- 3 years ago
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This is a re-posting of my original story, Quartet, Ingrid. It has been re-worked to improve punctuation, grammar, and, I hope, readability.
Ingrid Ch.05
Ingrid turned the car out of the drop-off area at U.S. Departures and drove slowly around the ramp to the eastbound road leading away from the terminal. Steve had called her that morning at ten, as he had promised. She was up, but walking very gingerly. Her inner thigh muscles were stiff and sore, just as Steve had predicted.
She had lounged in the bath last night until she felt herself falling asleep. She got out, drained the tub, dried herself, slipped on a long t-shirt nightgown and crawled happily into bed. She looked at the clock radio and was surprised to see it was just nine-fifteen. It was her last conscious thought until she awoke when her clock radio came on at its usual seven a.m. Nearly ten hours sleep. Almost unheard of for her.
She lay in bed for a few minutes going over yesterday’s events in her mind. So much had happened in such a short time. She seemed helpless to stop herself pushing their relationship forward. It was crazy. They had not even met a week ago and she was acting like they had been together for months.
She didn’t understand her desperation. Did she think this was her last chance? No wonder Steve was defensive. He must think I’m nuts, but he keeps coming back for more. She didn’t believe in love at first sight, especially after her disastrously short marriage. And yet, that’s what was happening … again!
She stopped interrogating herself, put on a robe, and walked to the kitchen. She poured herself an orange juice, took a vitamin pill, and peeled a banana. Aside from the sore thighs, she felt surprisingly good. The bath had been a good idea. She had looked in the mirror and was happy to see she hadn’t been burned anywhere. She smiled at the memory of Steve putting the sun block on her. His hands were so soft and gentle, no wonder he aroused her quickly.
‘Two or three more minutes and there would have been no stopping us,’ she thought. The boat would have been beached and the two of us would have ended up in the water, but we probably wouldn’t have noticed. She smiled at what might have been.
It won’t be long now. Thursday will be the day! She needed a special welcome home surprise for Steve. It certainly wouldn’t be her cooking a special meal. She was an artist not a cook. They were going away for the weekend and that would be even more exciting. What could she do that would make it even more special? Think, girl, think!
She was curled up on the sofa Sunday evening, reading a graphics magazine and marveling at all the new computer software and technical aids now available. They all seemed out of reach, she despaired. Ah well, in the end, it’s the ideas and not the equipment that people buy, she rationalized. She would just have to be smarter and more creative to compete against the big houses.
She thought about the Provincial Government contract that she was short-listed for. Add that to my credentials and I’ll really have something to sell. She jumped when the phone rang. She looked at her watch and smiled. It was exactly eight o’clock.
She picked up the phone and using her sexiest voice crooned, ‘Hi there.’
‘Ingrid?’ There was a pause. ‘Is that you?’ It was Steve, predictably right on time.
‘Who else would it be, handsome?’ she continued in her seductive tone.
He laughed. ‘It’s good to hear your voice even if you are being a temptress again.’
‘Well, you wouldn’t want to have any doubt about what you’re missing and what you’re coming home to, would you?’ the sultry voice continued.
‘I think I’m getting the idea that you’re a naughty girl, Ingrid. Is that true?’
He sounded so naive, she chuckled to herself.
‘Don’t most boys prefer naughty girls?’
The fun was catching. ‘Well, yes, but then I can’t take them home to mother, if you know what I mean.’
‘What would I want with your mother, big boy? I prefer one hundred percent all male beefcake for a main course.’
‘Well if I can’t take you home to mother, where can I take you?’
‘How about to the moon, fella. Every girl wants a trip to the moon.’
‘Any ideas on how we could get you there?’
‘Don’t you have a rocket? I thought I felt one the other day.’
‘Why don’t I come over some time and we can talk about … propellants?’
He was really getting into the spirit of this not-quite obscene phone call. She hoped no one was listening in. Luckily, the day of the party line was long gone.
‘Do we need a booster for this trip?’ she continued.
‘Baby, I can send you to the moon with one big stage.’
