Broadmoor’s Haughty Headmistress free porn video

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As always, story characters are eighteen years of age or older.

* * * *

Michael Sadkins noticed the perplexed look that flashed across Laurie Reynolds’ pretty face when she handed him his term paper. A glance at it showed why, there was not a mark on it. Michael looked left and right. His classmates’ papers were covered in Professor Havel’s tiny, elegant, and always legible handwriting.

Eighty year old Professor Havel, an immigrant from the Czechoslovakia, was old school. In fact, he was pre-old school. Every year his students turned in their final papers on Thursday in writing. He did not want them faxed, sent by e-mail, or twittered, he said he did not understand such things, they were best left to the young.

Every year he returned them on Tuesday, covered in copious notes addressing grammatical and spelling errors, pointing out flaws in logic, suggesting tighter better sentences, questioning the validity of and proposing alternative sources, recommending different ways to organize the material and, without exception, finding something good to say about every paper and every student. Often several pages of typed notes (yes typed, no new-fangled word processor or computer for Professor Havel) would be appended to the paper, sometimes longer than the paper itself. Under Professor Havel’s guidance Broadmoor Academy students regularly turned their high school papers into articles published in academic journals. No one could figure out how he did it. Did he not sleep for five days?

Michael flipped to the second page. It, as well as every page after it, was clean as a whistle. Michael was wondering how Professor Havel had overlooked his paper – was that fabulous mind finally slipping – when he arrived at the final page. On it, in Professor Havel’s handwriting, in purple ink, was a ‘D.’

Michael Sadkins was Broadmoor’s top student. He had a perfect score on the ACT’s. He took more than half his classes at near-by Dartmouth University. He had thought his paper, an analysis of the influence of Edmund Burke’s political and social conservatism on Moby Dick, was one of his better efforts. More confused then anything else, he waited for the class to leave and approached Professor Havel.


The old man pulled out a handkerchief, which, as always, matched his bow tie, and wiped his brow. He took off his glasses, wiped them with the handkerchief. There were tears in his eyes when he said, in an accent forty-five years in the United States had not erased, ‘I’m sorry Michael, my wife, the insurance…’ His voice broke.

Michael understood. The legend, long confirmed, was that Havel had arrived in the United States married to a woman fifteen years younger than himself, a survivor of a concentration camp. Only one thing exceeded Professor Havel’s devotion to his students, his devotion to his wife. Only one thing equaled his devotion to her, her devotion to him. Their home was always open to students and they made sure each student, during his or her years at Broadmoor, was a dinner guest. And boy could Anna Havel cook.

One month earlier she’d been diagnosed with liver cancer. So many students and faculty had lined up to see her that the hospital had to impose special restrictions on visitors. Not a day went by when cards and flowers were not delivered to her room. It was reported that the hideously expensive treatment, thankfully covered by Broadmoor’s expansive medial insurance, was working.

‘She threatened to fire you, take away the insurance, unless you did this.’

Professor Havel was about to answer when Michael held up his hand.

‘Please sir, don’t say anything. You made the right choice. I know how hard this must have been for you, but you did the right thing. I understand, I got a ‘D’ because my paper was derivative.’

Professor Havel stared, not comprehending.

‘Say it sir, say your paper was derivative.’

Confusion evident on his face, Professor Havel said, ‘Your paper was derivative.’

‘Good, now if you’re asked what happened when I approached you about my grade you can say you told me my paper was derivative.’ Michael placed his hand on the old man’s shoulder. ‘I meant what I said sir, I know how hard this must have been, you did the right thing.’

‘Thank you Michael.’

* * * *

That afternoon Michael Sadkins did what he usually did when mulling a hard question, he hiked through the near-by hills. When he’d arrived at Broadmoor during his sophomore year he’d immediately noticed Kendall Kross, you couldn’t miss her. She was brilliant, model-beautiful, and a total fucking bitch. Her mother, Kris, was the school’s head mistress. Kris was Kendall on steroids.

The problems didn’t start until his junior year, when he found himself the object of the nasty gossip of Kendall and her friends, who ruled Broadmoor’s social network. It didn’t take long to figure out the problem, his academic performance surpassed Kendall’s. Kris had been valedictorian, she was determined her daughter would be also. But it was all manageable. Kendall’s bullying had little effect on him. Michael friends and social life centered not on Broadmoor but on Dartmouth.

