Phoenix Pt 2 Ch 04 free porn video

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She tried to sit up and slipped, her head banging on a very low, concrete ceiling. Blindly feeling around her environment, she realized with some dismay that she was in a tomb, or something equally horrid. There were several decomposed corpses within an arm-reach of her. She was glad now that she couldn’t see them – some of them had felt… incomplete.

'Status report,' she subvocalized, activating her body monitor.

Her inner ear resonated with the response. 'Blood pressure one sixty over ninety-five. Heart rate is one hundred ten. Your blood sugar is sixty-eight. You are eighty-five percent hydrated. You have been unconscious for seventy-six hours. Location is… unknown.'

“What do you mean, ‘unknown’,” she asked out loud. “What is my GPS position?”

'No GPS signal is being received,' the unit responded. 'Your transponder is not transmitting.'

'Damn!' Tanya thought, angry, disgusted and a little frightened. 'Fucking thing must have broke when I fell! Frank won’t be able to find me! Seventy-six hours! Christ – that fucker must have killed me with that last shot… I must be buried with the rest of his victims! I've got to get out of here!'

Feeling her way over yet another dead body (this one was still slippery and was the main reason the air smelled so bad), Tanya found one side of this strange crypt she was in and managed to slide up the wall and stand up.

'Your pulse is one thirty-five and your BP is one eighty over one fifteen.'

Where she was at now was some kind of overhead vent. Where she had tried to stand originally, the ceiling was much lower. Standing on her toes, she reached as high as she could, but couldn’t feel the top of her compact little prison. But, at least, the panic she felt was lessened simply by the fact that she could stand up here.

The narrow vent, or chimney, where she was, was about four feet from side to side. Pressing her shoulders and head against one side, she began walking her feet up the other side, determined to climb up the shaft, spider-style.

'It’s a good thing I keep in shape,' she thought to herself as she struggled and grunted her way up the chimney. 'All that fucking makes good, strong stomach muscles. But my ass has never felt so heavy…'

It was a hard fifteen-minute’s workout to reach the top of the shaft. Tanya was sweating profusely and gasping with the closeness of the air. Her feet, shoulders and arms were rubbed raw. There wasn’t much oxygen in here, especially in the narrow little shaft she was in, and her legs and back were starting to cramp really fierce.

'Warning! Your heart rate is one hundred eighty and rising. Your blood press…'

“Shut up!”

Holding herself as steady as she could, pressing her shaking legs against the far wall, Tanya reached up and pushed against the top of the shaft. It didn’t move. In that instant she felt defeat and started to let herself slip. Savagely gritting her teeth and forcing every muscle in her body taut, she stopped her downward slide and, gasping for air now, worked her way back up to the top of the shaft.

Pushing upward as hard as she could this time, she felt the top move up, then drop straight back down, still in place. Panting for a moment to catch her breath, she realized it was now or never. She was out of air and starting to feel dizzy from the intense effort of holding herself against the sides of this rough, gritty shaft.

'If I don’t get this lid off now, I’ll die down here!' Tanya thought angrily. 'Frank will never know what happened to me…'

The thought of leaving her lifemate behind helped a lot. Tanya shoved heroically against the top of the shaft, turning it as she pressed upward so that the corners wouldn’t fall back into place this time. When it dropped down again, there was a large gap. Fresh air flowed in and Tanya took several grateful lungsful, then started shoving the top sideways as quietly as possible until there was a large enough gap for her to climb through.

There was enough light coming through for her to see now. She didn’t want to know what she was covered with. It smelled bad enough that she didn’t have to guess. She reached up for the edge of the shaft.

Her legs suddenly gave out, completely numb, just as her fingers grasped the top of the shaft. She dangled there for a moment, taking several deep breaths to calm her frayed nerves, then desperately pulled herself the rest of the way out and rolled over onto the floor. She lay there several more minutes gasping like a fish while she recovered from her incredible ordeal.

Sitting up and looking around, she found herself in a game room. There was a pool table, a ping pong table and an old-style computer console. An old-style mechanical pinball machine was providing the only light in the room from its display cabinet.

She grinned at her own annoyance at the flickering lights coming from the pinball machine.

'Tommy Walker should see so well,' she thought to herself, amused.

There were no windows, so she imagined that she was in a basement, or possibly even further underground. She pushed the entrance stone to the underground tomb back into place, then stood up and started searching for an exit.

In the next room, there was a staircase. There was still no light, but she heard footsteps on the ceiling above her. She nearly cried out when the light came on over the staircase, completely blinding her. She staggered blindly into the shadows underneath the stairs as the door opened above her. Someone stepped onto the landing over her head and closed the door.

