Phoenix Pt 4 Ch 11 free porn video

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‘I can’t think with her here!’ he realized frantically. ‘She’ll make me forget anything I try to figure out. I’ve got to get away!’

He remembered that he always kept his flyer equipped for backpacking. There was a tent, a bedroll and canned supplies for several days. He took the stairs down two and three at a time, jumping over the final railing. Opening what looked like a closet door under the stairwell, he trotted down the next set of stairs into the underground garage where he kept his vehicles.

Currently, he only had two; a two-wheeled old-style two-cycle combustion engine motorcycle of unknown vintage and the Mitsui Mach II flyer he’d received as part of his retirement package along with the cabin. It wasn’t a top-of-the-line model; it’s altitude ceiling was eight thousand feet and it would only do twenty two hundred kph. It was also a real gas hog, being equipped with only a turbine and not the much more efficient turbo-ramjet stutter combination that was just beginning to become popular when he retired.

Jake checked his flyer, quickly. It was fueled and ready to go. He climbed in and fired it up. The automatic doorway to the ramp opened up, revealing a sharply angled exit ramp leading to the desert surface. Bright sunlight lit up the ramp as the outside doors raised to clear a pathway for the flyer. The floor quickly lined Jake’s flyer up with the exit ramp and began moving it through.

When the flyer was halfway up the ramp, Jake pushed the throttle forward and was airborne, shooting into the sky. He pressed ‘Auto Location #1’. This set the autopilot to take him approximately fifty miles north of Bozeman to the town where he grew up and connected his vehicle and flight path into the nationwide flight grid.

He changed his mind and pressed ‘Auto Location #2’. This took him another five minutes north to the mesa near where Béla’s cabin used to be. That was the most solitary place he could think of now that Alicia had pre-empted his living space.

He sat back and watched the scenery on the horizon as it quickly grew, then flashed beneath him. The first few minutes of his flight were noisy and irritating. Then, with a slight feeling of being pressed back into his seat, the little flyer passed through the sound barrier and settled into the quiet, monotonous sound of air passing smoothly over the outside hull, a comforting sound familiar to all air travelers.

“Uncle Jake,” the speaker in the instrument panel squeaked. “Uncle Jake, I know you can hear me. Please come back.”

It was Alicia’s voice, pleading for him to return to her. It sounded tinny and artificial coming from the tiny speaker. He clicked off the speaker box.

Twenty-five minutes later, he passed over Bozeman. He didn’t like big cities, and, although he knew Bozeman wasn’t big, compared to New York or Chicago, it had done its share of urban sprawling in the last century. Skyscrapers, shopping malls and housing developments swallowed up the forests and farmlands that once separated Bozeman from his hometown.

The console beeped twice. Jake looked at the display. It was requesting a landing site. On ‘Auto Location #2’, there were three selections that he had input when he created the program. He chose number three. It was the most desolate place he knew of, and, to him, the most precious piece of real estate on the planet.

The console immediately beeped again. He looked at it, wondering what was wrong now. Jake read the display and laughed. He thought that was a pretty good idea.

'Admin code required.'

'Delete VR Alicia.'

He punched his admin code into the console.

'Admin code confirmed.'

The screen went dark. Jake suddenly realized he wanted to know what Alicia was doing behind his back. The console lit up again when he touched it.

“Monitor Alicia,” he told it.

The display brightened into an image showing Alicia in her tight fitting red flight suit carrying her bags through the front door toward her flitter. Even in the tiny monitor, her rear end looked delicious.

‘I hope she didn’t take anything of mine,’ he thought to himself, annoyed that he was still attracted to her.

Jake watched the desolate landscape grow as the little craft descended toward the top of the mesa where he and Béla had fallen in love. At one thousand feet, he switched to manual. All but one of the console lights showing his connection to the nationwide grid went out. Jake looked at it and tapped it with his finger. The button was marked ‘Tracking’.

‘God Damn,’ he thought, angrily. ‘Alicia is getting a little too nosey.’

Jake tapped his console to get its attention.

“Locate tracking source,” he told it.

He banked his flyer into a tight circle, killing off most of his forward speed. No matter how depressed he was, this old thing was fun to fly.

