Decades Ch. 02 free porn video

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By the time he got to the resort, Doug was full of plans for their future in the past. But he hadn’t yet settled on how to confront Kelly. He suspected she somehow knew it wasn’t a dream, but without knowing for sure he concluded it was best to let her address the matter. With that settled, Doug busied himself with his office duties until she arrived just before the restaurant opened for lunch. Though he did his best to concentrate on work, the memory of Kelly’s beautiful body and the brief welcome she had given him last night made for a constant presence alone with him in the office.

Kelly was at her post just inside the dining room when Doug went out for the walkthrough. She gave him a cordial smile and was all business as they prepared for opening. Just before the doors were to open, he finally gave in and broke the ice. ‘I’m planning on another trip tonight,’ he said.

‘Where?’ Kelly asked innocently.

‘To the jukebox.’

Kelly looked at him in shock. ‘No! Oh my God…’ She crossed one leg behind the other as if to hide something.

‘Don’t tell me you didn’t know it was real,’ Doug said.

‘You guys on an acid trip last night or something?’ Mr. Sanborn demanded, appearing out of nowhere in the kitchen doorway. Doug turned around and opened his mouth to reply, but Mr. Sanborn beat him to the punch. ‘I don’t know what the fuck you guys are talking about, but it sounds totally inappropriate for our dining room, okay? Keep it in private.’

‘It’s not –‘ Doug began.

‘I don’t want to hear it, Doug. And Kelly, if you’re going to mess around, you should stick to an old hand like me. Let me know if you’re interested, I’ll show you a lot more than a prep like Doug could.’

‘You bastard!’ Kelly snapped.

‘Any more of that and you’re fired,’ Mr. Sanborn said with a sugary smile. ‘Doug, I want you to put that comment on her file, got that?’

‘Yes sir.’ But of course Doug had no intention of doing any such thing. He hoped for the chance to tell Kelly as much, but she turned defiantly and opened the dining room door to the first waiting customers before Mr. Sanborn disappeared back into the kitchen. Doug had no choice but to retreat to his office.

Kelly banged into his office without knocking three hours later. ‘You didn’t really write me up, did you?’ she demanded.

‘How could you even ask me that?!’ Doug replied. He realized an instant too late that her attitude deserved ‘yes’ for an answer, but lying never came naturally to Doug.

‘That doesn’t answer my question,’ Kelly said, near tears of rage. ‘That man is a pig, and he deserved what I said! You know that!’

‘Haven’t denied that, have I?’ Doug reminded her.

Kelly took a deep breath. ‘You also haven’t answered my question.’

‘And I won’t,’ Doug said. ‘You ought to know the answer. Or else what kind of bastard do you think I am?’

‘The kind I made a fool of myself for last night,’ Kelly whined, flopping down now in the chair before his desk. ‘Doug, I’m so embarrassed about that, now that I know it really happened. I’m not that kind of woman.’

‘What kind? The kind who would date a working class kid like me?’

‘No!’ Kelly replied a bit too vehemently, and Doug could read the truth all too well between the lines. She continued, ‘the kind who…’ she looked behind her to be sure his office door was closed. ‘…goes around naked outside with a platonic male friend! I take my body seriously and I don’t act like a sex object! Usually.’

‘Did I treat you like a sex object?’ Doug asked.

‘No,’ Kelly admitted. ‘And thank you. But still, Doug, you’re not really my type. You’re just not. You’re the goofy cousin who can make me laugh type, not the one I’m going to fall in love with and definitely not the type I’m going to just fool around with, if I were ever going to do that.’

‘I’d noticed,’ Doug said.

‘What’s that supposed to mean?!’

‘It’s supposed to mean every time things start feeling like we’re really close, you always have to say something nasty just to remind me that we’re just buddies, and not even really very close buddies. I can’t exactly not notice that.’

‘Then we’re clear,’ Kelly announced, standing up.

‘Not entirely,’ Doug admitted. ‘Let’s face it, last night you did let your guard down for once and it was really sweet. The way you hugged me in the water was…I don’t know, delicious. And remember, I didn’t even know you were naked until you did that.’

‘Maybe I was just testing you,’ Kelly said. ‘Just seeing if you were a typical guy who turns into a drooling idiot every time he sees a vagina.’

‘There you go again with the nasty comments.’ Doug forced his voice to sound calm.

Kelly took a deep breath. ‘Look, we went too far. Don’t expect me to let that happen again.’

‘I already didn’t,’ Doug reassured her. ‘So do you want to visit the jukebox again tonight?’

‘Dream on, lover boy.’ And she nearly tore the office door off its hinges letting herself out.

