Tempted Moms Summer Awakening Ch02
- 3 years ago
- 21
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Note : This story is completely fictional!
When I awoke, Donovan’s arms were still holding me. My stomach growled at me, and the fact that the sun was setting, indicated that it was evening instead of late afternoon. I looked at my watch and saw that 3 hours had passed. It was now suppertime. I giggled when my brother’s stomach began complaining as well.
He woke up immediately and looked at me with a mischievous grin.
“Looks like I’ve slept with my sister. Are you still hungry?” he winked at me.
“Yes, as a matter of fact, I AM! I think we better eat first though,” I returned wickedly, catching his double meaning.
Donovan got out of his bed and picked me up, standing me up on the floor. He was showing off his strength in a way that reminded me of a caveman. He then shocked me further by lifting and carrying me, stark naked, downstairs to the kitchen.
“Donovan Riordan McKensie, put me down NOW! Quit this caveman routine now! I’m getting QUITE tired of it!” I demanded, hitting his naked ass with my fist a couple of times.
“Dorean Riona McKensie, I told you to stop calling me that! Besides, I am the man in this relationship, and if I want to brag and strut, I am allowed to do that! I rather enjoy carrying your naked butt downstairs and you’re gonna get it for calling me that and hitting my ass with your fists!” he said, slapping my bottom with his hands and making it smart slightly.
“Okay, okay, but could you just stop the Neanderthal attitude and let me walk somewhere for a change! Besides that, why are you taking me downstairs buck naked, anyway? What if someone saw us this way?” I complained.
“First of all, I will put you down once we get to the kitchen. Secondly, I plan to keep you naked as much as I can in the future. After all, we won’t have to go anywhere tomorrow. Finally, the doors are locked, the curtains are closed, and the maid is not due back until tomorrow afternoon. That gives us plenty of privacy,” he retorted sternly.
When we finally made it to the kitchen, he set me down as he had promised. We went to the oven and found the casserole that the maid had prepared earlier this afternoon. She had just left before I stormed into the house today. She generally worked 4 hours a day, 5 days a week, unless needed for special occasions. Since our parents would be gone for at least a month, she would show up on Saturday afternoon to make dinner for the rest of the weekend, even though we told our parents that this was not necessary. We could cook for ourselves, but our parents were concerned about keeping us away from too much junk food in their absence.
“MMMM… This smells good! It looks like her tuna casserole. If you will get us plates and silverware, I will carry this to the table,” Donavon asked of me.
“I love her tuna casserole!” I replied going and getting the plates and silverware to set the table for us.
We ate dinner and talked about what we wanted to do during the summer. He had a grim look on his face after a while, though, and I wondered what was going through his mind. Finally, I asked him what was bothering him so much.
“Well, I don’t know what exactly you found out about Paul and Lisa. How did you find out, for that matter? Did she confess to you or did he? Why didn’t he touch you, by the way? Most cheating boyfriends will still sleep with their girlfriends. What happened between the two of you? Was it really just that he didn’t like your figure and temper? What’s the business about him using you to get into Lisa’s pants?” he asked, clearly upset at the completely sordid affair. It was understandable of him, since no brother likes to see his sister mistreated.
“Well, if you must know the nasty tale, here it is. We were all supposed to meet at the mall at noon to eat together. I got there earlier than I was expected and decided to walk around for a few minutes. I walked over to our favorite store to see if they had anything new. I wanted this really cool Goth t-shirt. I hoped that they had it in stock.
“I suddenly spotted Paul there with Lisa. I was about to approach them, but then I noticed that they were a little more intimate than what friends would be. It seemed that they were acting more like lovers, with his hand possessively around her waist. While I took all of this in, I then saw Paul lean in toward Lisa and kiss her on the lips, which was clearly the act of a cheater.
“Rather than give myself away and seem like the paranoid girlfriend spying on her beau, I decided to let them think that they were still getting away with it. I would confront them once they arrived at the food court. I had not yet decided how I was going to tackle the scene I had just witnessed at the store.
“I went to the food court ahead of schedule and bought myself a sticky bun and soda. I had lost my appetite, but I knew that I needed something in my system for the upcoming dispute, even if it was only a snack. I was definitely NOT going to keep my lunch plans with them. I picked out a table where I could spot them as they came down the corridor.
“I had finished my snack by the time that Paul and Lisa arrived in the food court. They walked over to my table, spotted the trash from my food, and asked if I had been waiting for a while. I looked at my watch and said yes for about 30 minutes. I was window shopping, saw something that disturbed me, and came here for a snack. I didn’t feel like shopping anymore.
“At this point, Paul sat down by my side and wanted to put his arm around me, which I shook off. They asked what had upset me. I said that it was something that I witnessed in Spencer’s. When I said that, I saw them exchange a quick, worried glance at each other. I decided that I could not stand it any more and asked them how long they had been FUCKING each other!
“They tried to ask what I was talking about. I told them to cut the crap, as I saw them kissing. I said that it was not a friendly kiss on the cheek, but one of 2 lovers! They knew that the gig was up and confessed. I, as it turned out, was not Paul’s type. He said that I was a loud mouth and too fat! The only reason that he went out with me in the first place was to try to get with Lisa. Knowing that she was my best friend, he figured he had a better chance to wear her down.
“Lisa said, ‘I’m sorry. I couldn’t help it I just fell in love with him! I didn’t want to tell you, because I knew that you would be angry and I did not want to hurt you‘.
“I angrily replied, ‘So you figured that you would just FUCK my boyfriend behind my back? How long has this been going on?’
“It turned out that they had been seeing each other for a year now. They did not want to tell me, because they were afraid of my probable reaction. Lisa didn’t want to lose my friendship. They figured that Paul and I would ’grow apart’ after school was over, which would leave the way open for Lisa to date him publicly with my blessing.
“They also figured that I would get horny and tired of Paul not fucking me, which might prompt me to dump him for another guy. I would take the blame for the break-up instead of him.
“That last bit really pissed me off. I grabbed what was left of my soda and ice, calmly dumping into his lap.
“I said, ’I’m too hot for you to handle? Don’t like my temper? Take this! Maybe that will cool things down for you!’
“I threw the near-empty cup at Lisa, saying ’you wanted to save our friendship? Well, you should thought of that before you SCREWED my boyfriend, you slutty bitch! You should have told me how you honestly felt about him, instead of sneaking around! I would have been mad, but I would have understood more.
