- 3 years ago
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This is a re-posting of an earlier story, re-edited with improvements to grammar, punctuation and hopefully, readability.
Steve couldn’t believe their good luck. There were three moorages still open in the cove. He checked the chart and chose the one closest to the entrance. He had expected that he would have to mooch around and find a spot to anchor, but this was a windfall. He quickly tied off the bow line to the mooring float while Ingrid held the boat in position with her newly learned skills.
Steve walked briskly to the stern and pulled the small anchor out of the locker under the seat. It was linked to twenty feet of chain and a large coil of nylon line. He dropped it over the side away from the shore, making sure all the chain was on the bottom and tied the line off to a nearby cleat on the rail. He tucked the remaining line back into the locker, making sure there was none on the deck. The whole process had taken less than ten minutes.
Ingrid had left the boat in neutral when Steve had finished with the bow line. When he had secured the stern anchor, she pulled the throttle all the way back and killed the engine. It was suddenly quiet. No wind, no waves lapping on the nearby rocks. She looked around and she immediately thought of paintings she had seen many times. They may have been local clichés, but this scene was one of the inspirations for those paintings.
Seagulls and Cormorants stood on rocks and floats on the opposite shore. Several houses and a single store were visible among the trees on the steep cliffs. A narrow road ran down near the water. The dock consisted of a short pier and a ramp down to the three floats that were tied to the four sets of pilings extending out into the cove.
Several boats were tied along side each side of the floats. Two appeared to be work boats with LS followed by numbers painted on boards mounted on their cabins. Beachcombers. Three small pleasure boats were moored at the dock while two larger motor cruisers sat out in the cove with the ‘Matron.’
‘The attendant will be along shortly to collect his fee,’ Steve said. ‘Twenty dollars, probably.’
‘That sounds like a lot for one night,’ she said.
‘Too many boats, too few sheltered mooring spots. Supply and demand,’ he said in a resigned voice. ‘However, it’s a safe, quiet place, and we’ll get an easy exit in the morning … when we want to,’ he said, looking at Ingrid, his voice trailing off.
‘If it’s stinky or rough, we can stay here until noon, no extra charge. If it’s really crummy, we can stay a second night. That wouldn’t be tragic. We could take the inflatable ashore and go exploring. Or, we could stay aboard and do other kinds of exploring,’ he said slyly.
‘Got it all figured out, eh Captain,’ she said returning his grin.
‘Be Prepared, that’s the Boy Scouts Marching Song!’ he chortled.
She looked over his shoulder and saw a small dingy moving out from the dock. This must be the attendant.
It was soon along side and its occupant, a rough, heavyset, grease-stained man called, ‘Ya here for just tonight?’
‘Yes.’ Steve answered.
‘Fifteen bucks. Ya get the early season discount.’
‘Lucky me,’ Steve mumbled and fished in his pocket, pulling out a twenty. ‘Got change?’
‘Sure.’ He took the bill, reached in his pocket and pulled out a greasy, rumpled bunch of bills, found a five and passed it to Steve. ‘Next day starts at noon, ya know,’ he said in a raspy growl.
‘Right,’ Steve replied. The man sat back in the dinghy and put the tiny outboard in gear and scuttled back to shore. ‘How’d you like to have him serve you dinner?’ he asked disdainfully.
‘Yuck!’ Ingrid replied quickly.
Steve turned back to Ingrid. ‘And now my lovely lady, tell me you’re hungry and you’re ready for something to eat,’ he demanded softly, wrapping his arms around her.
‘I’m starved. Get to it, Captain.’
‘Give me ten minutes. In the meantime, I have a lovely Spanish Red that I know you’ll like. Be right back.’
He turned and slipped down the companionway to the galley. Ingrid lifted the port side bench top in the stern and removed four flat cushions and set them in place around the stern. Steve was back with two glasses of wine which he set on the dash. He went below again and returned with two sturdy teak folding tables that he set up near the stern, covering them with dark green fitted table cloths. The cloths had the MO monogram stitched in white at the corners.
