Phoenix Ch 14 free porn video

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“Yeah, she’s really made a name for herself in the last couple of years,” Frank mused. “Being a Snuff Girl must really pay well.”

It did. It paid very well. Snuff Girls were stunt girls who would do stunts that the regular talent wouldn’t touch – usually because of a healthy respect for their own lives.

Tri-d had replaced flatscreen technology years ago. But now that a typical viewer could watch a scene from any angle they chose, fake special effects really sucked, especially back when Tri-d was first introduced. Realistic flatscreen effects were easy to produce because the producer controlled the viewpoint of the viewer. The stunt people required for special (read: violent) effects recorded in three dimensions either became very capable or they died – or, more commonly, quit after being seriously injured.

Only two* other women were considered Snuff Girls besides Katie Kelly. One was currently in the hospital with a broken neck caused by leaping from a traveling boxcar – a stellar performance done without any breaks in the recording and showed each and every tumble, tear and laceration of her rather rough landing. The other was currently recovering from grenade shrapnel incurred completely ‘accidentally’ while recording a war scene. The ‘accidental’ scene wasn’t edited out and had actually increased Tri-d sales of that production considerably.

*(Actually, there were always hundreds of girls trying to become famous as Snuff Girls, but most of them didn’t live long enough to become well known.)

“Well, she’s doing better now that Frankie’s paired up with her,” Tanya replied. “At least, he can help keep her healing abilities a secret – not like that ass-hole husband she had…”

“It isn’t polite to speak unkindly of the dead,” Frank admonished her quietly.

“He was an ass-hole!” Tanya insisted. “He had her doing Snuff Porn! If that exploding dildo hadn’t gone off while he was holding it, SHE would be dead instead of him! Damned ass-hole trying to shove something like that up between my baby’s legs! He was going to kill her!

“Why does she do it, Frank?” Tanya implored, almost crying. “Why does she torture me like this?”

Frank reached over and pulled his wife gently into his arms. THen he leaned back, letting her rest her head on his shoulder.

“It’s the same reason that you like playing with fire, Honey,” Frank said quietly. “It’s her heritage. It’s in her blood.”

“Béla’s blood!” Tanya said quietly, but with venom in her voice. “The price we pay…”

“You don’t seem to think so badly of those urges when I’m exfoliating you,” Frank replied, almost whispering in her ear.

“It’s not the same!” Tanya exclaimed, sitting up, now. “I thought she went through that phase when she was fifteen!”

“She never let go of that,” Frank explained earnestly, “and it wasn’t a phase. It’s part of who she is. In order to keep peace between the two of you, I added that bedroom section onto the house, just for her – so she could have the privacy she needed.”

“You hid that from me?” Tanya asked, upset with Frank now.

He shook his head. “No, Darling, Let me explain. She had to grow into her own person. You let Alicia grow with the freedom she needed to explore her sexuality, but you were smothering Katie. All I did was give her the space she needed to grow…”

“I wasn’t smothering her!” Tanya insisted, standing up, now. “I was… I was protecting her! And you stopped that! And now – Now, look at her! She hires herself out to be killed for a living! What kind of a life is that?

“For God’s sake, Frank! What did you let her grow into?”

She was crying openly now, but shoved Frank away when he tried to console her.

Fleeing the room, Tanya hid behind the first door she could put between herself and her husband. Leaning against the locked door, she cried to herself for a moment, then dried her tears. She hated to cry and had always thought that it was incredibly unfair to use tears to win an argument with a man, but this time she couldn’t help it. She wasn’t trying to win anything. She just wanted to understand.

Frank leaned his head against the other side of the door. He knew she was leaning on the opposite side. He could always feel when she was that close to him.

“Sweetheart,” he whispered, knowing she would hear him. “Just open your eyes and look around the room, Honey.”

Tanya had taken sanctuary in her own private playroom. This was where her toys were that Frank had purchased for her over the years. Against one wall was a waterwheel where she had spent many torturous hours of pleasure while Frank hosed her down or spun her upside down so her head was underwater while he dropped lit matches or dribbled hot wax between her legs. A wide massage table in the middle of the room still had the six-inch wide magnifying glass to shine concentrated sunlight from the mirrored skylight onto her sensitive flesh. She loved it when Frank would literally ‘cook’ her clitoris with it. Sometimes, he would make her crazy by drawing decorative little scorched circles around her nipples before they made love.

Through the door, Frank heard Tanya take a deep breath as though she was trying to recover some semblance of self-control.

“She's her mother’s daughter,” Frank whispered. “She wants, the same way you do… She's the next generation, so she took it a step further, that’s all.”

After a quiet moment, he felt the door handle move beneath his hand and stepped away. Tanya’s tear-streaked face was visible through the slight opening. She gazed into Frank’s eyes for another minute, then opened the door wider, silently inviting him in.

