Hunted Ch. 06 free porn video

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Part 6

I woke up early the next morning, still holding Liv. My arms were stiff and numb from lying like that. I decided to check on Nate. Being careful not to wake up Liv, I slid my arms from around her and stood up. I quietly left the shelter and walked over to his. It had finally stopped raining, but it was still wet and foggy.

Nate had his eyes closed but opened them as I walked in. I smiled and said, ‘Morning. You look like hell.’

‘You should see yourself,’ he smiled and laughed, coughing up more blood.

‘How you doing, bud?’ I asked sitting next to him.

His expression turned serious. ‘Pretty bad. I can’t feel my leg,’ he motioned to the tourniquet. ‘I’m coughing up blood. My ribs are killing me. I’ve been better.’ He leaned in and whispered, ‘I don’t think I’m gonna make it, tell-‘

‘Whoa, back up Nate. You’re gonna make it. I promise. Don’t you dare fucking die on me.’

‘Listen to me. I’m serious. Tell my parents I tried to make them proud. I love them.’

‘No. You’re gonna tell them yourself. I’m telling you. We will make it. Two bodies on my conscience are bad enough. I don’t need someone I actually care about joining them.’

‘Don’t be stupid, Matt. Look at me. If that lunatic shows up, no, when he shows up, I’m fucked. I can’t run. Or even walk. The rest of you get the fuck out. I’ll hold him back, keep him occupied, and you get out. Let’s be realistic here. I’m next. You and me have done shit like this all the time and come out of it in one piece. It’s no big deal. I just didn’t make it out this time, that’s all.’

‘NO BIG DEAL?! He’ll probably rip your guts out and eat them! I’ll say this once. We go together or we don’t fucking go!’

He was getting annoyed now. ‘You don’t always have to play the fucking hero, you know. Do you have any sense of self preservation?’

‘Excuse me, jackass, I saved your ass back there! Self preservation, my ass! I could’ve left you there to die! I care about my friends.’

Nate started to reply, but Cody walked in to check on him too. Nate groaned and coughed up more blood. Cody sat down and loosened the tourniquet a little. ‘Feeling better?’ he asked.

‘Does it look like it?’ Nate asked.

Cody shook his head. ‘It looks like you took on Rambo and lost. Badly.’

Nate snorted and started coughing up yet more blood. ‘That damn log felt like a train. I wish I’d seen it coming.’

‘It was pouring rain. There was no way you could’ve seen it.’ Cody looked at him with pity. ‘Anyway, I’m going out to try building a fire. Coming?’ he asked me.

‘I’ll be out in a minute,’ I said. Cody nodded and walked outside. I turned to Nate, ‘I’m gonna go wake up Liv. She slept like a fucking corpse last night. Ok? Shout if you need anything.’ I walked back to my shelter. Liv was still sound asleep. I tried to think of a creative way to wake her up, as well as get my mind off Nate’s injuries, and finally got one. I knelt down and gently rubbed her clit through her pants. She moaned instantly and started grinding her crotch into my hand. I stopped as she finally opened her eyes with a smile. ‘Good morning, sexy,’ I said. ‘You were tired. I’ve been up checking on Nate.’

Her head shot up, and her face turned serious. ‘Yeah? How is he?’

‘He still doesn’t look good. His leg’s completely numb. And he’s still coughing up blood.’

‘Shit. I need to go see him.’ She jumped up and ran over to the shelter. She was gone for about 10 minutes, then came back with Cody. ‘If he doesn’t get to a hospital today, he’s in trouble,’ she whispered. ‘He’s barely breathing and his pulse is through the roof.’

‘Fuck. There’s no hospital for miles, and we don’t have any medical supplies. What do we do?’ Cody said.

There was silence until I said quietly, ‘Pray.’

Unsurprisingly, Nate succumbed to his injuries sometime later that day. I walked in to check on him sometime around dusk. He wasn’t breathing. ‘Oh fuck,’ I hissed and dropped to my knees. I tried giving him CPR dozens of times, with no effect (my health class in my sophomore year in high school did a chapter on CPR, so all the kids in my grade had basic knowledge of how to perform it). ‘Wake up man! Wake up! FUCK!’ I yelled and pounded his chest in frustration. Liv heard me and came running in, and gasped in horror. I looked up at her with tears in my eyes, but whether it was from sadness or frustration, I wasn’t sure. She turned away, crying silently.

