MagicianChapter 21
- 4 years ago
- 22
- 0
The next few days were spent keeping Harry alive and getting rid of the toxins in his system. For a full day, Harry suffered from hallucinations claiming on several occasions that he was surrounded by rattlesnakes or other dangerous animals. Susan spent a lot of time by her husband, reacting in fear each time he made a claim about a snake thinking it was true. It wore her down spiritually and emotionally. She wanted to ease his pain but there was nothing she could do.
Ed and Kim took turns hunting rocks, more than a little displeased by having their first expedition ruined in this fashion. They had not planned on spending all of their time at the Butte. In fact, they had planned to spend only a single day there. The Butte would produce some interesting samples from the perspective of the information that it gave about the formation of the Butte, but nothing spectacular or interesting for the average person. The Chief would be very disappointed.
Although he didn’t say anything, Ed was concerned about the water supply. He had packed more than enough water, but Harry had brought very little. He was stuck rationing water to all of the horses and the last day they would probably run out. He also needed to save some to wash Harry down once he quit throwing up. That alone would have consumed any extra water that he had brought.
While Susan had come and begged several times for Ed to relent and find Harry something to drink, Ed was steadfast in his refusal. Kim wavered several times, afraid more that Harry was going to die than the fact that he was in pain. Ed reassurances helped her accept the situation, but didn’t satisfy the root of her fear.
After the third day, Ed cut Harry loose. Harry cursed Ed for five minutes and attempted to take a swing at him. After throwing up just about everything they had fed him, he was weak as a baby. Ed just stepped back as Harry fell over.
Naked, covered with shit and vomit, Harry looked as miserable as he felt. The first order of business was to clean him up. Ed and Susan gave him as good of a field bath as they could. Once he was clean, Ed sent Susan off to bring over some fresh clothes for her husband. Ed bent down and asked, “Harry, do you think you are a good person?”
Still angry about being tied up for three days, Harry barked, “Yes.”
The words rang sour. Harry knew there were times when he wasn’t a good person. Fishing the medallion out from under his shirt, Ed commanded, “Touch it.”
Refusing, Harry said, “I’m going to sue you for everything you own.”
Ed commanded a second time, “Touch it.”
Hesitantly, Harry touched the medallion and immediately burst out into a scream. His body thrashed about as though he were being beaten. The terror and pain in his scream was sufficient to bring Kim, Susan, and Tiger running over to him in fear that Harry was about to die. In agony, Harry tried, but couldn’t remove his finger from the medallion. Every harm that he had committed while drunk was being replayed back with him as the victim. After thirty minutes, he slumped to the ground exhausted and unconscious.
In the sudden silence that followed, Kim asked, “What happened?”
After looking at Kim and then at Susan, Ed answered, “He just experienced all of the harm that he’s caused people while he was drunk. Each beating he gave you, he will experience as you experienced it. Each time that he pushed, hit, or verbally injured someone, he will experience it. There is more left for him to experience, but he will have to recover before he can take another dose.”
Four more sessions followed over the course of that day. Between each session, Harry took an hour to recover. The final session was only fifteen minutes, but it included the final day of insults and threats. By nightfall, Harry fell asleep after eating and had his first night of deep restful sleep. Ed watched over him for most of the night. In the morning, Kim came to him and asked, “What is going to happen now?”
Shrugging, Ed answered, “We will see how Harry is doing today. If he is good, I’m going to send him out for water.”
A very different Harry came to Ed in the morning. He had lost close to twenty pounds as a result of his ordeal. His words were not slurred when he spoke and he could actually stand upright without swaying. The biggest change was one of attitude. Looking at Ed, he said, “I’m sorry to have ruined your trip.”
Indifferent to the apology, Ed asked, “Will our sacrifices go to waste?”
Remembering the effect of touching the medallion, a shiver ran through his body. There was no way that he was going to risk going through that again. He answered, “No, they won’t.”
There was a conviction to the words that Ed could hear. He knew that his truth sense could not foresee future behavior other than the current intent to act. He might mean that he would never take another drink, but he could be pushed off the wagon within a week. Satisfied that his intent to stay straight was strong, Ed said, “We are running low on water. Do you know where we can refill our water containers?”
Looking around, Harry answered, “Yes, there’s a seep about two miles from here.”
Pleased to learn that they would be able to solve their water problem, Ed said, “Good. Why don’t you go refill a couple of water containers and bring them back here?”
