I Am Jack’s Life Ch. 19 & Epilouge free porn video

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Author’s note and acknowledgements

This story has sat on my hard drive for four years now.

I wrote it, all twenty chapters and 95,000 words of it in eight days of a frenzied, near trance-like state, sitting on my couch with my wife’s laptop. She would occasionally have to remind me to eat.

When the dust settled, and I looked up, I realized a couple of things: one, I had just written a fucking novel in a week, whoa. Two, it seemed to be pretty damn good, double whoa. And three, what the hell was I going to do with it?

I tried editing it, I even enlisted the help of a Lit-Editor, who was invaluable for early editing, and confirming it was in fact, pretty good, or readable at least. I spent several months then, editing, unashamedly forcing it on writer friends to read, regular friends to read, and total strangers on writer boards. Everyone had different opinions of course, as people do, but all of them seemed to think it was pretty good, and I should probably try to do something with it.

So I spent another year trying to sell it.

Well nothing happened.

And I can’t blame them, agents and publishers. It’s kind of a niche story, hard to market. It’s got too much sex for a coming age story, too much teenage drama for adult fiction, and not a single word about vampires or bondage to make it work as erotic fiction.

So it’s sat on my hard drive for four years. I’ll occasionally open it up, tinker with a line, or try to figure out how to re-work it into something more marketable. I always end up wasting a weekend trying to figure out how to change it, without losing the essence of the thing which I, and several others, feel is, ‘pretty good.’

So fuck it. Here you go Literotica. I just want people to read it. I want people to get to know Jack the way I did. Writing his life made me feel like I was a part of it. He’s a pretty good guy, I wish I knew him in real life.

So NEXT, some disclaimers.

This is a coming of age story. Which means first it starts out when the characters are too young to have sex (on literotica.) So there’s no sex for a couple chapters. I hope that’s okay. Second, this is a novel length story, including the prologue and epilogue, there are twenty-one chapters in all. Some are longer than others, and there is not a sex scene in every one. (Though some have more than one.) More importantly, sex is a thing that happens, it’s not written to be titillating, but rather just as events in Jack’s life.

So there you go. It’s a story with sex in it, not a story about sex. I think it’s pretty good anyway.

If you have not read the first chapter, please click on my profile and pick the story up at the beginning, its better that way, trust me.


Abby and I were married on my birthday. At the beach house of course, there was no place else to have it, it was our favorite place in the world. Except maybe that tiny little hostel room in Germany. Abby had not smiled when I suggested that.

Neither Beth, nor Anna, had showed up for the wedding. In fact, Beth had taken off from Kimmy and Todd’s within a week of arriving, about the time Abby and I had announced our engagement. It was better that way I think, but it hurt to think I might have lost two of my friends forever. I worried especially about Beth. Not that I told Abby that. But I think she was worried too, once she settled into the idea I wasn’t going anywhere. That took a while.

The wedding was small actually, and fairly informal. Neither of us had wanted a big production. Friends and family, though there was hardly a difference at this point. Todd and Kimmy were the best man and groom. My mom held Little Todd during the ceremony. She flashed me quite a few grandmother comments during the reception. I think letting her hold the baby had been a bad idea.

Our honeymoon was short. I was starting my first teaching position in less than a week after the ceremony. We spent the four days alone at the beach house and pretended we were in Croatia again. In an overwhelming display of generosity, Abby’s parents gave her – us, the beach house as a wedding gift. I didn’t want to take it, but I was overruled. Abby was raised by lawyers after all. I’ve gotten used to the idea. It’s a beautiful house. Also of being overruled a lot. That’s my wife.

Life was good. And as life does when it’s good, it suddenly got complicated.

Beth called.


Abby answered the phone this time.

‘Hello?’ she answered cheerfully from her position on my lap. We were watching the Green Hornet. The old black and white one obviously.

There was a female voice, I figured it was wither Kimmy or one of her other girlfriends.

‘Beth?’ she said after a second. I looked down.

‘Beth calm down, I can’t understand you…’ Abby said again. Now that I was listening I could hear sobbing girl voice.

Abby sat all the way up. I paused the movie and watched expectantly.

Abby and I had been married less than a month. We were still getting used to the idea of the title changes, ‘husband’, ‘wife’, though to be honest it hadn’t changed much about our behavior toward one another.

She listened for a second, ‘No Beth, we’ll be right there. Hold on.’

