Rock Climbing_(1) free porn video

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It all started on a cold mid winter morning, my best friend cat dragged me out of my warm house and told me we had to do something out of our comfort zones, I had no idea what but cat had a plain and I trusted her, so we piled in her car and went.
We arrived at our destination a short time latter, it was a climbing wall, I instantly started to protest “I cant do this you know I’m scared of heights!” “I know” she replied tartly “but it is time for you to get over it and out of your comfort zone, besides this place wouldn’t be open if it was dangerous.” Cat just about had to drag me into the building, I was so apprehensive. We walked through the doors and looked up, big mistake!


The walls looked huge looming over us, ropes every where with a few people going up and down on them, I felt the bottom drop out of my stomach but before I could protest the instructor walked up to us and asked if we were going to climb, “no” I said instantly starting to tremble, “yes we are both going to climb” cat corrected me giving me a hard stare then turning to make eyes at the instructor, he stood 5’9 with sandy blond hair, an incredibly hansom weathered face, and a body to die for, it looked like he had just walked off a climbing movie set, I found myself getting aroused looking at him. He shifted uncomfortably under cat’s gaze some of his confidence dispersing, and said, “Well lets get you started then.”
Quickly we found harnesses and shoes provided and under the guidance of our instructor we correctly fitted both and had it checked, “well my name is Jason and I will be your instructor for the day” said the instructor clearly recognizing our amateur nature. Jason then asked us “who is more scared?” nether myself or cat replied, but I was gently pushed forward by cat, Jason smiled warmly looking into my eyes, I felt he could see every thing of me, laid bare before his steady and attentive gaze, “well lets get you tied in then” he said plainly giving nothing more away than a look, realizing what he was saying I began to protest “I was thinking that as I’m the most frightened, I would get to watch first” he held my gaze without flinching while his smile increased in warmth I could fell myself melting under his gaze like an ice cube in the warmth of the sun, “sorry” he replied with mischief darsing in his eyes, “this way is better” I felt myself trusting this angel before me as his warmth washed over me.
Jason showed us how to tie in correctly to the ropes, then gave cat the instruction on how to hold the ropes correctly when I was climbing, then turning to me said “climb when your ready” I felt comfort in his face, and decided to start without resting, I started to climb, and as soon as my feet left the ground I felt my anxiety rise, but I had to do this, no way was I going to make a fool of my self in front of such a handsome man, I turned my fear off and kept going vagley aware of the instructions and corrections being giving to cat, I soon found if I didn’t look up or down I could happily keep moving, I suddenly was snapped back to reality by a sharp call of “stop there” form Jason my mind automatically jumped to the conclusion some thing was wrong, that was when my anxiety hit me hard, like running in to a brick wall, then Jason continued, “ we are going to practice lowering now, so I want you to let go of the wall and lean as far back as you can and put your feat flat against the wall” this is when I finally looked down and realized I was over 20 feet off the ground, I couldn’t trust this rope not to break, if it did I would probably die from this height, after lots of talking and comforting form Jason I finally let go of the wall and was lowered safely to the ground.
That was when the exhilaration set in I was blown away thriving on the adrenalin and euphoria, I never coincided some thing like this could be so erotic, I was hooked from that moment on.

A week later I was still buzzing from my first climb, and many nights I lay awake thinking of climbing and of course Jason, I found myself fanaticising about climbing with him and what he would really be like, as for cat, well she was completely the opposite, she got noting out of it and having all her advances on Jason clearly turned down she never wanted to climb again. But I needed an excuse to go back, to climb again, and of course to see Jason again, I was starting to obsess and needed to get it straight, I made my decision I would go to the climbing wall.
20 minutes latter I found myself walking through the doors, it was like entering another world, it seemed so different the second time, with all the fear diffused, I stoped to sock it in, looking up at the hight of the walls, towering over you making you insignificant, the mix of music, you don’t get any where else never a main stream song played, with much you could not place, but definitely on the cutting edge, the sweet smell of the place, you can smell the sweet, fear, apprehension, excitement, you could hear the sound of families having fun, mixed with the sound of the serious climbers grunting and groaning under the exsertion. I turned to the desk hoping to find Jason, but all I found was a tall lanky weedy instructor, it was to late to escape he had seen me and was not going to let me escape, “hi” he said “have you come to climb?” I didn’t know what to say, so I said the first thing to come into my head, “yes but I don’t have any one to climb with” realising this was an opportunity to escape, “no problem” he said “you could boulder or I could probably find some one for you to climb with” when he recognised the look on my face he gave me no chance to respond and said “follow me” I meekly followed like a lamb being lead to the slaughter house, he headed straight to the boulder room, I could hear lots of laughing emitting from the room, as the smell of sweet and testosterone rolled out the door, I started to find myself becoming aroused.
As I entered the room I just about passed out, there were 4 guys and 2 girls laughing and joking together with no tops on, the two girls wore crop tops and you could see the muses bludging from their backs and shoulders, these were girls who could beat you to death with their bare hands, but emitted gentleness like Buddhist monks.
Then there were the guys, they all stood looking at this wall, they had the most incredible builds, covered I muscles with small waists and tight asses, but one stood out to me more than the others he had a slightly thicker layer of fat over his mussels softening the lines and definition of the muscles making him much more attractive, they all had their backs to us and had not noticed our entry, I quickly regained my composer and the instructor introduced me and asked if any one would climb with me, as they turned to look at me I quickly realised the one who I found most attractive was Jason, he shifted uncomfortably under my gaze and quickly found his t-shirt and put it on to hide his perfect body, as I fought to control my jaw of rubber, “I need a climb” said Jason as he walked over to me giving me that warm smile, melting me all over again, I could feal the warmth and wetness spreading throughout my groin.
Well we climbed and talked all day, I found out he was single but just getting over an ex so I decided to let it slide and not push too hard, it was plain to see that he was as attracted to me as I was to him, after we finished climbing we agreed to climb together one day each week, after a short while it became two days a week and not long after that it became three days a week, over that six month period I found my self falling in love with this wonderful man, he was perfect, even his imperfections make him more attractive, but he was having trouble getting over his ex, so I had to let that run to its natural end before I made any moves, I did not want to be the rebound girl.
Over six months of climbing I found I had a new best friend, Jason was slowly moving more and more into my life and heart, my climbing was improving very quickly, and I was already above average.
Before I go any further let me get a few things straight, I was 18, a virgin, I have had boy friends but I have been waiting for the perfect man, I left school at 16 and worked ever since, myself and Jason had a lot more in common than I can say, he was 22 and living an exciting life as a rock and alpine instructor, maybe this had a lot to do with the attraction.