Whoever was up there didn’t start down the stairs. Instead, they stood there for a moment, occasionally moving, scraping a foot against the platform and, perhaps, waiting.

Then Tanya heard the doorlatch. It sounded like it was being locked.

“Cats Eyes,” she heard a male voice say. The overhead light went out. There was still light radiation. It made her eyes hurt, but she couldn’t see. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, it seemed to be reddish, rather than pitch black. Once again, the only visible light was the flickering of the pinball machine in the next room.

“I know you can hear me,” the voice called out. “I can tell you’ve escaped. The smell of the crypt is unmistakable.”

He started down the stairs. “How do I know you’re loose? You tripped a motion detector – a simple, but extremely effective alarm. If you show yourself now, I promise you a quick death. If I have to find you, I promise that you will know the loss of each arm and leg before you die. You will learn what your entrails taste like. Choose quickly, for I grow impatient.”

Tanya couldn’t see where he was, but she could hear him. He was so busy blowing up his ego that she was on top of him before he saw her with his night goggles. She saw his eyes widen in shocked surprise in his lighted goggles just as her stiffened fingers crushed his throat.

As her hunter crumpled to the floor, his fingers squeezed the trigger of the energy weapon he was holding. The bright flash was blinding as it sprayed its fury across the room. Tanya twisted desperately to one side to avoid the blast, getting her left hip cooked in the process. The beam continued across the room, setting fire to the walls and furniture. After a few more seconds, it went out, the weapon’s energy depleted.

Blinded and badly wounded, Tanya lay gasping on the floor. The fire was making her surroundings more visible, but it was also using up all the air. She dragged herself to the stairway and started up, then remembered that she had heard the man lock the frigging door. Crawling back to the body, she searched frantically until she found a key.

“Thank God for stone-age technology!” she declared, then started crawling up the stairs and into the smoke collecting near the ceiling.

It only took a minute to crawl up the length of the staircase, and ten seconds more to unlock the door, once she found the keyhole, but in that time, she was completely blinded and was suffering from sever smoke inhalation. She was nearly defeated when she found that the door opened inward and she had to move out of its way in order to open it. Even though her microwaved hip was almost healed, she nearly fell off the landing and back down to the basement floor, catching herself just in time on the burning banister. It tore loose in her hand just as she climbed back up.

“This is just too fucking many near misses in one goddamned day,” she told herself.

She staggered through the door, filthy, naked and coughing violently, followed by a thick plume of blackish gray smoke.

She was almost to the outside door when she heard someone scream. There was someone else in the burning house. Taking a deep breath and venting it out in frustration, Tanya turned back and began exploring.

“Where are you?” she yelled out.

“Help me!” a woman screamed from another room.

Tanya turned in that direction. “Keep talking so I can find you!”

The smoke was getting thick and the floor was getting hot. She would have to leave soon or she’d find herself in the basement again. She suspected she wouldn’t get out so easily next time.
She went around the corner into the next room, then stopped and stared. Then she threw up.

There was a woman strapped to a table. She was cut open and surgical clamps were holding her abdomen open. The woman was alive and conscious, and probably in a good deal of pain.

“Help me!” she cried weakly. “I don’t want to be burned alive…”

“You want me to kill you?” Tanya asked, her voice unsteady and her eyes blinded with smoky tears.

“I don’t want to burn…” she replied, hesitantly.

Tanya blinked her eyes clear for a moment. The woman was an adult, probably only in her mid-thirties, but the look in her eyes told Tanya that she knew her life was over.

“Do you have a monitor?” she asked the woman on the table.

“He took it out,” she replied and moved her eyes to show where it was.

Tanya picked it up and pressed it back into the woman’s neck where she was still wounded. It crawled inside and immediately began to blink.

“Help is coming!” Tanya told her, hoping that the monitor’s transponder was still working.

Forcing herself to look at the butchery that was done to the woman, Tanya noticed that she actually wasn’t bleeding much. That fucking bastard may have been a butcher, but he knew his way around the inside of a body, and had evidently wanted to keep this woman alive for awhile.

She looked at the table. 'It has wheels on it!' Tanya noticed, suddenly becoming ecstatic.

Checking around the table carefully to make sure nothing was attached to the woman and there was nothing that would impede the table’s progress to the front door, Tanya shoved it out of the room and into the hallway.

The floor was smoking, now, and very hot on her bare feet. She knew that it would ignite in a few more seconds. She pushed the table down the hall to the front door, then switched ends.
Quickly opening the door, she lifted the wheels over the doorjamb and pulled it outside.

Checking on the state of mind of the woman strapped to the table, Tanya noticed that she was much more relaxed and realized that her body monitor was probably controlling her hormone levels now, preventing her from going deeper into shock.