He went back below deck while Ingrid placed the wine on one of the tables. She took a sip from one of the glasses and was rewarded with a cool, smooth, softly flavored red. It was the perfect choice. In a couple of minutes a familiar aroma began to drift up from the galley and a sharp hunger pang ran through her.
‘Hurry with that Steve. The aroma is killing me,’ she pleaded.
‘Coming up in two minutes,’ he called back.
She wondered if she would survive the next two minutes. Shortly, she heard the oven door bang closed and with a bit of clatter, Steve rose once again through the companionway. He was wearing an oven mitt and carried a large baking sheet covered with bruschetta.
The aroma nearly overpowered her. He had made then larger than the bite-sized ones at his apartment. He placed two pot holders on the vacant table and set the tray down. Ingrid was reaching for a piece as he warned her.
‘Careful, they’re hot!’
In his other hand he placed two side plates on the table beside the wine glasses. He zipped down into the galley and quickly returned with a wooden spatula and placed a steaming appetizer on each plate. Ingrid was almost beside herself wanting to pick up the seductive first course.
‘Dinner will take a bit of time,’ he said apologetically, ‘so I thought I’d better have enough to ward off starvation.’ He looked apologetic.
Ingrid hardly noticed. She was concentrating on nibbling on the edges of the first piece, desperately trying to get some of the appetizer into her mouth without burning it.
‘It will cool down quickly, so give it a minute and you’ll be able to enjoy it.’
She had finally managed a proper large bite and was savoring the familiar wonderful flavors. ‘Oh god, that was torture,’ she said with her mouth almost still full.
She waited to finish another bite and turned to him and said, ‘I would have done anything for this, you know. Anything!’
‘I’ll have to remember that,’ he smiled.
Ingrid finished the second piece and sat back on the bench with her eyes closed. ‘I think I’ll live now.’
‘Glad to hear it,’ he said. ‘I’m going to set the barbeque up now, so if you can move over toward the wine table, I’ll get started.’
Ingrid slid to her right and picked up her wine glass. She watched Steve open a hatch on the deck and pull out a briefcase sized metal box and two stainless steel rods, bent roughly in a right-angled ‘S’ shape. He placed the rods into two metal slots on the stern rail and then slid the box onto the top part of the ‘S.’ There were two slots in the side of the box to accept the rods.
The box was now elevated to about waist height, and Steve he began to unfold it. It produced two angled sides and a foot high back, all three of which locked together to form a three sided wall. A stainless steel grill sat flush with the top of the box, but Ingrid could see there were guides along the angled sides to elevate the grill. He stood the grill at his feet and went below.
Returning with a bag of charcoal, and a can of lighter fluid, he carefully arranged the rough, random and angular shaped charcoal in the bottom of the box. He then sprinkled what seemed to be a very small amount of lighter fluid on the charcoal. He pulled a butane probe-lighter out of his pocket and lit the fuel.
‘This barbeque is an invention of one of my clients,’ he said. ‘It’s very compact for appl
ications like this. Even so, I can cook a full meal for six people on it with no problem. It also comes with a battery powered spit, all of which can be stowed in that one compact box.’ He was clearly impressed with this simple device.
‘The charcoal looks different too,’ Ingrid noted.
‘It is,’ he agreed. ‘It’s imported from Spain and Portugal. It’s real charcoal, not the manufactured stuff. It burns better, slower, cleaner, and with a more even heat. We’ve been using the briquettes for so long we’ve forgotten what real charcoal is like. When we’re done tonight, it will be nothing but clean ash, which I can dump overboard without concern.’
Ingrid had picked up one of the unused cushions and placed it behind her back. She was slowly taking smaller bites out of the third bruschetta and stopping for a taste of the wine. She slipped off her boat runners and tucked her feet up underneath her. She looked around at the tiny cove. It was completely in shadow except for the very top of the hill behind the store.
