Control Ch. 03 free porn video

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‘Hey darlin’,’ Gene said softly, ‘Thought you could use this.’

Steam rose from the cup and the smell of strong sweet coffee brought Michele back to her surroundings. She looked up to see Gene’s face looking down on her with concern. Oh, god. The fluorescents seared her eyes and she winced. Why him, of all people? Just keep it together until he goes away. Whatever you do, don’t cry.

‘Thanks for the coffee. I’m fine.’ In a distracted way, Michele was pleased that her voice wasn’t shaking much. The coffee was sweet and hot, it soothed her tortured throat.

‘Sure you are darlin’. I knew that from the moment I saw you.’ Gene smiled at her to soften his sarcasm.

‘What do you know about it?’ Michele retorted angrily. Go away, don’t look at me like this, leave me alone! ‘You don’t know ‘ Her voice dropped to a near-whisper. ‘Anything.’ She turned back to her coffee, desperately wanting him to go away and leave her in her misery.

Gene reached over and lifted her chin gently with two fingers, looking at her carefully. ‘I know things you can’t even imagine.’ Michele shrank from his touch, from his gaze, but Gene held firm. ‘I know you didn’t take my advice.’ She cast her eyes downward, shamed. He brushed her hair back, grimacing slightly at the puffy, bruising flesh of her face and lips. ‘I know that trouble you were looking for came and bit you in the ass, didn’t it?’

Michele’s lips trembled now, the strain and the fear of the night threatening to bleed out over the floor as if Vincent actually had stabbed her. Still, she gathered her last shreds of pride to herself, steeling her resolve not to break down.

‘I’ve seen that jackass before,’ Gene continued, ‘and I know what he does.’ He winced as Michele jerked, her eyes opening wide to stare at him in shock. Damn, he thought, a bad one. Still, Gene was moved at the way she fought for control, at her attempt at dignity.

A lone harbinger of the flood to eventually come escaped from the corner of one sea blue-grey eye, and slipped down Michele’s cheek. Gene caught it with his thumb and wiped it away.

‘I know you need someone to take care of you.’ A second tear joined the first. ‘I’m just up the street from here. It’s clean and quiet, and no-one will bother you.’ Mistrust flashed in Michele’s eyes.

‘Not even me. You don’t have to work later, do you?’ Michele just shook her head. ‘Let’s get out of here then. Get some sleep. It will help, I’m sure.’

Michele was exhausted, at the end of her reserves, and flagging badly. She wasn’t sure why, but she trusted Gene. Something in soothing low tone of his voice. The way his smile touched his warm, emerald-green eyes. The concern she saw in them. It really couldn’t get any worse. Her decision made, she stood up, silently, dully hoping that this one would be better than the last.


It had only been a few blocks, but Michele was almost crying by the time they reached Gene’s house. The soles of her feet were as raw as her nerves, torn by the unforgiving pavement. She barely registered her surroundings, letting him lead her up the stairs directly to an overstuffed green couch. He slid her coat off and gently pushed her down. She leaned back, closing her eyes, drifting while Gene went off to another room. Vaguely Michele registered the smell of wood? Cedar shavings? A light, pleasant smell that she found reassuring. Hearing footsteps, she opened her eyes to see Gene standing in front of her, carrying a medium sized stainless steel bowl and a white cloth. She stared at him, uncomprehending.

‘Your feet are pretty messed up, darlin’.’ Gene knelt, setting the bowl down on a small, cherry-red end table beside the sofa. ‘We need to get them cleaned up.’

And the rest of you, too, depending on what that dickless wonder has done to you. Gene mused. Slow and easy, gotta go slow. He rested his hands softly on her knees. ‘We need to get your stockings off, OK?’ Michele stiffened, and he sighed. ‘OK then, we’ll just roll these up, then.’ Michele loosened a little. ‘Give me a foot, darlin’.’ Gene opened his hands and Michele placed her right foot carefully in them. ‘That’s a girl. You’re OK, darlin’. Everything’s OK.’

Michele’s stockings were shredded along the bottom of her feet. Gene carefully separated the strands, lifting them off with a delicacy belied by his large, calloused hands. All the while he talked in low, reassuring tones about what he was doing, hoping to alleviate Michele’s tension. He peeled the shreds off and gathered them, pushing them away from her damaged feet and up her calves.

