Phoenix Pt 3 Ch 04 free porn video

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Béla awoke with a start. The curtained canopy overhead told her she was in her own bed at the manor. She looked down at herself. Her belly was smooth with fresh, new skin. Remembering what she looked like before, Béla realized that someone had done a really good job of cleaning her up. She felt squeaky-clean.

Béla twisted and stretched to get more comfortable. She didn’t remember the bed being this lumpy. More awake now, she looked to see what was underneath her. The lumpy thing she was lying on was her sister, Elaine. Elaine was asleep. Dried blood streaked her neck and breasts. She looked haggard.

Elaine was dreaming. Béla lay quietly and listened to her sister’s thoughts.

Her consort is attacking her with a knife?
No! What the hell is that? She’s pregnant with it!
Holy Fuck! That thing is from Hades!
There’s one crawling on her!
Pick it up! Absorb it with my mind!
It’s hungry! Push it out into the fireplace!
It screams! It’s not a plant! Burning up!
Someone tried to kill her! The fire burns!
Kill them! Kill them all!

Elaine woke herself up with her nightmare. She looked up into her sister’s eyes. She looked frightened.

“Are you all right? What was that thing?” were the first words out of Elaine’s mouth. “How did it get inside you? Are there more of them?”

‘Peace,’ Béla radiated at her sister, smiling to ease her mind

“It was a gown,” Béla told her. “It was created for the evil Count we deposed last spring. I didn’t know it was alive.”

“I didn’t know such a thing could be alive!” Elaine exclaimed.

“I don’t know what he might have wanted it for,” Béla mused. “It’s so dangerous. If Captain Lorraine hadn’t warned me…”

I know what it was used for. Shut down, dammit! She won’t want to know! Oh, Christ! She hears me! She knows!

‘Everything! Now!’ demanded Béla in Elaine’s mind.

Image: The Goddess Jolene is holding court in the entrance hall. Bard Geoffrey accuses a handmaiden. She is discovered fleeing the district and is dragged before the Goddess Jolene by the goddess’ sisters and mind-raped.

The Goddess Jolene sentences the girl to immediate public execution. She is to suffer the same fate as she wished on the Goddess of the Land. She is tied to a lamppost. Leaves of the evil plant from the ballroom floor are placed on her. Water is thrown on them. The plant grows. The woman screams for a long time. What is left and the plant are doused in kerosene and burned.

Béla lay, stunned by her unwanted knowledge, tears running down into her hair and ears.

“We’ve been under martial law for the last three days waiting for your recovery,” Elaine said quietly. “Nobody’s being allowed to do *anything*.”

“I would like to have talked to her,” Béla said, softly, “I thought she was a friend. She hid her intentions well.”

“She was using drugs to hide her thoughts. LaCrosse had them, according to Jolene,” Elaine informed her. “I can show you the record of the sentence. Jolene keeps good records.

"I'm not interested in court records," Béla interrupted. "I just wanted to know why..."

“Béla, Sister,” Elaine said, hugging her, “don’t feel bad for her. She was the former Mistress of this Manor. She was as evil as LaCrosse.”

“Can I talk to Jolene?” Béla asked. “I can’t link with her. Where is she?”

“She’s using the thought dampener we found in the dungeons. Her mind is troubled. It helps her sleep.”

‘She’s thinking the device will protect her from me. She knows I run my district with a gentle hand and wouldn’t have executed Sarah, rather, the Lady Sarah, for tricking me into wearing that gown. According to Captain Lorraine, there was a safe way to wear it. Maybe she thought Jeff knew.'

Elaine watched her sister work the data through her mind. She knew that the bitch ‘handmaiden’ was aware of Jeff’s ignorance and believed that using the plant to execute Sarah was the correct decision. Elaine had enjoyed watching Sarah die as she was slowly consumed, without haste, as only a plant can do.

‘Such hatred, Sister,’ Béla said in her mind. ‘It’s so unbecoming of you. Why do you hate so much?’

‘My sister walks backward to control herself now that she has Carte Blanche,’ Elaine’s thoughts cried. ‘You worry about what you might do to others, but it’s always done to you! You are always being mistreated! You should be happy, but people are always doing things to you!’