One day after climbing Jason asked, “what are you doing in two weeks?” “Nothing” I replied noncommittally, “well I need a fix of real rock, so I’m going to go to the bay, and I would love it if you could come” Jason continued, of course I agreered, the next day at work I arranged to take the time off, and started to prepare and glean as much information as possible about the place, luckily Jason was providing most of the gear so that made my life easer, the bay or Whanganui bay, is on the shore of lake Taupo in the centre of New Zealand’s north island, it is a very secluded spot, there is a settlement of the local Maori people, but they lived in maximum simplicity, no power running water, the only phone was in the meeting house and only for emergencies, but other than that it was totally cut off from the outside world, it sounded like paradise but nothing any one said would prepare me for what I would find or experience.

The day finally arrived and Jason arrived to pick me up at five o’clock in his utility, I sleepily crawled into the vehicle and we started on the four hour drive it was spring and still dark, I slept most of the way up, I was woken by Jason at the road end to get comfortable as we made our way down the rough dirt track, it got rougher and rougher as we went but Jason drove with the skill I would have expected from a professional, we arrived at the car park with one other broken down car that was clearly not going any where, and piled out to sort out our gear for the mile walk ahead while Jason winged his Ute was not a four weal drive and could not handle going any further, I let this slide as it was clear he was not a morning person, another thing we had in common, once we were ready we started down the track.
As we walked I felt as if I was going through a time warp, all the impressions of man slowly diserpaerd one by one until there was nothing left but us, the track, and the bush filling the valley. We rounded a corner and I found myself looking up at the most spectacular cliffs towering 250 foot above the lush green native bush, I felt fear and anxiety rising in me knowing that I would be climbing such spectacular rock, we continued down the road, I felt like Eve walking in the perfection of the garden of Eden with my Adam beside me, all the untouched bush bringing me comfort.
We continued on, some times talking but mostly contented with the comfortable silence existing between us, as we both looked in awe of the surroundings passing us by.
We soon came to a view of the lake and I had to stop and admire the view, as my breath was taken away, the valley of untouched native bush and towering white cliffs, giving way and opening to the perfect lake, the sun gently glinting on the surface, I was in love with this place, this was paradise and I didn’t want to leave and I had only just arrived.
While we stood taking in the view I gained a sense of coming home, peace a harmony started to wash over me removing all the stress and concerns of every day living, it felt as if I was getting lighter, while the felling of tranquillity flooded my body. We continued on toward the lake, with every step drinking more joy and harmony, until we finally arrived on the shore, Jason dropped his pack and I followed suit, relived to be removing the bags that had been weighing me down, as I looked on the sandy beach fringed by native bush and towering cliffs on the point, Jason pointed to these prominent cliffs and calmly stated “that is where we will climb today” and before I could respond he turned and started to unpack his pack, as I adsorbed the surroundings, lost in my own world of thought.
When I snapped back to reality I found Jason erecting the tent, I offered help, and he gave very precise instructions on what to do as only an instructor can, it took no time to erect the tent and Jason quickly claimed the “drivers side” as he called it, he unrolled his mattress and sleeping bag, then started to unpack the food and cooking utensils giving me room to prepare my half of the tent, as I crawled inside I was struck by how empty Jason’s pack looked now empted of the necessities, in fact it looked as if there was nothing left in it at all, this embarrassed me as I realised the excess of clothing and equipment I had in my pack.
When I emerged form the tent, after making my tempry home as comfortable as possible, I found Jason sitting on a stump staring out across the lake, I automatically sat next to him, and without hesitation or recognition of my presence he handed me a coffee, and continued his indulgence of the view, as I sat next to him I felt as if he had changed, I turned to see if it was visible, to my surprise it was, it looked as if he lost five years in journey hear, the defining lines on his face had softened, the serious look he commonly wore was replaced by this subtle , calm, warm, and relaxed look, I felt as if I was looking at a Buddhist monk meditating, and realized I was stealing this moment of privacy from him, but he was totally emersed in his connection with the soundings, I could not remove my eyes form such an idyllic vision, I wished I had my camera wanting to capture the moment forever, but realizing it would destroy the moment.
After a time he swallowed the last of his coffee, turned to me with a simile and an expression I could never describe, it comforted and disarmed me it felt as if I was made of champagne with the warm tingling bubbles rising within me, “are we ready to climb?” he asked with a big child like smile and excitement gently dancing on his eyes, I replied simply “yes” and Jason rose and passed me a bag as he retrieved one for himself.
We started our trek along the beach, comforted by one and another’s presence, and the lack of need for words. Jason showed me how to retrieve water form the lake for drinking without getting twig’s and leaves in it, and explained the importance of not putting food scrapes or soap in the water, then continued with a bit of a lecturer on the rules of the airier, I however had trouble removing my attention from the cliffs we were approaching, they gained in grandeur and beauty with each step, at the same speed as my excitement apprehension, and nervousness, eventually we arrived at the base and Jason started pointing out the classic climbs and features, as I stood dumbfounded gazing up in awe of the cliffs standing three hundred foot above me, Jason recognised what I was doing and stood beside me soaking in the same experience, saying simply “incredible isn’t it” after we pealed our eyes from the sight, Jason lead me further around the cliff to another climb called surrogate, a good warm up Jason explained as he went first and I keep him safe, after he returned to the ground he said to me “its that easy, now its your turn” I felt like it was my first ever climb, the fear and apprehension rose within me, but I trusted Jason and knew he would not expect me to do anything I couldn’t, and he would keep me safe, so I climbed and found the fear and anxiety were well above any thing I had experienced and I struggled to keep it under control, I finally finished and returned to the ground and we moved to another climb called small pox, this time it was my turn to go first, this made the climb even more scary as I had no idea of what to expect, I had to fight to control my terror and focused on the climb, eventually I made it to the top of the climb, it felt as if I had made it to the top of the world, the joy euphoria exhilaration, were greater than I could ever explain no drug could ever compare to this high it was as if I was seeing the world through new eyes, this made indoor climbing seem pointless and stupid, I sat on the ledge and indulged in my surroundings, the view of the lake and the bush was spectacular, the breeze gently moving through the trees, the smell of the fresh air, the birds singing to me, and the sun shining down on me warming me through to my bones, this was the greatest thing in the world.
I retuned to the ground and asked Jason why se had not gone to the top of the cliffs as we had only done climbs that were about forty foot high, his answer was that he wanted to make sure I would cope with being on real rock before he lead me on a big climb to the top, satisfied with this, we moved on to our next climb once Jason had done small pox, the next climb was jungle Judy, followed by separation anxiety, after these I looked at my watch and saw it was 2:30 and I was starting to get hungry, I mentioned this to Jason and we decided to do one more climb then have lunch, this one was called tibia and would take us to the top of the cliff, Jason went first and cruised up, he called for me to follow in what seemed an impossibly short time, I started climbing up and found the climb quickly turned into a chimney enclosed on three sides, I arrived where Jason was, he made me safe then continued on when we were ready, I could see nothing from where I was sitting, only daylight to one side and the rock around me, this time it seemed to take forever before Jason called me onwards, when I arrived at the top I saw why, he has set up an elaborate safely system for two, he hooked me into it, and while I recovered from the climb he puled up our hall bag, to the top, he then opened it and removed a big blanket and spread it on the rock, then came the food for lunch, croissants, bagels, bread, smoked chicken champagne ham, camembert, brie, pickled mushrooms, sun dried tomatoes, olives, lettuce, mangos, peaches, and strawberries I was astounded by the food, I had been expecting the basics, but here was a literal feast in the most spectacular location on a perfect day, Jason smiled at me seeing my astonishment and said “just because we are in the middle of no ware doses not mean we cannot indulge in good food” “or good wine” he added removing a good bottle of New Zealand bubbly and two mugs, now I was truly in shock every thing had been thought of. We ate and drank indulging in some great phlisoical conversation.
Once we had finished eating and could not eat another bite, and quite tiddly from the wine, Jason asked if he could remove his shirt to soak up the sun while his food settled, I approved on the condition I could join him, so we both removed our shirts and sunbathed lying comfortably on the blanket, I had the desire to remove my bra, but knew not to push it to far, we fell asleep enjoying the sun on our bodies.