Gene continued to make soft, soothing noises as he carefully washed her, gently rubbing away the dirt and small stones embedded in the skin. Michele relaxed, lulled by his quiet ministrations, the softness of the cloth against her feet and the gentle splashing of water. ‘You’ve got a cut on this one ‘ Gene teched. ‘I’ll be right back.’

I was such a bitch to him. How can he be so nice? Michele felt the breath hitched in her throat. I don’t deserve this. I’m nothing but a – Gene was back, and knelt down again. He took up the cloth again and washed the ball of her foot again. He then took a cotton swab and doused it with alcohol.

‘Hold stil, darlin’, this might sting a bit.’

Michele smiled wanly. Not as much as Vincent did. Slowly her hand crept up to her face, prodding gently.

Gene noticed the moment and looked up, frowning. Fucking bastard. Takes a real tough guy to beat on a woman like that.

‘I’ll get there in a minute, darlin’ just let me finish up here.’ He applied the cotton to clean her cut and Michele hissed. ‘Shhhh, you’re allright, all done now.’ Gene put a band-aid over the cut, lifted her foot, and kissed the bandage. ‘There. All better now.’

Tears welled in Michele’s eyes at Gene’s tenderness, to someone he barely knew, to someone like her. Worthless little slut. Gene picked up a pair of thick white tube socks and held them so Michele could see.

‘I’ll just put these on to keep your feet clean.’ Michele nodded, not daring to speak and embarrass herself. He unrolled the socks, pulling them open with his hands and gently placed them over her feet. He brought her feet together and put them down on the floor.

‘I’ll be right back darlin’, just stay put.’ Gene gathered up the bowl and litter from the first aid and left again.

Michele, so close to tears, hugged herself as if to hold in the sobs that threatened to burst from the dam of her control. She looked around the room, trying to distract herself.

The walls were wood paneled in a rich, warm oaken color, matching the wooden floor. The couch was against the wall, facing a window covered with rich looking, cobalt blue curtains. To Michele’s right was a small red brick fireplace, empty now, but a stack of neatly piled wood lay waiting on the hearth. The floor to ceiling bookcase beside it was filled with titles lined up in neat precision from all kinds of authors, Michele picked out Kings and Cusslers, Faulkner and Shakespeare.

In the other corner there was an entertainment center with impressive stacks of CDs flanking either side. To her left, on the other side of the entrance way, there was a comfortable looking easy chair and footstool. Another end table held an antique hurricane lamp, a telephone. Through the entrance way she saw the hall and an open door to a room that looked like an office. Everything was tidy and clean, and there was a cozy feel to it even with the lack of decoration.

‘Feeling a little better?’ Gene had returned again with the basin, and set it down on the end table before sitting down beside her. ‘Now. Let’s have a look at that pretty little face, darlin’.’ He lifted her chin and a scowl flitted across his face, quickly replaced by an encouraging smile. ‘There now, no permanent damage done.’

Michele couldn’t meet his gaze and closed her eyes, feeling the tears well up again.

‘That’s it, girl, just relax
.’ Gene gently swept away traces of makeup, tears and semen, reaching across her occasionally to rinse his cloth. His hand slipped behind her neck to support the back of her head, ‘Tilt your head back, now.’ He brought the cloth down her chin and washed down her neck.

Michele’s emotions tossed and turned Gene’s breath was warm on her face and he smelled nice, like cedar and the sea. She didn’t know what to feel. Gene was treating her as if she were a small child – soft and gentle, calming, soothing.

She alternated between wanting to shy away from his touch, still raw from the assault. She also wanted to sink into his arms and have him hold her, protect her. She wanted to slap him for rejecting her earlier. She wanted him to kiss her. She wanted to push him away, run away, not wanting him to see her for who she was, what she was worthless, a bitch, and a slut. Suddenly the tears she couldn’t hold back any longer swelled and she began to sob miserably.

Gene dropped the cloth and gathered her in his arms, effortlessly pulling Michele on his lap. He held her as she cried, pressing her head against his broad chest, stroking her hair, her back, murmuring softly to her and rocking her gently.