It must be life or death if Abby was willing to drop everything and rush to Beth’s side. She hadn’t exactly been Beth’s biggest fan since, well. Yeah.

‘Got it,’ she wrote down something in a piece of paper. I only recognized one word from the scrawling.


I got up and grabbed my keys.

I made the forty minute drive in about twenty minutes.

I rushed into the front desk, Abby just steps behind me.

‘Elizabeth Jenkins,’ I blurted to the nurse. She typed it into her computer and then pointed to the elevator, ‘Third floor, maternity’ she said.


I stopped, I’d already taken two steps toward the ER.


‘There’s no rush, sir, she’s not due for a couple of hours yet according to her file.’



Abby took my hand and we walked to the elevator.

In the elevator, Abby whispered, ‘Oh god Jack…’

I didn’t say anything.

‘It’s been eight months… Almost exactly eight and a half months.’

I didn’t say anything.

She squeezed my hand.

We were directed to a room near the back of the maternity ward.

As I entered the room the first person I saw – was Anna.

She looked terrible.

Her hair was cut very short, punkish. It was died white with blue and pink tips, which didn’t look half bad. But she looked like she’d lost twenty pounds. Her figure was almost gone. She looked strung out. Her eyes were red and bloodshot, but not from crying. She got up out of the chair as I walked in.

Beth was on the bed. She had an IV in, and was sitting upright and awake, but she looked like she’d been crying a lot recently. Her face was pale and pallid.

Abby walked in behind me and froze.

‘Hey guys,’ Anna said after a couple of seconds of terrible tension.

I swallowed with great difficulty.

‘Hello Jack,’ Beth said with a tiny voice, ‘I thought you should be here to sign the birth certificate.’

It had been life or death.

Life, as it turned out.


About twenty minutes later, Abby and I were downstairs in the lobby, getting some terrible coffee from a vending machine. Anna was standing with us. She acted awkward and out of place. She was.

‘I kept telling her to call you,’ Anna said. She sounded stoned. Not a lot, but a little. She smelled like marijuana.

Abby wasn’t looking at her. She was looking everywhere but her. Though, she wasn’t looking at me either.

‘She’s been staying with you then?’ I asked. My voice was cold. I was in shock still.

Anna nodded and stuck her
hands in her back pockets. ‘Kurt didn’t know me, and then she got a job working at the record store I do, so it was convenient for both of us. Then we, well she, figure out, well, you know…’ she nodded up the maternity ward.

I sighed.

Abby said, at last, ‘Is there any chance it’s not Jack’s? Has there been anyone else?’ she blurted out.

I winced.

Anna shrugged, almost indifferently ‘Not unless she was preggers already when she and Jack hooked up. In which case she’s farther along than the doctor’s think. But there hasn’t been anyone since that I know of.’

I sighed. I knew it was mine. The timing was perfect. And Beth had been having her period when she first started staying with me.

Hey, I notice these things when I hadn’t had a girl staying with me in months.

Abby sighed and crossed her arms tightly.

Anna rubbed the back of her head, ‘So. Got married huh?’

Abby ignored her.

I nodded, ‘Yeah, a month ago.’

Anna nodded like this was just total casual party talk, not like neither Abby or I hadn’t seen her in two and a half years, or that the last we’d heard she was in rehab – which obviously hadn’t worked – or that Beth wasn’t upstairs about to give birth to… my child.

‘Congrats. I’d have gone, but uh, my invitation must have been lost in the mail,’ she said. There was an edge to it. Like she thought she was being clever.

Abby shook her head and walked back to the elevators, ‘No, we only invited friends and family,’ she said.

I grimaced. Anna looked like Abby had slapped her in the face.

I suppose she had.

‘Sorry about that, ‘ I mumbled.

Anna shrugged, ‘No, she’s right. I’ve been wrapped up in my own shit. We were done and they all picked you over me. I was shocked as shit when Beth showed up. But I guess it didn’t take long to figure out why. All her other friend’s had turned her away.’

‘Oh, fuck off, Anna!’ I hadn’t meant to shout it, but a couple of nurses looked at me. I lowered my voice again, ‘No one chose sides except you. Kimmy has been out of her mind worrying about Beth. We all have. She just disappeared. Not unlike someone else I know.’

Anna didn’t say anything, but I could see I’d gotten under her skin.

We had a way of doing that to each other.

I walked back to the elevator.

Anna didn’t follow me back up.