When I awoke Jason had cuddled into me spooning me and holding me close, it felt so wonderful I did not want to move, I must have died and gone to heaven, I looked at my watch and found it was 5:00 and the sun was slowly making its way to the horizon, I gently removed myself from Jason’s embrace and lent on one arm to look at the sleeping figure beside me, he looked so tranquil and beautiful, I couldn’t resist and gently removed some hair from his eyes and kissed his fore head, this woke him slowly, he looked up to me returning my genital smile, he rased himself onto his elbow and I did not resist as he glided my head to his with his hand gently behind my head, and kissed me on the lips, I felt the electricity of the kiss run through my body igniting the flames of passion held deep within, I returned his kiss with passion and desire, pulling each other close exploring each other with excited hands, I pulled back to look at Jason’s face and found love and desire looking back, I fell back into his hungry embrace and kissed him with more hunger and passion, as his hands explored my back knowing incisively where to go to heighten my pleasure, he gently puled me onto him without breaking our embrace, I found his hand moving up my back finding the clasp to my bra and undoing with the skill bourn of much practice, while his other hand moved to my breast making me shudder on contact as the touch ran through my entire body, and as he gently squeezed my nipple I felt waves of pleasure run though me from head to toe building my passion, he started to move his kisses down my check leaving my lips to groan with pleasure, as he teased a line to the nape of my neck, after lingering there he started to move down over my collar bone, as he rolled me back to my side moving with genital kisses and nibbles towered my breasts, I could already feal an orgasm starting to grow within spreading through my groin as Jason started to explore my breasts with his lips and tongue, then he made his way to my nipple I could do nothing but groan with pleaser, as the feeling touched every nerve in my body, I was in heaven ruptured by what was being done to my body, I never wanted him to stop, however I felt him pull back but I keep my eyes closed savouring the feal of Jason’s touch, when I opened my eyes he had a sling in his hands and asked me to sit up, I did this trying to hold myself back from eating him alive, he wrapped the sling around my upper body, to make a chest harness the then clipped thing into the safety system, then returned his attention to my lips, kissing me with hunger, I soon realised the reason for the break, as Jason lay me down on my back I felt his hands undoing my harness, once he had it undone his lips returned to exploring my body while I let my desire and passion build, he started by moving to my ear and nibbling my lobe, then moving down my neck and across my shoulder, I knew what was coming but the suspense was driving me wild, he started down toward my chest licking me quickly on my bests, this was wonderful as I felt his tong quickly run across part of my breast driving me wild then pulling back to leave me in suspense for the next place it would land, after playing like this for a few moments he went on to sucking and licking my nipples, sending wave after wave of pleasure through my body, his hand soon took over from his mouth massaging my breasts keeping me simmering as he started to explore my stomach and hips, I almost lost control as he started to suck on my hip bones I felt myself rising to meet his lips, Jason’s hands slid down my sides toward my hips as his mouth continued to explore my panty line, I lifted my hips as I felt his fingers slide inside my shorts as he slid them off me, then sat back on his haunches to view the perfection of my naked body before him he looked like a kid in a candy store, exploring every curve with eyes filled with hunger and passion, his hands moved to the top of my thighs as his lips returned to my hips, making my passion reignite on a grander scale I felt as if my entire being was being consumed by it, Jason’s lips kissed their way down my thigh to my knee then back up the inside of my leg, as he moved up my hunger for his mouth on my pussy grew, until he was nearly touching it, I could feal his breath on my lips and in my neatly trimmed hair, as he moved to my other thigh repeating the procedure this time I could feal him hovering above my lips I almost jumped out of my skin as his tongue made a quick lick of my lips, it felt so good but so brief it left me hanging from the top of a precipice of passion, then it came all at once, Jason berried his mouth into my pussy finding my clitoris instantly, I gasped in shock as the feelings hit me like running into a brick wall, I was thrown over the edge and felt my orgasm building so quickly after so much teasing, Jason held my hips in his strong hands as I held the back of his head and bucked my hips into him unaware of anything other than the feeling of Jason’s lips and tongue exploring me, some times sucking my clitoris other times penetrating my virgin hole, my orgasm quickly started to take me as I lost control as wave after wave of the most incredible pleasure flooded my body, I had never orgasmed so hard or long, my mind swam trying to retain conciseness as I screamed and writhed around on Jason’s face, this was ecstasy like I had never felt, as my orgasm subsided with shuddering breathes euphoria took control, I was flying as high as a kite, Jason moved up beside me holding me, with genital caresses in all the right places he kept me simmering extending my orgasm, I could smell myself on him as he kissed me gently, as his lips and hands continued exploring me, I found myself quickly becoming aroused again, I started retuning Jason’s kisses with more and more thirst, until he finally rolled me on top of him, gliding my hips with his hands making our pelvises grind together I was becoming incredibly aroused again, building in passion and desire again, but now with the need to have him deep inside me, as Jason felt me becoming more excited he rose with me into a sitting position, then reviving a sling, repeated the procedure to create a chest harness on him self and clipped himself in, then pulled me back on top of him, the contact of out skin was driving me nuts, feeling his mussels moving under his soft skin was arousing me more, it was my turn to undo Jason’s harness while I remained in his embrace, totally lost in his passionate kisses, finally I managed to undo Jason’s harness and copying him, found myself kissing down his chest and stomach I hooked my fingers under his sorts and removed his pants with some difficulty, then it was my turn to look with awe, exploring his body with my eyes, and his manhood standing proud on his stomach, all eight inches of it, Jason pulled me back to him wrapping me in a powerful embrace, driving me wild with hungry kisses, I could feel his cock against my skin, driving beyond passion and desire I needed him in me now, seeing this, Jason gently glided me up and slid the head of his cock up my now dribbling pussy, coating it in my juices, then placing it over my virgin hole, he returned his hands to my hips guiding me slowly down, I felt his head enter my tight hole spreading me as it went, causing some pain, but I was so wet he had no problem entering me I felt him hit my hymen, causing some discomfort, I was starting to feal sacred, but before I could resist he pushed me further down onto him and pulled me close as I felt my hymen seace to exesict, he held me close locked in his embraced kissing me until the pain subsided, then I could feel him moving in me, it felt so good, I could feel my second orgasm building quickly as I found the rithem glided by Jason’s hands on my hips, Jason’s hands started exploring my body again squeezing my ass and pinching my nipples, bringing me closer faster, I was feeling it building so quickly I could not believe, as I felt my orgasm start to overtake me, Jason sat me up and thrust all of him self into me, this put me over the edge I could feal him pushing against my cervix, I started screaming as I came clapping down hard on his cock, I felt him start to move in me again making my voice catch in my throught, as wave after wave of orgasm crashing down on me, as my orgasming slowed to tolerable levels, Jason’s hands guided me around, then lay me back so my back was on his chest, he never broke rhythm stroking slowly in and out of me, his hands held my beasts as his lips explored my earlobe and neck, until I became aroused again by the stimulation, as I responded he started to stroke deeper into me touching my cervix each time my monas grew but I was running out of energy, and let Jason do the work, I could fell his hand tracing its way down my stomach and finding my pussy, I felt his hands cup it and feeling his own cock stroking in and out of me gaining rhythm, I could feal myself building again, as his hands aroused my desire, his finger slid eagerly into the folds of my lips, and found my clitoris, I nearly exploded, the touch sent waves of electricity through my body, causing me to reawaken with desire, moving with him, bringing on my own pleasure again, I was building to orgasm so strongly I had never felt before, his hands continued exploring me arousing me more, my orgasm continued to build with no sign of breaking, Jason rolled me onto my back, and moved his legs so he could scissor me, driving his full length into me, and kissing me with hunger bordering on desperation, his hands exploring me continuously, and his pelvis grinding against my clitoris with each stroke, his speed increased as he started to move toward his own orgasm as mine increased to unassailable heights, I felt him getting harder in me getting closer, as I felt I was to pass out from the pleasure, I felt Jason jerk spasmodically driving himself with all his strength into me as he began to cum, pushing me over the edge as my orgasm crashed down onto me, I fought for conishines as Jason continued to plow into me as deep as he could, pushing strongly against my cervix, as I was racked by the most incredible orgasm imaginable, with hungry embraces wrapped in our orgasms trying to pull each other in us to make one, driven mad by the pleasure coursing through our veins, we held each other until our orgasms receded gently retuning us to reality, trembling together in shared ecstasy and euphoria, kissing softly with love and intimacy, as we became aware of or surroundings again we realised the sun was going down, Jason sat me up next to him wrapping the blanket around our naked bodies, protecting us from the chill entering the air as we enjoyed one of the most spectacular sunsets I had ever witnessed, comforted and happy with my lover by my side, holding me close, this place should be renamed heaven.
Once the sun had gone down and the colour had faded from the sky, Jason and I put our clothes back on in the early twilight, and abseiled back to the ground, it was dark back in the bush and Jason removed two head lamps from one of the packs and we made our was slowly back to camp, enjoying the companionship of each other, when we arrived back at the camp site, Jason quickly found some dry wood left by the last visitors, and with confidence and skill built a camp fire, he piled a large amount of wood on top and we sat next to the fire in each others arm comforted by the contact and satisfied with the world, once the wood had burned down to embers Jason started to cook, nothing was said and nothing needed to be said, I cold see the happiness dancing on Jason’s face in the undulating firelight, and when he would steal glances at me love would bloom like a spring wild flower on his face, making me blush with joy, after eating Jason asked if I was ready for bed, I said yes as the day had taken a lot out of me, we returned to the tent and found our sleeping bags were the same make meaning we could join them together, we held each other close gently kissing each other as Jason gently caressed my body tracing imaginary lines with his finger tips, sending soft waves of pleasure through my body we soon found our self’s becoming aroused again, this time we made love slowly with out the urgency of the afternoon, we both orgasmed together softly, and held each other close I fell asleep lying on Jason’s chest with his arms wrapped comfortingly around my shoulders.