‘Well, you certainly sound like my kind of guy. When are you going to be here?’
‘How does Thursday sound?’
‘I dunno, it sounds like a long way off. I might meet someone else. He might be able to … come … much sooner.’
‘Quality, baby. Yah gotta stick with quality.’
He was starting to snicker and Ingrid could sense he was having a hard time keeping pace with her. There were only so many clever retorts in his repertoire.
They both started to laugh. It had been fun.
‘Is this what they mean by phone sex?’ he asked.
‘I don’t know. I think this was pretty tame compared to some of that stuff,’ she replied merrily.
‘Well we can always raunch it up a little if you like.’
‘Now you’re talking. Lay it on me, big boy. I’m ready for some hot stuff!’
She was back in character again.
‘I’m going to have to find a special name for this alter ego of yours. Ingrid is just too …well … decent,’ he taunted.
‘You need to have a special persona for this naughty lady friend of yours. Something along the lines of … oh … say … Indigo.’
‘Dark blue for a dark personality? It might work.’
‘Tell me, Indigo. What do you want for your birthday?’
‘What else? I want what all bad girls want — a man!’ she said, slipping further into her new character.
‘What would you do when you got one, Indigo?’
‘Oh, he would be so pleased! I have what it takes to fulfill a man’s ultimate fantasy. What’s your fantasy?’
‘Ah, my fantasy? It’s about freckles and red hair. I know that sounds kinky, but … I get off on red hair and freckles.’
‘And how long have you harbored this fantasy?’
‘About six days, I think. Can you help me?’
‘I don’t know. Does she have to be a real redhead?”
‘Oh yes. Any girl can dye her hair. She has to be a real redhead, you know, in that very private area. And the freckles have to be real. I like it when they are all over her body. Can you help me?’ His voice was plaintive.
‘Perhaps. What do you plan to do with this real redhead?’
‘Oh, I would worship her. I would never make her wear clothes so that I could see all her beautiful freckles and red hair.’
‘What else would you do with her?’
‘I bet she would taste very good. I would want to taste her everywhere. Did you know that different parts have a different taste? Some parts taste very, very good.’
He was on a roll and enjoying the vicarious thrill of verbal stimulation.
‘How did you discover that, stud? You sound so … innocent.’ ‘Why, personal research of course. There’s no substitute for personal research.’
‘What tastes the best?’
‘Oh, I really like the breasts, especially the nipples. I like to run the tip of my tongue around the areolas and then drag my tongue across the nipples. When the nipples get hard, they really are tasty.’
‘And for the entrée?’
‘That’s easy. I like that private place. It’s so warm and juicy and tasty. It’s full of vitamins, I hear. I like to taste the inner thighs first, and then the outside of those secret lips. Then, I like to taste inside.
s, I find a little nub inside, and I tickle it with the tip of my tongue. It makes a woman very aroused though. Sometimes it can get noisy when I’m doing my tasting. If I can’t find what I’m looking for, I use my fingers to find it. Then, I lick my fingers. It’s not good table manners, I know, but it’s very yummy.’
There was a pause.
‘And for dessert?’
Her voice had grown weaker, and Steve realized she had been completely immersed in this game. He tried to imagine what she was doing on the other end of the phone.
‘Dessert? Why, my favorite dessert is that nice sticky, wet juice that comes out of that special place. There is never enough of it, but it is the perfect ending to the perfect dining experience.’
Again, a pause.
‘You bastard!’ she spat in a quiet voice. ‘You did this deliberately, didn’t you? All my toys are in my nightstand. I’m stretched out on the sofa with the phone in one had and a sopping, wet pussy in the other. And I thought you were an innocent. Boy, did you have me fooled.’
‘Now, now, Ingrid! I didn’t start this,’ he cautioned, still playfully. ‘I just thought if you liked playing these kinds of games, then I’d better learn how to play them too. Everything was under control until we got to the fantasy part. I guess we’d better skip that part in the future.’