Abby was sitting in the room with Beth and they were talking quietly. I don’t know about what. I’ve never asked. But they shut up in a hurry when I walked in.

‘I’m so sorry Jack, I should have told you months ago. I was just so afraid…’ Beth started, I held up my hand.

‘You’re right, you should have. But what’s done is done,’ I said.

Really, it was that simple to me.

I guess Abby saw the look on my face, because she didn’t try to say anything either.


A few hours later, I was a father.

Abby and I were both in the delivery room. Anna had left again. I didn’t care.

We were both there when you were born Lizzy.

Abby and I were both there.


When they came back to me with the paper work, my name was on the birth certificate as the natural born father. There was a place for me to sign.

I picked up the pen.

Abby said, ‘Jack.’ her voice was strangled, terrified.

I just looked at her.

‘You… you don’t have to sign it. Not right away, not ever. We don’t have any proof…’ she said. She was desperate. She was terrified of losing me, I could see utter panic in her eyes.

‘There isn’t anyone else it could be Abbs,’ I said in my soft, my just for her voice.

‘That may be true, but you sign it now, and that’s it. You wait, and we have options. Let me call my father…’ she said.

I hardened my gaze, ‘Abby, you’ve known Beth longer than anyone. Longer than me. Longer than Anna or Kimmy. Since Kindergarten. She’s been your best friend for nearly twenty years. You tell me. Is she lying?’ I locked my gaze with hers. My wife’s.

She lost it, she buried her face against my hand.

‘God Jack – please – please, I can’t lose you again, I can’t.’ she pleaded.

I set the pen down and lifted her face up.

I took my other hand and wiped her tears away. ‘Shh baby.’ I said softly. A new note to my just for her voice. A just for my wife note, my partner, my best friend forever.

‘All this means is I acknowledge I’m that tiny baby girl’s father. Not that I am leaving with Beth, not that I am leaving you. Is it complicated? Yes. Is it a mess. A total fucked up mess. Will we figure it out together? Yes. I believe in us Abby. I believe in you and me,’ I said. I kissed her.

She kissed me back. A total surrender of all of your heart and soul kiss. In a lot of ways it may have been the most heartfelt and intimate kiss we’ve ever shared. A kiss that hangs up in the space-time tapestry of my life – of our lives. Maybe even the center piece of the whole story.

It’s hard for me to see the whole picture most of the time.

I signed the piece of paper.

Then I went to go see my daughter.


Abby stood with me outside the glass, holding my hand. She’s been there from the very first second. Sharing my hopes and fears. Sharing it all.

Elizabeth Abigayle Wallington was born at 12:42am on September 22nd 2000. One year to the date from the last day of the European adventure Abby and I had taken across the pond.


I wish, desperately, with all of my heart and soul, my very being, that that is where the story ended. That is where the credits had rolled. But there is a little left after all, for the proper context.

Context, my dear friends – my dear daughter, is everything.

In stories, in relationships, in love, and in life.


It was Abby that said Beth should come and stay with us after you were born. After all, we had a six bedroom house that was paid for. It was a million times better than Anna’s rat hole apartment. Abby clung tightly to me every night Seriously, I think she cinched herself to my chest like a vice-grip. I didn’t mind.

She and Beth even started falling back into their old best friends routines. It was terribly confusing for me sometimes. But I was satisfied with my choices. I had no regrets. It was not easy, but I was where I wanted to be. With Abby.

I think Abby even started getting used to seeing me hold you. I know it killed her at first. I watched her heart break every time Beth passed you to me. But she never said anything. She even started holding you herself. I think the first time she did she finally broke down and let herself fall in love with you. Before long I could tell she was just as in love with you as I was. She sang to you out on the deck, swaying to the music of the surf and life. She gave herself to you, totally and completely.


Life, was something resembling good.


It was the screaming that woke me, loud and booming, a man’s voice.

I bolted down the stairs and froze at the bottom.

In my living room, Beth was standing clutching Lizzy to her chest. The baby was crying, and there was a man standing across from her holding a gun.


‘Is that my baby?!’ he demanded.

‘No, she’s not! Go away Kurt, just leave me alone!’ Beth pleaded.

Abby came down behind me. I put my arm out and stopped her.

‘Call the police,’ I said in a loud clear voice.

Kurt jerked his gun in my direction. Abby froze.

‘You! I told you to stay away from her or I’d beat your ass!’ he shouted.