I awoke to the sound of the birds singing to the rising sun as the morning light filtered through the tent, I moved trying to find my warm body beside me, however the bag was empty, I was now wide awake, confused and worried the previous day had been a dream, I calmed myself and realised that if it had been a dream I would not be in a tent, I moved to open the fly to the tent to see the day, as I squinted against the brightness of the morning sun I saw Jason, he was swimming in the lake, the sun glistening over the drops of water covering his body and hair, he looked perfect as his powerful muscular body dove back under the water, I looked for him to rise it seemed to take forever, eventually he rose from the water flicking his hair back throwing a spray of water high into the air letting the sun dance on the falling droplets, he sat treading water where he was totally enjoying his surroundings, I moved back to the warmth of my sleeping bag, treasuring the image of Jason swimming in the lake, I fell back to sleep comforted in this knowledge. I was reawakened by the tent moving, and Jason sliding into the sleeping bag next to me, he kissed me and said “good morning good looking” I smiled and replied “good morning sexy” he passed me a coffee and a plate of breakfast, I was surprised never had I had breakfast in bed, the food consisted of bacon poached eggs French toast, and fried tomatoes, I did not realise how hungry I was till I started eating as Jason sat in silence smiling at me, watching me eat, I became embarrassed, not because I was eating but because of the look and feeling that was expressed in Jason’s eyes, I wanted to finish my food as quick as possible so I could kiss the adorable look on his face, I finished my food, and giggling I pounced on Jason, starting a play fighting wrestling match, after much giggling and exsertion of energy, I let Jason pin me down, he looked into my eyes with love and happiness and kissed me I kissed back until Jason pulled back and asked if I was ready for another days climbing, well I had to get out of bed sooner or latter, so we got ourselves ready and went climbing for the day, exploring new climbs having fun, and then returned to camp for anther night of wild sex and sleep, the next day we walked out, I felt heart broken at leaving such a paradise, but I had found my own heaven in the love I shared with Jason, when we returned to Jason’s house, he found a message for work, he had to go to guide on mount cook (New Zealand’s highest mountain) in two days, so we made the most of the two days together before his flight to the south island, and I returned to work.
The day after Jason left after a hard day I returned home, as with my normal routine, I switched on my TV, and started looking through my pantry to decide on what to cook, that was when the phone rang, I answered it and was greeted by marks voice, mark was one of the instructors at the climbing wall and knew Jason and I were now an item, he asked me to sit down so I did, he then said there had been an accident on mount cook, I went hysterical with concern, but mark calmed me down and ask for me to leat him finish what he wanted to say, I stoped and sat quietly, I already knew what he was going to say, he said “there was an avalanche started on the mountain by a party near the top of a snow slope, the avalanche ran down a gully toward Jason’s party, all of them were recovered because they were wearing avalanche transponders, except for Jason, some how his transponder was separated from him, and he has not been recovered, he is believed to be dead,” I was silent, I could think of nothing, all I wanted to do was smash something, I calmly thanked mark and hung up the phone.