Cody came over, but stopped when he saw us. ‘Oh shit,’ he whispered. Liv and I were both crying while he stood there with a blank look on his face, trying to comprehend what had just happened. I finally stood up and asked, ‘What do we do with his body? It can’t stay here. It’ll attract animals and maybe him,’ (I was referring to the guy hunting us).

‘It’s too dark to do anything now. We’ll bury Nate in the morning.’ Cody was fighting back tears. I’d never seen him cry before. ‘We should all go to bed. Maybe this is just a dream.’

‘Not a dream. A fucking nightmare,’ I corrected him, walking over to hug Liv, who was still crying silently. She continued crying into my shoulder. ‘Come on Liv, we need to get some sleep. Night, Cody.’ Cody nodded and took the tourniquet off Nate, retying Steve’s hands with it despite it being covered in blood, and returned to his shelter. Liv nodded silently and walked with me, still crying. I took a good look at her. Her tears were running down her face and smudging the black stuff under her eyes. I still had mine too, and it probably looked similar, especially with all the rain we’d had. Like me, she was covered in dried blood and mud. It gave her a sexy, rugged, badass-girlfriend look. Especially with her tight USMC field pants and tank top-turned-belly shirt. We saw Steve, sitting by the fire. He smirked at me. Instantly, anger flared up in me. I balled my hand into a fist and took a step in his direction, but Liv stopped me.

‘Don’t do it. He’s not even worth the punch,’ Liv said with red, puffy eyes.

‘Yeah. You heard the girl. I’m not worth it. So where’s your friend? He dead?’ Steve sneered. The little shit. I wanted nothing more than to go over and hit him. Maybe I’d let that lunatic chasing us have him. ‘He’s not gonna help you now. He’s dead. And who gives a shit?’ he continued winding me up.

‘Steve. I advise you to shut the fuck up before I make you,’ I was straining to keep my voice even.

‘Ooooh. Is that a threat?’ he taunted. He was asking for it now. No. More than that. He was on his knees begging for it (Just like his mom last night lol).

‘No,’ I started walking back to our shelter. I paused and turned around, facing him. ‘It’s a guarantee.’ I eyed him with loathing and went inside.

Liv sat down in the corner, still crying. ‘I’m not gonna sleep tonight,’ she sobbed.

I sat next to her and put an arm around her. ‘I tried reviving him. You saw. But he was already gone. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer kid.’

‘I know. It’s just awful. God. I’m sorry,’ she looked into my eyes with sadness and apologies.

‘Don’t be. It wasn’t your fault. What happened to Nate was no one’s fault. What a fucking way to die. Being hit by a log. Fuck me, it must’ve been horrible.’ I tried to smile at her, but I couldn’t. ‘At least I still have you and Cody.’

‘I didn’t know him as well as you. But I’m still torn up over his death. I don’t know how you and Cody must feel.’

I yawned and closed my eyes. ‘You don’t wanna know. It sucks. Trust me. Now I’m going to sleep. Maybe Cody’s right. Maybe it’s just a nightmare. Night.’

Liv said, ‘Please don’t lie down away from me. I need someone next to me right now. Ok?’ Normally, I’d probably be turned on if she said that, but in these circumstances, I simply agreed. She put her head on my shoulder and tried to sleep. Whether she did, I don’t know. I must’ve dozed, because the next thing I remembered was Cody shaking me

‘Dude, we’ve got a problem. Nate’s gone,’ he said.

‘Well, yeah. Don’t you remember yesterday?’

‘No shit. I know he’s dead. I meant his body. It’s gone.’

I jumped up and ran to the shelter where he was. Cody was right. Nate’s body was gone. I looked around the inside and froze. Written on the wall, in what looked very much like blood, was, He’s mine. You’re all mine. I’m watching you. I’m always watching. Beware….

How did Cody miss that? I ran back and brought him over. His jaw dropped. For the first time, he looked scared. ‘We need to get out of here. I hope that’s his blood. If he bleeds, we can kill him. Get Liv up.’

She was dozing but was instantly awake when she read the writing. She looked terrified. Even Steve, Mr. Balls-of-steel, was unnerved. There were only four of us left.