‘I have done my share of killing,’ Béla explained, ‘as have we all. What has befallen me in the past was not entirely undeserved…’

‘But I… We… It hurts so much!’ Elaine was crying, sobbing hysterically.

Béla embraced her sister, radiating peace at her. Elaine wasn’t having any of it. She needed to cry, to release the pain.

‘Relax, Sister. We will travel in your mind and find the cause of this unhappiness. What makes you feel the pain?’ Béla asked.

‘When they hurt you!’ Elaine cried. ‘No one should hurt you! It burns me when they hurt you!’

There was an image behind what Elaine was saying. Béla was pretty good at finding true causes. She’d had months of practice as a justice.

‘What is that?’ Béla asked, and dream-walked into the image.

The Espirito Sheba is holding audience in a rocky chamber. There is a sacrificial altar in the center of the chamber. The old medicine man had gifted her with his incense, intensifying her psychic receptivity beyond her ability to control it. She can feel the blood lust of her people. The boy before her must be punished; sacrificed in the place of the virginal sacrifice he had defiled.

The chanting and the drums were intoxicating. The power she felt was unimaginably sating. The boy was carried to the altar. The emotions of the people washed through her and she radiated it back to them. She crossed over the fire pit on the narrow stone walk. The intense heat from the coals blistered the skin on her feet and legs and set her ceremonial gown on fire. It was much hotter than had been explained to her.

She saw the old medicine man grin and raided his mind. He expected her, his competition for control of his tribe, to burn with her sacrifice when she sat astride him. She mounted the young boy anyway, certain that she could survive the sacrificial fires. As he came inside her, the fires roared up around them both. The boy lying beneath her on the altar began screaming as he burned.

The Espirito Sheba, completely surrounded by fire now, plunged the ceremonial dagger into his chest as she orgasmed, then pulled it out. She bent down and drank his blood as it spurted from his wounded heart. In physical contact with the boy, she felt his joy that he was being sacrificed instead of the young girl he loved. He would never have wanted her to suffer like this. It was his last thought.

The Espirito Sheba turned and walked back along the narrow walkway, her robes burning into ashes and falling away from her. Her black and blistered skin rapidly regenerated as she walked, her flesh renewed by the fresh blood of her sacrificial victim. She still carried the sacrificial knife. She planned to use it to cut out the treasonous old medicine man’s heart. Frozen in terror, he watched her approach, finally recognizing her godhood as her skin turned from blackened charcoal back into fresh, healthy flesh.

A movement on her left distracted her. A girl ran out from the chanting crowd and stabbed the Espirito Sheba in her bare breast with a small carving knife. Then the girl was grabbed by a ceremonial warrior and held tightly.

“Throw her in the fire with her lover!” the Espirito Sheba snarled.

She looked back toward the medicine man. He was gone. She never saw him again. That was the beginning of her reign of terror. It would end with her people scattered to the four winds, her temple destroyed, and the reincarnated spirit of Sheba imprisoned inside the Praetor, forever living her life in dreams, over and over again, time without end.

Béla and Elaine sat on the bed, arms around each other. Neither spoke. There was nothing to say. After a time, Elaine pulled away and sat up. Her eyes were dry. Her cheeks were speckled with the tracks left by her tears.

“You rescued me from that hell,” Elaine said, flatly. “But I still live with it. Every time you’re hurt, I hear them screaming; those two lovers. Their crime was that they cared. You care. I’ve never met anyone who cares like you do. At my best, I am so much less than you. I can’t compete with you. I can only worship you.”

‘That’s it!’ Béla realized. ‘Elaine hates herself for what she’s done. She needs to believe that ‘good’ is possible for her.’

Béla had no idea how to convince Elaine she was good. Talking to her wasn’t going to do it.

“You’re starving!” Béla suddenly realized. “Haven’t you eaten anything?”

“No, except for the execution we all had to attend,” Elaine said, “I’ve been here with you.”

“Hasn’t anyone brought you anything?” Béla asked, incredulous that her sister would be ignored that way for three whole days.

