Me And Rachael Part 2 free porn video

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About two weeks after the ‘rape’ experience with my sister, things finally snapped. I had been baffled for the past two weeks about what had happened. I knew for sure that she had fucked me, but I was still confused. She hadn’t said anything to me about it, nor changed her personality or attitude at all around me. She was still the same, charming, person she had been before. It was as if nothing had ever happened.

What started bothering me though was that she thought she could do that to me, and expect me to do nothing about it. It was like she violated me sense of manhood. I started getting the mentality that ‘I was the man, girls don’t do that to guys, guys do that to girls!’

A lot of this stuff started bothering me. I felt violated because she though she could do that to me, and I decided I’d show her what it was like.

I started going through her room quite a bit, any chance I got. I found all of her ‘secret stashes.’ I found tons of sex toys that I never knew she owned. Dildos and vibrators mostly, a lot of small miscellaneous sex items, and of course…the hand and ankle cuffs she used to strap me down.

I found a journal (which I didn’t know people still kept), but it said nothing interesting about her little escapade with me. All it had written for the day it happened was:

Bad day at school.
Good day at home (Nicky)
And underneath was a large smiley face and heart drawn.

The most interesting thing I found though was at least 30 Polaroid’s of Rachael. Rachael naked, Rachael with toys stuck inside her pussy, close-ups of her face, of her ass, of her tits. I flicked through the pictures, seeing all the pictures, and being very turned on. But when I got to the bottom of the pile I almost shit myself. There, layed out on the bed, hands and ankles chained, naked…was me! I was obviously sleeping, she must have taken the pictures after we were done and I had drifted off to sleep. I shoved the pictures in my pocket and put everything else away.

It was for sure now; I was going to get back at Rachael. I had blackmail now, so she couldn’t possibly tell on me. I decided the next day would be the day. Our parents both worked until about five that night, so I would have plenty of time.

I layed in bed that night, and planned it out, it was going to be perfect. I knew I was calling it ‘revenge’ but deep down I just wanted her again. That day she made me feel so good, and I wanted it back so badly. I found myself only masturbating to thoughts of her, and suddenly she was the most beautiful thing to me. I decided I would do what I had to do, then talk to her about it later and figure things out.

-The next day….-

I walked in the door and went straight to my room. I knew she would be home shortly and wanted to be ready. I lit my after school cigarette and checked my hair. I put on a little cologne and even clipped my fingernails. I didn’t want to seem ‘repulsive’ to her for some reason, even though I was about to rape her.

I sat finishing my cigarette and getting my nerves together. I wondered if she had been this nervous when thinking about doing what she did to me. I checked my pocket for the folded piece of paper. It had about four of the Polaroid’s I had found photocopied onto it. I didn’t want to use the real things for the blackmail.

I heard her car pull in as usual, and stubbed my Camel out in the ashtray. I stuck a piece of gum in my mouth and stood up, straightening out my shirt, and adjusting my jeans, making sure I looked nice. I felt like I was about to go out on a date or something, it was so strange.

I could hear Rachael out in the kitchen getting a drink, then the floorboards creak a little as she walked into her room and closed the door. I heard the sound of 96.1 come on her radio, and went for it.

I walked out of my room and down the hall until I got to her door. I could hear some pop song playing through the door as I stood there a moment, getting my thoughts together.

I turned the doorknob, and with my knee pushed it open hard. I stormed in trying to look mad. She was kneeling down rummaging through a drawer when I walked in. When she heard me enter she turned around with a priceless look of fear and surprise on her face.

“Nick….” She tried to say as I walked up to her and grabbed her hair. I lifted up on it, but she stood up when she realized I was about to pull her up if she didn’t herself. She screamed, and tried to say something again but I put my hand around her mouth. I was standing behind her, still grabbing onto her hair firmly with one hand, and covering her mouth with the other.

“Shut up bitch! Just shut the fuck up!” I said to her in a loud, almost yelling voice. Hearing myself say it was incredible. I felt this enormous sense of power as I shoved her onto her bed.

She fell onto her bed and hurried to the far side, against the wall with her back against the wall and her knees folded up, covering her face. She looked up at me, fear filled her eyes and I reached in my pocket and pulled out the folded up paper. I jumped on the bed and shoved it in her face.

“Look at this bitch…!” but she stayed in her defensive position, beginning to sob a bit.