Turning away and not looking back to see if he was following, Tanya walked to the massage table in the center of the room, then turned around and leaned against it, half sitting on it. Frank was right behind her and put his hands on her shoulders when she turned around. She let him hug her head against his chest.

“I didn’t know it would be like this,” Tanya murmured. “I… I don’t know what… what I expected, I guess.”

“You’re not responsible for what she does with her gift,” Frank told her. “Frankie’s with her, so he can protect her if she needs protecting.”

“I guess,” Tanya admitted. “We should be glad he was interested enough in the difference between our family and everyone else to want to know more about it. That ambition got him through medical school. Being a doctor, he should understand more about us than we do.”

“Frank will protect her,” Frank Senior promised. “And I’m certain that if Katie gets into trouble, our son will be able to get her out of it, or at least call for help.”

“I suppose,” Tanya admitted, trying to get over her upset. “She's with him like I’m with you, huh?”

She looked up at her husband, suddenly concerned with a new thought.

“You don’t suppose they’re having sex, do you?”

“What?” Frank asked, surprised. “You mean with each other?”

He laughed, then suddenly looked serious again. He gazed down into his wife’s pale blue eyes.

“There’s something else you don’t know about your daughter,” Frank said quietly.

“What, she’s gay?” Tanya asked jokingly.

Frank didn’t laugh. Tanya sat up straighter and stared at him. Frank still didn’t react.

“No!” Tanya exclaimed. “I don’t believe it! She's had boyfriends all her life!”

“Yeah,” Frank admitted. “She's had boy friends all her life. But somewhere along the way, she discovered she prefers girls. So I wouldn’t worry about Frankie and Katie making nook-nook with each other.”

“But why did she marry that ‘Zeus’ guy?” Tanya asked, needing to understand.

“Probably for the same reason that Béla chose Jake,” Frank replied, a sour look on his face. “He provided what she thought she needed.”

“How do you know so much about her?” Tanya asked, sounding belligerent.

“She called me,” Frank said simply, “about a year ago.”

“Where the hell was I?” Tanya wanted to know. “On Mars?”

“Well,” Frank said, wondering how to tell her how close he’d come to nearly killing her. “You were tied to the waterwheel, unconscious. Katie called because your body monitor set off every alarm in the house when your heart stopped.”

“My heart stopped?” Tanya asked, her eyes wide open, like her mouth at that moment.

“I’m sorry, Hon,” Frank said quietly and sincerely. “I kept you underwater for just a few seconds longer than I should have – but you were… well, I was inside you and you were really convulsing… and, I just couldn’t help myself. I couldn’t stop. I nearly killed you…”

Tanya stared at him, remembering the incident. She didn’t remember that she nearly died. What she did remember was that it was the most incredible orgasm she’d ever had in her entire life. It was so powerful that she’d passed out completely. Then, for hours afterward, she’d felt incredibly languid – weak as a kitten, in fact – almost completely unable to move at all. Frank had lovingly carried her to bed because she was so weak that she couldn’t even walk.

“My heart stopped?” Tanya murmured, almost to herself. “How about that…”

“I rolled you back out and hung you upside down so the water would drain out of your lungs and did CPR on you for a minute, then you started breathing again. A few minutes later, Katie called, scared to death by the alarm.”

“The house alarm went off?” Tanya asked, still confused. It was difficult to assimilate this much new and unbelievable information in less than a minute.

“Yeah,” Frank admitted. “Good thing, too. I was completely crazed with sex and you would have drowned.”

“I didn’t know I was drowning,” Tanya admitted. “It felt so good I never wanted it to end…”

Then she got mad again. “You almost killed me, you fuck-head? You don’t have my permission to do that!”

“Sweetheart, it was a year ago!” Frank admonished her. “I didn’t kill you! Everything is fine! I even got my own body monitor so I can keep track of your vital signs. It can’t happen again!”

She remembered! Frank had suddenly changed his mind about getting a body monitor implanted in his neck. Now she knew why! Tanya turned away, trying to get away from him, again. Frank grabbed her arm.

“Please, sweetheart, let’s not fight,” he implored her. “I’m only trying to explain to you how alike you and Katie are. You both push the envelope. On the video, didn’t you see the look on Katie’s face when that psycho shot her?”

Tanya was silent. She’d seen it, and she knew that look well. She’d gotten wet between her legs while watching her own daughter get shot down in cold blood. She almost felt the orgasm that those bullets must have caused as they tore through Katie’s slender, fragile-looking, immortal body.

Frank held Tanya tightly against him, almost like he could see in his mind the mad turmoil and the horrible denial that Tanya was torturing herself with. They were both quiet for several minutes before Tanya spoke again.

“We aren’t really human any more, are we?” Tanya asked, her voice sounding a little tired and ragged. It was more of a statement than a question. “Human values don’t apply to us.”

“I suppose they don’t,” Frank agreed, hugging her gently. He was glad that she seemed to be putting her earlier upset behind her. “I do things to you that would appall most people. But that’s because what we do for fun would injure most people – maybe even kill them.