The next few weeks drove me nuts missing my love, but I have become used to the pain, I still think of my Jason, but he is dead, I have yet to move on from this but I’m not sure I want to, I believe I have had the best love possible and I don’t want to taint something so wonderful, I have never returned to the bay it would bring to much to the surface but I know I will one day, it will forever be my and Jason’s place in the sun.


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Brock and JudyChapter 3

In the week that had passed since I told Judy I wanted to be a father and that I wanted the mother of my child to live with us to raise it; Judy had been different around the house. She moped about and the only time she seemed happy was when we were in our bedroom and she could be the slut that we both enjoyed her being. We were still having sex every other day, but the one time I tried to make tender love to her, she had resisted and we ended up having a session of hard animal sex. I had...

4 years ago
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Brock and JudyChapter 2

Judith, who everyone called Judy and who was my wife, did not know that the mentioning of another man's name while we had sex would crack the mental cover I had worked so hard during my pre-puberty and early teens to construct around a dark side of my personality only a handful of people knew existed. The first time it emerged was when I was twelve and I almost killed another boy. I was in the sixth grade at a new school and the school bully decided I would be his next victim for terror. He...

1 year ago
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Alpine Climbing

My girlfriend and me met through a mutual friend in a bar one day and have been together for 3 years now. They say opposites attract in our case it could not be further from the truth, she is a driven business women with blue eyes, blond hair pert subtle breasts and a firm well shaped behind an all raped up in 5ft 6 size ten frame. Where I do a manual job and an 5ft 8 loosing my hair and have an average build nothing special. It all starts one November with me coming back off an alpine climbing...

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Frock Farm

Frock Farm By Lisa Lovelace The attorney finished reading my mother's will. "Does anyone have questions?" "So he gets it all?" my Aunt Amanda said. "That little twerp now owns a hundred percent of Frock Farm?" That little twerp was me, Jesse Darmand, my late mother's only child. Mom had died ten days ago in a high-speed rail accident on a business trip to China. A section of track buckled and the train derailed. She was one of a hundred victims. A contractor had just been...

1 year ago
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rocky ne choda muje

hello readers im back here mene aapko bola tha rocky ke barey mein ki kasiey usne mere saath gay sex kiya tha now i tell abt him mene to maan lia tha usko apna pati or usko out of india jana tha kisi kaam se 1 saal tuk wo busy raha meri usse baat bhi nahi hui or mein usse gussa ho gaya magar mene mna hua tha ki mein kisi se sex nahi karunga wo ek saal baad aya hum kahin bahar gaye phir usne bola ki musssorie chalte hai mein razi to ho gaya magar gussa aa rha tha jaisa mene aapk bola ki im male...

3 years ago
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Rock On

Rock on! By Trish. "Five minute call!" As show time approaches I can feel the flickering knot of uneasiness starting to fade as the person I am on stage begins to wake inside of me. Inside my mind I am fighting my emotions, torn between the pleasures I get from being on stage with the band and the desire to lead something approaching a normal life. At one time the schizophrenic other side of me that is Jessica always tipped the balance in favour of the band, but not any more...

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Rock God

The first time Kevin Roach was mistaken for Tommy Ross he was in the White Lion. The mistake's maker approached him when he was at the bar, getting in a round of drinks for himself and his workmates. She had bobbed red hair and neat, pretty features and she wore a T-shirt displaying her allegiance to the rock band White Noise.'Sorry to bother you,' the newcomer said, as she materialized at Kevin's elbow, her head inclined coquettishly to one side, 'but my friends won't shut up unless I settle...

Group Sex
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Rocky Bullwinkle A Lost Adventure

We begin our story in the tiny hamlet of Frostbite Falls, Minnesota USA, population 27, where two of its leading citizens reside; Rocket J. Squirrel and Bullwinkle J. Moose. It looks like they're involved in some intense study. Let's listen in. "Do you have any tens?" "Go fish," said Rocky. Well, it looks like they're more involved in leisure time activities. Unfortunately, a couple of dark figures are approaching their quaint cabin that is sure to break up this relaxing...

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Rocky enjoys mom sex in his car

Hi everyone, I am Raj, and I am 19 years old. I am staying with my mom Shalini in Mumbai. She is 45 years old and works in a bank near our home. I always wanted to have a gf as I was a virgin but I was a bit shy about girls. I had many friends in my society with whom I used to hang a lot. They used to talk about girls, Milfs and bhabhis a lot. I too started fantasizing about milfs but I was not that lucky to get a milf. I had a friend in my society whose name was Rocky. He was 23 years old and...

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Rocky Emerson 124000

Rocky Emerson was born on December 12th, 1991, in San Diego, California, to parents with Serbian roots. At a little over six feet two inches tall, her claim to fame is her height. She's one of the tallest porn stars on the market.Girls Gone Wild: An Inspirational FilmRocky discovered a Girls Gone Wild commercial on late-night television as a youth. Every man above the age of thirty remembers those commercials. We used to stay up into the wee hours to get a couple of strokes in while watching...

Twitter Porn Accounts
2 years ago
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Rocky and Bullwinkle A Lost Adventure Episode 3

In the last episode Rocky and Bullwinkle, along with their temporary ally Natasha Fatale, were frantically searching for a young lady who had wandered away from their group. The young lady was none other than that villainous spy, Boris Badenov who had been transformed by an errant shot of exotic radiation developed by Pottsylvanian scientists. This occurred as a result of a bungled- "Don't make it sound so bad, darlink," said Natasha. "You don't want to embarrass the lady, do...

3 years ago
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Rocky Having Sex With Colleagues Wife Kavita Part 3

Hi all, apologies for the delay of the 3rd part. Please do send your feedback to Please do read 1st and 2nd parts. That night when kavi revealed that they used my name while having sex was the most memorable nights of my life. I heard their conversation and listened their sex sounds enjoyed them to the core. Kavi to Deepak conversation: Kavi: aajaa rocky, come and fuck your lover. Enjoy her.. Satisfy her.. Deepak: yes dear.. I’m going to fuck you and tear your pussy. Kavi: yes rocky. Do as...