She could feel the cool softness of a whisper of breeze on her face. The water in the cove was mirror flat. The occasional ripple from one of the sea birds was the only sign of movement. The tide was a couple of hours from high slack. Steve had said the night low was a half tide. She watched him organize around the barbeque.
‘Now that you’ve hung up your Captain’s cap for a while and you’ve put on your Chef’s hat, may I ask what the entrée will be this evening?’
‘Sorry, not yet. The ‘Chef’s Special’ is always a closely guarded secret,’ he said looking back at her and winking.
‘How do I know I’ll like it?’ she challenged.
He turned and looked at her with mock consternation. ‘Did I disappoint you with my previous offerings?’ he asked, feigning offence.
‘No Chef,’ she answered contritely.
‘Well, I don’t intend to disappoint you tonight either,’ he promised.
They were sparring, and Ingrid was curious what he would be preparing. In the meantime, three pieces of the bruschetta had taken the edge off her hunger, and she was comfortable waiting for the main course. She hadn’t seen what he had bought for meats as she had been in another store deciding on the pastries. It didn’t matter. Whatever he chose, it would be wonderful.
Steve had brought a square, tapered sided device with dozens of holes in it. It fit perfectly on the barbecue’s surface and she noticed it was half filled with a variety of the vegetables he had bought. He also had a small bowl with a dark brown liquid and an old paint brush. He put the pot on the now heated barbeque and in a couple of minutes began to stir the vegetables with a wooden spatula and then brushing the contents with the sauce.
In a few minutes Ingrid could smell the cooking veggies, or more accurately, the basting sauce. Steve poked and prodded them briefly and when he was satisfied, put on an oven mitt, picked up the strange vessel and went below. Ingrid heard the oven door open and close.
Quickly back on deck empty handed, he sat down beside her, wrapping his arm around her. He picked up his wine from the table and offered the glass toward Ingrid. She met it with hers, lightly clinking them together.
‘To our lost weekend together,’ he toasted, looking deeply into her eyes.
‘Together,’ she answered simply. She was looking back when he leaned toward her and kissed her gently and held her there for a few seconds. The smells of the cooking and the scent of his body were mixed together as she inhaled them. It was an intoxicating mix.
She rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. A feeling of complete contentment washed over her. They sat together for a while until at last he stirred.
‘Time to get the entrée started,’ he said quietly.
He rose slowly, leaned down and kissed her softly on the cheek and headed back down to the galley. He returned a couple of minutes later with a plate on which two small, thick pieces of dark meat sat. The plate was covered with clear plastic wrap and he put it on the bench seat in front of the barbeque. He went below again and Ingrid could hear him after a couple of minutes, closing the door on the microwave oven. A few beeps later and he appeared on deck.
The wrap came off the meat plate and with a pair of wooden tongs he placed the meat on the grill. There didn’t appear to be any sauce or other condiment on the meat, not even pepper or salt. He looked at his watch, came back to the table where Ingrid sat, and picked up his wine glass, taking a sip. He picked up the bruschetta tray and took it back down to the galley. Back up in a moment with the picnic basket, he began to set the table.
‘Let me do that, please,’ Ingrid insisted.
‘Sure,’ he said, grateful for the help.
‘I’ll take these to the warmer,’ indicating the dinner plates.
Ingrid quickly set the teak table with side plates, cutlery and two clean wine glasses. There were no champagne flutes or champagne in the picnic basket this time.
Steve returned to the barbeque and turned the meat. Ingrid couldn’t quite identify the aroma from the meat. The microwave beeper went off and Steve headed back down the companionway.
Ingrid began to wonder how many times he would have to make that trip. No wonder he’s fit! She heard the ‘thock’ of a cork and the sound of a bottle being placed in a cooler with ice. In a moment he was back up on deck and placed the cooler on the bench beside the dinner table.