“Look at it!” I yelled again

She slowly grabbed it from the bed next to her where it had fell, and slowly opened it up. When she unfolded it all the way and realized what it was, she dropped it and slapped her own hand over her mouth, eyes wide.

“Where diii…” she tried to say but I interrupted

“Just shut up! You think I was going to let what you did to me go unnoticed?”

I paused for a moment, and then got up to where she hid her sex things in the back of her closet, in a plastic tub. I rummaged through it until I found what I had counted on being in there, duct tape, and the hand cuffs.

I pulled them out and threw them on the bed.

“Remember these, whore? Huh? Remember how you used those on me?” I was yelling now, and I walked fiercely over to the bed and grabbed her by her arm and lifted her up. She was now kneeling on the bed, facing me as I stood to the side of it. She had tars forming in her eyes, and looked as if she could bust out in loud cries at any moment. I reached onto the bed to grab the duct tape. But as I went to pull a strip off the tape stuck and it fell out of my hands. I reached down to pick it up, and she made an attempt to leap over me towards the door.

But I realized what she was doing and before she could get to far reached for her ankles. She tripped and fell on her face in the middle of her room.

I forgot the tape when I saw the opportunity, I grabbed the handcuffs off the bed quickly, and pounced on top of her. I sat on her ass as I grabbed each arm, and pulled it back behind her. I made sure not to cuff them too tight, not wanting to hurt her too bad, or leave any marks. I reached behind me and found the duct tape that was still on the floor.
I flipped Rachael over and sat on her crotch area. Her arms were cuffed behind her back, so she couldn’t do much to fight me off. I ripped off a piece of tape and slapped it onto her mouth.

“How do you like it, bitch…” I mumbled as I got off her.

I could hear her trying to scream through the tape as I went back to her closet to get the ankle cuffs. When I got them I through them on the bed, then went back to my squirming sister on the floor. I lifted her up by the collar of her tight black t shirt, and heard it rip in the back as I lifted her. I realized I wouldn’t be able to get it off now that I cuffed her, and the ripping sound gave me a good idea. I gave her a push, still grabbing her collar, and as she went backwards I yanked the shirt towards me.

The shirt let out a rip, and my sister let out a scream as it ripped down until it got to her sleeves. I walked around her and grabbed each ripped side and pulled the shirt the rest of the way down. The shirt slid down her arms and stopped at her cuffed hands. She stood now, with just a bra, her ripped shirt hanging from her hands behind her back. I unbuttoned and unzipped her tight jeans and pulled them off too. She was just standing as I did this, with her head bowed a little, sobbing through the tape. She wasn’t fighting and sluggishly going along as I undressed her, lifting each leg slowly so I could pull her jeans off. She now was standing in a black and white striped thong, and a white bra. I walked around her slowly, with a grin. I taunted her by slapping her ass, and snapping the string of her thong.

“You look hot sis…real hot….” I said in a taunting voice “Now get on the bed….Do it!”

She sheepishly walked to the bed, and got on it, knee by knee. She sort of walked (but on her knees) to the other side, and turned around to face me. I got even more turned on than I already was, which I didn’t think was possible.

Rachael just keeling on her bed, facing me, her arms behind her back, duct tape covering her mouth, and her eyes red and puffy, she had stopped crying but you could still see the wetness on her face from her tears. Her head was bowed slightly, and her hair was sort of hanging on either side of her face, messed up a little, in such a sexy way I was speechless. I didn’t feel guilty, or bad…I knew it would work out.

I got onto the bed and made her lay down. I chained her ankles to either side of her bed, after removing her thong and bra.

She was laying on her bed, her legs spread open, and her arms underneath her, handcuffed. She had her head turned to the side, and her hair dark beautiful hair was covering her face. She wasn’t making any sobbing noises anymore. She was just laying there still, I guess she knew there was nothing she could do now.

Her pussy wasn’t a strange sight to me. But I hadn’t really gotten to see it closely on the day she ‘did that’ to me. It was still shaven clean. I ran my hand over her pubic area and felt the smooth skin. It made my dick hard instantly. I stood up off of the bed, and took all of my clothes off.

Rachael still wasn’t looking at me, as my dick sprang from my boxers as I pulled them down. I got back on the bed slowly, stroking my dick slowly too keep it hard, and got on top of her. I straddled her likes he had done me, and just looked down on her as I continued to slowly pump my dick.

