BB's Nursery And Daycare Chapter 3 free porn video

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BB's Nursery and Day Care Chapter 3 Mrs. Nelson, Head Mistress Rose Valentine, Judge Marion Sanderson and Mr. Gray were on a group call in the BB's conference room. Edna and Rose were in person, Marion's screen showed her home office and as always Mr. Grays screen was blank. Mrs. Nelson was wrapping up the discussion "So we are agreed with how we handle Janice's wife?" There were nods and a sigh from Judge Marion. Mr. Gray was, as always, just an observer. He almost never spoke up during the regular monthly meetings either. "This just seems so complicated," Marion added. "Promises were made, made by me. We must do it this way. Neither method is sure fire but if it goes wrong and we did it my way then I will have lived up to my promise," stated Mrs. Nelson firmly. "April will be here soon so unless there are any other thoughts or concerns lets adjourn. Please be available Marion, we may need your confirmation from the legal side." "I will be here if needed," Marion said and ended the call. "Mr. Gray anything to add?" asked Mrs. Nelson. "No Edna, just my continued thanks for what you three do," he said as he too ended the call. Mr. Gray sat at his desk and thought about BB's and his agencies involvement long ago. He was not involved back then, he took over BB's oversite from his mentor when he retired. The agency was not like the movies or books. They were not a cold machine. They took care of mistakes and took their responsibilities seriously. The story of the two remaining young men was moving and the dedication the three women for taking care of Tina and Janice was inspirational. Almost all the agency did these days was provide financial support and occasionally lean on the judicial system. As long as young men and the odd woman get sent there for rehabilitation, the agency could justify the continued financial support. He suddenly grinned maybe they were a little like the movies. The two "doctors," found out the hard way about that. He never told Edna or Rose about the one attempted abduction of Tina and the three separate attempts on Janice. They only let Marion know because her position as a judge could be useful if things went sideways. It seems that Janice being able to wear her James persona was something they desperately wanted to duplicate. The third attempt was over 15 years ago and they were able to back track the attempt all the way to the source. Once the two doctors were in custody the attempts stopped. Not that they stopped watching of course. It warmed his heart to think of those two assholes being held in a special cell in the bowels of the agency. No bathroom he was told, they had to diaper and sponge bathe each other. Sweet justice in his opinion. Maybe he should tell Edna. April punched the address into her phones app and was soon driving across town. The last couple of days were an emotional rollercoaster for. She was still dealing with her baby being old enough graduate high school let alone leave home, leave her. She knew the school was just up the coast but it felt like it was across the country. The drinking didn't seem to be a big issue. Most teenagers experiment with that and she was no exception herself. The kiss with Brad though. That was unexpected. Although James seemed to be unsurprised. She would have to dig into that when she got home. She never really talked to Tommy about girls or boys for that matter. James handled that part. The talk about sex, and dating and being a responsible teen was a Father/Son thing in her mind. Not that she was totally clueless or uninvolved. Something happened last year. She suspected it was with that girl he tutored in Math. He would not talk about it, but did cry in her arms after she stopped coming for tutoring. After that he just buried his head into his classes and after school activities his high school counselor recommend for his college applications. Now this community service thing. She was grateful that Mrs. Nelson was quick to intervene and keep her Tommy out of jail and able to keep his college dream. But something was off about the whole thing though. James was happy about Tommy not being charged but could not hide his anxiety from her. Her James was a very sensitive man. She loved that part of him. But he was horrible at keeping things from her. Surprise gifts, good news from work or when things go wrong. All of those were readable on his face. It seemed like an odd part of town for a daycare she thought as she entered the industrial area. Maybe they got a good deal on the rent or something. It got much stranger as she pulled up to fenced in area with a gated entry. She would have worried it was the wrong place except the speaker box had a small placard that read BB's. She stopped next to it but never actually touched the button before the gate opened. A pleasant female voice said, "Welcome to BB's Mrs. Wilder please feel free to park in any open area. Mrs. Nelson will meet you in the lobby." Surprised April gave a quick, "Thank you," and drove through the gate. There were a few cars in the lot but there was plenty of parking. She chose a spot and exited her car. As she walked to the entrance she paused at the sign that read "Reserved for Head Mistress". Head Mistress she mused. Like a girls prep school or something. She paused outside the main doors. There was only a small sign. Other daycares she seen in the past seem to have big signs over the doors letting everyone know what they were. But not here. It was very subdued. She was starting to get very concerned. This was not an ordinary daycare. Edna met April in the lobby. She could see the worry on her face. Edna was not surprised. The gates and fencing were enough to worry anyone who came here unprepared. They did not take walk-ins. You came here by appointment only. Edna gave April a quick hug and said, "Welcome to BB's April. Let's go to a conference room so I can answer your questions and your obvious concerns. We also have a pile of paperwork to fill out as well." Returning the hug and following behind Edna. April said, "This is a bit weird Edna, what kind of daycare is this? Do you take care of celebrity babies and kids? It seems like a lot of security for a daycare." Edna snickered a little. "Well, we do take care of some rather well known babies and toddlers. Privacy and anonymity is part of our service here." They entered the conference room and Edna made the introduction. "April Wilder this is Rose Valentine, Head Mistress here at BB's." Rose stood up and shook hands with April. "It's nice to meet you April, welcome to BB's. Please have a seat." "Thank you," April said sitting down at the small conference table. Before anymore was said Becky swept into the room offering and pouring coffee for everyone. Before she swept back out everyone had coffee, a muffin, and a lunch order. Becky was a force of nature. That helped cut the tension as the ladies laughed and made comments on who really ran the place. "Before we can talk much more I will need you to sign these forms April," Rose said sliding some papers in front of April. When April made no move to look at them she added "These are non-disclosure forms. Our work with the judicial system and clients require these forms to be signed before I can give you any information on BB's. This is not Tommy's legal paperwork. Only a non-disclosure." April looked at the two women and only when Edna nodded did she begin to review the paperwork. They seemed to be fairly standard to her. The punishments for speaking of BB's to anyone outside of the knowledge circle were extensive and obviously backed by the U.S. Government. She read every page and in the end she signed the non-disclosure. She really had no choice. It was that or walk out the door. Once they were signed Becky notarized them and took them to make copies and scan them for the file. Edna breathed a silent sigh of relief. Step one was accomplished. "Let me start with a history of BB's and why they place has so much security." "In 1990 we were approached by a small group of Psychologist's who wished to examine how nurturing and age regression could be used to rehabilitate troubled youths. Teenagers who were raised in broken homes and never experienced a loving nurturing environment. And by we, I mean Rose, Marion and I." Edna paused for a moment and added, "please let me know if we need to add Marion to this talk. She is at home but agreed to be available by conference call if needed." At April's nod she continued. "We three were about to finish our B.A.s in Psychology and had what they were looking for. A little knowledge, a lot of naivety and we were all tall dominate