Though he was hurt, Doug found the image of Kelly on the beach far less troublesome for the afternoon. When he left shortly before six, there was no sign of her, but he had convinced himself by then that she would apologize soon enough. On the walk home, he wondered was there anything he should apologize for? He felt he had handled the situation in the water like a gentleman, but perhaps there was something he was missing due to the ‘male privilege’ Kelly was always reminding him of. It was entirely possible, but he could think of nothing he should have changed. Unless Kelly had been expecting him to proclaim his love for her that morning or some such. That was beginning to sound like a chance he should have taken after all.

He was still lost in thought on the matter when he arrived at the old school. Absentmindedly he cut across the yard rather than taking the sidewalk, and the matter of Kelly was so heavy on his mind that he failed to notice he was next door in Mrs. Kittredge’s yard — until her cigarette-soaked voice roared at him from the porch. ‘All right, Douglas, that’s enough!’

Doug’s head snapped to attention. ‘Mrs. Kittredge?’

There she was on her porch, and she had managed to get to her feet although she was tethered to her oxygen tank as usual. ‘You get off my lawn! Only my cats get to walk there! You know that.’

‘I’m sorry, Mrs. Kittredge.’

‘You should be. No manners at all. Dyke grandmothers can’t raise a boy worth a damn.’

‘Excuse me?’

Aunt Doro saved him with a call from the kitchen window. ‘Doug! Come help me with the trash here! We’ve got a mess.’

‘Ok, Aunt Doro!’ Doug knew the kitchen would really be spotless as usual, but he was grateful for the rescue.

Sure enough, there was no trash problem. ‘Didn’t we always tell you to steer clear of her?’ Aunt Doro asked as soon as Doug had let himself in the back door.

‘Yeah. Yeah, of course you did. I’m sorry. Had a lot on my mind and I wasn’t paying attention.’ Then a crazy idea occurred to him. ‘So, Aunt Doro, I don’t think I ever asked, what’s the story with Mrs. Kittredge anyway?’

Aunt Doro set down her wooden spoon and gestured for Doug to carry the stew pot to the table, which he did. ‘Irene Kittredge, class of fifty-seven and her name was Irene James back then,’ she recited. ‘Lovely girl, if you can believe it, Miss Popularity and she knew it, but she was gorgeous, Doug. And she looked adorable in her sweaters and poodle skirts. But she smoked a lot, even back then. Came to class sometimes with brandy on her breath as well, but I could never prove anything. Married Roy Kittredge, class of fifty-two, when he got back from the service, and she convinced him to buy the house next door on the GI Bill because she never wanted high school to end.’

‘Man, that’s sad,’ Doug said.

‘It certainly is, but it’s not as sad as the way Roy treated her,’ Aunt Doro conti
nued. ‘I’m sure you can recall hearing him scream at her when you lived here before. Your grandmother and I lived with that for years and years. He drank, a lot, and so did she, and I’m pretty sure he beat her up a few times. I won’t even start on the attitude their kids gave us — James, class of seventy-eight and Sally, class of eighty. They were at least smart enough to get away from their parents. And she’s probably still reliving the glory days every night over there.’ Aunt Doro gave Doug a meaningful look.

‘Still doesn’t want to let go of high school at that age?’ Doug asked. ‘Pathetic.’

‘Yes, Douglas, but she’s only making the same mistake you tend to make. You ought to think about that.’

‘Hey, I’ve never wished I were back at Janice Payne!’ Doug protested. ‘I mean, maybe a few times freshman year at Columbia when I was having a hard time adjusting, but that’s it. You certainly won’t find me living next door to the place fifty years from now!’

‘That’s not quite what I meant,’ Aunt Doro said. ‘My point is, Irene has wasted a great deal of her life pining for the past that probably wasn’t as wonderful as she remembers it being.’

Doug wanted to steer the conversation elsewhere. ‘Mr. Kittredge died while I was in New York, did he?’ Doug recalled his howling all too well, but now it occurred to him that it had been absent since his return.

‘Lung cancer, three years ago. And she’s got emphysema. I’m sure you’ve noticed the oxygen tank.’

‘Everybody smoked in the fifties,’ Doug said, ‘As you always say. Too bad, it sounds like such a wonderful time besides that.’

‘If you were a man,’ Aunt Doro confirmed. ‘Doug, there’s a reason why Irene Kittredge submitted to all those years of abuse. Back then nobody told girls they didn’t have to put up with being treated that way. In fact, a lot of them really did have to put up with it, there was no other choice! And they were led to believe being on your own was worse. You can’t know what it was like. But you can get it through your head that the fifties were much more than sock-hops and root beer, you know.’

An argument rose up in Doug’s throat. But then he recalled what Aunt Doro and Kelly had both been telling him lately about living in the past, and he swallowed his objection. Aunt Doro had sat down and was ladling stew into her bowl. Doug stood up and leaned over to hug her from behind. ‘I’m sorry, Aunt Doro. You’re right, I don’t get it and I need to think about it a lot more.’