As carefully as she could, she lowered the table down the three steps to the dirt of the front yard, then pulled it a little farther from the smoking house.

“Have you noticed that we’re always burning out the serial killers we find?” Frank’s voice came from behind her.

“Frank! Oh my God!” Tanya shrieked, then she was wrapped joyfully around him.

He quickly unwrapped her arms and pushed her away. “You smell terrible!”

“I was in a crypt!” she yelled at him, upset that he rejected her so readily.

He grabbed her arm as she turned angrily away and pulled her back against him. Obviously holding his breath, he kissed her several times on her mouth and cheek. Then he let go again and shoved her away. He took a deep breath

Then he noticed Tanya’s rescued victim. “My God! What happened to her?”

“This is what he does if he doesn’t kill you outright,” Tanya explained.

“Will she live?” Frank asked.

“I think so,” Tanya replied. “She's not bleeding much, and everything seems to be there. I must have interrupted him by escaping from my tomb before he could start taking his next victim apart. What took you so long and how did you find me, anyway?”

“I lost your signal like, three days ago,” Frank explained.

“That must have been when he killed me and threw me into that basement crypt he has,” Tanya said, recalling the last thing that happened to her before she woke up.

“He killed you?” the woman on the table asked weakly.

“Well, Hon,” Tanya replied, smiling down at her, “He thought he did, but I was lucky. You’re lucky, too. You’re gonna be all right, you know?”

The woman smiled and closed her eyes. Her voice was still weak, but had some humor in it when she said, “If you move away… a little, I could be better… right now…”

Tanya laughed tiredly, patted the woman’s arm, although she probably didn’t feel it, and moved downwind.

“How did you find me?” Tanya asked, feeling more like her regular self, now.

“I was responding to the emergency aid signal I got just a few minutes ago,” Frank told her. “You didn’t send that?”

“Well, not directly,” Tanya explained. “I reinserted that woman’s body monitor and it sent the emergency transmission. Mine’s broken. Transponder got shot up, I guess. It’s not transmitting, anyway.”

The sound of a hovercraft was getting louder. Frank took his backpack off and opened it, producing a shirt and a pair of shorts.

“Company’s coming,” Frank told Tanya and handed the clothing to her. “You should probably put something on.”

There was a medivac chamber on board the hovercraft. The two crewmen put the rescued victim into it, table and all, and it took over administering the drugs needed to ensure the woman’s survival.

“You saved her by putting her life monitor back in,” one crewman was telling Tanya. “That was a pretty brave thing to do by yourself.”

He was congratulating her, but made sure he stayed upwind of her, and both crewmen insisted that they were unable to transport her and Frank back with them – low fuel, you see, payload limitations… stuff like that.

Within the next fifteen minutes, three foam carriers arrived and buried the cabin in thirty-five feet of soapsuds filled with carbon dioxide. They wouldn’t give her a ride, either, but they did spray her filthy, stinking body down with a small suds dispenser.

Tanya ended up bathing in an icy stream a mile down from the no-longer-flaming cabin. Once clean, she and Frank hiked out to where their own flitter was parked.

“I know you like to be the ‘bait’, and take the main risk,” Frank said as they hiked down the trail and after Tanya told him what happened, “and I know you love the life and death struggle of it all, but if you don’t update your monitor, you don’t get to play anymore! You scared the hell out of me when your signal went dead!”

“I don’t get to play anymore?” Tanya asked playfully. “What if I let you fuck me in the ass?”

“Really?” Frank asked, teasing her back. “In your ass?”

“Yeah,” Tanya replied. “In my ass.”

“Deal!” Frank said cheerfully.

He stumbled once when she hit him in the back of his head with her pack, then they continued on down the trail.

They got home late and Frank had barely fallen asleep…


Béla stood in the sand, naked, her wings folded, her wing tips dragging behind her as she approached him.

‘There you are! I might have expected that you wouldn’t be too far away,’ she told him, almost laughing, happy to see her old friend. ‘You never did like moving around much, except maybe to follow me…’

‘Is that really you?’ Frank asked her, incredulous. ‘Tanya, wake up! Béla’s here!’

‘What? That’s impossible!’ Tanya replied, sleepily. ‘Go back to sleep.’

Frank grabbed an arm and dragged her from the bed into the desert scene created by Béla in their sleeping minds.

‘See, she’s right there!’ Frank said, pointing at Béla.

Tanya was overjoyed. Running over to Béla, Tanya hugged her tightly. Frank, afraid to touch Béla before, for fear she might vanish, came up and hugged her, too, tears of joy streaming down his face.

‘What’s with the wings, kid?’ Tanya asked her. ‘You an angel, now?’

