! Adam reached down and centered Tiel's dick beneath his mouth and began to swallow it whole rolling the condom down with his teeth and tongue. The display turned Tiel's dick from rock hard to diamond as Adam sat up and grinned, "Girl did that to me once, I figured you'd appreciate it too. Turns out I don't have a gag reflex either..."

Tiel couldn't help but laugh at the comment and turned Adam over onto his back grabbing his ankles in either hand and placing them on his shoulders. He reached over for the bottle of lube and poured a generous helping onto the tip of his cock before smearing an equally large quantity onto Adam puckered ass. If he hoped to repeat this amazing night, he was gonna make sure Adam didn't feel any pain at all. He pressed his head onto Adam's ass hole and slowly pushed the rest of his dick in before realizing how easily it had slid in. Tiel sheathed himself balls deep in Adam's ass causing all of his torso muscles to flex in unison. Adam grinned widely showing his dimples as Tiel raised an inquistive eyebrow.

"Guilty. There's a dildo in the second drawer for some of the kinkier girls. 'Figured I should see what all the hype was about." On the last word he clenched his ass muscles onto Tiel's dick. Further invigorated by the apparently kinky, experienced, beautiful, little jew, Tiel pounded into him with new stamina. Each time his dick went in as far as could go he rubbed up against Adam's prostate causing Adam's dick to twitch back to full size and his muscles flex again. Adam closed his eyes and began to masturbate savagely. Within seconds he was spewing another load of hot cum all over his chest as Tiel rocked him and the bed with his prostate pumping. The sight was too much and Tiel exploded in Adam's ass. Adam's own dick was mostly deflated as Tiel pulled out his rapidly shrinking dick. Exhausted, still slightly drunk, and still buzzed from the pot, Tiel whipped off the condom and threw it towards the trash only to miss it by 2 feet. Not caring, Tiel collapsed next to Adam who reached over and pulled him into a spoon as they both dozed off in post coital weariness.

As sleep took them, Tiel was little spoon to Adam whose cum covered belly was smearing jizz all over his back, both of their flaccid cocks were still leaking onto the tossed covers that they had never bothered to pull aside, and there was a smelly cum filled condom on the floor by the trash. Signs of a night spent well.


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Harry smiled as he watched Susan come up the drive- way, bags of groceries perilously balanced in her hands. Always so independent, Susan rarely asked for help in anything. She prided herself in “getting the job done”. As she walked through the door, she called, “Hi sweetie! I’m home!” Harry moved towards her to take some of the groceries from her. “Why didn’t you ask me for help, Sue?” Harry asked. “I wasn’t...

2 years ago
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Ek Saath Husband Aur Wife Ko Choda

Hey Guys, This is Chandan (34). This is a true story. It’s about me, my friend Riya and her husband Raj (All name changed). Ye baat 2 saal purani he… Riya aur me Delhi me ek hi office me kam kar rahe the. Riya ek bahut hi open minded Panjabi ledki thi. uski saadi ho chuki thi aur uska ek beta bhi tha. Me usse office me kafi mazak kiya karta tha. dhire dhire mazak mazak me hum dono office me gandi baate bhi karne lage.. Fir ek din usne mujhe apne gharpe bulaya.. Mujhe laga yo mujhe apne husband...

2 years ago
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My affair with mom part 3

I am happy to note that the readers have appreciated my story “My affair with mom” published in 2 parts. I feel encouraged to write further so that readers can have a good look into my private life with my mom.On the night we slept together, I fell asleep soon, may be because of the fact that I had very little sleep in the previous night. I have already described how I felt in the previous night when mom got angry with me. I was also having a pleasing sensation in my mind that mom had accepted...

1 year ago
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Forever Her Sissy Chapter 4 of 6

This is a work of fiction for your enjoyment and all the characters are fictional. Please practice safe sex, respect others limits and know that bondage and discipline can be dangerous if done to extremes. None of the scenes in this literature are meant to be reproduced in real life. Be respectful to all women and to local ordinances and laws. Forever Her Sissy - Chapter 4 More shopping? I thought to myself. How much more of this could I take. "Mrs. Karen?" I spoke...

2 years ago
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BusherChapter 21 Dave

Our bus ride from Myrtle Beach straight back to Frederick was a hot-and-dusty 500-mile trial-by-hemorroid, and it was accomplished in the middle of the night, starting less than an hour after we'd played our final (night) game of the season in the Land of the Grand Strand. The Pelicans were in last place in the Southern Division, so we wouldn't be back. That was the good news. The bad news was, we'd likely be back in Kinston, North Carolina -- itself a butt-busting 400 miles from home --...

1 year ago
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Do As Your Told

Betsie Thompson started the day similar to how she would any other. She got out of bed, had a shower, made herself breakfast and had the daily morning screaming match with her mother. Mostly consisting of yelling and cursing. "Fuck You", "I hate you", "I wish you would die!", The standard argument phrases. "Do As Your Told!" Her mother screams at her. Betsie rolls her eyes "I don't have to put up with your shit!". She proceeds to storm past her mother and slam the front door behind her. She...

