Hunted_(0) free porn video

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A well dressed woman steps from the sewer entrance. Almost as if the dead were rising from the graves. If any night were one for the dead tonight would suit them well. A deep fog is forming swirling with the misty steam rising from the warm sewers. A half moon can be seen in-between the veil of fog. The light filtering down gives everything a surreal look to it.

The woman inhales deeply smiling she stretches her form letting her clothing hug it even better. Her older style blue hip hugging skirt molds to her form well as if begging someone to stroke over her. A tight gray sweater hugs the swell of her ample breasts lifting them even higher then normal so that the nipples look directly at you when she moves. Her blonde hair hangs loose streaming down her shoulders. Her bangs hang down partly blocking the view of the coal blue eyes as if only to tease you with them.

A breeze kicks up causing her blonde locks to blow free playfully about her fair skin. The swirling haze works in her favor as she walks onto a main alleyway. She walks slowly looking hard at buildings as if lost. In reality if this was anyone but her they would be lost in these conditions. This side of town is the lower end many slum lords live out their lives here selling buildings, renting hovels, and extorting their renters.

The red brick facades hide the pain and suffering to most in the daylight. Dimly lit windows look like small eyes staring balefully down on her. This is not a place for a sexy lady to be out wandering in the dark. As she turns the corner onto a smaller alley a large rugged black man slips from a shadowed doorway. She walks slower now as if frightened by where she is still lost in thought.

The man is dressed like a thug as he follows her slowly. Baggy khakis and a white tee shirt covered with khakis button up which hangs open. He walks with an air of comfort down here in the alleys. Most likely having well earned the reputation he has. A large knife hangs in it’s sheathe off his belt. He calls out to her now seeing her slow her pace “hey sugar” his deep voice booming from behind her. She hears him not answering having looked over her shoulder.

Seeing him there she once more set off her pace swifter now. She sees an opening to the left thinking to duck into the shadows there she moves. She is to slow he sees her move into the alleys dead ends shadows. With a deep booming laugh he follows her into the alley. When she sees it is a dead end she turns thinking to get back into the main alley.

Only it is to late he stands in the alley before her “hello sugar” he says with a grin on his face. His eyes look her over with an obvious hunger in them. She begins to back from him her eyes darting looking for an escape. Sadly even the alley was against her as she backed from him her foot stepped into a small puddle of greasy water. Her pump slipped in it down she went her ass smacking into the concrete causing her to cry out.

“Don’t worry sugar I will take care of you.” His tone shows he means to go through with what’s on his mind. He laughs once more deeply seeing her there already on her ass. Stalking her now he moves slowly watching her. She can see the empty sheathe on his hip is empty her eyes look over his hands swiftly. Finding the knife in his hand now he threatens her with it. The knife is long, thin, and black the blade on both sides is sharp. He shakes his head then he is on her before she can scamper back to her feet.

She feels the cold blade touching her tender skin on her neck making her cry out softly. “No no no please....!” she stampered out once more with a plaintive whimper. She feels his lips touch her ear “Sugar your gonna give me so much lovin tonight I will make you my whore.” His words dirty to her making it obvious what he wants. A strong hand catches her neck holding her still.

Just then she feels the blade move down her body finding the edge of her sweater. The blade cuts through the woven sweater like a hot blade through butter opening her to his eyes. Her pale cream colored breasts spill out from under the destroyed sweater. Her breasts flush crimson as she struggles a moment to try to hide them from his eyes.

The moonlight made this moment so surreal for them both almost like a dream. The cool air kissing her breasts suddenly causes the dark pink nipples to harden. Her nipples formed into solid points of flesh before him as she struggles to get free. He growls seeing the beauty below him having slipped to straddle her so she could not fight free. Leaning he presses his larger body over her smaller frame. Catching the nipple in his mouth he bites down on it brutally before licking it then sucking on it.

As he bit her she struggled all the more trying to dislodge his mouth. Her reward for shaking his lips loose was a stinging slap across her face. “Stop it bitch!” The knife hovers closer his voice husky now in a passion filled trance. This always happens to him right before a rape all he can see is her beauty not the suffering he inflicts. The slap to her face took some of the fight from her. Her body goes still as she whimpers in fear.