“You like your little brother’s dick?” I mocked “You wanna suck it? Lick it? You wanna lick them and rub your brother’s dick? Huh? What do you say Rach?” I said to her. It was exactly what she said to me (with the exception of different body parts) when she was taunting me with her tits.

When I got no response I reached down and grabbed her face. I turned her head so that she was looking at me. She looked at me dead in the eye, and I couldn’t tell if she was giving me a look of hate, or a look of lust.

Before I could say anything, she started to scream, or tried to through the duct tape. She started squirming underneath me, and throwing a fit.

I don’t know what came over me but like an automatic reflex, I lifted my hand that was grabbing her cheeks, and slapped her as hard as I could in the face.

She quickly stopped causing a commotion and shut up.

“Shut the fuck up, bitch!” I yelled “Don’t fucking do that again!” I said..

And with that I slid my abdomen downwards, and my head towards hers. We were laying horizontally now, and I lined my dick up with the hole of her pussy. I pushed the head of my dick up against her hole and could feel her trying to squeeze her pussy muscles, as to not let my dick enter.

“What’s the matter Rach? You didn’t have a problem having my dick in you before….”

I quickly reached towards her head, and pulled her hair. She screamed again and her body arched upwards, her head back. When she did that I shoved my dick into her, knowing a little pull of the hair would open her up.

I slammed into her with all my might, and she screamed again, but not from the hair pulling, from the force of my dick being pushed into her.

I tried fucking her rapidly, but eventually got tired, and realized it wasn’t as good as if I just went slowly.

I slowed my pace, and started massaging her tits with my right hand. I layed my face down into the bed, next to her head, and could smell the Pantene shampoo in her hair.

I kept fucking her, increasing my pace then slowing down, and increasing again, then slowing down again.

I could feel the familiar feeling deep inside me, of an orgasm approaching and decided to pull out before I lost it. I wasn’t finished with her yet.

I pulled my dick out of her pussy, and grabbed it again, making sure it didn’t go limp. I felt the wetness of it, and saw it glistening as I slowly pumped it. I got up and walked over to her closet, pulled out what seemed to be a fairly small sized dildo, about 6 inches long and 1 inch wide.

I licked the dildo up and down a few times. I spit on it, and rubbed it in with my hands to get it as wet as I could.

I turned back around and walked towards Rachael’s bed with the wet dildo in my hand. She was looking at me as I stroked my cock with one hand, and her pink dildo with the other.

“This isn’t for your pussy, sis” I said as I walked over to her, and saw her eyes widen.

I kneeled down next to the bed

“Lift yourself up!” She didn’t move
“Do it you cunt, lift your ass up!” Still she didn’t move, but when I reached for her hair, she quickly raised her body up off the bed, about 7 inches.

I knew the dildo wasn’t going to go in easy, that of course was the point. But I started wondering if it would be unbearable, since the only lube was my saliva, which would quickly dry. I decided against getting some lube and slid the dildo under her body, and lined it up with her ass.

“Alright bitch, go down” I said, still holding onto the base of the dildo to keep it steady.

I felt pressure on the dildo as her body started pressing on it. I felt the pressure grow and grow until I felt a little budge, and I knew the tip was in her ass.

She let out a small moan and I took my hand off the dildo.

“Keep going, slut, I want that thing in you.” I said in the meanest voice I could get together.

She started lowering herself, and began whimpering louder and louder with each half inch she went down.

I got on top of her again, straddling her, my ball and dick rested on her belly since she was slightly raised off the bed.

“I want that whole thing in you by the time I count to five…” I said, again her eyes went wide, the dildo was only about ¾ in her, and it had taken her about twenty seconds to get it that far.”

Her body went down slightly faster, and her whimpering increased even more.

“1…2…” I said with a menacing smile on my face. She looked up at, her eyes scared and wide, shaking her head, as if to tell me it wasn’t possible.

“5!” I said surprising her, and sat on her pubic area. She screamed as her body was forced down onto the dildo.

She screamed louder than she had the whole time. Her eyes clenched close and her head bucked backwards…I quickly layed down on her again, and shoved my dick in her pussy. I could feel the dildo through the wall of her vagina as her ass clenched and made it spasm inside her.

I fucked her hard, grabbing her tits as hard as I could. She kept screaming, but got quieter, and her screams became more like moans. She started pumping with me as I fucked her.

Her tits were turning red as I squeezed them as hard as I could, and I was fucking her with everything I had, my balls slapping off of her as I fucked in and out.