“It took me a few years,” he continued, “but I’ve accepted the fact that you… that we’re… immortal for all practical purposes. You like being whipped, burned and nearly drowned. We can indulge ourselves because it won’t kill you or maim you or give you permanent scars that might need to be explained.

“Katie likes being shot and stabbed,” he concluded. “She knows that violent penetration won’t kill her and she’ll be good as new in a day or so. On some level, I imagine, it satisfies her needs. So in that respect, I guess you’re right – at least partly. We’re still human, in spirit, anyway, but some human values don’t apply anymore.”

Tanya reached up and put her arms around her husband. He always knew what to say to make her feel better – almost like he could read her mind. It was because he loved her so much, she knew.

“Let’s go watch the Tri-d again,” Tanya murmured. “I think I’ll be alright, now.”

They started the feature over again and were watching an earlier part where Katie was tied up and being tortured by her captor before she escaped. This time, Tanya allowed herself to feel what the Tri-d intended for her to feel, despite the fact that it was her own daughter being so erotically cut with that bastard’s knife.

Tanya looked over at Frank. He had a hard-on that he was trying to conceal under his pants. The cruel torture of his daughter was turning him on, as well.

“Screen off,” Tanya said. The Tri-d darkened and Katie’s bleeding torso faded. The room was eerily quiet after being filled with tortured screams.

“Why’d you do that?” Frank asked, his attention ripped back into the room from whatever fantasy he’d been immersed in.

“I want you to do that to me,” Tanya replied, her throaty whisper barely audible.

“You don’t like raw pain, Honey,” Frank reminded her. “Scorching your tits is about as far as we’ve ever gone.”

“I want you to cut me,” Tanya insisted, rising up from the couch. “I want to know what it is my daughter finds so alluring about being carved up.”

Frank sighed. This wasn’t going to be pleasant. His wife wasn’t thinking straight. She was upset about her daughter and her daughter’s lifestyle. She was also too horny for proper reasoning to work right now. He knew that after a few orgasms she’d probably be more reasonable. He rose from the couch to stand next to her.

“We should do this in the Jacuzzi,” he said, hoping he could shock her into seeing reason. “Less of a mess to clean up afterward.”

Tanya smiled nervously and said, “Okay, I’ll get a knife out of the kitchen. You go start running the water.”

Standing in the kitchen a moment later, Tanya gazed down into the knife drawer, her eyes focused on something only she could see. After a moment, she swayed dizzily and remembered why she had come out here.

Reaching into the drawer, she pulled out a serrated carving knife. She stared at it, fascinated by all the little pointed edges and wondered what it would feel like, going in. Putting a finger up against the sharp pointed end, she pressed gently until the point disappeared into her skin, then she lifted her finger back off. A tiny trickle of blood appeared and ran down toward the palm of her hand as she stared at it.

By the time she put her finger in her mouth to suck off the blood, the tiny cut had healed. Putting that knife back, she pulled out a long, smooth bladed knife. She looked at it a moment, then put it back, as well. She didn’t want to be gutted; just sliced up a little.

Frank went into the bathroom. “Jacuzzi. Ninety-eight degrees.”

The water came on and he went into the bedroom and got undressed. Despite the fact that he was concerned about not only his wife, but his daughter as well, his hard-on refused to go down even though he wasn’t being stimulated right now. He knew that it was because of the desire he’d felt for Katie ever since she’d confided her secret feelings to him when she was seventeen. The only thing that had prevented him from taking his lonely, tortured daughter in his arms and making sweet, tender love to her right then was the fact that the grown up version of Katie was waiting for him in his bedroom.

Because of his wife’s immortality, wife and daughter didn’t look that different. But he knew that, at seventeen, Katie was too immature to know what she wanted yet and he wasn’t about to mess up her mind by offering an unhealthy father-daughter relationship that she would fixate on. His daughter’s immature, untried emotions could easily destroy their entire family if he did something that stupid.

He wondered what Tanya, the grown-up (but almost as emotional) version would bring to this little cutlery party and hoped that she wouldn’t be disappointed. He knew Tanya wouldn't sexually appreciate being carved on like their daughter obviously did. But his boner believed that she was Katie and refused to relax its painful insistence even a little.

Frank had to work hard to keep a straight face when he returned to the bathroom and found Tanya waiting for him. She was standing naked, looking a little lost, holding a paring knife in her hands. Forcing himself not to smile, he took the offered two-inch long knife and climbed into the warm water. Tanya followed him in, carefully watching his hand with the little knife in it.

“Have you changed your mind?” he asked, hoping she’d say ‘yes’.

“No,” she murmured and slid down into the water. “I just want to make sure… you know.”

“That I won’t slice you in half?” Frank grinned. “Okay, I promise I won’t. Where do you want the first one?”

“What?” Tanya asked, so nervous that she jumped at the question. “Oh, um…”

Where do I want cut? Oh, God...

