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Chapter 5 – Sheila Renée Schwartz, hereinafter the Bride…

Interlude: 25th Anniversary


‘When Mom talks about the Merger, she is referring to the household staff. Dad means business. After all, it’s still his thing. Mom had all real property. Dad wanted to make sure they both got a fair share of the company. I gather this was not trivial.’


Showering together was nice. There was no sex, though a fair amount of pinch and tickle went on. What was nice was having someone to shave my hard to see places. In return, I lathered Sean and shaved him, top and bottom. Actually, I only trimmed the pubic hair, but I had his undivided attention.

Once we had dried each other, it was time for my daily ordeal with the bustier. This was made immeasurably better by having two sets of hands. Sean had me sit at the vanity, while he fastened me up the back. Once it was hooked, he leaned forward and told me to enjoy it. Once I became pregnant it would no longer fit. That sent waves of conflicting emotions through me. I was still conflicted when Sean showed me the small kitchen, where I found hot water on demand.

Then it was off to the gym. I half expected to find Christine waiting outside, but kneeling in the workout area would have been second choice. I told her to take ten minutes and email me a report. I caught a slight twitch of her lips. Christine already had one sent, or at least ready. I was loving that, not that I would tell her for a while.

Shortly after, I led Christine through the rabbit hole. On the other end, I found Claudia Johnson waiting. I forestalled anything she might say with a smile, a wink and finger to my lips. As I moved past, I grinned to myself. The cruelest thing you can do to a bright person is give them a little information, but not enough. Claudia did not know it, but she was in the middle of a job interview.

My morning was booked solid. After last week, it was inevitable. This was stressful, but it allowed me to quietly pass word along about both my nuptials and the pending move. Christine did a very nice impression of furniture.

I made a point of looking up Sharon, the yoga instructor. I thanked her for her time the week before and informally invited her to the wedding. Sharon surprised me greatly by throwing her arms around me and exclaiming how happy that made her. Since we had never been close, I was taken aback. I was not sure what role Sharon would take in my life, but I planned on finding her a bigger one. Good friends are worth gold, and I was surprised to find one had been next to me all along.

Once my chores at XTreme Fitness were complete, I drove Christine to Martha’s clinic. Martha was another friend and I wanted to invite her personally. It took a few minutes, but finally Martha poked her head out, with a worried expression. I ran up to her and gave her the hug I had gotten from Sharon. The mother’s in the waiting room stared at us, some with hostility, until I held up my ring finger. Then everyone wanted to congratulate me. When I mentioned Sean’s name, some of the smiles turned plastic.

Martha’s reaction was more telling. She heaved a big sigh and hugged me for real. That got some interesting expressions from the ladies. At least two of the ones that that had frowned at Sean’s name looked shocked when Martha hugged me. Then Martha introduced me to the group.

‘Ladies, this is Sheila Schwartz, the best personal trainer in town and a genuine good egg. She is marrying one of the few men in town that might be able to do her justice. Hopefully, in a few years, she will be sitting where you are now.’ She turned to her receptionist. ‘Carol, give Miss Schwartz my cell. Whenever the wedding is, clear my schedule.’ Oh my stars. The rumor mill just shifted up a couple of gears.

As we left, I could not help but notice Christine’s expression. She practically glowed. When Christine saw me looking, her face became more controlled, but I could still see that she was deeply pleased. For a moment, that made no sense. Then I realized that Christine linked her status to mine. In her own subtle way, Martha had just given my debut party. G_d, I loved that woman.

Our next stop was Richards Enterprises. At Christine’s urging, I took out Sean’s card, which he had put in my pay envelope. The two of us went to Human Resources. I went up to a woman, whose desk ID said Barbara Johnson. When she looked up, I handed her the card. Another woman, whose desk ID said Barbara Kennedy, came over to look.

Barbara Johnson cleared her throat. ‘When did he give you this?’

I said, ‘It was in my pay envelope last Friday.’

Ms. Kennedy said, ‘Pay envelope? What is your job here?’

‘I was a contract hire: Art Director for the auction.’

Ms. Johnson asked, ‘So you worked for Justin?’

‘Well, technically, Justin reported to me. Christine said I should bring the card straight here.’ Ms. Kennedy was openly staring, with her mouth slightly ajar. Ms. Johnson swallowed before she spoke.