In determining class rank Dartmouth courses were weighed more heavily than Broadmoor’s classes. It was the primary reason Michael’s grades were substantially higher then Kendall’s, who was a straight ‘A’ student. At the beginning of Michael’s senior year Kris proclaimed a retroactive change in school policy, Dartmouth courses would be given no additional weight. Kendall’s grades were now within fraction of Michael’s. Professor Havel’s ‘D’ would move her to the top of the class.

* * * *

For the fourth time that afternoon Kris Kross scrolled through Michael’s grades. The old bastard had caved, he’d given Sadkins a ‘D.’ For the fourth time that afternoon she tapped the icon for class ranks. Her daughter ranked first, Sadkins had slipped out of the top twenty. She’d struggled to find a way to torpedo his grades without causing a faculty revolt or a student strike, no one would believe the kid could get anything but an ‘A.’ Anna Havel’s cancer had been a gift. Professor Havel’s integrity was beyond question and his distaste for the dictatorial manner in which Kris ran the school well-known. If he gave Sadkins a ‘D’ it might be a cause of wonder, but no one would think it came from her.

Kris had fallen in love with Broadmoor when she’d been a student there. Perennially listed among the nation’s best private high schools, it offered prestige and access to the highest levels of society. She decided she never wanted to leave. As a senior she’d induced – while letting him think it was his idea – the school’s head master into her bed. When she’d turned up pregnant the doddering old fool had done the right thing, she knew he would, he divorced his wife and married her. He passed away shortly thereafter and, after some battles with his family, she’d secured control of the school and family foundation.

Her thoughts turned to her daughter. Kendall was, if anything, even more beautiful than Kris had been at that age. Slim shoulders and hips, flat belly, five feet ten inches tall, 118 pounds, 32-24-34, ‘A’ cups. An oval face, brown eyes, dark straight hair that hung half-way down her back. Kendall knew who to look out for, herself and her mother, but did not, Kris feared, share Kris’ killer instinct. Kendall belittled Sadkins and would certainly have approved of her mother’s scheme, but she’d never have devised it on her own.

* * * *

Michael Sadkins was heading out of the hills, back towards the school. The previous summer he’d acquired the means to deal with Kris and her daughter, but had decided not to use it, he’d soon be on to college and the Kross’ part of his past. The catty high school bullying would be forgotten and whether he graduated first really didn’t matter, he’d been offered full scholarships from all the universities on his list. But now they’d
fucked with Professor Havel, the most decent man Michael had ever known. They needed to be stopped.

The previous summer Michael had worked as an intern in the neuro-science lab at Dartmouth, assisting Jan Betz, a visiting researcher from Cal Tech. He was familiar with her work, he was even more familiar with her husband’s work. Jon Betz was a legend in the field of behavior modification. There were rumors of a long association with the CIA, rumors that had recently intensified when Betz had unexpectedly retired to devote his time to organic farming.

Among the responsibilities of being Ms. Betz’s assistant was sharing her bed, an assignment to which Michael had no objection, the attractive 35 year old had a voracious sexual appetite. And then one night, after she had too much to drink, he learned why her husband had retired. CIA funding for his research into mind control had ended when a Congressional staffer found out about it, but he’d continued the work in secret. As a graduate student, without her knowledge, Jan Betz had been subjected to certain drugs and hypnotic suggestions, which explained both her marriage to a man forty years her senior and her intense sexual needs. Her husband had continued the experiments, taken on more grad students as lovers until the CIA, in an audit of old programs, discovered what he’d done, confiscated the research, and forced him into retirement. What no one knew was that Jan had a copy of all of it.

That night he downloaded the information from her computer, he’d long ago learned her password. The next morning, through a blazing hang over, she recalled only a vague purposeless conversation

* * * *

Making sure the door locked behind her, Kris walked down the stairs of the administration building to her Maserati. During the last two days of the semester Kris had prepared herself for a confrontation with Michael Sadkins. The kid would certainly figure out what happened. But Michael had not even shown a sign of being upset. Was he smart enough to know he was beaten? Was he, in fact, for all his brains, not up to the fight, happy to give up the competition for valedictorian? Maybe he was just a pussy, afraid to face her? Kris liked the thought of having reduced him to impotence.