Aunt Doro smiled and nodded at him as he retook his seat. ‘I’m impressed,’ she admitted.

Doug was certain he had noticed a twinkle in her eye at the mention of root beer. But he didn’t comment on the matter.

An hour and a half later, the dishes were washed and Aunt Doro had retired to her room to watch television. Doug, armed with a swig of liquid courage and a 1957 yearbook he had dug out of the closet in the smallest bedroom (the one he had usually reserved for his science homework in high school, thus he’d studied the books on the shelves there at great length), tiptoed downstairs to the cellar door. The cellar light was still on from when he and Kelly had come in the night before, Doug turned it out and held carefully to the railing as he shuffled down the steps. He knew the way through the maze of bookcases in the dark and soon had his hand on the doorknob. Once again it opened easily, still to Doug’s astonishment. He would have to find a way to get Aunt Doro to explain just what had happened on his sister’s visit to the room all those years before. But only when he was up to the challenge of talking about his sister, which wasn’t often.

The room was once again pristine and lit with the same eerie red glow, and this time there was only one glass on the table. Doug sat down on the couch and took a sip from the glass — lemon tea this time, cold and crisp — and opened the yearbook. There were pages upon pages of adorable looking girls in poodle skirts and guys trying much too hard to look tough in their t-shirts with cigarette packs rolled up in their sleeves, but Doug was in a hurry. He could admire the photographs later. For now, he flipped through the seniors to the J’s. Molly Jackson…Benjamin Jalon…Irene James. The lovely, innocent face that grinned at him across the decades, framed by perfect dark rolled curls, bore no resemblance to his decrepit neighbor that he could detect. But there, below the Shakespeare quote he didn’t bother to decipher, was proof: ‘My heart belongs to Roy!’

Doug took a long look at the photograph, until he was sure he would know the face, and then snapped the book shut and set it on the table. After a long sip of tea, he strode to the jukebox and set about guessing at what could get him to the late fifties. Oldies weren’t Doug’s strong point. Rolling Stones? He was pretty sure they weren’t that old. Perry Como? A bit too old, he guessed. Buddy Holly was probably about right. Doug punched in his selection and sat back down, and closed his eyes as soon as ‘Rave On’ crackled to life in the old speakers.

‘Where the hell is Lebanon anyway?’ snapped a male voice over the tinny speakers. Doug opened his eyes to find himself behind the wheel of a car he didn’t believe he’d ever seen before. It was nighttime, but bright lights from outside were reflecting every which way off the chrome-laden dashboard. Doug looked down to see he was dressed just like the boys in the yearbook: tight jeans, white t-shirt. Peering down to see his shoes, which looked like beat-up wingtips, he saw the name of the car scrawled in cursive on the foot-mat. Studebaker? Doug had never heard of it.

A similarly attired young man was browsing through a Life magazine in the passenger seat. He must have been the one asking about Lebanon, Doug realized, for the cover photo caption read ‘Marines Move into Lebanon’.

‘Lebanon?’ Doug repeated. ‘It’s in the Middle East. Always seems to be a war there.’

‘I know where it is, bud!’ the other guy replied. ‘I just meant, where is it for us, that we’ve got to send the Marines there. Remember, I’m joining up at the end of the summer. What do I want with Lebanon?’

Before Doug could answer, a girl rolled up on skates outside the driver’s side window and set two ice cream sodas on a tray. ‘Seventy-five cents, please!’ she said, leaning in. ‘Hi, Andy!’ she said to Doug’s passenger. ‘Who’s your friend?’

‘My cousin Doug, up from New York for a few days,’ said Andy. ‘The drinks are on him, ain’t that right, Doug?’

‘You bet,’ Doug said, as much in awe of the cheap desserts as of the girl and the car. He reached into his pocket and pulled out three quarters, wishing there was time to check the dates before he handed them over.

In any event, the girl didn’t look at them either before depositing them in her change pouch. ‘Thanks, Doug,’ she said. ‘Going to see you guys in the dance later? It’s reunion night!’

‘We’ll be in,’ Andy promised. As soon as she was gone, Andy threw down the magazine in frustration, though he took the soda gently from Doug, adding that he didn’t want to mess up Doug’s upholstery.

Doug took a closer look at the magazine cover as he started in on his soda. July 28, 1958. ‘Oh good, she’s at least nineteen now, if she graduated last year,’ he said, realizing a moment too late that he’d said it out loud.

‘Yeah, we all are,’ Andy said. ‘That’s how first-year reunions work, don’t they? All the pretty boys and preppy girls back from college, and the rest of us here to show them what ain’t changed in a year. Who’re you talking about, anyway?’

‘Irene James,’ Doug replied nonchalantly.