‘Jesus, he found us again,’ I said with a grimace. ‘And what’s with the writing? Is that like his calling card or signature or some shit?’

Steve said with a sneer as if it were obvious, ‘He’s not fucking Zorro, is he?’ I ignored him.

‘We need to move. Now,’ Cody said, looking around. ‘But where?’ He looked around and stopped suddenly. His gaze was on a tree.

We had to climb a tree and stay up there. Cody went first. Then me, helping Liv. Steve came last, his hands still tied, with no one making an effort to help him. We all had to find our own branches. The last thing we needed was to fall out of a tree!

It was almost nice up there, apart from a slight rain. I definitely felt much safer, as long as he didn’t have a gun. We were talking and almost having fun until Steve started shaking his branch. Liv was freaking out, begging him to stop. Both Cody and me tried telling him. But what a surprise, the dickhead wouldn’t. Until a gunshot rang out. We all yelled and ducked. Except Steve. He’d been hit in the shoulder. He yelled in pain and almost fell out of the tree. He finally regained his balance and tried to clutch his shoulder, with blood gushing from it. Then he was hit again, also in the same shoulder. One bullet is bad enough, but two must be unbearable. He screamed again and slumped against the tree trunk, but still very much alive. I didn’t like him but I couldn’t let him die like that.

‘Steve! You ok?’ I asked.

He answered, ‘Oh yeah, just great! Fucking amazing. No, of course I’m not fucking ok! Do I look like it?!’ he yelled.

‘Stay there. I’m coming down.’ I slowly climbed down to his branch and looked at his injuries. They were really bad. There were exit holes. I whistled and said, ‘Shit. It looks bad. Don’t move. You’re losing a lot of blood.’ I quickly untied his hands and made a tourniquet around his shoulder.

But then, a third shot rang out. It skinned my arm and hit Steve in the upper chest. I slumped over against the tree trunk, in agony and grabbing my arm, and Steve yelled, ‘FUCK!’ Blood was flowing down my arm, soaking part of my shirt. It wasn’t that bad though. The bullet just grazed me and took off layers of skin, but it still hurt like hell. Steve was going downhill. He had blood trickling from his mouth and was growing pale. I grabbed the tree trunk with my uninjured arm and looked up at Liv and Cody. They were both staring in horror. Steve groaned and lurched forward. Then I heard a creaking. The branch was starting to break! I grabbed the one above me and held out a hand for Steve, ignoring the searing pain in my arm. He reached for it, but the branch snapped. With a scream, he plummeted to the ground. I was left hanging there, a good 30 feet up. Liv screamed and started crying. Cody was gently lowering himself to come pull me up. He looked down and gasped, turning away. I almost couldn’t look, but I had to. It was nasty!

Steve was impaled through the tree branch. But he was still very much alive and screaming in agony. Until we heard barking. Oh shit! The shooter had dogs too! Now Steve was fucked. And he knew it. The barking grew louder until the dogs emerged out of the tree line. One was a Doberman and the other was a Siberian husky. They slowly got closer to Steve, snarling. Then they lay down around him, staring at him. Waiting for him to die. Or the signal to attack. Steve looked at them, resigning himself to death. But when the signal came, a whistle, he still screamed and tried to fight. But he never had a chance. Those dogs tore him apart, probably eating him alive. None of us could watch. I hated Steve, but I couldn’t wish anyone to die like him.

Then with another whistle, the dogs were called off, vanishing into the woods. Cody was on my branch now, slowly edging closer. I tried to warn him, ‘Don’t come any closer. The branch’ll break.’ It was bent dangerously far. Cody ignored me and tried to help me up. The branch continued bending.

He had just grabbed my hand when the branch finally gave in. He was left hanging like me. Liv was the only one still safely on a branch. She screamed and said, ‘Shit! Hold on! I’ll try and lower another branch for you to grab.’ She reached out an arm and grabbed a thick branch and tried to bend it down to us. But it was too heavy. Liv was slowly being pulled off the branch she was on. But still, she tried. Until her legs were spread to the point of almost a full split. We had a nice view, but were too scared to care. And rightfully so. With a scream, Liv lost her balance and fell off the branch, slamming into Cody and me, making us all fall out of the tree! There was the sight of the ground rushing up to meet us, then everything went black.

To be continued in part 7….