Her mind turned to the trip to Mexico. She and Kendall would be spending the holidays at a private resort near Tijuana. They’d make a spectacular pair, her daughter with her thin model-like build and she, shorter, a bit heavier, and with a curvy figure: 36-25-36, ‘C’ cups, slim waist, wide hips. Same brown eyes and hair, although Kris kept her’s shoulder length. They’d be the subject of many a man’s fantasy.

Kendall’s Jaguar was in the garage. Kris yelled for her, but there was no response. She was probably wearing headphones, listening to music in her room. Kris knocked on the door, still no response. She opened the door. Her daughter was tied to her bed, bound and gagged.

‘Ms. Kross, good of you to join us.’

Michael Sadkins was sitting at Kendall’s desk, feet up, scrolling through her cell phone

Kris showed no sign of distress, she was used to being in control. Filling her voice with dismissive contempt she said, ‘What are you doing here?’

‘That should be obvious.’

‘I’m calling the police.’

She was reaching into her purse for her phone when she was yanked off her feet, falling hard on the thick expensive rug. A cord was wrapped around her ankles and fixed to the wall. There’d been some kind of trap on the floor. Michael picked up her cell phone.

Adopting a tone of barely controlled anger she said, ‘You realize there are laws about this. You can’t break into people’s houses, tie them up. I’ll make sure you rot in jail.’

‘Yes, you do have a lot of influence,’ Michael answered. ‘And when you targeted me, well, it was no big deal, I’m moving on, it will pass. But when you went after the old man, Ms. Kross, that was unforgivable.’

‘What did he tell you?’

‘Nothing, he didn’t mention you. He told me my paper was derivative. But Ms. Kross, you knew I’d see through it. You wanted me too. It makes it sweeter for you. I’m not sure what you did to him, but for a man with that much integrity, it must have been awful.’

‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’

Michael didn’t answer, but continued to scroll down her phone. Then he seemed to find what he wanted, he got up from the desk.

‘Time to tie you up.’

He hauled her to her feet. Kris, who had been biding her time, threw a punch – she’d earned a first level black belt in karate – but he effortlessly parried it and sent her sprawling onto a chair. She looked up, surprise and, for the first time, a little fear on her face.

‘Judo, eleventh dan,’ he said.

He tossed her onto the bed next to her daughter. Kris struggled, but he soon had her bound and tied. A gag was inserted in her mouth. He picked up both phones.

‘It’s amazing what’s in these things. You two will be out of commission for the next few days. I’m going to see if there are any communication patterns I need to mimic. See you in a bit.’

Kendall and Kris strained at the ties, without effect. They tried forcing the gags from their mouth with the same non-result. Kris could sense rising panic in her daughter, but remained calm and reviewed the situation. They were set to leave for Mexico in the morning, no one would question their disappearance. The resort might wonder where they were, but Kris had paid a deposit, right now Michael could be sending an e-mail canceling the trip or saying they’d be late. The hotel would think nothing of it. Michael would never get away with this, but he could do some damage in the meantime.

For the first time Kris worried.

The sun had long set when Michael reappeared carrying a tray with two hypodermic needles on it. He dabbed alcohol on each woman’s arm, gave them an injection, waited several minutes, strapped dog choke collars around their necks, and untied them. Both women felt woozy, they sank down to their hands and knees.

‘Time for dinner.’

Leashes in hand, Michael headed for the kitchen Kendall followed. Kris, after the choke collar bit into her neck, did the same. Once there Michael ladled food – even in her addled state Kris noted that it smelled wonderful – from a pot onto a plate, then scraped some into two dog bowls. He removed the gags from the women’s mouths.

Kris flexed her aching jaw and said, ‘We are not eating from dog bowls.’ Her speech was slurred.

Michael was non-plussed. ‘For the time being, suit yourselves.’

Then Kendall, also struggling to speak, said, ‘Mama, I’m hungry, thirsty, haven’t had anything since lunch.’

Kris wanted to respond, but was having trouble putting a sentence together. When it finally came out her tone was uncertain, weak. It felt like something was scrambling her brain. She closed her eyes, tried to concentrate, but it did no good. She looked at Kendall, her eyes were dazed and unfocused.

‘Those are the drugs I injected you with. They open the mind, break down your defenses. Now be good girls and eat up.’