Michele shuddered against him, letting all the pain and fear and humiliation rush out of her. At last her sobbing slowed and stopped. Michele could hear Gene’s heart beat in his chest and it lulled her. Gene noted the change in her breathing.

‘You think you can sleep now, baby girl?’ He asked. Michele, wrung out, cried out, and utterly exhausted, nodded once more. ‘Allright then, I’ll just get you some blankets and you can sleep yourself out here on the couch.’

But, but – no! Michele reached her arms up around Gene’s neck and clung to him. She didn’t want to leave the comfort of his arms, how safe she felt there.

Gene hugged her a moment, and kissed the top of her head. ‘I’ll be right back, darlin’.’ He gently pushed her off of his lap. Michele felt cold as she watched him go.

He returned shortly with a small pile of bedding. ‘I brought you a t-shirt,’ he said, holding it out, ‘I thought you might like something to sleep in. The washroom’s second door down. You’ll find a fresh toothbrush in the drawer.’ Michele took the t-shirt, smiling a little in thanks, but still not wanting to say much. She was afraid she’d start crying again.

Michele padded down the hall to the bathroom, its light shining in the hallway. Not thinking, she left the door open as she entered. It was again, neat and tidy, like everything else she had seen of Gene.

An old fashioned straight razor, comb, toothbrush and paste were lined up with military precision at one side of the white tile counter. They lay on a navy cloth beside a shaving mug. Beside that, turned up on its end was the shaving brush, and a small bottle of aftershave. There was a small bar of Irish Spring soap in a blue container. Michele opened the drawer over the vanity cupboard, and sure enough there was a small purple toothbrush, still wrapped in plastic, a comb, a brush, some hotel soaps and shampoos and – tampons?

Michele took out the brushes and left everything else. She unwrapped the toothbrush and did her teeth, wondering at what kind of man Gene was, keeping a drawer of toiletries for an obviously female guest. She brushed the tangles from her hair. She peeled off her dirty skirt and blouse, suddenly feeling them soiling her skin, traces of Vincent still on them. She dropped them to the floor and grabbed the soap and washcloth, wetting them, lathering and scrubbing her chest, under her arms and breasts, wiping away all hints of what had happened.

The washcloth hit the tops of her rolled up stockings. A nice man, a kind man, she thought, the kind of man that would care for her feelings. The kind of man she’d never had. Too good for me. She sat down on the toilet to take off her stockings.


She’d left the door open, Gene thought, interesting. He could hear Michele at her toilette and after he’d finished making up the couch he stood at the doorway to better hear her. Man, it had been too long since he’d heard sounds like that. He missed those private sounds of a woman, cherished them. Now if only she were a little happier she might hum, or sing. That would be sweet. And – Gene smiled widely as he heard Michele sigh, then sit. He waited. Soon he was rewarded with that sweet little tinkle that was music to his ears. Call it a fetish, but to him it was the sound of trust and intimacy, and intimacies to be had. Damn! I’ve got to stop thinking like that. He moved away from the entrance way when he heard Michele flush, not wanting her to know he had been listening to her.

‘There you are, all ready now.’ Michele stepped back into the living room, and Gene put his hand out and took hers. The shirt Gene had given her was thin, and the light showed Michele’s curves clearly through it. Gene had to resist the urge to look at her lingeringly, to see where the hem of the shirt fell. No, not now. Cool your jets, boy. He led her over to the couch and Michele lay down, then Gene pulled the covers over and tucked her in.

‘I’m right at the end of the hall, darlin’, if you need anything.’ Gene stroked her hair, and Michele, not able to meet his eyes, looked at his beard, thinking she wanted to run her fingers through it and see if it was as soft as it looked. ‘Get some sleep now.’

‘Thank you for being so nice. I’m sorry I was so -‘ Gene put a finger to her lips.

‘Shhhh, go to sleep. We both need some rest.’ Gene kissed her once more and left to go to his bedroom.