Elaine raised her eyebrows and shrugged her shoulders. She hadn’t thought about food, except for what sustenance she could provide for her wounded sister. Since she hadn’t broadcast her need for it, no food had been offered. Besides, she knew where the dining room was – it wasn’t like she was helpless or anything…

Sighing with new frustration, Béla closed her eyes and expanded her awareness, taking ownership of everything she absorbed. There was a human in the hall bringing food to the guard outside her bedroom, another human. She didn’t know either of them.

‘These must be Jolene’s servants, set to insure my safety,’ Béla thought. ‘Well, they’re mine now…’

She reached in and changed the intentions of both the servants. As the server arrived with the tray of food, the guard opened the bedroom door and ushered the server in. He waited by the door while the server placed the tray on the bed, bowed, and left.

“Wow!” Elaine said, totally surprised. “That was fast! How do you do that?”

She looked at Béla with new wonder.

“How do you know all the stuff you know? Like dream-walking and teleporting and, and finding stuff in people's heads, and that mind-pain separation trick. I could’ve used that when I was in that fire. That really hurt. It took all my concentration to keep from screaming while my robes burnt off me.”

Béla gazed lovingly at her sister, not quite knowing how to explain the way her mind worked. She wasn’t sure she understood it, herself – at least, not well enough to explain it. She simply did what was needed. The methods usually worked themselves out. She could usually explain what happened, ‘after the fact’, but she never really understood ‘how’ she got there.

It was all too confusing, anyway, and Elaine was sitting on the bed, naked, gazing at Béla in rapt admiration and looking much too cute and sexy to just let her sit there with all that luscious blond hair and do you have any idea how good you look right now?

Elaine grinned as she felt Béla's admiration of her body. Reaching down, she picked up an orange and bit into the peel to break off a piece with her teeth. She took a bite of peel, then spit it out. Then another, and another. When she had the orange about half-exposed, she bit into the flesh and sucked quite a bit of juice out of it. She took another bite, the lay back on Béla's bed and squeezed the rest of the juice out on her belly.

‘Yeah!’ Elaine thought at Béla, throwing her head back with a great burst of lust.

Then their faces nearly collided as the two sisters greedily reached for each other. In their enthusiasm, they didn’t even notice when they rolled off the bed and onto the thickly carpeted floor as they wrestled playfully, each trying to draw first blood on the other.

Béla won, but she had spent the last three days resting and sucking on Elaine’s neck whenever it was offered, while Elaine, although excited and aroused, was much nearer to exhaustion.

“Ooh,” Elaine murmured as she lay on the floor. She giggled and tried unsuccessfully to fend off Béla’s sharp little teeth piercing her left nipple, then finally just lay there and let her dark-haired sister have her way with her. It was pleasant, anyway – all that sucking sensation in her breast going right to her pussy…

“You’re really wiped,” Béla declared, releasing her extended nipple after a moment. “You’ve never given up that easily before.”

“Umm,” Elaine replied dreamily. “Feels good…”

She weakly radiated her lust up toward that sexy female that had her pinned to the floor.

“Do me…” Elaine murmured, and tried to pull her legs out from under all that weight to make herself more available to a warm, wet tongue that owed her a great deal.

Béla grinned down at her almost unconscious sister and bit her other nipple, trying to wake her back up.

“Ah!” Elaine cried out and tried to push Béla away, again.

“Can’t finish what you started, huh?” Béla asked, then sighed in friendly frustration.

Elaine felt that warm, wet mouth moving down her stomach and shoved her pelvis forward to meet it.

“Yeah… that’s it,” she murmured as Béla reached that special little nub of pleasure.

Béla licked Elaine’s clitoris directly and a little roughly, trying to get a more active response. Elaine twitched several times, then completely relaxed. She didn’t even move when Béla bit down on it, drawing blood.

“Oh, well,” Béla sighed.

She crawled up next to her sister and dropped down beside her with one arm over Elaine’s warm, soft stomach. In another moment, she was asleep with her lips pressed softly against the side of Elaine’s now-healed breast, seeming to kiss it as she dreamed.

The food tray sat on the edge of the bed, forgotten, for now.