Andy nearly spat out a mouthful of ice cream. ‘Aw, hell, buddy, you don’t want to mess with her!’

‘Mess with who, Andy?’ asked another girl, dressed much like the waitress, who had been walking by the Studebaker at the opportune moment and was now resting her arms on the open window. ‘Not me, I hope!’

‘Course not, Sally,’ Andy reassured
her. ‘No, my cousin Doug here wants to meet Irene!’

‘Irene!’ repeated Sally. Looking over at Doug now, she told him, ‘Forget it! If you’re not one of her little circle, you don’t want anything to do with her. Ask any girl, she gets really nasty really fast. Even worse if you’re a guy, now that Sarge is back in town.’

‘Sarge,’ Doug repeated. ‘Is that Mister Kittredge?’

‘Mister Kittredge!’ Andy burst into laughter. ‘Boy, he’s gonna love you if you call him that. Legend in his own mind, that guy is, just ’cause he’s a few years older and he was in Korea. His first name’s Roy, but I wouldn’t call him that unless you want a punch in the mouth. He made Sargent in Korea, and now he expects everyone to call him that. Only Irene can call him Roy. But he’d probably love ‘Mister Kittredge’.’

‘And trust me, Doug, you don’t want to talk to Irene when he’s around,’ Sally added. ‘Last time he was here, Johnny Becker asked Irene to dance and his buddies had to carry him out of the hall.’

‘How do you know about Irene anyway?’ Andy asked. ‘I sure as heck didn’t tell you about her.’

‘I guess everyone knows about Irene,’ Doug said.

‘It’s okay, Doug, I can find you a date for tonight,’ Sally told him, standing up. ‘One of my best friends is here on her own, she’d love to meet you after you guys finish eating.’

‘Not Pauline!’ Andy snapped. ‘Sally, you know she’s always trouble.’

‘Sounds like your cousin likes trouble,’ Sally told him with a saucy grin, and then sauntered off to the dance hall where another jukebox was blasting.

‘What’s wrong with Pauline?’ Doug asked as soon as they were alone again.

‘I think you might need to see that for yourself,’ Andy said. ‘I just sure hope you can run fast.’

‘Those are just the odds I like,’ Doug quipped.

‘I guess so, if you want to mess with Irene,’ Andy said. ‘Trust me, though, don’t do that.’

As soon as they were done with the sodas, Andy handed his glass back to Doug to put back on the tray. ‘Little Eddie will take it from there,’ he said.

‘Little Eddie?’

‘The dancehall owner’s son. He’s only twelve but his dad lets him work here, bussing the dishes. You should see the way the girls coo over him! He really wants to be one of the tough guys here. It’s hilarious.’

Even as Andy spoke, Doug turned to see a fair-haired pre-teen collecting up the empty glasses and wiping off the tray. ‘Eddie?’ Doug asked.

‘That’s my name, don’t wear it out,’ Eddie growled in a squeaky voice that hadn’t dropped yet.

‘Told you not to mess with him, Doug!’ Andy said with a laugh.

‘Yeah, and who’re you laughin’ at?’ Eddie added.

‘Not you, Eddie, I don’t want no trouble!’ Andy stifled his chuckles and swung open the huge Studebaker door. ‘C’mon, Doug, let’s go meet your date.’ And Doug got a fleeting look at the beach road looking almost as rustic as in his photo of Grandma and Aunt Doro, quaint gift shops and tourist traps everywhere, mostly closed for the night.

The dancehall was awash in bright colors and full skirts, and Doug quickly decided when it came to fashion he preferred the fifties to the eighties. One couldn’t mistake the scene for a fifties movie, as the cars and clothes looked worn rather than fresh out of a museum, but it had a charm all its own. A rockabilly tune that sounded vaguely familiar wafted out of the speakers in each corner of the room, and the floor was pleasantly crowded with dancing couples. Doug wondered how many of the youthful faces he’d have recognized if he’d studied the yearbook more closely, and how many much-older ones were still to be found around Pascatawa in his own time. With Kelly and Aunt Doro’s admonishments in his mind, he also noted that everyone in the room was white — that had at least begun to change nowadays. But Doug quickly concluded that he had no means to do anything about diversity at that point. How many years was it until the civil rights act and all that? Doug promised himself he’d look it up when he got home.

‘We all used to come here every weekend,’ Andy told him. ‘There was nothing else to do in the winter.’ Looking around the crowded dancefloor now at all the friends he hadn’t seen in a year, he added, ‘This might be the last time we’re all together. Or really it’s not even all of us, since some of the guys already joined the army or navy, and a couple of the gals are married with babies now. So I guess it’s our last chance to just dance all night.’