She can feel a thick hard shaft through his pants pressed into her stomach. His shaft rubs over her hip swollen now ready for some of her. His callous hands heft her breasts moving over her they tug then pinch the nipples. Repeatedly his hands assault her as she lays there now passive. “Good bitch now I can reward you!” His mind is lost in passion filled delusions now feeling her passiveness.

He reached down his hands push her tight skirt up forcing it over her hips to bunch there. His actions exposed her body to the cool air once more. She whimpers crying now the moon causing her tears to shimmer in the mist filled night. His hand leaves her skirt with a single savage tug her panties are no more. His strong hand ripped them loose from her tender flesh. Red stripes mark her skin where the panties caused friction. He tosses her panties into the garbage pile near them never thinking of them again. He can smell her now this driving him insane. His lips once more bite a nipple causing her to jump the knife stays near her throat now as if daring her to struggle.

With his free hand he unhooks his belt then he unbuttoned his pants pulling down the zipper on them. His mouth never slows in his work on her nipple. She hears his actions this causing her to whimper again. All the time wanting so badly to wake up, this must be a dream she keeps thinking.

Moving his body he shifts so now he crouches between her thighs. Pushing on his pants he drops them to his knees loosing his pent up cock. He bites her nipple again having switched nipples to torture the other one now. She feels his cock trying to angle her hips so he can’t penetrate her with it. He lifts some pressing his cock head to her cunts lips. “Ahhh you gonna like this you whore!” His words are hot now with need to rape. He feels her wetness looking up he sees her face blush in shame.

Shifting one more time as he bites her nipple he slams cock home. Before she can move he is in her soft folds to the hilt. He pounds into her now she can feel him hitting her cervix. He does not slow or care his rape complete in its intent now. She whimpers but can not fight the cool knife holding her well. He bucks into her over and over brutally raping her folds. He felt her folds reacting to his abuse almost as if welcoming him within her body. Her reaction makes him all the more excited.

She lays under him stunned now powerless as he takes her breasts once more licking, sucking, and biting with abandon. Her folds are hot, tight, well lubed for him making his rape all the more pleasurable. With each stroke into her hot folds his balls smack into her ass. His treatment of her seems to punish and humiliate her even more. After several minutes of this brutal rape his cock begins to swell in her heated folds.

The thought of this mans cum in her core sets her off somehow exciting her. A moan from her drags him from her nipples. She begins to buck her hips into his on her own. Licking her lips as he looks down on her she speaks softly “Come on you stud!” Her tone now is hot in need panting to him as she rides his cock. Words she never would think to say come from her lips. “Fill me with your rapist cum!”

Her legs go about his hips wrapping him within their warm silken embrace. As he bucks into her groaning his cock shooting his load deep into her. He pulls his lips from her nipple to gloat down on the little slut. She is different now slowly he sees the change in her face.

Even as her core cools she milks him dry. Her core is no longer hot feeling more like a cold tight rubber hose around his cock. The tissue sucks up his cum making her core dry now. She painfully fucks his cock with her tightness. He sees her now as she really is her hair stringy and thin. The face of this sexy creature is now wart covered. She has a lack luster color to her almost gray like a corpse. Her coal blue eyes stay the same color. Where there was life in them now they are cold and cruel. The life that was in his eyes drained away in mere moments.

Her words are still soft but the voice is coarse almost broken now. “Was I good bastard?” She cocks her head looking up at him. In shock he goes still in her core the tightness is the only thing keeping him hard. Her hand shoots down with speed he could only blink at. Grabbing the knife blade with a soft grunt then a loud “Click... bing!” the blade breaks. She drops it under her body leaving him with a useless hilt. She uses her hand to catch him behind the neck.

She pulled his shocked face to her breast which is no longer beautiful. Her breast is now rotting and sagging with age and use. “Thank you for my meal.” She whispers to him as she begins to rape his struggling form. He tries to fight it but she is to strong. Dropping the hilt of the knife he tries to push away from her. He sees he would have better luck pushing against a stone wall.