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In Your Room

It's three am and I can't sleep so I get up out of bed, go into the living room, turn on the TV and have a beer. Your mom is still in bed and I turn the TV down, but she had most of a bottle of wine before bed so it won't matter anyway. I flip through the channels and there are a couple of soft-core movies on. One has a young secretary sucking off her boss at work. I watch that for a while, finish my second beer, and glance towards the hallway that leads to your room. I start thinking about how...

3 years ago
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Island Vacation 2

“You know, Jen is still pretty much a virgin. That one time hardly counts and we already know she has our huge sexual appetite. I think you and not Jason should be the first one to show her how amazing sex can be.” Amber wanted it to be her husband because she knew how good he is in bed and Jason is still very inexperienced. Hank looked at his wife, “I was kinda thinking the same thing too. I’ll see where she’s at tomorrow and go from there. When she’s ready though I think you should be...

2 years ago
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The homeless

I was shopping with my wife one afternoon a frigid day in early January. We had just left Walmart and I drove past a homeless man leaning against a stop sign with a handmade sign exactly like the one I describe here. I have often wondered how people become homeless and why so few of us seem to care. That sighting was the inspiration for this story. It’s long so I’ve divided it into six parts. I hope you enjoy it. Sr. Longo It was the sign I saw first—“HOMELESS,” it said—just some marker on a...

4 years ago
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Dressed to the Nines

The magic of black cockThis was my first real experience with Black Cock. it was right after my divorce. I ran my ads as a crossdresser on a few dating sites and on Craigslist. I recieved a message on a site from a member whos profile mame was BBCRicky. My interest was immediately peaked. His profile discribed him as a dominant black male 6'4" with a 10 inch thick cock. He was older in his late 40s, Interested in meeting petite submissive white sissy which fit me perfectly. I replied back and...

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The Yellow Book Fantasies Ch 20 Two Latinas One Dick

One day I woke up on social media and got two invitations to weddings. One was Amber's. I thought about her and winced as I thought about our last sexual encounter. I still wasn't totally over her.The second one was Ashley's. I was not expecting that one. Now, I'm cool with the both of them. However, it would seem awkward to show up at Ashley's wedding with me fucking her in college not too long ago, and vice versa with Amber. I needed some advice from a female perspective."You...

3 years ago
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An Open Letter to the Moms and Dads of College Girls

Dear Moms and Dads: Spring Break season has come to an end here in Florida, and I wanted to send you this little note. On behalf of the Governor of The Great State of Florida, Charlie Crist, and myself, thank you ... I mean, really THANK YOU! ... for sending your high school seniors and college age daughters to the beaches of sunny Florida for Spring Break. You know that for the last 6 to 8 months we've been putting up with your parents. Your whiny, lard-assed, always complaining parents...

1 year ago
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From Kolkata to Bangalore Incredible Experiences

Hey guys, I’m Nikhil from Kolkata. I’m back with the recent encounter that I had during an internship. Sorry for being off ISS as I was busy these months. Also, I write my own real experiences and didn’t have any of them left to be drafted. So this was also a reason for not writing. I’d like to make it very clear that although I take plots from my readers, I do not trade in details/contact with any of my readers. So guys please don’t ping to get details/contacts of anyone. I’d recommend that...

3 years ago
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Tonys PC problems

Tony has been asking me for the past two weeks to stop by and take a look at his PC, "That shit has got a virus, its running slow and shit I can't do nothing on it" he said to me yesterday "Aiight man, I'll stop by later tomorrow" "thanks man, I'll leave the key under the mat for you". Its not that I didn't want to help him but I've been very busy. I honestly was very upset when I finally got to his apartment, one ticket and almost an accident. I was thinking so bad of going home. I opened the...

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Creating the Pack ch 11

In just a few days it will be my 18th birthday and some friends of mine are planning a gift that they say I won't forget. My friends and I are all, as the jocks call, nerds so who knows what they are planning. I bet they are going to do something big but who knows, guess i’ll have to wait and see. Todays the big day and the guys have asked me to swing by Fred’s house after school. So after hours of painful trigonometry and algebra 2 along with AP classes I finally drive down to Fred’s place....