Mind Control
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CuckoldSessions Brittany Andrews 12012019

Brittany Andrews makes her first IR comeback in over 20 years just for Dogfart! This is her third IR scene in history and we are please to have it. Brittany scored on Craigslist today. Usually the men she goes after thinks she’s nothing but a catfish and no show, but today she landed two long dicked dudes to come fuck her in front of her well-paying cuck of a husband. She assures the gentlemen he’s got a mannequin pussy for a dick and is no threat at all. They enjoy the cash and the huge tits...

1 year ago
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Constance Wendolyn CompanyChapter 30

The gaffer had stories on top of stories ... and many of them might be true ... his history was easily checked; Connie needed to learn her watch. Yes, William the first was a freeholder. Yes, Molly was a pickpocket. No, she wasn't 15 when Big Bill was born. Molly was 13, and Big Bill's father was a six foot seven English Marine. Molly was 12 and the giant wasn't her first time riding the pony. Molly didn't brandish a cast iron skillet, she slapped Bill the first on the ear with a...

3 years ago
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Disappearing Dreams Book 2Chapter 1

Kyle drove straight home, told his parents that he had just ended the relationship with Stephanie, without any further explanation, and then sat down on their back porch and drank one of his father's cans of beer. The following Monday, he drove to the campus, met with the contacts that he had been given by the army, and completed the planning and enrollment procedures that would allow him to start in the mid year term. Kyle chose to live in the dorm initially, even though the army was...

1 year ago
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forced into Submission

I had just entered college, moved to the big city, with neon lights, all night clubs, non stop parties. I thought that this was the life, in my early twenties , enjoying that I could be fucked or fuck who I wanted too. I was just living life to it's fullest. There was one set back to this life, many young men was being found murdered after they had sexual relations. No one trusted who they did not know, the field of new meat was shrinking. You often found out that you either had just had sex...

3 years ago
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Date Night With Mum

One Monday night, my mother and I were relaxing watch TV. I was wearing boxers and a t-shirt and she was wearing her bathrobe, having just had her bath. Mum sat down next to me on the couch, sort of sighed and laid her head on my shoulder. Since we are a "touchy-feely" family this did not seem unusual at all. "We need to talk about something very serious" she said after a while. "Okay" was all I said, knowing that she would proceed, as she was comfortable. "There are two problems growing in...

1 year ago
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Transitions II

Transitions II by Desiree Pleasence Chapter 3 - Renewal As I stepped out of the shower, my limbs and torso totally denuded and smooth, I reached for a towel to dry off. Sitting on the closed commode was a fresh pair of panties and a pair of heels that I had never seen before. They were totally adorable! However much I wanted to revel in and caress my now smooth body, I moved on. "Don't dawdle, honey. Put on your first presents and get that sweet ass out here!" Sherri...

2 years ago
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friemd mary

My friend Mary from back in college dropped by unexpectedly and this was the beginning of some very wild happenings. She and her husband Mark where traveling through our area and decided to stop by. I asked them to stay over so they could meet my husband. After a little tugging, they agreed to postpone their travel plans. Once my husband David got home from work, we settled down with some drinks and conversation. David suggested we go out and enjoy the hot tub. Once everyone changed, we all met...

3 years ago
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First time with a BBW

Let's go back 8 years. At the time I was 21 and living with my friend. Now, like all 21 year olds we had a healthy appetite for sex and club life, and my buddy met a fling that he actually wanted to bang again. Now he talks to her, and she tells him she'd love to come "hangout", but doesn't want to ditch her friend. He tells her I have a friend and he'll keep her company. My buddy comes and tells me 2 DTF (down to fuck) girls are coming over, BUT my girl is big. I agree to at least talk to her,...

1 year ago
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New Slave PlanetChapter 15

“Please, don’t make me do this with her, she’s just a girl, and besides I’m straight so this lesbian stuff is just too perverted for me,” Brianna pleaded. As she tried to avoid 15 year old Sue Carpenter’s insistent demands for a kiss, Brianna recalled how the masters seemed to like taking her two at once and sometimes three at a time. It was truly horrible to have a cock ravaging her pussy, another one reaming her ass while she tried to suck off a third one, but to have to make love to a...

4 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 431

After the meeting there were a couple of quick meetings. The first was with Roger Gifford and Bob Jackson. I figured that Roger wanted an update on the Nimule; that was the first question that he asked. “The flight is leaving two weeks from Monday; it’s going to be a good flight to go on. Along with the medicines you donated, we are taking 100,000 pounds of food.” “St Agnes hospital has sent several crates of medical equipment for the doctors. There are two students from KCC and one from...

2 years ago
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I would not have believed it possible, but it happened. I have heard it said that more all less any woman will fall for enough flattery and clearly that is what occurred to me. I have actually been quite shy all my life and that is what made it all the more surprising.I was travelling home from work on the train, a bit later than usual. Being a bit later it wasn’t quite so crowded so I had a seat and was enjoying a bit of a read, a nice girly book I had been promising myself as a guilty...