Kendall drank and ate hungrily, Kris still refused.

Michael, with genuine respect in his voice, said, ‘Ms. Kross you have a strong will.’ He took hold of their leashes and headed for the living room. The furniture was pushed to the side and two metal frames, built around six foot cushions, were on the floor. Electronic equipment sat on short black metal shelves next to each frame.

‘It’s got a technical name, but we’ll call it the Mind Bender. Now pay close attention: neither of you have permission to orgasm tonight.’

Kris didn’t know what the fuck Michael was talking about, but had noticed that his grip on the leash had loosened. Although it was difficult – her mind seemed mired in quicksand – she moved back on her knees and lunged at him, but glanced off his legs and fell on her side. He rolled her onto a cushion and
strapped her arms and legs to the frame. He did the same to Kendall and then, with a pair of heavy scissors, cut off Kendall’s clothes. Kris tried to scream but what came out was an incoherent bellow.

As Kris watched, Michael clamped alligator clips to Kendall’s nipples, wires ran from the clips to a black metal box. He connected electrodes to her forehead and took a cardboard box off the shelf, opened it, and placed something between Kendall’s legs. It took Kris a moment to accept it, but it was exactly what it appeared to be, a moderate-sized dildo attached to a base. After coating it with lubricant Michael pushed the dildo into Kendall. Kendall pulled back, trying to escape, but was too tightly bound, the thing penetrated her easily. Kris looked to the shelf next to her, the same box was there. Her muddled mind knew real fear.

Michael covered Kendall’s eyes with a heavy blindfold, her ears with noise reducing headphones, put cotton in her nostrils and a ball-gag in the mouth. As he did Kris, calling together what remaining focus she could, said, ‘You’re insane.’

‘We’ll find out.

Michael prepared Kris as he had her daughter. By the time he was done Kris couldn’t move, speak, see, hear, or smell. She tried to think, figure a way to escape, to save her daughter, but kept losing her train of thought. She tried dredging up her anger, her longing for revenge, but could capture these emotions for only a moment before they dissipated.

And then she heard Michael through the headphones. His voice was harsh, malignant. ‘Ladies, it’s going to be a long night. At times it will be pleasurable, at times painful. There will be times when you are very lonely. There is only one thing you can count on, my voice. It will guide you, comfort you. You will learn from it. All you need to do is listen. If you don’t fight it, if you accept it, everything will be fine.’

Then there was only Michael’s voice. Kris didn’t want to hear it, she drowned it out, singing every Beatles song she knew in her head. She had worked her way through Rubber Soul and Revolver when the dildo started to vibrate. She tried not to think about it, sang Let It Be and Hey Jude, but the vibrator kept varying d its speed, distracting her. Soon her pussy throbbed. Turning her focus to her libido, she tried to suppress the sensations. And with her attention diverted to her sex, she heard the voice.

‘I am your Master. You belong to me.’

‘You are a possession, you are Master’s property.’

‘You are dedicated to Master, life is serving Master.’

‘You crave sex. Your body craves sex. You need sex. ‘

‘You live for your cunt, you are a slut.’

‘You worship Master.’

The voice was absurd. He was a punk kid, not her Master, and she didn’t crave sex. Sex was a weapon, her beauty was a weapon. All her life she’d used them to get what she wanted. She’d gained control of Broadmoor through sex. Sex for pleasure, that was for lesser people.

But with her attention on to the voice, the bliss in her cunt grew. She turned her mind back to it, tried to suppress the surging need. She told herself she’d never give in, never submit to this bizarre experiment, but still she was feeling intense pleasure. It must be the drugs, she thought, the drugs were making her body more sensitive, more responsive. But the thought was profitless, she couldn’t extinguish the glow in her groin. The dildo was driving her crazy, it knew when to slow, it knew when to increase its pace. It pushed her to the brink of an orgasm, held her there. The voice kept going.

‘You love to come, you live to come.’

‘You crave orgasms.’

‘Your body belongs to Master.’

‘You may come only with Master’s permission. You will be punished if you come without Master’s permission.’

‘You crave pain. Pain sets you on fire.’

Then, abruptly, the vibrations stopped, but the voice kept going. Exhausted, covered in sweat, she didn’t have the strength to argue with it.

‘You shall obey Master.’