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Ashlyn was sitting on the park bench, her long black hair swept from her face by the breeze. She had wrapped her new shawl round her shoulders to stop the chill nipping at her skin, her long skirt clung to her shapely legs. She leaned back on the bench and watched the trees swaying along with the bushes while ducks from the nearby pond huddled in the undergrowth. She sighed and closed her eyes, took a deep breath as the breeze washed over her. When she opened her eyes she saw a person...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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The Wives Softball CoachChapter 4 Babysitting

It was 12-10 in the bottom of the seventh, the last inning in these softball games. We're the home team. Alicia's on third, Jenny's on second and Roxie's up to bat. The opposing manager goes out for a fruitless talk to his infield. With players at this level I never saw that it did any good, and just drug the game out. I was sitting on the bench next to Julie Potter; her husband was my Leading Petty Officer, my boss, on the boat. I knew her pretty well because Frank invited the single...

3 years ago
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Aphrodites KissChapter 11

“Sergeants Fuller and Sinclair, what’s going on?” the desk sergeant greeted Ernie and Kara as I led the rest of the group behind them. “Never you mind that,” I told him, much to his annoyance, “Bubba, huh? Could you any more redneck?” I read his nametag. I then pulled the lanky, middle-aged, mustached man up to my lips and kissed him hard on the mouth, watching the shock on his face as he became putty in my hands. “Mom, feel free to use him as you please,” I invited Mom. Mom being Mom,...

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TeenyTaboo Mazy Myers Mazy Myers sneaks away to get her pussy filled with her stepdads cum

Mazy and her stepdad are keeping a secret from her mom. They are playing around with each other behind her back, and have to be very secretive about it. Her mother is suspicious, but so far they have been able to fool her. Today they are meeting at a hotel when she is out shopping. Since they don’t have a lot of time, as soon as Mazy comes through the door she pulls out his cock and starts sucking it. She gets naked and they are fucking soon after. Once he has sucked and fucked that tight...

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My name is Deana, I'm 55, divorcee and live by myself near Nashville Tennessee. I have long Auburn hair, seductive green eyes, and a full figured body, I don't go out in the real world to find someone to date, nor do I go online. Mainly most of the people online are phony; I can never tell whether they are talking to a man or woman. However, my poor heart had been shattered so many times, that is where you might find me late on a Saturday night in front of my computer chatting. His name was...

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Back for ass

There she was, back in my life again. She had put on some pounds, but still sexy as hell, just as i had remembered. She knew when she came over what would happen…and she didnt care. She knew she would do as i said, just as she always had. She could never resist seeing me in pleasure, no matter what i was doing or how i was doing it. i opened the door and when it closed, we embraced, but only for a second. I whispered in her ear, ‘down on your kness’. As she always had, she dropped to her kness...

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Forbidden Pleasure With Maids 8211 Part II

Contd.from part-2:Mallika and me were holding each other tight and cuddling to prepare for a real fucking session. The door bell rang. It was the watchman. Mallika’s Jamai babu(BIL) was there to take her back. I was disappointed and upset. I wished I could kill that guy. Mallika was upset too, she was passionately rubbing her face in my bare chest. I had to kiss her goodbye. I was restless the whole night, could not sleep at all, feeling Mallika’s soft touch whenever I wanted to sleep. Next day...

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The Prerogative of Dragons

Duke Boulet stamped snow from his boots and stared hard at the fortress spanning the valley ahead. It was a grim place, grey stone walls and battlements lined with wicked looking spikes, and it had been a long journey to reach it, here at the heart of the Mistral Peaks. A long, hard, cold and hungry journey, but the Duke and his men had not wavered. The king’s scouts had identified this place as the lair of the monsters who had preyed upon his people for months, and Duke Boulet would put an end...

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Submissive Cum LaudeChapter 3 Duel Of The Dommes

Brianna gazed into her bathroom mirror with tired eyes. Her head throbbed with a fierce headache. It had been a long day of classes and there was still so much she needed to do before bed. She opened her medicine cabinet, popped a couple Tylenol and downed them with a glass of water. After a few deep breaths she trudged to the living room and collapsed on the leather sofa. She let her curvy body sink into the luscious furniture as she tried to relax and waited for the meds to kick in. BZZZT...