As I fucked her, and layed my face down on her bed again, smelling her hair again, I started feeling the compassion you feel when having sex with somebody.

I started to feel guilty about doing what I did, the slapping and the dildo forcing and all. I lifted my head up so I could face her, and removed the duct tape from her mouth.

She let out a gasp as she took a breath of air. I was still fucking her at the same pace, and I could hear her moans now. I layed my face down again, grabbing onto her shoulders as we fucked.

“Oh, yeah!!! Yes! God!!!” she moaned as I pumped into her. I felt her pussy contract around my dick as I fucked her.

She screamed, but in joy this time rather than fear and pain. And I felt a large amount of wetness on my dick, and pubic area.

I fucked her for about another minute until I shot my cum inside of her. I shot about three squirts, until my body fully collapsed onto Rachael’s, and we caught our breath.

My dick sort of slid out on its own as it shrank, and her wetness let it slide out. I rolled off of her and onto my side.

We caught our breath a moment before she turned her head to face me.

“Took ya long enough Nicky!” She said in a happy tone
“It’s been two weeks, I figured you’d say, or do something about my little adventure a hell of a lot sooner.”
“What do you mean…?” I was dumbfounded
“Well, I…” She said before cutting off, “Get me out of these damn handcuffs and we’ll talk about it.”

I grabbed the key from her ‘treasure chest’ and unlocked the ankle and hand cuffs. Rachael stood up, removing the dildo from her ass, and threw it on her bed. Then stretched a bit, flaunting her perky tits in front of me. I started to reach for my boxers of the floor of her room,

“What are you doing?”
“Uh, well for some reason I feel slightly awkward standing naked with my sister, strange huh?” I said sarcastically
“Hah, well you just had your cock in me; I don’t see the big deal, just sit down.”

I reached into my pants pocket and grabbed my Camel’s. Lighting one up I sat down on the edge of her bed, doing my best to conceal my limp cock.

“Uh, sure you can smoke in here…” She said “That’s really a disgusting habit you know.”

I rolled my eyes and flicked an ash into an empty cup that was sitting at the foot of her bed.

“So what the hell Rach, you do that to me, and I do this to you and you’re happy?”

“Well, this is kind of hard to say but, I wanted to bring up….you know, sex with you, but I never could, I decided to do it the way I did because it would be easy, we wouldn’t have to talk about it right there, and we would have fucked by the time you could say another word.” She sat next to me on the bed, crossing her legs. I was having a hard time trying not to look at her naked body; I didn’t want to come off as perverted.

“Plus I know all guys wanna fuck, even if it is their sister, and I won’t be modest, I know I’m something to look at.”

I just sat on her bed, confused, smoking my cigarette and being silent. I realized her radio was still playing quietly, as it was when I forced my way in. I was looking for anything to distract my attention. Even if I had just fucked her, I was still feeling extremely awkward for some reason.

“Bottom line is, it might be weird the way I chose to do it, but it was a little odd how you chose to show you did in fact want it.”

“Hey!” I started, trying to think of how to defend myself…

“It doesn’t matter,” she continued before I could think of anything “Bottom line is we’re both interested, twisted as it is but who cares.”

“I don’t get it…” I said “Why would you even want to do...”

She answered before I could finish “Because, it’s complicated Nicky, I have some strange fetishes I guess, but I mean, what’s the harm?”

I was silent for a moment, and then my thoughts started racing… ‘Is she saying she wants to have sex with me, regularly?’ The thought got me excited, it was kinky, and the idea really turned me on.

“Do you mean…like…do this, again?”
“Well, not this, we could probably do without the handcuffs and duct tape.” She said with a small smirk
“But like…” I was having trouble actually saying what I was thinking.

“I get some…frustration, I guess you could say, I like…I just need somebody that I love, but don’t have a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship with. Someone I can have sex with, but not commit in that sort of way.”

I looked at her face for the first time in the conversation.

“Do you understand, Nick?”
“I understand…” I said, hiding the excitement in my voice.
“So, anytime you want…some” she said, obviously a little embarrassed herself to be saying this “Just tell me, and when I want…some, I’ll tell you, ok?”

I was silent again, I realized my cigarette was burning into the filter and stubbed it out at the bottom of the plastic cup on her floor.