When her rotting nipple finds his lips he bites hard trying to hurt her any way he can. She sighs as he bites cuddling him all the closer. Her core no longer hot or smooth just cold and dry she uses it to rape his cock. He feels her beginning to shudder as she laughs. She continues this shuddering till he realizes she is faking it all along. Her lips trace over his ear along his neck he can’t move for she holds him in a strong grip.

He feels something sharp there thinking it is his knife he struggles. There is not one but two sharp feelings now. He shudders his body is hers now as he is lost to fright. Without warning she slams her fangs deep into his neck. He can feel his blood moving swiftly to her lips as she works his neck. Murmuring a soft “Yes!” as if cooing to him she drinks. The pleasure he feels is more intense then a thousand rapes. Soon he is griping her as if she were his long lost lover.

Shuddering on her he cries out softly as the pleasure courses through him till he feels himself fading. All is growing dark in his eyes from lack of life giving blood. His blood starved heart is spasming in his chest as she licks her lips then his neck. He hears her last words as the world dims. Thinking he is dieing he cares little for them.

“You’re mine now..... oh so pretty.” Her voice so full of happiness as she releases his still form from her grip. Reaching down by her neck she finds the disguarded blade. She reaches up flicking it across her nipple. Watching a moment as the dark ichor flows from it. In his dim vision he sees this thru the shadows of dieing. Feeling her hand once more prod him over that seeping wound his lips touch the ichor.

He whimpers as the ichor burns his lips. As she coos sweet nothings to him he feels his mouth fill with her blood. “Drink my son!” She commands as she rubs over his throat causing him to gag. His gagging causes him to swallow the first bit. He whimpers once more then begins to suck with abandon. The bitter sweet blood flooding into his mouth as it brings life back to him in a form.

He feels her fucking him once more as if it were something he would need his cock dead as he is now. He growls darkly drinking all the more till it is too much for him to take. He spits her nipple from his lips panting. The thought of what he did sickens him unable to believe he has drunk this creature’s blood.

His cock is still hard though it feels different in her core as she fucks him. She rapes him as he did her earlier. He is too weak to stop her anyway. His cock was no longer able to provide sperm for her meals. He turns his head away from her hoping to find solace in the mists. This only allows him to find his reflection in a wet puddle.

With a scream of shock he looks on his new form. His once clean rugged good looking face is no more. In its place is a sore covered face with a lesion next to his nose. His words come out almost like hers but more grating. “What did you do to me?” He reaches out for her in anger. This time he flies loose from her with a single shove. His cock came loose with a lewd popping sound from her body.

She rises to her feet smoothing out her skirt and looking over her sweater. Seeing the damage done to it she shrugged it off letting it drop there looking at him. “You owe me a sweater child.” She turns heading toward the alley wall. As he rises he looks to her in anger. “Bitch!” There is much venom in that word. Turning she looks to him smiling a sluttish smile. “Come here!” When he does not come to her side she laughs. Smiling she uses a slutty tone now with him. There is something magical to her words commanding his body. “Come over here sexy.” He shakes his head no then is surprised as he finds his feet moving him to her side.

She catches his jaw squeezing it painfully. “Rule number one stud I own you!” She releases him only to slam a fist into his stomach. The blow should only have made him laugh instead it doubled him over. Catching him she slings him easily over her shoulder rubbing his ass as she holds him naked from the waist down. She leaves his clothing in the alley for others to wonder.

Walking to a steaming grate she pushes down on it with her foot. The grate used often by her opens smoothly as she smiles “Welcome home lover.” She steps through carrying his weak form from the misty light of the night. The grate after a moment seals itself. She laughs as she hefts him feeling his flaccid cock on her shoulder she leans to it. Slowly she sucked his head into her mouth playful now. Walking down the sewers tunnel she grows tired of the hard head in her mouth. She bites into it hard not using her fangs this time. He had enjoyed the attention till the end when she bit. Knowing she did not remove his cock he cries out in pain. She rubs his ass once more taking him to her home. His was just another scream in the dark down side of the city. The sound causes barely a head to turn in the mists as another is taken.

The End

Feel free to send any feedback is welcome at [email protected].