“You choose!” she said flatly.

Frank smiled, more gently now. Tanya was in virgin territory and nervous as hell. She couldn’t see the knife now because Frank was warming the blade under the water so any damage he did wouldn’t feel so traumatic. But she didn’t know that – she only knew that there was a sharp little blade somewhere close and it was going to stick her. She shied away as Frank slid across the Jacuzzi and put his arm around her.

“Hey, relax, Hon,” Frank grinned, trying to sooth her. “I won’t do anything you don’t want me to.”

“Ha!” Tanya laughed, trying to act light-hearted. “I heard that the day I lost my virginity!”

“Well,” Frank replied, and looked her in the eye. “Did you want him to?”

Tanya was quiet for a minute, remembering, then she smiled, “Oh, yeah, I wanted him to…”

She let Frank pull her in close for a slippery, wet kiss on the lips, then worked around so that her legs were straddling his as they sat facing each other. Then she noticed his hard-on again.

“You still carrying that weapon?” she said, on more familiar ground, now. “You should sheath that before someone gets an eye gouged out.”

Without waiting for a response, she slid forward and, taking one hand, pressed the engorged head of his cock against her pussy lips. She trembled at the sensation of pressure against her vulva mixed with the bubbling, comforting warm water assaulting her from all sides. Then Frank pressed forward at the same time as she did and buried himself inside her. They both groaned in pleasure. Oh, yeah!

“That’s much better,” Tanya sighed. With his nice, hard cock where it was, she wouldn’t have to worry about any knife going anywhere near there…

Frank grinned and thrust forward a little more, putting some pressure on her hard little clitoris. After a few slippery ins and outs, Tanya was horny enough to again consider why she’d come in here.

“Okay,” she whispered, unable to keep her voice from shaking. “I’m ready. Cut me.”

Frank brought the little blade out of the water. Tanya trembled as she stared at it. Instead of using the knife, Frank leaned forward awkwardly and began sucking on her left nipple. Closing her eyes, Tanya stretched up to give him easier access, sighing with nervous pleasure while her favorite man in the whole world sucked and tortured that tiny nipple into an erasure-sized nub of pure sensation.

Then he stopped, and Tanya felt something hard and flat press against that sensual little nub. She flinched and her eyes flew open to stare down at the little blade pressed flat against her breast. Her heart leaped and she sucked in a breath, almost hissing in anticipation, as Frank turned the blade edgewise against her sensitive nipple.

Frank touched Tanya’s nipple with the sharp edge of the blade and watched as her nipple grew even harder. Despite the fact that she was scared to death that it would hurt more than it would give her pleasure, she was getting excited. Although she was holding perfectly still above the water, her pussy was quivering as it surrounded his hard cock. He knew she was very close to orgasm.

As gently as possible, barely moving the blade at all, he began to slice downward. As the blade traveled slowly downward, the sharp edge disappeared from sight as it almost lovingly sliced into the hard nub of her nipple.

Tanya hissed a sharp breath in through clenched teeth and her pussy was suddenly convulsing against his invading cock as she came. Unable to stop herself, she pressed forward against the knife-edge, causing it to slice deeper into her breast.

They both jerked backwards, Frank pulling the knife away quickly, not having intended to go that deep that fast and Tanya in shock that she’d actually pressed forward to force the knife deeper. A little trickle of blood ran out of the tiny slice in her nipple, then stopped as the cut healed itself. Tanya nervously splashed water over her breast to wash away any traces of what they’d done.

“I felt that all the way to my balls,” Frank said, smiling at her and trying to get her to relax again.

“So did I,” Tanya admitted and laughed nervously. “All the way to your balls.”

They both scooted their rumps a little closer together, enjoying the fucking/not fucking sensation of being sexually coupled together in the middle of the foaming Jacuzzi. Frank’s cock was throbbing inside her. She squeezed him back in return.

“Want to do it again?” Frank asked.

She’d survived a tiny, single cut and seemed to enjoy it. He’d seen her take a lot more serious damage over the years. Usually when some serial killer was foolish enough to just wound her, Frank would have to physically pull her off the poor guy before she killed him. He had always suspected that her special adrenal rush was sexual in nature and was violently suppressed most of the time. Now he was finally finding out for sure.

Not speaking, Tanya nodded, then lifted her right shoulder, wanting him to do the other nipple. Frank leaned down and began sucking on her offered breast. In no time at all, her right nipple was harder and longer than her left one had been.

'She's looking forward to this,' he realized as he touched the knife-edge to her ultra-sensitive flesh.

Tanya flinched ever so slightly at the touch of the warm blade. Then, without waiting, she took a deep breath and pressed forward. Frank held the knife steady, this time, and let her move up and down against it, his cock throbbing inside her cunt as he watched her slowly carve her nipple open on the little knife.

Then she pulled away, her pussy convulsing around his cock as she came again. This time, he joined her, spurting his cum deep inside her hot, quivering pussy. Both their bodies shook as they came together. Frank was sure his cock was bursting, and only her tight, convulsing pussy was keeping his cock from rupturing.