Tanya ran her fingers along the line of one smooth-skinned wing as it was folded behind Béla, never having been this close to her wings before. ‘Wow! I didn’t even know shoulders could bend that way.’

‘This is my natural form,’ Béla told her oldest living friends. ‘I haven’t tried to change it in my dream state, yet. Give me a little space and I’ll try now.’

She raised her wings high in the air and forced her shoulders forward. Her wings metamorphed into arms. Both Frank and Tanya watched, astounded, as the delicate supports folded neatly against her rib cage, becoming indistinguishable from her ribs. The two bones that made up each forearm and the bones of her hands folded back together, her thinly stretched flesh and muscle quickly regenerating into its smooth, youthful appearance.

‘Well, it works!’ Béla grinned, and reached out to hug them.

Her body was tingling sensually from her metamorphic transformation. In addition, their enthusiastic hugging and kissing got very sexual in a very short time.

Frank and Tanya practically carried Béla into the image of their bed, where they proceeded to lick, kiss and suck her all over in welcome abandon. As she and Tanya passionately glued their faces to each other, Frank was down between her legs, caressing her clitoris with his tongue and working his hand up inside her.

Béla kept coming at an amazing rate. She knew it had been a long time, but hadn’t known she was this hungry for the pure, raw, loving sex her oldest living friends offered her. As Frank finally got his hand into Béla’s dripping cunt, Béla began exploring between Tanya’s legs with one hand.

Then Frank opened his hand inside her. Béla arched her spine and threw her head back, making a pure animal sound as she came on Frank’s hand. Tanya, her kisses and caresses interrupted, leaned over to see what Frank was doing to make Béla respond like that.

‘Wow! What are you doing down there,’ she asked, leaning down by Frank’s face as he licked Béla’s clitoris. Tanya saw Frank’s arm ending at his wrist. ‘Oh my god! You’ve got your whole hand in there!’

Béla screamed again as she writhed on the bed, ecstatically impaled on Frank’s arm.
Tanya sat back, wide eyed, and watched her husband torture Béla into orgasm after orgasm. She knew this kind of sex existed, and had tried fisting shortly after their wedding, but being ripped open down there simply hurt too much. Seeing it demonstrated, and the obvious results it gave, she planned to have a serious fuck session with Frank when he was through with Béla. She was going to learn how to accept his hand inside her if it killed her!

Frank was pretty relaxed about the whole ‘Béla coming back from the dead’ thing. He kept clenching and opening his fingers inside her, and she kept coming in one long, constant orgasm, crying and pounding on her own hips and pelvis with her tiny fists. The bed was getting soaked with girl-cum as it oozed and squirted out past his wrist.

Tanya was gently caressing her fingers up and down Frank’s hard-on as she watched Béla come, over and over. The smell of her sex filled the room around them.

‘How long does this go on?’ she asked him in wonder.

‘Sometimes over an hour, then she passes out,’ Frank told her.

Tanya looked at her husband, watching him fist-fuck this dead vampire girl. He couldn’t determine what she was thinking from the look of surprised shock on her face.

‘I wanted to make sure it was really her, okay?’ Frank said, finally. ‘This was her absolute, favorite way to orgasm.’

After about twenty minutes of writhing helplessly on the bed, Béla came one final time and collapsed onto the bed, unconscious, her sexual energy totally depleted. She faded from view, disappearing right off the end of Frank’s arm.

Tanya awoke and sat straight up, despite the fact that she was stiff and sore from her afternoon’s workout. She looked over at Frank and smacked him on his rear, waking him up.

“You have just got to do that to me!” she exclaimed.

As she slid around on the bed to get into her favorite ‘Eat me ’til I die’ position, her leg passed over a large damp spot where Béla’s rear had been in her dream. The smell of Béla’s sex still filled the room. Frank and Tanya looked at each other.

“Did you dream?” Frank asked, staring at his tousled looking wife.

Tanya nodded, staring back.

“Give me your hand!” Tanya insisted.

Frank held out the hand he had worked up inside Béla. Tanya brought it up to her face and sniffed it. Then she breathed deeply, inhaling Béla’s aroma of sex deep into her lungs.

“Frank,” Tanya said, cautiously, “she’s alive!”

“It’s been what, like, seventy-five years, Tanya,” Frank replied disbelievingly. “How is it possible?”

“Well,” she said, “they say true love conquers all. She’s figured out a way to come back from the dead. Jake said she was half space girl. Maybe the aliens can do that.”

“But,” Frank asked perplexed, “why did she wait so long?”

“Maybe it just took that long for her to get back!” Tanya exclaimed. “I don’t know where ‘dead’ is!”

They didn’t make love that night, after all. Instead, they went out into the kitchen and made coffee, neither wanting to be in the bedroom right now. After a couple of hours of conjecture, they went back to bed in the spare bedroom and slept, holding each other tightly.

