Phoenix Ch 07 free porn video

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“What the hell?” Frank sat up and looked around, suddenly realizing he was naked. And freezing! The little campfire was just smoking ashes and would probably have to be rekindled. Holding his hand up from checking out his thigh where he’d been stung, he was surprised to see streaks of white paint on his fingers.

“What a fascinating little device,” an unknown male voice said from behind him. “I had no idea these things were so compact.”

As Frank turned around to see who was speaking, another stinging paint pellet struck him on his bare leg. He blinked and glared at the two rough looking men sitting on the ground next to his and Tanya’s packs, the contents of which were strewn about on the ground.

“Who the hell are you?” Frank demanded, staring at the two intruders. He looked around quickly for Tanya. She was looking around sleepily; clumsily trying to sit up with her arms still bound behind her.

“Oh, Christ!” Frank exclaimed, reaching over to untie her. “I’m sorry, Honey.”

“Ah-ah-ah!” one of the men exclaimed, holding up a real gun this time. “Just leave the goods tied up in the package.”

“Hey!” Frank argued, “Al least let my untie my own wife! She's been laying like that all night.”

“What is she? Some kind of bondage slave?” the man with the gun asked. “How come she’s tied up? You plannin’ on shovin’ a stake up her ass?”

“What?” Frank asked, sounding as indignant as possible. “Of course not! If you don’t believe me, ask her yourself!”

Despite the fact that the man was pointing a gun at him, Frank untied his wife’s wrists and massaged her tingling arms vigorously while she sat very still and observed the two strangers. She made no effort to cover her blood-streaked breasts and belly, enjoying the effect her obviously well used body had on these two men – and Frank, as well.

“She's a real cum-slut,” the other man ventured, speaking for the first time. “She looks like she’s been shagged a dozen times, at least.”

Tanya smiled at his quaint choice of words, but didn’t say anything.

“So how ’bout it, Lady?” the man with the gun said. “Any truth to what yer old man says, huh?”

Tanya remained silent, sitting perfectly still now that Frank was no longer rubbing her arms.

“What’s the matter? Can’t she talk?” the guy asked, starting to become confused.

Suddenly Frank realized what Tanya was doing. She was kneeling with her legs wide open, a stance they had both laughed hilariously over while reading a old, worn-out paperback about an iron-age slave culture on an alternate earth. Her hands were crossed in front of her stomach at the wrists, and her head was slightly bowed. Her legs were so wide apart that her pussy couldn’t help but be displayed, wide and available, like a proper 'Kajira'.

“She can’t speak!” Frank announced. “I haven’t given her permission!” The slightest smile curled the edge of Tanya’s lips, pleased that he had caught on so quickly.

“What?” the man asked, incredulous. “She's your slave?”

“She's my sex slave. I own her, outright,” Frank informed the men.

He and Tanya had talked about sexual enslavement for brief periods of time, but when Alicia was born, their sex lives were put on hold for awhile and, except for brief periods when she was bound to their bed, nothing along those lines had happened.

Now, Tanya was playing his sex slave, hoping Frank would catch on, and would continue until she found an opportunity to disarm that nasty little man with the big gun. Frank wasn’t worried about her indignantly blowing her cover if he commanded her to perform for their captors – he knew she was up for anything at least once.

Their captor with the gun gazed into Tanya’s eyes for a few seconds. She gazed back at him, completely unafraid. She even seemed friendly.

“I don’t trust this,” the second man said. “That skank’s not near scared enough like a real slave would be! They’re faking it!”

“A true slave doesn’t act out of fear,” Frank explained quietly. “She responds to her master’s desires because she loves him more than life itself and wishes to please him better than anyone else can.”

“More than life itself, huh?” the man with the gun said. “Then make her do something. Tell her to hurt herself.”

Frank thought for a moment. It wasn’t very likely that they would permit her to handle the electric BB gun – if she was faking, she could put somebody’s eye out with it before anyone could react. But he didn’t want to hurt her, either. Then he remembered Tanya ‘confessing’ to the theft of his kitchen matches a couple of years earlier and what she and Béla had done with them.

“Pussy,” he used her old, defunct code name, not wanting to give away any more to these thugs than possible. “Put your hand over the campfire.”

She looked at Frank. “Yes, Master.” She held her hand rather high over the almost dead embers.