Lizzy was screaming.

I did not feel anything like fear.

It was rage.

But it was cold, calculating, rage.

I had to keep his gun on me. I stood in front of Abby.

‘You need to go, Kurt,’ I said as calmly as I
could manage. I wanted to leap off the stairs and rip his throat out.

‘I’m taking Beth and my kid with me!’ he shouted, he went back to pointing the gun at the two of them.

‘They aren’t going anywhere with you,’ I said in a super calm voice. Kill. Rip. Shred

‘She’s not your Kurt! She’s…’ Beth looked me.

‘Mine,’ said Abby loudly, ‘She’s mine and Jack’s.’

‘YOU LYING BITCH!’ Kurt gestured with the gun. I took a couple of steps forward, ready to leap in front of my wife or daughter if need be.

That was the whole of my thought. My daughter. My wife.

Not Beth.

My brain was not frozen, it was working, a million miles an hour. I was calculating the time since he’d come in, probably tripping the silent alarm. Calculating the amount of time since the missed confirmation call from the security company. Calculating the response time based on the average patrol path through the neighborhood.

Calculating that we still had way too long to wait.

We needed seven to ten minutes. We had maybe ninety seconds before this got out of hand.

‘She’s right,’ I said calmly, ‘The baby girl is mine and my wife’s. Please leave her out of this.’

Lizzy screamed.

Kurt was obviously drunk and or high. Probably both.

‘Yes, that’s what I’ve been telling you!’ Beth pleaded. ‘Let me just set her down…’ she went to set Lizzy down on the couch.

‘STOP!’ He yelled.

I took another few steps forward.

He pointed the gun at me.

I heard it go off.

I didn’t hear Beth scream. I didn’t hear anything else. I just heard the gun shot.

I was having a hard time standing.

My legs weren’t working right anymore. I tried to grab the banister to hold myself up.

‘JACK!’ I heard Abby scream. There was a new note in her voice. Total. Terror.

I tried to tell her I was fine, the bullet had missed me, but as I was sinking to the floor I felt a cold spot in my upper thigh. I looked down and saw bright red.

Ha, only a leg shot. Heroes get shot in the leg all the time, I was fine.

I could still kick this mother fucker’s ass.

James motherfucking Bond.

I fell face first on the ground.

Beth was screaming. Kurt pulled on her hair. I watched – like on a movie – as Abby swept in and tried to help me. She was frantically pawing at my leg, trying to stop the bleeding. She kept telling me to stay with her. I don’t think she understood I wasn’t walking anywhere at the moment.

‘Abby, get Lizzy!’ Beth.

My wife scrambled up and tried to take the baby from Beth’s outstretched arms.

Kurt screamed again gestured wildly with his gun, ‘DON’T MOVE!’

‘Please don’t take my daughter!’ Abby pleaded, her voice wavering in terror and worry.

He pointed the gun at my wife.

I was going to kill him for that. I just needed to stand up.

Abby faced down the madman with the gun, ‘Please,’ she pleaded, ‘My baby.’

Her voice trembled.

Kurt jerked Beth over to hand Lizzy over. Abby swept our infant into her arms.

Beth let out a strangled sob, and then Kurt started to drag her outside to his car. I heard another gunshot.

The universal tapestry swam before my eyes, and I think I started to see the whole picture.

Just for a second.

Life is a series of moments. Etcetera. Etcetera.

Freeze frame on the hero’s face with the camera spinning up into an infinite star field.

Fade to black.


When I was fifteen years old, a girl named Beth Jenkins asked me if I did any tutoring.

All I’d be able to do was stare at her breasts.

A decade later she gave birth to my daughter.

It never rains in California.

It rained for Beth’s funeral.


They’d struggled for the gun on the front porch. He’d shot her. I still go to his parole hearings. He might be out in another ten years. The DA and the judge were friends of Abby’s father. Maybe twenty.

It had been Anna who told him where Beth was. He’d found her at a party when she was pretty wasted, and roughed her up a bit, enough that she’d spent some time in the hospital for a fractured rib and broken collar bone.

I haven’t spoken to her in ten years. But I probably don’t blame her nearly as much as she blames herself. Todd told me a couple of years ago she was staying sober and running again. Training for nationals. I hope I can watch her on TV. I might even root for her.