Béla tapped Tanya on the shoulder, waking her up again. Tanya pulled herself loose from Frank’s embrace and turned over, looking up at her long lost friend and lover sitting, still naked, on the bed next to her.

‘I forgot to ask,’ Béla explained, looking very apologetic for waking her. ‘Do you know where Jake is?’


Same as Phoenix Pt 2 Ch 04 Videos

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We got together with Nigel a quite few times over a couple of years or so before we stopped inviting men into our sex lives due to relocating etc but, I still remember the more hot get together,s we had with him. Monica appeared to very much like being used and fucked by him although I enjoyed watching James having his way with my wife more so. James somewhat overweight body frame towered over Monica which we did find erotic as he use to pound fuck her every which way. The sight of James's body...

3 years ago
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My Mother loves to spit and squirt

Part One It all started when I was 16. I was a star player on my High School Girls Basketball Team. I got the talent from my mother who played for a top Division 1 college. She taught me how to play the game which made me a starting freshman on the varsity squad. By the time I was a junior, I was already being scouted, but mom would push me every day. We usually didn't practice on the days after our games and that’s when Mom and I would go to the driveway or local indoor basketball gym...

2 years ago
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Walking With Melissa

I was in the Lindbergh Westfield Mall, minding my own business and shopping for a gift for my cousin Bobbi for her upcoming birthday. I wasn’t expecting any trouble out in the open, like the mall’s main concourse was, so it was quite unexpected when my front wheels wound up in a flowerbed and I almost tipped over. “Out the way, crackuh mutha fuckah.” “Sheeit. Gimpy muh fuckin’ road bump. Move out da way when we ‘round, hessay!” There were three of them, and I’m not going to disparage...

2 years ago
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Stewarts adventures 2 Babysitting Brad the Brat

Introduction: Here is part two guys. Lemme know what you think So it had been nearly 2 months since I first babysat for Brad before I got another call from his mum. She asked me if I would look after him again. She told me she was gonna be staying at her friends place in Dorset an wouldnt be back till noon the next day. I had spent a lot of the time since I last `sat for Brad shitting myself with worry that Brad would dob me in cos of what I had done with him, an even more time wanking myself...

1 year ago
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Weekend with cousin Kara

Last summer, both my parents and my cousin Kara's parents decided to go on a camping trip for the weekend. Since my aunt and uncle did not trust Kara to stay on her own, they asked me to watch over her for the weekend. For my troubles they gave me $100 for the weekend. Kara and I got along very well. Since I was older than her by 3 years she has always looked up to me. Ever since we were younger she was always like a lost puppy following me where ever I went. Although she is a little bit older...

1 year ago
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Curse of the Blue SpiritChapter 40

9:13 AM, inside the Last Castle Café Leon, Mayoni, and Amy were left standing in the vacant lobby. Mayoni walked across the room to look out the window. Amy went over to the computer desk, pulled out some equipment from her backpack, and started looking at the cable connection. Leon was standing still for a moment, his mind turning over infinite possibilities of what to do. "Uncle Leon," said Mayoni. "There are two SUVs and eight policemen standing right outside, next to our bicycles. I...

2 years ago
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Meeting an old friend

I recently met up with an old school friend who had moved back into the neighbourhood after being away for years. We had been about 16 when we first met. We got back together though FB. Dave and I used to roam the local area and one day we found our first porno mag in the trash bin in a parking lot. We had taken it up to the woods and gazed in awe at the naked women on the glossy pages. Both of us had surreptitiously adjusted our stiff cocks pretending not to notice the others predicament....

3 years ago
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Moms Night in the Van

It wasn't that I didn't like my dad, it was just that I thought he was kind of a buffoon. A buffoon that had got real lucky, but he was the kind of guy who never realized it was luck that got him to where he was. It was Dad's good fortune to be at the right place at the right time and by a series of coincidences end up married to a woman who was far superior to him in just about every way. When she was young Mom had gone to an all girl school. One night she met my father at one of those...

4 years ago
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Posh Lady Needed My Attention

Hi guys!! Thanks for some mesmerizing responses via mails on my previous stories i.e and Im back with an awesome experience which happened couple of days back. Just to reiterate my introduction, born and brought up in a subtle upper middle class family residing in South Delhi fortunately making me a handsome guy with fair complexion, athletic body and smart yet slapstick sense of humor. H&M, the most awaited Swedish brand was launching its 1st store at Select City Mall on 2nd Oct. Unlike...