He returned to barbeque, poked and prodded the steaks gently with a fork and nodded in satisfaction. He moved the steaks to the now cleaned plate they had arrived on and once again he was down the companionway. He returned in less than five minutes with the two dinner plates.
The meat was again the centre of the presentation with the vegetables stacked in a pyramid leaning on the thick steaks while the other side featured a rice dish, obviously well seasoned. A grizzle of the dark brown sauce trailed around the outside of the rice and meat.
He carefully slid a plate in front of Ingrid and the other in his own place. He picked the bottle of white wine out of the cooler and poured some into each of their glasses. He showed Ingrid the label and she saw that I was the Italian Pinot Grigio they had enjoyed the first day they had met.
‘I want you to try the meat, Ingrid,’ he said.
Ingrid looked at him and picked up her knife and fork. She cut a corner from the steak and was astounded at the ease with which the knife cut through. It looked like any other steak on the outside, but was a pale gray-tan colour inside. She put it in her mouth and savored it carefully.
‘Oh, Steve, it’s wonderful. I’ve never had a filét as tender and tasty as this,’ she exclaimed.
‘Glad you like it. It’s fresh Albacore Tuna,’ he said proudly. ‘I assume I have correctly guessed you would enjoy it?’
‘It’s lovely. But if I was blindfolded, I would swear it was filét mignon.’
‘It’s as light as a feather, very good for you in the way that ocean fish is, and it’s as fresh as anything you’ll get in the premium restaurants,’ he boasted.
‘I’m convinced. And the rest of the meal is wonderful too. I’m getting spoiled in a hurry. You can do wonders no matter where you are,’ she marveled.
‘Actually, the rice dish is a heat and serve microwave item. You do have to compromise now and then.’
They consumed the meal almost in silence. It was nearly eight and dusk was well upon them. The temperature was dropping, but Ingrid was still comfortable in her sweatshirt.
‘Are you warm enough?’ she asked him.
‘It is getting cooler. I’ll just grab a sweatshirt.’ He got up to go and she stopped him.
‘Wait here, you’ve been up and down those stairs a hundred times. Besides, I’ve got something for you,’ she said, stepping down the companionway. In a few seconds, she was back with the dark green sweatshirt
, the twin of the one she was wearing. ‘Try this on,’ she said.
Steve took it from her and tried it on. It was a perfect fit. ‘It’s very nice. I really like the colour.’
‘I’m glad. I bought it this week along with this blue one and I hoped we would wear the same size. After you’ve worn it for a day or so, I’ll trade with you. I like the scent of you on my clothes. You might like the scent of me on yours, too,’ she grinned.
‘Thank you and yes, that scent of yours is very sexy. I think you need another glass of wine,’ he said, noticing her near-empty glass.
Ingrid looked up at the sky and saw the bright orange glow of sunset on the horizon. The first stars had begun to appear. They had been sitting together, Steve with his arm around her, and Ingrid with her head on his shoulder. It would be completely dark soon.
A little light came through the companionway to the deck, but otherwise, only the red and green markers on the rigging were lit. She could see cabin lights from the two cruisers moored off their stern. Steve had mentioned that there was no restaurant for a couple of miles, and most boaters staying here would eat on board. We were all transients, usually leaving in the morning.
‘Ingrid,’ Steve said quietly.
‘Hmmm,’ she replied dreamily.
‘There’s something you need to know. Something about me you need to know. It might help explain me and maybe help us both understand what’s happening to us,’ he offered quietly.
Steve felt her tense immediately. ‘Don’t be frightened, Ingrid. It isn’t something terrible. You’ll understand when I tell you,’ he said, trying to be reassuring.
Ingrid raised her head from his shoulder and sat up. She looked at him as he stammered and stuttered and tried to begin.
‘After Diana died, I told you I went to stay with my dad in Toronto. I was a mess. He was very consoling, but I was trying to deal with it myself and not doing very well. One day, a couple of months after I got there, he sat down at the breakfast table and said he wanted to talk to me.