‘You are Master’s slut’

‘Your purpose is to serve Master.’

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Hi ISS readers as I told how my friend’s wife Jaya seduced and how I started enjoying sex with her. As she promised her sister came to her house to pursue her higher education in city and was staying in her sister’s house Kavita was life dupe for Keerthi Reddy. She was sexy with 34-28-32 with milky skin. Once I saw her bathing from that day I was having crush on her and type of love towards her. I wanted her at any cost and Jaya knew and she promised me of getting her to me. As promised once...

1 year ago
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New BeginningChapter 17 Forward

The room was dimly lit by moonlight. Roger lay on his back in the bed, his head elevated by a single pillow. Rose lay with her head on his chest. He gently caressed her back and thigh as their breathing slowly returned to normal. The soft cotton sheet was pulled up over their bodies and tucked under her arm. Their breathing slowed and Roger had his eyes closed, nearly asleep. Rose, however, was wide awake and asked, “Roger, what’s going on between you and Mary?” In his barely conscious...

3 years ago
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Concupiscent CongregationChapter 11 Juicy Jailbait

For three weeks Peter Mahoney had been screwing his buxom secretary Shannon and yearning for fourteen year old Darlene's adolescent tightness. During that time he'd moved to a larger office with a room that facilitated sex with his secretary. Bridget had decreed that they no longer required a babysitter for thirteen year old Coleen so there had been no opportunity for the delight of younger pussy with the balloon breasted, sixteen year old babysitter. And since his wife was totally...

2 years ago
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The Instant Avenger

THE INSTANT AVENGER by Skip SYNOPSIS: An aggressive domineering lesbian seeks to coerce an unwillingheterosexual female into bondage. Fortunately for the intended submissive athird dominatrix comes to the rescue. Three of the characters in this storymade previous appearances in "The Instant Messenger" CODES: F/F, Heavy, Violent, NC Let me tell you a little about myself before I relate my bondage experience.My name is Sara, 19 years old, 5'4, 100 pounds, with piercing blue eyes andlong blond...

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Mindy Proves Shes Not a PrudeChapter 2

Mindy giggled to herself after her ex left several messages wanting to find out about her shenanigans with his brother. He told her about their naughty threesome and now was interested in why they always had simple sex. In Mindy’s mind her boyfriend was simple. He just wanted her to suck his cock and slip his dick into her cunt. He never wanted to do anything more than that. Perhaps, it was because Mindy was just bored. They did go out for many years and he never suggested anything more than...

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Window Watching

My new condo came with an unexpected bonus. I live on the ninth floor of a ten story building. There is a building next door that had been a six-story manufacturing plant but had been converted to expensive loft apartments. With its taller ceilings, the two buildings are fairly close to the same height. What I discovered one night when I came in from work late was when the lights were on in the sixth-floor apartment across from mine, I could see right in with just a slight downward angle. I had...

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She cant Resist a Big Cock PT2

Thirteen years ago, I voyeuristically watched my soon-to-be wife get plowed by my roommate at the time, with his 10-inch cock. It was remarkable to watch the look on her face and the way she got into his big dick. She never knew I saw the session with Frank and I never brought it up. It fulfilled a fantasy of mine at the time and one that I carried for the last 12 years of our marriage.Occasionally during sex over the years, I've brought up the notion of having sex with a well-hung man. Mary...

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Best Summer Job EverChapter 17 Summers End

The further I got into August, the faster time seemed to go. Everyone knew I was leaving soon, and none seemed too happy about it. The worst ones handling my imminent departure were the R's. On more than one night I ended up comforting them in my bed. "It's not fair!" wailed Roberta or Rose. "We just get here, and you leave." I would hug them. "I know, and I'm sorry. But my employment contract is only for the summer. If I could stay here longer I would, but I can't." "What if...

2 years ago
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Neighbors Pt 1

To make matters worse, my dad is one of those manly men and he seems convinced that he needs to turn me into a “manly man.” My dad can be such a dick sometimes, no wonder my mother left. I just wish she would’ve taken me with her. She probably couldn’t bare the thought of having a sissy for a son.. But, that’s life or so I’ve been told. There’s not much I can do about it. At least it’s finally the weekend. As I grab my crap out of my locker and pile the mile high stack of homework for...