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Rocky and Bullwinkle A Lost Adventure Episode 2

When we were last with Rocky and Bullwinkle, they were frantically digging a hole into the ground with the goal of reaching China on the other side of the world. Flying there wasn't an option. "I can't get my antlers past airport security," said Bullwinkle. Their goal after reaching China is to get a strange weapon repaired for none other than those two nefarious arch villains, Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale. Or perhaps, should we say Natasha Fatale and a cute little...

2 years ago
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Rocky Horror Halloween

Rocky Horror Bet "Come on Lisa, don't you think this is going too far?" I asked nervously. "Tom, a bet is a bet. And you lost fair and square...besides, this is my final, and we need to have you ready for the show tonight." I swallowed again and shut up. It was no use whining, I had lost the bet. I wiggled in the chair in the beauty school as she worked on me. Part 1 It all started last week as my Jets faced off against her Giants. It was one of those rare times in...

4 years ago
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Rock Chick

(A night to remember with Lydia the rock chick)Dante's was such a good club. Isn't it funny that it always seems to be the really good places that close down? Well, it's still there I suppose. It's got a different name now and you wouldn't recognise it at all. New owners, new decor, different music, different clubbers. Higher prices. But I'll always remember it as the rock club where I met her that night. The night she showed me the time of my life. Lydia. Sex goddess. Rock chick.I'd been...

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Rocky And Me

ROCKY AND ME BY JANICE My name is Mathew, I am fifteen and a cross dresser, I have an older sister, Joyce, by 2 years, which should tell you why I cross dress, Joyce knows but neither of my parents know I cross dress, at least I don't think they do. It was supposed to be one of those weekends when I had the entire house to myself as Karol, my name when dressing up. My sister, Joyce, had gotten a new dress a few weeks ago that I was dying to wear but we had a pact, I could wear...

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Rock Star Ch 07

Sunday night while flying back home, Taylor smiled thinking of Ann. That morning when the two of them had finally awoken after their long passion filled night, both had been awkward around each other. Poor Ann had problems walking, and complained that peeing hurt. Ann was in the shower, while he made breakfast, when her brother walked in through the door. The guy was really funny, and had Taylor in tears with his flirting the whole day. Later when it was his time to leave to catch a flight, Ann...

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Rocky and Ronda

I didn't believe it. There I was sitting in a bar on the Greek Isle of Los. Working hard all those summers during high school and college, I saved my money. Now it was paying off. I deserved a vacation, and the Mediterranean was my first choice. Lots of girls, dancing and booze, my three favorites and in that order.The music was changing as the clock pushed past eleven. The DJ was playing for the younger crowd that was starting to come in. There were lots of girls just out to have a night of...

4 years ago
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Rocky Harte gave me a good seeing to u

I asked one of my friends with benefits, Fay Marsh, to write an account of the last sex she had with me for xhamster readers. This is what she said.....Last week I had sensational, satisfying sex for a long time that I can remember. My pussy felt rejuvenated. We were not getting along and I thought at the time that the relationship had run its course. I was in the kitchen getting a bottle of chilled champagne from the refrigerator. I closed the door. When I turned around Rocky Harte...

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Rocky Having Sex With Colleague8217s Wife Kavita 8211 Part 2

Hi all, This is continuation to previous sex story. I posted complete story of the first part, but due to some issue, only half was published. I got many requests for complete story. I’ve replied everyone with complete story. If anyone missed it please send a test email to to get complete story of the first part. Some readers asked for pictures.. Guys please don’t ask, no one will share their loved ones’ pics for someone else to shag off. I just share the story, but not their details. Comments...

2 years ago
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Rocky and Bullwinkle A Lost Adventure Episode 1

We begin our story in the tiny hamlet of Frostbite Falls, Minnesota USA, population 27, where two of its leading citizens reside; Rocket J. Squirrel and Bullwinkle J. Moose. It looks like they're involved in some intense study. Let's listen in. "Do you have any tens?" "Go fish," said Rocky. Well, it looks like they're more involved in leisure time activities. Unfortunately, a couple of dark figures are approaching their quaint cabin that is sure to break up this relaxing...

3 years ago
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Rock My World

Jack Slade was the man all women wanted. He was tall, lean, and muscular, with an ass that fit a pair of jeans in a way that made women wet for miles. As the lead singer of an up and coming rock band, Jack seduced his audience with a voice that could shift from high pitched and sweet, to low and seductive, to hard all in one breath. With longish black hair, ice blue eyes and pale skin, he looked like a cross between a medieval warrior and a fairy prince and was just as carelessly beautiful. ...

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Rock Chicks

Christmas 2011, London :We had a works event with a Rock theme. There was a rock band on, some very clean Harleys placed about, and a rock disco. The account directors had the chance to cram their overly lunched guts into some rather too new lookingbiker jackets. Despite the spend, we were ordered to share rooms if we were staying over. I was paired with 23 year old PASamantha. She normally had her hair up and designer glasses, very executive looking. I had admired her asre on the quiet. I...

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Rocky My First Time

His name was Rocky , A Big Old Boxer that was still a Virgin like Me . He was owned by the old sister of My Sexual Abuser that lived in a huge old corner house with their 90 + mom . I would visit on occasions but not for sex . I had never been entered by My Sexual Abuser as he only fucked My Virginal Ass Cheeks like They were Breast and would Cum Quickly on My Back and Ass Cheeks . They would all go downstairs for dinner and Spanish TV for hours and I would tell them I was going upstairs to...

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Mmmmm I can feel it now as Rocky still has my throat full of his gigantic huge cock as he caries me over to the bed his giant form toweres over the bed as he dropes down to his knees and slides his huge cock out of my mouth and lays me on my back on the bed he lays the gigantic long shaft overtop of my body sliding the shaft up over my stomach through my cleavage up till the head is resting on my lips ,im trembling with both fear and anticipation my tiny virgin pussy is spasming waiting for it...

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Rocky Horror Halloween part 4 5 6 nice ending

Rocky Horror Halloween Part 4 I stood shaking in the cold October, ok, since it was two am, November air outside the Moonlight club. The high heels where starting to ache. I clutched my arms around my chest and rubbed my arms, my boobs jiggling slightly above my arms. The place was already packed, the line of girls in skimpy costumes, and the guys trying to pick them up wrapped around the block. I was just another one of those girls, except for one problem, I wasn't a...

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Rock N Roll Fantasy Ch 1

This is part one of a story I have been working on for some time now. It stems from a fantasy I have had from time to time about a bisexual rock star and his adventures. In part 1 the main characters are introduced and we visit some selected fans as they get ready for the show. While all the action is same sex (mm & ff) in this part, parts 2 & 3 which should be ready to be posted in a couple of days include many interesting sexual combinations. If enough people enjoy the first three parts I am...