He told me that when he and Mom had divorced and he had to leave us both in California, he was a basket case too. He felt he was to blame for the divorce. He kind of became a hermit for a while, and his health was starting to suffer too. His doctor finally sat him down and told him he needed to get his emotional house in order before the medical profession could help him. He said he would refer him to a psychiatrist if he would agree to go.’
Steve paused and then started again.
‘Dad said he wasn’t very enthusiastic about seeing a ‘shrink,’ but he said deep down he knew he needed help. So, he finally agreed to see a Dr. Weisman. Well, the short version of the story is that it helped. He understood the things he could control and the things he couldn’t.
‘Dad had been forced to make some critical decisions about his life and he had to be able to justify them to himself. A few weeks later he said he was able to look in the mirror and see who was really there.’
Ingrid sat quietly, compelled to hear him out.
‘I didn’t need to be too bright to figure out where his story was going. He was trying to get me to do something about my own problems related to Diana’s death. I guess he’d had about enough of me moping around the apartment and generally being a downer for everyone. No wonder I never got to meet his girlfriends. Well, except for one, that is.
‘I went to see his doctor and he asked me a bunch of questions about what had happened and how I was feeling and all the usual baloney psychiatrists ask. I thought it was all a big mistake, but I had promised Dad, so there I was. He asked me what I wanted to do in the near future and I told him I didn’t have a clue. He made a suggestion that before our next session, I should sit down and list three or four things that I might want to do. Not trivial things … meaningful ones.
‘He suggested I think back to my youth, especially my teenage years and try and remember the things that made me happy, or the dreams I had for the future. It didn’t sound too goofy an idea, so I went home and sat down, but after about three hours of thinking, I hadn’t written a single thing.
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The next day I had set up my easel on the beach outside my cottage and was once more attempting to paint a landscape that someone might actually want to buy. Once more I was failing miserably. My heart just wasn’t in it.“Howdy, neighbour,” called Vanessa as she strolled up the beach towards me. She was wearing a navy blue short-sleeved blouse and white pleated skirt that fell just below her knees. When she reach me I noticed that her blouse was undone just enough to reveal that she was wearing...
NovelsAs i descended the stairs to the basement i am filled with a familiar feeling of excitement and nervousness. Mistress was allowing me to be her sissy maid for the afternoon. I was excited , as every visit to Mistress was a different journey into the unkown. Always a little scared though , that i would displease her in some way and end up being punished for it.As Mistress welcomed me into her domain , i was told what duties and activities would await me during the afternoon. One of the first...
Braylin Bailey and her stepbrother Apollo Banks are decorating for a St Patty’s party for Braylin’s mom. Neither of them wants to be there, and Apollo deals with it by acting out. At first he begins miming a leprechaun fucking. When Braylin calls him on that, Apollo grabs a scissors and cuts the beads from around her neck. Kneeling, Braylin begins picking them up only for Apollo to pull her tight miniskirt up to reveal that she has no panties on. Braylin thinks that’s the end...
xmoviesforyouSatou tossed and turned on his sleeping mat, images of the beautiful red woman flashing through his mind. He couldn’t stop thinking about her, about the way that her red skin shone in the sunlight, about how her hair looked as fluffy as a cloud. Those golden eyes, her alluring body... He didn’t care what Nagao said, he had to see her again, he would go crazy if he didn’t. He felt like there was a hot coal burning in his belly, as if the only way to quench the fire was to gaze upon her one...
Ryan lay in bed once again. This was the third day in the last 4 weeks that he was not feeling well enough to go to school. He didn't mind missing school. What kid does? The relentless fever he felt however was disconcerting. His pajamas were drenched as was his hair. To say Ryan was stressed is the understatement of the year. He was downright petrified. Looking at his mom and dad, he could see the sheer concern on their faces as well. Even his little brother and sister knew something...