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Chapter 4: The Girl Next DoorThe fall semester came and went pretty fast. I was keeping busier these days. I had managed to find a party about once every two weeks or so. They weren’t costume parties, but the corset still works. I have found a variety of outfits that work with it. Usually, I wear tight jeans and a t-shirt, with the corset underneath. That way I can arrive a little earlier, and scope the situation before finding some lucky girl to drag off. I always pick a guy that’s mostly...

3 years ago
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Love Making With Colleague 8211 Part 1

Hello friends. Sorry for a long story. We wrote it together. Hope this story makes you hard and wet ;)! Read and fuck your partners with passion and of course, hard. This is a story of two average looking individuals having long, wet and passionate love making. Avinash here from Bangalore. Decent looking guy. Little extra pounds, but that is compensated by me being taller than average. I am about 6ft 3inch. An above decent size cock of 7 inches, but close to 3.5 inches girth. I was a virgin...

4 years ago
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Maam ki mast chudai

Hi i m sunny, 24years, 5.9” tall male and with 8” machine gun(dick), mujhe bohot se mail aur calls aati hain, i feel very gud when sm hot and sexy women, girl, or aunty calls me, un mai se kuch mujhe poochti hain key eh stories real hain ya fantasy hai, to mai kenta hu ke real hai, lakin kuch log yakeen nhi kerte, isi liye maine apni website per story ke saath un aurtoon ki picture bhi daalta hu jinko maine chooda ha, toh jissko iss baat ka doubt hai, toh mri website un logon ke liye mera...

2 years ago
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pregnant and lusting

He pushed her legs apart and inserted one finger into her. She was so tight, so dry. He had to force his finger inside her. He withdrew it and pushed it in again - he did this a few more times and then inserted two fingers into her - she tensed which made it even harder to gain entry. He forced the fingers inside her and then tried three fingers. Again, she tensed and clenched around his fingers making it hard to push them in - but push them in he did - all the way inside. He talked to...

3 years ago
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Let Me Be Your Nurse

With the sun setting in the distance, Katrina waved to her parents through the window of her house. Their car was just leaving the driveway as they embarked on the long road trip to Chicago, where they were going to attend a week-long science convention for work. Katrina didn't know if they could see her, but she felt compelled to do it anyway. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Ash sitting next to her, doing the exact opposite. He didn't wave or anything; he just sat there frowning,...

4 years ago
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Journey into the PastChapter 2 Still no answer

Early before the sun rose I got up put the rest of my water on to boil, rolled up my bedding and restowed it on my pack. Using half the hot water to make a cup of tea and the other to shave with I started the day fresh. Water was essential I had to find another stream to fill my water bottle. I needed to clean my teeth, but that would have to wait until I reached a pool or running water. Burying the wrappers and tins from the compo rations I left the site as I had found it. The passage down...

3 years ago
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goodbye from me to you

Goodbye (from me to you)   I remember that 1st day when you mentioned dinner, I thought you were joking but you were no fibber, do you remember what followed ..? ‘Wear a shorter skirt’, I thought to myself… did I just flirt ?, as you walked back down the garden path, I said to Dave “she got great legs & ass”, the very next day you turned up at ‘Rains, ‘short skirt, gorgeous legs an sexy smile’ went through my brains. I remember you sitting in the chair at my PC, singing baby D’s ‘Let...

1 year ago
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A1386G Ch 06

I was sitting on the couch, reading, when Rupert and his slave arrived. Marie, having been subject to Kelly’s fussing had been washed, and forced into one of her new uniforms as soon as it was dry, and then did whatever she could to stay close to the front door. Despite that, Grace still managed to beat her to the front door when the bell rang. Rupert and A1386J were clearly not prepared for the welcome they were receiving. Really, if Marie hadn’t seen the baby in the carrier, she probably...

1 year ago
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Amanda Seyfried and Megan Fox

Amanda Seyfried arrived at the expensive inner-city hotel, walking up the steps in the sunlight, her large designer sunglasses shielding her eyes. She was making sure not to walk too quickly, otherwise her large breasts, supported only by the tight black vest top she was wearing, would bounce uncontrollably on her chest and attract far too much attention. She didn’t have a bra on today, just her top and some very tight jeans, hugging every curve of her ass as she walked up the steps into the...

