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Berkeley had even granted her her own personal lab (which she had partially funded herself) and offered her a special program that allowed her enough time for her research projects during her Masters. The lab was something to behold. Whiteboards filled with chemical formulas, Lewis structures and skeletal diagrams. Hundreds of containers and thousands of vials with all kinds of chemicals inside. Dozens of fridges and ovens and various specialized fume hoods, some even equipped with robotic arms. In the center was a glass cube that housed her computer and desk. The lab was also divided into multiple parts, all with different danger levels.

But Jiyeon wasn’t your typical student who just wanted to save the world. No, Jiyeon didn’t research life-saving pharmaceuticals, that was much too boring for her. Instead, she focused her research on enhancing the human body, on getting rid of daily annoyances, polishing the way it looked and worked.

This focus wasn’t a coincidence, because Jiyeon was obsessed with perfection. She couldn’t handle the smallest imperfections. So each day, she spent hours perfecting the way she looked. She had trained day and night before coming to the US to perfect her English. And each day, after finishing her mandatory daily study work in no time, she spent her time in the lab further perfecting the human body.

Her first success, which she achieved while still in Korea, had been in cosmetics. She had invented lipstick that remained permanent for the rest of the day but didn’t leave any marks and had no taste. She sold the patent for $7 million to a Korean cosmetics company, making her an instant millionaire. Since then, she had eight more such successes, some of which she had decided to commercialize herself.

Of course, much of her research she also used on herself. Now that she had more than enough money, she even kept many discoveries a secret so she could use them exclusively. She had also partnered with a local plastic surgeon, helping the surgeon perfect her technique and inventing numerous revolutionary innovations, some of which again she claimed exclusively for her own personal use.

And indeed, Jiyeon looked breathtaking. She was the pinnacle of Asian beauty. She stood an imposing 5’10” and had long, very slender legs. The rest of her frame was also very slender. Her breasts were small, but not nonexistent.

Of course, most attention was usually given to her face. Her cheekbones were high and her face was somewhat long, but curved nicely into a moderately pointed chin. Her hair was long and straight and of a very dark black. She usually had it tied up in a simple ponytail. But most special were her eyes, which were of a beautiful phoenix shape and a deep brown color. Her face had not a single flaw.

But recently, Jiyeon had become bored with just slightly improving her appearance. She was beginning to experience diminishing returns on her work. No, what she wanted was pleasure. Physical pleasure. She had, until that time, remained a virgin. Not for any particular reason. She had just been occupied with other things.

Of course, she did masturbate frequently, nearly every night in fact and she had already developed things to make this more pleasurable, namely special lube that made her pussy many times more sensitive and also a special chemical that lengthened her orgasms. She had also, not directly related to masturbation, developed drugs that significantly increased her stamina and allowed her to keep going for hours on end.

So Jiyeon went to work. Every free minute she had she spent on perfecting a series of drugs that were supposed to allow her to lose her virginity in perfect fashion. Within a month she had a series of prototypes ready. But she missed one important thing. A test subject.

So she placed an ad in the student newspaper, requesting a test subject to help with “sexual drugs”. Of course, Jiyeon was quite famous on campus and everyone knew about her. Within days she had hundreds of applications. She knew she could easily perfect nearly any candidate, so she invited twenty at random.

This is where I enter the picture, a first-years Masters student in Mathematics. There was not much special about me, other than the fact that I was quite tall, around 6’2”. My hair was dark brown and I also had brown eyes. I had a relatively athletic body, as I played soccer frequently and liked running, but again, no six-pack or anything special. I also wasn’t exactly brilliant at studying. I did get a scholarship, but only a partial one and I had to work my ass off if I wanted a good grade, which I only managed to do roughly half the time.

Simply put, not exactly a match for the brilliant and perfect Jiyeon. But I had signed up anyway and to my surprise, I was one of the twenty ***********ed to meet with Jiyeon.

I had expected some humiliating exercise in which we would all be forced to show everything we had (Jiyeon had a certain reputation), but we were simply lined up and didn’t have to take off any clothes.

Jiyeon then simply examined us one by one, walking past us and looking but not touching. To my even greater surprise, she stopped when she reached me. She studied me, letting her eyes scan my body. Just looking at her already made me horny and it was hard to stop myself from getting a boner right there.

“Mmhm,” she said. “I think you’ll do.”

“Me?” I said, astonished, especially considering the extremely muscular jocks that I had also seen were present.

She nodded, somewhat disinterested. “Didn’t you hear what I said?” she said to the others. “I found a good subject, you can all go.”

They looked at me, many of them frowning at Jiyeon’s choice. However, as none of them werelooking to make Jiyeon angry (her temper was also well-known throughout the campus), they soon left.

Jiyeon studied me one more time. “What’s your name?” she eventually asked.