Nodding his willingness, Harry asked, “Anything else?”
Watching Kim working at the campsite, Ed had an idea. He smiled and said, “Yes, when you get back move your campsite about a mile away. You and your wife have some issues to work out before you return home.”
When Harry considered all that Ed had done over the past few days, he realized that he was dealing with a power like that of the medicine men in his tribe. There was an other-world-ness about Ed that allowed him to live above the daily events. Despite living above it, he was closely tied to it. He squatted down next to Ed and asked, “Who are you?”
“I’m Ed Biggers,” he replied.
That wasn’t what Harry had wanted to know. He recognized power when he saw it and Ed possessed it. He said, “Maybe I should have asked, what are you.”
“I’m a man. If you want to know more, you might talk to a medicine man,” said Ed in answer to the implied question. He knew the medicine man could put an answer into words that Harry would be able to understand.
Accepting that he would have to be satisfied with that, Harry stood and went about the business of getting some water. Ed watched him take care of his horse. This time, he actually took care of it. It was a good sign as it indicated that some of the meanness had been removed.
Susan came over to where Ed watched Harry. She stood next to him for a minute as though waiting to be recognized. Standing to face her, Ed asked, “What can I do for you?”
“You can tell me what you did to him yesterday,” said Susan. She had watched Harry touch the medallion and writhe in pain on the ground. When he had come out of it, he was much gentler than she had ever seen. It was amazing, he had even talked to her and listened for a change without shouting. The only time that had happened had been when they were first dating.
Tiger came over to Ed and sat down at his feet. Looking down at the cat, Ed said, “I held a mirror to his soul for him to see what he had become.”
“Why was he screaming?” asked Susan.
Pulling out his medallion, Ed asked, “Would you like to see your soul and the harm that you’ve caused others?”
Starting to reach out to touch it, she realized that this mirror didn’t reflect light. It reflected the spirit that one broadcast to the world. Was she that good that she could take her reflection with any less horror than Harry? As a shudder ran through her, she pulled her hand back. Realizing that she was afraid to know the truth, she answered, “I don’t think so.”
Smiling at her honesty, Ed nodded and said, “Harry may appear a little weaker now, but he is actually much stronger of spirit. Tonight, you will camp with him away from us. It’s time for you both to work out some details about your relationship.”
Concerned for what that might mean, she asked, “Do you have any advice?”
“Be honest. Nothing is gained by hiding the truth.”
Turning, Ed walked over to where Kim was cleaning the camp site. As he approached, he said, “Well, I got us one night alone.”
Smiling up at him, she asked, “Are you going to stay awake this time?”
In light of the fact that he had been staying up most of the nights and all of the days, Ed knew that was one promise that he couldn’t make.
With real sadness in his voice, Ed answered, “I doubt it.”
Shaking her head as she realized that he probably wouldn’t be able to stay awake, she replied, “I didn’t think so.”
Looking over at Susan to see what she was doing, Ed asked, “You want to go get some rocks?”
Kim replied, “Together this time?”
“Yes, I think that our Chaperone might want to stay here,” answered Ed with a smile. He was relieved to see that she smiled back. They both knew that they would have to make the offer. It was with some surprise that she expressed a desire to go with them.
Together, the three of the rode out to the Butte followed by Tiger. With increasing frequency, the cat disappeared to hunt. He was having to settle for birds and mice rather than rabbits as he had spent too long in this area. Reluctantly, Ed was considering giving the cat the canned ham that he was saving for dinner tonight. As if reading his mind, Kim said, “Maybe you can give him half of the ham tonight.”
“Oh, we have plenty to eat. I still have enough beans for all of us. There’s plenty of bacon, but it isn’t good for the cat. We’ve got canned vegetables, fruits, and soup left. I’ve even got noodles and some spaghetti sauce,” said Ed, fully aware that he had been looking forward to the ham. However, he wouldn’t stand by and watch while Tiger went hungry, while he ate food that the cat could eat knowing that he had alternatives.
Shaking her head, she said, “You’re a good guy, Ed. So what am I going to do tonight while you’re sleeping?”
“I can sleep naked tonight, so that you can take advantage of my unconscious body,” joked Ed.
“Deal,” replied Kim with a smile. While the night might be lost, there was always morning.
“I’m kidding,” said Ed wondering what he had just done.