He was down to less than two hundred kph. In a few minutes, the flyer squatted down in the hard, dry ground. The air cushion created by the turbine blew sand and dust high into the air.

His console beeped.

'Tracking source located.'

'Tabor Investigations, Inc. Bozeman, Mt.'

'Turbine shutdown procedure initiated.'

So, it was Frank or Tanya who had noticed him go by. Well, if they saw where he was going, then they knew he wanted to be left alone. He felt slightly guilty about mentally accusing Alicia of snooping, but only slightly.

The console beeped again.

‘What now?’ Jake thought, getting irritated with all of these interruptions in what was supposed to be his self-inflicted exile. He looked at the display.

'Alicia outside tracking area location #4.'

'Recorded destination: Boston, Ma.'

'Continue tracking?'

“No.” he said. The console went dark.

At least, she wasn’t coming up here after him.

Opening the hatch, he was struck by the early spring heat of the blinding midmorning sun, now high overhead. He climbed out and dropped to the ground.

‘I should have worn a flight suit.’ Jake realized. ‘It would have protected me from the heat of the sun as well as the cold of the wind.’

Then he remembered that he had packed one in the luggage compartment. He went back behind the flyer and changed into it. Although it was an older, two-piece pants and jacket combination, he immediately felt more comfortable as the environment controls activated the suit's lining.

He looked around. It had been almost fifty years since he had last come here. There was no longer any trace of the old mining shack. The wall next to it, which had evidently been part of an even larger structure hundreds of years earlier, was only fallen rubble, now. There was no sign of where the ancient water pump had been. It had rusted completely away.

Jake walked around his flyer; checking it over and making sure it was still flight worthy. He didn’t find anything wrong. Pulling out his ration case, he opened a bottle of water and sat down on the low wing, wondering why he had come up here.

Alicia, of course, beautiful, blonde, the reason the word bombshell was invented – just to describe her and the effect she had on people’s lives. Did he love her? Of course not, he knew what love felt like. Did he hate her? Again, no. She had deceived him, but only regarding her pregnancy. Amend that to ‘pregnancies’. He pulled out his palm display unit and inquired into Alicia’s history.

As he read the display, he realized his private beliefs were being tested. He believed a girl should be allowed to get pregnant if she wanted to. And if she didn’t want to, she shouldn’t be forced to. Alicia had told him up front, in the beginning, that she wanted his child. At the time, she had also wanted him.

Now, Jake understood why Alicia had suddenly changed her mind and let him go. She’d settled for having his child. She had simply looked elsewhere for a suitable father. While she was looking, she had expanded her plans for her little dynasty to include much more wealth and power.

‘She found a rich, powerful man to help her to raise my firstborn,’ he thought to himself as he read the display. ‘While she was at it, she pumped out a bunch of half-brothers and half-sisters to keep my child company and to please the man she’d married.’

Afterwards, she’d tracked down Jake and gotten pregnant again, and did the same thing with her next husband. Was there actually anything wrong with that?

The only reason he caught her was that she’d confessed. For some reason, she had decided to play straight with him, now. Her parents could be coercing her. They didn’t like the idea of keeping secrets from their love partners. Or, maybe she was telling the truth. His daughter really did want to meet him, and she was no longer able to keep her covert agenda hidden.

Jake knew that if he had impregnated Alicia this morning, he probably wouldn’t see her again until her next husband died. He also knew that, however long it might be until he saw her again, he would forgive her. She had already asked for his forgiveness, last night.

He decided he did love her, after a fashion. He also knew he could never live with her. The complexity of her mind and her methods of solving problems would drive him nuts. She simply had way too much ambition for him to want to be partnered with her.


Jake woke up and looked around. He had fallen asleep sitting on the wing and leaning against the side of his flyer. The sun was setting, huge and bloated on the horizon, painting the earth and the cirrus clouds red, purple and orange. A cold, evening wind had picked up and had blown loose sand in his face. As it happened again, he realized that was what had awakened him.

He got up and stretched, trying to ignore his cold, stiff joints as they complained loudly about his falling asleep in this cool weather. Then he picked up his water bottle and drained it down his throat, ignoring the few grains of sand that had blown into it through the open top.