“Look, If not I can understand, I mean…I guess it could be weird for you, I’m sorry. I figured that if I thought it was ok, you’d think so too.” She sounded semi sad when she said this, and I quickly added:

“No! Not at all, I’m sorry I’m just a bit overwhelmed, that sounds excellent, really…I just don’t know how to say it…this is just so…ahh” I looked at her as I finished and saw a small smile spread across her face. She put her hand on mine, and I smiled too.

“Good and we’ll talk about you going through my room another time,” she said sarcastically with a smirk “For now let’s clean up.”


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Dinner with Rachael and Andrea

I rode the elevator to the top floor of the expansive building housing Andrea’s condo. The text I had received was specific that I arrive at her place at six o’clock sharp and dress for dinner. I wore one of the dark charcoal suits Carol had chosen for me, along with a black dress shirt and tie. I checked the shine on my shoes as the door opened and stepped out into the hallway. I took a deep breath and exhaled fully before ringing the buzzer.”Come in,” I heard over the intercom.I entered the...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 10 Auntie Rachael

The rest of the summer passed quickly, too quickly in the kids' opinions. All too soon, the new school year began. This year, Jeff was a freshman in high school, which meant he had his big sister to "take care of him." That consisted of her occasionally saying hi to him in the halls while he pretended not to know she existed. It wasn't that he didn't like her. He just felt that being her little brother somehow made him somehow inferior to her in social status, and the last thing he...

1 year ago
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Aunt Rachael and I get a Shocking Surprise

Well First let me explain about my Aunt Rachael, she has short blond hair, gray eyes ,huge 36D tits(very firm ones), always wears these large hoop ear rings, small nose and a pouty lipped cute mouth. Oh by the way at this time she hated my guts, but then she hated all men since her husband and her two sick/twisted sons treated her like crap and she responded in kind. I never did anything to promote her hatred of me and I never returned that hatred since I knew why she treated me like that. At...

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RachaelChapter 4 Ed

There wasn't anything of interest in the mail, but the phone recorder had three increasingly nasty messages from Ed. Eliminating several minutes of scatology and expletives, he wanted to know where his wife and kids were. He ended up threatening me, if I didn't call him immediately and tell him everything I knew. I removed the tape and put in a new one. Calling my lawyer, I told him I had another divorce for him to handle and it needed to start with a restraining order against Ed, keeping...

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Rachael Cavalli 100 187000

Rachael Cavalli is a woman who knows her way around the porn industry. With blonde hair like hers, juicy titties, and fat peach to round it out, it's hard to deny anything Rachael wants in this industry. All eyes are on her no matter where she travels during her pornography adventures. Her travels take her far, Rachael's Twitter is home to a bit over 207K followers. The first thing I noticed about Rachael is how much of a decorated pornstar she is. She does so much in this industry and it feels...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Rachael part 8

After our exertions through Wednesday night and through Thursday when Rachael and I had enjoyed a torrid sexual romp with Jess – Rachael’s ex-husband’s girlfriend - we slept well on the Thursday night and I had been awakened on the Friday morning in what was becoming our customary way. Rachael’s soft lips had brought my cock to life until I shot a load of cum into her willing mouth before we shared a deep searching kiss.When I returned home on Friday afternoon Rachael greeted me in her usual...

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Rachael was helpless. Freda had bound her with ropes in the fetal position and now, all she could do was watch the relentless pounding that Freda was going to take from the three cocks before her. Tommy, the oldest, had an air of confidence about him that filled the room, as did Shane, the middle in age that sported a nice 8 inch dick. Brandon, who was just a 21 year old k**, was hung like a horse. His 10 inches of man meat was surpassed by the shear thickness of it.Freda was Tommy’s...

3 years ago
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Happy bday Rachael 3a pleasant surprise

Two weeks have passed since i took my blonde girlfriend Rachael's virginity on her b'day.Our christmas break is over and school have started now.Rachael does not like me to be very affectionate with her in public so,although we do meet almost everyday at school i rarely get to kiss her.And thanks to all the homework given by the teachers at high school we don't get to hang out much either. Sex is a weird thing: you can never have enough of it and when you're a teenager who's dating...

2 years ago
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Happy bday Rachael

I was 16,a sophomore and was dating one of the hottest chicks in my school. Her name was Rachael.She was 15,blue eyes,dirty blonde hairs,36C boobs and long shapely legs that met at a beautiful round ass. She was perfect in many ways.She not only was hot as hell but also always had straight A's but she had only one shortcoming;she was a very non-sexual person. ...