“Can’t go back on it now,” said Kim as ideas started running through her mind. She added, “You said you’d sleep naked, so you have to sleep naked.”
The two of them worked side by side through the day collecting rocks. In terms of interesting samples, it wasn’t that good of a day. However, they did find a large cache of quartz crystals that would help the Tribe and she could sell in her store to the ‘new age’ crystal folks. She held up one of the crystals and said, “I can sell a hundred of these for twenty bucks each. If I put a nice mount on it, I can get fifty each. How many of these do we have?”
Ed looked over the pile and said, “Maybe forty or fifty after we give the tribe their share. You can have the rest. They will help you pay for this week.”
Surprised at his generosity, Kim asked, “Don’t you want some of them?”
Laughing, Ed said, “I don’t make my living doing this. This is my vacation and I’m here to collect. What am I supposed to do with twenty-five quartz crystals?”
“Well if you insist,” said Kim. She knelt down and started to pack up the samples. There were a lot of good samples here.
Ed asked, “Do you want to search the area for more?”
Shaking her head, Kim replied, “No. We should probably get back to camp and fix dinner. I imagine Harry is back by now.”
Kim asked, “Aren’t you afraid that he’ll head home to get something to drink?”
Amazed that she could even ask that question, Ed answered, “No. He’ll get water and go back to camp. Odds are, he’ll set up a separate camp before we get back. You and he are going to spend a night under the stars with each other. It’s up to you to decide what happens next.”
She asked, “And what will you do?”
“I’ll get to sleep early,” replied Ed. Even as he answered, he wondered if he would manage to stay awake until dinner.
With a lecherous grin, Kim added, “While keeping a certain promise made earlier.”
Surprised at the expression on her face, Ed stared at Kim. This was the first time he had ever seen a woman make a lecherous grin. He hadn’t even known that women were capable of such a look. With a shrug of his shoulders, he said, “What the lady wants, she’ll get.”
Giggling, Kim walked along beside him as they headed to the horses. Both were carrying several stacks of sample boxes loaded with the quartz crystals. It didn’t take long to stow them in the packs. Returning to the site where they had been digging, they collected their tools and packed them away as well.
Reaching camp, they were surprised to find Harry preparing dinner. Susan immediately joined him as they put together dinner. Tiger finally showed up to camp about half an hour later. Ed went to his pack and pulled out the canned ham. Opening it, he set it on a plate for the cat to eat. Tiger bounded over and immediately consumed the ham. Once the ham was finished, the cat rubbed his head against Ed’s leg.
After taking care of the horses, Kim and Ed used the baby wipes to wash their hands and faces. There were trips to the toilet and other activities that were normal around camp. Finding someone else doing the cooking, Ed was at a loss for anything to do. The lack of activity had an unexpected consequence for Ed. He was having a very hard time staying awake.
Almost asleep, he was jolted awake when Kim whispered in his ear, “You can’t sleep yet. You’re still dressed.”
He sat up and cleared his head. Looking around, he realized that Kim was behind him. He turned to reply when she handed him a cup of coffee. He accepted the coffee and drank half of it in two swallows. The caffeine had the desired effect and he slowly regained enough energy to stay awake until dinner.
Dinner was a simple affair and Ed ate without savoring it. He was impressed with the Indian Flat Bread. They drank the last of the water that Ed had carried out. As a change of pace, he and Kim added Tang to their water. After the first sip, Ed said, “Smart idea bringing Tang.”
Kim said, “I always take some with me when I’m in the field. It’s a necessity as far as I’m concerned. After too many days of drinking just water, I need some flavor.”
Curious, Ed asked, “What about iced tea mix?”
Nose wrinkling, she said, “Tepid iced tea? Give me a break.”
Caught off guard by her answer, Ed broke out laughing. Still chuckling, he said, “A lady after my own heart.”
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>>>>>> We walked into the doorway, hesitating just inside until Paul Weber came to greet us. I introduced Scarlett as my fiancée and then we walked in to greet Chuck Evans. I ignored the two underlings, having explained their situation to Scarlett earlier. She ordered a glass of Chardonnay while I ordered a gin and tonic before asking Scarlett if she wanted a few shrimp or a canapé. She declined indicating that she’d had a big lunch and was saving her appetite for dinner. I had just...