Opening the back of his flyer, he pulled out the pup tent and sleeping bag he’d packed into it over a year ago, knowing someday he’d want to come up here again. The food rations were canned and self-heating, so he wouldn’t really need a fire. But, after setting up his little camp, he searched out some brush and small pieces of wood, and built one, anyway. The desert night was cold enough to warrant one this early in the year.

He ate, not tasting the food, thinking about flying vampires and roasted wild rabbit as he sat, staring into the fire. Eventually, he fell asleep, again.

He could hear Béla’s ghost walking up behind him. If there were any place in the world where she would come to him, it would be here. She put her hands on his shoulders and began to massage them.

‘You’re tense, tonight,’ she said softly.

Jake looked up into her beautiful oval face surrounded by luscious, silky black hair. Her sparkling black eyes shone in the firelight as she smiled back down at him.

‘Miss me?’ she asked.

She always asked that. She bent down, pressing her breasts against him, bending his head backward and nearly breaking his neck as she pressed her chin against his nose and kissed him on the lips.

She was naked. She was always naked when she visited him. The cold air didn’t seem to bother her, but, after all, she was already dead. She backed away, allowing Jake to roll backward onto the backpack he’d been leaning against, and looked around.

‘Where are we, anyway?’ she asked. Then she spotted the flyer. Her face lit up with interest. ‘Ooo! Is this what cars look like, now?’ she asked as she walked over to it.

Reaching out in awe to caress the sleek metal surface, her fingers passed right through it. She turned away, a disappointed look on her face, and walked back to Jake. She dropped down next to him; her beautiful legs folding compactly beneath her, and put her arm across his waist, hugging him.

‘At least you’re real,’ she told him. ‘I wish I was still here.’

She gazed into his eyes. Jake still didn’t speak. He knew she wasn’t real. He was just dreaming, again. Béla looked around, not wanting to hear those thoughts.

‘I remember this place,’ she said, brightening up again. ‘This is where we fell in love.’ She laughed. ‘You made me…’

She stopped, a surprised look on her face.

‘Happy,’ she said, finishing her sentence. She had almost said, ‘Pregnant’, but then realized she had never told Jake she had carried his child for awhile.

Béla stretched out, half laying on Jake, holding him tightly, an incredibly sad look on her face. Jake wondered if, in all the years she had been visiting him in his dreams, this might be the first time she realized that she was truly dead.

‘No, that isn’t it. She thinks she’s still alive,’ Jake thought. ‘I got it. She’s acting just like Alicia was last night!’

‘Who’s Alicia?’ Béla asked, looking up at him.

Jake was surprised at her question for a moment, then he remembered that, at night, Béla could read his thoughts. He looked down at her and thought of yesterday’s and today’s events for her to see in his mind.

Béla lay quietly, looking over the information he had shown her.

‘You call yourselves ‘long-lifers’,’ she said, chuckling.

She didn’t seem a bit concerned that Jake was fucking Alicia or that he actually had children by her. In fact, she seemed to approve…

‘Alicia’s right, you know,’ Béla said, sitting up. ‘She’s trying to make as many ‘long-lifers’ as she can. We do, after all, have an entire planet to populate. And the people here will soon be becoming impotent. In only a few more years, only your ‘long-lifers’ will still be healthy enough to reproduce…’

Jake didn’t know what she meant. Béla felt frustrated. He never remembered what she told him. She hoped, at least, he remembered their astral lovemaking. Sometimes, she was sure her nightly visits with him were the only thing that kept her sane. She missed him so much, and he was still so far away, although every day now brought her closer.

‘Never mind,’ she said, and stretched up so she could reach his face. ‘Kiss me.’

She held herself upright with one hand, caressing Jake’s lips with hers as she worked her other hand into the front of his flight jacket, against his belly, and down inside his pants. Jake unfastened his pants so she could reach him better.

As he became aroused, he began caressing her slender body, lightly pinching her nipples and squeezing her breasts. She became more amorous as he did that to her. Then, sliding his hand down between her legs, he began playing with her pussy and clitoris. As he did, Béla squirmed in his grasp and bit him lightly on the neck, being careful not to break the skin. She was getting so aroused she couldn’t keep from moaning lightly with each breath she took.

Jake could feel himself getting hard as Béla’s hand stroked up and down. Then she was squirming her body up on him, still holding her cheek against his as she twisted her pelvis around, trying to get their bodies lined up properly without having to look.