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The New Lifeguard Part I

I just turned 16 and my parents strongly encouraged me to find a job.  I say “strongly encouraged” because they were cutting off my allowance now that I was old enough to work.  Fair enough.I checked the want ads in the local paper and didn’t see anything that sounded remotely interesting.  This was going to be harder than I thought.  But then on Monday, I went to PE class and saw a help wanted ad on the locker room bulletin board.  A new local health club was opening and needed a lifeguard for...

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Lifeguard At A Nudist Camp

Lifeguard At A Nudist Camp I could not believe it when I got hired as a lifeguard at a nudist camp. Interestingly I had to wear trunks that identified me as the lifeguard, while everyone else was naked. The job came with food and lodging. I saw women from babies through teenagers, adults, and old ladies. I saw breasts from nonexistent to drooping to their waists. I saw guys too but tried not to look at their cocks, even so I saw some real monsters. I saw all sorts of scars from...

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From lifeguards fucked brutally

In the swimming pool, fixed and fucked. I am a 22 year young girl, was with friends at the pool, and looked where to swim. When I was suddenly thrown another into the pool. There was a problem, I could not swim. I tried again to get out of the pool but could not. Eventually, 2 lifeguards jumped into the water and rescued me. But I was not responsive. The lifeguard took me out of the water, put me on the stretcher and took me in a locked room. Civil servants me until I was again accessible....

1 year ago
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From lifeguards fucked brutally

In the swimming pool, fixed and fucked. I am a 22 year young girl, was with friends at the pool, and looked where to swim. When I was suddenly thrown another into the pool. There was a problem, I could not swim. I tried again to get out of the pool but could not. Eventually, 2 lifeguards jumped into the water and rescued me. But I was not responsive. The lifeguard took me out of the water, put me on the stretcher and took me in a locked room. Civil servants me until I was again accessible....

3 years ago
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From lifeguards fucked brutally

In the swimming pool, fixed and fucked. I am a 22 year young girl, was with friends at the pool, and looked where to swim. When I was suddenly thrown another into the pool. There was a problem, I could not swim. I tried again to get out of the pool but could not. Eventually, 2 lifeguards jumped into the water and rescued me. But I was not responsive. The lifeguard took me out of the water, put me on the stretcher and took me in a locked room. Civil servants me until I was again accessible. They...

4 years ago
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From lifeguards fucked brutally

In the swimming pool, fixed and fucked. I am a 22 year young girl, was with friends at the pool, and looked where to swim. When I was suddenly thrown another into the pool. There was a problem, I could not swim. I tried again to get out of the pool but could not. Eventually, 2 lifeguards jumped into the water and rescued me. But I was not responsive. The lifeguard took me out of the water, put me on the stretcher and took me in a locked room. Civil servants me until I was again accessible. They...

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Lifes Strange Turns Part 1

Introduction: First, let me introduce myself…the author. I am a 37 year old divorced career woman, no kids. I am in a serious hetero relationship with an interesting sex life…pretty creative, with role playing and outdoor encounters being the most exciting. I have been lurking here for a few weeks, reading all the hot, sexy stories members have posted. I thought Id try my hand at writing and keep it busy and away from my coochie for a change. Im going to try telling this story as a male, to...

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The Seven Secret Lifes of Walt Mitlery

James Thurbers 1939 classic "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" was about an elderly inefficient husband having heroic daydreams. In 2002, Pretzelgirl published a wonderful pastiche, "The Secret Life of Willie Malter", about an elderly inefficient husband daydreaming of womanhood. But times keep changing - so I hope there is still room for another story about a quite young and efficient husband who has, nonetheless, problems which set him daydreaming in a third way... (Since here the...

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Lifes Strange Turns Part 3

Introduction: Best read the stories in sequence! Lifes Strange Turns, Part 3 Monday and Tuesday came and went, with nothing exciting happening, except that Sandy called to say that she had gotten a nice offer on the house from a couple about 30. Her kids were back from their Dads, so she couldnt come over, but wanted to. Id gone to the gym after work Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and chatted with a pretty woman in the my age bracket that was interesting and had no rings or other evidence of...

2 years ago
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Lifeguard 2

From the Lifeguard 1 Story:I woke up sometime later with my spent mother on my chest snoring peacefully, my now soft penis still in her anus. My mother was smaller than me, so her weight wasn’t an issue, it’s just that I really needed to pee. So I started trying to wriggle out from her embrace. When I did she stirred. She said, “Don’t move.”She slowly pulled herself off of my penis, did a quick spin where her asshole was in front of my face, and said, “Eat it out.” Before I could even form a...