***Comments welcomed*** Chapter One: Elder Blake was excited. In less than 48 hours, he would be stepping foot on to another continent. His feet would be exploring a new country, a new village, and assisting with a new mission. His group consisted of 5 other Elders from his faith. (To keep confusion to a minimum, we will refer to him as Blake throughout the story.) Blake was very attractive growing up and most peers in school assumed he would break away from religion and move...
So happy today, my date is going to take me out for a nice diner today, that’s why I’m wearing this nice sexy red dress. He is such a great lover, the best lover & he has a big cock too! What I would like is to go out for diner then take him back here for dessert! He has a nice big dessert for me. Oh look here he is, let’s have dessert before dinner! I’m ready for a nice sweet, big juicy cock, in my loving mouth & in my pussy! Feed this passionate Latin gal, I want...
xmoviesforyouMy wife tried to arouse me many times, but in vain. I could see her agony. She remained sexually unsatisfied. I felt so more, since we both used to enjoy sex almost 4 to five times a week. One midnight, I woke up to have a glass of water. I saw that my wife was sitting on bed, trying to masturbate. She was weeping. I knew the cause of her sorrow. I pulled her near me and said, ‘Darling, I know your agony. It is our fate that I am useless now. But I love you too much. I do not want you to be...
IncestI have known Saurabh for about 7 years now and we used to study our management together in Delhi. Saurabh had quite a reputation with the ladies. And I knew he was well endowed I got married about 4 years ago and I have a healthy sex life with my wife. Neelam is about 32 years of age. She is 5’5 in height, beautiful silky black hair to her waist. Her soft boobs but firm globes are a knockout. She is about 30 in waist and has a fair complexion. Saurabh came to Mumbai from his hometown in Bhopal...
Hi my dear ISS readers, I am very new to this site, but after reading lot of incest story and I feel I am not alone in this world. So I like to share my life story here for you all. And I am not master in English so please forgive me for mistakes which you face while reading it . Coming to the point my name is Abir and my sister Parwyn she is 24 right now but at the time we started our sex life at that time her age was 20 so we having a successful 4 years of sex life and going on till day....
IncestThe next morning, we slept late. By the time we made it to the bathrooms, the high schoolers had left. Laura and I hit the trail early, sloshing our way to through the dew. It was difficult not getting wet when brushing up against things. By early afternoon, most of the clouds had disappeared. The sun warmed us up, and dried us off. We returned to camp in the mid-afternoon. A change of clothes was in order, as was a shower. The hot water felt great. I was feeling frisky. When Laura returned...
I hadn't mentioned it to anyone yet, but word of our drunken threesome traveled quickly around campus. Our peers were especially interested in that small detail of Ben's dick having found its way into my mouth. My roommate Chris came home the next afternoon and said, "I heard you and Ben really hit it off the other night!" I denied it, but quite unconvincingly, and my smile gave it away. It turned out to not really be a big deal, though. In fact, I was surprised by the number of people who were...
Bisexual"You're shittin' me," Ed exclaimed. "Katie McEvers!" "Yep, " Ron replied drunkenly. "You wouldn't think a girl that cute would be such a slut." I kept my mouth shut. I wouldn't either, but I wasn't going to say anything. I got plenty of feel-ups and dry-fucking but none of the girls I dated would let me go all the way ... not that I really tried past the first "No!" Of course I had no idea what the other two guys really got in the way of sex, only what they said they...
Melissa and John have worked in the same office for over 2 years now. They have the usual joking and playing around that co-workers have, but lately they have been staying late together and there has begun to be a sexual undertone to all their joking. The sexual tension between them has been growing with every late night. She catches herself following him with her deep blue eyes from across the room. He always seems to find a reason to go to her desk and chat with her for a minute. Tonight was...
Straight SexCaughtKneeling on the cold, concrete floor beside the toilet, dressed in lingerie and wearing pink lipstick waiting for the door to open, my mind kept going around in circles to what led me here, wondering if I could have done anything different to prevent it.I remembered sitting on the toilet, I looked at my bight pink nylon and white lace panties, resisting the urge to play with myself. They looked so lovely against my pale, shaved legs above the stocking tops and garter straps. I blushed...
Todd was in my 8th grade class, but I hardly knew him. I was the brainy,nerdy k**, and he was the typical jock. That was not a combination thatreally had many common boundaries, and I don't think I said more than anoccasional hello to him all year long. However, just a few days beforeschool ended, Todd struck up a conversation with me and I was a bitperplexed. I found out that he lived just around the corner from me, and wedecided to walk home together. Along the way, a great friendship...