“Do you see that branch there?” Frank asked. “The little one that didn’t burn all the way?”

She nodded. “Yes, Master.”

“Pick it up.”

Tanya reached down, mindless of the heat from the glowing embers nearby and held it in the air in front of her.

“Now, play with it,” Frank commanded, leaving what she did with it up to her.

Tanya looked at Frank for a moment, then smiled and said, “Yes, Master, I will please you well.”

Her eyes seemed to glaze over as she gazed at the smoking stick. Lying down on her back, she brushed it across her stomach, leaving little charcoal trails and a tiny red ember or two. Tanya hissed softly and arched her back slightly as the embers burnt out against her flesh. Then she tapped the stick lightly, causing more tiny red embers to fall onto her now dirty stomach. These, she brushed across her stomach with her free hand, breaking up the embers so they would burn out faster, making a hissing sound as she breathed.

She was twitching, now, unable to hold her body still as she gently burned herself. It was obvious to everyone watching that she was becoming sexually aroused.

“Does that please you, Master?” she asked, breathing rapidly in her ardor.

“Play some more,” Frank commanded.

The faintest look of fear crossed her face, then she smiled and said, “Yes, Master, I will please you well.”

She took the mostly burnt stick and began caressing the insides of her thighs with it. After a moment, she was breathing rapidly and whimpering with each breath she took. Then she brushed her pussy with the stick, whimpering more loudly.

Gazing up at her master, Tanya pleaded with her eyes and shook her head ever so slightly. Frank frowned at her. She looked away, defeated, then lay back down. Taking the stick in both hands, she held it over her body and tilted her pelvis up to receive it.

“Wait!” the man with the gun cried. “Hold it just a God-damned minute!”

Frank quickly held out a hand, freezing Tanya in place.

“You’re gonna make her burn her cunt just for your demented pleasure?” the man said, standing up, furious. “You sick bastard! I oughta shoot you here and now!”

“I’m not making her do anything,” Frank said, imperiously. “She's doing it out of her love for me and her devotion to my pleasure. She knows how much pleasure I get out of listening to her scream when we make love after she’s burned herself there. In addition, the quivering inside her burned cunt is quite exquisite to experience!”

“God!” he exclaimed. “You’re both sick, demented fuckers! Is that why she was screaming in the middle of the night? Did you burn her then? You fucking… Shit!” He was shaking in his fury that someone would treat a woman like that.

Tanya dared to raise an eyebrow as she watched the thug bring himself back under control and sit down, still terribly upset, on Frank’s half-empty backpack.

'What an odd reaction,' she thought to herself. 'He intends to kill us both, but he’s upset about a little self-torture. Why does he think it’s okay to make little holes in a girl using a gun, then?'

“Well, if she’ll burn herself for you, then she’ll give herself to us if you tell ’er to, right?”

“She would,” Frank admitted. “But why should I ask her to do that?”

“Because,” the man sneered and pointed the gun directly at him. “I’ll blow yer fuckin’ brains out if you don’t!”

Frank and Tanya looked at each other for a moment, then Frank motioned with his head for her to go to him.

“As you wish, Master,” she said quietly. “I shall please you well.”

Frank settled back and watched as his naked, filthy-dirty wife crawled on all fours over to the gunman. His cock got even harder as he watched his wife’s dirty, naked ass sway with the sensual, undulating motion of her crawl.

'Where the hell did she learn to be so fucking sexy?' he wondered, in awe of her ability to perform on command.

“If yer gonna shag the skank,” the second guy said, seemingly unaffected by Tanya’s erotic approach, “then gimme the gun so’s I can watch over t’ other one.”

He walked over, careful to not get too close to the crawling blonde skank and held out his hand for the gun. Holding it by the barrel, the gunman held it out to his partner. That was what she was waiting for.

Tanya burst off the ground with two handfuls of sand going into the faces of each thug. Then she was on top of the man who’d threatened to shoot her husband. He was dead by the time he hit the ground with Tanya right on top of him, the hard boot of her hand shoved up between his eyes. Underneath her bloodied hand was the man’s nose, now compactly pressed into the frontal lobe of his brain.

When Frank saw Tanya leap up, he rolled sideways and grabbed the rock he’d been waiting to use, then continued rolling over until he located the three of them, again. The second man was reaching down to pick up the gun. Frank threw the rock at his head as hard as he could. The rock bounced off the thug’s head an instant before Tanya’s bare feet struck the thug in the chest, bouncing him backwards.