4 years ago
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The Trailer Park The Fourth YearChapter 10

"If we do this, we're going to need..." Robbie started. "Not to rain on your parade, but do you even know if we can do this?" I butted in. "What do you mean?" "Well, if each school gets to submit one production, and Tommy and Kirk both plan their own, can we?" "Oh?" "Well, if the school can submit one," Tami said. "And Tommy and Kirk and who knows who else all want to do one, the school's going to have to produce them all and choose, or come up with a FAIR way to decide...

1 year ago
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First Time Pegged by my Girlfriend

This is a story about the first time I took cock...maybe not a real cock, just a phallic object! My gf Amanda and I had talked for quite a bit about fantasies and done a little bit of playing around, but I wasn't ready to admit to her that I watched gay porn and jerked off to hot black guys! Eventually though I didn't even have to tell her since I had forgotten to close all my browsers before I left for work and she found them all.What happened next was a little bit of an awkward discussion,...

4 years ago
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BSC01 The True Meaning of BSCChapter 5 Welcome to Siberia

Danny was forty five minutes out of Los Angeles and once again he was humming the tune ‘Que Sera, Sera’. It had just played through on his car radio and it had immediately brought to mind everything that had been going on in his life over the last few months. Daniel Brown was going to visit Peter in Siberia, their nickname for Blanke Schande College where Peter’s parents had insisted he study. The College was having an Open Day and Peter had insisted that Danny come down and have a look....

4 years ago
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A Porn Star is BornChapter 6

Scene 14: Mr. Singh and Mary are talking. Place: Mr. Singh's bedroom. Time: Afternoon. "Mary, can you call the dhobin (laundry woman)? I feel like fucking her," Mr. Singh said. "I won't have to call her it is her day to deliver the clothes," Mary said. Just then the bell rang. "This must be Selma. Shall I send her to you?" Mary asked. "Yes, send her to my room," Mr. Singh replied. Five minutes later Mary accompanied by Selma entered Mr. Singh's bedroom. "You called me,...

4 years ago
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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 55

Eli arrived in Kansas City late on the second day out of Washington, D.C., after leaving the Langham Hotel and boarding his train late on the twentieth. He slept well through the first night, as the train rocked and ambled across the hundreds of miles west toward Kansas City. He was a day early, but he felt better about this special marshal commendation now, than he had when he and Jon David first started talking about it last year. He’d had a good meeting with the Attorney General, after...

3 years ago
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Getting Spanked by Mom part 2

The doorbell rings and I go answer it. There they are. Mrs. Donna is wearing a sexy red dress showing some serious cleavage. Amy is also wear a nice dress that is red and black but not showing much cleavage. Her dress is backless, and she is not wearing a bra. Nice. The dinner goes well, and we retreat to the living room to watch a boring romantic comedy. I am not the only one bored. Amy's mom and my Mom are chatting the whole time. That's all they do. Even Amy looks bored as we engage...

2 years ago
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Hall Pass

It just slid into her head again like the night before. 'I wonder if he fucks as well as looks?' She had sat with her husband around the pool bar at the hotel absorbing the chilled, relaxing feeling that only a good holiday can bring and it was topping off a day where she had lain on the beach topless for the most part letting the warmth of the sun soak through her body whilst she drifted and dozed between bouts of the steamy novel she had been reading.But now it was dark and midway through the...

Wife Lovers
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I Cant Not Help Myself Lesbian

I could not help myself. She lay there on her back in her panties and a bra-less t-shirt watching the TV. Her sweet 18 year old legs spread ever so slightly on the couch and her cute little ass enticed me even more. She was my housemate's little sister visiting to see the university and I knew walking over and talking to her was a bad idea. I knew that there was a good chance that within the hour I'd have her cute little face between my legs enjoying my cunt.Her name was Becky. She looked up at...

1 year ago
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Night of Fun

Disclaimer: All characters in this story are above the age of 18. Enjoy. ***** Chills went down her spine, goose-bumps rose across her body. His hand pressed against her cheek. Lightly he brushed her hair away from her face, looked deep into her beautiful emerald eyes, and then pulled her into kiss. Gravity no longer existed between them. Their heart rates elevated, their bodies shivered against one another in harmony. Their lips opened for one another letting their tongues dance with the...

1 year ago
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Evening Out

I was so nervous. All the preparations had been made. There was no turningback now. Or perhaps there was, but I'd never forgive myself. Earlier in theday I had been massaged, waxed and received a pedicure. Neon midnight bluenail polish now adorned my toes. I had showered and shaved the hair from mylegs, underarms and pussy. Last night we had gone shopping for some slut clothes for me to wear tonight.I forewent that option of a very short denim skirt, a see through black blouseand black lace...