women. After graduation we moved into the dorms next door to this building. The group had purchased both warehouses and retrofitted one into offices and regression rooms or what we call nurseries. The other building held dorms for staff and security." At this point April broke in. "Wait nurseries? You planned to regress teens to the point that needed a nursery? How can that even work?" "April please let me finish. I will explain how it was planned to work. We are still talking over 30 years ago." begged Edna. There was no easy way to pacify a mom in angry bear mode. With April's silence and quick nod she continued. "When we were newly hired we met with a Doctor Martin. He explained to us that they were going to conduct a series of behavioral experiments. The plans was to have eight young men between the ages of 18 and 21. All the test subjects came from broken homes of some sort or another. All the men were on their last strike with the law. It was participate in this program of go to jail. Most of them for several years." Edna paused and waved her hand around "That is the reason for all the security. It was originally intended to ensure the boys could not cut their time short by running." "There were a total of six young tall women hired to play Nanny and perform a mothering role." Edna was interrupted by Rose with a hair flip. "Don't forget beautiful as well." "Yes, Rose, all of us were beautiful young women back then, and still are," Edna said with a smile. Edna continued. "The young men were divided into two groups. Four with an infant regression and four with a toddler regression. The three of us were assigned the infant group. We were to be their nannies. They were to have everything done for them like real babies. Stripped of control, given a new chance to symbolically grow up. They were diapered and dressed as babies. Actually as baby girls. Babies give up all control, they have no say in what they wear, when their fed, when their changed, or what they can play with. It worked wonders. After a few days of fighting it they accepted the program, letting go of their aggression and enjoying the feeling of safety and security they never had in their lives before." April interrupted frowning a bit. "Assuming the regression thing makes model citizens, I don't understand why the girl clothes." Rose smirked a little. "Give a bunch of young women the chance to dress boys in any style of baby and toddler clothes? I'm sorry but all the cute clothes are for girls." Edna added, "The Doctors running the experiment said it helped build a stronger sense of helplessness by not being able to retreat into the normalcy of boy clothes. They had their reason and we had ours." "Now move the summer along four weeks. The plan was for our baby's grow up a bit and join the toddler group. They would spend another three weeks as a toddler and the entire group would be allowed to be young men again and returned home again a week later. They would be monitored and their behavior recorded. The two groups would be compared for behavioral differences. Not really our role we were just care givers," Edna explained. Edna stood up and walked around the table and reached out and held Roses hand. "One of the things we learned is that you cannot be a pretend nanny or give pretend affection. We spent an immense amount of time with our little charges. We had high hopes for them. Unfortunately we were lied to. The Doctor running the experiment was just looking for some expendable guinea pigs." Wiping a tear Rose took over for the distraught Edna "We can't get into too many details about what happened. There were serious issues with the infants. Including one suicide. The toddlers had issues as well. It was a nightmare. The doctor and his assistant were administrating drugs and hypnosis to the subjects at night time while the nannies were asleep in the dorms. The doctors fled moments before federal agents flooded the building. Apparently they were some sort of splinter group within the organization." Rose continued. "We were left with a group of young men with no memories of their past. Who's only bonds left to them were their nannies. We took care of all the children, and that's what they were now, while they tried to find out what those bastards did." Edna took back over and said, "We took care of them and worked with other Doctors and specialist to try and figure out how to reverse the process. Not all the nannies stuck around either. I think there was only 4 of us left within a month of the collapse. We also needed a cover for what we were doing. After meetings with the agency, and that's all they would call them self, we decided to make the place a business and keep the children here until something was worked out. We were calling it BB's amongst ourselves all along. You know Big Babies. When we became a business it became BB's Nursery and Daycare." Edna continued. "This went on for a year. We had three babies that did not respond to anything we did and stayed babies. The toddlers fared better, they were able age again. By the end of the year, three of the four were back to being teenagers again, still with no memories from before but able have normal lives. The fourth toddler stayed a girl and refused anything to do with being a boy. She eventually was given SRS and is now a happily grown women." Edna paused a bit and drank some coffee. April was stunned by the story. It was hard to believe that these things could happen. "What about the babies?" she asked pensively. Rose sighed and said, "It was not good. We lost the first one to suicide, which was part of the collapse and eventual intervention by the agency. His name was Robert but we called him Bobbi during the regression. The other three stayed baby girls for that first year. Of the three one went on to have a grownup life. One is still a baby girl to this day. The last one was taken away by distant family and we do not know what happened after that." Rose continued. "The agency came to us with a proposition midway through the first year. They would completely fund BB's as long as we continued to care for the children and continued the regression therapy program. They had contracts with various local governments for the program and wanted them to continue. We told them to go to hell. We would not put any more kids through this process." Edna laughed and said, "Rose was hell on wheels". "I certainly was. Still am! They left but then the next day an Agent Black showed up. He told us we would have complete control. We could set the program to any length and hire as we needed. They were required to have monthly meeting with us for basic financial accountability but would have little to no input on operations. He told me that they were responsible for what happened and were committed to taking care of the boys. I could see the sincerity in his eyes. I know he meant it." "Edna, Marion, Cindy and I met that evening and after much soul searching we agreed to continue. Cindy was the last remaining Nanny besides us three. Unfortunately she passed away several years ago. We required that the regression program be evaluated every five years. We needed proof that the program worked, we required that there be tangible results in the positive behavior of the boys. At no time would there be anything more used then standard behavioral controls used by nannies all over the world. You know, stuff like corner time, taking away toys or favorite foods, and spankings. No drugs or hypnosis! Ever!" Edna took over again and said, "We have had the program evaluated every five years. It was shown that there was over a 35% reduction of repeat crimes when compared to a similar sample pool. In addition the program has shown a significant amount of the subjects have more stable relationships and a drastically reduced divorce rate. There has been enough evidence that the program is successful and we have continued it in various form since then. Even to this day BB's is still used to protect those last two children from the original group so long ago. Also we have expanded our services beyond the legal program." Rose stood up and said, "Let's take a break. I know April has a ton of question about the current program but I have a guest coming who I think can ease her concerns. Let me see if he is ready to come in. With that Rose left the conference room. April just sat back and nibbled on the muffin. It was uncomfortable to think this kind of stuff could happen outside of movies and stories. Rose followed the hallway and entered the daycare area. There were several activities going on but she saw that the little girl she was looking for was sitting in a circle with several others holding various stuffed animals and listening