3 years ago
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An Interesting Friend CoCo

Hot CoCo!Along the way I’ve had the pleasure of knowing 2 pretty nice ‘girlfriends’; one white and CoCo…hot and black. Casual, raunchy, sexy, free-spirited and just fun to be with. CoCo was a marvel, a wonder of hormone therapy, with ‘her’ everything had gone perfect. She was about 5’ 8 “ with breasts that were well proportioned, not too big or too small, a great ass and killer legs. She was a little overweight, I’d just say a little ‘fleshy’, mildly attractive and oozed a physical glow of...

3 years ago
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The Prize Rules Ch 03

*** I think that many odd loves were built in war-torn Europe. I don’t have numbers or anything to back up my feeling, but I think it happened more often there than it did in other theatres of that global conflict. If I’m right, then they were sorely needed as tiny bright spots in a very dark time. It might have said something about me that it took me a couple of years to notice the accent in a friend’s mother’s speech. I’d just never stopped to think about it. A war bride. Go figure. ...

2 years ago
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Sex life in school

Hi to all ISS readers! It’s Ashutosh here from Bhagalpur. I am a student of class 9 of S.K.P. school. I have read a lot of story of this fantastic site, and I am very eager to post my own sexual experience that I got from my class sexy and hot girls… First I will tell you about my own sexual habits. I daily masturbate once and watch 2or3 XXX movies daily. I am having a 7”long penis and 3cm thick. NOW come to the story. It was the first day of our practice of the farewell that we have to give to...

2 years ago
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Making Matt Less Virginal

When I woke up in the morning, I laid in bed for a while.  I thought of my experience with Matt last night, cherishing the knowledge that I had given him his first blowjob.  As I relived the experience, I started stroking my cock slowly.  I was tempted to jack off to climax until I looked the clock.  I had less than two hours before I was supposed to meet Matt in the library, and I had some school work I needed to attend to before then.  I sighed and got out of bed.  I wrapped a towel around my...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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First time cheating

I scanned the faces on the crowded train, many looked hot and flustered. A hard day in a sweaty office followed by a busy crowded commute home. No wonder they looked tense. One guy stood out though; tall and cool, standing opposite me in the corridor and just to the right of my hubby who was sat on the aisle seat opposite me. Linen shirt and chinos, blonde with grey streaks and his pale blue eyes which strafed my body. Luckily I’d dressed to impress for our day in Borough Mkt and the South...

3 years ago
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The Patriarch Alliance A Simple Day

robe just as her mother had Planet Wastien was the nearest Outer Rims planet to the Terran Empire. The war to capture the planet was quick but very bloody. Soon after the conquest in 8057, battle plans for the rest of the Outer Rims planets were quietly dropped. The Outer Planets, the Lost Terran Empire ??????????????????????????????????????????????? 2nd Edition, Published in Year 8070   Troy City, Planet WastienYear 8072  ?Master, I am ready.? ??????????? At the call, Goose Yo-Kalla...

1 year ago
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Wedding surprise

We had been to a wedding out of town, and rented a hotel for the night. We had seen these videos of men sharing their wife with another man, while the wife was completely blindfolded and tied up. We talked about it some and thought it could be quite hot. During the wedding I noticed a dark haired guy looked to be in his late 20’s checking you out. Throughout the evening I made my over and introduced myself. Pointing out that you was my wife. He immediately apologizing for checking you out....

2 years ago
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Weekend CaptiveChapter 2

The moonlight shimmered on the dark Pacific, and the wind sighed in the pines but Linda cared nothing for the beauty of the surroundings or the pungent aroma of the pines as her swirling emotions churned inside her. The tortured girl leaned her blonde head forward on the dashboard of the convertible, her lithesome young body shaking with sobs, her stomach muscles contracted in spasms of hurt and humiliation. Slowly she wiped the sticky fluid from her cheek and neck as Tom lay back in the...