As I was still quite bewildered, it took a while before I opened my mouth. But when I did, she made a dismissive hand gesture and said:

“Never mind, I don’t care. Just follow me.”

So I did, I followed her to her lab, which had dozens of warning stickers adorning the heavy door. As a Mathematics student, I had no idea what exactly they all meant, but it didn’t look good.

Jiyeon was already wearing her lab coat, but she also put on some gloves. She saw me staring at the warning stickers and said: “Don’t worry, the lab is divided into multiple parts. You won’t have to go into the dangerous areas.”

“Oh, good.” Dangerous areas.

Jiyeon seemed to be waiting for something, while she kept looking at me.

“Uhm, is there something?” I asked.

“When were you planning on taking your clothes of?” she said, impatiently, as if it was obvious what I had to do.

“Oh, of course,” I answered and began stripping. When I was only standing in my underwear, she still seemed to be waiting. “Everything?” I asked.

Now I had pissed her off. “Uhm… I’m sorry, of course you have to take everything off! What were you expecting, I placed an ad for test subjects for sexual drugs. Sexual. Usually, things involving sex are done naked, as far as I’m aware.”

I nodded. “Yes, yes, makes sense. Sorry,” and I also took off my underwear.

I had shaven my pubic hair a few days ago. I liked doing that, made masturbation more comfortable. My cock was of slightly above average length, just over six inches, nothing special. Like the rest of me, really.

Jiyeon walked towards me and was about to touch me when she realized something. “Oh, apologies, I need you to sign this form for me.” She turned around and entered the lab, leaving me naked in the small room in front of the entrance. She soon returned, carrying a stack of papers. She handed it to me and gave me a pen.

“Can you sign this, please? It’s to get your consent, so I can touch you and everything.”

“I assume I have to if I want to participate,” I asked, combing through the twenty-plus pages.


I didn’t read very carefully, assuming it would all be in order. Jiyeon was a perfectionist, I assumed she followed the law. I quickly signed the papers and gave it back.

“Excellent,” she said, smiling for the first time since I had seen her. “Please follow me into the lab.”

She opened the door and I followed her. I was immediately amazed by all the equipment. I could clearly see how it was divided into separate parts. In the part we had entered stood a large bed. Next to it there was a table with a variety of vials and injection needles, as well as equipment for administering through blood, it seemed like.

“Please sit on the bed,” she said and I did as she asked.

“Alright,” she said as she walked to the table with equipment and began studying the labels and preparing a needle. “Everything has been tested on mice, of course. I am also certain that individually, each drug will work perfectly as intended. I did my theoretical work perfectly, I am sure of that. However, the ways drugs interact is very hard to predict.”

“Ah,” I said, mostly occupied staring into her beautiful eyes. She didn’t seem to mind.

“So that’s where you come on in. The combinations also work on mice and no real nasty effects have shown up, so I’m pretty sure it’s safe. The question is what the strength of the effects will be. Maybe the drugs strengthen each other, but they could also weaken each other. I’m not sure yet. Anyway, let’s get to it, please sit still.”

I nodded as she grabbed my arm and took a needle. “Ow!” I said as she injected it with significant force into my upper arm. A tube was connected to the needle and after she pressed a button, a blue fluid began traveling through it.

“Uhm, so what are the effects supposed to be?” I asked.

“Well, I’ll be administering a number of drugs. This one is designed to increase your metabolism and stamina and also increase the effectivity of the others.”

“That sounds nice,” I said.

She suddenly smiled, almost in an evil way. “It will also give you a permanent erection, as long as the drug lasts.”

“What!?” I exclaimed. “And how long does it last?”

“Uhm, that’s what we’re testing. But don’t worry, we have plenty of time and I’ll be here. Oh, and most likely you’ll fall asleep first as your body gets used-” but suddenly my vision had already begun disappearing and within seconds I was unconscious.

When I woke up, I indeed had a massive erection. I was hooked up to a heart meter, which produced the characteristic hospital beeping sound. I was also hooked up to many other things that made all kinds of other noises.

The blue liquid was still entering my veins, although it seemed like she had switched it for a much thinner tube, so hopefully the dosage was also lower. I gasped when I looked at my chest and stomach as I had suddenly developed a full six-pack and massive pecs. My biceps was also huge. What the fuck?

I looked around for Jiyeon. I saw she was in another part of the lab, behind a glass wall, seemingly mixing chemicals within a fume hood. “Jiyeon?” I called.

Thankfully, she heard me and quickly entered this part of the lab. After removing her special protective gear, she approached.

“You’re awake,” she said, smiling. “It seems everything is working fine. You’re responding well to the drug. I think it’s time for the next stage.”

“Next stage? And what does that include? Also, how did I get these muscles!?”

Jiyeon chuckled. “You don’t like them? I can get rid of them, if you want.”