Tanya sat back and waited while Frank checked out the man he’d struck with the rock.

“He’s still alive,” Frank said. “Probably has a concussion, though. How’s yours?”

Tanya shook her head. Frank raised his eyebrows at her.

“I wasn’t trained to slap his face,” Tanya replied to the look Frank was giving her. “You knew what I was when you married me.”

Frank knew she was right. When they’d met, Tanya’s assignment was to snuff out Béla. Tanya was a trained assassin. The fact that she had changed her mind without consulting her handlers had probably gotten her in a lot of hot water with her superiors. But she hadn’t gone soft in her retirement. She’d just proved that.

“How many people have you killed, anyway?” he asked, wanting to know for the first time.

Tanya shrugged. “This makes six.”

“All of them hand-to-hand?” he needed to know.

Gazing into his eyes, she nodded slowly. She was extremely grateful that he didn’t frown or look away from her in disgust.

“Hot stuff,” Frank murmured, knowing full well how important his opinion of her was. Then he smiled at her and held out his hand.

“Yes, very hot stuff, indeed!” a voice called out loudly from nearby. It was that homely ranger that had visited them the evening before, stepping out from behind a rock. “That was quite an exhibition, my Lady.”

He doffed his hat and continued, “That was quite an exhibition last night, too."

Frank frowned at the newcomer, realizing that he’d have to wait awhile before he could take care of that throbbing problem waving between his legs.

“You’ve been watching us?” Tanya asked, casually folding her arms under her filthy breasts.

Frank noticed that she didn’t bother to cover up. Obviously, she thought this ranger might be another threat. A naked woman tends to cause a man to let his guard down.

“You bet I have,” the ranger replied. “You made so much noise last night that half the mountain is out there looking for a piece of you right now.”

“Only a piece?” Frank asked, as he and Tanya began to dress. “What are you looking for?”

“Well, Mister,” the ranger replied. “That depends. Everybody’s having a wonderful, adventurous time looking for the dastardly fellow that staked out all those people last spring. The question is, what are you looking for?”

“Peace and quiet,” Frank grinned. “We’re on our honeymoon!” The two men grinned at each other in a not-entirely-friendly manner.

“ ‘Quiet’ is not what you two are about,” the ranger said, picking up the little BB pistol. “She's bait, and you’re… what… the backup? The Protector? She doesn’t need protecting. She's a natural predator – a loner. And you just come along for the ride, I imagine. What is this thing, anyway? Some kind of toy?”

“Yes, it is,” Tanya said, her voice sounding tense. She stepped forward, took the BB pistol out of the ranger’s hands, and dropped it on top of her pack, letting him know that he wasn’t to go through their stuff.

“A bit territorial, isn’t she?” the ranger asked Frank, grinning at them both. “Like a predator…”

Frank shrugged and continued lacing on his hiking boots. “What do you plan on doing with these two thugs?” he asked.

“They’re not my problem,” the ranger replied. “You killed them, you bury them. Otherwise, someone might come along and stake them up in another sacred burial site.”

“That might happen anyway,” Frank conjectured. “Some of those bodies they found last spring had been buried in avalanches or died of exposure. Somebody found them and staked them out long after they were dead. Any idea why somebody might do that?”

Tanya noticed something in Frank’s voice that made her more alert. There was something wrong with the ranger. Or, maybe they were just feeding off of each other’s unspoken sexual frustration. A dealy fight always made her incredibly horny afterward.

“Nope,” the ranger replied. “Maybe someone was trying to attract attention.”

“Well, they got it,” Frank replied. “Who would want people crawling all over these mountains? What would that accomplish? There are people looking around all over for this guy and he could be long gone by now.”

“Then that brings us back to the question of why stake those people out like that?” Tanya murmured, almost to herself. “It’s almost like it was a message of some kind.”

“Okay,” Frank said, looking at her logic. “But, who would the message be for?” Then he realized…
“Oh, my God!” Frank looked at Tanya. She nodded. “But, why?”

“Yes,” the ranger commented. “Why, indeed?”

“What do you mean?” Tanya asked. The ranger was looking at her very strangely.

“ ‘Why?’ is usually the last thing a person asks before they die,” the ranger replied. “They spend their entire lives searching for that answer, then they expect their killer to explain it to them. As if he would know…” he laughed softly.