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RachaelChapter 2 Rachael

We'd planned a big 'family getaway' for the Fourth of July weekend. We were going to cruise up to Hood River and watch the sailboard competitions, living on Toy. We'd reserved a slip at a marina there and were all packed and provisioned. The night before we were scheduled to leave, a van pulled into the driveway and my best friend, Rachael, got out, followed by her kids, Ben, who was 13 and Leah, two years younger. Rachael was always welcome—no matter what time of night or day. She was...

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Rachael And JuliusChapter 9 Hope Springs

The card read 'Congratulations on your achievement. Best wishes for your future endeavors. Davidson Fishery and the McElroy Family.' It was the only word she'd had from him in more than a month. Rachael felt her lip trembling, "Oh. Damn." She ran to the bathroom for a tissue as much to keep her sister from seeing her cry again as to save her perfectly applied makeup. She pulled herself together. She smoothed her hair again and took a deep breath. Smile, she thought, it's graduation...

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Happy bday Rachael 2the next morning

I woke up say the least,it wasn't huge but it was very firm with perfectly round cheeks.I was daydreaming of spanking her when her cellphone rang. With the towel wrapped around her body,she answered her phone.It was her mom,she just wanted to let her know that they won't reach here until dinner time.I was ecstatic to know that cause we still had the whole day to have some more fun although i was sceptic that Rachael would allow me to do anything more today. She went into...

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Rachael part 5

The previous day and a half had been surreal. I had met Rachael in the supermarket car park and helped her when her car had a flat tyre. We had enjoyed a night of hot sex as her way of thanking me followed by a day of hotter sex when her estate agent who was also her sister joined us topped off by receiving a blow job from their mother. I had spent a second night with Rachael who told me about the fun that her family had before the tragic death of her father and her and her sister’s disastrous...

3 years ago
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Rachael Cuckold Wedding Ch 01

Dominant bride thoroughly cuckolds groom with the best man.James let his eyes wander around, looking at the gathered crowd. His wedding reception was quite large, thanks to his rich parents. James only knew about half of the people who were standing around, drinking champagne, and chatting about things that no one really cared about. He could see his parents, talking to his bride's sister. He could spot his new in-laws. But he could not see his very own bride.The thought of Rachael sent a chill...

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Money Is No Object My Bridal Makeover Chapter 4 Rachael Has A Suggestion

'MONEY IS NO OBJECT' ... MY BRIDAL MAKEOVER! CHAPTER 4: RACHAEL HAS A SUGGESTION As it was nearing tea time, Rachael suggested we find a nice winebar and have something to eat, to save having to cook when we got back to the apartment. I agreed. Although I was dressed as a woman, I felt confident enough in my appearance to go to regular restaurants and bars now. We arrived, parked the car and went into the winebar. It was quite busy, but the waiter at the door found us a table for...

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Reality or PerceptionChapter 4 The Ocean Cruise Rachael

Well, after one divorce and one promising relationship that went south in a flat out hurry, I wasn't ready to try again so soon. I just went to work and let time heal all wounds as they say. About two years later, I asked my lovely teenage daughter what she would like to do with her summer break. She would be out of school in another two weeks and I suggested she think of a treat. I was thinking of a trip to Paris, somewhere in the south like Mexico or even to someplace exotic, like one of...

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punishing RACHAEL

Her name was Rachael,she was 15,blue eyes,blonde hairs,36Cboobs and a nice firm ass. My name is Seth,i am 16 and i have an athletic body thanks to years of tracks. Rachael is a virgin and has never allowed me to do anything beyond kissing.Whenever i asked her to have sex with me she would just say that she has...

3 years ago
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Rachael part 4 not much sex

It was a crazy situation. After spending most of the day having a torrid three way sexual encounter with Rachael – the girl that I had met yesterday afternoon when her car had a flat tyre – and Joanne her estate agent who was trying to sell Rachael’s house so that her divorce could be finalised I was now having my cock sucked back to life by the girls’ mother who had arrived looking for Joanne after she had called her office telling them she was feeling ill.‘Mmm!’ mumbled Fiona as she fed my...

1 year ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess4e18 Rachael

Series 4, Episode 18: RACHAEL We see that familiar opening sequence – various scenes of UK life, taken from the introductions to previous episodes – a field, a beach, a pub, a motorway ... And then we’re looking at something new... A large sewage treatment plant. A mini montage of big circular pools of household waste, being chewed up and cleaned by large rotating mechanical arms ... It looks like it smells terrible. The occasional member of staff, checking equipment, wearing full overalls...