‘Did Mr. Richards say anything about your position?’

Without a word I pulled out the antique ring. By this time, there were three other women and a man hovering nearby. Another woman, whose demeanor said Boss, was walking up. Even she stopped and stared.

I said, ‘Sean Richards and I are engaged. Christine thought this would be a good way to let everyone know. She may have been right about that. It was fun. Now, would someone get Helen on the line?’

The woman who looked to be the department manager waived me forward. She held out her hand, which I shook. ‘Emilia Lucann, HR Coordinator. I suspect we will be working together. You can call from my office.’ As we went to the office, Emilia noted, ‘You know that they will be useless until everyone in the building knows?’ I said nothing, but Christine looked smug.

My conversation with Helen was typically one sided. ‘Helen, Sheila here. Let Sean know I am in the building. I have a drawing of our invitations for his approval. We will need a mailing list no later than close of business. Do you have a preliminary copy?’ Helen grunted an affirmative. ‘Good. I will take a look at it when I get there. Do Sean and I have any appointments?’ Another affirmative sound. ‘Just text me the details. Christine and I let the cat out in HR. You should be getting feedback by now. Anything else?’ Negative sound. ‘I’ll be there in five.’

Ms. Lucann was watching in open admiration. ‘How long have you known Helen?’

‘We met last week. Helen does not waste words. Now, I have something for your department. Sean’s sister Siobhan will be arriving later today or tomorrow, along with a dozen grad students. They are going to help set up the wedding. It would be helpful to put them on as minimum wage general labor, so that they get worker’s compensation coverage. Run it past Legal and copy Sean, on my say so. By the way, the wedding is Saturday at the Residence. Any questions I can handle?’

Ms. Lucann stared at me for a moment, then shook her head, as if to clear it. ‘If I did not know you weren’t related, I would ask which branch of the family you were from. It is funny that you mention Miss Jo. You sound just like her. To answer your question, no. This will keep me busy for a while. Helen will keep me up to date. Everything goes through Helen, but you already seem to know that. By the way, congratulations. He is a good boss and seems to be a good man.’ I thanked her and we left. Outside, I complimented Christine on her instincts. That had made the right sort of waves.

When we reached Helen’s desk, Helen handed me a list of names and I handed Helen the two rings. I was pleased to see that no one obvious had been omitted. Many of my clients were on the list, including Harold and Martha. Also included were my mother, Claudia Johnson, even Sharon. Lower down was a list of names with question marks. This list included Mario and Charles. I checked off all b
ut a couple of those names. The only name I added was my landlady, Rosa Danvers. It was a long list, but still short of 200 names. Somehow I expected 200 would not scratch the surface of the attendees. For one thing, there was no media names that I could see.

Then, it was time to face the lawyers.


Saturday had been a special wake up. Sheila had climbed aboard and played cowgirl. Monday was more of a traditional fantasy. Sheila woke me with a blow job. It was so sweet, but I really had to pee. I came back and we made love. This time, Sheila put her leg on my shoulder, much like she had done the day before in the cloak room. She informed me it was called Splitting the Bamboo in the Kama Sutra. I suspected we would need a lot of bamboo halves.

In the shower we had a lot of touchy/feely, but no sex. Instead, she shaved me, including a trim down under. I shaved her more difficult places. It was comfortable and unforced. Helping her don the foundation garment was less comfortable. I reminded Sheila that a baby would change her figure. Sheila’s expression would have gone perfectly next to a dictionary definition of ambivalent. That was good with me. I also had mixed feelings about my fiancée’s passion for intricate, and difficult, support undergarments. I resolved to inquire about maternity wear, if such a thing existed.

At the time I simply introduced her to my favorite morning toy, the flash boiler. Sheila loved it—no waiting for tea water. I made a mental note to get an egg cooker. Sheila does oatmeal and a boiled egg religiously. My preference is whole grain toast, with a sunny side egg face down in the middle. We agreed on the orange juice. As the saying goes, I could get used to mornings like that.