Michele lay awake, wanting to sleep, but every time she closed her eyes her mind reviewed what had happened earlier that night. Vincent’s face, that horrid dog. The smell of their breath. Her feet hurt. Her scalp stung from Vincent pulling her hair. Her throat was sore. Her shoulders throbbed with the ache of strained muscles. It was very quiet and in her mind, Michele heard his cruel, demanding voice. Slut, worthless bitch! She heard her own voice – Master. . The little house creaked with unfamiliar sounds and each one made her jump, unreasonably thinking it was Vincent.

Finally, she got up and tiptoed to Gene’s room, pausing at the doorway. She could hear him breathe, and wanted to be with him, in his arms. She was afraid he would be angry with her Gene had already done so much and it was so late. But right now, she was more afraid of being alone.

‘Are you still awake?’ Michele whispered.

Gene was, wrestling with his own emotions. Anger at that jackass, concern for Michele, and a growing desire for her that he was trying very hard to ignore. Michele was obviously mixed up, and possibly damaged. Do I really want to become involved?

‘Yes, baby girl, do you need something?’

‘Please, I can’t sleep. I don’t want to be alone right now.’ Michele trembled.

Michele sounded like a little girl, frightened by a bad dream. It touched Gene that she would come to him after what she’d been through, trusting in him. Yes, I do want her.

‘Come here, Darling.’ He pulled back the covers, and Michele climbed in beside him, lying on her side with her back to him. Gene drew the covers over them and pulled Michele into his arms. With a small sigh, Michele snuggled into him and they slept.


Michele’s eyes opened. Through the bedroom door she saw a glow coming from the room at the end of the hall, to the left of the front door. She rose, curious, feeling the need to find out what it was. She walked slowly to it, cautiously, silently. She pushed the door open and the slight breeze from it’s movement made Gene’s t-shirt flutter against the curve of her bottom, tickling her and making her start in surprise.

The room was set up like an office, dominated by a large oak desk. A black leather chair was pushed off to one side, and on the desk was a large red leather book, a photo album. Michele loved pictures and eagerly went over to look, hopi
ng to find pictures of Gene as a young man, as a boy.

As she padded over to the desk, she ignored the sense of foreboding that emanated from the album until she touched the cover. It felt warm and soft, like skin, and it made her uneasy. Still, she wanted to see what was in there and she pushed the book forward to the edge of the desk, leaning over it as she opened the cover.

Michele gasped in shock and surprise. A full-color 8 X 10, a closeup of Michele’s face, eyes squeezed shut and gagging against an anonymous torso, her mouth stuffed full in fellatio.

She recoiled in fear and tried to slam the book shut, but instead turned the next page. Another full-sized picture Michele caught in relief the light of a doorway, caught in the motion of leaving, and her date from last week reaching after her from the bed. She recognized his face.

She tuned the page reluctantly, but inexorably, as if controlled by remote control. Michele on her back, fists clenched in sheets and head turned to the camera. She had a sneer, almost a snarl on her face, being fucked by another of her conquests, his face slack in idiotic bliss.

Another page, another position, another man, one after another after another. In each picture her face was to the camera, varying expressions of sheer boredom, anger, revulsion, and hatred on her face. She couldn’t stop turning the pages as her horror grew.

A blonde woman on her knees, naked except for her tattered stockings, her face mashed into the groin of a faceless man standing over her, a knife in one had and her hair fisted in the other. The colors in the photo were vivid, in high contrast, raging reds and brilliant yellows and every gaudy flesh tone in between on a black background, seemingly painted in garish, angry strokes. Every muscle in her back was in defined in relief, strained, and her face was hidden, but Michele knew it was she, and Vincent.

The small hairs rose on the back of her neck, sensing someone just behind her. A scream rose in her throat like bile and spilled out sharply as she felt her hair being gathered up. The ocean forest smell of Gene’s aftershave filled Michele’s senses and she shivered, a thrill of fear racing through her, still turning the pages of the photo album. No!

She knew he could see them, she shook as icy prickles of shame scampered over her skin like crazed spiders. She squeezed her eyes shut, her throat clogging, wishing beyond anything that she could just disappear.

Michele felt him push the shirt up her back, heat radiated from his palm, pressed in the middle of her back, leaning her farther over. The hand gripping her hair pulled her head up and her back arched to accommodate the pull.

‘Open your eyes, girl.’ Gene commanded.