Then Jake could feel the heated insides of her body surrounding him. Béla grunted as he penetrated her, than began quietly humping against him while she kissed and licked his face and neck. She made love to him with her whole body, sliding every inch of skin against him that she could manage to touch him with, desperately trying to make their lovemaking more real.

As Béla approached her orgasm, she began whimpering helplessly into his ear with each breath. Jake was ready to come, too. To help her climax, so they would do it together, he dug his thumbs into her stomach, just above her hipbones. He was rewarded with a sharp bite on the neck, piercing his skin this time. She quickly released her teeth from his neck, crying out in orgasmic bliss. Jake spasmed a half dozen times, drenching her insides with his cum.

Her energy depleted, Béla began to vanish, an anguished look on her face.

‘We’re almost here, my Love,’ she cried as she faded away. ‘I’ll see y…’

She was gone.

Jake woke up with a start, kicking the campfire with his boot. Béla had visited him, again. This time, they had talked a lot before they make love. He tried to remember what they’d said. It seemed important. The memories were fading away like a dream as he desperately tried to surround them with his mind.

He was losing her, again!

Her words were gone. Only his memory of their lovemaking remained, warm and sweet, yet far away and forever unattainable.

The tears ran down his cheeks, like they always did afterward. His most intense desire was that he would wake up and find that she would really be here. He knew with a bitter certainty that that would never happen.

He noticed that he had come in his pants. She had just been a dream, after all. He stood up and stretched, glad of the itchy feeling of cum soaking into his underwear as he moved. If that was all he had left of Béla, then he would accept it. But he wanted so much more of her than that.

He crawled into the pup tent and unzipped his sleeping bag. As he took off his flight jacket, he noticed a damp spot on the collar. He looked at it, not believing what he saw. He found his flashlight and shined it on the collar. He raised the collar to his mouth and sucked on the damp spot.

He hadn’t been mistaken. It was blood.

He felt his neck where Béla had bitten him when she came. There was no wound on his neck after all. He looked at his fingers. There was a drop of blood on them.


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Friday Mid Morning, On the Deck “It’s beautiful!” she said, as they got out of the car and looked around. The cabin looked like a log cabin off the side of a mountain somewhere, it needed a little TLC, but it was quaint. It sat a short distance from the lake, and was surrounded by trees and fall wild flowers. The trees were at their fall best—beautiful bright reds, oranges and yellows, with the pine trees adding the green. There was a porch that wrapped around the cottage. The front overlooked...

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Dad Fucks His Boy

Dad's strong, masculine body rests almost on top of mine. His right arm and right leg d**** over me, pulling me into his embrace. I can feel the warmth and weight of Dad's body and the whisper of his breath as he sleeps. I drift off to sleep in Dad's protective and nurturing arms.When I wake, I feel the thick head of Dad's cock sliding into my hole. I gasp as Dad's head stretches my hole, filling my ass with pleasure and desire. Dad pushes his thick cock fully into my ass. Dad holds his cock...

3 years ago
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One stormy night 1st half

Hi my name is Joe. I’m 22, I’m 5’9 and have black hair and brown eyes. My girlfriend named Kayla lives in an apartment that’s not too far away. I was on my way over there one Saturday night to surprise her for a possible date night. But by time I got there, it was storming out. So probably not the best night. But I was already there. So I went to the door and knocked. It took a minute for anyone to answer. Her female roommate Hope answered the door. She was 22 as well and she was 5’4 with...

4 years ago
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Kissing cousins

I had my 1st blow job from my cousin Joanne,very sexy,great tits,I was at my grandmas house takin a shower and she walked in when I was getting dry(my cousin) and I had a semi hard on,we both froze,then she said,I've seen you lookin at my boobs,you wanna see them,I said yes,my cock was getting harder by the second,she took off her t shirt and her bra covered tits just bounced,by this time I was fully hard,she giggled and put her hand anround my cock and started to jerk,she was lookin at it the...

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My story

This is my story.I married my high school sweetheart when I was 18.Lost my virginity to him the year before.We are happily married with 2 k**s in college.Like I said in my profile my husband is a very vanilla lover which I love but I just need more.So a few years ago I decided I needed more and that is when I started to cheat.He has no clue that I am cheating and he can never find out.I would give it up before I would ever let him find out.I go to extreme lengths to keep my affairs...