to Nanny Marge read a story to them. The girls all moved to stand as she approached and Rose said, "Stay seated girls, no need to get up for me. Nanny Marge keep reading your story. I need to take Cindy now. Her mommy will be here to pick her soon." Cindy stood up quickly and gave the headmistress a curtsy even though they were about the same height. When dressed as Cindy she was unfailingly polite and submissive. Her dress was a beautiful pink satin. With white lace at the collar and sleeve cuffs. Her dress was puffed out a bit by the number of stiff petticoats. She had on ankle high white socks with a pink little bow on each. On her feet were very shiny black leather mary janes. On her head was a blonde wig with two long pigtails woven with matching pink ribbons that flowed down past her shoulders. She was very cute. Rose smiled at the curtsy. They were not required but the girls loved doing them. She took Cindy's hand and led her to her cubby so she could put her stuffed penguin "Percy" to bed. As they walked out of the play room and headed to the locker rooms Rose asked, "Did you have a good weekend Cindy? You seemed pretty sad when you got here yesterday." Cindy smiled and subconsciously ran her hands over the fabric of her skirts. "Oh yes Headmistress," she gushed. "I had such a wonderful time. Yesterday, I got to be a princess all day!" she clapped her hands and spun around in a circle. The entered the locker room and almost at once Cindy seemed to lose the extra happiness she just had. Rose followed her over to her locker and helped unbutton the dress. Soon enough all the little girl clothes including a pair of pink nylon panties with a pictures of dancing penguins wearing lovely white tutus were placed into the locker where they would all be taken and cleaned and ready for the next play date. Rose stood patiently as the tall man got dressed. There was no discomfort from either of them over his nakedness. That went away years ago. Having wiped his little tushy and changed his diaper so many times there were no sense of fear or shame. Naked was just naked. Gerald sat down and pulled on his socks and tennis shoes. He said, "Head Mistress.....Sorry takes a bit to switch back. I mean Rose, as always I love my time here. Last week was a tough week. I was not sure how the jury was going to react. There was so much stuff being tossed around by the defense that I was not sure the jury would find the bastard guilty. But they did. My lovely and extremely understanding wife knew that an overnight stay here would be just the thing for me to cope with the stress." She patted his hand and kissed his cheek. "I know dear, we are always happy to have you with us. Your wife will be here in about 30 minutes. Are you still up to talking to a Tammi Lee's mother? She has signed all the non-disclosure forms." He smiled and said, "You bet. While I have never met Janice before you can't spend any time around Tina without hearing her talk about her best friend. I would love to meet Janice's wife." Rose sighed and said, "Thank you Gerald. Tina still thinks that Janice is a baby like her and can't understand it when Janice isn't. It upsets her too much so Janice doesn't visit anymore." Gerald hugged Rose tightly and whispered in her ear, "You are such a good mommy." Rose pushed him away with a shoulder pat and a slight blush thinking back on some of their late night feeding sessions. "You should know," she said with small grin. April was not sure if any of this story she was told was true, and even if it was true. How could she leave her child to go through this? But what were the alternatives? Her pondering was interrupted when Rose returned with a tall man in a blue polo shirt and casual slacks. She knew him from the news over the last few weeks. The trial was heavily covered. He came into the room and his eyes lit up with unconcealed joy. "Mrs. Nelson!" he said with exuberance. He hurried around the table and swept her up in hug. "I have not seen you in forever." Edna smiled and returned the hug, such a good girl he was when he was here. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and said, "I missed you to Gerald". Rose smiled indulgently. Gerald was a true success story for BB's. "Gerald, I would like to introduce you to April Wilder. April this is District Attorney Gerald Jenner". April was surprised to see him here but not too surprised to stand up and shake his hand. "Pleased to meet you," she said. "My pleasure Mrs. Wilder," he said and then took a seat at the table. Rose patted Gerald hand and said, "About fifteen years ago Gerald came to us to go through the program. He has agreed to come speak to you today to calm your fears about the program and show how much it made a difference in his life." Gerald smiled at Rose and then turned to April and began his story. "Let's see here. When I was almost 18, I was arrested for stealing cars. I would find one, steal it, and drop it off at a warehouse. I got paid $50 a car. I used the money to take care of myself and my younger sister. Our father was long gone and my mother spent all her time drinking. If I did not make the money then my sister would have nothing, no food, no shoes. When I got arrested social services took my sister and put her into foster care. Best thing that could have happened. Her foster parents were wonderful. I was offered a choice jail time for auto theft or participate in the program." "They don?t tell you much. But they don?t really need to. The math was simple. Two years for theft or a four week immersive behavior adjustment program. If you?re smart you choose the four weeks no matter what it was. Right? Simple Math. Although I think it is only three weeks now." He looked at April. "You know what the program is right?" At her nod he continued. "It was weird at first. And while I did not try to run away. I was not very accepting. I took a day or two days to accept.." Edna interrupted. "It took three days, many spankings and a final threat to fail you and send you back to jail." He had a sheepish look on his face. "Nannies never forget," he said with a laugh. "I spent four weeks here. By the end of it I almost didn?t want to leave. It was the most loved I ever felt, until I got married that is. I came here angry and hurt and sure there was no good in the world. I left BB?s but they never left me. They followed up on me. Helped me find a place to stay. Encouraged me to go to college." April seemed to be more open to the idea and asked, "You came here just to help me and Tommy? Thank you so much!" April watched as he flushed a deep red. He cleared his throat a little and said, "Not exactly. I was here decompressing from the trial. I have found that there are times that putting myself into the hands of the Nannies that work have been some of the best work therapy I could find." "You spend time here on your own? I don?t understand," April said with confusion evident on her face. With a grin Gerald said, "Keep in mind I?m the one who will get to prosecute if you break the non-disclosure clause. I come here and spend the day or overnight as my alter ego Cindy. I dress the part and act the part. When I leave today I will have left a ton of stress behind." April nodded with some understanding. One of her college roommates was into age play and would tell her stories about we she and her boyfriends would do. Before April could ask any more questions Becky poked her head into the conference room and said, "Mrs. Jenner has just pulled into the parking lot." Gerald popped up out of his chair and said, "Good days ladies, April it was nice to meet you let Rose know if you have any more questions I can help you with. I don?t like to keep her waiting." And with that he was gone. April looked at the ladies and smiled "He has a very understanding wife". Rose and Edna looked at each other and started laughing. "She should be. Barbara used to work here. She worked here as a Nanny when he was going to law school. It was a total coincidence that they started dating before they found out about their ties to BB?s." Rose continued. "That leads us to the other part of BB?s. We also offer services like Gerald takes advantage of. We have clients that come in for the daycare, the nursery or both. We offer up to two weeks of continuous care. All of our clients are over 18 and must sign the non- disclosure forms. All of them are voluntary regardless of what kind of games they may be playing were their spouses or significant others. There is no sex involved. There is only age appropriate care. We have government funding so we must be careful about that. The agency pays the bills, salaries, utilities. All the other additional clients we see are charged for our services. We are