“’As for you, Paul, I will NEVER get why you used me and pretended to like me more than you did! You’re a fucking coward for doing things that way! I will NEVER forgive either one of you for this! You wasted 2 years of my life that I could have spent with someone who REALLY cared for me! You’d better hope Donovan doesn’t come after your sorry asses!’ I answered.”
“Well, their hopes are gonna be dashed, because I’m really about to tear Paul and Lisa each a new asshole! I will arrange for both of them to pay BIG TIME for hurting my baby sister! And, before you say that you’re not my ’baby sister’, let me point out that I still feel protective of you, whatever our age difference.
“If we’re finished, maybe we should go ahead and put the dishes in the dishwasher and stick the rest of the casserole in the icebox. I’ve got another hunger that needs to be satisfied,” he gave her a knowing grin.
“Ok, that sounds like fun, but what are you planning on doing to them for their deception? I don’t want to get into any trouble either!” I asked him nervously.
“Don’t worry, Sis. You won’t get in trouble for what I have in mind. In fact, the two of those assholes will want to keep everything QUITE secret, for their own sakes. They’ll be far too embarrassed to say anything to anybody about our revenge. I doubt my buddies will say a word about it, either,” Donovan reassured me with a wicked look in his eye.
“What do you mean by ‘my buddies won’t say anything’?” I inquired with some concern.
“They’re gonna help their teammate and his little sister get revenge on those who wronged her,” he explained vaguely.
“You’re involving the whole football team!” I said eyes wide with shock.
“But, of course! We jocks stick together, especially against a preppy shithead whom they suspect of fucking their girlfriends. Lisa is just a cheerleading tease, who fucks around on all of her boyfriends and flashes everyone else. I wonder if Paul knows what a slut he is dating! She also plays up the image of the perfect Catholic schoolgirl. Some of us, however, know her better than that,” Donovan informed me bluntly.
“Why haven’t you told me this before? You just NOW bring this stuff up. It makes me wonder if you’re just inventing stuff because you’re pissed at them!” I inquired.
“Like you would ever believe a bunch of jocks such as me and my friends! Half of the stuff we talk about is locker room gossip anyway. Notice that I said ‘suspect’ when referring to Paul’s womanizing ways? Lisa HAS been shamelessly flirting with the jocks! She’s even come on to me, but I turned her down flat! I didn’t say anything to you about her because she was your best friend, so you wouldn’t believe me anyway. After what you’ve told me about what they’ve done, I suspect that most of the rumors were true,” Donovan replied.
“Well, if I didn’t know better already, I would be pissed at you for saying such things. I guess you DO have a point about my not believing your claims. Anyway, you still haven’t told me what kind of revenge you have in mind for them,” I responded.
“That’s for me to know and you to find out later. Now that we’ve got everything straightened back up in here, let’s head back up to the bedroom. I plan on introducing you to some more fun,” he slyly hinted to me.
Donovan had just closed the refrigerator door, so his back was still turned to me. I noticed that the island in the middle of the kitchen gave me a distinct advantage in getting a head start back to the bedroom. THIS time, I planned to actually make it up the stairs on my own, instead of being carried like a Neanderthal’s bride.
“Alright, but I’m still planning on getting myself up to the bedroom WITHOUT being carried there, Mr. Caveman!” I snorted, sticking out my tongue at him once again.
I darted out of the kitchen, headed for the staircase, and then flew up the steps. I was about halfway to my goal when I heard my big, macho brother catching up with me. I doubled my speed to escape him, but he just laughed at me, knowing that I had no chance of outrunning a quarterback.
Donovan caught up with me at I reached the top of the stairwell and turned toward MY bedroom. He picked me up in his arms as if I were a baby and headed for HIS room.
“You should know better than to try that, little sister! I’ve outrun other athletes, so I doubt you’d be fast enough to get away from me! You’re gonna pay for sticking your tongue out and running from me again. I see a pattern of misconduct here from you! Quit squirming! I’m not putting you down, at least not until we make it to my bed!” he lectured me with mock anger, ruining it when he laughed.
“Why do you insist on carrying me? I am capable of doing it myself,” I insisted, returning his mock anger at him, but holding a straight face.
“Simple, because I can!” he retorted, grinning at me.
I stuck my tongue out at him yet again upon hearing that. I continued trying to squirm out of his arms, but to no avail. He just tightened his hold on me. He brought me into his bedroom and unceremoniously dropped me onto his bed. Since we were still undressed, I noticed that his cock was stiff again.
“What has made you hard all of the sudden, Donovan?” I mischievously asked him.
“You’ll see very soon, my dear sister! Or rather, you’ll feel it! Now, don’t you move a bit,” he ordered me as he went to the nightstand and took a bottle from the top drawer.
“What is that? And what are you planning to do to me?” I asked him.
“THAT would be lube, as in lubricant, which you’ll DEFINITELY need this time around, Sis! I’m gonna use it to take your OTHER cherry!” he announced with an evil glimmer in his eyes.
“You are NOT taking my ASS! It’s an ‘exit only’, Mister! I told you before that I will NOT do anal!” I said as I proceeded to cross my arms over my breasts, making my point non-verbally.
“You seem to forget who is bigger here! If I want your ass, I’ll take your ass! In addition, it’s no longer an ‘exit only’ hole! I don’t know where you heard that phrase, but it’s time to UNLEARN it! Furthermore, DO NOT cross your arms with that attitude at me! I think it’s time to assume full control of the relationship here! You like my protection, but with it comes my authority! How about you showing me proper respect and sucking my cock?” he commanded me.
“Ewww…..I will not suck THAT THING! It hasn’t been properly cleaned since we last fucked,” I objected.
“You will TOO! Anyway, for someone trying to be a proper lady suddenly, you have done some strange stuff, like committing INCEST and saying words like ‘fuck’ and ‘ass’! Not to mention that long litany of nasty names that you called Paul and Lisa when you first came home today. Words like ’asshole’ and ’slut’ seemed to pour out of your mouth, as well as some that I don’t know you had heard! Also, you’ve even enjoyed being spanked, which is a bit kinky for an ’innocent schoolgirl’! So, quit that ’eww’ business and suck!” he reminded me.
I couldn’t resist laughing, as Donovan was right. I had done some “naughty” things today. I found myself sucking his cock, just as he had demanded of me. I had to admit that the taste of our dried, combined juices on him was quite a turn-on.
Finding my current position less than comfortable, I got on all fours and continued sucking my brother’s dick. I tried to take him deeper with each suck, although as he got further down my throat, I began to gag.