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Zeke and me a first time story

As young boys, Zeke and I were great friends. We lived several miles apart and would spend hours playing together with our other friends all summer long. As we grew older, we grew apart. By the time we entered high school, Zeke and I had different sets of friends which was just a natural byproduct of growing up. Zeke's friends were laid back, did OK in school, were very active on the sports teams, and did a lot of partying. My friends were more focused on getting a good education, also were...

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Shadi me chudayi

Aap sab ladke khub louda hila rahe ho our sab ladkiya bur me ungali dal rahi ho story pad ke.. To chalo mai bhi apni life ki ek real story batata hu.. Par karam hai tumhe tumhare choot ki.. Call ya mail jarur karna.. Mail Ye baat hai koi 3 saal purani.. Mai apne friend ke bhai ki barat me nagpur gaya tha.. Ab aap to jante hi hai shadi ki raat har ladka-ladki kya chahti hai.. Choot our lund.. Bus yahi mai bhi chahta tha.. Chuki mai ladke walo ki taraf se aaya tha to vaise bhi thodi chhoot thi....

1 year ago
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Willing Young Muslim Cousin Asfa Loses Her Virgini

Hi all, its Ali here!Today, I'm going to share my first sexual encounter with my younger Muslim cousin, Asfi and how it started a long, taboo sexual relationship between us that continues to this day. A little background first...I'm Ali, fair, standing over 5 ft 10" tall. I have long, straight black hair and a trim, athletic physique from playing soccer for years. I used to live with my huge, extended family. My entire clan consisted of the families of my father and his seven real brothers. We...

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Fucking My Sexy Chachi

Hi to all readers, my name is Ladiesman ( for anonymity).. I am 19 years old and i am from Hyderabad…. Before i start my story…. I would like to point out a few things. 1) This story is a real life incident between my chachi and me 2) The names of characters in this story are changed due to reasons you all might obviously know… So let’s start the story… I have already told you my age and where i live.. About my chachi … She is 30 with Mediterranean tanned skin and to point out she looks...

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Night of lust

Night of LustI'd had a crush on Mac for about five years and had often fantasised about fucking him. You could tell just by looking at him that you knew he would fuck you long and hard. Hubby was well aware that I would love to have Mac slide inside me at the drop of a hat; he even offered to set it up.We'd teased each other in our local pub but always in a banter kind of way. When I had my most recent breast op, I was in the pub with a deep plunging dress revealing my new huge tits. Mac...

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Being a anal whore

I bend over showing my ass as u pull ur cock from ur pants. I stand there like a whore with my ass high up in the air while I pulled my cheeks apart, showing u my ass.I can feel the head of ur warm cock against my ass rim, and it opened me up completely. U stand with ur back against the wall and it was clear to me that I would have to do work and fuck myself. One of my favorites things that really makes me feel like a filthy whore that is dedicated to getting ass-fucked. I could easily stretch...

2 years ago
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My son and I the ninth chapter

I proposed to my own son. Why, you may ask? Simple: I loved him, and wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. Although, the only other people that knew about us, were Scott and Alicia, who also were an incestuous couple. It didn't change the fact, that a wedding would mean something to both of us. Two months before, we had no idea that Scott and Alicia were together. Then we're engaged to each other, but that's life, right? I was in our bedroom, just looking at some cakes we could get, and...

3 years ago
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A Way With Words

I’m heading out on a blind date with a Woman named Eve, it’s been a rather long dry spell since me and my Ex, Kate, called it off. My co-worker Claire, whom I always considered a little meddling and A LOT annoying, had suggested we may be a good match for each other. From what I was told by Claire, Eve has a lot going for her, smart, funny, kind... Sounds like every other “plain Jane” I have dated, but, what the hell! I walk into the downtown Toronto restaurant and am greeted by the Hostess. “I...

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Valerie my drunk aunt

Aunt Valerie asked me to babysit her k**s last Friday night. Uncle Jim was out of town, and she was going out with some women she works with. Since I go to school in the town where she lives, it wasn't a problem. For one thing, I could use the money. On top of that, I like to see as much of Aunt Valerie as I can. I've been having fantasies about my dad's forty-year-old sister forever. She had never given any indication of interest in me, her eighteen-year-old nephew, but no matter what she wore...

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Sissy and Wimp

Sissy and Wimp 1 Now the common belief is that any man who wants to wear women's clothes is gay, and that the heterosexual crossdressers who claim to be straight but "just like the feel" of silk panties and so forth, are being, well, less than candid. Be that as it may, heterosexual and homosexual crossdressers are in fact distinct psychological types. To be sure, there is a homosexual element in all crossdressing. but it is not necessarily a vital and structural one. We may...

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Catherines Delight

Really late at night on a Friday, I come home from out of town.I walked in to find Catherine lying on the couch. She had gotten really drunk and passed out. Jessica, my girlfriend, had gone to bed long ago and Brandon, Catherine's boyfriend, was already at his house for the night. I walked past Catherine’s limb body with her disheveled clothes and walked up stairs. I set my stuff down in Jessica’s room and unbuttoned the collared shirt I was still wearing from work earlier that day. I took...

Straight Sex

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