Someone once said, ‘If all work is play, then play would indeed be work.’ I had a job and so did Sheila. Actually, Sheila had three jobs. Given our schedules, it was amazing how much quality time we had already managed. Fiery, I use the term advisedly, orgasms were wonderful, but intimacy is made up of little courtesies and helpful thoughts.

In a small epiphany, I realized that this is what was lacking in all my previous lovers. They may have been technically gifted, but they were not putting me before themselves. To be fair, neither had I. With Sheila, it seemed the natural thing to do. It also gave me a chance to play with her tits, which she liked to hide in a bank vault. As I gave her our parting hug, an evil thought was growing in my mind.

Work was an odd hash that morning. The weekend had been uneventful, in many ways, at least for the businesses. With the catalog finally approved, nothing significant was pending on the auction. No major overseas issues were underway, and the routine dealings were handled at a lower level. It was, for my job as CEO, a slack period. Ordinarily, this would mean several meetings where various people pitched ideas.

Instead, I was on the phone with bankers and local businessmen—Sheila was the only female expected to attend—discussing the agenda for our meeting that afternoon. Attendance required $50,000, paid into an escrow account. When it comes to separating businessmen from dalliers, all that is needed is a demand for money. When I am doing a deal, talk is not cheap. It says something about my reputation that only one potential player begged off.

Sheila did not know about the cash up front requirement, yet, because I posted her portion as well as my own. It was one of the details we would need to iron out, which was why I went to Legal. Curtis had several things for my attention, beginning with Sheila’s prenuptial agreement. That went quickly. After that, Curtis and I discussed Sheila’s idea about forming an LLC. Curtis promised to get busy on a set of charter documents, which meant he was 100% behind the idea. In passing, I mentioned the day we met at the DMV. Curtis gave me an odd look. He told me that except for the birth of his son, it had been the most important day in his life. Everyone’s mind seemed to be on babies.

Helen had her usual list of items, broken down by priority. LM Bujold had a wonderful rating system—garden snake, venomous snake, hissing venomous snake. I added a fourth level, involving the hissing snake and soft anatomical parts. For an important day, the herpetarium was surprisingly quiet. There was a pair of messages from Francine. One was a note mentioning $100,000 and requesting bank routing. The other was contact information for her costume and construction people. Down the list a ways was arrival information from my sister Jo. I had to get those two together.

Getting Jo was easy. We kept up with each other, so her private number was on my cell. I told Helen to work the numbers Francine had provided til she got her in person. Twenty minutes later the three of us were conference calling. My part was purely for introductions. After that, I barely managed the proverbial edgewise word. Given that Francine has a high school education and Jo is an Ivy League PhD, the two sound surprisingly alike. It got worse. The longer they talked, the more the similarity grew. Sheila was taking both of them to get corsets fitted for the bridesmaid dresses. The thought of the three together was frightening.

Eventually, the first rush wound down. Francine would have people swarming by morning. Jo and her dozen of handpicked graduate students were arriving that evening. I mentioned Sheila’s idea of using the party boat as a floating stage. That had both of them going for a while. Jo had some interesting ideas for fun and games. It seemed that one of her grad students specialized in the Amish lifestyle, which uses no electricity. She gave me a list of people to contact.

I gave both of them Rick Williams number at Special Events. He could kill me later. I also mentioned the dust covered side show Rick and I had found. More excitement. Sheila had wanted horse drawn carriages. I suggested hiring Amish carriages and Amish young men to drive them. This led to a discussion of food service and Amish young women as servers. In turn, this led to more discussions of costuming, then dress code.

Finally, we reached our first decision. The invitations would need to go out by tomorrow morning. They started discussing the Reception Ball, which would be fully formal. At that point, I bowed out. There was no telling how long they would be at it. I called the number Jo had given me, which turned out to be a Mennonite church near Philadelphia. The Amish are to Mennonites like Orthodox are to Jews. The Amish are a smaller, stricter portion of the whole. I spoke to an Elder Neufeld, who was raised Amish, but no longer kept the strict observances. I had explained the situation and asked if the time frame could be made to work. As an after thought, I asked about boat restorations.

He was not very helpful, until I told him about the boat. Woodworking has great pride of place in Mennonite communities. For that alone, he was prepared to meet me. As for the rest, something might be arranged, if I was willing to hire a couple of train cars for a special run. Elder Neufeld promised to know more when we met.