The combination of seeing and feeling his cock being deep-throated turned him on even more. He grabbed my head and thrust his prick all the way into my throat. He kept it there for a while, allowing me to get used to having it lodged there. Once the gag reflex was gone, I began taking it in and out of my throat without his guidance. This freed his hands.
Donovan then started swatting my ass with his bare hands, saying that I was a naughty little schoolgirl for using such dirty language and sucking my own brother’s cock. This particularly turned me on.
“Spank me harder, Donovan Riordan! Yes, I’m a very bad girl! I need to be spanked for it!” I insisted, before returning to my cock-sucking duties.
“Dorean Riona, you fucking know better than that! You’ll really get it hard up the ass for that one! Moreover, I seem to recall that you stuck your tongue out at me and ran away from me a few times earlier. You get extra swats for that!” he warned me.
Donovan pulled his cock out of my throat before he could cum there and ordered me to turn around. I made the mistake of doing a 360 instead of a 180 turn. He made a point of grabbing me, positioning me in the right place, and giving twice as many swats as I would have gotten otherwise. My bottom was very red by the time he finished. I would NOT be able to sit down comfortably for the rest of the night.
“Ouch! I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I won’t do it again!” I pleaded for mercy.
“Which part? The tongue, the running, the naughty language, the fake innocence, or the 360 bit?” he inquired sarcastically.
“Uh…But I was just having fun!” I mistakenly replied, which resulted in more swats being applied to my already sore butt.
Speaking of applying things, Donovan now decided to add some lube to my brown puckered hole. It was cold, so I had some goose bumps for a minute or two. He then inserted his middle finger into my ass. I tried again to squirm away from him for a second, but then thought better of it and accepted the finger in my bottom.
I began to moan as he slid his index finger alongside the other one. He then started fucking me with both digits. After a few minutes of this, he inserted a third one into my butt. This was starting to turn me on, more than I wanted to admit to him. He sensed differently and brought in his pinky, further stretching my sphincter muscles. He was getting me ready to accept his cock.
“Mother of God, this feels great! Stop teasing me and fuck my ass already!” I demanded.
“Now, now, don’t take that tone with me! You’ll get this cock soon enough!” he replied as he added his thumb to my already full ass.
I was now stretched wide open, as far as I could possibly be by his hand. At this point, he removed it and simply thrust his cock into my butt. This was not a gradual introduction to anal sex. This was my brother forcefully taking my anal cherry after stretching my ass with his hand. He was eager to sodomize me brutally and I was just as eager to BE sodomized forcefully by him.
I was beginning to enjoy this new, domineering side of Donovan. I had taken it for granted that he was a typical high school boy. There was clearly more to him than I had expected. I realized that, not only did I LOVE my brother, but I was IN LOVE with him as well. I wanted to carry his baby, even if the Church and my parents did not accept it.
I wanted to live with him for the rest of our lives. Luckily, I lived in Massachusetts, a state that had no actual law against brother-sister incest, only parent-child incest was illegal. Unfortunately, it was still taboo and we would NOT be allowed to actually wed.
“If I didn’t know better, I’d say that you are growing to love it in the ass! Speaking of love, I’d be lying if I denied that I have more than just a crush on you. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I want to be the father of your children. I want to be your husband in every sense of the word. That doesn’t mean that we have to be exclusive, especially in light of my plan for revenge,” he declared.
“Fuck, Donovan, I thought anal was supposed to hurt! It feels incredible! Shit, yes, I’m starting to love it!” I told him while I started to play with my clit.
“That won’t be necessary for much longer. I have other plans for your pussy, Sis,” he referred to my masturbation.
“Oh, Donovan, I need to cum soon! What kind of plans are you talking about, Bro?” I grunted.
“You’ll find out soon enough, Dorean. Patience! It won’t be much longer until I cum!” he informed me.
He thrust a few more times into my ass. I felt the heat of his cock in me as he fucked me harder. I had NEVER felt so full before! This was mind-blowing! I would definitely agree to this more often. I could feel his cock growing bigger inside me. I could have sworn he was larger than the 8 ½ he claimed to be. I would like to measure him one day when he got to this point.
I was aware that his cock twitched as it swelled. Now, however, he became frantic in his pumping into my ass. I sensed that he was ready to shoot his load. I begged him to let loose his cum inside of me. He did as I asked him, filling me with his seed. We both collapsed on the bed. I was ready for him to get me off.
“It’s time to teach you something new: fisting. Do you know what that is?” he asked me.
“Isn’t that where someone sticks their whole hand in somebody?” I replied.
“Yes, it is. That is how I stretched your rectum earlier. That is also how I’m gonna bring you off now. I’m going to put my entire hand inside your cunt. Once it’s in you, I will attempt to make a fist and then begin fisting you, while I play with your clit. Stimulating your clit while I’m fisting will make it easier and more pleasurable for you. This will allow you to get past the pain that you may feel. If the pain gets too unbearable, let me know and we’ll go slower,” he stated.
“Okay, I trust you. You wouldn’t do anything that would hurt me. Have you ever done this to someone before?” I wondered.
“Yes, a couple of times. I know how to do it. We’ll go easy, so that I do NOT hurt you. I love you and would never do anything to cause you to lose trust in me,” he reassured me.
Donovan got off me and rolled me over onto my back. He started gently inserting one finger into my pussy, gradually increasing the number until he had all four fingers in me. This gave me time to stretch and adapt to his hand. All of the while, he played with my clit. It was pleasure/pain when he added his thumb into me.
He gently moved his hand in and out of me, stretching me wider. With each inward thrust, he went deeper. When he finally had his entire hand inside me past his knuckles, he was able to make a fist. I felt like I was going to come off the bed, it was so enormous!
“How is it feeling? It’s not hurting you too much, is it?” my brother asked me.
“No, it feels great. I didn’t know that I could take the whole thing in me, but I can. Keep going please! I need to cum bad!” I replied.
He kept with his fist. I had heard about girls squirting before and knew that I was about to do so big time. I knew a lot more about sex and erogenous zones: more than I let him know earlier.
I know that I was a wicked and naughty girl, but hey, what brother wants to know that his sister knows all about sex? Especially a brother that wants to “teach” her? I must have given myself away again. I do that a lot, particularly with my twin, who knew me better then anyone else.
“Alright, out with it! What did you do, or what are you thinking about doing, you little minx? You have an impish look on your face! I know THAT look too well! Now, ‘fess up!” he demanded.