not cheap. Nobody can offer the services and privacy we do." Edna jumps in and says, "The best part is we use the considerable money we collect to pay for staff and some of the program kids to go to college. We support a number of charitable causes as well." She looks at April and says, "I promise you Tommy will be ok. He will get through the program easily. He is a sweet kid and should have no problems just going with it. After the 3 weeks, he will spend 8 weeks working here at BB?s to earn the repair money. I am planning on getting him some dorm space next door. We work some odd on call hours and it would be good to have him close. During the weekends he can stay with me and help me rebuild the flower beds and put in a new fence. You can visit any time you wish after the 3 weeks. If he gets too homesick I will arrange for him to spend a night at home after the 3 weeks." April looks at Edna, then Rose and finally back to Edna. "I will sign the paperwork from the judge but ultimately the decision is Tommy?s. He is 18 and legally responsible for his decisions. If he backs away I won?t try to force him. I will back him 100%." Tommy sat in the van. Not sure where they were going and not sure when they would get there. To his nervous mind it seemed forever before they were stopping at some kind of gate. He could hear the chain rattling and a motor humming. Soon the van moved but quickly stopped. The door was opened and the large female security people were helping him out of the van. They guided him through a door and into a plain room. They told him to sit and that someone would be along soon. The room looked like a police interrogation room. It even had a large mirror that he was willing to bet was two way glass. The door opened and a woman entered. She was very tall, blonde and beautiful and looked all business as she sat down across from him and laid several folders on the table. She usually got this job. Getting young men to sign papers was her specialty. She always seemed to know which buttons to press. "Hello, Tommy my name is Katherine Petrov. You may call me Miss Petrov." Tommy gulped a little and said, "Nice to meet you Miss Petrov." She smiled and said, "Good. I like polite little boys." She opened the file. "You are Thomas Wilder, correct?" "Yes ma?am," he answered. "Excellent," she responded. "We need to cover some paperwork before we can continue." She slid some forms in front of him. "You need to sign these. These are non-disclosure forms. The process you will be put through requires some level of discretion and secrecy. If it helps, your mother has already signed her copies." Tommy looked through the forms and quickly signed them with a shrug. He didn?t have anybody outside the family to discuss it with anyway with Brad gone now. She took the papers and slid them back into the folder. She took out another set of papers. "These outline the settlement that was arranged by Judge Sanderson, the police department and again your mother. Your mother?s signature was required because you were given into her custody last night. However, you are 18 and legally responsible for yourself. You may reject this offer and face whatever may come from the regular legal process. I will outline the program and settlement for you and then you can either sign the papers or be returned home. Do you understand?" Tommy nodded. Miss Petrov said, "I need verbal confirmation for the record Tommy." "Yes Miss Petrov, I understand," Tommy quickly answered. Katherine ground her thighs together. The idea of being his Nanny was exciting. He would make a sweet baby. Unfortunately she was on probation, having spanked her last baby a little more vigorously then was allowed. She did like to see a bright red butt after all. "You will be placed under an aggressive behavior modification regime for three weeks. The three week program is part of the settlement for dropping your charges. At the end of three weeks you will work for Mrs. Nelson to pay for damages. She has set up a work program for the following eight weeks. In addition you will be required to stay with her on weekends to repair the flower gardens and perimeter fencing. All meals, clothing and hygiene items will be provided. You must wear the clothing provided. All clothing and items in your possession right now will be inventoried and returned at the end of your eight weeks. Do you understand?" "Yes, Miss Petrov I understand," Tommy answered. He did the math in his head and there would still be plenty of summer left to get setup for college. She slid the papers in front of him. She showed him where to sign and did not encourage him to read into the details. He signed them and she quickly slid them back into the file. She stood up and said wait here and strode from the room. She smiled to herself and thought one more cutie for the nursery. A few minutes later another women entered into the room. She sat down across from him and handed him an open bottle of water. "Hello Tommy, I?m Nurse Sammie. I need to ask you a series of health related questions. Ok?" "Yes Ma?am," Tommy said wondering if he was going to get a shot or something and drank the water he was given. The nurse asked a lot of typical health questions. Do you have any allergies, are you on any medications, any health issues. But then the questions started getting a bit odder. "What is your sexual orientation?" That one was unexpected and Tommy stopped from rote answering. "Excuse me Miss but why do you need to know?" The nurse looked up from the paper work and said, "We are very diligent in protecting everyone?s physical health and mental health. We have found that over the years that the more knowledge about our program inductees we can collect the better we can be prepared for any issues that may crop up. All answers are strictly confidential." Tommy thought for a minute about not answering but felt a bit compelled to answer her. He finally shrugged and replied, "Heterosexual". The next question was even more personal. "Sexual history?" That brought a pink glow to his face. He stared at the floor and said, "No sexual history". "You are stating that you are a virgin Tommy?" Tommy cringed and said, "Yes ma?am." "Good for you. No need to run around and getting into trouble before you?re ready. What about dating? How would you describe your dating history?" "Nothing much to say. Not many dates. Too busy this whole last year to even think about it." Sammie had been given some direction to ask some specific questions. A bit odd but she was good at wrangling information from her patients. Once they drank the water they were always more forthcoming. She only added a little bit of something they made at the agency. The water was only given after everything was signed first as well. There was a well placed small paragraph authorizing its use in the contract documents. It lowered a person?s inhibitions a bit and let them answer questions more openly then they might normally. It would also wear off quickly. It was the only drug they used at BB?s and its only purpose was to gather accurate information. Some of the kids that have come in over the years were excellent liars. She pointed to a thick folder full of old medical journal articles she collected over the years and said, "We have prepared an extensive file on you Tommy and we would like you to clarify a few things." Tommy looked at the thick file shocked at how they could have collected so much information on him so quickly. What could they possibly find out that would fill that many pages? "It?s about a girl you tutored last semester. Do you know to whom I?m referring to?" Wow thought Tommy. They have found out a lot about me. "That would be Veronica Collins." The nurse said, "That?s correct. What can you tell me about her?" Tommy could not help but smile a little. "She is very tall and beautiful. She is also very smart. I don?t think she really needed math help as much as she needed a confidence boost that she understood it." "It sounds like you really liked her. How come you never dated her? Did she turn you down or something?" Normally this kind of talk would have been hard for him but he felt the words just tumble out. "Do you know how much teasing a really tall girl gets in high school? It turns out to be even more than a short boy. I wanted to ask her out. I even worked up the nerve to ask her to the spring dance. I was almost to her locker when I could hear the boys calling her names. One boy in particular would not let up with the tall jokes and mean statements. I got there in time to see her burst into tears and run off to the locker room." The nurse pretended to go through her file. "Are you referring to a Barry Stills?" "I?m amazed that you have found that out. I