1 year ago
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The dumb euro50 whore 2

This is the story of my 2nd encounter with the dumb €50 whore.There are 3 main types of prostitutes in the Netherlands. Window prostitution, these are mainly young girls imported from South America or Eastern Europe. These are professional whores. I don't like them. Then there is the 2nd kind: Internet whoring. These are amateurs who need an extra income and are trying to avoid bad customers and awkward regulations. These are fine, I like most of them. Some of them keep whoring to a rather ripe...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 635

These Are Compliments of Mario Mario A guy sticks his head into a barber shop and asks “Hey, Mate! how long before I can get a haircut?” The barber look around the shop and says “about 2 hours,” and the guy leaves. A few days later the same guy sticks his head in the door and asks...”how long before I can get a haircut?” Again, the barber looks around at shop full of customers and says”about 2 hours.” The guy leaves. A week later the same guy sticks his head in the shop and asks”how long...

1 year ago
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Dragons and Coal CindersChapter 3

Dressed in my gray, pin-striped pajamas, I left my room and entered a narrow hallway. Alfred was waiting for me against the opposite wall, under a bright gas light. "We match," I joked, shuffling over to him. Alfred just smiled, but he was bent over a bit holding his side with a hand. His eyes were fixated on the empty space ahead of him. "You alright?" "My ribs hurt a little," Alfred confessed, straightening up to his full height. He looked a little defeated. "Sometimes when I...

1 year ago
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The Inner Slut Unleashed 1

The Inner Slut Unleashed 1I took a mouth full of my pint, it was refreshingly cold. I looked around me, and liked what I saw. It was early evening, and the hotel bar was full, if not packed. There seemed to be a lot of women in the bar, all good looking, a few stunning. They were all confident, made up, hair just so. I short they looked like women I’d want to fuck. Then I looked across the table at my wife, and if I’m being honest my heart sank a little. It was as if she wasn’t good looking,...

4 years ago
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office sex part 4

its been a month now since my p.a and i have fucked and my wife hasnt been giving me any pussy either. so i decided... i called her to my office and asked her why she wasnt leading me on anymore? as she replied she has been starving thinking that i dont want her ass anymore.. i smiled saying that i missed eating her pussy...later that day i texted her syaing.. My cock is aching for your tight back pussy to grip around my shaft stroking me till i come.. as she replied: i am yerning for your cock...

1 year ago
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RansomeChapter 1 Shopping For Food

The first week in November he was doing his regular weekly grocery shop in Best’s supermarket when he first noticed her. She had only a small basket, in contrast to the trolley he always used, and in that basket were only small sizes of each item, and only the supermarket’s “Best’s Value” range, which were, of course, the lowest priced, lowest quality of their three ranges, “Best’s Quality”, “Best’s Buy” and “Best’s Value”. Then he spotted that she was hovering by the price reduced shelves...

4 years ago
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Adori the cum slut part 1

Im not sure how long it took for us to start talk about sex but of course it happened. I told her I was switch but mostly dom and she told me how she liked being sub sometimes. One time we also sexted with each other, I even got her to put her thongs into her mouth and send me a picture of it. I told her how I wanted to push my cock into her mouth and facefuck her and then empty myself down her throat, how I wanted to have her as a cum bucket. She responded by sending me a voice message. I...

2 years ago
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The old man in the bus stop

It was early morning 06:35 to be exact, and in the middle of Winter, minus 20C, so how he even managed to get it hard, was a wonder, but shooting onto my coat, well that was pretty fucked up, but I knew who he was, even the smell of his semen, yes I was that kind of girl.I was at junior secondary, which was 30km from where I stayed, and it took an hour by bus, hence my early rise and long bus journey. I came to the same bus stop every morning at the same time, and yes he started showing up, but...

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The Donor

Leanne wasn't fortunate with men. She could never find the right guy. Some of her past boyfriends were nice, but they just didn't want to commit on her level. Leanne had given up on men, but she did want a baby. When pressed, some past boyfriends were open about the issue but told her that they never wanted children, some said they didn't want the responsibility, some said they couldn't afford a child, some even said the world was overpopulated already. Some of them even broke up with her...

3 years ago
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Flyover CountryChapter 4

I didn’t really know what I wanted to do with my life from that point forward, but I was sure whatever I decided, flying would be a part of it. I took refresher courses to reactivate my pilot’s certificate, including an instrument ground school and then flew with an instructor for a while to get current again. My Uncle Jake, my mom’s much older brother, and the man who taught me to fly, had passed away six years ago, leaving all his possessions to my mom. That included five small aircraft...

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