‘God, Steve. If you were here right now … well, I don’t think either of us would survive the experience. You’ve got me sooooo horny. You better get your ass back here on Thursday, mister, or there’s going to be a sexual predator in the neighborhood, and it’s going to be me!
‘I’m sorry, Ingrid. I didn’t mean to do that to you. You’ve really got yourself worked up, haven’t you?’ He sounded contrite.
‘Didn’t that little story turn you on?’ she asked, surprised.
‘To tell the truth, I was so busy trying to think of a sexy answer that I didn’t have time to get turned on.’
‘Jesus, man, you missed your calling. I had my eyes closed while I listened to you, and it was so real I was ready to come right then. Maybe we should start an audio-porn business. We wouldn’t even have to script it. You were making that up as you went along and I was going crazy!’
‘OK, look,’ he said, now back in his normal voice. ‘I suggest we don’t play this game until and unless you use a code word. Say, Indigo,’ he proposed.
‘Code name Indigo and we’re off to the races, right?’ she suggested.
‘Code name Indigo. Only you and I will know what it means. OK?’
‘Agreed. Just the same, I want to know how Mr. Neat and Tidy knows all about erotic phone play. I’m beginning to doubt your ‘born again virgin’ routine,’ she laughed.
‘Nope, I’m just who I said I was. But, really Ingrid, I haven’t lived in cave, and I am aware of what goes on in the world. I just haven’t been a participant.’
‘Well, OK then, I’ll buy it for now. But you better not be trying to con me, mister,’ she threatened lightly.
‘No, no, no con job, honestly!’ he protested.
They were both back to their normal voices and they talked for a few more minutes before Steve said his goodnights. ‘I’ll call you again tomorrow, same time,’ he promised.
‘I’ll be right here.’ she said. ‘Goodnight. Love you Steve.’
‘Good night Ingrid. ‘Till tomorrow then.’
He hung up quietly. He couldn’t bring himself to say those words yet.
‘I love you, Ingrid,’ he practiced to himself. He could say it to himself. When would he be able to say it to her and know it to be true?
They talked again on Monday and Tuesday. Indigo did not make an appearance. Steve told her about his meetings in very general terms, but he got her interest when he told her about his plans on Wednesday. He had followed up on a couple of leads for software programs that might be helpful to Ingrid.
‘I don’t want to get your hopes up, Ingrid, but have a lead on a program that might meet your needs without you having to invest time and money in CAD systems. These are not expensive programs, but the real question will be whether they will be useful to you. You’ll be the best judge of that. Keep your fingers crossed.’
He sounded optimistic and he had raised Ingrid’s expectations.
When he called her on Wednesday night, he was enthusiastic and she caught the mood right away. ‘I think I’ve got what you need, Ingrid. In fact, I have two different programs and part of the agreement with the developers is that you test and report on these systems. They are called beta versions.
‘That means they aren’t on the consumer market yet, but being tested by a bunch of interested parties who get the program free as long as they report back on performance and problems. You’d be a guinea pig, but the reward is, if the program goes to market, you get the finished version for free! How does that sound?’
‘Oh Steve, that’s wonderful. When will I be able to try these programs?’
‘I’ve got the disks for one of them now, and the other will be delivered by courier sometime in the next two or three weeks. That will give you time to try one out and get used to it before the other shows up.
‘And, by the way, the competing companies know you are evaluating both programs. They even asked us to tell them what you liked and didn’t like about their competitors software. I’m not sure that’s ethical, but we can talk about it,’ he concluded.
‘That’s fantastic. I can’t wait to try them. Oh, thanks Steve. I love you to pieces for this,’ she bubbled. ‘What time does your plane arrive tomorrow? I’ll be there with bells on!’
‘Ah … well, there’s been a catch. I have to go to a dinner meeting at seven tomorrow night. My plane gets in about five, so it’s a tight fit to get through Customs and get downtown,’ he said apologetically.
‘Oh no, Steve! I was counting on tomorrow night. I had something special planned for us. Can’t you meet with them some other time?’ she pleaded.