3 years ago
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The Bold Sister 8211 Part II

Mai jab ghar pahuncha to dekha kavya aur sandhya ghar pahonch chuki thi.Aur kitchen me mom ko help bhi kar rahi thi.Sandhya bilkul normal lag rahi thi.Maine sandhya ko upar se niche tak dekha aur uski nangi tasveer mere saamne aa gayi.Maine apne aap ko control kiya aur apne kamre me chala gaya.Raat ke khane ke baad mai apni bahno ke kamre me chala gaya aur aradhya se masti karne laga.Kavya aur sandhya bhi wohi the.Mera intention unhe observe karna tha.Sandhya ne kaha ki uski pith dard kar rahi...

3 years ago
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What a tease

I tie your hands together, and take a step back to look you over. I smile as filthy thoughts fill my head. I push you onto the bed and climb on top of you, lining my pussy up with the bulge in your pants. I grind on it slowly and little moans from both of us fill the room. I rip off your shirt, then strip down to nothing. You groan in agony at the sight of my naked body. My c-cup breasts, small waist, wide hips, large ass, and smooth pussy is right in front of you, but out of your reach. It...

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Poison Prevention

While exploring some old maintenance tunnels under my college, I find several large barrels in an old unused storage room, connected to the water supply. “That’s strange” I thought, trying to figure out what could be in the barrel. The more I thought about it, the more worried I became. Something is clearly wrong. It’s in a place no one else knows about, and someone took the time to make sure that it didn’t look like recent work. I was here last month, and this wasn’t. I take out my phone...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 269

Ever wonder what the feathers in an Indian’s headdress stood for? A female reporter, interviewing an American Indian Chief, asked the significance of the varied number of feathers in Indian headdresses. “Feathers show number of sexual partners,” the chief replied. Pointing to a nearby young brave, he continued, “Him? One woman, one feather. Him?”, pointing to a second, older man, “Three women, three feathers.” The reporter looked at the Chief’s headdress. “But you have so many...

3 years ago
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An Ordinary College Sex Life 3Chapter 8 Unexpected

-- NOVEMBER 2005, THANKSGIVING BREAK -- I felt something tickle my balls, and with a start, I jerked awake. "Mmph!" somebody groaned, and as I sat up, I realized I'd just shoved my dick an inch into a girl's throat. She took it like a trouper, gagging only slightly and keeping her head down, breathing heavily through her nose until I pulled back. And then she resumed rhythmically pumping my shaft in her hands and sucking on the mushroom head as if I'd never interrupted her. Now as you...

3 years ago
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Girlfriends son

I had been dating a woman for about a year. She was in her thirties at the time, and had a young son I got along with fine. We had a great relationship going, and she loved the fact Her son and I got along well.One day I received a phone call at work that stopped me in my tracks. She said the neighbor across the street called and said they caught her son and theirs doing something discusting, and I should have a talk with him and find out what it was since no one would say. After a mind taxing...

4 years ago
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Fluffy SuxCox 2

Chapter 2. "Okay so let me get my secretary to draw up a contract!...." he stated to Mistress. With that he turned to his desk and thumbed the intercom button. "Melissa will you bring me in a blank contract please? And tell Karl I want to see him." "Yes sir," came the reply. A short while later an attractive white woman, Melissa I assumed handed Master Leon a folder and with a smirk left the room. "Sign these sheets!...." he commanded. "Michele and myself will work out...

2 years ago
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My girlfriend got her clit hood pierced

My girlfriend got a clit hood piercing   I’m a 35-year-old professional guy with a story I want to share.   A few years ago I was watching some porn with my girlfriend, a pretty brunette a couple of years younger than me. One of the actresses had a pierced clit hood, and we were both intrigued.   We went online and read a little about body piercing down there. My girlfriend already had her belly button pierced, but hadn’t put much thought in any kind of pussy piercing. We were surprised by...

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The journal of a celebrity sex therapist

First of let me introduce myself, my name is Steve Hammond, I am one of the worlds leading sexual therapists, in fact, I am the best therapist in LA, my clients are the rich, and most of the time, the famous. For two years now, I have not been myself, the passing of my wife, sitting by her bedside, while cancer eat away her lungs, it has taken some time to get back on track, I feel now that I can finally resume work. I will record all my sessions from today, I’m going to call it: “The journal...

1 year ago
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Call Me Julie part 3

I stretched and reached out like a cat waking from a nap. Scott was resting on his side with his elbow down and his head resting on his hand looking down at me. ‘Enjoy your nap?’ he asked as he stroked my shoulder. ‘How long was I out, how long have you been watching me?’ I replied. ‘Not too long on either of your questions,’ he replied. I glanced at the clock and it read 8:00, I stretched again and reached for his face to pull him towards me for a kiss. My tongue entered his mouth and we...