“No, no! I… think they’re great… but how?” I asked. But the moment I said that I wished I hadn’t, as she began throwing all kinds of jargon at me, speaking at a rapid pace, naming a dozen chemicals I had never heard of and explaining all kinds of complex processes.

“But what it comes down to… it makes your muscles contract and expand constantly, training it by itself. If you look, you can maybe see it moving.”

When I did, I again wish I hadn’t, as it looked really freaky. “Ah! Oh my god, that looks disgusting now I see it.”

“It should wear off soon, it was another drug I gave you after you were out. Anyway, as I said, let’s begin with the next stage.”

I wanted to sit up straight, but I collapsed back into the bed after discovering my muscles felt incredibly weak.

“Don’t worry, just stay there,” Jiyeon said. “Your muscles are really tired, but they’ll recover soon enough.” She stepped close to me and I could smell her scent, almost taste it. It was breathtaking. It smelled like a perfume, but also natural at the same time. I felt my mouth water. She put her hand on my chin and held a vial to my mouth.

“Drink up,” she said. “Don’t worry, this doesn’t taste bad.”

Indeed it didn’t. It felt and tasted like honey. Her hand on my chin, the first time I had actually felt her touching me, sent a wave of electricity through me. I shivered, of pleasure. Of course, I couldn’t get any harder than I already was.

“So what does that do?” I asked.

“A few things. But primarily it should significantly increase your semen production and make your skin produce a natural lubricant.”

I nodded and immediately she grabbed another vial, although this time she used it to load up a syringe. She injected it into my arm. Then, she took another syringe and loaded up with a different chemical. I was surprised to see she injected it in herself.

“Uh, and that?”

She stared at me, and then at my cock. “You’ll see. You’re looking great, already.”

“Thank you,” I said, but she laughed in response.

“Don’t thank yourself, it was all me.” As she said that, she walked away to the other part of the lab.

I sank back into the bed. I tried to touch my cock, but my arms were still too weak. Soon, I fell asleep again.

When I woke up, my mouth fell open. Jiyeon was standing in front of me, naked. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. While she was wearing her lab coat, her curves were hard to discern. But the woman in front of me most definitely had them.

Her hips were wide, curving towards an absolutely magnificent ass. She stood at an angle, clearly showing how far it extended. She even had a thigh gap. She seemed to be sweating and was also panting slightly. But when I looked closer, I saw it wasn’t sweat, but more of an oil.

I looked at myself and noticed I had the same kind of lubricant on my skin. Most likely what she had described earlier. I was completely shocked by how I had transformed in such a short time. Thankfully, all the tubes and cables were also removed.

And then I saw my cock.

It was not the cock I had jerked off so many times over the years. No, now it was an absolute monster. It was more than twice as thick as before, and almost twice as long. Thankfully, the strength in my muscles had returned and I was able to sit upright and touch it. I felt myself panting as well. I looked again at Jiyeon and what I saw was an extremely horny young woman.

“Magnificent, isn’t it?” she said as she approached me and climbed on the bed. She was drooling.

“Yes,” I said and suddenly I realized the power I had. Jiyeon had made herself extremely horny and turned me into a sex machine. This wasn’t about research, this was about pleasure.

Well, I would give it to her.

“Take it into your mouth,” I said. Immediately she grabbed it with both hands, as one hand wasn’t nearly enough, sending waves of pleasure through me. It seemed like I was also much more sensitive.

Jiyeon placed her wet lips around the head of my cock. She had to push it in, that was how big it was. But she managed, making gurgling sounds as she pushed it deeper into her throat. The amazing wet sensation made me moan loudly, the walls of her mouth and throat stretched around her cock.

It seemed like she had somehow managed to ignore her gag reflex as she pushed it in deeper and deeper, visibly distending her throat. “Oh my god,” I said as I moaned again. I then bent forward and grabbed her hips, easily rotating her body with her mouth around my cock so we were in 69 position.

Slowly I could feel her beginning to bob up and down my cock, the tip going in and out of her throat. She couldn’t manage to take in the whole length, but she came pretty far.

I brought my tongue towards her beautiful slit, which looked absolutely magnificent. She was fully shaven. Her clit looked like it wanted attention so I took it into my mouth and sucked on it, eliciting a gurgling sound from Jiyeon as she moaned.

Jiyeon increased her tempo, making me moan even louder. “Fuck!” I exclaimed, “fuck, fuck, I’ve never felt anything like that!”

She still held on to my cock with both hands, massaging and squeezing it as she went up and down on her cock. I was even able to lift up my hips and thrust upward, forcing it even deeper into her throat. Soon, I was able to match her rhythm.

I then again focused on licking her pussy. It seemed like my tongue was also more flexible than before and I pushed it deep inside her wet opening. I could feel her body convulse and wriggle as she attempted to produce sound while my cock filled up her throat.