2 years ago
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Naughty or NiceChapter 1

“Whew!” Belle says as she slumps onto the couch in the center of the lounge. Her purple hair falls partially over her face and she quickly purses her lips and blows it clear. “You look like you’ve just come back from a marathon,” Holly, her twin sister, says. “It could probably be considered one,” Belle quips and reaches for a towel to dab the sweat from her green skin. “The human world is getting smaller and smaller as their population gets bigger and bigger,” Holly says. She grabs the...

3 years ago
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The Landlord Made Me His 8216Wife8217

Hi readers, welcome to my story. I completely changed from straight to gay (bottom), and that too became feminine and a crossdresser. I was 22, I am dark 5’7,” and I have a little chubby figure. I have fat in my thighs and ass. I got a job in Indore. I started looking for homes. Instead of staying with other bachelors, I found someone who had 2 BHK of his own and offering one room. The advantage here was I won’t have to worry about dinner and breakfast. I spoke to the landlord and get sorted...

Gay Male
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MomPOV Josie A hot young MILF E422

Nicks Notes – 35 years old single mother of one – Has never been married just with someone for a very long time – Is currently doing escort work to make money – Figured making her first porn would be fun she loves to fuck – She is the type that loves dick so much she got caught cheating – She likes to masturbate every day in the shower especially – Such a freak she fucked an Olive Garden waiter in the bathroom – One of my absolute favorite models I have ever worked with – She had a very nice...

1 year ago
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Dream Night For A Virgin Girl Part 8211 2

Hi dosto this is waseem again, back with part 2 of my previous story jisme Maine aur Ruby ne enjoy kiya aur ruby ne apni virginity gawayi aur wo kamsin Kali se ek khila hua phul Bani. Jo yeh story first time padh rahe hai unse request hai ki wo meri baki ki stories bhi padhe aur mujhe feedback de mere email pe Jo hai. () is story ka first part hai “Dream night for a virgin girl” Apne bare main bata du main age 29 ek MNC Mai acche post pe hu medium body and fun loving person hu. So ab story pe...

3 years ago
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Peer Pressure Both Ways

‘Fucking pervert, fucking pouffe, tosser, sissy….’ Lenny had become accustomed to these names over the years, as he went about minding his own business, but the lads from out of town were relentless, as they began pushing and shoving Lenny. He tried to walk away, but they roughed him up a bit, before laughing hysterically and then shooting off. Lenny wasn’t physically hurt, just a slightly bruised ego, the thing that hurt the most wasn’t the outsiders, but it was Brad who joined in, despite...

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I was Just A Sex Slave

Charlie, Daniel and Bruce knew more about using folks than I could imagine. Once they had assailed me and I did not inform on them, I was virtually theirs when ever they wanted to use me. Our sessions together was brutal yet thrilling. I often found myself seeking out their companionship, singly and collectively. Bruce was all ways gentle and caring when ever we had sex together. He had family that could be vicious and would often fix me up with them with out telling me ahead of time, I often...

3 years ago
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Warm Mouth of a Friend

The surprise I felt that his dick was as enormous as it was, was second only to my surprise of his willingness. I had known Jacob since we were kids, he always seemed so interested in women, seemingly talking about and chasing them at every opportunity. Now, as we lay in his bed kissing, he seemed as though he couldn't let me in his pants fast enough. Not that I minded. I wasted little time loosening his belt and pulling his shorts down. I found a set of boxers, dampened slightly in one area...

Gay Male
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Commercial Company

Deftly backing the trailer into the spot where the guard said to, I climb down from the tractor, unlatch the fifth wheel, disconnect the air and electrical lines, and lower the landing gear. ‘Damn,’ I mutter, looking at the darkening sky, ‘I hope it doesn’t start to rain!’ Climbing back in the cab, I pick up the satellite unit I use to communicate with the company. ‘Dropped at the lot’, I send them. ‘I’m about out of hours today, and I’d like to go get a shower and some dinner. Think you can...

3 years ago
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Authors note: This is a revision to Divine Bliss. I added more depth to the characters and also some background to Calise. Hope you enjoy. Questions or comments are welcome. I promise I wont get mad…lol Enjoy * ‘Where are we going?’ Calise asked her best friend of ten years. They had been driving for a little over an hour and she was tired of seeing desert out of the car window. When Shauntea arrived at Calise’s house tonight all she said was get dressed. That was it. She refused to tell her...