did not think Barry would ever tell anyone. Yeah it was Barry. I caught up with him after school. He was walking home and I followed him behind the old train depot. It was pretty deserted. I just walked up to him and punched him in the face. He tried to fight back but I have had lots of self-defense classes over the years. Once I had his undivided attention I told him that if I ever saw him within speaking distance of Veronica, I would find him and put him in the hospital for the summer. Jail or no jail. I was so angry. I guess he believed me because as far as I could tell he never spoke to her again." The nurse was beginning to see why she was supposed to ask these questions. She knew a Veronica worked here at BB?s as a nanny. If it was the same Veronica she was going to get some popcorn and watch the security monitors later when he?s put into the nursery. "So you saved the day and then what happened after you asked her to the dance?" "I didn?t ask her. I changed my mind." "Why? It seems that was what you wanted." "It was but.." He struggled a bit more and said, "Look at me I?m 5? nothing. Veronica is well over six feet and that?s without high heels. How could I take her to a dance in front of all those jerks? Do you know what kind of cruel things they would say if we showed up together?" She was disappointed in him and said, "I see, you did not want to be teased and made fun of so you decided not to ask her." Tommy looked at her funny and said, "That?s not it at all. They made her cry in the hallway. How much more mean to her could they be because of me? To have her height be so blatantly obvious when we stood together. I couldn?t do that to her. She was a senior and it was her last chance to have a wonderful cherished memory. Not a series of cruel jokes." What a sweet but stupid boy she thought. "Don?t you think that was a decision that Veronica could have made?" "That?s what my best friend Brad said. I told him that it didn?t matter. I refused to be the source of any more painful jokes and taunts. I then talked him into asking her to the dance. Brad is almost as tall as Veronica. I?m sure they made a good looking couple. I hope she got some good pictures for her scrap book." "Ok, so you let your best friend take a girl you liked to the dance. But that doesn?t mean that you could not ask her out later. Or did your friend start dating her?" the nurse asked starting to get into the soap opera drama of the tale. Tommy sighed now a bit depressed to be going over old wounds. "First off my friend Brad is gay. I would never send in anyone if I thought they might make a play for her. I just never talked to her again after the dance. She quit coming to tutoring and hung up on me whenever I tried to call her. Then she graduated and was gone and I had more school and activities to do." Sammie pretended to look through the file. That seemed to cover the extra questions and she had already asked all the medical one. She stood up and then announced that she had no more questions. She told Tommy to follow her to the examination room so she could do a quick health check up. James was lonely and anxious while everyone was away. He did his chores, mowed the grass, and took care of the trash and recyclables. By the time he was finished she was more Janice than James. She could feel her grip on her outer James coat loosen. She let it go. It was easier to put it back on then maintain it when it was going. She headed to the garage. They kept several boxes of Tommy?s things from when he was little. She knew which box to open. It had a little K on it for kindergarten. She popped the lid and moved things around until she found her coloring books and crayon?s. It seemed the best place to keep her Princess Sofia coloring books. She had a Disney princess one too but it was all colored in. There was a muppet babies sippy cup in the box as well. She looked at and decided she needed it as well. Ten minutes later she was sitting at the kitchen table coloring Princess Sofia?s beautiful ball gown and sipping ice cold chocolate milk from her sippy cup. Janice felt much better. She loved to color. Now if only Nanny or better yet Mommy April could give her a cookie and tell her what a great job she did. April drove home. She was given copies of the paper work that Tommy signed and that was that. She didn?t even get to see him. She was depressed, confused and feeling lonely when she pulled up to the house. She wanted to hug her husband. Wanted James tell her things would be ok. She parked in the garage and entered into the kitchen. It was empty. She called out for him, "James are you home?" The house was very quiet. She thought the kitchen smelled like crayons but the oddity was pushed back as she searched the house for James. She finally found him. He was laying on their bed sleeping. He was curled up in a fetal position on top of the blankets. He looked so vulnerable when he slept like that. She smiled and got a spare blanket from the closet. She crawled onto the bed and pulled his back tight against her breasts. She pulled the blanket up over them. The perfect place to rest and think. She did not get much thinking done before she too was fast asleep. The drama of the last 24 hours dragging her down to unconsciousness. She was not awake to see a fast asleep James slip his thumb into his mouth. Tommy was standing in the exam room naked. His clothes and things were whisked away. The nurse handed him a pink hospital gown. It had bunnies and baby ducks on it. Tommy stared at for a bit then hurried to put it on not wanting to be standing around naked anymore. Plus it was a little cold in the room. Nurse Sammie made a note on the chart about Tommy?s reaction. She performed the rest of the examination quickly and professionally. She found no medical issues and pronounced him healthy and eligible to continue. Her last task before handing him off was a full set of body measurements. They needed to be able to select the right size clothes. From the bonnet on his head to the correct size disposal diaper. All of his age appropriate clothes would be selected for him and there would always be a perfect fit. She pushed a button on the desk that would summon security. She turned to Tommy and said, "From here on out you are officially in the program. Do as you?re told. Don?t ask questions. Try not to speak at all. Do you understand?" When Tammi nodded she continued "Lots of weird and highly uncomfortable things are going to happen. The biggest of which is that you will now be referred to as Tammi Lee." Tommy wanted to speak, to shout, but the nurse turned to the opening door and spoke to the guards and said, "Tammi Lee is ready for the next step." Tammi Lee was in shock. This was so weird. The first guard said, "Tammi Lee please follow me." Soon Tammi found herself between the guards as they lead her to a large communal shower. There was another tall woman, do they only hire giants here? Tommy wondered to himself. She was dressed in grey dress with a large white apron. She wore pink latex gloves and was holding a large squirt bottle of some blue liquid. "Tammi Lee please come here under the shower," she bade as she turned on the shower head so it was spraying hot water. Tammi didn?t move until she felt a slight nudge from the security officer behind her. She took a step forward and said, "Yes, ma?am." Her innate politeness required a response. The lady smiled at her as she removed Tammi?s hospital gown and stood her under the water. "Tammi Lee did Nurse Sammie mention to you to not speak?" she asked. Tammi just nodded. "Good. Just keep that in mind. You just do what you?re told and I will assume you?re yes and oh so sweet ma?am. Ok?" Tammi nodded again. For the next twenty minutes Tammi was rinsed, covered with blue burning goo from her nose to her toes and every crevice between and then scrubbed clean. When the lady was done washing her she padded her dry with a large fluffy towel. "That?s my girl. Nice and smooth and clean." She wrapped a pink fluffy robe around her and ushered her out of the shower and into another room. Tammi just kept calm and told herself to just go with the flow. She chose to be here. This was better than the alternative. When the next room turned out to be a beauty parlor with a bevy of young ladies waiting for her she was not so sure anymore and her knees began to shake. Nanny Marge was pleasantly surprised so far. Tammi Lee was following along quite submissively. Not that she expected violence or anything. She was not the typical program baby. She could feel the poor baby shake though as she guided her into the waiting chair. She placed a stuffed panda bear in her lap and said, "Here Tammi hold Mr. Popper and squeeze him if you?re