‘I’m sorry Ingrid, when they called today, they wanted to meet me on Friday and I told them I couldn’t as I had a prior engagement that couldn’t be changed. I didn’t tell them that it was with a gorgeous redhead, and I was sailing away with her.’
‘Why don’t you come to the house after your dinner?’
‘I suppose that’s possible, but I don’t know what these guys expect. They’re from Japan and they are prospective clients both for me and my old employer in San Francisco. That’s why I was down here this week. These guys will expect to be entertained and I can’t predict when I’ll be able to get away. I’m sorry, Ingrid.’
‘I’ll wait up for you. Instead of the phone, I’ll sit here waiting for your knock on the door. Please say you’ll come.’
‘I’ll try, I promise,’ he said. ‘But remember, Friday is the start of a big weekend for us. I don’t want you overtired. I should talk, I guess. Anyway, Friday I’ve got a lot of running around to do to get the stuff ready for the boat. These guys messed up my schedule for getting all that ready too.’
‘What time do you want me ready Friday?’ she asked.
‘Well, I was hoping to get away early in the afternoon, but our Japanese friends screwed that plan up. With any luck, we can cast off by three or three thirty.’
‘Can I help? I’ve cleared the decks, so I’m free,’ she offered.
‘Yes, I’m sure you can. Do you have your fax number handy?’
She gave him the number.
‘I’ll fax over a list of things tonight that I think you can manage and that will be a huge help in cutting down on the running around. Thanks for volunteering,’ he said.
‘Happy to do it, especially if it gets us on the water sooner. I can’t wait for my next lesson, Captain.’ She was noticeably brighter again, the disappointment of his Thursday absence now passing.
‘Just one other thing, Ingrid. I’ll call you at eight o’clock tomorrow, just as we have all this week. I’m sure my Japanese friends can manage without me for a few minutes. I won’t be able to
spend much time, but at least I’ll hear your lovely voice,’ he said sincerely.
Ingrid felt her eyes fill. ‘I’ll be here,’ she said quietly. ‘Good night, Steve. I love you.’
‘Good night, Ingrid. Until tomorrow.’
Ingrid wiped the forming tears from her eyes. He couldn’t say the words, but the heart is almost there. She sat back in the sofa and rested her head on the soft cushion. Her life was changing rapidly and for a change, it was all for the better. She was beginning to remember what true happiness felt like. She had only a brief glimpse of it a few years ago when she first met Max, her ex-husband.
Just before ten that evening, Ingrid’s fax machine beeped and came to life. A one page, hand-written note from Steve appeared. It was a list of items and quantities he wanted for their weekend. She looked it over and decided most of it could be obtained tomorrow.
She looked at the printed source address for the fax and saw the name of the Marriot in San Jose. His meetings were in San Francisco. He went to San Jose just to help her with the design software. From a little comment and a couple of questions a week ago, he had quickly absorbed the importance of what was needed.
Ingrid awoke sometime Thursday night on the sofa. The room was dark, her neck was stiff and she was chilled without a blanket. She got up and shuffled into the bedroom, fell into bed and pulled the covers over her. She looked at the clock radio. The time was three twenty-two. She put her head down and almost immediately she was asleep again.
As usual, the radio came on at seven a.m. and she roused herself to a sitting position. She was still wearing the revealing, burgundy negligee she had bought for Steve’s arrival last night. She looked down at it and felt a twinge of regret. He doesn’t know what he missed, but today’s another day.
She brightened. Steve had called her from the restaurant, just as he’d promised. He told her how important it was for him to hear her voice and she almost sobbed on the phone. She was sure Steve caught the hitch in her voice. Their conversation wasn’t long, but it cheered her immensely. She knew that if there was any way he could be with her, he would be. She told him she would leave the light on for him. All he had to do was knock. Regrettably, she heard no knock that night.
She carefully took off the new sexy nightie she had bought for the occasion, folded it carefully, pulled on her terrycloth robe, and walked to the kitchen for her usual breakfast. For the first time in weeks, she pulled the coffee maker out from the wall and started to make a pot. She needed extra brain cells this morning, and the coffee would help.