‘No, no, I can’t!’ she cried miserably. Hot tears spilled from under her lids, scalding her cheeks. They ran down her neck, splashing on her breasts and the heat from them seared her skin.

Thick body hair like fur scratched the tender skin of Michele’s thighs as she felt Gene’s body press close behind her. He was rigid, the muscles of his abs and thighs pressed into her skin and molded her body to his.

‘Little whore.’ Gene sneered, smacking her full, quivering cheek, ‘Don’t you want to see how many men you’ve fucked?’ The sharp pressure of his hard palm ignited a fiery throbbing on the skin of her ass. Her anguished cry dissolved into a moan as the pain melted into her, transforming to a powerful pulsing deep inside of her.

‘Open your eyes, slut!’ Michele felt her lungs empty, stung at his words. She inhaled sharply as she felt him, his cock, smooth, hard and erect, its pulsing head poised at her hips. She flushed as it touched her, flames of pleasure flaring throughout her body.

‘I will be obeyed!’ he snarled, and thrust into her powerfully, sinking to his full depth in one stroke. Every sensation magnified, Michele felt each beat of his heart in the throb of the prominent veins snaking over Gene’s cock. The friction of his cock against her sensitive labia made them burn. She opened her eyes, and whimpered in confusion, overwhelmed – now there was a new picture, it showed her and Gene.

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I’m a young guy, just starting out on his own. I live in an apartment with a few other guys. Friends of mine. I have a good job, I’m going to school, and a beautiful girlfriend. Things are going OK. But my sexuality is still in its exploratory phase. For the longest time, I’ve jacked off watching shemale and crossdresser porn, reading gay and transgender/transsexual stories, and looking at Yaoi hentai. I have a thing for feminine guys. Because I’m curious, and it’s taboo, I think. I love the...

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Phil loves sex. He has a long thick nine inch cock that loves to fuck. He mounted many girls in college and loved fucking them hard and deep. Then he met innocent virgin Molly. He really wanted her and did every thing to win her over. She had huge tits and a sweet round ass. She fell hard for the sweet and sexy Phil. On their first date he got her naked and ate her pussy for over an hour and tongue fucked her till she screamed. It was no time till he popped her cherry in the back of his car....

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You wake up in your bed at around 7:30 in the morning. Its a nice warm Saturday and you get up to do your morning routine of brushing your hair, teeth and getting dressed. It seems that you are home alone untill next Monday because your parents and older sister had gone on a vacation. They had asked you if you wanted to come with but ultimately decided to stay home for some alone time. You decided to dress a little more comfortably than when anyone else is home and opted for just a loose white...

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Prologue You had used spells to get several strands of hair from Alexis' bedroom, and now sat in the room you had decorated as a place to practice stronger and more potent spells such as the immortality one you casted two centuries ago. It kept you looking like a 23 year old. You had done it after the town murdered your lesbian lover for taking the fall for you. You promised to find her again and make sure nobody kills her again. You are positive that the raven haired girl was her. But what...

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Sam kept her in the play room naked. She was there for sex and fun. He was a freak and loved wild kinky sex. He had married her mom when she was just a c***d and sexually abused the mom till she ran away with another man. She left her daughter and now he abused her. Men paid to fuck her and use her body any way they wanted. They could also take videos and pictures with her. She had huge tits like her mom and a great bubble ass. He had pierced her nipples and pussy. The play room had was filled...

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Jack ruled his family and what he said was not questioned. He decided what they ate and what they wore and everything that went on in the house. He made the rule that no clothes were worn by the wife and his three daughters. He also fucked his wife any where and any time. The girls were used to dad bending mom over an fucking her right there in front of them. He also finger fucked the mom constantly. The girls were beginning to grow nice big tits like their mom. Dad had always been the one to...

1 year ago
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O god! Her hand was creeping up towards my groin and I couldn't do a thing about it! I mean our parents were there for gods sake, what did she think she was doing!? I stifled a groan as her fingers started tracing the outline of my cock. We are sitting (my girlfriend and I) at a table for six in one of the classiest restaurants in town. You see, it's my parents wedding anniversary and so both our parents and us are out having a meal to celebrate. Our mothers are at either end of the...