feeling anxious." Tammi gladly squeezed the bear it was warm and fluffy and felt normal in this scary world she had placed herself in. Marge looked on at the cute girl clutching her bear. She was already cute and they hadn?t even started the make over yet. "Tammi Lee you can close your eyes and try to relax. Nobody is going to hurt you." The place filled with soft soothing music and soon the girl with a bear was as sound asleep as her parents. Mrs. Nelson and Nanny Veronica were reviewing the footage of Tammi Lee?s interview. Veronica was crying. Edna held the weeping child and felt her years. She was tired, too tired. She felt the push of time. "I was so mean to him. I never gave him a chance to explain," she said as she slowly got her tears under control. "You were and are two young kids who were too shy to say what you felt. There is nothing that can?t be fixed eventually." Veronica sat up and dried her eyes. Mrs. Nelson was right of course. "We need to discuss being her Nanny. Do you still want to go forward?" "More than anything Mrs. Nelson. I don?t think I could sit around knowing someone else was taking care of her," Veronica said quite calmly but what she wanted say touching her, holding her, or feeding her. Edna smiled to herself and said, "Well I was thinking that Katherine is coming off probation soon." "What, what that that butt beater and my Tammi Lee!" Veronica nearly shouted as she jumped to her feet. Edna couldn?t help herself anymore and started laughing, every time she saw the indignation on Veronica?s face she laughed harder. She was afraid she was going to pee herself she was laughing so hard. When Edna finally stopped laughing, she couldn?t wait to tell Rose, she said, "I?m just kidding Tammi Lee will be assigned to you." Edna put on her serious face. "Let me explain this very carefully. If things go the way I think they will, you must insure that during the three week period there will be no sex! After that time and in your own room you can act like little bunnies but during the program you must follow the protocol. If you break the rules I will replace you in a heartbeat. I know you don?t want Katherine taking over your Tammi." Veronica blushed and said, "Yes, Mrs. Nelson I understand completely. That was not my intent." Although now that she mentioned it she would be hard pressed to not think about it. "What about diaper rubs, I can still do that can?t I." Mrs. Nelson laughed "If we stopped doing diaper rubs half my Nannies would quit and the babies would revolt. That is ok. Just keep it in the diaper." The smile lit up Veronica?s face she liked to give those. Her babies just melted when they happened. Edna waited for it patiently. She knew that Veronica would ask the next question. It was a given ever since she read her file. "Mr.?s Nelson, what about my breast milk? Can I give it to Tammi Lee? Please." The please slipped out she did not want to sound like was dying to feed him her milk or anything. Deciding not to tease her anymore she said, "The Head Mistress and I talked about this. We are fine with you pumping and using bottles. You can breastfeed her once she is comfortable being a baby. But in no case can you force her. Breast milk is not a requirement of the program. We will allow it as long as it promotes bonding and not punishment." "Thank you Mrs. Nelson. I will allow it to happen naturally," Veronica said and smiled happily "Of course dear. Now you better run along and get dressed and set up nursery number 4. All her sizes have been put on her chart." "Thank you Mrs. Nelson," she said and almost skipped off down the hallway. Let it happen naturally, hah. That kid will be sucking boob before the next bedtime thought Edna. She would have to make sure she got into the pool early on this one. Tammi Lee woke several times to some tugging on her face or hair but never really woke all the way up. When she did wake up they were finished with her. The first thing she noticed was that her fingernails were now pink as well as her toenails. She was taking that in when she was spun to face the mirror. There was a child staring out at her. Complete with a pink sparkly pacifier in her mouth and a cuddly panda bear in her arms. Her eyebrows were very fine and her hair was a cute mass of curls. And all of it was black. They dyed her hair black. It looked like the same color veronica?s used to be. She liked it on her but not sure of it on herself. Tammi did the only thing that seemed sensible. She panicked. The pacifier tumbled from her mouth as she opened it to say or yell or scream something. Her brain didn?t quite know what is was going to be expect loud, oh yeah plenty loud. Marge was there before she could utter a sound. She had seen this reaction before, hell she seen just about any kind of reaction you could think off. For the last time, for at least the next 3 weeks someone called him Tommy. "Tommy, look at me!" Snapped Marge. The use of his name cut through his panic like a knife. "Look at me Tommy. You are ok, you are going to be alright." Then what she hoped would happen happened, Tammi began to cry. So much emotions pent up over the last 24 hours needed an outlet. It could have gone either way. Lots of anger or tears. Marge was pretty sure this was going to happen. She scooped her up from the chair. She couldn?t have weighed more than 110 lbs. She could carry much heavier babies when needed. She sat on a nearby couch. She sat Tammi on her lap and pulled her in for a hug and laid her head against her chest. She knew she could only hold her for a short time before her embarrassment forced her to stand up. After all grown boys don?t cry on the laps of strangers. When the tears stopped she said, "I know it is a lot to take in. Remember it is only for a short time. This is all part of the program. Now don?t speak. You can stay here as long as you need to pull yourself together. We are almost done. We just need to get you to your room." Tammi stayed in her lap for another fifteen minutes collecting herself. The last lap she could remember sitting on was Santa?s down at the mall. That made her laugh a little, figuring that if she could laugh she could stand up. She stood up and mouthed "Thank You," and impulsively kissed Marge on the cheek. Marge was head Nanny and has been working at BB?s for over 15 years. She was moved. She desperately wanted Tammi as her baby but knew why she was going to be assigned to Veronica. She would have taken up lactating for this one. Even though she hated it the first and only time she tried it. She would work something out with Veronica. She would have to share a little bit. Marge hugged Tammi Lee and took her hand and led her down a hallway to a door with a large pink 4 on it. She gently grabbed Tammi Lee?s chin and tilted her head up so they could like eye to eye. "On the other side of this door is you room for the next two weeks. When you enter the room you will see a red square on the floor. You need to stand there and wait for your care taker. Do you understand?" Tammi nodded her head. But she started to shake a little. "Nothing will harm you. Quite the opposite in fact. Do you believe me my little Tammi?" Tammi nodded her head again. It was true she did believe her. Marion gently removed Tammi?s robe. "New clothes await you sweetheart." She kissed Tammi?s forehead and gently nudged her toward the door. Thinking to herself that it better not be a stage with a thousand people pointing and laughing she opened the door and stepped through. The room was dark with some dim lighting showing the square on the floor. There was enough light for her to look at herself though. She stood in the square and looked at her naked body. She was truly naked. There was not a hair left. Her penis was strangely small looking without the familiar patch of hair. The door opened and a figure was silhouetted in a dress and a high hair bun. Yet another giant woman he thought. The woman moved into the room and swept her hand along a light switch on the wall. The light revealed the beautiful face of a young woman dressed in the same gray dress and white apron as the other lady. Her breath caught in her throat. She knew this lady. It was Veronica. Tammi stared at her and said, "V," and then looked down at her pale naked hairless body. As he fell to the carpeting she thought, Huh dad was wrong. You can die from embarrassment. Tammi Lee fainted and collapsed to the soft nursery carpeting. (This is Chapter 3. I hope to have many parts as we follow Tommy?s summer of fun. Next chapter Tommy spends the day at the Nursery, James struggles at work, and April starts wondering about James and Edna?s relationship. This is my first story and I appreciate any feedback ([email protected])).