For Tanya, this wasn’t a screaming orgasm – this was a gut wrenching, grunting orgasm, barely contained in her exploding torso. She imagined that this is what her daughter would have felt if her late, ass-hole husband had succeeded in shoving that deadly dildo into her cunt. That fleeting thought made her come again, clenching down tightly on Frank’s spurting, throbbing cock.

After several moments, they were both breathing more easily. Frank murmured, “I think we’ve found a new toy.”

Tanya gazed at him, then stretched forward and kissed him gently on the lips. “I think so, too.”

She thought he meant the little paring knife. She secretly meant the sensual feeling she got while watching her little ‘snuff girl’ get snuffed. But in truth, they both meant the same thing. Their darling daughter had unknowingly become part of their sexual fantasies.

“Next time, let’s reenact the part where Katie gets shot…”

“Shot? Absolutely not! Are you nuts? I’m not about to shoot you!”

“We could order another BB gun…”

End Part 1.

Well, we’re caught up, now. It’s time for Part 2 – What happened to Béla, anyway?


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We were caught two weeks later, in Exmouth, South Devon. We'd run out of money, and Sarah was trying to shoplift some food. Our brief odyssey was over, and it ended with a bit of a whimper. Nothing had surpassed our first night on the run, when hope was still with us. While we were in Devon Sarah revealed that she'd seen Margaret not just that once, but often, all during my affair with her, that Margaret had fucked and used her ruthlessly, keeping her on a string with promises of support...

3 years ago
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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledChapter 52

"Janice! What in heavens name are you doing here? How did you get here and what happened? Are you ok? Oh my God, are you hurt?" I think I was ranting. I was so totally surprised and shocked to see my fuck buddy Janice Stewart from Lowe's underneath the hay. We'd spent some time in my dad's barn in high school, hence the term fuck buddy. Still, to have her here, now was a shocker. Manala checked her out and found nothing unusual. Shamona and Shalala helped her down to the main floor...

2 years ago
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Food dip

In this fan fiction you explore the life of Bob and his gang: The machine, super k, Gary Coldman, big poppa, Renee, Sara, and the cat lady. ( maybe some special guests who knows) As they explore New York through extensive and thought provoking food reviews. Mostly fast food, but sometimes it’s healthy. But there is something going on behind the scenes. Maybe the food review is a front my a more sinister business or maybe not. I guess you gotta read the story to find out.

2 years ago
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Too Much LoveChapter 60

When Nick went to talk to Shelby and Tanvi headed downstairs to continue overseeing the party, Pilar took the opportunity to explore the penthouse Nick had rented atop the Millenium. While the suite she would be using tonight was luxurious and generously apportioned, this space was big enough that it took her fifteen minutes just to catalog the rooms. The contractor in her found the sheer number and variety of couches vaguely horrifying. The space could comfortably sleep about fourteen people...

4 years ago
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The not so little Boy That Santa Claus Forgot

Timmy awoke, rubbing his eyes. It was Christmas Day! Excitedly, he scrambled out of bed, and over to the fireplace, where his Christmas stocking hung. Eager hands pulled it from the crooked nail, wide eyed, he peered inside and found… Nothing. ‘Oh, Santa,’ he cried, ‘You’ve forgotten me!’ He lay on the floor, sobbing. A light appeared in the room, all of a sudden it was just there, hanging in the air. It became brighter, bigger, more intense. Timmy stared at it, his eyelids closing as the...

2 years ago
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Mom My Cousin and IChapter 6 The love nest

I lay on the bed next to Betty, "Are you sure you want to continue?" Betty, "Yes, I'm sure." I bent over and kissed Betty while again starting to caress her body. I started to nibble on her neck and ears, while gently pinching her nipples. I slowly started kissing my way down her body, kissing and licking around her breasts, but now barely grazing her nipples. Her body tightened up and relaxed as I played with her breasts. Suddenly biting one nipple and pinching the other one caused...

2 years ago
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Darcelines First Night

Jeremy pushed me out of his car, onto the cold wet street. You better make me cash tonight, Darcy, he growled angrily and drove away. I wiped my eyes and pulled my mirror out of my small purse, fixing my make-up. I hated how I looked, too much make-up and not enough clothes. Jeremy had been my dealer for a while, then my boyfriend, then my abuser, and finally…my pimp. He bought me slutty mini-skirts and revealing tube-tops, a switch blade, and pepper spray. I still hadnt gotten a john, a...

3 years ago
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My cherry goes pop

I like my aunt Sarita and cousin Rahul. She lost her hubby after Rahul was born. She was rich and both had a luxurious life. I used to visit them since childhood and spend my vacation with them. Rahul was a college student and I had finished my school and awaiting results. My Aunt looked very beautiful and I could imagine during her younger days, she must have attracted so many youngsters around her. Rahul too was well built and they were all open and free and fun loving. I was having a very...