Suddenly Jiyeon removed my cock from her mouth, which escaped her lips with a loud plop. She turned around, looked me in the eyes. I could see the begging look on her face and before she was able to talk, as her mouth obviously still hurt from the recent ordeal, I said: “You want me to fuck you?”

Jiyeon nodded heavily and said, in the most sexy begging voice I’d ever heard: “Please, fuck me, fuck me now I can’t wait any longer!”

I didn’t wait as I grabbed her body and smacked her down on the bed. She spread her legs immediately and raised her lower body so I could easily angle my cock towards her pussy, which was not that easy due to its length.

But I quickly had the tip nestled at her entrance and just as I was orienting my body so I would be able to push in easily, she grabbed my hips and pushed her body onto my cock, forcing it deep inside her.

We both let out loud moans of ecstasy.

“Yes!” she screamed. “Fuck, yes! Fuck me, push it deep inside me, make me cum!”

I immediately pushed her back down on the bed and forced my cock in even deeper. I felt some resistance at first, but it lasted less than a second and I soon pulled back for another trust.

Soon, I was wildly thrusting in and out of her. She was moaning loudly, while I grunted each time I hilted deep inside her. It felt like nothing I had ever experienced before. Our bodies were slick with the natural lubricant and I laid down on top of her. I wasn’t fully used to my new weight and was afraid to crush her, but she could easily handle it.

I grabbed her arms and used them as support while I rammed my enormous cock inside her again and again.

Her high-pitched voice no longer produced any audible words, but instead became a nearly continuous animal moan that became louder when I pushed in and softer when I pulled out.

I could feel her pussy was completely stretched around my cock. It was tighter than seemed possible and with every thrust I could feel it constraining around me, almost milking my cock. I noticed I was producing a copious amount of precum, to the point that her pussy had already become creamy and begun leaking it.

The natural lube allowed me to move nearly frictionless on top of her as I reached an inhuman speed each time I thrust into her. Each thrust was so wild our bodies moved many inches forwards and backwards each time I bottomed out.

I moved my hands from her arms to her boobs, which, while small, were perfectly round and perky and were adorned with beautiful nipples. Each time I squeezed them, Jiyeon’s voice would reach an even higher pitch as she moaned.

Even though we were seemingly going on forever and I was panting heavily, my muscles did not yet become tired. But I did feel a pressure building in my, also enlarged, balls. I grunted as I again thrusted in as deep as I could and said: “I’m going to cum soon.”

“Yes! Yes,” Jiyeon exclaimed. “Please cum inside me, fill me up with your seed. Fuck, fill me up!”

“Oh yeah?” I said. “Does the brilliant, pompous, arrogant Jiyeon want me to fill her up?”

Her eyes went wide and she let out another scream of pleasure. “YES, please, I’ll do anything for you to cum in me!”

“You’re nothing more than a slut, a whore!” I shouted as I kept pumping my cock in and out of her incredibly tight pussy. I squeezed her tits as hard as I could and pinched her nipples, making her shriek again.

“Yes, I’m a slut, I’m a fucking slut, a whore. Fill me up with your seed. I’m going to cuu-uuuUM!!” she exclaimed as her body began shaking and her pussy practically strangled my cock. I could feel the waves of pleasure traveling through both our bodies as Jiyeon orgasmed.

I felt it becoming even wetter and I saw Jiyeon was furiously rubbing her clit as she also squirted heavily. “Cum, cum, cum in me, please!” she begged me.

Her shaking body, her convulsing pussy walls and her begging cry were enough to send me over the edge. I made one final thrust as deep as I could and my balls slapped against her ass, making her shriek due to the force.

I grunted as I felt my cock expanding as an enormous load travelled from my balls to my cock.

But while I had stopped thrusting, Jiyeon had not stopped orgasming and she continued to rub her clit and began pushing herself off and on to my cock, matching my former rhythm. Her body continued to shake and her pussy continued to constantly convulse around my cock.

“Don’t stop,” she shouted as the continued, never-ending pleasure made me also begin to thrust again, even as wave after wave of cum shot from my cock, deep into her womb. I lost count after ten, but I saw the cum was overflowing and forcing its way out, soon covering much of the bed.

Indeed not wanting this to end but knowing I had to stop our orgasms, I removed my cock from her pussy, which caused an even larger load of cum to gush out, covering much of her and my legs with cum. I even heard it beginning to drip on the ground.

But we didn’t care and I turned her around so she was lying down on her stomach. I then raised up her ass and soon she was on all fours, with her beautiful ass pointing up towards me, inviting.

“Fuck me from behind!” Jiyeon begged as I thrust my cock into her pussy from behind in a single movement.

Thankfully, our orgasms had subsided, but we were obviously still ready for more action. So I immediately upped my tempo. Each time I slammed into her from behind, she was thrown forward a bit. She eventually braced herself using the bed’s headboard, but continued to scream each time I pushed my cock deep within her pussy, which was still drenching with cum.