1 year ago
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Showing a Woman her First Cumshot

When I was a freshman in college in Wisconsin back in 1995 that winter break a female platonic friend of mine, Katie, fixed me up with a friend of hers. Her friend, Amy, grew up in a devout Lutheran household. Amy was my age but very inexperienced. My friend thought I would be a gentleman but also someone with whom Amy could experiment and learn about sex in a non-threatening environment. I think this was due to the several stories I'd told Kelly over the course of our first semester in...

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Caught by my sister

It happened quite a long time ago when I was 19. I was attending a local community college and a few days a week I would go to my sister’s apartment and get my 6 year old nephew off the bus and I would watch him for my sister who worked during the day and then had classes a few nights a week. I was a good looking kid although shy I had a few close friends but no real girlfriend, my sister was 26 a red head and ‘very hot’ according to my friends. She was 5’7” 110 lbs she was about a 34b up. One...

2 years ago
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Lovemaking With Son And Daughter Part 5

Mandhana took the 2-piece bikini and went inside the bathroom to change it. Mithun jumped into the pool with some big gym balls. After a few minutes, Mandhana came outside by wearing it. I was astonished by her beauty. She looked like a hot babe and bikini model. She has flesh wherever needed. Her huge boobs are of my size and she was jiggling while she was walking. I showed my thumbs up to her. She became shy and she moved towards the pool smilingly. Mithun was playing in the pool. After...

4 years ago
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Too Young

Introduction: Tamara was quite young at thirteen, but was she really a virgin. Sometimes I still like to think that she was. Fbailey story number 238 Too Young I knew that she was way too young but I just couldnt pass up the opportunity. She was just so young and innocent. She was also all alone. I knew that because I had been keeping an eye on her. Her mother had dropped her off an hour ago and had never came back. I watched her lying on the beach in her little girl bathing suit. It was a...

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The first fireworks shoot up into the sky, exploding in dazzling colours of green and purple and lighting up the faces of the crowd of Disneyworld. Within an instant, that firework dies down, plunging the crowd of Main Street into darkness.Another one fires up into the sky – blinding shades of blue – and that’s when my eyes found her again: the Disney worker dressed up Elsa, resting against one of the houses of Main Street, clutching her phone and peering into it as she tapped away, obviously...

3 years ago
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Haulin Ass

A couple months after I turned 20, I enrolled in truck driving courses then left home to start long haul truck driving. I’d been driving for a little over three years and gotten home only occasionally. I was home on a short vacation for the first time in months when dad came to my room and asked outright, “You want to get buzzed?” I didn’t hear him right, “What?” “Buzzed, stoned, smoke a bowl. Pot, it’s legal in Colorado.” My father knew I smoked pot in high school, and I know he indulged...

3 years ago
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Holly and I our second time together

I rang the bell and waited for Holly to let me in. She greeted me with a kiss and a dazzling smile. This was only the second time we had been alone together, on the first occasion a week previously we had been feeling our way with each other literally and figuratively. The first meeting had flown by as we connected so well. For this second meeting we had already discussed some plans. “How are you feeling?” Holly asked as she led me into the bedroom and started helping me out of my clothes. ...

1 year ago
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Elizabeth and AnastasiaChapter 7

After that faintest of feathery touches, Betty could feel the other girl's breath, light and warm, on her lips and face. She could smell the wine, and the hint of sweetness from Stacy herself. Opening her lips slightly, she began to breathe deeply and evenly. Once again those lips touched hers, slightly firmer, but still oh-so-soft. A tiny tingle ran from her lips down to the bottom of her spine, settling there. She moved then, causing Stacy to tense up and move her head back. Betty moved...

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I’m 24 Blondish, 36d 24 38…Yes that is my size. I’ve always had a way with the guys. But this one night…. My s****r Kim told me to come over to her house for a card game. As usual, I brought the Hennessey and Chip n Dip. I wore a tight top no bra a short skirt and thong panties. It was hot and when we play cards it get that much more HOTTER. She only invited her boyfriends friends…ALL GUYS. 4 guys and us 2 ladies just enjoying a few games of cards and liquor. ALL the guys was eyeing my breast,...