“What do you mean? I’m INNOCENT! I’m not ‘up to’ anything! And I don’t know what ‘impish’ look you’re talking about! By the way, I am NOT a MINX!” I insisted.
“This from a girl who ENJOYS anal sex and fisting? I don’t fucking buy it! You’re hiding something! Face it; you always know more than you let on, just as you did about fisting! What else are you keeping secret from me? By the way, for a girl who doesn’t know what an erogenous zone is, how is that you are familiar with fisting at all. The same books cover both subjects! I think you’re busted, little sister, especially you’re giggling your ass off right now!” he scolded me.
“Okay, okay, I confess! Please, just let me cum! I’ll take my punishment like a ‘man’ later!” I begged.
“So, you admit to knowing about erogenous zones?” he teased me.
“Yes, yes, already! I’m right there! Please, stop teasing me! I’m begging you!” I implored.
“And you agree to whatever punishment I set down?” he further taunted me as he stroked me constantly just short of a climax.
“Yes, damn you, yes! Now, will you just let me cum already? I NEED to cum NOW!” I pleaded with him.
He laughed wickedly and FINALLY fisted me to orgasm. I squirted all over him and the bed. I now got a chance to laugh at something: the look of astonishment on his face! He had no idea that I was a squirter!
“What’s the matter, brother dear? Are you wet or something? Haven’t you ever seen a woman squirt before?” I asked him mischievously as my breathing returned to normal and he pulled his hand out of my cunt.
Donovan glanced down at his soaked hand and the bed sheets, then said, “Hell, no! Not like that, Sis! Guess we can add this to the list of things that can get you off! Anything ELSE that I should know about you, Dorean, since you’re so secretive?”
“I don’t want to tell you ALL of my secrets right away! Besides, men like to have their egos stroked by teaching a woman what to do. What brother wants to know that his sister knows so much about sex?” I giggled.
“Depends on the brother and sister. I have a feeling that I NEED to KNOW what you actually have to learn, or I’ll be the butt of your little pranks for a long time!” he retorted.
“Okay, I’ll admit that I know ALMOST everything there is to know about sex! Happy? I wanted to know what it is like, so when the time came, I’d be prepared. I DO have my own computer, after all! You can find ANYTHING on the Internet, if you look hard enough!” I shot back.
“In any case, you still need your punishment! Bend over my lap, so I can spank your cute, naughty ass! Unlike mom and dad, I won’t lie; this WILL hurt YOU more than it will hurt me! I will enjoy it immensely, too!” he commanded me.
I bent over his lap, knowing that it would do me no good to fight. He had already outmaneuvered all of my earlier protests. I just ended up in more trouble whenever I tried to get out of it.
“Now, that’s the proper response to a command. I think that you’ll be a very good slave, once you get used to my authority!” he taunted.
Sticking my tongue out at him, I said, “Oh, really? We’ll see about that!”
Of course, being bent over his lap was not the best place to assume such a defiant attitude, but he had it coming. He should know better than to taunt a redhead.
Donovan didn’t SAY anything. He simply began spanking my bare ass with his hand, turning my pink butt red. I now knew that I would NOT be able to sit down comfortably tomorrow. He then started alternating between my ass and pussy, clearly trying to make me yield.
“Oh, God, that feels good! Spank my wet pussy more!” I begged him.
“Well, in that case, you’re going to make a great SLAVE! After all, you seem to love getting into trouble, don’t you?” he teased me.
“I am NOT going to be your SLAVE!” I declared.
“Tell that to your pussy, because I think she holds a different view on the matter. You’re getting EXTREMELY wet at the idea! I’d say the lady is protesting too much, wouldn’t you?” he retorted with a laugh.
“We’ll discuss it later! Can I get up now, please?” I asked him.
“Please, ’master’,” he insisted.
“I said that we’ll discuss it later!” I reminded him.
“Then you’ll be discussing it on a sore butt, because I’m not letting you up until you call me ’Master’, SLAVE!” he warned me.
“Why do I have call you ’Master’?” I asked.
“Because I AM in charge and I want to be called ’Master’! The way I see, you’ve been heading toward bondage for a while now!” he pointed out.
“What gave you that idea?” I demanded.
“Oh, only the fact that you get yourself into trouble and ENJOY being punished!” he remarked.
“That does NOT mean that I want to be in BONDAGE!” I maintained as I tried to get up.
“You could have fooled me, what with your wet cunt while I spank you!” he commented, while holding me down and spanking me harder.
“Ouch! Okay, okay, ‘Master’, ‘Master’!” I finally agreed as I rubbed my sore ass.
“So, you admit to being my slave?” he continued while spanking me.
“Yes, I will be your slave IN BED!” I stipulated.
“That’s a good START, anyway! We’ll work from there,” he relented, FINALLY letting me up.
I sat up and rubbed my bottom, glaring at him.
“What’s with the daggers you’re shooting at me, Sis?” Donovan asked innocently.
“You know DAMN WELL what those daggers are for! My ASS is ON FIRE! I’ll be lucky if I can sit down tomorrow!” I threw at him.
“Well, you should have thought about that before trying to deceive and defy me! Besides, I told you earlier that Paul had the WRONG IDEA on how to HANDLE you. A firm hand is all you need, preferably planted on that cute rump of yours!” he reminded me.
“Well, I don’t mind swats, just as long as they don’t hurt like this one!” I complained.
“Like you were really bothered by it! Your pussy was quite happy with my hand!” he responded.
“It was not my PUSSY that complained; it was my ASS!” I retorted.
“Well, you must get off on some pain then, because you WERE enjoying it!” he noted.
“Okay, I was enjoying it! Happy that I admitted it?” I whined.
“Yes, I am VERY HAPPY to have you admit it!” he smirked.
“I can see that you ARE,” I replied as I played with my pussy.
“Haven’t you had enough, yet?” he teased me.
“No, not really, and from the looks of your cock, you haven’t either! It’s standing straight up!” I commented.
“Well, what do you expect I just got finished fisting your pussy AND spanking your lovely ass!” he replied.
“OH, so you get off on spanking people!” I taunted.
“Yes, I do, especially a naughty sister like you! Now, I want to see you get yourself off while I watch, since you like to play with your clit and pussy so much. Then, when you have finished, I want you to suck me until I cum down your throat. I am eager to have my cock deep in it,” he reacted.