2 years ago
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Amutha Auntyai Sappi Anubavaithen

Vanakam nanbargale, indru kama kathaiyil amutha kama veri auntyai eppadi oothen enbathai ungal idam pagirugiren. En peyar Jayasorya, vayathu 22 aagugirathu. En sontha athaiyai  naan eppadi oothen endra kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Ippozhuthu naan college padithukondu irukiren, enaku kama kathaigal pidikum. Enaku siru vayathaga irukum pozhuthu en athai udan thaan paduthu uranguven appozhuthu athai en meethu kai potukondu aval mulaiyai en meethu vaithu azhuthuvaal. Appozhuthu enaku vivaram...

4 years ago
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This Is the Way I Pray

She picked him out of the line. He was strong, angry, and fierce. She smirked, running her hand along his jaw as he snapped at her. His arms were pinned to his sides, wrapped in rope, tied to a bar that held his ankles still. He was chained to the spot unable to move more than his head. His body was arched back along the post in the ground, holding him both immobile and displayed. She tossed the slaver-woman a bag of gold and an address to deliver her new acquisition. Then she walked away....

2 years ago
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Better Than The Alternative Chapter 9

My apologies for taking a bit longer with this one, it's a bit longer of a chapter than normal for me. Between that and my daughters (a junior and a senior in high school) had their finals this past week, so my time has been pretty sparse. I hope you enjoy, and hopefully I won't take quite as long to get Ch 10 up. Thank you again for everyone reading, and enjoying this enough to leave me a note... I appreciate all of your feedback tremendously. Thank you, Becca C. Chapter 9 I spent...

3 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 123 Surf City

Back at the beach, once Alan and Glory got back to where they had left their clothes and things, Glory asked, "So, my adorable young man, what should we do now? I was thinking I could do a little more surfing, but that's not all we have time for. I figure we still have an hour left before it gets too cold and windy to run around naked." "Speaking of which," Alan said, "we're both overdressed for a nude beach, wouldn't you say?" "I would." She started to take her clothes off....

4 years ago
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Numerous DelightsChapter 6 Interview

On the Air Kobekistani flight out, Derek was impressed by the service, which was far better than anything he had ever had before. He seemed to have a stewardess to himself, and only had to look round for her to rush to see what he wanted. Her uniform was similar to that of any air hostess, but the skirt was shorter than most, showing her bare legs to great advantage. The blouse bearing her name, Shafiqa, embroidered on it seemed to be a size too large for her and she was obviously wearing no...

4 years ago
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A Hot Night

I was in bed. I couldn't sleep. The girl of my dreams was fast asleep next to me. I put my arm round her to cuddle her and she stirred, making a sexy noise. It was boiling hot and she had just gone to sleep in her sexy knickers. Her beautiful body was next to me. I could not stop thinking of all the naughty things we have done in the past. I placed a hand on her sexy breast. I squeezed every so gently. Excitement ran through me, thinking of how much she gets turned on when I lick her nipples. I...

Quickie Sex
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Rented Out Room PT3 Blacken

The exercise helped take her mind off what Reggie had done to her again yesterday. Christy had gone to the gym early in the morning, finished a good swim, got in some strength training, and returned home to take a shower, all before the sun had risen.A cool breeze blew through her golden hair as she finished running home from the gym and reached the front of her house. The stars brightly twinkled in the pre-dawn sky, and a sliver of the moon hung low in the horizon as if bidding farewell to...

2 years ago
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The Panty Accord of 2010Chapter 23 Walking the gallows

What if Emily had set me up? Just so that I could be humiliated again. No, she wouldn’t do that to him. -- Would she? ... I don’t think she’d do that. She wasn’t that way. Oh sure she likes to humiliate me, but those were always with sexual overtones. She had never done it just to be cruel. She’d never been like that! Shaking his head back and forth slightly to himself. Shelly on the other hand he wasn’t so sure about. What if she already told all her friends about me, of being tied down in...

3 years ago
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When Crystals Away Mice Will Play

While Crystal's Away Mice Will Play By Paul G. Jutras As Crystal finished packing her bags she stood looking her best in her red blazer, skirt, three-inch pumps and matching purse. A necklace brushed above her breasts and against her white blouse and her nude hose swished back and forth against her skin as she walked about the house for last minute thoughts. "Now I want all you girls to behave yourself." Crystal talked to her girls as she checked the alarms, fixed the temp...

2 years ago
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Revenge Of Angry Ex Girlfriend And Her Best Friend

Hi this is palak mayre an hardcore submissive by nature to women I am a strong believer that female are born to be dominant and my purpose is to serve them. This is an story of my ex gf sneha who was very short tempered by nature but was very very hot on bed and I was never able to cope up with her hotness and that lead to steamy arguments all the time which eventually turned to a point were I dumped her finally. She was pissed badly on this and hurled abuses,cried begged in short she tried...