She looked at the faxed list on the kitchen counter and reviewed the items they still needed to get today. It wasn’t very much since she had managed a good portion of the list yesterday afternoon. Most of today’s items were wanted fresh. She looked up at the kitchen wall clock and wondered when Steve would call. God knows what time he got home last night. When he phoned, he said these guys made it plain they wanted a night on the town.
She finished her juice and started on her first cup of coffee. She began to feel more alive and walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower. She dropped the robe on the floor mat and stepped into the warm spray. She had no sooner gotten wet when she heard the door bell.
‘Who the hell is that?’ she said aloud. ‘Screw it, it’s probably J.W.’s.’
The bell rang again. She thought that odd. Usually, if it’s door to door, they just ring once.
‘Ah, shit.’
She stepped out of the shower and picked up the robe and put it on. She padded across the living room rug to the front window and peeked out to see who was there. It was Steve! Ohmigod! She ran to the door, unlocked it and yanked it open. She almost leaped into his arms, then dragged him into the house and slammed the door. She covered him with a long passionate kiss and hugged him with all her strength.
‘Does this mean you’re glad to see me?’ he laughed.
‘Oh, you can’t know. It’s like you’ve been away for a year. What happened last night? You didn’t come here,’ she blurted.
‘Actually, I did come by last night.’ he said. ‘But it was two in the morning and the lights were out. I didn’t have the heart to wake you up. Besides, I had a terminal case of Sake breath. Not very romantic, I can tell you. I think I still have some lingering after effects. What do you think?’ he asked, pulling her close and kissing her deeply.
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It was nice to see everyone cared enough to stop by, but I couldn’t shake the thought of my hard cock shooting cum into my Dad’s mouth while I twitched on the shower floor. It kept me in a constant state of arousal, but Dad and I acted as if nothing had happened. I also couldn’t shake what my Dad had said about experimenting with friends, and the fact that my Dad had done some of that with his brother. I stood around most of the day looking at my friends and their brothers wondering if...
Rachel, God and I were sitting naked in a hot tub, enjoying the scenery the underworld had to offer. I felt guilty about putting the poor mortal through emotional trauma when I tempted her with an eternal sibling romance, so I decided a spa day would be nice before her next test. I couldn’t help but let my gaze linger on her wet, pale breasts. Rachel was oblivious to my staring, but God caught me. She scooted next to Rachel and wrapped an arm around the mortal, before giving me a little...
Friday arrived. The four of us demolished the zombies in less than two hours. In her boredom from not needing to heal me, Katie discovered that healing zombies would kill them. That alone sped up our progress immensely at the end of our first run. Our total time inside the Gate was one and a half hours. The three of us killed the ghoul easily, with Kate keeping watch in case anything else arrived. Nothing did. I allowed the girls to keep the silver from our kills on our first run. When we...
I opened my eyes to see her hovering above me. “Nicole.” I whispered. She smiled at me and kissed me. A slow gentle kiss that lingered on my lips. The girl of my dreams was here kissing me. How could this be possible? Was this a dream? All these thoughts rushed in my mind. She slowly striped in front of me. First, her skin-tight blouse that showed her hard nipples. When the blouse was off, I reached to cup her swaying breasts in my hands. I slowly massaged them. She let out a moan. “Such my...
There were actually two versions of this written, and what took me so long was deciding which version to post. If I get requests for it, I may post the alternate, although I feel this is a clearer and more reasonable ending considering the characters at hand. I call this the last of the Monk tales — there may be more. However, this will be the last of them for a long while, until I am inspired to write about them again. I hope you enjoyed the first two, and I hope you enjoy this one. EtB I...
Lisa arrived at the ski lodge just past 5 p.m. on Friday evening. The snow was falling at the rate of an inch every hour, and if it had not been for the 4-wheel drive Tahoe she had borrowed from her neighbor, she wouldn't have made it. With all the fresh new snow, this weekend promised to be an exciting one on the slopes. She looked around the large sitting room of the lodge. No Michael to be found. Michael was her boyfriend of 3 months. They met in the community college where they were both...