I stimulated my clit while I inserted a couple of fingers. I was not surprised to see that I was still a little stretched out, but not much. It was almost back to normal. I thrust my fingers faster in and out of my wet pussy. I was turned on by watching my brother jack himself off. Damn, he had a wicked looking cock! The faster I fucked my pussy with my fingers, the faster he wanked off.
“Insert 2 more fingers into your cunt. I want to see how much you can insert inside of yourself,” my brother coached me.
“AHHHH, this feels soooo good. How can I be ready to cum again after the last one I just had?” I commented.
“Probably because you get turned on by being dominated,” he returned with a sadistic wink.
“No comment,” I said.
“Must be feeling defensive, or you wouldn’t be clamming up,” he teased me.
I had 4 fingers inside of my pussy and used my thumb to play with my clit. With my other hand, I played with my breasts and tweaked my nipples. I was getting closer to a climax. I tantalized my brother with my breasts. I wanted to have him suck them. My breasts had always been sensitive erogenous zones for me.
Donovan began stroking his balls as well as his cock. He was waving his dick at me like it was a flag or something. It was clearly an attempt to make me crave it. He was trying to bait me with it.
“Fuck, I’m about to cum! Stop teasing me and let me suck your cock while I cum!” I urged him.
He was quite happy to oblige me. I opened my mouth and he put his cock in it, having me deep-throat him. I was anxious to taste his cum. I bet it tasted as wonderful as his cock did. I gobbled his cock down like it was going out of style. I was determined that we should both cum at once.
“Damn it, Sis, why do you have to be so fucking good at this! I’m not gonna be able to hold out for much longer if you keep this up! Or is that your plan?” he mockingly complained.
I gave him a look that indicated that I was trying to do EXACTLY that. He understood what that look meant. He got his “revenge” by grabbing my head and fucking my face furiously. I kept myself on the brink of climax until he could cum in my throat. Then I would let go, feeling the full force of the orgasm.
Donovan strained for a little while longer, before he shot his cream down my throat. As soon as I felt the first pump of cum, I let go and had another MASSIVE orgasm. This time, I did NOT squirt, but I soaked the sheets again. It appeared obvious that we would have to sleep in MY bed that night. Once he finished cumming down my throat, his cock began to soften. I licked it clean of all of the juices.
“Dorean, I think that we’ve used this bed up for a while. These sheets are headed straight to the laundry room tomorrow. We nearly killed ourselves just fucking! You’re getting good enough at sucking cock to tempt a priest! Come on, little sis, let’s go to your bed and watch some TV. My cock has had it for the night and I would suggest we let your pussy rest too,” he announced.
“I agree with you on all counts. I’ll put these sheets in the washer BEFORE the maid arrives tomorrow. Wouldn’t want her knowing what we’ve been doing, would we? She might be inclined to rat us out to Mom and Dad,” I agreed, following him to my bedroom.
By Christian G. Kay [email protected] Edited by Sherry Please send me feedback, I would love to know what you think of the story. DISCLAIMER: Please read and abide by the DISCLAIMER posted on the first chapter. "Adam Martin - The Pupil" is an erotic story, with some parts containing graphic sexual scenes. If erotica is illegal in your area by local, county, province, or national law, please stop reading now and go elsewhere. Chapter 02 - The Travel Plaza. She...
Jen was alone downstairs in the family room sitting on the couch. She really needed some alone time. Her pussy was begging for some attention. She needed to masturbate in the worst way. She slipped her right hand into to wet bikini bottoms and started to rub her pussy. She could not get over just how wet she was. She play with herself for a few minutes, and was just about to start to play with her tits when she heard someone start to come downstairs. She pulled her hand away from her...
CHAPTER TWO Doldrums It had happened much as Samantha had suggested it would. Shortly after lunch, Julia had been called into a meeting with the vice president of Human Resources. The woman had flown in from New York to meet with people in the Chicago office as part of the reorganization effort. Julia had been escorted into the executive conference room by the woman's administrative assistant, a tall, handsome, well groomed, young man with a nice smile, who'd brought her a coffee just...
I awoke the next morning with damp pool of cum underneath me, as I slept on my stomach because of my tender ass. I has vivid and wild dreams that I never in my life dreamed of having of another boy. I climbed out of bed and headed to the shower as I entered the bathroom all I could see was a huge smile on my face. I did take time to check my cheeks as they were no longer sore. I was back to my normal skin tone and no more red marks and to my surprise no bruises. I jumped in the shower and...
Sam resumed talking to Kevin every day again, and I figured things were back to normal. I, however, kept thinking of ways to get her mind back onto the subject. I even wondered if I should bring it up again when we were making love, but heck, I didn't want to ruin a good screw. Even if it was back to ordinary sex. It seemed that since Kevin was interested in his mom and Sam, when intoxicated, was fascinated by him, I couldn't fantasize about it anymore. Trust me, I tried, but when I did my mind...
IncestThe day before the fall break, Mom was waiting for me when I came home from school and asked that I sat next to her.Not sure what this was about, I took a seat next to her on the sofa, and she then informed me how the school had called once again, saying I still lacked in my studies.Wow, that news bummed me out since I genuinely figured I was doing much better.I think Mom also knew I was disappointed and said, "Are you still having trouble sleeping?"I just slowly shook my head and then heard...
IncestWe must have been on the couch for a couple of hours drinking and relaxing when I heard someone coming down the steps and turned my head to see Meadow dressed in a pair of tight black shorts and a dark tank top.Slowly, she approached us and said, "Kevin's already asleep. Mind if I join you guys. I'm not that tired yet.""Of course," Sam said kind of in a slur from all the wine we consumed and went to move her legs while I set our glasses down on the end table.However, Meadow quickly spoke up and...
IncestMom definitely seemed overly excited as we drove to the bar, and I couldn't believe I was actually doing this with her.Mom held my arm as we approached the door, and I paid for both of our covers. We arrived just about the time Stacey was supposed to be working, but as we settled into a booth, she was nowhere to be seen. I order us a couple of beers, but Mom stopped me and said she wanted a Long Island Iced Tea instead."You sure? Those are kind of strong, aren't they?""Yes. But it's been ages...
IncestMy mind drifted back over all the stuff my girlfriend and I had done over the past weekends, and I found myself almost giddy releasing Friday was fast approaching, and I couldn't wait to see what wonderful sexual things we were going to try next.Only what I wasn't aware of was how everything was about to change when Becky called on Thursday with some terrible news. Her parents had split up. I could tell she was distraught, so I went over to her house that night and tried my best to comfort...