“That’s rather morbid, don’t you think?” Frank asked. This ranger fellow was a very, very strange character.

“That depends on what you want to know,” the ranger replied. “For instance: Why weren’t you afraid of that man with the gun, my Lady?”

“Who’s to say I wasn’t?” Tanya asked.

“Fear has a very distinct aroma, my dear,” the ranger replied. “You smell of many things, but fear is not one of them, even now.”

“You have a good nose,” she replied, then noticing how large the ranger’s nose was, “Please, no offence. Should I be afraid of you?”

“Perhaps, perhaps not, My Lady,” the ranger replied. “But, you did not answer the question. Why weren’t you afraid of the man with the gun?”

“He was only a man,” Tanya replied quietly.

“And you are?” the ranger asked, his face glowing with an odd elation.

“A woman!” Tanya exclaimed, half-laughing. “A man might want to put many things into me, but a bullet is pretty far down that list.”

She frowned at the sudden look of disappointment on the ranger's face. “What do you think I am?” she asked, stepping forward with a sensuous sway of her hips.

“Perhaps something, or someone,” the ranger conjectured, “whom being shot wouldn’t matter.”

“You mean like the Queen of the Undead or something?” she asked. “Do you think finding someone like that could be the object of last spring’s display of blood-lust?”

“That is not for me to say,” the ranger replied, evidently making his mind up about something. “In the meantime, I would request your aid in carrying the survivor of this morning’s little encounter to my station.”

“I thought these two weren’t your problem,” Frank reminded the ranger.

“That was before I noticed this one is still alive,” the ranger replied. “He must be taken in so that he may stand trial for assault and attempted murder.”

“Can’t you just radio for help?” Tanya asked, perplexed that he hadn’t done so already.

“I do not have a working radio,” the ranger replied. “There is one, however, at the ranger station. Come, it is only a few kilometers!”

'Kilometers?' Tanya thought to herself. 'And this weird creep keeps calling me ‘his lady’ – some sort of title, maybe? What about that odd accent? What does Frank think about this guy? I can’t ask with him right here. What kind of a ranger doesn’t have a two-way radio? I guess we go with him. I hope there’s a shower at the ranger station. At least, maybe I can wash this stink off… God, I really need to fuck something!'

Frank and the ranger took turns carrying the semi-conscious thug with them for awhile, then made him walk the rest of the way when he became conscious enough to struggle.


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Slumber Party Part 1

"Oh my fucking goodness, why did you invite her?" Amber frowned as she flipped her long blonde hair out of her face to reveal her ocean bluish-green eyes."Why you don't like Iara?" Tanya asked as she pulled an extra comforter set out of her closet."Because..." Amber pouted.Tanya turned to look at Amber sitting on the floor applying hot pink nail polish on her cute little toes. "Because what? Amber, we're all 18, time to stop acting like kids. And why are you polishing your toes now? Let's wait...

2 years ago
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Cry HavocChapter 2

"I guess you had a rough trip, Mr. Roaniki," the man said from behind his desk. Qi shuddered because the man looked like he belonged on the cover of Corporate Executive Zine and Letter. The blond hair, in a perfect, layered cut high above the ears, matched the genuinely insincere smile and the strong cleft chin. Qi wondered how much that surgery cost but he dropped the stray tangent immediately. He needed to focus. The man and his immaculate office had all of his internal alarms sounding....

1 year ago
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A Winter Conference

Where to begin...It started with a not-great winter here in Pennsylvania.  Most skiing has been terrible this winter.  We had a couple of weeks where the skiing was good with cold temps and snowmaking machines going non-stop.  My friend Jim and I were talking one evening a couple of weeks ago about taking a small golf vacation in Williamsburg, VA.  We discussed it with our wives and they were fine as long as there were no issues with the weather in our area.  A week out, the forecast looked...

Straight Sex
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The first TwentyOne

Nobody answered the doorbell and the front door was locked. Alex had already let him know that he might be running late for their bi-weekly meeting, as he still had a few things that needed to be taken care of in the University lab. Johnathan walked around the back, and lifted one of the flat stones that lay at the foot of the large chestnut tree that that towered over the back yard, and picked up the key under it. It wasn't the first time Alex was running a bit late, but he knew how to get in....