Introduction: Wife gives all my stuff away MY WIFE MY SLAVE Day 1 This one Saturday morning I wake up feel a warm sensation wrapped around my hardening penis I look down and see my lovely wife Mandy with her head between my legs just sucking the blood into my growing member. She looks up at me smiles and gives me a seductive wink, I smile back knowing there is no better way to wake up than this. As soon my dick gets fully hard I feel her squeeze my balls and I send the biggest load into her...
My name is John, age 22, unmarried. I have been watching porn since the age of 19. I have always been fascinated about men and the kind of muscle they have, their biceps, chest, and hunky. I masturbate thinking about men. My parents have been searching for a girl for me to get married. I was unable to let anyone know about my sexual preference. I never let my parents know about me. I masturbated once a week by sliding my foreskin back. At times it used to hurt while retracting the foreskin but...
Gay MaleAngela looked at herself in the mirror. She is a stunning 25 year old, and her friends always said that she could be a model if she wants to. Angela has an angel face, sweet, big blue eyes, sexy lips with cute dimples when she smile. Her natural long blonde hair flows down her shoulder partially covering her breasts. Her breasts are pert, with sexy large nipples that look deliciously ripe waiting to be sucked. She waxed and shaved her pussy, and is very smooth to touch and could see clearly her...
EroticChloe cries, ‘Oh my god, Beth!’ She raises her voice. ‘What are you doing to her, you pervert!’ I am silent, my blistering red bottom stares right back at her. I don’t dare to move as my father’s hand is still on the small of my back. He says, ‘Ah, so you’re the neighbor girl, huh?’ ‘Get your hands off of her, or I’ll call the police right away.’ Chloe ignores the rhetorical question. ‘Ha! You’re gonna call the sheriff on a father disciplining his daughter? You try it, missy!’ I have to...
This, he thought, will have to go. There was no sign of a safety razor anywhere in the room, but he did turn up an old straight razor, still sharp. Coating his face with the soft soap from the tub, he lathered his whiskers, then carefully shaved, scr****g his face clean.When he was finished, he examined his face, startled to see a reflection that reminded him of how he had looked in college, before a sedentary lifestyle as a weatherman had put too many pounds around his waist. His hand dropped...
Doreen insisted that Eileen allow her to drive into the city with her and Eileen agreed. She felt that if she had to make the long drive alone she might fall asleep at the wheel. They set out together, forgetting about their meal in the excitement, and Eileen explained the situation as she drove. It developed that young Jack had been excused from his final examinations as a result of superior work done in class during the school year. The school was a fairly progressive one and was currently...
Ever since I can remember I have spent most of my life with my head between my bbw moms legs with my face buried deep into her pussy. She told me that I started my duties when I was just a baby. She said I was born to keep her pussy tended to at all times. When I wake up in the morning my first chore is get into her bedroom and wake her up with her hairy bush in my mouth. My mother is big black woman. She is 5 feet 2 inches tall, weighs about 275 with huge tits. Her nipples are two inches long,...
Evaluation of a toilet slave By: slave matt425The Evaluation BeginsDay 1?Are you ready slave?? It was Friday afternoon, a few hours before dinner time. She and i had been sitting on the couch discussing this and that, catching about life as it had been far too long since our last meeting. Though it had been only been a few weeks, it felt as if a year had passed since i had last been blessed to see Her. ?Yes Mistress K? is all I replied, trying to hide my nervousness. This would be by far...
Following Stacey's surprise at making me blow her work friend Jo, she decided it was time I moved to the next step, and slept with a man. I have often thought about this, but never had I imagined Stacey would be the one who was encouraging me. Stacey loved seeing me suck on Jo's cock, and was having huge orgasms just thinking about me sucking on another mans cock, drinking his cum and loving it. We talked about me being fucked by Jo, however we couldn't see this happening easily so Stacey made...