1 year ago
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Proper Planning To Fuck My House Owner

Hi, I’m Manoj from Bangalore and this is my second story. Before starting the story I would like to thank ISS readers for your wonderful feedback for my first story ‘’ and I am requesting you to provide me with the same support and feedback for this story too. Kindly provide your valuable feedback to Now coming to the story I’m going to tell you that how I planned and fucked my landlady and owner of my house, aunty Suma. She’s also a far-off relative of my dad. Suma is 25 years old 1 year...

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DistributionChapter 10 Discovery in the attic and a letter

We dashed upstairs to change into clothes appropriate for a Sunday morning. Paige removed the short robe and reached for her panties, but I was too quick for her. "Brian, we can't." I rubbed her warm tummy from behind, letting her feel my cock poke through the front of my shorts. "You excite me." "Brian, there's no lock on the door. They'll walk in on us." "They wouldn't dare," I said, feeling a breast in one hand and cupping her pussy with the other one. "Oh, Brian," she...

2 years ago
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Sex May The Fun For All Gentles

Hi this is Prithiv the regular reader of iss from Coimbatore .i m 20 years college student .usually me and my friend used to visit the near by departmental store to buy our necessary every month .that day my friend cannot came with me due to his illness .i went there to pick my things under required section .it was the month beginning so the store was crowded than the usual .i went to the each row and collect my things many people were crossing me while taking their things .suddenly i came to...

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Tied Up

Tied Up My husband is a big man. Strong of build with muscles defining his arms and legs. He could easily bench press 250 and I love him for every bit of it, but it was time to have some fun. I'm not the most sexual of people so I knew my husband would be surprised to what he was going to be coming home to this afternoon. Having gotten the strongest hand ties and leg ties I could. I went to set up the bedroom for a night of interesting lovemaking. I heard the distinctive sound of...

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My wife Rachel

Next morning there was still no Rachel. I showered, dressed, had breakfast, unpacked my suitcase, and went off to work, still mystified by Rachel's absence. I left work early that afternoon and was home by 4pm. Still no Rachel! At 6pm Rachel arrived home dressed for a normal work day. “Hello Brian. You're home early. Did you have a successful trip?” “Yes, thank you. So successful that I finished a day early. I was home here last night. Where were you last night?” “Oh! Well...

2 years ago
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A Darker UniverseChapter 16 A New Beginning

By the time they got to school, many of the girls were stripped and nearly all of the rest were wearing nothing more than underwear. The few who were still clothed were distinctly uncomfortable. Mr. Burns was waiting for the kids as they filed into the school and he was pleasantly surprised at the changes. He stopped Paul as they walked in. "Do you have the report that was due today, Paul?" Paul slapped his head. "Oh no! I forgot. I was almost late and I ran out without it. I can bring...

1 year ago
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The Naked InheritanceChapter 21 The Compact

Wendy woke up first. "Cole, wake up. Cole, are you awake yet?" She shook his shoulder and grabbed his penis under the covers. "Cole, you got a very lovely woodie!" She gave it a gentle squeeze Cole shuddered and snapped his eyes open. "Oh man, Wendy, stop that. I got to take a leak. Stop before I go right here in the bed." He rolled over away from her and shoved himself into a sitting position. He was secretly proud of the way his body grew a little stronger every day. Cole grinned as...

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Nice Shoes Part 1

Nice Shoes Part 1 By Deane Christopher Copyright 2004 Upon scanning the recently updated list of United's departure times, Ethan Eager Samuels internally fumed. 'Shit. Why the hell did I ever let the woman at the ticket counter back in Philly talk me into taking an earlier flight? Now, owing to an unexpected weather front over the Rockies, and the fact that I'm just too nice of a guy sometimes for my own good, I've got a five and a half-hour layover to look forward to. And, to make...

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Patricias Rainy Day Games

Sitting up in bed, Jordan looked over at the clock on the Night Stand. It's two o'clock in the morning, he thought. He could hear Patricia and Jane, the two petite little women he had spent the night with, breathing relaxed and light. He felt such warm affection for both of them as he watched them sleeping peacefully on each side of him. The two attractive women had indeed made his ultimate fantasy come true. For several torrid hours the evening before, they had given him a night of sweet...

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