After that unusual conversation, I checked back with Helen. She informed me that hurricane Sheila had arrived. Sure enough, there was a long list of emails awaiting my attention. Most, but not all, of them were from HR. Sheila’s intention may have been to put her name in the rumor mill. If so, taking my card to HR was inspired. I suspected I had CC to thank for that detail. What Sheila did with the suggestion was even more spectacular. With all the gossip that had to be running, I hoped we managed some work.

Emilia Lucann was the only one that required a response. I sent a confirmation of the nuptials and copied everyone and their house pets. Almost immediately, I received word from Helen that Sheila and CC had arrived. Time to revisit Curtis.

One thing I loved about Sheila was her ability to make an entrance. Her outfit was very much in
keeping with that tradition. It was closely fitted, which was not surprising given the bustier. She wore three inch ankle strap navy pumps. The suit was a cream colored linen, with a deep red blouse. Instead of earrings, she had simple sapphire studs. On the left breast, she wore a red and blue brooch. Her hair was up, but loosely, secured with a vintage comb and three long ivory pins. It framed her face very well. Her makeup was just mascara and red lipstick, which matched the blouse.

I gave Sheila a quick hug, which she pressed, then stepped back. I glanced at CC. When Sheila shrugged, I suggested that some time back in Auctions would be helpful. Sheila sent CC off with just a glance. Seeing them together reminded me of something. I told Helen to find out about au pair training and to get CC enrolled. Sheila’s smile was like a sunrise.

Signing the prenuptial agreement was no fun, but such things rarely are. Curtis’ contract reserved the house, grounds, contents and my stock portfolio, particularly in Richards Enterprises. Sheila’s section reserved the warehouse building, franchise rights to the gym, contents of her studio and personal property. The list was fairly impressive, much of it wearable. Jo would love the contents of Sheila’s vanity.

With that chore done, we could turn to our real estate interests. The new company was to be called K & T Properties, LLC. Sheila was to contribute the warehouse. I would contribute the fair market value of the building plus the reasonable going concern value of the XTreme Fitness franchise. This amount was to be determined, but not less than $100,000. I produced the statement of deposit for the escrow account. I proposed this amount constitute the first $50,000. Sheila looked mildly surprised, but agreed without comment.

After that, we haggled a bit on officers and meeting requirements. The state will not let you have a company that does literally nothing. At minimum, there have to be regular meetings, with minutes taken. Sheila gave Curtis the name of her accountant and signed a disclosure document. Then the three of us moved to the car and headed to the meeting.

The meeting was the usual gathering of businessmen. George Ablot claims he never made a dollar in a suit. He made his money clipping coupons from his father’s ConEd bonds. Fred and Frank Fitzpatrick never wear anything but a three piece suit, then take off the jacket and tie. Fred was an architect and Frank was a general contractor. James Jameson used to own the newspaper, before he sold to Gannett. More recently he runs a list of rental properties and parking lots. Michael Weston—he hates the jokes—made his money in construction. He sold that company and started a new one that specialized in restorations. The only lawyer in the group, not counting the advisers, was J. Harlan Lipton, loosely related to the Lipton Tea family.

It was not the biggest or most powerful group the city had ever seen, but it would do. Everyone at the table, except Sheila, myself and George Ablot had held city office at some point. The Fitzpatricks and Weston stayed up to date on all zoning and proposed zoning. Ablot had family ties with various state and federal agencies, plus a brother who was a major concrete and paving contractor. If someone was in our way, these men could rock their boat.

Sheila rocked them. I do not think any of them recognized her at first glance. Having seen Sheila in Cynthia mode, I was not surprised. Because of this, they were taken aback, since she was a completely new face. Nor was her name a help. Only Harlan Lipton recognized it, though I could see that several of the advisers also made the connection. However, when she spoke, four sets of eyes widened suddenly. Their sudden glances were met with a Cynthia smile. Jameson, Weston and Ablot all swallowed. Lipton smiled even wider. Interesting reactions.