“Fuck, fuck!” she screamed. “Keep going, I don’t want this to end!”

“Me neither,” I was able to answer in between my grunts as I rammed inside her once again. I had no idea how she managed to take this so easily. I grabbed her as tight as I could and did everything to make her feel me in every inch of her body.

After what again felt like hours, pressure began to build again. But this time I wouldn’t unload inside her. I pulled out and basically pushed her on the ground, on to her knees. “I’m going to cum on your face, you slut,” I said as I began pumping my cock with both hands.

Within seconds, I felt my body being rocked by the orgasm and it took all my new strength to remain standing. I exploded over her face with numerous ropes of cum hitting every inch of her body. When I was done, her body was more cum than skin.

I crashed down on the bed, even my new stamina not able to keep going after that. I expected it be over, but within a minute I saw Jiyeon emerging. She had seemingly licked most the cum of her body and climbed on the bed.

“Now it’s my turn to ride,” she said as she stood above my cock and lowered herself down, letting out another incredibly loud moan of pleasure.

Yes, she got the pleasure she sought.

To be continued.


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My Student

Class was over. All of the students (at least all that had bothered to show up on the day after the test) rushed out quickly. Dr. Vincent Prins knew that Math 090 was not a popular course, and the people who liked math never ended up in this class. But he strongly felt that introductory courses, even remedial ones, were really important. Let others glory in their upper level math whizzes, he gloried in every student who passed the course. On four of the tests, he had written ‘Please stay after...

2 years ago
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The Exchange Student

Her thick moist lips tightened around my shaft as I exploded deep in her mouth while I worked frantically over her clit with the tip of my tongue to...... Ah yes there it was, her trade mark gush of lady jizz, I took in as much as I could trying to follow the movements of her convulsing body so as not to waste a drop. “Time to get ready for school B” Trina smiled. What a way to greet the day, surely I was the luckiest man alive. Trina and I showered, dressed and drove to school together. At...

4 years ago
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The Ideal Student

The Model Student  The Ideal Student By themaneloco I have absolutely no idea what I was thinking!? I guess I could just go with the classic clich? ? it was a good idea at the time.? A good idea it was, but it certainly wasn?t my idea, at least I didn?t think it was.? You see, I am a first year student at a respectable university studying mathematics.? Of course, my parents are very proud of this, as am I.? They knew that I was destined for great things from an early age and, along with t...

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Mrs Greens Problem Student

Mrs. Green's Problem Student By Kelly M. Hello Kelly M. Here. I just wanted to say think you for the support you havegiven my via email I really appreciate it. I tried to return all the emailsthat I got. A few were returned to me because the address that I got were undeliverable.If you have any comments or questions I would like to hear from you. My emailaddress is [email protected] Thank you to Aria, Couture and DP for proofreading and editing. I really appreciateall you have done for...

4 years ago
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The First Male Nursing Student

The First Male Nursing Student Chapter one Hi! My name is Suman and this is my story. I come from a middle class family. During my school, I was relatively good in studies. So like any other good student, I dreamt of being a medical doctor someday. I finished my school with relatively good marks and started to prepare for the MBBS entrance exams. However, entrance exams were not something for me. Despite my best efforts and waiting for two years, I was unable to achieve a seat in...

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My favorite student

I figured out he was getting  an impressive sight of a brown big ass, eager to get fucked, bent over as I was now.  Those vagina lips were so big they hung down, like purple. I begged him to put his dick in there, but had to guide myself his cock head at the entrance, so this inexperienced, innocent young guy only had to thrust inside. Oh, how good it felt, until he cum into me! His hot cum made me feel a smarting sensation,  a sting inside my ass. Finally, we lay down there, exhausted, and...

4 years ago
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Seduced kitu my student

Hi iss readers this is manu from jaipur. I am 28 yrs old guy with good physique, and all skills and abilities to satisfy women’s sexual needs. I will give my contact further. Now my story starts when i was 22 yrs old passed out my engineering recently and i was trying for further studies so i was at home after the college. I was a good student specially, good at engineering drawing. Then my aunty told me will you teach a student in first semister of engineering and she is frightened by subject...

2 years ago
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Me And Chinese International Student

Hello friends I am big fan of Indian sex stories and I am sharing one of my experience. I hope you all will like this. My Name is Jolly Singh (name changed) and anyone wants to leave any comment they can do that on on messenger and I will reply on that. I am mature male 42 from Sydney Australia of course Indian settled in Sydney. This experience which I am going to share with you happened 12 yrs ago when I was 29 and virgin. I was international student here in Sydney and was also working in...