IncestI recalled our conversation the next morning and was flabbergasted by what my wife said, and excited at the same time. Was this really going to happen? Was my wife going to let our son touch her sensually? Would it go further once she did?I almost couldn't control myself with the inkling of that happening and found myself wondering how I could get things started since it appeared my wife was a little hesitant. But, at the time, I was drawing a blank.My moment arrived the following day when we...
IncestA Mother and Son deal with a trying time. Well, of course, I had another great night's sleep, and another the night after, till it became a whole week of us masturbating together before kissing on the lips at the end. While in the daytime, we both acted as if nothing happened the night before. Only, I guess you can call me selfish for wanting more of this sexual game we were playing. Yeah, it was great masturbating with Mom every single night. Still, truthfully, it was becoming harder just to...
IncestHaving grown up on a vineyard by the countryside all their life, the twins, Aaron and Ariel were pretty much excluded from the outside world. Their parents, a wealthy couple who had decided to raise their children in the countryside, had since invested in the vineyard and brought up their children there. Wanting to have as little do with technology as possible, the couple does not have a television or a computer. The family spent most of their time outdoors, running through the fields, horse...
IncestChapter 3: Summer & Jordan - Discovery Summer strode through the corridors from Dee Dee's laboratory towards the infirmary. She had her skirt and bikini top on, as was common among the girls on the Island, but she was still getting continual stares from the girls she passed, thanks to her new height of nearly seven feet. No one had raised their voice to Summer, but she knew instinctively that it was better to obey quietly, rather than rock the boat and ask questions. Neither Dee Dee or...
The story begins on the twin’s 16 th birthdays. Before I begin, I’d like to post a disclaimer saying that this story would be an incestuous one between the brother and sister and if you are irked by such stories, read no further. If you do, I promise a fantastic experience. ****** “Happy Birthday to two!” sang Mr. and Mrs. Brown, their faces grinning broadly. The twins sat opposite their parents, their smiles basked in the candles’ glow. “Make a wish!” reminded their mother. The twins...
Peaks was your usual midwestern industrial town, although a bit larger than most. The summers of my youth were always the best times, accompanied by my small tribe of friends. Cicadas would call indefinitely, the trees whispering as we romped around those places in your hometown that one might overlook entirely, unless they were yours, and you had to find entertainment in them. We didn’t have a movie theater in town, and none of my buddies had a car for us to venture over to neighboring White...
Gay MaleSummer vacation in my younger years was a magical time in my life, filled with exciting, erotic discoveries. The thrills of the time actually started during the last week of school when I made a new friend. I’d always admired and envied him. His name was Bobby, and he was so cute; but we had nothing in common. He was the star of all the boy sports that I hated. I preferred to play on the swings and monkey bars; and when I was lucky, jump rope and hop-scotch with the girls. So I was confused...
This is a FICTION story, written with the help of my , best friend, and wonderful author SEVERUSMAX. Thank you, babe, for all of your help and encouragement. *********************** “Damn that asshole!” I cried, tears streaming down my face, as I slammed doors throughout the house. I continued cussing out my FORMER boyfriend Paul, using every expletive I could think of, and coming up with a few new ones! “Dorean, what the hell is the matter? If you don’t stop slamming those doors, we’re going...
IncestIt had been a few days since that fateful night of the party. The night I finally took my shot at Irina Sommers, the girl I had been pining over for years. But more importantly, the night I discovered one of my best friends, Paul, giving head to a college student named Tony in the woods. It was also the night I didn’t stop watching them while they were at it.What I had seen that night and the confusing morass of emotions and impressions hadn’t left my mind. As I spent time with my friends, I...
Gay MaleIt had been a few days since that fateful night of the party. The night I finally took my shot at Irina Sommers, the girl I had been pining over for years. But more importantly, the night I discovered one of my best friends, Paul, giving head to a college student named Tony in the woods. It was also the night I didn’t stop watching them while they were at it.What I had seen that night and the confusing morass of emotions and impressions hadn’t left my mind. As I spent time with my friends, I...
Gay MaleIt was a Rockwell Family Adventure – a short weekend away from "Mom;" Just the two of us. And as we always did on these trips, we decided to go exploring off-road, in this case in our four-wheel drive Jeep Wrangler. We planned a short weekend trip. Leaving mid-day on Friday, the plan was to drive up, spend Saturday off-roading and to see the sights, followed by our return home on Sunday.It was early April, the chill of winter quickly passing in preparation for the warmth of summer. Days were...
Fantasy & Sci-FiOne week later. Time: Friday, June 4, 2049 10:30 AM, 30 km due east of Santa Cruz de la Palma Discovery left its home port of Funchal just before midnight and spent the next ten hours cruising southward at a leisurely pace of twenty-six knots, four knots below its rated speed and almost twenty knots below its true maximum speed. Discovery represented Madeira's very first attempt to explore outside of Golem's bubble radius. The ship was maintaining radio silence, and after ten hours of...
My post-nap jerkoff session concluded, I decided that I would make myself presentable for the events of the evening. I still had no clue what Paul had in store for me -- well, there were some murky ideas floating around in the back of my mind if I’m perfectly honest -- but I wanted to be absolutely sure I was ready for it.Grunting my way upright and out of bed, I stopped for a moment to appreciate the crackling layer of dried cum on my chest and the weighty slap of my cock against one thigh....
Gay MaleI was always a good boy, never causing any trouble or needing to be disciplined. But then my mother came up with the idea that I might like to wear a dress, and I was terrified. I didn't want to be seen as a sissy or a girl, but my mother thought it would be good for me to explore my femininity. When she presented me with the Punishment Dress, I was confused and scared. I didn't know what to think, but my mother insisted that it was a punishment for something I had supposedly done...
Introduction: Theres a first time for everything For reasons of my own, I no longer allow public comments on my work. Please feel free to send me a pm with your critiques and criticisms. I cant grow as a writer unless I learn. Although this story was written in first person, it is a work of fiction. I hope you will enjoy meeting Olivia. I consider myself a happy person. I mean, its so much easier to be in a good mood than a bad one. And I think Ive had a good life so far. Oh, it hasnt been...
I consider myself a happy person. I mean, it’s so much easier to be in a good mood than a bad one. And I think I’ve had a good life so far. Oh, it hasn’t been without some road bumps along the way. Hell, sometimes I’ve hit some major potholes, but life has a way of working out for the best. I met Jim in our senior year of high school, we went to the same college, and by the middle of our freshman year, I was pregnant (road bump). We got married right away. Jim stayed in college and worked...