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Simpson porn Story I Spy1

It was almost one o’clock in the morning, and Lisa, clad in her flimsy powder blue nightie had been fighting the urge to peek for ages. Thoughts of being caught flashed into her mind, the outrage of her parents, the embarrassment of it. But other images flashed too. Images off passionate, wriggling bodies and glistening skin… a hard cock, swaying testicles… legs sensually spread wide and spasming. Lisa couldn’t help herself, she had to look,Quietly, she opened her parents bedroom...

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Taking Chances

Catherine Emerson met Tom Quimby quite by accident one afternoon when he sat down on the park bench across from her in Rittenhouse Square. This was where she often ate her lunch, usually yogurt with peaches, or strawberries, before returning to work as a bookkeeper and office manager at Bronson and McGee’s Law office. Two days earlier, Catherine and her husband, Martin, had celebrated their thirty-fourth anniversary at the Avalon Bistro where they’d had their first date. It was a tradition...

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Wife Gets Even

Bill?" It was June again. "Yes" I replied "Now it is time for you to prepare for tonight." She continued. "First off if you truly love me and wish me to consent for you to remain my husband you better follow through with my next demands. Do you understand and agree to do as your told?" June asked. "Yes I understand and I'll comply" I meekly replied. "You are forbidden from masturbating until I tell you otherwise!" She ordered sternly. "I know you must have whacked off on my video already. I...

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Friendly CouplesChapter 2

Ashamed of herself, Janet whimpered quietly as the white convertible sped along the freeway. Now I've ruined our friendship, she thought bitterly. How could I have led him so far? I only wanted to make Greg jealous and now I'll hurt Martin. How selfish could I have been to have thought I could use him like that? Deep in self accusation Janet failed to notice the bright lights of the exit turnoff. Martin had driven off the freeway far from either of their homes. He knew exactly where he was...

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The Funhouse 2

Greg, Darren, and Jane had just heard about some sort of weird freakout happening at the Funhouse, and decided it would be foolish not to investigate what could be so horrifying. They joked and laughed to each other to settle their nerves as they walked in the front door and made their way down the long hallway. "Man, look at all of these doors," Darren remarked. Each one looked exactly the same, giving a sense of orderly creepiness to the place. "Which one should we try? I bet most...

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Choote Boobs Pk Ke Saath Maaze

By : Pinkydildo Hi this is Pinky again. I loved all your responses for my previous two stories. Thanks a lot. Today I present to you yet again a real story. This story is about a friend of mine called Priyanka Kul. Mind you, unlike most writers I use real names. So this 100% her name. She is quite different from most of my other fuck buddies. She is the only one who was really kicked about a Doggy Sex Session and she actually did it. For all those who don’t know whats Doggy Sex Sessions, it...

4 years ago
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Apology Letter to my Husband

Hi, my dear husband! Now I’m sitting tonight, its 11 pm and I want to tell you something. Hope, you won’t be offended and won’t get me wrong. I am sorry babe, but I have really tried to be decent and honest while you have been away. However I want to be honest with you, so I should tell you about what happened today. You know I told you that they came to do the sanitary inspection today. When I opened the door, I saw 2 men standing door way. I said 2 guys? Well, one of them was in his late...

2 years ago
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Vengeance 9

“That first night…wasn’t the first time you’ve encountered bondage, was it?” “I’d never done anything with bondage before.” I pinched, waiting for the truth. “But I knew I was interested in it,” she admitted. “You’ve discussed this with people.” I said matter-of-factly. “No…ooo, ok, yes,” she said, as I released her nipples, her breasts falling, and simply cupped them. “A few girls that were on the softball team.” “Who?” She hesitated. In second I had grabbed the still tape covered...

2 years ago
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Worth ItChapter 4

Topher was in a meeting at NationComm on Thursday morning when his phone rang. He held up a finger to Steve Lang, the manager he'd once coded for and now provided coders for. "I need to take this." Before anyone could object, he stepped out into the next conference room and closed the door. "What's up?" Allegra asked when he answered the phone. He'd texted her to ask her to call when she could, not wanting to interrupt her work. "I found a boxing match this weekend ... a mixed card...