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Clairersquos day of orgasm denial

Claire was sitting at a table in the back of the coffee shop when I arrived. We’d been meeting off and on since we both met at a swingers club. Claire was single and enjoyed the no strings fun of playing with myself and my husband Phil.She smiled widely as I approached, her brown eyes lighting up. I pecked her cheek and sat across from her, brushing my soft summer dress as I sat. We made small talk as we drank our coffee. I slipped the sandals off my feet under the table and was able to raise...

3 years ago
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Guilt To Glory Making Out With Married Cousin 8211 Part 2

If you haven’t read part I then please read it first otherwise keep reading. Back in my room, my mind was occupied with guilt. I was thinking how wrong things have gone now. Though I knew it wasn’t my mistake but still I was sure that Ashmita di will not allow me to stay any longer. I was afraid she might tell all this to jijaji and he will beat the shit out of me and I will have to go. Besides guilt and fear, I was somewhat happy too. I hated to admit that I somewhat loved what happened and...

2 years ago
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Fucked by fatherinlaw

I want to narrate an experience of mine which I had with my father-in-law. I am a 27 year old woman. I’ve been married since four year. Of course, it’s an arranged marriage. My husband works in a private company and I am a house wife. My father-in-law is a widower. He lost his wife long back. Anyone could easily find out on seeing him that he is starved, I mean sexually. For about a year we were a happy couple, we toured around many places, hanged out well, everything was fine. It was off late...

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Night Burglar

Jason had been in and out of trouble since he was 10 years old. At the tender age of 10 Jason had stolen his fifth grade teacher’s purse and removed all the money and two credit cards. He probably would have gotten away with it had he not try to use the credit cards after spending the 85.00 cash he had stolen. Being his first offense and considering he was only 10 years old, the judge was lenient and made Jason work the money off by pulling weeds in the Court House flower bed for the next 3...

3 years ago
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A Beautiful Journey 8211 Part 4

Hello readers, welcome back to this beautiful journey. I am thankful to the readers for their valuable feedback. it helps me to make the story better. I am male and the sex story is completely fictional. Let’s enjoy the journey. Ayesha is growing very fast. It is a well-known fact that girls grow faster than guys. She was very excited about the changes in her body and I was satisfying her curiosity every time she needed. I was taking care of her studies as well. I was to explain her the chapter...

2 years ago
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It Was the Middle of Summer

(This is a long one guys and gals. There is a lot of fucking in it, but there is a lot of character development too. It is really a story about a deep friendship between three teenage girls. I call them my three little stoner chicks, but they’re way more than that. Cbsummers and I wrote this one together just like we did ‘It Was the Beginning of Summer’. It’s our goal in every story we write about them to reveal more and more about what makes these three little stoner chicks tick. But, in the...

4 years ago
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Angry Wife8217s Revenge

Hi this is huma with a hot story. Please send your feed back at I had married Anuj after a stormy love affair. My father never agreed to my marriage but I would not listen to my father. I loved Anuj with all my heart. I was crazy for his body, his 6 feeet strong body and 8 inch all muscle cock. My mother could read on my face when Anuj gave me a cock satisfied look. The bastard could really fuck,I mean REALLY FUCK. I could not move my body for hours after his cock-attack. He stole glances at...

2 years ago
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Who Took My Cherry pt4

Introduction: A simple talk takes many twist and turns… When I awoke Friday morning, I was feeling sick and nauseated again. This was the third day that I awoke feeling so horrible. The past two days I managed to go to school, but today I decided against it. Three men have shot loads into me, and the odds are one of them has knocked me up. Since my period was also late. I decided to talk to Mom before she left for work. Mom already knew something was wrong when I didnt wake up on time. I heard...

3 years ago
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GameplayerChapter 39

Sam, crouched in the back of the van with camera at the ready, quickly became alarmed when Madeleine did not emerge from the lobby on schedule. It wasn't like her to play fast and loose with instructions. All week long, she had behaved in precisely the manner that he had asked, on every occasion. Picking up his hated cellular phone, he called her room. When there was no response, he called the manager. "Marsh, is Madeleine Deneau in the lobby?" After a quick look, Marshall Craig replied...