Same as BB's Nursery and Daycare Chapter 3 Videos

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Return To The Nursery chap 4

Chapter 4. Nanna In Charge Sheila crowded close to David as these thoughts rushed through his head, making him feel doubly awkward about his baby ways. "Come on, baby girl," the tall blonde crooned, taking one of his trembling hands in her much larger one. "Let's show you off to Simon. He's only seen the photos so far." David jerked in fear, thinking, 'Mummy has been showing off my baby photos? Oh no!' Oblivious to his rising panic, Sheila sang, "I'm sure he wants to see how pretty you...

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Return To The Nursery chap 15

Dear Daddy Mike, thank you for that lovely compliment. Thank you too, Kevin, baby Tammy, Katie and Petal. Deewet? I hope your muse returns soon. Get back to that keyboard, little girl! Jeannie, you'll have to keep reading. Sorry for the gap between posts, everyone, but I had to move house. I hope you enjoy the next chapter. Baby Jennie Chapter 15. Letters and Phone Calls David stared at the blank sheet of paper as tears of shame welled in his eyes. Write to Jake? Create...

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daycare whores

One Monday not long ago I heard them saying they got a place together to save money and that they started driving to work together, that very night I picked up my son early and drove him to his moms, I was back at the daycare center before close, I waited and watched and eben played with my cock a bit. I watched them come out get in Saras car and headed off, they made 1 stop for wine and cigs and headed to their place. The lived in apts that were kinda of in the middle of nowhere, 4 apts...

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Fantasy fuckdaycare mom

This is a fantasy story. The people are real but nothing happened..yet lol. My wife runs a daycare, several moms are hot, and one was the type you would enjoy a fantasy about...well I do. Jamie is a dirty blonde hair woman, average height, skinny with small boobs, sexy a sexy nerd look. Her feet was got me going, and she noticed it did. Jamie and I talked a lot, part of me dropping her k**s off at her work on late days. Her husband a good guy, but neglected her. Once she got all...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

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Second Time Through Book IIChapter 43 The Nursery

Thursday, June 17, 1971 The rains of yesterday had departed overnight and the sky was sunny and bright as I did my warm up, preparing to run. Being on the train, I had missed my daily exercise, so my mind was focused on how to refit the forward area of the Dining Car as I tried to remember what exercise equipment was available in 1971, when I felt Kip approaching. He nodded and began to warm up as well. "I was headed for the reception area. It's about two miles there and back," I told...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

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L008 Lizzys Story I See The Plans For My New Nursery

I have my first tantrum today. Never in my forty years of life have I had one before. The cascade of relief was exhilarating from letting myself go--crying, screaming really, pounding, stamping, and a good bit of incoherent shouting. And even with the consequences, I can see myself needing to release in this way again.Needless to say, my Daddy is not pleased.It has been a couple of weeks since my birthday, and from the wonder of it, I have been your good girl for days now. I have only had one...

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Return To The Nursery chap 14

Dear Baby Tammy, Carla, Sissy Katie and Suejrz, thank you for those lovely reviews, and I've taken your suggestions on board. Lost Soul - if you don't like this story, STOP READING IT! I can't believe someone would bother reading over 200 pages of a story they didn't like, just to keep criticising it. If your criticism had literary merit, I would take it on board. But you keep objecting to the basic storyline of this fem- dom sissy-baby fantasy. There are hundreds of other stories on this...

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Return To The Nursery chap 17

Dear Sissymissy, Sissy Jeannie and sissy baby Tammy, thank you for those lovely reviews. Thanks girls! One of the reasons I write erotic sissy-baby fiction is to help naughty little sissies like you girls to make sissy squirties in their nappies. I'm pleased to hear I was successful! I hope the next chapter helps you all make even more messes! And the 'potty-training' session is coming soon. I promise! And Anon - one of the joys of being an author is to give hints of what might happen,...

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Return To The Nursery chap 21

Dear everyone.... WOW! Thank you for all those lovely reviews! I'm overwhelmed that so many of you took a few minutes to let me now what you think of my little story. And let me tell you, I read your suggestions with interest - sometimes including my fans' ideas into my naughty narrative. WARNING! This chapter contains forced pee-drinking scenes and threats of worse! If these things might offend your delicate sensibilities, please stop reading now. Otherwise, read on, dear reader....

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Nursery Crime

Nursery Crime.An Adult Female Domination TaleByMiss Irene Clearmont-------------------------------There was a little nurse who had a little curlRight in the middle of her forehead;When she was good, she was so very, very good,And when she was bad she was more than horrid.-------------------------------Copyright ? Miss Irene Clearmont 2012 (Sept). -------------------------------Find the PDF version of this story at:WWW.MissIreneClearmont.ComCONTENTS.-------------------------------Part I.Beyond...