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I was tired and turned in early Friday night. Around 3am I heard something and got up to check around. Jens room she was sleeping, Kathy was also asleep. I went in Kims room empty and her bed not slept in. I started down stairs and started checking around. I heard noises, moaning finally found my noise. Kim was in the game room and had friends she was sitting on some dudes face and an other woman riding him like a bronc. I watched from the door for a few minutes and the girls switched places...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Vanessa Cage Birthday Sex Butt Not For Dad

Well this stepson happened to be right there when his dad fumbles by not having a birthday event ready for his younger super hot blonde wife Vanessa Cage. She is not happy about it and leaves his old pussy chasing ass in the livingroom. She goes up to his son who tries to help his dad, but his stepmom is interested in her stepson fucking the holy bejesus out of her for her birthday celebration. This hot ass MILF is wearing royal blue dress that she takes off like like in the teenage sex farce...

4 years ago
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Pickup LinesChapter 3

Lyle didn't know just how long his sponsor, Kat, had been riding him in the reverse cowgirl position, but he certainly didn't object. Her warm cunt massaged his cock with its delicious heat and friction, the contact of his skin and the depths of her pussy driving him especially wild. He was soon ready to cum from the exquisite delights of being inside her, but she controlled the pace of the fucking, and she wasn't done with him just yet. Of course, since she wanted to have his babies at...

3 years ago
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Story of a Naive Housewife

Amit and Ruby recently married and living in an apartment in Mumbai. Amit works working in an MNC. Ruby is a simple housewife. They are happily married, have no k**s as yet. Ruby is a very beautiful girl, mostly liked wearing salwar suits and when she wore sarees she looked stunning. She always wore a dupatta and kept her body covered. All men lusted after her. they were jealous of Amit. Amit is an average looking guy, he is quite simple and enjoys his work. Ruby is new in Mumbai. she spends...

3 years ago
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rich boys love 14

i went to my first lesson and im guessing everyone had been talking about what they have seen because when i walked in the class was completely silent. i went to my set with everyone watching me. harvey walked into class a few seconds later and im guessing he was enjoying all the attention because he had that sexy smile on his face. harvey walked up to me and told the person in the seat next to me to move (of course being football capitain the guy moved straight away) harvey held out his...

3 years ago
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The Grim Reaper Adventures in Southern Law EnforcementChapter 12 Thanksgiving

Thursday morning was an exercise in controlled chaos. I had time to do a nice breakfast of scrambled eggs, toast, and bacon, which could be a bit of a luxury. I tried to cook a nice family breakfast on weekends but shift work with the MPD meant I frequently missed weekends. At least three of us ate well. Seamus only ate Froot Loops; he was almost three and was still a knucklehead in the Terrible Twos. After breakfast Kelly put Riley and me to work cleaning the house. Seamus, on the other...

2 years ago
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Cheer Raider SABRE Panther Episode 10

Matt and Jennifer rode quietly to Artemis Base in the back of one of the Humvees. Jennifer had her helmet off and held it in her lap. The soldiers had brought in a flatbed truck to haul Panther away from the school, it was now following just behind them. When they arrived, a soldier led them into one of the temporary support buildings that made up the camp. He delivered them directly to the office of the man in charge. "General Alvarez, sir, this is Cheer Raider and the pilot of the SABRE...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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My First Girlfriend

By : Littlehealthy ISS readers ko mera namaskar. Mai ISS ka fan hu, aur iski sabhi stories padta hu, meri age 32 , height 5’11 , rang wheatish aur thora sa healthy hu. Ye kahani tab ki hai jab mai 24 sal ka tha aur ek mnc mai job karta tha, meri koi gf nai thi aur mai apni kaam mai mast rehta tha, ghar ki jimmedari puri karne me laga rhta tha, ek din mai apne office se ghar ja raha tha bus me baitha to me baju wali seat pe ek ladki aakar baith gayi. Jab conducter ticket dene aya to ladni 500 rs...

4 years ago
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Masturbating my sisters boyfriend

Hi My fellow porn lovers, the following story is true, unfortunately according to the rules of this site I may not reveal my age at the time which this incident took place, be it suffice to state that I was young (very young) and my sisters boyfriend was around 23 at the time.John had come to visit my sister but unfortunately for him she was out to town at the time with my parents and we were alone at home. He decided that he was going to wait for my sister to return and sat in my room on the...