4 years ago
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Keith MurrayChapter 6

Keith and Sam returned to their old neighborhood and set up camp. Keith couldn't help remembering the way Sam looked without her shirt on. Being basically a nice guy, Keith had given Sam as much privacy as possible, considering the circumstances they were living under. He had avoided her when she was bathing, though he had stayed close enough to go to her aid if she was attacked, and the courtesy had been reciprocated. Nevertheless, as the ache from the loss of his wife began to fade, Keith...

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Patiala Ka Patola 8211 Part II

Subse pahle mai aap logoan ko dhanayavaad karna chahta hoon ki aapney meri subse phli story “Patiala Ka Patola” ko itna pasand kiya. Sirf 3 din me 31 thousand logoan ne meri khani pdi aur unme se takribn 200 logoan ne mujhe mail kiye jisme unhonein meri story ki bhut praise ki thi. Dostoan mai apko ye btanac chahta hoon ki mai apni schi stories hi aap tak lekr aa rha hoon. Mujhe bhut hairani hoti hai jub mai logoan ki stories pdta hoon jub vo ye likhtey hain ki mai 25 30 minute tak chodta rha,...

2 years ago
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Foolish Flashing Fantasy

It is just after 10:00 at night.  After an exhausting seven hour trip I have finally make it to my fourth-floor room.  I am really pissed off that I have had to undertake this emergency business trip. Especially since it is to a city that I have never visited before.  As an avid flasher, I normally research the hotel where I am going to stay to make sure that it is amenable to my hobby.  This time though, with less than a days notice, I did not have the time.  My first meeting is at 8:00 in the...

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TeenPies Honey Moon A Virtual Match Made In Heaven

Honey Moon has been devastated ever since her boyfriend broke up with her for cheating on him. But they say the best way to get over a guy is to get under one, and that is exactly what Honey has on her mind. She gets on a dating app and matches with our lucky stud, inviting him to come over right away. When he gets there, he sees how hot this sexy little Asian chick is and then reveals that he is actually a high school student. Honey does not let his age get in the way. She whips his tree trunk...

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the Best

The Best “So how about it? Is Holly a good cocksucker?” Lewis asked. “I can hear you guys” she responded. My wife was laying on her stomach near the pool. “Then you can hear my answer……..I don’t talk about that stuff.” I said. “Oh come on” he chided “All white women like to suck cock. How about it Holly are you any good?” She lifted her head up, turned around to look at Lewis. “I’ve never had any complaints. He says I’m the best.” She said looking over at me. “Well how the hell would he know/”...

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College life 10

***********************When the door opened at Corey's room after a slight struggle, I saw a guythat I vaguely recognized from the rec center that worked out sometimes atthe same time we did. He was in Corey's bed with a sheet over what appearedto be his naked body. My heart broke right there."I can explain," Corey said in a panic yet very nervous and in his boxers."No... you can't," I said with tears in my eyes. "I don't guess I was goodenough for you!"I slammed the door in his face and...

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Schoolgirls DisciplineChapter 5

In the first row, Suzie bit her bottom lip and squeezed her rosebud clit as hard as she could. A hand crept into her lap, and Suzie smiled at some little blonde girl, then sat back in her seat and spread her legs as the little blonde dropped to her hands and knees on the floor and started to chow down on Suzie's cunt. Suzie leaned back in her seat and looked up at the stage to enjoy the sight of James raping Cindy. Cindy beat her arms on the mattress helplessly, flailing about and screaming...

3 years ago
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My Wife

Lying in our matrimonial bed with Mary resting her head on my shoulder with her arm over my chest cast my mind back. Back to that day twelve years ago when I had escorted Mary Murphy and her mother Betty back from the cemetery after burying her husband, her son of ten and her daughter of thirteen. All three incinerated in a car crash. The only way they were able to identify them was by DNA and dental records. After the wake I sat on the sofa with both these women sobbing their hearts out on my...