Hi readers, I am a big fan of ISS and I read stories regularly but never written one myself. this is a true experience which I am going to narrate to all of you and I hope u all will like this. Firstly I would like to tell bout myself. I am Rahul from Solan (H.P.) now staying in Mumbai, average built and sex starving. this incident happens with my own bhabhi 6 yrs back when I was 19 yrs old. My brother was married for 2 yrs that time and my bhabhi Salon was 26 yrs of age. She was fair, tall and...
IncestBy the beginning of April Greg's life was busy. He bounced between Bonner and Aspen. It was no secret. He brought Evan, Tyler and Alden along one time or another. Alden made some friends but Evan and Tyler simply tolerated it for Greg's sake. The cousins seemed to tag-team him throughout the rest of the week. They rarely phoned him. Usually he would find one or the other at his door with an invitation to spend a few hours hanging out. It was flattering in its way, but it left Greg slightly...
“These are the terms. Do you accept mortal?” The formless figures voice rang out and echoed off the shadowed walls. Ashlyn didn’t waste a second, “of course! One week of no sex and in return I’ll get a wish for whatever I desire. Easy peasey”. “Very well. Good luck, you’re going to need it,” and as the formless figure dissipated into smoke laughter filled the area. BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP “Ugh. shut up phone,” my hand reached for the nightstand and attempted to turn off my alarm but...
Fucking my sexy neighbors. Hey this is my 2nd story hope you like it. It was few days before diwali. Aarti aunty had called me to help her hang the lantern. Aarti aunty used to live in my neighborhood for the past 2 years. She was a friend of my mom but I never actually spoke to her. She was the youngest of all neighbors I had and also the most beautiful. Her husband was out of town this diwali and she had to do all the work herself. She had 2 kids- an 8 year old daughter and a 5 year old son....
Incest“Principle Jerroti will receive you know” looking sternly at me Rebecca the secretary pointed to the mahogany door with a opaque square window in the center, the initials G.M.Jerroti where inscribed on top. Gordon Mathew Jerroti was our dear principal and for some reason he arrange a meeting with me. I was curious and scared, in 6 months we will graduate from and move on and this meeting was unexpected. I slowly opened the door “close it behind you” said Rebecca - Ok bitch i will i thought,...
Chapter 3—Beginnings School commenced on the first Wednesday after Labor Day. James was ready to go. He took his morning workout and had a big breakfast. He chose to walk that day, his apartment being close to the school. After his first few classes, he reckoned that he had more energy than the sea of expressionless faces that he looked out over in each of his four sections. He was too seasoned to expect enthusiasm. Any expression, even fear, would have been preferable over nothingness....
Hii friends mera naam vivaan h or m ek student hu or m belong karta hu ek chote se sahar se pr m apni pdai k karan jaipur me rent pr rahta hu or yaha apni competiton exams ki tyari karta hu. To m apko bor na karte huye apni kahani start karta hu ye kahani h mere or meri padosan jo abi abi 4 mahine pahle bani thi kyu ki mene apna room change kiya tha. Mera routin iss prkar se tha ki m subah subah class k liye jaya karta tha frr m apne room pr pdta tha. Sham k time me chht pr yu hi tahlta tha...
Debra so wanted to know what is was like to be disciplined as an adult. It was an ongoing fantasy of hers. Debra, 27-years-old, was so scared when she first met 43-year-old Karen at the Club. She knew it was a spanking party but that wasn’t the reason to be scared. That was because she knew she was going to experience her fantasy and was concerned it will not be what she had hoped for. She decided to go because her close friend, Lisa, suggested she attend having just a few days beforehand...
Movement drew her attention, head turning just enough to watch as Noon pressed closer to her, far too furry and warm for how hot Zendaya felt. But she didn’t complain as Noon cuddled closer, the dog’s sinful tongue lulling out of his mouth, breath on the back of his neck. Noon started to lap at her skin, a small whine escaping him that made Zendaya's fingers fuck into her faster. The collar around her neck constricted as he swallowed hard, one leg stretching out as she braced a foot against...