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Leaves Wife for College Student

Julian is a thirty five year old car designer living with his wife Michelle a thirty five year old receptionist who he has been with since they were both eighteen.Despite being together for s*******n years they started to have problems, Julian wants to have c***dren but Michelle doesn’t want c***dren at all. Julian has now been begging Michelle for a few months now for them to start a family however he starts to feel a bit unwanted around her and did consider leaving her at some point.One night...

3 years ago
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The Professor and Her Student

Elizabeth Mae Starr was a bit frustrated The Professor and the Student oliverc [email protected] Author?s Note:? This covers some familiar themes, but if you read it, I enjoy the feedback either through reviews or email.? I have incorporated some suggestions from previous reviews into this one, but ultimately it speaks to my fantasies.   Professor Elizabeth Starr was a bit frustrated.  She had not had any sex for three months since her lover left town for a new job in a...

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The Anthropology Student

Suddenly the sound of footsteps startled her and she quickly turned around. Just coming into the room was an older man with short gray hair and mustache. He was tall about 6'4” with an athletic build and tan weathered skin. Professor Hiram Jackson was the head of the archeological dept. in charge of this site. This dig in the middle of nowhere Wyoming seemed to be the home of a previously unknown tribe of natives. It consisted of himself, his best student Allison, and 20 other students and a...

3 years ago
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A Gift for the Gifted Student

Gifted student sounds a little not PC. But that is what we called ourselves. Accelerated student might be a better way of putting it. But none the less we were very smart k**s and the school district wanted to make sure we did not get bored and go some where else so they came up with these special events and classes and field trips for us. I mean there were only ten of us in the program. I was excited about this trip to the city for a week. We would get to stay at a fancy hotel and go see all...

1 year ago
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Bright Student

"Sir, I just can't understand this problem" Nisha walked in wearing a harassed but determined look she landed on a nearby chair. she was a charmer and the brightest student of my class, she is studying for prestigious IIT exam and i am proud to be her teacher, her sheer genious and a very determined personality is sure to bring great success in her career. "It is 10 PM, Dear can't it wait for tomorrow" I tried a feeble attempt of getting away, it was a long day and i am taking IIT coaching for...

1 year ago
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My Hot Student

Hi friends Rahul again for all sex story readers. I am sure u have read my previous stories and like a lot, pls give me feed back at rahuldelhi.roy at gmail dot com, lets start the story. This in a story of my sexual interaction with my sweet and innocent student. I was a student of B.Tech final at that time and I use to teach accounting to girls at their home, as girls pay more than guys and offcourse a free fun with them which a hot guy like me never avoid. Rani is my student who is studying...

1 year ago
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Sexy Student

Hi friends Dani again for all sex story readers. I am sure u have read my previous stories and like a lot, pls give me feed back at silent_magma [at] hotmail [dot] com, lets start the story. This in a story of my sexual interaction with my sweet and innocent student. I was a student of CA final at that time and I use to teach accounting to girls at their home, as girls pay more than guys and offcourse a free fun with them which a hot guy like me never avoid. Rida is my student who is studying...

2 years ago
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The Cheating Student

His name is John Preston and he happens to be a professor at at top of the line school where the students practically teach themselves. Professor Preston prides himself on having some of the best students on any campus. On a warm and sunny spring day there appeared to be no clouds on John Preston's horizon until he was approaced by a test proctor. "Excuse me Professor Preston," the proctor said with a gim faced look. "I am sorry to say that I caught one of your students cheating on a...

2 years ago
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A Good Student

A Good Studentby Dr. MabeuseChapter 1Writing fiction doesn't pay much, and you give up a lot when you try to be a writer. Money, the things other people have, even family—you can pretty much kiss all that goodbye. But there are compensations. Your life's maybe not as wide as most people's, but it's deeper, and sometimes it’s more interesting. You're always trying to explain and describe things to yourself, and so you see things other people miss and feel things most people are too busy to...

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Mr Ks Favourite Student

Jen had been at the school for 5 years, she was a complete brain box, she knew the answer to every question, and every teacher thought of her as a model student. I joined the school in year 8; all that time ago, we barely knew each other, we’re not that close now, just good friends. It’s year 10 now, things are getting scary as we realise it’s just a year and a half left till we sit our GCSE’s. There was one more thing about Jen, she was stunning, not so much in school, so most of the boys...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Computer Student

Hi all to ISS readers and thank you all for giving responses. This is Kkb from Lucknow. This is my second story in ISS, hope you all will enjoying. Hoping you have read my first story ‘Sex in Computer Institute’. Here is my second real story. Yet another with my one of student. This instance occurred few months earlier my previous instance in Computer Institute. I was a computer teacher in my first institute. I am directly coming to the point. There was a student girl and having interest in me...

2 years ago
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The New Student

The New Student - Chapter One - Scarlett Green The weirdness started on September third, 2018. It was the first day of my final year of senior school. In the following May I would be taking my final GCSE exams where I would then hopefully go on to college to do A levels for two years before moving onto University. I had just arrived at school and about to enter registration before the day of lessons would begin when I got a text message from my mum. It was a group message that had...