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ج(1)انا تامر شاب في العشرينات من عمري , اخي الكبير متزوج منذ 8 سنوات , 8 سنوات و انا اهيج و اتخيل اني انيك مرات اخي , تأتيني الجرأة لاصارحها في الموضوع و حين اواجهها اتلبك و لا أتكلم حرفا , مرات اخي امرأة عمرها 28 سنة اسمها مريانا جسمها يهيجني طيزها كبيرة و بزازها متوسطات و عيونها وساع و كسها منفوخ نفخ , كل ما اشوف جسمها اتخيل اني انيكها و استمني , حاولت في العديد من المرات الفت نظرها اني معجب فيها و لا حياة لمن تنادي , لكن في الفترة الأخيرة حسيت مريانا بتبصلي كتير حتى انها في الفترة الأخيرة...

4 years ago
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Wendy and Clair

"Don't be nervous, I won't bite. Well not much..." I had finally plucked up the courage to meet with a crossdresser. She was gorgeous, dressed in a transparent nightdress over a bra, panties, black stockings and garters. She had a shoulder-length dirty blonde wig and wore cherry-red lipstick, heavy makeup and hoop earrings. She wasn't passable but that wasn't the point, she had made the effort and wanted to play. I had been dressing up for ages and progressed to chatting on the...

4 years ago
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She Stoops to Conquer part 4

She Stoops to Conquer by Priscilla Part 4 Story so far. Peter and Jennie are a happily married couple. Jennie is a high flier in the 'City' while Peter is more laid back, and has untidy habits, which go ill with Jennie. So one night she lured him to bed with sexy clothes, and using her female wiles, got his agreement to changes in his lifestyle. Peter begins to experience the punishments and rewards on offer as inducements. Now read on. How long had she been planning...

4 years ago
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His wife the jock and the King Kong cock

Introduction: A man stands by and watches his wife fuck a muscled-up young jock on vacation. Mike had been married to Trish for nearly three years when he surprised her with a vacation to the secluded Keewaydin Island, a highly expensive couples resort off the coast of Key Biscayne. They were staying in a stunning beach house, right at the tip of a mile long stretch of beautiful white sand on the south side of the island. The beach was completely private, for guest use only, and was shared by...

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Victorian Days

The smell of the tide mixed with garbage, seaweed and decaying flesh permeated the tight quarters near Bermondsey on the south bank of the river Thames in an area called "Jacob's Island". Dark coated Constables moved in and about the small streets, a strange sight for the inhabitants of one of the poorest sections of Victorian London. Most of its citizens had faded into the shadows as soon as the first officer arrived, thinking it was some great raid. However, the Constables were not...

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Coldsteel Ch 04

Chapter four: The Club. Michael was beginning to come to the unhappy realisation that he was bored. A harem of five beautiful women and no need for him to lift a finger or deny himself any material thing that caught his eye sounded like heaven, but the mind craved variation and challenge. But Gregory’s warning held him in check. If he messed up and attracted attention then the consequences would be dire, perhaps even fatal. He felt distracted and irritable, as though held in some unseen...

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Dorm bottom One ndash two

With some effort I managed to open my mouth wide enough to handle the fatcock that was pushing its way towards my throat. With a gurgle and gag ortwo I manage to get about two thirds of the ass rammer down my throat. DamnI thought to myself this is going to take some work to handle. After acouple of deep breaths I took a deep swallow and started to work my waydown that massive pole. This time I managed to feel his curly hairs againstmy face. I worked him with my throat for a minute before I had...

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Naughty Nikki8217s Erotic Sex Stories 8211 Part 1

Note to reader: the following erotic sex story is brought to you by me on behalf of the main character of the story, referred to as Nikita or Nikki. I hope you enjoy this one as much as . *Nikki’s narration begins.* Hi, Nikki here. This story series is about secret sex sessions that I haven’t told anyone about before. Before starting this story, let me tell you some details about how I look to help you imagine the story more accurately. I’m currently 28 years old, and my measurements are...

3 years ago
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For The King Chapter 3

"Well?” He asks, a bit of a dangerous edge to his voice.“I, ah.” I tentatively put my hand on his arm, and flush when his hand covers mine. “Of course, your Majesty.”As we walk through the halls of the palace, I feel like the whole world is watching. I can feel my face getting hotter with every step, and I’m sure I look like a perfect fool.Running my tongue over my dry lips, I try to think of something to say.“That’s quite the gown you’re wearing,” he mutters.“Thank you, your Majesty,” I reply...

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HealerChapter 7

When I got to the Community Hall, I saw the other triallists seated on chairs on the little stage. Resigned to my fate I went to join them and chose an empty chair next to them. When Matra Glandira and Patra Albertrin appeared on stage, the hubbub died down. “Where’s Lizbet?” I whispered to Matra Glandira. “Don’t worry, she’s fine. She’ll join us when the time’s right,” Matra Glandira whispered back. I was keen to know what she’d planned. I had a momentary image of Lizbet being brought...