2 years ago
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The Crimes of the One Second Bandit

At exactly ten minutes past ten, Bank Manager Martin Simmons descends the stairs of the Royal National Bank, clutching a briefcase. Inside that briefcase is the weekly wages for the staff of the Marston and Sons Plastic and Rubber Company, a total sum of five thousand pounds! Despite such a large sum, Simmons has no escort, uniformed or otherwise; he has made the delivery via the same route at the same time on the same day for twenty years and not once has he been held up but that is all to...

3 years ago
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SissyTec Part 5

Well, that was a fun time. Did little Stephie wephie like having those nice men's dicks in her ass and swallowing lots and lots of their yummy spermies? Is sweetie snookums little rosebud all stretched out from the attention it got. Oh look, there's still lots of icky sticky cum on her sissy face and lips. Mom, why don't you take her into the nursery and wash her up. Then give her a bottle of NutriFormulaZ, with the sedative in it. I'm sure that after playing with the boys she could use a...

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Sugar Cane Plantation

She always felt so much at home when she visited the island. Silly really since she spent almost all of her time elsewhere – working long, tedious hours at the law firm. Still, her vacations always brought her here – to the warm breezes, the smell of the ocean, the lush foliage. So it seemed that each time she was able to visit, she was coming home. This time it would be a little different. In the past she had always stayed at one of the big resorts. The ones with the private beaches, and golf...

1 year ago
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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 47 All I Wanna Do Is Make Love To You

An isolated riverbank near the Ukraine’s Black Sea Coast 4:11pm, Monday, August 27, 1962 “Oh, Michael, I never thought I find such a strong, handsome young man like you, here in Ukraine,” Viktoriya Tolsik (nee: Kharlamov) softly stated as we walked hand in hand. The water of one of the Dnister River’s smaller tributaries splashed over our bare feet and lower legs as we meandered along the river’s edge. Viktoriya was mesmerizingly beautiful in the late afternoon sunshine. The intermittent...

1 year ago
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Himura BattousaiChapter 118 By a Hairs Breadth

Aoshi: You'll fight with your full strength, but as you are, without turning the reverse blade around... Kenshin: Yes. Aoshi: More empty words. (He strikes the bookshelf to Kenshin's side, destroying it.) Aoshi: You fight with regard for your opponent's life. How can you use your full strength? At the height of the Bakumatsu, you fought to kill your enemy. That's exactly why you survived as the strongest of the Hitokiris. To fight with swords is to take life! A fight is to decide...

4 years ago
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Becoming A Hotwife Pt5

A couple of weeks later, I woke on Monday morning to find Dave gone. When I went through to the kitchen, he was sitting and reading his iPad at the island. He had a very mischievous grin. When I asked what he was up to, he just told me I’d find out soon enough.I turned, saying I needed a shower.When I returned, I saw Dave fully dressed and ready for work, walking out of the door with a bin bag. I thought nothing of it assuming he was putting out some rubbish. However, I was soon to find out how...

Wife Lovers
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I Need It Bad

I NEED IT BAD I just got laid the other night by a more than willing friend but that was days ago. The pussy was good and I released a healthy cum load on her belly. Maybe because of the combination of a long, demanding workweek and trying to abstain from masturbation, I needed pussy now. I can barely sleep for want of pussy. Perhaps I can call another friend, Mona, to help me out. I hadn’t seen her in a while and sex is always incredible. She has full fluffy tits that I can suckle on while I...

4 years ago
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I Am Missing You

I am missing you. You are far away and it will be a while before I see you again. Thoughts of you run through my mind constantly. I am distracted. I cannot focus. I feel a need for you that aches and burns inside me. I plague myself with memories of the beautiful, sensual times we have shared. The way you look at me when we are in bed. That hungry look in your eye that makes me feel like the prey of a masterful predator. It makes me want to give myself to you, to offer myself as a sacrifice at...

2 years ago
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Meine Ausbildung

Mein Name ist Marcel. Zu beginn der Geschichte, die ich erzählen will, war ich gerade 18 Jahre alt geworden. Aufgewachsen bin ich in einem kleinen verschlafenen Dorf nicht weit von der Nordseeküste. Hier war echt gar nichts los und auch mit Mädchen hatte ich in dieser Einöde leider noch keine großen Erfahrungen machen können. Nachdem ich nach einer Ehrenrunde endlich meine mittlere Reife gemacht hatte, hatte es irgendwann auch mit einem Ausbildungsplatz geklappt. Es handelte sich um eine...