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Gay sex with student

Hello, I am raghunath from andra pradesh, Hyderabad. I am now aged about 55 years. While I was 45 years, working at Vizak in private sector, this incident happened. As per the govt decision my organization started plantation of trees to make the city green. For that I approached to a junior college and met with the principal and expressed the matter and requested to send a batch of students to participate in plating trees. I have invited forest authorities also to participate in it so that...

Gay Male
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The New Student

My Wife’s Student It was already raining when I got home that evening so I headed straight to the bathroom on entering home. My wife was sitting in the living room with two ladies, one elderly and the other presumably her daughter. They wanted to learn some new art style and from what I gathered while taking off my shoes, the girl was going to join for Impasto knife painting. While passing them I had a cursory look at the ladies and I saw the girl staring towards my wet jeans. She must have...

1 year ago
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My Favorite Student

Exams were done. Another graduating class had been sent off into adulthood. Now, I had about two months of summer to not deal with students. Don't get me wrong. I loved being a teacher. But summer vacation was always something I looked forward to. As I packed up stuff in my room, I thought about some of the seniors I had this year. There were always some very lovely ladies in my classes and while I very subtly watched them I never actually did anything with them. That didn't stop me from having...

2 years ago
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Painted Student

Painted Student   Lunch time in the refectory can be hectic. Students and staff share the same facilities, queuing for hot meals or panini’s and coffee. It isn’t the largest room in the college so, the tables and chairs can become precious, especially when they are pulled out of their serried ranks into group patterns so friends can socialise while they eat. Today was just like any other at lunch, hectic. The place heaved with a mass of young people whose voices joined in a cacophony of...

4 years ago
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The Exchange Student

The Exchange Student By Robyn, the GIRL Wonder CHAPTER ONE: SATURDAY NOON ?Come along, Zoe, dear,? Renee taunted. ?Oh, yes...come on down, where we can all see you,? chimed in Tina. It was my sister Melissa, at the top of the stairs, that gave me a little push. ?Your public awaits, Miss LeMercier,? she giggled. There was nothing else I could do, you see...so I obeyed. Here I was, a fourteen-year-old boy, with curled blonde hair, in white leatherette high heels, wearing flesh...

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AGrade Student

desperate student wants to improve her grade, a dirty Professor is only too happy to oblige...The snow fell slowly that afternoon, drifting in flurries over the fields and forests, and settling in large, powdery drifts against the venerable buildings of the university. From his window, looking out over the manicured gardens of St. Stephen's Quad, Professor Lucas Wainwright watched the flakes whirl and settle, and he smiled. This, truly, was his favourite time of year - partly because of the...

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Painted Student

Painted Student   Lunch time in the refectory can be hectic. Students and staff share the same facilities, queuing for hot meals or panini’s and coffee. It isn’t the largest room in the college so, the tables and chairs can become precious, especially when they are pulled out of their serried ranks into group patterns so friends can socialise while they eat. Today was just like any other at lunch; hectic. The place heaved with a mass of young people whose voices...

First Time
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The Older Student

It was the start of another academic year. I had been teaching the upper division courses but was asked to teach a College Algebra Class for this term. I was looking forward to doing so as I had heard how ill prepared the students were. Most of the incoming students must take remedial course work due to their low understanding of mathematics at the major university where I teach and I wanted to see just how ill prepared they were. I waited in the classroom for my students to start arriving to...

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The tutor and his student

Introduction: A middle aged tutor teaches his student more than just trig and geometry I was a adjunct professor at a local community college after switching career paths. Forty-five may seem like an odd age to change careers, but I was unhappy as a consultant and wanted a change. Adjuncts dont typically make a lot of money, so I tutored on the side. My specialty was math and prep for college entrance exams. It didnt pay great, usually about 25 dollars a session for an hour, but it helped out....

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Our home in Kensington was realistically too large for the two of us but of course its all about image, I knew of a couple of neighbors that were struggling financially but of course they had to keep up with the Jones's. One of the neighbors knowing we had plenty of room suggested that we might take on a Uni student as a guest, the house had a guest room out the back so after talking it over we agreed it wouldn't encroach on our lifestyle so there was no reason we couldn't help out a...

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Stud student

Hi I’m Samuel a university student from Uganda in the first year of studying law, I came to this country because my country, does not have a great education system, arriving in England I set about getting lodgings close to my study area, applying for a room with a white family I went and viewed the room, Sandra was married with 4 c***dren Sam a fireman, Pat a postman, Carol a manageress at the large clothes store in town and Frances who lived in Australia, yer I know postman Pat and fireman Sam...