2 years ago
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A New Sex A New Life

Your name is John Abrams, a young and athletic teen who’s going through big changes. As you are about to become an adult tomorrow morning, and you’re so excited. You can finally do whatever you please, talk to whoever you want, and be whatever you want. It’s all so exciting isn’t it? Though as you lay in bed at night, looking up at your ceiling. You’re scared, what will the real world be like, you wonder on and on as you hear the clock beeping. It’s 11 P.M. past your bedtime, though tomorrow...

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The telling of a voyeuristic weekend spent engaged in carnal lust with the mother inlaw and my wife

When we were a new couple, pretty young, 20 and 19, we had an insatiable appetite for sex. Even having kids very young did not slow down the wife and me. In some ways, it made us more adventurous, trying to find time to sneak away and get a little was an ongoing game. We lived near our parents and so on occasion, we would go camping together. This is the account of what happened one week we went camping with my mother in-law. We were staying in her small camper with our two kids and my...

4 years ago
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Bebe Goes To Hollywood

"I wouldn't give you two cents for all your fancy rules if, behind them, they didn't have a little bit of plain, ordinary, everyday kindness and a little looking out for the other fella, too." ~ Jimmy Stewart as Jefferson Smith from 'Mr Smith Goes to Washington' XXXX "Oscar," Joanne asked politely, as she and John settled into the backseat of the tow car, "would you mind if I close the privacy partition for a few minutes? I am sorry, but I need to talk to Bebe for a...

1 year ago
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mere sis ki sweet frnd

jo kahani sunane ja raha hu wo kisi aur ki nahi meri apni hai jo maine apni chhoti bahan ke ek dost ke saath kiya tha.isse pahle ki mai kahani suru karu mai apna aur us ladki ka parichay apse kara du. mai SURAT me job kerta hun me apni familyy k saath rehta hun & meri 1 cosuin sister he jo gaav se padne k liye hostel me surat aayi thi per hamara ghar per hi rehti thi kyuki uncle ko hamne hi kaha tha ki vo yahi rehegi jab tak hum surat me he tooo usse hostel me rehne ki kya haarurat he ok . jo...

2 years ago
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BSC08 How Jack and Susan Became NudistsChapter 42 One Hell of a Party

Jack was woken again by a sharp jab in the ribs by his naked father. “Come on you two” he demanded. “We need to get some breakfast and get going. We have a long drive ahead of us if we are to get to Fresno tonight for your cousin Vinnie’s wedding tomorrow.” Jack sat up and looked around. He looked over to where Randall Adams and Rachel Tims had been. They were gone. Jack looked up and down the street and saw people slowly clearing up from the night before - only now they were all dressed...

4 years ago
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The Salesman at the door

Well this story gose back a couple of years when I was selling as a cold callerlocal to where I live and I found out just how many happily married wives were so easy to charm them into bed. I wonder just how many husbands go off to worknot knowing that there wife is getting her pussy fucked by a stranger.The day I would like to tell you about is the day I knocked on the door of this married lady in her forties and she let me in showing me into her lounge.She was blond, dressed in a white blouse...

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Family EducationChapter 3

"Not yet, sweetie." Her father said, sliding his face between his daughter's splayed legs. He lowered to her dripping cunt and nibbled her puffy lips. Angie immediately humped his face, trying to jam her aching clit further between his sucking lips. "Oh Daddy, you're torturing me. But it feels so good. Lick me Daddy, lick your little girl." Angie urged. Just using the forbidden language made her even hotter. Angie rested her head in her brother's lap, licking his spent member, while...

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Anne and MaryChapter 9 Mary

I got back to the room Friday after lunch. Anne was there, looking at her notes. "Mary, did your Humanities teacher say anything about going to the University museum?" "Yeah. Said we should go see it. Want to go this afternoon? I haven't anything going; I just told Tom to meet me for supper at the Union." "That's what I was hoping. I'm going to change first, though." "Into what? Should I, too? Is this formal?" "No, I just feel like wearing something pretty. Oh, and Alex asked...

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Nikkis Teen Intern Training Chapters 1 4

First multi-chaptered story of mine. This will be the first four chapters with 7 or 8 in all. Starts off slow, but picks up.After years of arduous work and climbing menial rank after rank, I had finally been promoted to a very respectable position of management in my firm where I could reap the benefits of a heavier pay and a lighter workload. It had been too long, years upon years of 50-hour work weeks of taking on the most laborious aspects of the office, for me to fully enjoy what I had...

3 years ago
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The Patient Cures the Nurse

It was that time of year again, my annual physical. I hated going to the Doctor’s office, but Dr. Weeler and her staff made it as painless as possible. I had been going to Dr. Weeler since moving to town about ten years ago. She and the staff were great. I arrived at Dr. Weeler’s office, signed in, and sat down to check some e-mails. After a short wait Kelly opened the door and called me back to an exam room. Kelly has been one of Dr. Weeler’s nurses for about five years and the one I always...