I had been next door for about ten minutes. My swim trunks were around my ankles. My towel was in the grass. I could feel Mrs. Levi tongue swirl around my cock. I looked down to see her huge breast rub against my legs. She had almost all 9 3/4inches of my cock down her throat before she gagged and spit me out. She licked my big naked balls and put her index finger on my ass hole. I was close to cumming. She smiled as she inched her finger in my ass, and jacked my cock with her small...
I had been next door for about ten minutes. My swim trunks were around my ankles. My towel was in the grass. I could feel Mrs. Levi tongue swirl around my cock. I looked down to see her huge breast rub against my legs. She had almost all 9 3/4inches of my cock down her throat before she gagged and spit me out. She licked my big naked balls and put her index finger on my ass hole. I was close to cumming. She smiled as she inched her finger in my ass, and jacked my cock with her small...
A Bummer Summer? It was the dream of every seventeen year old, during the summer before his senior year of high school to spend it miles away from all his friends and all his stuff. In case you couldn't tell, that was sarcasm, because for Taylor Hughes, that was the last thing that he wanted. Unfortunately, he had no control over the matter. His parents were going out of the country on business for the entire summer, and trying as he might, Taylor was unable to convince them to let him...
The twins put their arms around each other and walked over to the lift. This wasn’t exactly a ride but more of a way to get from one end of the park to the other while getting a bird’s eye view of the park. Allie wondered if she spread her legs a little if anyone on the ground could see her pussy. Alex didn’t try to do anything with her except put his arm around her. He didn’t want her getting too aroused before their evening of love making. As they were descending, Allie slowly pulled up...
I rang the doorbell and a few seconds later I heard Trent running down the stairs. I kinda half expected to see him wearing nothing but a G string when he open the door but to my surprise he was fully dressed wearing a RHCP T-shirt and cargo shorts.“Yo what’s up dude! “Trent said as he gave me a bro hand shake.“What’s up, bro. I try to call Danny but no one answered. Hope it’s cool I came over by myself.”“No big deal. Come on in.”“You want to beer or something stronger?”“Sure. I’ll have a...
My first time with a guy was my first time having sex. If anyone would have told me the day before what I would be doing a few days later, I would’ve laughed and told them they were crazy or punched them in the face, but looking back there were always signs that I was more than just a little curious about other guys bodies. I was always a “locker room looker” even then LOL anyway...The summer before my senior year I hung out with one of my friends from my cross Country team a lot. One afternoon...
Scott and Luke Pascal had just celebrated their shared 17th birthday. The twins were physically identical in every sense - they had the same electric blue eyes, the same short dirty blonde hair, the same devilish grin when they got away with something wicked. But their similarities didn’t stop at their faces. For the two had well sculpted bodies which they had worked on together for many years. Hours every week were spent in the gym, giving them perfection in their physiques. In truth, Scott...
TWINS by Roy Del Frink A worried-looking John Spalding walked down the snow-coated streets of the big city one mid-December evening. He just couldn't stop thinking about his twin sister Joan. They did everything together while growing up. They even looked somewhat alike: long, flowing brown hair with blue eyes, both tall, and both skinny as a rail. John was now an accountant, while Joan was a top-notch real-estate agent. But John became unhappy when puberty brought the...
Twins By Arecee Chapter one "Boys, get in the car. You're going to be late for baseball," my dad yelled to the rear of the house. "Yes Dad, be right there," Grady, my twin brother, answered. I finished tying my shoes and sprinted to the bedroom door. "Beat you to the car," I said, looking back at Grady. "You have a head start, Marcus. That's not fair," he replied. "So?' I...
Looking back I guess I was very sexually reserved as a young person. But by 18 I was beginning to feel more relaxed about have sexual desires and fantasies.I didn't start masturbating until I was 19 but it soon became a very regular thing. I would often think about touching myself during the day and I thought I was terribly sexually liberated because I knew I was going to act on it that night.I thought people would be astonished to know that I touched myself sexually. I now know that I was...
A Daughter's Special DiscoverybyThomX©I think all girls have a secret desire to make love to their father. I knew I was one. My mother died when I was very young. (I would tell you how she died, but, since that's still a very sensitive subject for me, I won't.) Overnight, my father became a single parent, and I became his whole world and he mine. I couldn't have asked for a more loving and attentive father. I never went without as he would sometimes work two and three jobs just so I wouldn't go...
A Daughter's Special DiscoverybyThomX©I think all girls have a secret desire to make love to their father. I knew I was one. My mother died when I was very young. (I would tell you how she died, but, since that's still a very sensitive subject for me, I won't.) Overnight, my father became a single parent, and I became his whole world and he mine. I couldn't have asked for a more loving and attentive father. I never went without as he would sometimes work two and three jobs just so I wouldn't go...
DISCLAIMER: This story is rated X for strong sexual content. If you are under eighteen (18) years of age or in an area where this type of material is prohibited, DO NOT READ THIS STORY. If you are of legal age eighteen (18) or older and are located in areas where this is legal, and not offensive to you, please continue. The characters and locations in this story are fictional and any resemblance to any actual living person or place, either in person or name, is purely coincidental...
The Discovery By Margaret Jeanette Tom and Kris Rhoden were happily married. He was a junior clerk and she was chief teller at a bank. She always knew he wasn't very macho. In bed she always initiated sex and led the way, but she liked it that way. Occasionally she would tell him to do something like wash the dishes or clean a window and he always did it. It was on one such occasion that she told him to scrub the kitchen floor. She hated to do any sort of house work. He...
Mark had become "the man of the house," after his father was killed. He had been forced to take his father's place in so many ways. By the time he was twelve Mark and Rachel became confidantes, rather than merely mother and son. In time, it became necessary to help her make certain business decisions. Soon after his father's funeral he began to learn how to repair things around the house. Rachel's job was more than adequate to support them. Their home was paid for and her taste in cars...
As the days and months went by, the twins made more trips to the library and read the book they looked at before. They learned more and more about sex including what incest was. They realized why their parents wanted them to have separate rooms. They also understood the reasons why incest was taboo and the playing around that they had done could be considered incest. But they figured that as long as they didn’t have intercourse, they couldn’t have children so what they were doing was OK....
Twins Part Three Chapter Fifteen Christmas and New Year came and went. Shannon, Alexis and I were on a select soccer team and our season went from just before Christmas until March. After that came tournaments almost every weekend. With practice and games, I barely had time to think about baseball. I had to make a decision as to whether I was going to play again this year. I would have to give up one sport or the other. I...