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My Time With A Beautiful Lifeguard

This sex story involves my favorite and the greatest and most beautiful pornstar in the entire world, Madison Ivy. Okay. Now, in this sex story. Madison Ivy looks and sounds exactly the same. The only difference is that she has a huge, long, veiny, and hairless cock. I am in this sex story, as usual. In this sex story, I am medium built muscular. I have a pretty great size for a cock, and the most sexiest, hairless, cutest ass that nobody can resist. And, as usual. I love and crave getting...

2 years ago
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Free Use Afterlife

You feel your body jolt forward and suddenly stop. You stumble around for a few steps as your head shakes and nausea sinks in. You bend over with your hands on your knees as you try to stabilize yourself while also not throwing up. After taking a few deep breaths your head starts to feel fine and the nausea goes away until you can finally stand upright again. As you do you look around and notice you’re surrounded by nothingness except whiteness. “Where the hell am I?” you openly ask even though...

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Bimbofied in the Afterlife

You wake up, or at least the closest thing to waking up. All around you is a bright, searing light. It has no source yet it burns with a raging heat, as if sentient, that you want desperately to avoid but you cannot close your eyes. You reach to cover your face but you find you have no arms, nor even a face. You can feel your body, every nerve ending shattering like glass and limbs flailing, but it is not visible or present. The broken remains of your consciousness tumble through the emptiness...

3 years ago
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Lifes Strange Turns Part 2

Introduction: Youll want to read Part 1 first! Lifes Strange Turns, Part 2 The phone rang, waking both Karen and myself with a start. Wed slept for only about 15 minutes. Well, it would have been bad to sleep longer, but it would have been almost tragic if the phone had rung while we were writhing around having such marvelous sex. Especially if shed had my cock in her mouth I thought! To give Karen some phone privacy and to take care of some personal hygiene issues, I ran into the shower and...

1 year ago
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Lifes a bitch and now so am I

This is Lifes a bitch and now so am I!!! This is a fiction story!! The people in the story are not real!Please exsuse the puntuation and spelling I'm just a blond sissy!I start of my story with my wife leaving to go bingo with her mum, as soon as the car pulls away I'm up to my secret girl cloth's and sex toys.I am a sissy cross dresser, I can't help it i love the feel and how girlie it makes me look. I have...

3 years ago
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Lifeguards Tale

When I was eighteen, I got a job as a lifeguard at Cherry Park Apartments, a new housing development just outside Chicago. These days pools and recreation centers are dirt-common in suburban developments, but back then the concept was new and a bit daring, smacking of sybaritic luxury. This was some time ago, and things were a lot different than they are now. A lot different. The Beatles had just arrived, the Pill had just been introduced, and I'd just finished high school and was looking...

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Lifeguard 5

From the Lifeguard 4 Story After she was finally done cumming, she pulled her now flaccid penis out of my mouth and proceeded to give me a big French kiss and started sucking the remainder of her cum into her mouth. We started hugging and kissing and kissing and hugging. That was even fun.After a few minutes of doing this, we just laid there giggling and laughing about what we had just done.Caley then said, “You are one sick boy.”I then said the only sensible, normal thing an eighteen-year-old...

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Lifeguard Has a Speedo Boner

“Do you know where I can get some tanning oil?” Chris looked down from his lifeguard post upon hearing the question and found a stunning stud at the bottom. A mere ten feet below Chris was a majestically muscled blonde, boasting firm washboard abs and rock-hard pecs. Chris looked down in amazement as he checked out the rest of the stud’s body, his toned biceps and forearms, his defined thigh muscles and tight calves. Chris got his gaze stuck in the tanned stud’s defining feature, his swelling...

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The title explains so much, but so little of my crazy thoughts, so please bare with me, as I do my best to explain my new found world of celebrity erotic fiction. Is there a after life there could be, or are we all reincarnated to live a new life after are death, let’s just say that we are reincarnated after each life we lived to live a new life, well that’s were things can get dicey, for do we look the same in are past life’s. In my theory of reincarnation we always look the same and usually...