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Dark Redemption Ch 15

After we’d cum, I sat on his penis for a little while then when it started to slacken and fall out of me, I lifted myself up and hopped off. Time was really moving on and we had to eat a little before we packed ourselves up and started to head back to the boat. Peter was playful all the way back. Our marvelous unfettered sex had put him in the best possible mood and, I loved the way that he was mischievously flirtatious. On the boat however, I chided him. ‘Darling, you will have to get...

2 years ago
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SHAKE IT UP revised

Hermaphrodite: male or female with both sex organs Shemale: a female or male with the appearance of the other sex(guy looks like girl. girl looks like guy) All right people I know all of my other stories I created and copied off of were complete and total crap. I am not the best writer and this is where that will change. This is my try hard story if it is bad sorry the only thing you will see abused in grammar is a lot of run on sentences, but I will try to do better with...

3 years ago
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You Cant Judge a Book By Its Cover

I was running late for a meeting when a colleague helped me out of a bad situation.I was already late for a meeting when Jennifer popped into my office wanting just a second of my time. Jennifer is a tall leggy blond who is always the utmost professional. If only she knew how I really felt about her.“I would love to help but I am late for the quarterly meeting,” I said apologetically. “Another time perhaps?” I went on, as I gathered all of my files, my laptop and my coffee.“How about after the...

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How I Became the Baddest Girl in Clarksville part 13 Lost Girl

How I became the Baddest Girl in Clarksville Part 13 : Lost Girl -I'm Out of Gas and You Need a Jacket- I awoke to someone shaking me and calling my name. "Alex. Alex wake up, honey. It's not even six o'clock and you're in bed. You don't feel well?" I opened my eyes. Mom leaned over me, her face lined with concern. She pressed her palm to my forehead. "You don't have a fever." she said. "Are you starting your period? Is it cramps?" "No, Mom," I said. "I just..." Just...

3 years ago
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Elder Sister Fuck Lover Raghu

By : Robin Wood Hi, this is Raj from Hyderabad , I had written about how my elder sister who is 15 years elder to me fucks her boy friends . I have also fucked her several times after blackmailing her. This is about Raghu her lover for more than two years, they live like wife and husband and my sister loves his thick long cock. Raghu had gone to his native place for summer vacation to spend time with his wife and children. On his return to Hyderabad he called my sister and they arranged to...

3 years ago
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Free Universal Carnal KnowledgeChapter 42 The teacher taught

They found Elspeth sitting up in bed, bare-breasted but not caring, looking dazed but definitely conscious, and radiantly happy. Laura ran up to her and grasped her hand. "Elspeth, are you all right?" Elspeth appeared to have trouble focusing on this difficult question. She blinked. "Laura? So it was you earlier?" "Yes, I was in here before but I didn't think you were awake." "I was. I could hear you but I couldn't move or speak, I just felt so lovely all over. I thought you must...

3 years ago
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Play It Again SamChapter 2 A surprise visit

It was a Thursday evening and everyone other than Dana and Candy, who were still at work, were in the family room. Pat was seated in one of the large overstuffed lounge chairs reading a cook book titled, 'Weird & Different Recipes'. God only knew what we were in for after her reading that. Vicky and Maria were laying on the floor looking through several College brochures, both Jen and Kim were seated in rockers bed-time nursing Kimberly and Jenny, and I was down on the carpet rolling...

4 years ago
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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 69

“Hi, welcome to Dixie Furniture. How may I help you?” I have never even spoken to this woman, but when I heard her accent, I knew she had to be Ms. Catennoli. “Yes Ma’am. I’m Josey Ruiz and this is Sheila Grassley. You know her brother, Chuck, I’m sure.” “I know you too, Mr. Ruiz. For two reasons actually. You hired the best part time help I have ever had - and I’ve seen you in the news several times. “Miss Grassley, I have to tell you, I’m glad Mr. Josey hired your brother. He is such a...

4 years ago
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Desert DroppingChapter 29B

I sat at the kitchen table across from Luke, as we both stared down at our TV dinners. I'm not sure if either of us knew whether or not to be disgusted or amused by the artificial meat and salty gravy in front of us. And the food itself wasn't the only thing we didn't know how to respond to. It was also the way that Jase had called us up for dinner, presented us with TV dinners, a set table with two candles, and a freshly baked pie for desert--which I was ready to skip right to--before...