BisexualEarly in the morning I watched the activity in the bedroom from the comfort of the bed. Both mothers fed our children in our room whilst giving me an erotic view of a natural task, Weaver holding two children as each mother fed one baby at a time. The children were provided an intimate connection with their mothers, not having to fight siblings for attention. Once the last child seemed content and stopped suckling, each mother took her other child back to comfort and hold too. This left...
Her husband informed Anna to expect more visitors: at noon on Wednesdays and Fridays. They'll only have an hour, so she must be sure to be very cooperative, do everything they want."More?" Anna sighed, dismayed at the thought. "Are not your three workers every morning enough? What do you want of me, Allan?"Her husband glared at her. "No arguments, for one thing. You just do like you're told. It'll only be an hour, two days a week. Surely you can free that much of your busy schedule? ...
Time for my yearly check up with Dr. Woods. I love my doctor, I have been seeing him for several years. There has never been anything sexual with us, but I have caught him staring at me at times. Any woman would know how that is when a man looks at them a certain way. I also know any woman would love to be his patient! He is 6 foot 2, brown eyes, and silky wavy brown hair that you would love to just run your fingers through! Muscular with 6-pack abs. I’ve heard many women talk about him, but...
Duty, Honor, Country, Family- Part Five By Danielle J ***** Hiromi went to the Yokohama Baystars game that she was invited to by Goro Watanabe. Her approval of the killing of Takanori Yokoyama still troubling Hiromi. The game was on a Thursday night and against the Tokyo Yakult Swallows in the first of a four game series. Tokyo and Yokohama were arch rivals and at present the Swallows held a three game lead over the Bay Stars. Yokohama needed a series sweep or at least three out...
March 1985, Chicago, Illinois The rest of Sunday, the last day of March, was calm and relaxing. I had wanted to watch the NASCAR race at Bristol on ESPN, but it had rained all afternoon in Tennessee and the race was postponed a week. It wasn’t usual for NASCAR to race on Easter weekend, but they would this year, though on Saturday instead of Sunday. Bill Elliott had won his second race of the year in Atlanta two weeks previously, and was looking strong. Most of my housemates left for home...
I couldn’t really face a night of strenuous fucking, so I decided a bout of cybersex would hit the spot. After all, with all my escapades, I had enough material to recall and keep the conversation quite hot. I booted my PC, as it ran the start up procedure I walked into the kitchen, selecting a bottle of chardonnay, a wine glass, my cigarettes and ashtray. When I returned to the PC my home page was already up. Selecting MSN I scoured through my contacts to see who was on line that would...
I am a 53 year old busness man living in a college town. I had met Dave in a bar and we are at his apartment in the shower. Now for part two. As Dave got into the shower and we started washing each other he grabbed a bar of soap and said "Turn around and I will wash your back." He started at my head and went down to my ass then he went and washed my asshole and was fingering it, it felt really good. Now it was my turn and I did the same fingering his asshole I could tell he...
Hi I am Ajay with my second story. So there might be mistake in my story, kindly ignore those. This story is 0f 6 months before. I am 36 from Jaipur. I am fair and handsome. I am married having two kids. My schedule in morning is to go gym. My time slot in the gym is co-ad. I am regular in gym. There are about 25-30 males and 10 females in morning time. There come’s my dream girl Anu. She is having very sexy figure and was beautiful. She is 34, having 34,26,36 figure. I usually fantasize about...
I slam the car door shut and impatiently wait for the taxi driver to open the trunk. I know I’ve been bad company on the drive. Feels terrible. Lost in recollections, re-running the past few hours over and over in my head—a supposedly fleeting memory now etched into my brain.I grab my suitcase, slide my hand in my pocket and, lost in regretful rumination of the previous night, produce a handful of crumpled bills I transfer to his eagerly waiting hand. His so-far consequentially grumpy face...
CheatingMy name is Philips and I am working in one of the MNCs in Chennai . This narration is an incident which happened between me and an office colleague who I became friend with and finally made amazing love ..I joined this new office 6 months ago and as many know first few days or weeks most IT companies keep employees in bench till project is allocated . One day i saw an amazing lady / girl who had sindhoor in her forehead – she was just married .She had everything in right amounts and right...