4 years ago
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Weather Woman

Rod was a true tekkie. He easily got a job working with expert systems for a large corporation and when the coronovirus hit, working from home was a great switch from headquarters. Being around other people was annoying anyway. He was recently given, however, the job of assisting a coworker who he found lived and now worked near his small and cluttered apartment. Via Zoom he got to know Hilda, an early sixties woman who was recently widowed from a long-time husband. Neither of her two kids...

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My Mother Caught Me

My mother has just caught me playing with myself while looking at porn on the internet, I am on late’s at work this week and decided to checkout the internet while my wife was at work.I had my 37 year old cock in my hand while watching, Granny in Stockings Toys and Fucks; thinking how much she looks like my mother, different hairstyle but same colour and her body looked similarly too. I started to think more about my mother as the granny got her tits out and pulled her skirt off revealing white...

2 years ago
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Weekend Awesome Happy Ending

Hi there, I’m Kishore. This is a real incident happened in my life few weeks back. Coming into details.. It was one of those odd days of my training session to a new project. Feeling very frustrated about the learning part even at the age of 26 made me feel very boring. Just to get out of the mood I used to think about the woman who sits diagonally to me. As I came from a very normal family just had a normal typical guy mentality and don’t have enough dare to speak with her. Just few days...

2 years ago
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There was a dark and stifling silence in the small, disheveled bedroom at the top of the stairs. The room wasn’t much to look at, but it was arguably a great improvement over the cupboard under the stairs. The shadows of the room held a troubled boy with dark, unruly hair and an unmistakable lightning bolt scar. In torment, he writhed in his bed as he slept. It was frustration and fear rolled into one. He felt as though he were being held back from something, or perhaps from someone....

3 years ago
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A Summer That Three Best Friends Wont Forget

It was the summer of 1999 a year that changed the lives of three close friends. It would be a summer like none ever before. Erin and her two male friends Eric and Anthony had just graduated from high school. They lived close to one another and the three of them had been close friends ever since their grade school days. They each were very different in many ways and had come from different back rounds. Erin was the tom boy type who loved doing whatever the boys were doing. She loved hunting and...

First Time
4 years ago
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Helping Friend Wife To Make Pregnant

Hi guys this is Teluguguy writing my first experience with my dearest friend wife (Suhasini). Without any late I am going Directly into the story. I am Anand 6 feet high average looking. This story is about my friend wife Suhasini. They are married before 3 years and they are not succeeded in their sex life to give birth to a child so they consulted a doctor. The doctor examined and declared that my friend is unable to make any girl pregnant of some problem with him. So they started worrying...

3 years ago
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{if isPlaying = true} Loading Creation Software Loaded Welcome to Bandalore {if enableSound = true}#so{soundID}{endif} {else if isPlaying = false} This story uses a custom Extension and the scoring system to ensure a more interactive and customized experience. To play properly you will need to use Google Chrome on a PC and have the Bandalore Editor Extension installed. You can get the Extension, here. Once you have the Extension installed you will need to start the scoring system, you can do...

2 years ago
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Sissy brothel whore

Well it was time for another medical conference in Chicago. I love going there because they have the best cross dressing store there. They always get me resupplied and give me a whole makeover. Every time I leave there I look like the hottest street walking whore ever! After 3 days of lectures my free night was here. I went to my store had them make me up to be a complete sex kitten. Even though I am somewhat new to this I do know what I want. I got a nice 2 room suite at a local motel on the...

3 years ago
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Indian Milf at the petrol station

It had been a hell of a long day at work and as usual I was horny as fuck whilst driving home. My job involves dealing with members of the public which I sometimes hated, but my work has the unusual knack of attracting sexy younger sluts and hot MILF types so dealing with those customers always made the day go quicker and was a guarantee to keep me horny till I could finally get home and let of some steam. I wont say what my job is but it involves harnesses so you can imagine the nice sights I...

1 year ago
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BellesaFilms Casey Calvert I8217m All Done

When Casey runs into her ex boyfriend at a mutual friend’s party, she’s amused to see that he’s still up to his old tricks, capturing the eyes and ears of every woman in the room. Being on the other side of it, she can look at the way he works a room with admiration, almost. His undeniable charisma and charm…she can finally appreciate it for what it is. It’s a craft, really. A seasoned skill. When the two run into each other in the bathroom, that same witty banter they used to exchange comes...

2 years ago
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Maid to fear

Maid in fear. Hello everybody send me all your corrections and comments to: [email protected] I sincerely hope you like this tale. I had fallen in a spiral of shit. Six months ago I was laid off from my job and my severance package was completely exhausted. Four years ago a gave the first payment to a very nice and big house in a private grotto in Mexico City, the mortgage payments were very high, but my job allowed me to pay every month not with ease but completely and...