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About the afterlife 8211 A spanking story

It was a distinct surprise to Mr. Duchose to find himself in the empty white room, still lying in bed, but clearly not the bed, nor the room, where he had fallen asleep. He didn’t seem to feel entirely himself in other ways. When he’d retired for the night, he felt a distinct soreness in the throat which usually indicated the onset of a bad cold or flu, accompanied by a feverishness and headache. His body had the normal aches of a 68-year old man, but more intense tonight, more...

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Glimpses of the Afterlife

Glimpses of the Afterlife By Ellie Dauber © 2006 Saddam Hussein closed his eyes for a moment as the noose was lowered down over his head. He felt the rope, coarse fiber against his throat under his beard. "Go to hell," someone yelled. "You first," he answered back. He saw the executioner reach for the lever that would drop the floor beneath him, and he began to recite the Koranic verse of acceptance. "There is no G-d but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet. The floor fell...

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Jackson Hole

The wind whipped around me as I rode my buckskin stallion, Rookie, over the hills of my land. We were riding towards the border of my family’s ranch and that of our neighbor’s. Jackson, the owner of our neighboring ranch, the Double J, had called my cell phone ten minutes ago telling me that the fence was down between our properties. He and his hands were working to keep our cattle separated since neither ranch branded its stock. I had immediately saddled up Rookie, and, along with my own ranch...

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Jackson the angel from above

Jackson the angel from above Jackson the angel from above PT 1 This story is a fantasy. There will be a few more chapters submitted soon. If you have any comments please me @ [email protected] This is a tale of a Black angel from Haven sent down to hell to find what happen to the previous Angel name Joshua and return him to Haven. Joshua a white male sent down to redeem any souls that might repent their sins. Joshua never return when send for.? Jackson was warned that Lucifer...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 78 Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous Part II

May 15, 1992, Glencoe, Illinois “Join me in my study, if you would,” Noel Spurgeon said when we finished our dessert. It had been an interesting evening. Samantha and I had talked for a bit before we’d been summoned to dinner. The meal had been prepared by a chef and was served by a white-coated young man. Again, this was a far cry from Lois at the van Hoeks’ house. What wasn’t a far cry was the fact that I was having dinner with a man who knew I was going to be sleeping with his daughter...

4 years ago
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A Lifeguards Touch

My name is Kelly Benson and I've been a lifeguard at our community pool for the last four summers. I have never had to save anybody and the job can get very boring in the heat of a summer day. Our pool is only 5 feet deep in the deepest part and 3 feet deep at the shallow end. The pool gets busy from 11 to 3 p.m, and if there are more than 50 people in the pool, I have to call in extra lifeguards. It was rainy that summer between high school and college and I ended up working most of the time...

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After hours with the lifeguard

“That’s one pound fifty change, and your band. Pool closes in twenty-five minutes.” “Do I need to wear this?” The receptionist had given me a blue band such as one would receive at a gig. “Yes, the lifeguard will need to see it,” she replied. The receptionist was a petite girl, blonde hair sitting on her shoulders, wearing the supplied blue polo shirt all the staff wore. For a petite girl she had an impressive cleavage, pushing at the buttons on her shirt. I thought I’ll just show it to the...

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The Lifeguard

 I was 22 years old and I out of work, in the last year of college, I had to find a job to get me through the summer. The YMCA had a busy summer k**s' camp, and they needed someone with lifeguard and first-aid experience to supervise the pool. It was the typical, run-of the mill lifeguard gig… keep down horse-play, nurse a minor sc**** here or there and prevent injuries and other liabilities. It didn't pay much, but it had a perk: it gave me the chance to look at gorgeous k**s wearing...

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Lifeguard Stand

“All right,” I said to the three boys in the room. “Your Mother and I are going for a walk on the beach. We’ll be back in a while. We’ve got our cellphones if you need us. Only call us for fire, flood, or blood- and there better not be any blood, ok?” “Ok, Dad,” said one of them non-commitally, staring at the TV screen. The oldest, my 15 year old, grunted in agreement as he continued to hammer away at his Xbox controller. The other sibling was silent, engrossed in watching his brothers shooting...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Lifeguard 4

From the Lifeguard 3 StoryIt was a fairly long walk out of the pool, first came her beautiful breasts, her thin waist and her penis…Without touching my dick, I immediately shot my load in just one long shot.I doubled up in pain I had ejaculated so hard.Caley walked up beside me, held my head, kissed me and said, “Now that’s got to be love.”And I then knew what my special opportunity was that my parents were talking about. It was Caley.I kissed Caley back.Lifeguard 4 StoryI was in a daze. A sex...