2 years ago
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Telling Mom Im a Crossdresser Part 9 A New First for Missy

It was a few days later after my night with Greg and being his police bitch for the night when I found myself sitting on the couch in a pair of nylon stockings, thong, bra and of course my new brown hair wig and breast forms. That night mom had to work late so I had the house to myself. For the first half of the night, I walked around the house and watched some of my favorite zombie movies. Eventually, I got horny (as usual) and decided to try out that Sybian that mom had gotten me so many days...

2 years ago
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The Package DealChapter 17 Push

Well, no one is going to jail! At least not now. Lena has been good to her word; there have been no problems. Rose and Lily have been good to their words about how they were feeling. The only real change is that they have attached more strongly to Jake. Nic2 and I have a talk about the RN degree and what had gone on relating to that and babies. It seems I was completely left out of the loop on that whole matter. It's not that I needed to be in the loop, it's just that I feel miffed that I...

1 year ago
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Carmen and Lauryn Part I

Carmen is my best friend and my roommate. I’ve known her for about 3 years now. She’s a real cool female and she has me crackin’ up all the time. Carmen is 5’2, brown skinned and has a bangin’ body. I always wanted to know what she looked underneath her clothes. She has nice full breasts and a nice round ass. My name is Lauryn and I’m a stud. I have short curly hair, but it’s a mohawk right now. I have very light skin, I’m 5’10, and heavy set. In the beginning of our friendship I was really...

3 years ago
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MILF vs Nerd Squad

I had started to work at a local computer store helping in customer service. I had taken a few college courses in computer design and graphics. I was pretty handy when it came to fixing computers and when a new department at the store started I transferred to the Nerd Squad. Most of the jobs for the first week were for help setting up new computers at home. Helping with customers questions and problems. I had hooked up a few computers at a college and a computer at the town hall. It was just...

2 years ago
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Magic Ink IV Ken and KellChapter 5

Characters introduced in this chapter: Greine -- Sunshine Mage, Rose's twin, 5'-1" tall, 108 pounds, 34C-21-23, 16 years old, short red hair, green eyes, some freckles, very cute; thinner when they first met Rose Sunshine's twin Sister - only present in the spirit at this time Master Eogham Master of Glenquin Castle, A tall fat man with a long brown beard and unkempt hair Like Dublin, the Limerick of 2170AC (After Cingetorix - King of the Trerari from the beginning of whose reign...

4 years ago
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BrotherSister Pool Party Chapter 9

Melanie looked at her father and smiled as they stood listening to her brother and mother. She began to think that there could be more to just having her father to herself. She knew that would also not be fair to her mother since they were still married. Her father had been dipping into her mother longer than he had been with herself. Now her brother had just done so.“Daddy, come on. We don’t want to get caught. Let’s go to my room.”“You didn’t get enough of me against the wall?” Her father...

1 year ago
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Beckys New Daddy

"Mr. Wilson, can you come over 'n help me? Mama wants me to mow the grass and I can't get this dadgum lawnmower started! I been a tuggin' on it and tuggin' on it but it just won't start!" Becky Ann said one hot summer day. "I've done wore my arm out - I ain't got no more tug left in me!""Sure Becky I'll be right over," he said. Charlie Wilson got up from his easy chair and walked next door to where Becky Ann was waiting by the old lawnmower. "Let's see what you have here. Hmmm... have you been...

3 years ago
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Dripping with desire

I’m English – one thing i’ve noticed about Indian girls is that they get turned on if you look at them in a certain way. The first time I really discovered this was when I was looking for a necklace for a friend back home. The necklace was a little heavy and I wasn’t sure how it would look on my friend so the jeweller asked if his sister – his assistant – was of a similar build. My eyes wandered across her neck, down across her chest and took in her breasts. “Yes” I said, “my friend is a little...

2 years ago
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You Be Woman Now

YOU BE WOMAN NOW by Joanna Michelle I was naked in a cage. Through the wooden bars I watched her every move. She was magnificent. She defeated all the males of her tribe in event after event. Foot race, spear throw, wrestling match, in all contests she finished triumphant. At last, as her final opponent was left crawling in the dust, she jumped up with a wild yell. She picked up a spear and a shield and danced around the fire. Her powerful muscles gleamed in the...