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Becoming Melissas Cuckold Pt 08

The two days following my first sexual experience with Melissa were amazing. I felt closer to her than I ever had before and just as importantly it felt like she was just as close to me. For those two days, it felt like a normal relationship, one in which we were both in love. We were at each other’s sides the whole time, held hands when we went out, snuggled up together when we were at home and she looked at me with a softness in her eyes that I’d never seen before. When I look back on my...

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Sophies Adventure

My name is Sophie. I was born Sophie Roberts and later became Mrs. Pendleton, and if I'm honest, I know I have a life that many would be jealous of. My father is rich, not only rich but disgustingly wealthy and my husband comes from one of the oldest and renowned families in the state of Virginia. Because of this I've been pretty much spoiled all my life. I was sent to the best schools and universities money could buy and at the age of twenty-two, after broadening my mind, I decided to expand...

Wife Lovers
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The Weekend Part Nine

We slept later than we wanted, and woke to a knock on the door. Breakfast was here. I got out of bed, slipped on my robe and went to the door. I gave the waiter a tip and moved the cart into the room. Gail stirred under the covers. “Breakfast,” I said. “Time to get up” She was exhausted and had slept soundly. I took a long look at Gail’s body as she got out of bed and put on her robe. Unless we could work out some future meeting, today was likely the last day I was going to see that...

2 years ago
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Hope and BetrayalChapter 4

“We know the game. The whores will be welcoming us back I’m sure of that. What else they got to look forward to,” said Wesley. “We don’t even know if they are all still in the business, or better, who among them are still in the business,” said Eric. “Hmm, we’ll find out soon enough. I’m especially interested in Scott. She was eighteen when we went to L.A. She’s still young enough to attract the big money. Hell, she probably still has some of her old customers on the hook,” he said. “Hmm,...

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Black Gangbang Whore

At the age of 7, my older sister bought a pair of red patent leather stiletto shoes which she wore every time she went on a date with her latest boyfriend. I was fascinated by them and used to playfully wear them to hobble down the hallway as she chased and chastised me for doing so. I didn't realise at the time but this was the start of my trip into transvestism and I soon found myself delving into the laundry basket to retrieve a pair of her lacy knickers and bra which I would don in...

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Toman of the Cherokee 10

  Naci and I had been here almost the whole time after our narrow escape. I had finally started trying to strengthen Naci though it was slow going. She had power there was no doubt about that. It was just that her defenses were so weak. Plus there was the fact that she was so untrained in most defensive tactics.    I sighed as I had Naci again try to stop a bolt I sent at her. Shaking my head I saw that she held it great at first. Then she seemed to lose her resolve a few minutes later. A...

3 years ago
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Alfresco Orgy II What the Guys Did Next

Hi. My name’s Sam. You may have heard about me, if you’ve read my friend Annie Harrison’s story about a crazy outdoor sex session we had while on holiday in the Lake District, which ended with me fucking our friend Chris up the arse while she (Annie) and our other friend Mandy watched. It wasn’t the last sex the four of us had that week, and Annie may be writing about that too, but there are a few bits she didn’t see, and I thought you might like to hear about one of them. The first thing you...

Gay Male
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A Better World IIChapter 11 Constructing the Meeting Room

The arrangements Some of the squadron had started to arrive by the time we got home. I set up the twelve two-foot long deli sandwiches on serving trays. I cut them into four pieces. Cynthia and Mary/Fran got out the drinks and chips. We took them all to the dining room. By then the rest of the squadron had arrived. We all ate only one piece of the sandwich. I knew what we were having for dinner. Then I felt Tiger. He wanted to split a sandwich between him and Squeaker. We could waste the...

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Kamini Ki Mast Chudai

Hi friends, mai hu Ram “mastram” Meri age 19 year hai aur mai bhut si bhabhi aur auntyon ko chod chuka hu.Apne baare me btau to mai ek Average looking boy hu aur shuru se hi iss aur blue films kaa fan rha hu. Ye ek sacchi ghatna hai jo meri aur Kamini aunty (name changed)mere bagal wale ghr me rent pe aayi thi jo ki hamara hi chacha ka tha .Kamini aunty dikhne me ek simple lady thi figure 34 32 36 ke approx.hoga aur ek 7 saal ke bete ki maa thi,aur rang gora aur aunty ke boobs to kya kehne. Ab...