2 years ago
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At work, I and a co-worker had been talking about a hypnotist that was coming to town with his show. My co-worker told me he knew somebody who could do that as well and we agree to go see him sometime. So a few days pass by and we go to see him with a whole group from work. He does his routine, and I'm told I have eaten sour grapes like they were oranges and that kind of stuff. What they actually did, I find out the next day. I go to work, and I felt the need to dress really sexy that day....

3 years ago
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Shortcut For Sex

Hi, mere pyare dosto, me Gujarat se parth apke sath me apna dusra experience share karne ja raha hu. Muje aap sabse ek sikayat hai, meri pehli story karib 5000 logo ne padhi hai par uske bare me muje ek bhi email nahi mila. Mere dosto aap ki rai hamare liye badi mayne rakhti to please muje email karna mat bhulie ga mera email id hai Jaise mene apni story me aapko bataya ki me rajkot ka rehnewala jo Gujarat ka ek city hai jise log rangila bhi kehte hai. Meri age 30 saal hai, me dikhne me ek...

3 years ago
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My Neighbours 1

I split with my missus a couple of years ago and rented a couple of places and then moved into my new semi detached house at the back end of last year. Quiet culd de sac, pretty suburban sort of road, lots of families. My next door neighbours i had said "Hi" to now and again, a mother and her daughter. Mother i would guess in her mid 50s and daughter probably late 20's. I didn't really pay too much attention as i don't with any neighbours really.Then, a few weeks ago, one Sunday afternoon, a...

4 years ago
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Danny becomes Danni Part 3

Madelyn was in her early 50's but she looked far younger. Her petite tailored hairstyle...expert in California cosmetics...and fashion very elegant. When Danni arrived at her Boutique...Danni shook Madelyn's hand...the eye contact and warmth in their smiles became evident that this was going to be an enjoyable experience for both. Madelyn would be measuring Danni for clothing her breastforms, undegarnments..etc. Madelyn was her own finishing school for for as she put it..."young men...

4 years ago
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Long John Silver

In the village where I had lived for a year, there was a little store that sold all the essential food and alcohol one would require. Their prices were slightly higher than the supermarkets in the adjacent town that was fifteen miles away. The sheer convenience, however, negated the added expense.As I settled down to my sedate existence in this magical little enclave, I got to know all the locals one by one. I had made no secret of being gay, mindful of the many single women that lived in the...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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My exwife Chapter 3 Spending time with Roz

Following my catching Sue cheating on me, life went on. Sue watched me like a hawk seeking out its prey asking numerous questions about what I had been doing if I went anywhere without her. Meanwhile, she lived her free and easy life going out with the girls at least once a week.She had taken up roller skating which was her sport of choice from when she was single and participated every Tuesday and Friday nights. Of course, she expected that I would stay home looking after the k**s which suited...

3 years ago
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HypnotheRapist Ch 01

Smokey Saga #3: ‘Hypnothe-Rapist’ *** Hope you like this story. And any feedback you may have’s welcomed and appreciated. *** November 25th, 2:00 p.m. Dr. Angela Vevacia Starr was a miraculously skilled therapist. She ran a clinic for folks who dealt with debilitating behavioral and other mental issues. She saw a dozen or two each week, and her talents were such that not many clients required more than eight to ten sessions to effectively be cured. In her mid-30s, she had been honing her...

2 years ago
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Franks wife part 4

story by: SindyxSin AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a continuing sexual story. It may have some rough sex and should not be read by people not into that type of sex. It’s not for everyone, pain, humiliation and other sex acts used to degrade a person it not for everyone. If this turns you on I’m happy but please don’t try any of this on unwilling partners. Stories that precede this one are; Franks wife, Franks sex toy and it helps to read, Paul's new sex toy before this one. Jim...

4 years ago
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I told her how good Sarah was and what she wanted and liked. I could see her warming to the idea. Don’t ever tell my husband but I have a much younger man who takes me to heaven on a regular basis. He is very attractive and very creative. I can arrange it, but my price is that I want to watch and talk. You will find that he will be unable to converse with you. You will learn why on the night. In due course we arranged a time. I made Sarah abstain from sex for 3 days to heighten her...