Brenda's Bondageby Abe Brenda dismounted her bike by the corner of the apartments. She had just ridden 9.3 miles in the southern California heat. She was one of those tall, muscular women who could be mistaken for a man. Her shoulders were as wide as her hips, and her upper body was trim and muscular from lifting weights. Her breasts were nicely shaped but not especially large. Her lower half , legs and bottom, was all muscle, the result of daily bicycle riding. Her hair was short...
The following week end Mark told Cindi about letting Mel fuck him."Gee Mark,what did he say,did he like it?""Yeah,he did,he liked it a lot s*s."Did you do it to him also?""No,but I think I can,at least I'm going to try.""Gee,I wished I could watch when you do."She said."Well,maybe you can.""You really think so?""I think he would let me if I could tell him you would let him do it toyou.""Gosh,I don't know Mark,what if he said something at school and it gotaround?""He won't s*s,I promise,and...
“For God’s sake, Peter. Couldn’t you turn up on time just once? You know Geoffrey’s away and we’re short-staffed at the best of times.”It was Mrs. Turner doing the berating and I was the Peter who was being berated. I was a waiter in a small seaside hotel, having breezed into town for the summer and chanced upon this job. It required little in the way of talent or skill, but I think she had hired me because I was polite and well-spoken, neither of which I could take much credit for. You get...
Straight SexDarien Teasdale had been called to the job site by his project foreman for a serious problem over substandard concrete the foreman refused to accept. It'd taken Darien the best part of the morning to sort out the problem with the sub contractor. He was considered an extremely nice guy by all of his friends, sub contractors, and employees. He bent over backwards to be nice and not have confrontations. If he didn't things might get very ugly. He'd been a killer in Iraq and Afghanistan for...
Just over a year ago, I went to meet up with a guy who had been asking me if I'd be up for a threesome for ages. When the day finally came, I was really excited, especially as it was another sissy who would be joining us. I had all my things in a rucksack, clothes, wig, lingerie and some extras besides and went into town to meet up with the guy (let's call him dickhead) and the other gurl in a quiet little pub. When I got there, it wasn't hard to spot the other sissy (let's call her Lucy, coz...
The door opened. “Ariel?” It was Hulda’s voice. “Yes.” She heard Hulda sniffing. “Ah, I smell ya frigged yourself good.” “Uh huh. Look, Hulda, I—” “Ya okay? Still good with what we’re doing?” “Yes. But look, I kind of—” she had been about to talk about the mess she had made of the bed. But Hulda had been out there doing all that, and her first impulse had been to make sure Ariel was still in a good place. Ariel was touched by the care: she had just been here masturbating, while Hulda...
When Luke opened the door, Connor looked surprised to see him. He confirmed this impression by trying to look around him to see if anyone else was home. Somewhat sheepishly, he grinned, "Hey, Luke. We were looking for your boy." Luke frowned at Connor. The man wasn't the sort he wanted his son associating with. "What do you want Aaron for?" Connor looked around suspiciously, "Come out to the van. There's something I want you to see." Looking back on the moment, Luke liked to...
Being Brandi I was surprised that Brandi had selected me as her roommate. I had answered her classified ad, and we had met over coffee. She was stunningly beautiful and very sophisticated. She wore a form fitting white suit with gold buttons at that first meeting. The short skirt showed her sleek legs encased in shimmering stockings, and I struggled to maintain eye contact. I was a short, slightly built man wearing jeans and a sweatshirt, and I assumed she would want someone more...
Monica’s piano students were mostly younger beginners, but she did teach a few very committed and talented high-schoolers and one or two grads. One of her brightest stars, Josh, was about to turn 18, and for some time now, he had shown a boyishly awkward, obvious crush on his gorgeous 31-year-old teacher.She found it, and him, absolutely adorable, and after a time, his attentions even boosted her erotic daydreams. It never got in the way of the lessons, as once they got concentrated on the...