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DchasChapter 14

When he saw everyone was finished with breakfast Jim tapped on his coffee cup to get their attention. "We would like to form three groups this morning. Hopefully we can focus on some immediate issues for the next week. Let's have Sarah's group plus Tara, Erin and Claudette start an accelerated training program this morning on Donna's systems. The nominal leaders will be Sarah and Rusty. Then Bob and Stan can lead another team consisting of Stan, Julia, Nancy, Susan, Alice, Jean, Andy, and...

1 year ago
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Porn Comix One! Usually, I’d say that we’ve had more than enough porn comic sites and that at this point, there’s no need for more of them, but I’d kind of be going against my adage about how there can never be enough porn or porn websites out there. PornComixOne is yet another entry in the world of porn comic websites, serving to compile and provide you with a bunch of porn comics for you to jack off to easily, without having to scour the web for quality smut. That being said, their standards...

Porn Comics Sites
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Her breasts are purple and throbbing

I walk into the room and slam the door behind me. She is suddenly awakened from her sleep. More of exhaustion from her capture but she knows from the look on my face she is in trouble. She sees me in my full military uniform and knows her interrogation is about to begin. She tries to stand, flail her arms and get away from me all at the same time but unknown to her i tied her arms together at the wrist and elbow then to the back of the chair making her chest burst forward. In her restraint she...

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My wife certainly had a virgin cunt when I first penetrated it as I still well remember how we were both rubbed raw following the consummation of our commitment to each other and she rarely enjoyed anal sex, but her mouth was certainly not virgin territory as she,d decided to compromise by sucking her boyfriend,s cocks and having had a fair few due to her good looks and stylish mini dresses she,d had a few by age twenty two and somehow satisfied them by sucking them off.. She discovered...

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I find out I am the guest of honor at the poke her party

Brad and I love football and are able to meet regularly during the season to watch our favorite teams play.  His wife hates football so he has a built in excuse to be gone on either Saturday or Sunday during the football season.  We enjoy the games, whether they involve football or we have our own private games.  Brad has three friends from his military days that often join us.  Silver is a very handsome African-American, with a body that looks like it was chiseled from a solid block of ebony....

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 1 Camping

Chapter One – Camping Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, first, grope, magic, mc, Harry was having the best time of his life; he was with the people he cared about the most, and he was at the event of the year; the Quidditch World Cup. Harry, Hermione, and most of the Weasley family had just arrived at the campground, and Harry already knew it was going to...

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Baroda 8211 Shared Auto Experience Into Hot Session

Hello ISS readers specially Gujarati readers. As I am from Gujarat, from baroda. So hope you are enjoying this site as well. So let’s start now. I am 23 year old and working for a good company. And I am decent looking for sure. I love to chat with girls and specially 30-35 year olds. As a hot blood age, everyone knows that we are in naughty mood always. So here and there we find something naughty in women. Always try to catch some glimpses. ;-) and girls are also naughty at this age. ;-) So...

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Hello doston mera naam prince hai aur mai Kanpur up me rahta hoon meri age 19 hai par na to meri koi gf hai aur na hi maien aaj tak kabhi kisi ladki ka badan dekha hai to sex ki baat to bahut door hai par iska matlab ye nahi ki mai story nahi likh sakta mai ISS par karib 2 saal se story padhta hoon aura maine soch ki kya hua sachhi ghatna na sahi koi story hi banayi jaye kya fark padta hai matlab to uske spicy hone se hai to mai 1 kahani likhne ki koshish kar raha hoon agar aapko ye acchi lage...

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Beware the RoasburiesChapter 16

Monday 21st and Tuesday December 22nd 1970 Monday morning I was up early and went out for my run in the dark: it was the shortest day of the year. When I returned she had made tea and was sitting at the kitchen table waiting for me. She had the radio playing radio 2 and she was reading one of my books. “Just a quick shower, and I’ll be with you,” I said passing the door of the kitchen. “Want your back scrubbed?” she asked with a salacious grin. “You’d get your clothes wet,” I said. “I...

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My first daddy cock

My first summer home from college I was asked to paint trim for my neighbor. Our neighbors were a nice looking older couple. They were in their 60s and newly retired. On the morning I was to arrive to start painting I entered the mud room and found the paint and brush. As I did I heard sounds from upstairs. It sounded like a woman was getting fucked. That made me horny. I quietly went up and approached the bedroom. I looked at the dresser mirror where I had a view. He was on his back with his...

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