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The Best Ride Part 1

When I was 16 I lost my virginity to a total stranger. It happened so suddenly I didn't even plan it. A few friends and I went riding and one of them brought along their older Jen. She was 18 and very developed with a nice tight ass and overflowing C cup breasts. Anyway we stopped and built a camp fire around dark to cook hot dogs on cause we had been riding all day and were famished. We were stopped right next to a waterfall. Jen and I went over to check it out we sat right on top of the dry...

First Time
3 years ago
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The Adult Baby Diaper School Epilogue and Ancillary information

The Adult Baby Diaper School ~~ Epilogue and Ancillary Information So, our story has come to an end, I think the author did a decent job in telling it seeing how she too is permanently regressed to a little girl. The author, pansy Gronski, (as far as I know) had no previous writing experience, and she even was a student here at the school a while back. Her and her Master, Al John now live off-world, however. So, before I ramble any further, lets get caught up to date on some of...

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Wife Swap I

My wife and I have been married eleven years and while we have a good marriage, the bedroom activities have lessened over time to a point where it is either just a superfluous act, or one of us got tipsy and took advantage of the other in a moment of weakness.Sitting at the coffee table one day a few weeks back, I looked over at Danny, which was short for Daniela- name she hated and asked her what would really make her happy.“Oh you know,” she said flicking her long brown hair back over her...

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Wife exposed and fucked in Denver dance club

I met Debbie, when she was eighteen, in a small mountain town in Colorado. Long blondish hair, almost to her waist. Hazel bedroom eyes. Gorgeous face, with sexy lips and a mouth that looked like it was begging for a hard cock to suck. Big, ski jump, 36C tits. Her aureoles are about two inches in diameter. Her nipples about 3/8" in diameter and 1/2" long when aroused. Her waist is 26 inches and her hips 37 inches. Lying on her back, naked, you can see her abs and rib cage. Her...

2 years ago
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My Sexy Lakshmi Mom Sex Goddess

Hi to ISS readers after getting a huge response for my previous post i decided to write this story.. I am Vijay from Chennai,age22 height 5.10,weight 75,penis size 6inch.My mom name Lakshmi age 39,weight 80,height 5ft,sizes 42c 40 44,she is fat and yellowish color she look hot always… Amma epavum saree thaan kattuvaanga veetla irukum bothu,en familyla motham 3peru na amma appa,appa business man age 45.,still he fucking my mom weekly once or twice,enaku chinna vayasula irunthu amma meala...

2 years ago
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19 Vayathu Penin Kama Veri 8211 Part 1 Sunni Vinthai Vaaiyil Irakinen

Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil 19 vayathu pen veriyaaga ool seitha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Enathu peyar Mani, vayathu 28 aagugirathu. Ennai vida 9 vayathu siriya pen udan enaku kama uravu ear pata kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Naan veetile work from home seithukondu irukiren. En veetin arugil puthiathaaga kudi vanthu irukiraargal, avargal veetil oru 19 vayathu penum irunthaal. Aval college first year padithukondu irunthaal, enaku muthalil oru pen antha veetil...

2 years ago
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Water Masturbation

One great thing about my tiny apartment is my big soaker bath tub. I spend lots of time there relaxing and washing away the day's worries. Tonight was one of those nights when I needed to soak with bubbles surrounding my aching body. Work wasn't overly difficult today but I've been stressed out a lot lately.As I laid in the tub, I started to think about my One. He loves to bath me, wash me, caress me in the tub. He treats me like his "little girl" and I love that. But it had been a while since...

1 year ago
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My Stepmother Was A Real B Pt2

I started treating her more friendly than I had before. As time passed and I became more observant of this woman. I would stand near her and “accidentally” bump into her, graze up against her backside moving around the kitchen or hallway. Touch legs as we were sitting on the sofa. Seemingly small things, but incredible for me. She smelled wonderful, even when sweating.She started wearing even skimpier clothes and I started paying closer attention. She would smile at me more and actually...

2 years ago
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Moms Milk Part 3

Mom quietly slipped into my bed, snuggling her nude body against mine and holding me silently. Since the school year had ended, she had made a practice of slipping into my bed after putting the baby down for its morning nap on days when Dan was out of town on business. It felt like mid-morning, maybe ten thirty. I rolled onto my back and stretched while she lay against me, her arm thrown over my chest. I was nude; I had stopped wearing boxers to bed on nights when Dan was out of town. Sometimes...


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