I'm so fucking scared right now. I still have my cock in my sister's cum-filled pussy and my mother has her pussy in my sister's mouth. My father is has no expression and is motionless. Then, he finally speaks. "I knew this day was coming, but not so soon," my father exclaimed. Wait, he's happy that we're fucking each other? Did he also expect us to be fucking one day? Suddenly, all hell broke loose."Please don't kill me, Dad!" I yelled in fright."Dad, it's my fault! I seduced him in the first...
IncestIn all your life you could only feel one way about yourself. You were a loser. Everything about you could be described as "below average" everything from your eyesight to the size of your penis. You were socially inept. You frequented the library, you would spend your time reading romances and erotica, wishing that you could have something like the characters in the stories. Despite everything you told yourself, despite all of your efforts, your attempts at improving any aspect of yourself...
FantasyBriana Banderas came home from a hard day of work. Her neck was hurting, her feet were hurting. She called for her step son Diego. Diego was immediately at her side. Briana asked for some massage oil and a pillow and went to her bedroom. When Diego brought those things she asked him to massage her feet. Diego slowly spread oil over her feet and started the massage. She liked it. He liked it. She asked to massage her calfs and her ass cheeks. Diego moved his hands higher and higher. Brianna...
xmoviesforyouMandy was a really strange one. I ran into her at the bar pretty early on in my bartending days... She was in college, and would come to the bar most Tuesdays with some friends for what ever the Tuesday night special was. Anyway, I noticed she was the shy one in the group, always avoiding the drunken frat boys that wandered from table to table trying to get their dicks wet. One night she and her two friends sat at the bar. I saw it as my chance to bone a "nice Jewish girl" and started to talk...
Hi friends.. Mera naam sagar h or mai dehradun se hu. Meri age 19 saal h or mai abhi 12th std me padhta hu. Ye story meri or mere chacha ki ladki ki h. Uska naam vandana h, age 18, or wo abhi 10th me study krti h. Ye story 3 month purani h to ab aapko jayada boor na karte hue sidha story pr aate h. 1 din ki baat h jb mai subh so kr utha to ghr me sb uth chuke the or ghr wale sb job pr jaa chuke the, hmari school ki chutti hone ki wajah se hum sab bacche ghr pr hi the. Mai utha to vandana mere...
This story is one of a continuing series of connected stories known as “Tales from the Shack.” Normally these go into LW because the Shack series started here, and it is much easier for those that follow the stories to find them if I keep them all together. Even so, this one very much belongs in the LW category. This story stands on its own, though it is part of the series. It is also the second of the Needles & Delaney stories, so read “An Angry Man” first. I typically don’t write...
I lay awake in bed, unable to sleep, my mind racing and heart pounding. I couldnt stop thinking about what my wife was doing, and all the things I was imaging just made the reality worse. My sister-in-law was laying on the far side of the bed from me, both of us naked under the covers, and from her shallow breaths I could tell she was sound asleep. My wife on the other hand was still out back getting fucked by my sister-in-laws boyfriend. The image of my wife, wantonly swinging her legs up to...
Hello this is rocky again with hot story, where I had encountered real hot wild and romantic session with Shilpa aunty. She looks fucking hot almost every man while have hardon in their pants on seeing her same thing had happened with me when I first saw her in recreational center where I use to go for swimming. Coming back to story. I use to visit the center daily with my friends where I use to go for swimming and my friends goes for gym and badminton. We use usually visit the center in the...
Hi, friends.This is my first sex story but real.So sorry for the grammar mistake.I am Raj from Chennai.I did M.Sc(computer science). My family members are my father Nandhan, mother Devi, sister Soniya and me.We are a middle-class family. Let me tell about my sister Soniya.She is very beautiful and fair in color.Her eyes are like fish, anybody will fall for her easily and will decide to fuck her, lips are very seductive even flexible for sucking 2 cocks, boobs are medium sized, thighs are...