3 years ago
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Jill had wanted to be a model ever since she had found out the older sister of her best friend was a model. "You should go for it," Jodie, her best friend, had told her. "You're much better looking than Sadie." Sadie was Jodie's seventeen year old sister. Jodie knew just where to go, she had often gone with Sadie in recent months, and seen what Sadie was doing. Jill took a little persuading at first, but finally agreed, so one Saturday afternoon, the pair of them had walked about half a...

3 years ago
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My Name Is EdChapter 6

We had Megan in the car when we stopped at a local grocery store to by the ‘stuff’ for my not so famous Wednesday night Glop. I needed a pound of ground beef, one white onion, one large Mac and cheese family sized dinner kit, one loaf of Italian bread, one can of crushed tomatoes and one can of tomato paste. “You promise me you have margarine, garlic salt, and salad dressing at home?” I asked. “Yes I promise,” Linda said with a smile. “So Megan can you make the salad,” I asked as I...

3 years ago
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sister has a Secret part 3

Sarah was sat on her laptop, searching for something on the internet. She wanted to surprise Hope with something for her official leaving of school.She'd been looking up the cheapest, quality flights she could get to take them both on holiday for a week or two, but she'd been hampered a lot by Hope wanting to hang out together. Hanging out normally involved sex, after which Sarah had little energy left to search.Luckily, Sarah had the day off work while Hope was sitting her final exams for the...

2 years ago
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Mobile glory hole

A regular Jordan fucker, Taylor, a carpenter friend of ours, modified one of his ex-work vans to be a mobile glory hole. So far the only slut that's used the slut truck has been Jordan. Then again Taylor does come around Jordan's work with the van and he and his his apprentice to fuck her during the week.Some weekends Taylor has to stay home with his wife so Jordan and I take out the slut truck. Taking Taylor's lead, I've gone to weekend work-sites or sites where there's night works and Jordan...

1 year ago
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Our New Neighbor

My friends and family tell me a woman my age -- 25 -- is too young to be so cynical about “romance.” They tell me I have a lot of life ahead of me, and I should be more open to finding real love. But my luck with men so far hasn’t been good, and I find it hard sometimes to stay optimistic about the future.  Part of the problem was, of course, my disastrous marriage. My parents warned me about getting married right out of high school, especially to someone with so little direction in my life,...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Sweet Girlfriend becomes Cruise Ship Slut

I still remember that first time I caught her smiling. Effervescent and pure, sitting on the clothed seat at the terminal. Her slim body in a tight blue tank and khaki shorts, she turned to me while I was talking to my friend trying to spot any other students heading to Italy to study abroad, “So you're on this trip too? I'm Ariel.” Her bright blue eyes locking with mine as I returned the smile and introduced myself. Her sweet voice tickled something inside me, immediately putting me under her...

1 year ago
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Teachers Pet Chapter 2

After dinner was finished, Mr. Cramer pushed himself back from the table. "Come here slut," he said. Amy rose from the table and came around to his side. She stood in front of him, hands clasped behind her back, and legs spread. "Yes, Sir." "Once you finish clearing the table and get the dishwasher going, we can leave to go back to your place so you can pack some clothes. You will need a few outfits for this coming week if you are going to stay here with me," he said. He reached up under her...

4 years ago
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My Wife And Her Friend

Since the day of our marriage, i had fantasized about my wife getting fucked by, say my friend or someone from my relation. While fucking my wife reema, i always fantasized about my dream and reena used to get a hard, good fuck from me. One night, while fucking reena, unknowingly, i let out the words, ‘come on, fuck her harder….’. Reena did not respond immediately. However, after fucking her nice and proper, while resting, reena asked, ‘rajesh, you said something…. I heard it. Whom were you...

2 years ago
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My Fat Subordinate

Dear All, I have been reading stories on ISS for a very long time. I am not sure how many are true and how many are imaginary, but I must confess, only after reading these I really got the courage to look and act in my office to get some great results similar to the ones described in ISS. So here is my real experience. I am currently 31. Though I am running a business, I used to be employed at an Insurance company about 4 years back. I was in sales for a very short period (8 months) and had...