2 years ago
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Her Sugar Daddy

I thought I’d found my perfect girl in Nell. After being her boyfriend for almost six months, a fortnight after Easter, I was home for the weekend and telling my Mom all about her. Then it suddenly struck me that there was something just not quite right with our relationship. I couldn’t exactly put my finger on it, so I snooped on her the next time she cancelled on us meeting up, and I found out that she was still seeing an older married guy on the side. Damn, how I wished I hadn’t gotten...

1 year ago
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Commanders Delight

If you don't have anything nice to say on comments, don't say them at all :) If you enjoyed the tale, please add me as a friend or... positive review this. I have over 400 pages of work I am putting up and positive notes, positive feedback, positive comments - they make me smile. Duke had become rather brash as of late Since the reinstatement of the G.I. Joes, the other Joe’s grew more and more concerned with Dukes behavior. Each member did what they could to try and help their leader,...

2 years ago
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moms gangbang

After watching my mom being ganging on New Years I thought about getting some of my friends together for some fun with her. So last Sunday I invited my mom over to watch some football with my friends and me. Now my friends knew about what I wanted to do but my mom didn't because I wasn't sure if she would do it. S o when Sunday came my friends and I were watching tv when my mom got to the house. She came down stairs in a white tight blouse and a black spandex pants on One of my friends Jason...

4 years ago
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07 Home 2Chapter 6

Flashback – Masha – At the hospital Tatiana was totally immersed in her love for Ben and made an extremely large tactical error. Her ill-thought and ill-timed kiss of Ben had done the one thing as intelligence operatives we needed to avoid – it focused attention on her. One of the reporter's questioned her directly, "Nurse, how long have you known Sgt. Blaine?" She blushed and Ben unfortunately answered, "Tatiana was my flight nurse and was assigned by President Putin to be my personal...

2 years ago
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The sound of air rushing past her ears and the sensation of the wind in her dark blond hair almost made Kristal believe that she herself was flying. But the comfort of strong arms around her body kept those beliefs at bay. The sights she saw as she raced high across the sky invaded her eyes and flared her imagination. ‘This is beautiful,’ she shouted above the whistling air. She spoke to the one that carried them on their flight. The only person that could fly without the help of any man-made...

3 years ago
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In Praise of Older Women

Towards the end of my last but one year at school a new boy joined our class. He had been at boarding school but his father had died a year or so earlier and his mother wanted him nearer home so he could stay with her.It’s always difficult coming into a new school and more so when everyone else already have long established friends or groups. However as my father had also died a couple of years earlier the headmaster asked me to “take him under my wing” on the basis we’d have this experience in...

1 year ago
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Orgy after the match

The Ref blew a blast on his whistle to signify the end of the match and Phil, Nicole and the rest of the supporters of the away side, Leeds United, sprang up out of their seats to celebrate victory. It was a well deserved win against a very good side in Chelsea. Phil turned and hugged Nicole, who was wearing one of Phil’s old football shirts. Nicole didn’t support Leeds like Phil, but she was happy that her friend’s team had won. Phil’s friend Tony turned to him and...

2 years ago
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The Educators

In the fall of 2020, twelve female personalities of international politics disappeared in a single night. Secret services around the planet were astonished, not being able to explain how any organization could have the necessary infrastructure to organize a global operation like that, and do it without being detected. The answer to who could have done it and why arrived two days later. A video was simultaneously uploaded to hundreds of streaming websites, from YouTube or Dailymotion (that...

2 years ago
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Daddy cleans Cori

I knew it was wrong, I mean who does that? I knew I should stop, especially at the age of 17 but I couldn't. It was like a drug, I was addicted. I sighed as I fought the urge to slip my fingers into my tight, dripping wet pussy. "Cori, stop." I said to myself. To distract myself I turned on my TV, one of my all time favourite movies was on. "Sweet..." I thought as I put it on. I rolled my eyes as it turned out to be a sex scene. I knew I should change the channel or look away but I couldn't. I...

4 years ago
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The Senior Center

Chapter 1 My name is Nina and this story begins when I got the position of being a nurse at a senior living facility. I have to say I was very nervous at first but after awhile I loved my job. I had recently graduated from college with a nursing degree but I still took courses to improve my knowledge and update my skills. I usually worked the second shift so I helped my guests with dinner and getting ready for bed. I preferred to call them guests instead of patients. I believed they had...