2 years ago
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Rachael And JuliusChapter 11 Hold Me

"Rachael?" Gail called over the intercom. "Yeah" "There's a Mr. McElroy here to see you." She stared at the phone. "Rachael? Rachael?" "Uh, yeah." Her hand was shaking, "Uh, I'll be down in just a second." It had been more than three months since she any contact with the family — she did not count the card at graduation. Maybe it was not him. She almost called the front desk to ask for a first name but paused. If it was JD, he was here for a reason. If it was not JD, then...

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Rachael part 2

‘Fuck! Fuck! FUCK!’That was Rachael’s response when she looked out of her bedroom window to see who was pounding on the front door of her house and constantly ringing the doorbell.We had only met yesterday and, after helping her out when her car had a flat tyre, we had spent the previous evening having a nice meal followed by a night of passionate sex firstly on her sofa and then in her bed.‘Get dressed’ she said ‘Quickly!’ as she slipped on the first garment that came to hand – a silky dress...

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Rachael Father of the Groom

She seduces groom's father before the wedding.Rachael regarded herself in the mirror. This was the day she had been waiting for - her wedding. She had wanted to get married to James for so many reasons. Surprisingly, sex was one of them, even though James was a lousy lay with a tiny pencil dick. But sex with other men had been so much more fun ever since James had slid the big diamond engagement ring onto her finger. She felt so bad, and so good at the same time, whenever she felt it on her...

2 years ago
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Kitten Rachael Ventures Out

Kitten Rachael Ventures Out By: Rachael Free What am I doing? I should be home in bed, not here. I spent the day debating whether to go out or not. Obviously the bad side of my brain said yes. Let me tell you a little bit about my current predicament and how I got into this mess. I'm a transvestite. Period. I have no interest in fucking a guy or sucking his cock. I will play with other TV's and real girls but only flirt and kiss guys. I'm married and I've been dressing for many...

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Jim changing into Rachael Jane

Jim changing into Rachael Jane Once upon a time, there was a man called Jim, who was struggling to keep control of his life. The main problem was the stress that he was under from the work that he was doing. He was doing 18 hours a day, so he had no time to rest or play games. One day he got so stressed out that he totally flipped his mind and started to daydream of what it would be like to be a little girl. Then one of his work colleges found out about this and thought to...

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RachaelChapter 4

We made several more excursions in Toy, including a great weekend of fishing at the mouth of the Columbia, out of Hammond. Toy handled the ocean with the same aplomb she handled the river and was a handy vessel even on the Columbia bar, which is notorious for its rough water. Leah, little wise ass that she is, caught more salmon then anybody else. I finally made her run the boat, so there'd be some fish left for the rest of us. For two days, we had a boat limit by noon, so we spent an...

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Rachael And JuliusChapter 3 Welcome Home

It was in the car almost two hours out from DC that Rachael started having serious second thoughts. "Maybe you should call and tell them I'm coming." She said nervously. His whole family at one dinner. It had a sink-or-swim feel that she disliked. "Nonsense! They'll be tickled pink to finally meet you." "They know we're engaged?" "No, but they have known I been seein' someone mighty special for sometime." "They know I'm 26?" "Now, stop worryin'. They'll love you just...

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RachaelChapter 3 New Arrangements

In the morning, I woke refreshed. To use the cliché, 'With a Song In My Heart.' That sweet face inches from mine on the pillow and those marvelous breasts cushioned against my chest and side helped greatly. I immediately came erect, but I knew I didn't have a chance. It was mostly bladder pressure and we wouldn't have time to do anything before the kids woke up, anyway. When I tried to move away, Rachael's eyes popped open and she said, "Oh no you don't! First kiss me. Then make love...

3 years ago
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RachaelChapter 6 Threats

I checked in with my office and the lawyer every few days. There was nothing going on that wouldn't keep. Susan tried to re-open the custody thing, but since the twins turned 17, they could go where they wanted to—and they didn't want to go with her. Ed was still in jail—apparently making threatening noises, but no one took his bluster very seriously. At home, we quickly dropped into a new routine. Rachael, Ben and Leah were permanent residents. Rachael moved into my room, but kept her own...