3 years ago
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A Petplay Weekend

A Petplay Weekend by brian1982uk Players Sub/Dog - Male Owner - Ambiguous Notes - A story of fiction - My first story (ever) (really) - Please forgive any spelling of grammer mistakes - I tried to make the owner ambiguous depending on the readers preference - Any feedback please send to [email protected] Friday After finishing work the first half of Friday night is all about preparation. First I give myself an enema to flush my system. This will reduce my need for...

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the shit theater

I was one of the other college kids, and I was kind of hoping for foghorn leghorn. Most of the college guys either wanted to be sexy/crazy foghorn leghorn or play with their balls opposite the colonel. No such luck, for me, though. micheal jackson showed up. He was a strange guy, one of my best friends, a little better actor than me and just the right type for the part. I got cast as romeo's gay friend. It turned out to be a damned good part for me. I was only five-foot-nine but I was a bit...

2 years ago
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sj33 and jim II

so. watching you two play with eachothers beautiful cocks has me soo horny. ur both enjoying the sensations, the full on naughtyness of touching eachother. Bella though wants u two to enjoy this to a level uv never bn to before... n that needs to involve some pain. I reach out n pick up the paddle I stole from the church n spank ur ass hard. jim gets the same n I tell u to drop eachothers cocks n stop squirming about like teenage girls. I crawl over btwn u again with ribbons in my hand. I tie...

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Was It Rape If You Liked It

Introduction: Lise, a sophomore girl, got involved with Alex, whod already graduated high school. Lise broke up with Alex. But who knows what can happen at a party? Chapter I – Lise Lise! Lisa! Elisabeth!! Alex called after me as I passed. I continued to walk at a brisk pace, putting distance between myself and my ex-boyfriend. Please Lise… I just wanna talk… He sounded weary, so I slowed, reluctantly. He caught up and walked beside me. He brushed against my arm, sending tingles up to my...

1 year ago
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Master PC Kyles Adventure pt2

What a night I thought. I’m pretty sure I had more sex last night than I have had all year. As I crawled out of bed I noticed Emily still passed out sprawled across the bed. I decided to head into work early so I could go for a run. I threw on some sweats and a T-shirt, packed my bag, and headed out of the house. I haven’t gone for a morning run in ages. It was a beautiful morning, and with the night I had last night, I was looking forward to clearing my head a bit. There is a great trail...

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My summer at my buddys granparents farm

We were there to help his grand dad with farm chores. We would be paid at harvest and get our food and housing all summer long. I was 16 and could drive the farm equipment, but he was only 15. So I did the chores he told me and then reported back to the farm house. I usually found his gran mom there cooking or cleaning, and my buddy on the road with his gran dad. So I had nothing to do the rest of the day. I showered and sat down to breakfast with his grandmom. She was a sweet woman who he...

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Dosti Ki Khaatir

Hello dosto, I am PRIYA and I am from delhi. As some of the readers know im a very adventures person in case of sex. I have appetite for boys and their lunds which i think very few can match. I am 29 married with a very sexy kaatil figure (36″ 28″ 36″) . And have a very cute face that can turn many heads. I like wearing short and revealing clothes. Waise to I am from punjabi background to usually I wear suits and nighties at home. But when i go out to I always tend to wear saari . And you know...

4 years ago
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Casa Bianca Part 1

Jill smiled contentedly to herself as the plane circled over the hills surrounding Malaga airport as it prepared to land. She tried to spot the hill and the little winding road which lead to the villa but once again the restricted view through the small window prevented this, as it had done many times before. She and her husband Rob had first rented the villa some 4 years earlier and had stayed there two or sometimes three times a year. Last year when they discovered that it was for sale they...

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Wife loves black cock 2

So my wife Lizzy and I went away on holiday again and this time we were out on the town whenwe noticed a bar with music and a group of people mainly women stood around the entrance area.We entered the bar and there we noticed a small stage and a guy performing a striptease on a woman from the crowd the guy was a white guy in his 40s and was straddling some female and she was rubbing his chest. Lizzy and I watched in amusement at the show until the guy blew his load on the woman's tits and then...

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Nurse Higgins Another Assignment Part 4

Nurse Higgins Another Assignment Part 4 By Cheryl Lynn All standard disclaimers apply and not for the sweet/sentimental reader. This is a work of fiction and female domination and should not be practiced at home. May be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use prohibited unless approved by the author. Constructive comments are welcome at [email protected]. Nurse Higgins Another Assignment Part 4 Nathan was lying in bed, the breast pump humming when Natalie...

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Clowns to the Left Jokers to the Right

Before anything else. If the views, particularly political, expressed by our hero upset you, half the civilised world this time I shouldn’t wonder, plus what he claims to be an ethnic minority that lives in the north of the British Isles too, then you probably shouldn’t bother to read this. If you do, and mail me to complain, I’ll pass it on, but you know what happens to water on a duck’s back. So if you are a British Tory, pro Brexit or Scottish or an American Republican beware. All others...

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