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Exchange student

It was my junior year of high school, there was an exchange student program between our school system and under developed countries. I was summoned to the front office and introduced to a student from nation of Liberia. He introduced him self as Omagelia Ado, it was his first trip to the USA and his second out side of his country of origin. I was to show him around the school and have him back at the office no later than the start of the last class. There was a car there to pick him up and...

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Ms Lattuca Gets A Taste Of Her Student

 It was finally Halloween day. Ms. Lattuca had picked out a sexy outfit for the occasion. She was a teacher, why not dress like one? She wore a black lacy bra and matching panties. Over it, a pleated plaid skirt with lace at the hemthat barely covered her tight, fit ass. She pulled on her fishnet stockings and complimented them with black stilettos. She didn't plan on wearing anything over her bra, she wanted to keep her costume very sexy, very alluring. Accentuating her outfit, she wore a...

2 years ago
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Summer Student

Summer student ? by: Jennifer Stewart Chapter 1 - A Money Making Proposition Billy Chambers was a 19 year old student in the Department of Physics at Stanford. He was exceptionally talented and, would begin postgraduate work at an important national laboratory in two months time. His career was on track but he was wretchedly poor and had few prospects of raising his income to the point where he could enjoy some of the comforts of life that he had enjoyed when living at home....

3 years ago
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Lipstick on a Grad Student

A knocking on my apartment door woke me up. I looked over at my bedside clock and saw the it was 7:30 AM. This had better be good. I drew myself out of bed, pulled a shirt from my dirty laundry on over my boxers, and stumbled over to the front door. Just before I went for the knob, another round of knocking assaulted my ears. I opened the door, and on the other side stood a girl. College age. Probably maybe two or three years younger than me. I couldn't decide whether she looked...

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Brandy and the Exchange Student

By now most have read of the wonderful bond Brandy (my now 17 year old granddaughter) and I share. She and I have grown very close since that first day we touched, teased and I brought her to climax. She was a virgin at the time but wanted her G-pa to be her first lover which I ended up being in ways she had never imagined. Since then we’ve gotten together on several, though many less than we’d like, occasions for the sake of our loving bond and freewheeling sensual encounters. In fact she is...

2 years ago
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Sex with hard boobs student

Hi to all iss reader. I am a regular reader of this site and think that some are true stories and some are fake here I am going to submit my true story and ya don’t think its fake. Let me introduce myself I am a male of 30 years and a tutor my name is raj (changed). This is a story about my student her name is minu(name changed). She is a gud looking girl with sexy figure and lovely part of her body is her round firm boobs. The incident starts when she was in 11th. One day she said to me that...

3 years ago
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Exchange student

crosoft-com:office:smarttags"name="State" downloadurl="http://www.5iamas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags"/> Japanes Exchange Student It all started quite innocently, with a phone call, from the head teacher at the local school. ?Debby, would you be able to help me out, as I?ve got a small emergency on my hands and I need some one I can trust.This was Mrs. Ashley, a very nice middle-aged woman, who had devoted most of her life to her school and students. Mid 40s looked after her self, some...

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Brilliantine NavyPart 2

"What are we going to do about all these men, Creamy?" "Do about them, Captain?" "They've all come from different ships, different navies, even. The ordinary sailors aren't a problem; we're so short-handed they'll just have to muck in as best they can. It's the officers I'm worried about. What are their names again?" Creamy consulted her clipboard. "Smith, Jones ... and ... Mouse, Captain." "Do you think those are their real names?" "Does it matter, Captain?" "I...

2 years ago
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My sexy hijabi student

My name is Jayson Reese and I recently got a teaching job in an Indonesian high school. Since Indonesia is primarily made up of Muslims the school was predominately made up of muslim students. Every day I would teach my class and the same student would watch my every movement and would smile at me all the time. Her name was Indah Rahmanisa, she wore a white hijab with the school uniform on. She had a huge pair of tits and her face was very beautiful. Her nails were always painted a different...

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Kriti My Abnormal Student

By: Akash Hi friends I’m back with another story. Thanks to all those who read my previous story ‘Radio program to room. Please write to me your suggestions and how you find my story on I was quite surprised to see responses in my inbox. Friends as I will be sharing real story the orientation of the story might be boring at some places but I assure you all healthy and enjoyable reading. Now let’s rock with the story. Before I joined the office where currently I’m working, I used to teach in...

4 years ago
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Teacher Rapes BigTitted Cock Tease Student

Last day of class. Papers returned, grades handed out, have a good summer. I looked up as the students left, and she lingered. Slowly putting her notebook in her bag, she was bent over facing me. Nice, large breasts. If only she was 18. If only, she’d be a perfect tit-fuck. She looked up quickly, caught me yearning for her flesh, and smiled. Then she walked awkwardly towards me, smiling. Fortunately, the last student left the classroom, door shut behind them. “So,” she asked, “our grades are...

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