1 year ago
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Rocket Pop

It's only the first weekend of spring and today it is ungodly hot outside. I have all the windows open. A light breeze flows through the house and relief covers my body. That breeze is the only relief thats drifted through this house since about 9am this morning.It's so hot I don't hear kids playing around outside and it's only 11:30. I'm sprawled out on my bed with nothing on. Peter, my boyfriend, will be coming over in a little bit to fix my A.C. I thought I could go without one for a while,...

Quickie Sex
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rocky my giantess shemale lover

I have been having this wild hot dream of a friend that lives close to me a great tall CD I know on here and have been fantasizing of him getting much taller : I see Rocky walking up the walk my huge breasts are heaving in my tight dress as I rub my big long gurl cock in my tight silk panties ,a knock at the door tells me he is here as I open the door he even with out his heels on is much taller by almost six inches his eyes are wide as he takes in my huge swelling chest that looms just below...

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I have been having this wild hot dream of a friend that lives close to me a great tall CD I know on here and have been fantasizing of him getting much taller :I see Rocky walking up the walk my huge breasts are heaving in my tight dress as I rub my big long gurl cock in my tight silk panties ,a knock at the door tells me he is here as I open the door he even with out his heels on is much taller by almost six inches his eyes are wide as he takes in my huge swelling chest that looms just below...

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Rocky Bullwinkle A Lost AdventureEpisode 3

In the last episode Rocky and Bullwinkle, along with their temporary ally Natasha Fatale, were frantically searching for a young lady who had wandered away from their group. The young lady was none other than that villainous spy, Boris Badenov who had been transformed by an errant shot of exotic radiation developed by Pottsylvanian scientists. This occurred as a result of a bungled— "Don't make it sound so bad, darlink," said Natasha. "You don't want to embarrass the lady, do you?" Of...

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Rockys Kingdom Ch 05

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is the fifth in a continuing series of stories about what is essentially a very high-class prostitution business in Asia, with the headquarters in Manila. ‘Rocky’ is the chief — you could call him a pimp in other circumstances — of the very large consortium which includes operations in many Asian countries. Although each section can stand on it’s own as an erotic story, I highly recommend that you begin with the first story, which explains the business and introduces some...

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Rockys Kingdom Ch 08

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is the eighth in a continuing series of stories about what is essentially a very high-class prostitution business in Asia, with the headquarters in Manila. ‘Rocky’ is the chief — you could call him a pimp in other circumstances — of the very large consortium which includes operations in many Asian countries. Although each section can stand on it’s own as an erotic story, I highly recommend that you begin with the first story, which explains the business and introduces some...

4 years ago
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Rockys Kingdom Ch 07

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is the seventh in a continuing series of stories about what is essentially a very high-class prostitution business in Asia, with the headquarters in Manila. ‘Rocky’ is the chief – you could call him a pimp in other circumstances – of the very large consortium which includes operations in many Asian countries. Although each section can stand on it’s own as an erotic story, I highly recommend that you begin with the first story, which explains the business and introduces some...

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Rockys Kingdom Ch 09

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is the ninth in a continuing series of stories about what is essentially a very high-class prostitution business in Asia, with the headquarters in Manila. ‘Rocky’ is the chief – you could call him a pimp in other circumstances – of the very large consortium which includes operations in many Asian countries. Although each section can stand on it’s own as an erotic story, I highly recommend that you begin with the first story, which explains the business and introduces some...

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Rockys Kingdom Ch 06

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is the sixth in a continuing series of stories about what is essentially a very high-class prostitution business in Asia, with the headquarters in Manila. ‘Rocky’ is the chief – you could call him a pimp in other circumstances – of the very large consortium which includes operations in many Asian countries. Although each section can stand on it’s own as an erotic story, I highly recommend that you begin with the first story, which explains the business and introduces some...

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Rockn Around the Christmas Tree

by Lastone On Christmas Eve three teens are walking home in the snow. When tragedy almost strikes the boy/girl couple can't thank the remaining boy enough. Or can they? (mmf-teens, youths, 1st) If you are under 18 this story isn't for you. If it’s illegal to read it where you are it also isn't for you. Please go elsewhere. Remember it's all fiction, no one was harmed in the writing this story and it never took place. Feedback or comments to [email protected] I felt...

3 years ago
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Rockmount Brat Camp Part 3 part 2

oh and btw heres my email for anyone who would like to message about the stories with ideas or even criticisms or maybe just questions about something either way i'll gladly message back [email protected] Enjoy! *EDIT* Sorry all but this is the 2nd upload of part 2 due to me being a complete dumbass and somehow managing to underline the entire story making it hard to read for many - so I decided to simply re upload it without the underline problem so Enjoy! ...

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Rockmount Brat Camp Part 3 part 1

As always comments VERY appreciated as are criticisms (positive and negative) and enjoy -Mr.E.Nigma- Rockmount Brat Camp Part 3 - part 1 There we stood, me still smelling of his sisters juices, her halfway between us frozen in shock, and him just standing there in confusion. My mouth had run dry, but I still managed to choke out. "Wha... what...

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Rockmount Brat Camp Part 2

It’s strange the effects of 3 hours sleep, messes with your mind worst than Hannibal Lecter AND that old pervert from the end of the Matrix. Here I was stumbling to my lesson, dressed scruffily in the schools mandatory uniform of a blue blazer, white shirt, blue school tie and trousers with proper shoes, I felt like I was in court all over again. Looking around I saw other kids in similar states of bleary eyed confusion that’s usually heralded by Monday morning, difference was they weren’t...

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Rockmount Brat Camp

My train rattled along on it’s tracks with no more choice of where it was going than I did. My head rested against the cool glass of my cabin window, rain lashing the glass, blurring the world outside my window. “A few more hours kid, then you’re no longer my problem” came the gravely bark of my guard, Wilson, a dog of a man, his jowls quivered as he ripped in to a sandwich. “See this is why this country is going to shit” he growled in between bites, “some little shit like you who should...

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Brockway Mountain Dove Ch 02

I woke to the heat of the morning sun on my face and across my chest. I opened my eyes a sliver to see the wooden ceiling of my bedroom, and I sighed. Fuck, that was a good dream… I rolled over, only for something to get in the way. I looked down, and sighed at myself. Morning wood, of course. That always seemed to happen when I dreamt of her… It’d go away soon enough. I rose from bed and ran my fingers back over my head, smoothing my fur. My ears perked forward and I turned to face my bedroom...

1 year ago
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Brockway Mountain Dove Ch 01

I felt my tongue skim across the outer surface of my fangs as I watched her hungrily. The water running down her body made her skin glisten the color of the full moon above. My jeans were beginning to feel tight, and I looked down to see a hard bulge forming. Damn, I wanted her… I’d wanted her since the moment I became interested in women when I was fifteen and she was thirteen. I’d had so many women in the past ten years, all just to get rid of the raging hormones. Every single one, I...