Holly Lace is ready to have some fucking fun and can not wait to strip off her tight little lace lingerie and show you that beautiful shaved pussy! She loves how Jake Adams large hard cock feels in her mouth and knows that it will be stretching out that pussy soon! Jake gets her down in some old fashioned missionary so you can see his cock penetrate that pussy deep! Holly just wants more and more wanting so badly to get in doggy to really feel that cock go deep! She gets her wish and Jake gives...
xmoviesforyouThe last day of work had been a stressful one so to be leaving to spend two weeks in the sun eased the tension in my head. I still wondered if the stress was worth it. I did enjoy my job to an extent but I was never sure if it was what I wanted to do in the long term. I did have to admit however that it had provided me with a lot of nice things recently, including the holiday. I couldn’t wait to get away.We had booked a villa on the outskirts of a popular resort in Spain. It was originally just...
Eddie, Dale and I left Bolling a little before three on Sunday afternoon. The weather was a little rough, and we had some turbulence that seemed to worry Eddie at first. Dale went back to sit with her though, and things smoothed out once we had achieved our regular cruising altitude. Dale came up after an hour back there with Eddie, and I gave her a brief lesson in how to pilot an aircraft. She was an apt pupil, listening well and asking questions when she needed more clarification. "You...
Introduction: Petra finally meets Tahlana and is tested I lie on my back on the firm, cool surface. The table begins to feel softer, and my arms and legs start to move. With a metallic ring, the silver protrusions along the edges snap across my arms and legs, pinning me. The arm and legs sections of the table continue to separate until Im spread eagle. Then the leg parts bend until Im positioned like in gyno stirrups. Im not used to having a bald pussy and the exposure heightens my lingering...
My sexy stepsister, Maya Farrell, loves her culture – just look how hot she is in her hijab. But when she finds out that she has to go through with an arranged marriage, she’s heartbroken. I want to make her feel better about pleasing her new husband for the first time, so I offer to show her the ropes when it comes to sex. She tries to practice on her own, snapping a few dirty pics and sending them my way. Once I see her virgin body, I rush to her room and pound her doggystyle. Too bad our dad...
xmoviesforyouSusan awoke in the morning, feeling marvelous, with soft lips upon hers. She kissed back with her normal morning reserve. "I have made us breakfast, drawing upon your mind for guidance. I would not find the taste of your mouth unpleasant. Will you honor me with a proper kiss?" Alice asked. Susan smiled and pulled her back to her. Kissing her properly. Alice smiled and moaned softly through the kiss. Susan sniffed. "What's burning?" she asked. "Whups! I fear I have left the stove...
Mary had just suggested I take Mom in the bedroom and fuck her. As Mary, Mom and I sat, the silence was so strong I could hear the tick of the clock on the wall. No one was moving. Mary had that look again, the look she gets when she is inside my mind, reading my thoughts. She was waiting on me to act as though she already knew what I would do. Mother was watching me with frightened anticipation, hands folded tightly in her lap, so tightly her knuckles were white. She was naked to the...
Ethan took the drill downstairs to the garage, feeling a bit dazed. The image of his sister, naked, with the drill jammed between her legs, was burned into his mind. His erection strained against the front of his jeans and hurt like hell. He tried to force the image of Pam out of his mind, but his desire for her was far too strong. He wished she hadn’t told him to go away like that. He desperately wanted to lie on top of her and put his dick inside her, in place of that stupid drill. In...
If you have read our last story, you’ll know we have a special relationship with one of my wife’s ex’s, he’s a safe male for us to play with and we all know what to expect from each other. As with many men, I love watching my wife get well serviced and I had wanted to watch my wife and her ex ever since we first played together. Sure, she had sucked him and stuff, but this time I just wanted them to get to it while I spectated. Over a few weeks I got her horny for him, when we played with...
There were about half a dozen "cottages" in the area I lived. I'd lived there for years and had no idea that rivers of sperm were being spewed by grateful cocks on a daily basis, right within easy reach!I had two particular favourites. The best of the best was known (perhaps "renowned" is a better word?) far and wide as being a place that was 'worked' - that was parlance for a toilet where gay sex was available. It was particularly busy at lunch times and the office worker rush hour at around...