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Another Lesson for Toy

I am standing for you, in the middle of the room, facing the bed, naked, with my hands on the back of my head and eyes downcast. I’m swaying to the music playing in my head. You circle me, almost like a predator circling his prey, using gentle touches along my skin, causing me to shiver and quietly moan. With each electric touch, my nether regions keep getting wetter and wetter, and my nipples harden under your intense gaze. You have ordered me to dance, but I don't know how. I am grateful for...

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My First Time

Okay, so before I start the story... Let me tell you, I'm not a great writer, I'm going to try my best and yes.. This is a true story... Enjoy.__________________________________________________I was 19 years old when I lost my virginity. My parents are the strict and religious kind of people, so I was never comfortable to be in a relationship and when I was in one I tried to keep it a secret from my parents. They took me everywhere so I couldn't have adventures after school or skip at work to...

1 year ago
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New WorldChapter 7

We have remained cooped up in the house for two weeks now, which I believed is as long as The Firm's management's span of concentration. It has been quite pleasant actually. We've spent much of our time familiarising ourselves with each other and especially accustoming myself to living in close quarters with another person. I ceased writing this journal as there was simply nothing that required remembering and nothing of note that actually happened. Robyn continuously made quite explicit...

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hello again dosto…. mujhe introductoin dene ke to zarurat nahi hai lakin nwe readers ke liye mai khud ko introduse karleta hu… mera naam eemran hai,mai hyderabad me rahta hu, peshe se mai koi playboy to nahi hu lakin ye auntis ke nazar ne mujhe ek playboy banadala. mere dosto mai es baar aapko ek baho hi awsam story bata raha hu, is stori me mai aaplogo ko bataunga ke kaise ek nazar se hi kaam pura ho jaata hai. ye baat one month back ke hai jab mere ek dost new area me shift hua tha, mai us...

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‘MMM, that was delicious’, I said, as she hangs our coats and I flip on a few lights in the house. ‘I love sushi’, she exhales, as if reminiscing a childhood pet. It’s the time of night for some of the more routine things in our relationship like feeding the fish, clearing any scattered dishes, loading them in the washer and closing the various drapes. I notice the box of Godiva chocolate resting on top of the wine rack and grab it before flipping off the light and heading the bedroom. ‘I...

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Orange Panties

Orange Panties I am what you call semi-retired. I only go into the office for a few hours each morning. My two sons can run the business just fine but I still need a reason to get out of bed each morning. One day my wife told me that I had a young female admirer. She said that it was a sweet little girl that lived down the street. Then she proceeded to tell me all about her such as the fact that she was about fourteen years old, had nice brown hair down her back, a pretty face, and...

4 years ago
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Worth the Drive

Hey, stud.” The message read as it popped up on the screen.“Hey, sexy,”  I replied.We had been messaging on and off for about a year now.  Lately, we have been getting more personal. More than a casual hello or what’s up?  Let’s face it. We were getting downright dirty most of the time. We would message each other dirty pics or suggestive things we would do to each other if we ever met or were given the chance for more.  I’m quite sure it will never happen, that’s why it’s just our little...

Oral Sex
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Get what you can

I wrote recently about Ciara, a nasty, dirty bitch who gave me one of the nights of my life. That was a true story and here's another...Sunita was another internet date. Pretty on the pictures, and a real flirt when it came to messaging. We decided to meet up one Saturday afternoon. I saw her from a little way away and it was clear that her pictures, shall we say, weren't up-to-date. She was dumpy, wearing tan tights and a skirt, and carrying a bit of extra weight. As I got closer I could see...

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Fucked like a slut

We have setup to met in his hotel room. I forgot the number cause i was so nervous.I knock, he opens up in his bath robe. He greets me with one of those excited smile. Looks like a really nice guy though.Without waisting any time, he points me to the bathroom.- Take a shower, make sure you get your hole real clean for me and put this on.I take a look at the counter. There is a collar made of leather hooked on a silver chain, a pair of lady's thong, a sexy black dress for women and a silver...

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