4 years ago
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Brockway Mountain Dove Ch 04

Her taste was absolutely amazing. I swear, if angelic perfection had a taste, this would be it. Her hands were braced against my shoulders, fingers buried in my mahogany fur as I knelt before her, lapping at her blossom. My fingers had a mind of their own, and one found her entrance and worked his way inside. Selene’s fingers tightened in my fur and she moaned out my name: ‘Ciaran… ohhh… oh, sweetheart…’ I smiled at that, and I pushed my muzzle against her heat, my tongue fully licking over her...

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Brockway Mountain Dove Ch 03

Saturday. Hell. Yes. I could hardly contain myself as I rushed around, preparing the best simple picnic dinner basket I could manage. I had a small cooler full of soda, some of our favorites, but also some beer in case she felt like it after the wine. In another cooler, I had packed bread, Tupperware dishes of chicken breast, turkey, and ham and a few bottles of different condiments. It wasn’t world-class, but it was fit for a meal out on the rocky shore by the lighthouse. I reached into my...

2 years ago
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Rockin w the Band

The new band singer knew just how to put her new band mate at ease. She looked up at him and began to pull on her pussy hairs, and slowly pull apart her vulva. ‘Here I am!’ she sang. ‘Rock me like a hurricane!’ *************************************************** (Time now for something different, This story is the first of a new series that has has nothing to do with Trangender, bisexual,chubby chasing, Larry/Lori, Ready Jane at Wild Crescent) He was a man of few words. Most of the time his...

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Rockets First Visit

Less than an hour after awakening and proceeding with my daily routine, I was startled by a tremendous ruckus: poof, clang, crash. I was even more disturbed when a familiar voice howled, "Shit, Rocket! You're not supposed to do that!"I had just shaken off from a piss. As I zipped and exited the bathroom, I saw Isabel standing in the kitchen looking astonished and ticked off. I was unaware that she had entered my apartment while I was busy doing my thing. She wore a tight-fitting t-shirt that...

Straight Sex
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Melissa just returned to her dorm room from classes. She threw her bag down on the floor and plopped down on the bottom bed of the bunk she shared with her roommate and turned on the tv. Melissa was wearing a tight pair of jean shorts and a yellow tank top that left a little bit of her belly showing. Holding the remote, Melissa flipped through the channels searching for something to watch. What should she do.... there were a couple of things Melissa needed to do before 5pm. She needed to go...

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Rocketman Axis of Evil

Rocketmen: Axis of Evil First off, although this could also be categorized in the Fan Fiction section of CHYOO but I decided to place it here to make it easier to find for enthusiasts of the genre. It's a fun bit of scifi with an obvious Flash Gordon 50's retro feel to it. Rocketmen is a relatively new game that has a bit of a story to it, and so far there are a few mini cartoons to go with the story, for the most part, at least with my thread entries, I will be following the story in the...

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Rothrock Investigates Jennifer Lawrence Part 1

Most days I regret becoming a PI. Spending my life digging through the garbage of other people lives. Endlessly telling people the bad news that they already knew. Whisky doesn’t buy itself though and without I can’t do this job.Today was different though. It started just after 11 when my secretary brought a Mr Maroney. “What can I do for you Mr Maroney?” I asked. “I need you to find my wife” he replied “She’s been gone for a week, very unusual for her”This is a common story and usually the...

3 years ago
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Rockin at Rock concert in Rockefeller

It is not my story and it is translation from Norwegian but I find it so hot that I have to share ... :) All credits goes to real author no matter whether this has really happened or not ... ;) +++ Got so many good feedback for debut my story so I was inspired to share this experience. This is something that happened many years ago but I often think back and gets excited every time :-).I was probably 22 years old and a student and had been just freshly with the kindest boy. I think I got a...

4 years ago
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Rockin at Rock concert in Rockefeller

It is not my story and it is translation from Norwegian but I find it so hot that I have to share ... :) All credits goes to real author no matter whether this has really happened or not ... ;) +++ Got so many good feedback for debut my story so I was inspired to share this experience. This is something that happened many years ago but I often think back and gets excited every time :-).I was probably 22 years old and a student and had been just freshly with the kindest boy. I think I got a...

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SHAMrock Standin

Originally posted in Nifty TG Page, 3/2/98. Posted here to my new TG home by the original author. SHAMrock Stand-in By Dee Eon "You're all blarney!" my slighted eleven-year-old male ego balked at Maureen and my other Celtic Folk Dance Club troupe members; almost all girls from nine to fourteen save me in our dance studio right then, only the somber looks of despair and desperation in their faces assuaging my bridle of a major ego insult. "Sean--" their pleas chorused. "No...

2 years ago
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Rocket27 wants to spew on me while I suck him hard

Rocket27ur wrinkles tight sphincter I can see me pushing u over and around and mounting her in one stroke...having you gasp out in surprise at my girth and length which you take so easily Shay....get ready..I am real...and want the real!! wow!!4:31 am, October 14 Rocket27I am in need of release...are U prepared to get on ur knees and offer me those swinging udders for me to spew all over you have sucked me hard?? like a good cockslave does?? GGuuRRRRRR!!7:36 pm, August 9...

4 years ago
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Rockin w the Band

The new band singer knew just how to put her new band mate at ease.She looked up at him and began to pull on her pussy hairs, and slowlypull apart her vulva."Here I am!" she sang. "Rock me like a hurricane!"***************************************************(Time now for something different, This story is the firstof a new series that has has nothing to do with Trangender,bisexual,chubby chasing, Larry/Lori, Ready Jane at Wild Crescent) He was a man of few words. Most of the time his bass...

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Wererock Chapter 1 The Wererock Like most things in this story, I discovered the rock by accident. I had set out to spend the day fishing Marshal's pond thanks to a rented rowboat. The pond wasn't accurately named; it was a large lake with a small island in the center, but it had been called a pond since long before I moved to the area. The island held a small dock and three lonely, isolated trees. I had rowed to the island, content to fish from the pier while drinking frosty...

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Anna was vibrating with excitement. She had been waiting to see this band for over a year now. She didn't get to go last year since all the concerts were canceled and it was only now that some of the smaller venues were allowing some shows. Her best friend Megan had hit her up the day before telling that, somehow, she had got her hands on tickets for the two of the to go see the band at a tiny little place called The Rockit. The Rockit wasn't the coolest place in town, due mostly to the fact...

3 years ago
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Rockin Robin or Pistols for Two

Thanks to: Dowyd, Dragonsweb & DuffieDawg They were the best of friends and the absolute worst of rivals. Sounds like something from Charles Dickens but it was true. Robert and Martin (here after called Rob and Marty) had been the tightest of close friends since they meet at college. Both were big football heroes at their alma mater (a big SEC school that shall remain nameless) and just barely missed getting a National Championship. Rob was a Heisman nominated quarterback in his junior...

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