2 years ago
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Girls Night Out Ch 06

Suddenly, the room loomed large and I felt small and no longer necessary in our relationship. My head was spinning. Was she really leaving me for Yan? How can this be? This is a bad joke. ‘Donna,’ I panicked and didn’t know what else to say, ‘I thought you wanted children one day…with me.’ ‘I do and I’ve been wrestling with that because if there is anyone who I want a child with it’s with you.’ ‘Donna, I don’t understand. How could you just—’ ‘I don’t know. I don’t know. I’ve been sitting...

2 years ago
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THE UNINVITED The Nanci Report Chapter 54

The UninvitedThe Nanci Report - a fine line between reality and fantasy Chapter 5 Part 4Nanci knew that this was only the beginning. She knew very well that almost everyone in that office was in collusion with her tormentors. She wondered why humans could be so cruel; why there was pleasure in other's suffering... now; his words took a different meaning.Often he would complain of her cruel demeanor and wanton disregard for his feelings; every time she had attributed those words to a character...

3 years ago
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Fucking My Mom8217s Sister

Hello, friends, this is Sabu from Kerala. This is my first story in ISS, so please forgive my mistakes. I am 25 years old this is the story about how I got a chance to fuck my mom’s sister. Her name is Sheeja. Her husband is military and she has 2 sons one studying in 10th standard and other in 5th standard. She is 37 years old with a good body that has less fat proper amount of flesh at proper places. She has 34 boobs and a normal waist size and ass. She looks like Sona Nair actress not...

4 years ago
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Easy Money more easy cash

The water cascaded down his body, drenching me as I continued to suck his cock. James had texted me late yesterday to tell me he'd be in town, if I fancied meeting up. £200 and the memory of our last encounter prompted me to make an excuse to my boyfriend; and so, less than 24 hours later, he was fucking my mouth, the head of his prick battering the back of my throat. I looked up at him, kneeling before him in the shower. I could tell he was close to coming. He put one hand on the back of my...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Amelia Lillys little sister

Introduction: Wearing Lillys preteen sister as a sex suit Forming the plan as I went along I placed one of two pills with a note to little Amelia that simply read trust me sis this will make you feel good ,) in her room on top of her diary in her cupboard, I have noticed her these last few months after all, the second one I set on the coffee table while my dad was in the bathroom, his Friday night ritual put him on the couch watching Netflix. I go back into my room and power everything down but...

1 year ago
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Not So Innocent Love

Introduction: This is a story of two friends that become more than that. Please leave your feedback for future chapters! Thanks! ENJOY!! Not So Innocent Love (Part 1) This story starts off with a girl as all good stories do. This girl though wasnt like any of the others. It wasnt her natural brown hair with perfect highlights that made her perfect, nor her impeccable sense of style. To this day I dont even know what made her perfect, all I know is she changed my life. I was the normal girl in...

4 years ago
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Unho Ne Mujhe Goo Khilaya

Mera Naam kya hai yeh mai nahi bata sakti aur main aur mai ahmedabad ke ekk Medical College mai parhti hun, Meri Umer 18 hai,mujeh IIS meri ekk class fellow rashmi ne bataya aur yahan mai ne buhat sari stories read aur scoocha mai ap ko apni Real Story sunaoo jo buhat khatarnakk aur gandi hai aur mera koi bhai behan nahi hainaur koi apne ghar ..Pehli bar mere cozn ne mujhe fuck kya tha us ka naam Vineet hai aur woh 23 Year ka hai us ne mujhe aaj se 7 mihene pehle aur woh mera pehli bar tha aur...

1 year ago
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The Bosss Daughter Part 1

I'd worked in my current employment for several decades. Mr. Thompson, the boss, was a good man who took care of his employees, and I'd slowly risen to become one of the executives under his employment, finding myself with my own office after a period of time.I was working late one night, when I received a knock at the door to my office. I called for them to enter and discovered Samantha, or Sam, as she preferred to be known, enter the room.Sam was a bubbly blond, with long legs that she liked...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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Quite the View

We are both working late one Friday night. I step outside my office and am surprised to see you there. “Hi Nana,” I say, “What is such an attractive young girl doing here so late on a Friday night.” You reply that you have a report due by Monday and didn’t want to work on Saturday or Sunday. Except for the two of us the office is completely empty. I am about ready to resume my work when you ask if I am any good at giving a massage. Your neck is sore from working all day in front of a computer....

Quickie Sex

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