Twins, Ties, & Trouble – Part 1 Trish placed $3.02 into the teenager's outstretched palm. "Here's yourchange...thanks for coming in." She looked past the girl's reddish brownhair and saw Kelly, her best friend, go into the Videos for Hire Rental storeacross the mall walkway. Trish suspected that Kelly was interested in Jeff,her boyfriend, because this was the 4th time this week that she had seen Kellycome in to rent videos. Trish didn't have any more customers so she busiedherself by...
Fast forward. Chelle and I both graduated and went off to State. We managed to talk the folks into letting us get an apartment together. Mom was opposed because of the cost but Chelle turned Dad into a pretzel, just like she always could, and we had our apartment. It was great, just the two of us and no longer needing to worry about being caught. No more having to sneak into each other's bed. We were just like any couple. I was taking Psych 101 in the morning. One day we had a discussion...
This is Sue’s story of her loss of virginity. Twins are involved. This a story can be read in conjunction with a” Bisexual” story titled - Jan And Sue’s Affair Begins At The Beach. I was seventeen and was studying in a boarding school and did not have much experience with guys beyond a bit of touching and kissing. I had a few experiences with girls who had encouraged me to join them in bed after lights out and we masturbated a few times. I quite enjoyed it even though it had been with other...
First TimeThis is Sue’s story of her loss of virginity. Twins are involved. This a story can be read in conjunction with a” Bisexual” story titled - Jan And Sue’s Affair Begins At The Beach. I was seventeen and was studying in a boarding school and did not have much experience with guys beyond a bit of touching and kissing. I had a few experiences with girls who had encouraged me to join them in bed after lights out and we masturbated a few times. I quite enjoyed it even though it had been with other...
First TimeTwins By Julie O Edited By Robert A Meals By Jenny V (My Sister!) This story features characters from The Julieverse Stories Jennifer Stevens appears courtesy of Bob Arnold (There's a list of characters at the end of...
In an Assisted Living home but still doing quite well, she thought she saw one of the administrators who might be the daughter of a man she once knew. Now in her seventies the woman sat in her chair and thought back on those “lovely” and very fun days. “Miss ohhh miss” she called out one of the nurses. “I thought I saw a young lady here who possibly might be, well, hmmm how do I say this?” The nurse smiled and waited. “I am not sure honey but I believe her name is Summer? Is there a young woman...
First TimeThe twins had been hard to handle since they were young. They had tried every thing and since they reached eighteen they had got into sex. They loved to seduce men and have a 3some. They loved to fuck and loved it kinky. Tonight they were meeting a forty year old man for the first time. He was thrilled to be with two sexy young girls. He loved kinky and anything would go with him.They went to his apartment at eight o'clock. When he let them in he was surprised that they had come naked. They...
The Tucker twins' social life was so constantly busy, they were both getting laid at least three times a week that fall, that they had almost forgotten the prep school boys they had met at the beach when they spent a rather frantic weekend with the principal and his buddies. (See "A Pair for the Principal") Then Madison got an e-mail on her cell phone, a question. She showed the message to her sister when Kimberly was through sucking her current best boyfriend and sent him home,...
Twins Part Two Chapter Seven Ted and I had just turned eleven when our FBI handlers came calling. They had some bad news and we had some life-altering decisions to make. Agent Groves and agent Martinez called and explained they would be coming by to talk to us Wednesday evening. After dinner there was a knock on our front door. "That must be the FBI," Dad said. That was obvious, as all Ted's and my friends always...
This is a continuation of the 'Coming Home story Introduction In all there were four sisters. My mother and my aunt Betsy were the two oldest. When their twin sisters came along almost twenty years after Betsy the whole family was amazed. But it happened. Grandma had been fifty four when the twins were born. What I'm about to tell you isn't going to be easy for me. I've thought it over and the best way is to confess right up front. My relationship with my mother before her untimely...
TWINS THIS MORNING She lay back as far as she could, head almost against the headboard, back arched in regular jerks of acceptance of his need, her moistness way past the need of lubrication; she had come so many times already, it was impossible to know the number, exactly. And she was well past rational thought in any case, caught in that never-never place where pleasure is so painful that even the pain was ecstasy. Oh this womanliness, this woman's body she was in, so...
The next morning, a Saturday, Taylor was awoken by a gentle knock on his door. He sat up to see Aunt Agnes waiting by the door. "Is something wrong?" Taylor asked, yawning. "I was about to ask you the same thing, Emily hasn't come by yet and I got worried," Aunt Agnes stepped into the room. "Worried? Why?" Taylor reached for his phone and realized that it was nearly noon. "Wow... She let me sleep in?" "Did you two have a fight?" Aunt Agnes asked. "No," Taylor replied. "I...
******* Aaron lay on his bed, feeling surprisingly relaxed and contented. His sister’s actions tonight had opened the floodgates to his imagination. He pulled down his pants a little, to let the cool night air caress his now flaccid penis. He looked at it. He marvelled at its newfound use and relevance to his life. But what he was most amused by was the fact his sister could play such a big part in its use. Ariel finally exited the bathroom, wiping her lips with...
So we’re back with part two of The Twin’s in a Vineyard trilogy. We previously left off at part one after Ariel gave her brother a blowjob and got cummed in her mouth. Part Two continues with Aaron lying back on his bed. His head filled with new thoughts about his sister. Again, if you find incest stories disturbing, do not continue reading. If you have yet to read part one: Ariel’s Discovery, please do as this story continues from that one. Once again, I thank you all for reading and I hope...
IncestIt was a late night. The twins were alone at home; their parents went out for a “special” night out. The twins knew what their parents went out for and knew that they won’t be back until late the next morning. Sumit had just come back from college at FSU for the holidays and was also back from Florida State.”What’s on for tonight Sonal?” Sumit asked like he normally did.”Oh, I went out and bought a new movie.” Sonal responded”It’s not a porno is it?” Sumit asked scared”No! Don’t be silly.” The...
IncestThe twins had problems concentrating on their school work that day. They were filled with anticipation for their trip to the library. Alex’s cock got hard every so often - especially when he looked at or thought about Allie. During math class Allie went up to the board to solve a problem. Alex looked at his sister in her blouse, plaid skirt and white stockings and his dick got hard again. After Allie solved the problem, she noticed Alex staring at her and his hands in his lap. She figured his...