1 year ago
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Bedtime for Rachael

The classic movie was wonderful. Together, we had watched it a number of times, the music, classic lines, the main actor and actress, all combined to create a movie we both just loved. I was quite certain that we would watch the same movie time and again. As the closing credits ran, we watched the view we loved of the tall mountains and listened to the ending song. However, as much as I loved to snuggle with Rachael on the sofa in the media room in the basement, it was Sunday night and work...

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Nurturing Nubile NovicesChapter 15 Religious Rachael

Dear Diary - (July 3) I'm turning over a new leaf. I'm sixteen now and I lost my old diary. I sure hopes nobody ever finds it - unless it's me. I would be just mortified if someone ever read it and I've prayed every night for the last week that nobody will. Since this is my first entry, Diary, I'll have to give you some background about why I'm so scared my diary will be found. There isn't anything special for the first three years, from when I was 11 until 14; it's mostly childish...

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Rachael part 3

Less than 24 hours after meeting and helping out Rachael after her car had a flat tyre she and I had shared a pleasant meal followed by a night of hot sex and now we had just enjoyed a sex session on her dining table with Joanne her estate agent who had called at the house early in the morning to show it to an older couple who were interested in buying it.I had filled Joanne’s pussy with a load of cum while Rachael had sat on her face and then she had licked my cock clean and sucked as much cum...

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Rachael And JuliusChapter 16 The Beginning

It was a cold day but bright and clear. A lovely day to marry a lovely girl JD thought as he tried in vain to straighten his tie. Behind him, Charles and Edward chatted quietly as they dressed. They men folk had been banished to a tent to dress and prepare for the day. The wedding started in another two hours. Until then, they had time to kill in the cold - the heat lamps helped, but did not stop the winter air from creeping in through every crack. JD looked in the mirror at the reflection of...

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Rachael meets her match

My name is Rachael and I always had a thing for women and face sitting with women. I always would be the submissive type in the relationship. I 'm cute, 5 '5", 125 pounds, with beautiful long blond hair that goes past my shoulders with some cute freckles on my face. I 've been told I have a great body too. One Saturday night I met my match when I went out to this bar in the city. I was wearing a black short skirt with thin see through silk blouse. I had some of my cleavage showing through my...

3 years ago
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Rachael And JuliusChapter 7 Mistaken Intention

The weekend trips to Reedville were getting easier - not that the family was accepting her yet but at least the hostility was less open. She was still "Miss Sullivan" to almost everyone but at least everyone actually spoke to her now. It was not much but it was a start. She carried the last load of boxes in from the car and struggled into JD's office with them. He decided to move as much as they could every trip to help everyone get used to the idea that this was his home again. Rachael...

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RachaelChapter 5 Cruisin

At home that night, we celebrated. Pizza! With beer for me, wine for Rachael and sodas for the kids. Tomorrow, we'd take off for that cruise vacation we'd promised ourselves. I suppose the kids were eager. They packed after the pizza and were ready to go before they went to bed. They were good sports about it, though, and packed up the van, then helped pack the food and bedding. We were ready to go by 8:30. Our plan was to go up the Columbia as far as we could. In late summer, the river...

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Rachael And JuliusChapter 14 Wind and Rain

It had been overcast most of the day but the rain had started in earnest as JD left Richmond. It had been a good day - the tax bill passed but with the pass thru clause and an additional waiver for fisheries under a specific income level. The guy with a boat fishing for his own dinner was not going to be impacted. JD was pleased about that. The government wanted to protect the fish and the water; he was glad they decided to protect a few of the people too. He started to reach for his cell...

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me rachael

Before we go any further,let me describe Rachael to you.She was breathtakingly beautiful,5ft 5in tall,beach blonde hairs,blue eyes,long smooth sexy legs, perfect round and full 34C boobs.An awesome flat tummy and a very firm,round ass.I hadn't met her then but i persuaded her to send pics of herself in her underwears and bra,so i knew all these. ...

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Rachael And JuliusChapter 12 Home Front

It was pitch black when the phone rang. JD answered it, still half-asleep. "Your turn, Jul." said a female voice. "Come again?" She laughed, "Good morning, Jul, this is Candice. Nick called in this morning and it's your turn to fill in." JD was silent, trying to jumpstart his brain. It had been almost a year since he was in town and got a call to serve as a deckhand but he had done the job often enough since junior high and knew it well enough. "Jul?" "Yeah, I'm up." He...

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