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Lifeguard 6

I was still hard of course. I proceeded to flip her over the arm of the couch and pushed my tongue straight into her anus sending another jolt through her body. I learned later nobody had ever done that to her. I spat on her anus (actually, she was so lubed up from her vaginal flow her butt was already slick) and slowly pushed my cock into her back canal. I found out later she had never allowed anyone to do that to her before.She knew immediately she’d really been missing out. Within a minute...

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Lifeguard 7

Lifeguard 6Jill was shivering even on a warm summer night. Once Alex had Jill’s clothes off, he turned her slowly around so that now they were both facing his parents, Jill in front, Alex in back. Alex reached around and began to slowly rub her breasts with both hands. Her nipples hardened and extended as far as they could. Her nipples ached. She moaned. He kept one hand on her breast, then slid the other one into her wet pussy and moved his cock so it was sliding up and down the crack of her...

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Lifeguard 8 Group Mom Dad Son new GF

Lifeguard 7 RecapSlowly but surely, Alex started rolling onto his back pulling Jill along with him. She could barely control her legs, they were like rubber, and so they splayed on either side of Alex’s thin strong body. When he was finally fully on his back, he was also fully inside Jill’s ass so once he was fully inside of her she started cumming. Not like she’d come before, something totally different. Something totally… divine.She kept cumming and cumming, and along the way, Alex did too....

Group Sex
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Lifeguard 9 All Together Now

Lifeguard 8 RecapFriday morning Alex was shaken out of bed with a, “Get up, sleepy-head. We’re leaving to go to Derek and Belle’s in thirty minutes.”Alex jumped into the shower, packed a small bag of clothes, headed downstairs, grabbed a water bottle and some snacks and headed for the garage. He was the last one in the car. When he jumped in he saw his sister Ashley for the first time. He’d totally forgotten that his sister was joining them for the weekend. Ashley was twenty-four, so being six...

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Lifeguard 10 Here Cums Jill

Lifeguard 9 RecapAlex was poolside with Caley languishing in a kiss, lips locked for the longest time. Their combined hardons were only partly slowing them down. Ashley came over and grabbed Caley away from Alex and started to ravish her, paying particular attention to her penis. Caley’s mother Belle came over and did the same thing to Alex. Fay walked out of the pool and kneeled down, then started kissing Belle as Alex started kissing Belle’s lovely boobs and slid his cock between her legs....

4 years ago
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Lifeguard 8 Group Mom Dad Son new GF

Lifeguard 7 RecapSlowly but surely, Alex started rolling onto his back pulling Jill along with him. She could barely control her legs, they were like rubber, and so they splayed on either side of Alex’s thin strong body. When he was finally fully on his back, he was also fully inside Jill’s ass so once he was fully inside of her she started cumming. Not like she’d come before, something totally different. Something totally… divine.She kept cumming and cumming, and along the way, Alex did too....

2 years ago
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My Wife Her SlaveChapter 26 The Lifeguard Initiation

When Nina got home she realized that she barely had time to grab her gear if she wanted to have any time left for swimming. She stuffed her swimsuit and a towel into a gym bag and ran back out of the house, not even bothering to change out of her work clothes. She knew she'd be quite a sight for anyone in the locker room, but didn't think there would be anyone in the lifeguards' lockers anyway. At the aquatic centre she pushed through the door into the lifeguards' changing room, and as...

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Desert Wildlife

Crystal is my girlfriend. She is fifty-five years old, five feet four, and about one hundred twenty-five pounds. She has 36C tits, nice, slightly chubby ass and white/platinum hair bleached by the Arizona sun. When Crystal is dressed up, she is a stunning piece of womanhood. Crystal has suddenly developed an interest in the Sonoran Desert. She is not a biological science major, but someone whose friends have been telling her stories about central Arizona. I agreed to take Crystal out into the...

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Jackson in HRPGWorld 3 A Sticky Starting ScrapChapter 7

"Mmm, that was nice," Suraimo said as she lay on top of him. Jackson selected the Skip option. "Hey!" Suraimo cried as he vanished from the path and returned to the featureless, cloudy plane. The big tits angel wasn't sad anymore, she was pissed. As soon as he appeared on the plane she started yelling and jabbing a finger at him. Oh oh. Skip. That didn't help much. She was still pissed off at him. She waved him away with an angry gesture. "Eager for more?" Suraimo asked as he...

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