2 years ago
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Healing Hands Pt 1

I began dating my girlfriend Jilly around 2 years ago and 1 year ago she moved into my apartment full time. As we were both in our mid-twenties this gave us plenty of time to enjoy each other's bodies and Jilly was an enthusiastic and uninhibited lover that in itself was a huge turn on. Despite being so young Jilly's only living family was her slightly older cousin, Cara. Cara was petite redhead with a short, almost mannish haircut but who was warm and full of humor and who's eyes perpetually...

2 years ago
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A cucks movie night part 2 House party

I went back to my room and waited for Ashley and Kevin to finish. I sat up on the bed, my dick was raging hard, but my mind was everywhere and my heart was confused. Ashley tried to sneak back into the room, hoping to not wake me, only to find me already awake."I... I went back to his room," she said."Obviously I know that," I replied."I'm so sorry. It won't happen again. I just, I just had to finish it. I was so horny after jerking you off and just everything, it was just a lot to handle.""I...

1 year ago
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Nancy and Sheri

Nancy woke up. She heard the unmistakable sound of sex coming from her parents bedroom. She was disgusted by the squeaking bed and squeals of passion from her mother. Nancy covered her head with a pillow but it didn't help. Her mother was very open about sex and sometimes she told her more than she wanted to know. Nancy got out of bed and angerly marched down the hall to her parents bedroom. She was going to tell them to stop.The door was open and Nancy could see her mother's legs wrapped...

4 years ago
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A New PastChapter 66 King

“Let’s remember who acted illegally in this situation,” I said, looking directly at the host, Larry King. Billy had orchestrated this interview largely due to Larry’s direct but non-confrontational interview style. “Let me restate that,” he said quickly. “China has accused you of an illegal act of aggression against them. How would you characterize the events?” “I would say that the Chinese government, or individuals illegally using the power of that government, undertook activities...

3 years ago
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I am Tania

This is not a fantasy, but a real experience almost 10 years ago. I am Tania Nair, from Palghat in Kerala. Though born and brought up in an orthodox family in Kerala, I had a lesbian feeling when I was small. I liked to be with the females whenever I get a chance, Bathe, wash clothes in the river or pond, There was enough female flesh to see at all times. The dressing without covering the top used to be the normal fashion for the ladies, mainly the servants. So there was an ample cleavage to...

2 years ago
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Kathy CarlsonChapter 28

On Monday morning, Kathy realized there were only two weeks left. After first calling Ali, she called Henry Hall and then loaded the girls into her car. Arriving at Henry's facility at the Alliance Studios, she was about to introduce Kris and Kim when Henry exclaimed, "Kris and Kimmie! Where in hell have you two been? We've missed you." After looking at them and then at Kathy he said, "It's pretty clear that the object of whatever you're doing is to look as much like Kathy as...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Mail From Unknown Lady

Hello every one. This is Ajay 24 male from Hyderabad. Interested girls married unmarried widow unsatisfied women can contact me at my mail id Coming to the sex story as usual I woke up in the morning. I had a glance on my mail id.Got a mail from a woman saying that she like my encounter with my widow aunt. We introduced ourself. She told that she is married but unsatisfied with her hubby. So she needed me. I accepted. We texted each other for 2 days via mail .She told that one fine day we can...

3 years ago
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Lana 2

I don’t believe in the culture of ‘orgasm for orgasm.’ I suppose it is the sub in me that is happy to give a lover that pleasure and enjoy her climax for itself. I reveled in Lana’s satisfaction. Her breathing slowed and her eyes closed almost as if she were asleep. I watched her from between her knees, occasionally kissing her pale triangle of hair and the wet lips beneath. Lana slowly recovered from what had clearly been an earth-mover for her and, as she did, I moved to sit beside her, my...

2 years ago
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Thankful Fuck

I guess I always knew I harboured feelings for men. I was 19 but had always taken a liking to my friend Karl. He was a surfer like me, a big strong guy. But it was only sleeping with my girlfriends that I knew maybe the life of a straight guy was not for me. But it became even more clearer, out of the blue, one sunny saturday afternoon.I accompanied my mum to visit her friend Angie one saturday afternoon. We were heading in town to do some shopping and stopped by.I must start by describing what...

4 years ago
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A Chance to AdvanceChapter 11

When Brad got home I met him at the door with a drink. I took his arm and escorted him to the kitchen. I introduced him to Helen. But I didn't tell him that I'd hired her, that she works and lives here now. He just assumed that she was one of my naked friends. I didn't tell him until after he changed clothes and we were sitting down for supper. He laughed when he found out and said, "Leave it to you to find a beautiful, naked housekeeper! How the hell do you do it?" I grinned and said,...

2 years ago
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Lady In Waiting Part One

It was Monday evening and I had finished a long shift on the construction site in downtown LA. I was still getting used to the climate change and the pace of life change, being a guy from out of town, the company I work for bringing me down from my home town in Canada to take advantage of my special knowledge and experience that would be needed for the project we were working on. I made my way to the little restaurant located on the ground floor of my hotel and sat at what had become my "usual"...


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