Charlie Brown lay on his bed in his room playing with his little dick and thinking about the pretty little red-haired girl. She was so cute and he was sure he was in love with her. He wanted her so badly and she was all he ever thought about. He remembered the first time he saw her on the way to school. She had been in front of him some twenty feet and her little ass was making her pretty green dress swing from side to side, high enough so that every once in a while he got a glimpse of her...
"When the leaders of the remaining factions saw the success of Gran at unifying the warring tribes, they boiled in jealousy, and conspired together to kill her."-- The Story of Gran Ch. 23, Lines 1-3. The night for Lissa was interminable. The bed was hard, barely more than a board with a sheet on it. There was bell that rang every few hours, to call the monks to prayer. If she had been fully asleep it probably wouldn't have bothered her. But the worst part of all was that there was no one...
I didn't have to wait long as I felt his hands forcing my legs apart, as Roger climbed between them, using his weight to keep them spread wide. I could feel a cool breeze blow across my virgin ass. That cool breeze was short lived as the first cold drop of oil hit my little puckered entrance. Then I shuttered once again as I felt the syringe pushing in my ass, and more cold oil, this time as it was shot up in my ass. That will help a bunch Roger said as he withdrew the syringe, quickly...
This is the continuing story about a woman I met on a plane and how she seduced me into having a three month affair…. We get to the hotel room and start passionately kissing, our hands roaming all over each others bodies. We are still standing up and my hand is on the inside of her thighs lightly touching her, while I lick her amazing breasts. I can feel her wetness and the heat coming from her. We are both turned on and she reaches into my pants for my cock. I stop her and pull her dress...
They left Perth after lunch and drove down to Edinburgh spending the night with Alison and her family. That came as a welcome relief for both of them. Moira had been acutely aware of David's dislike of her father even though he had remained scrupulously polite and had unselfishly and gently turned down her offers to leave early. They headed south after breakfast spending a blissful night at another B&B, this time in the Peak District. It was not so much that they were able to make love...
On Friday, I made a point of getting home early. Sia had promised to straighten up the house after school but I didn’t have faith. I was right. Sia, aside from a welcoming smooch, was going through her closet. Why? Who the hell knows. As I finished cleaning the bathroom, the front door bell sounded. I went towards the door. Sia breezed by me hobbling fast and had it open before I got there. Some squealing ensued. I’d only seen Alia Sanderson in passing; enough to nod to. While Jasmin and...
A loud gasp forced Alex to turn and see his mother standing, clutching her chest, taking in the naked tableau. Pausing his attentions on Abby, he pulled out and stood up, his cock slick with her juices, quivering in hardness. Walking over to his mother, he took her hand and led her back to the foyer. “New rule after you left, no clothes for you lovelies. I put a basket here for you. Slip those off and come sit out on the couch, Abby and Kaylie are being punished for spying.” “Spying?” Riki...
Hello friends I am Humraaj and I am back with the next episode of TMKOC. In case you don’t know me, I am Humraaj from Ahmedabad. If any one wants to contact can mail me on Now lets go on to the story. Jaisa ki aap sab jante hai Bhide Babita aur Anjali ki bich fass jata hai aur dono abhi satisfy nahi hoti hai. Anjali ander room se Vicks ko bottle lati hai aur Babita ko de deti hai. Babita Vicks nikalti hai aur Bhide kuch samajh paye isse pehle Bhide ke lund pe Vicks laga deti hai. Bhide ki...
“Welcome aboard this Landership. I am your pilot, but I am also your spaceship, so you will not see me. The ship will be taking off shortly, and we will begin our trip like an aeroplane, using the ship’s aerofoil attributes to rise through the atmosphere. At an appropriate point on our journey, our rockets will be engaged and we will push up into orbit around your home planet. There, we will rendezvous with a larger ship, and you will transfer to it for the next stage of your journey. I will...