3 years ago
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Liz Erd 3

“Yes…this is a fine day” Liz Erd thought to herself. Liz Erd adjusted her black petite seamless medium padded and lined cup push up stretch lace bra with lace trim, back wings and ½ inch adjustable straps which she wore regularly during the treatment for the vaginal infection she had just recovered from. Liz Erd had finally sought professional medical assistance for her affliction when her curdish cunt discharge had the appearance, consistency, and...

4 years ago
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The Way of WarChapter 12

The following day, whilst Bobby had the Ford to take the others around, he went to the military tailors to have a new uniform made along with a couple of shirts. He was conscious of the fact that his current one was showing the signs of wear and age. The tailors assured him it would be ready by the following day. He caught a taxi and gave instructions for the Cairo Museum and spent four hours meandering amongst the exhibits, not being too surprised to run into Prof as he was about to leave....

2 years ago
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Outside Looking In

It was early May in Winnisimmet and the signs of summer were arriving earlier than normal. The budding relationships were in full bloom as Sam York and her girlfriend Iris Donaldson were walking with their friends Reed Pena and his girlfriend Jessie Lawrence. The three girls talked openly about their plans for the summer now that they were on the final approach to their 8th-grade graduation. Reed tried to tell them that it wasn't a big deal and to take things slow, but the trio wanted...

2 years ago
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Train Journey With A Sex Worker 8211 Part II

She wanted to take a quick shower, and I had to complete a presentation, so the next few hours went by getting some serious work done. After all this was not a pure pleasure trip right? We had dinner and spoke a bit about what we would do at Delhi, apart from the usual. I told her that I can take her around and we can see Delhi a bit, depending on how much time I can pull out between work and her. After dinner, we both got our bed’s ready, I decided to take the upper birth, and climbed up. I...

1 year ago
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Newlywed Fun part 2

(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}}); For the next few days Janet had plenty to keep her busy. Arranging the furnishings and getting settled in their new home filled her time. But the evenings were the best. Every night she greeted Mark with a special meal, served by candlelight in their new dining room. Afterwards, the young couple would fuck till near dawn. Then, on a Friday morning, the moment she had been dreading happened. She answered a knock on her...

3 years ago
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Butterfly Ch 01

The research was being conducted by the university's College of Physical and Agricultural Sciences. Researchers from various departments had been studying the exoskeletons and shells of animals from across the tree of life. They had identified a member of the butterfly family that grew a hard shell over its torso, where no butterfly had previously been known to do so. This shell seemed to double the life span of this species, in comparison to other butterfly species. It also provided...

2 years ago
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The Perils Of Cyber Sex

THE PERILS OF CYBER SEX This story just highlights the perils of online chats. I'm a 65 year old single guy and I live in a small block of sheltered accommodation in Bangor, North Wales. It was 2-00 in the morning and, being unable to sleep, I was lying on my bed with my lap top, surfing some of the porn sites. The pictures and videos were having the expected effect on me and I was laying there stroking my cock. Suddenly a message popped onto the screen, blocking out the video I was...

2 years ago
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The Adventures of Samantha Part 4 Caught repost

Sorry about the previous post of this story which got posted twice. Copy/paste fail! it has been requested to be deleted and should be taken down soon. I also apologize for the short length of this chapter, think of it as a bridge to a whole lot more plot! I realized that there is some discontinuity regarding Sam and her now-roommate Carly. I realize they weren’t roommates in the first couple chapters of the story, but they are now. Please just disregard this; it makes the story more...

1 year ago
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Bouncy Rain

Something woke me up suddenly and I laid on my back for a few moments until my eyes came into focus. Glancing across to the glaring red digits on my alarm clock I could see it was just 9am, much too early to be waking up on a Saturday morning. I turned over with a groan and snuggled back into the bedclothes. Suddenly it hit me, Shauna had got back yesterday! I sat up abruptly and swung my legs out of the bed pushing aside the dirty work-clothes I had dragged off the night before. Working as a...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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MILF Neighbour And Her Daughter During Lockdown

Thanks for the amazing response to my previous stories and kudos to the ladies with whom I got closer because of the stories! ;) Like my previous stories, this is also based on real-life experience. The facts although have been tweaked to make the story more relevant and related to the current times. For those reading my story for the first time, my name is Akshay. I am a 35 year, six feet, and a moderately built married man from Bangalore. I have had a lot of fun outside marriage during my...