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Billy Had a Little Lamb Nursery Rhymes Were Never Like This

She looked so amazing, I had to do a double take, was it really her? They had dyed her hair a deep scarlet, and pinned it up, exposing her curved neck with long loose ringlets falling from her temples, perfectly framing her face. She looked sexy, sultry. She was heavily made up, thick red lipstick and large dark eyes, half closed, she looked like a goddess! She wore a long white gown, which emphasised her gorgeous curves, split high at the sides, exposing white stockings as she was led before...

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I fucked a grandma that was my grandpas whore

There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...

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Island of Hernando Rodriguez

He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...

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Andrea On Her Own Part 3 of Andreas Stand

Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

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Swami Ghoshal 8211 Anand Ka 8220Santansukh Garbha Mandir8221

Sant Ghoshal-Anand Goswami ‘pahunche huye’ siddh purush ya mahatma hn.Sundar Van ke ghane jungle me Aadiwasi basti se sata unka ‘Slddhashram’ h.swami ji vese to Raam Bhakti ki rasik shakha Sakhi Sampraday ke bhakt hn lekin vo Shiv Bhagvan ke nagn rup ke upasak bhi hn.Isi liye unke Ashram me ghuste hi ek sundar Shiva Ling sthaapit milta h. kaha jata h ki yeh ”Swaymbhu Lingam” h, arthat iska nirman kisi kaarigar ne nahin kiya, ye to uska apne aap bana prakritik rup nitya ling h. Swami ji ke...

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Mandys sickest stories Mandy reloaded

Mandy's sickest stories - Mandy reloadedAuthor: SickoChickMandyAuthor's email: mandydarkfantasies [at] gmail [dot] comTags: F/f, torture, snuff, feet, nc, cannibalismProofread by EmmaPNote, that English is not my native language, so my writing will surely have many grammatical and syntax errors just as improper usage of expressions. I can only hope someone will still find it exciting. Be aware, this is graphic, brutal and extreme. I read it after writing and scared of myself.DisclaimerThis...

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Andrew Running Part 1 of Andreas Stand

Andrew Running (part 1 of Andrea's Stand) Chapter 1: Running I called my Aunt Clara from the bus station. She didn't seem that surprised to hear from me and when I explained why I was there she told me to walk a couple of blocks to the local diner and get myself a cup of coffee. She'd pick me up in about half an hour. I sat and sipped chocolate milk and tried to eat a pastry while I glanced nervously out of the window waiting for my father to show up and force me into his...

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Candys Dandy

by Millie Dynamite Jaden and I meet a few weeks after he transferred to the Naval base just outside of town. I sat on a bar stool sipping my Pappy Van Winkle when this tall African-American man in full dress uniform sat next to me. He whore captain’s bars. He possessed an air of authority. I nodded to him when perched on the next stool. He returned my nod with his own acknowledgment, in a deep voice he said, “Yo.” He spoke without looking at me. “I’ll have bourbon, make it a shot of Evan...

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Sissy Outed Brandon to Brandy

This is a story about seduction and transformation that’s written about a real-life sissy named Brandon Hippel, Brandon’s a cute little limp-wristed sissy-faggot from Abington Pennsylvania that loves to be humiliated and exposed online. She loves feminization, crossdressing, being exposed online, humiliation, anal play, degradation, being captioned, taking pictures, and talking to new people, so feel free to contact her through these various social media; Her kik is; HumiliationSlut2Her email...

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Strange RelationshipsChapter 10 Armand Mixes in the Hernandezs Affairs

Armand Wilson sat in his home office/study sighing. From the office, things had looked pretty good; business was on track, and Sharon appeared to be handling her new situation well. But in the car on the way home, Armand began getting bad vibes, and when he arrived at his mansion, things were even worse. Everyone on staff was walking around as if on eggshells. It took Armand about twenty minutes' worth of snooping, but the situation resolved itself -- the Hernandez' quarters were an armed...

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by Oediplex 8==3~ The sweetest mom discovers her boy is both convenient and delightful. [She also recounts when her dad fucked her at nineteen!] Like the name of Madame DeVille's moniker, Cruella, some names fit the personality they are bestowed upon. Disney came up with that evil woman's apropos handle. My mother's folks named their only child, a daughter, Candy. This was shortly before the infamous 1968 movie was out. Though there were aspects of mom that paralleled the...

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Jack and Jill A Naughty Nursery Rhyme

Jack and Jill - A Naughty Nursery Rhyme Introduction: We've all heard the tale, but here's the rest of the story, wherein we find out WHY Jack and Jill went up that hill to fetch that pail of water. And what happened up there anyway, to cause them to come tumbling down? Was it the water that made Jill's belly swell ... or Jack? "Jack and Jill went up a hill, to fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown, And Jill came tumbling after."Once upon a time there was a boy named...

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Jack and Jill A Naughty Nursery Rhyme

Jack and Jill - A Naughty Nursery Rhyme by Lubrican Once upon a time there was a boy named Jack, who had a twin sister named Jill. They lived with their widowed mother in a small cottage at the bottom of a big hill. You may even have heard of them. There was a well known poem that was written about them going up that hill to fetch a pail of water. But what you probably DON'T know is the REST of the story of what happened that day. Jack was a strapping lad, 5'10", wide at the...

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Nursery Crime

An Adult Female Domination Tale By Miss Irene Clearmont ------------------------------- There was a little nurse who had a little curl Right in the middle of her forehead; When she was good, she was so very, very good, And when she was bad she was more than horrid. ------------------------------- Copyright © Miss Irene Clearmont 2012 (Sept). ------------------------------- Find the PDF version of this story...

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Return To The Nursery chap7

Dear Jeannie, babyswallow, missy, Katie,Amanda, sissy jeannie, Cindy, dickie boy, suejrz, and sissytammyjean - and especially you, Candy Sissiboi - thank you for all those encouraging comments! I really appreciate you taking the time to leave a review. I hope you enjoy the next instalment. Chapter 7. Baby Daphne's First Caning. WHICK! WHICK! The first two blows fell swiftly, fine lines of fire cutting across both buttocks. They were almost bearable. WHICK! The third slash produced...

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Return To The Nursery chap 11

Dear Katie, maidmary, Tammy jean, babymanda, sissy pansy and sissy jeannie, thank you for all your supportive comments. I'm glad you're enjoying this naughty tale, and I hope you enjoy the latest excerpt. Baby Jennie. Chapter 11. Emma the Nanny Emma had been a lucky find for Jane. An impoverished first-year Psyche student and a natural dominant, the slender eighteen-year-old ex- basketball star needed money to pay her University fees. An ankle injury involving torn ligaments ended...

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