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You walk in the door, finaly home from work....... FUCKING LAZY CUNT!!! You scream. Your roomate's shit is everywhere. Dirty clothes and dishes thrown around your nice 2 bedroom 2 bathroom house. But she is nowhere to be found. Exhausted and pissed off you

1 year ago
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Paradise in Suburbia Part 1

Courtney made a face and rolled her eyes at her mother's instruction. As if she would even want to see Jacob all night, much less go out of her way to be nice to the little twerp. "Thanks Mom, see you tomorrow, good luck with Aunt Julie" she replied, sticking the money in the pocket of her tight denim capris and giving her mother a quick hug before she rushed out the door and into the car. This spontaneous whole night without parental supervision had Courtney excited. Her friend Jessica...

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Duty Honor Country Family Part Eight

Duty, Honor, Country, Family- Part Eight By Danielle J I want to thank Puddin for her help in preparing this story for publication. ***** Hiromi went straight to the basement area rather than her apartment after arriving at the Negishi Bay apartment tower. Before heading down a flight of stairs, she gave an order to Kimo, "Go upstairs and fetch one of my robes." The Negishi Bay apartment building had both central air and heating due to the building's recent construction....

1 year ago
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First time with cousing Pt 2 Gay

So this story has been a long time coming. But now I'm ready to write.Story is true:Read pt.1 before reading this entry., as we continued off to his bedroom. Sneaking past the fam, we needed to make sure we had a safe place to "do it" since living in his parents house he didn't have a lock. We entered his unusually large closet and awkwardly got in to...

1 year ago
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My first ride on a train

I was on my way home after a long and stressful day in my new job, and it was all I could do to stop myself from thinking about how I was going to... relieve myself when I got home. Well when you haven’t had any sexual attention for so long, a rampant rabbit can become a girl’s best friend, though I couldn’t help but think it was going to take more than my best friend to satisfy me after the day I had. It was a warm summers evening and the train slowly became more and more deserted, by the time...

Erotic Fiction
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Transsexual Sex with Vinnie and Jam

Gayle and I were relaxing naked on her bed. She was having a drink and smoking a cigarette while I was just enjoying the buzz that I had from having consumed nearly two full glasses of Jack after having had anal sex for the first time. The next thing that I know, the doorbell rang and Gayle scurried off the bed putting on her nightgown. In walks Vinnie with this good looking broad. Normally, I would have been embarrassed that I was naked in front of a woman, especially a good looking woman...

2 years ago
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The Bank

The following story is fiction!!!Brian was seating in his room with TJ. Wondering what he will do to pay his college education.- ‘Dude, I don’t know what to do! I need $500 like yesterday...What am I going to do?’- asked nervously TJ.- ‘b*o, look near the school has opened a new bank, maybe....’- ‘ I can’t afford another loan!!’- ‘It’s not that kind of a bank...It’s a sperm bank....You go there make your deposit you get your money and that’s it. Simple as that’- says TJ.- ‘Alright....I give it...

3 years ago
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Unreasonable Expectations and Revenge

Unreasonable Expectations and Revenge.Page 1.        It was extremely rare that I didn't pick a victim or victims at random, in that I'd had no prior contact with them, at least that they knew of.        By far and away the most difficult, often seemingly impossible crimes for the cops to solve were the stranger to stranger ones and that all made perfect sense. While great efforts and resources were being focused upon the missing party or parties, none was being directed to the mysterious...

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Dildo Model by fbailey

Let me start out by telling you that I am a fifteen-year-old virgin male. I’m a little shy but I sure like girls. My sister Tiffany on the other hand is sixteen years old and pretty sexually active. Well that’s what mom calls it. Dad calls her a little slut under his breath.My sister talked me into letting her make a cast of my cock. First I had to undress in front of her and let her shave off what little pubic hair that I had. Next Tiffany mixed up the plaster stuff and undressed herself. That...

4 years ago
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A Chance Meeting

It was her first trip to England and she was all eyes. Passport Control had been a breeze. Her diplomatic passport raised a few eye brows as did her attire but nothing beyond what she’d encountered in the past. She cleared baggage claim and walked out into the cool, damp night air and saw the shuttle for her hotel and hurried over to board. The driver practically fell over his feet getting down out of the shuttle and insisted on carrying her bag up into the shuttle. She was used to it by now...

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Ambers Email Troubles

Amber’s Story     The hair on the back of Amber’s neck stood tall.  She sensed something or someone more than feel it really. Amber turned hastily her dark eyes peering through the night.   Something, no someone moved in the shadows behind her.  She was sure of it.  Amber strained her senses in the night air to hear anything, to see anything, to calm her nerves if nothing more, NOTHING.  Yet she knew it, somehow she knew it? someone WAS following her.  And this was not the first time either. ...

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