4 years ago
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ChastityRina was disturbed. Her son Ritwik, or Rik, could it spot it a mile away as soon he came back from college and sat down on the sofa that covered half of the living room of their tiny flat in Bowbazar, a part of Calcutta that had seen better days. Normally she would have had a million questions -- what was taught today? who did what? and said what? and so on while serving him his evening tiffin. But today, after a rather hurried hello, she had quickly retired to the tiny kitchen and Rik...

1 year ago
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My First Sex A Sexy Young Teacher Blackmailed Me To Fuck Her

Hello all iss readers, its rajveer, back again with another true experience from my life, first of all I would thank all the people for you valuable comments and feedback.For those of you who are reading my post for the first time let me introduce myself again. I am rajveer (that’s my real name and age), 30 years old guy from hyderabad, 5’10 height with a well built body as I workout regularly to keep myself in good shape for all my female friends. I love having safe sex with mature married...

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Aunty Pam Chp 21

I heard her in the kitchen talking. Oh shit I thought to myself. Was someone here with her? I grabbed my pants and put them on and peered out the door. I saw her standing over the kitchen counter looking out the window, talking on the phone. I let out a sigh of relief. “No I haven’t seen him. After he helped me last night, he said he was going straight home. I wouldn’t worry too much; he probably just went to a friend’s house. You know how teenagers can be. If I see him I will call you.” She...

1 year ago
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Bethanys Mix UpChapter 2

Bethany froze at Jared's confession. Jared had a sheepish grin plastered onto his face. "I heard you talking to Dr. Fremont. I was hoping you would come up with that idea, but I just wasn't sure. I never thought it would end up like this, though. It's not like I planned it. When you came in my room and you looked at me the way you always do I almost lost it and jumped you right there. And then you told me we'd be in the tub like when we were little! Do you even remember what we used to...

2 years ago
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LebenChapter 18

Angelika - Like an angel Truda - Fighting woman Varick - Protecting Ruler Harman - Man of the army “You cannot win,” the voice from the speakers yelled as soon as the screaming stopped. “You may have placed blocks in me it won’t help you escape. This entire room is a prison for you. Nothing you can do will allow you to make it out of here!” An evil laugh sounded as Alan felt a strong probing then an almost titanic force start to push him from his mind! “You obviously haven’t looked at all I...

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Helping friends fulfill their fantasy

I know that i am not polished and appealing to the senses as other popular writers are, but i'm trying to improve the bits. I had shown an extract of my diary to a publisher, and he said that actually the raw, stripped down style of my writing appealed to him. But he also advised me to come back after some changes. I would also like to tell you, that the stories you're reading here are amongst the foremost pages of my diary. Most of these have been written years ago when i was new to writing...

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Captive CheerleaderChapter 2

She awoke on her side, with his body pressed against her back. She didn't move for a while, dreamily reliving the day before, each of the climaxes, the discovery of how good it was with a man. His cock felt good in her hand, in her mouth, in her cunt. Nothing she could do to herself felt as good. She pushed back at his skin, particularly with her hips, and felt his meaty prick in her ass crack. A contented sigh came unbidden from her throat. He stirred, then a sitting position....

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My first older women and couple

It was 1977 and I was 15 yrs old, I had been dating a 15 yr girl named dawn and over the past year I had been fucking her and her younger sister julie now 13.Her mother was a long haired med/slender blonde with huge natural 40DD size tits and had no problem showing them off with her clothes she wore.on many occasions she would make a comment about me starring at her beautiful cans and always with a smile since she really enjoyed every saturday morning I stopped at dawn's house to pick...

3 years ago
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Music Til Midnight

Inspired by a news story. Aaron and Rachael spend a quiet, romantic evening together, both with an eye on the clock. At midnight the lives they know will come to an end. A slice of life without a plot. A love story. Very short. Music 'Til Midnight by ABC de F It was the perfect romantic setting, as it was designed to be. The living room was dark, lit by scented candles. The mechanics of the air conditioning were cloaked by the music from the computer, a program of songs that was...

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