1 year ago
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Housewifes fantasy I

Introduction: What every woman of the house dreams of. To be seduced and taken while completing the most tedious of chores. Have you ever been standing at the sink wishing that someone would come up behind you and that their need for you would be so evident that youd want nothing more than to give in? Only to have them torture you, play with you, until you feel as if youre going to burst? If so, read on. Warning: contains short and erratic imagery that may offend some people....

3 years ago
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The sex talk I had with my mom 12

My name is Bob and my mom's name is Hallie. I'm 23 and she is 46. We're both over 6 foot and have brown hair and eyes. She divorced my dad 10 years ago. I talk to him every now and then on the phone, but that's it. One Friday night, neither of us had dates. We were both watching TV and my mom was flipping through the channels.“Damn there is absolutely nothing on,” Hallie said.“Well, you've gone through the channels like 5 times now. Just pick something already,” I replied.But somehow she ended...

2 years ago
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The Mechanic Ch 02

A story about a woman who wants more than she has but finally makes a mistake that convinces her husband that what he thought was the truth, is all a lie. Edited by Lady Cibelle. From her comments, this story took a major turn for the better. * I drove most of that day and stopped at a small out of the way motel for the night. The next morning, I continued and drove all that day, my body still aching and my head pounding. The second night, I stopped at a roadside park and slept in the car. I...

3 years ago
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249 Just a few precious months 2

249 Just a few precious months, 2 Things rumbled on for the next few days, Kelly spent a night with Nan, and I spent it again in a lonely bed. So, it was on the following Thursday that the subject was again broached by Kelly who seemed to have had the idea that I was organising some things for her, which I had definitely had not, as, being a chap, I had waited for her, thinking I was being tactful as I was not sure that I knew just what it was she wanted. Thus, nearly a week in her eyes had...

2 years ago
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My Life With a Linemans TicketChapter 4

Being one of the last of the Tramps hired, I was one of the 1st ones layed off when about all that was left to do was clean-up of the right-of-way. I went to Local 304's Hall and they sent me out to a small town south of there. The Contractor had a small job replacing cracked and/or broken insulators. This was a low primary voltage system of 2,400 volts and a lot of the work on the poles was done without safety insulated covers on the wires. The wires had some insulation still left on them...

4 years ago
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Cumming in my pants at the camera club fantasy

Everyone knows I love Miss Joanne Bache. So when I discovered She’d posed at camera clubs – nude, for groups of men, who all had photos of Her nude to take home – I nearly blew the top of my head off. Now I dreamed for years of seeing girls pose for real. As I collected magazines by the 1000s, then videos, then pics off the Net, I had fantasies about seeing a girl pose for real, but I never in a million years thought it would happen. I saw the photos in Escort mag of Miss Danica posing for...

1 year ago
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Soul Bound

?Kelly, are you sure you want to do this?? Sarah asked me for the fourth time.?Yes,? I replied for the fourth time.?OK. Take your clothes off and stand in the circle.?I stripped off my clothes and kicked them into a corner. I stood in the center of the pentagram on the floor and gazed into the full-length mirror hung on the wall. I had short red hair, C-cup breasts, very pale skin, and a thin frame. I tried to capture the image of my naked body in my mind.After all, I wasn’t going to see it...

3 years ago
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Steven and Mary

For the last several months Mary had been locking her door at night. She hated doing it, since it showed a lack of trust of her son, Steven. But he was in puberty now. She saw the way he looked at her, at how he tried to peek up her skirt or down her blouse. How he just happened to be lurking outside the bathroom when she came out of the shower. His hormones were raging, and it didn’t much matter to him that Mary was his mom. At bedtime, he now gave her lingering hugs. A year ago he hated hugs....

1 year ago
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getting pulled over with anne slutyness

Out with a friend on a hot summers day. Alan and Amy had no direct plans no destination as well. Amy just wanted to go out for a ride, they were in a neighboring city, in the downtown district. Alan noticed a cop behind him so Alan pulled into an alley the cop did the same soon enough red and blue lights behind him, “were getting pulled over” Alan tells Amy. “Oh shit”, do we have anything on us? “No” any answered, “we smoked the last of our stash at your house”. “Fe-Sho”, no pipes or anything?...

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