Husbands plan
- 2 years ago
- 31
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Kim and Ray had been married for a year. Ray couldn't believe his good fortune to have found a woman as gorgeous as Kim. He didn't consider himself very appealing to women and as a result lacked confidence when he was around them. He wasn't a particularly good looking man, and by the time he reached 25 he still hadn't dated much.
He stood 5' 8" tall, was slim, and not too well endowed. As a result, he all but worshipped Kim and tried his best to give her everything she asked for. Often, he marveled about how beautiful his 21 year old bride was, with her pale white skin, flashing green eyes and long, red hair. She was slender and tall, standing about 5'7" with long, shapely legs, flat stomach and an incredibly tight ass.
Though of medium size, her boobs were cone shaped, almost pointed, with a slight up tilt. Her large pink nipples, surrounded by pale, puffy areolas, stood out prominently when aroused.
Because her breasts were so firm, she often chose not to wear a bra, even when she went out in public. She knew she was attractive and loved to embarrass her rather straight laced husband by sometimes wearing tight, see-through cotton tops so that her nipples could be easily seen by everyone as they jutted against the thin material of her top.
The only problem with going to Nigeria, where Ray had accepted a two year contract, was that Kim just didn't care for black men, even though her encounters with them had been quite limited. In her brief experience, she had found them sweaty, smelly and poorly spoken. Worst of all, they had seemed overconfident in the way they spoke to her, almost to the point of being overbearing and intrusive. She felt uneasy around them in other ways she couldn't explain.
Still, they had jumped at the chance to go to Nigeria when Ray's company asked for volunteers. It had been explained that Ray's wages would be tripled (in American money), that they would have servants and a live on a large property secured by a tall fence and heavy gates.
And all for the equivalent of about $20 a month. It had seemed too good an
opportunity to pass up and Ray told her excitedly that it was a change to have
the honeymoon they could not afford a year earlier. In truth, Kim would have
preferred almost any other
destination, but she had kept her fears and misgivings to herself.
*** In Nigeria
In the beginning, everything went well. As promised, they lived on a lovely
property and had three domestics, two women and a male gardener. The grounds
were large and full of greenery which Kim enjoyed looking after. To their
surprise and delight, the
property even had a small swimming pool.
To help pass the time, Kim decided that she would attempt to write a book. It also provided her with a handy excuse for not associating with the wives of the other white workers, most of whom she found boring and not her sort. Since their arrival, Kim had received many invitations to join various women's groups, go to morning coffees and other such, but she had declined most of them, as she felt vaguely uncomfortable around many of the other wives.
After a few months, Kim had found it almost impossible to go shopping. Whenever she went to the village she would be followed closely by a small group of black men who would stare at her and make comments amongst themselves, speaking in a language she couldn't understand.
The situation so unnerved her that she finally began sending her domestic to do the food shopping. As time went on she did establish a friendship with the gardener, a young man named George whose English was surprisingly good. He seemed to Kim to be a proper person and was always polite to her and Ray.
He often suggested that she go with him to the weekly market where they could
buy more exotic plants for the yard. For a long time she resisted, remembering
her troubles
while food shopping, but eventually he convinced her there was nothing to fear
and she went with him.
That day she wore a pair of baggy slacks and a very loose top. Putting her hair in a large bun on top of her head, she covered it all with a large straw hat. She had discovered early on that her very pale skin was extremely vulnerable to the stung African sun and therefore she always covered herself as much as possible when outside. In truth, she knew there was another reason.
Though she was proud of her body and was by nature a bit of a show off and a tease, she realized quickly that, in this place at least, modesty and caution should be her main considerations when dressing for any 'public' appearance.
After a long drive over rutted roads in George's truck, they arrived at the market and Kim was pleased to notice several security guards. Most of the people there were black and men. George told her he would stay near the truck and Kim went off looking, stopping at the various stalls, amazed at the seemingly endless variety of plants available.
She was absorbed in studying a group of plants when she felt hands brushing against her arms, legs and bottom. When she turned, she saw a wall of black, smiling faces. She told them by voice and gesture to go away, but they kept moving forward, their faces grinning, repeating, "Missy ok, missy ok."
At first she felt their hands lightly touching, but soon they began to grab at her. Screaming "no" as loudly as she could, she swung her handbag. She managed to hit a few of them, but then others moved in from another direction. She found herself pushed back hard against a wall. Her straw hat had come off and she was sweating heavily.
Her hair had come almost completely undone, the copper coloured strands plastered in wet clumps against her cheeks and forehead. She began to panic as she felt a hand move under her loose top and grab her left breast. She pushed back hard, if uselessly, against the man's strong arm, silently cursing herself for not putting on a bra before she went out.
She was pinned, unable to free herself from his grasp and he was roughly twisting her sensitive nipple, which sent a charge through her entire body. Meanwhile, other hands were now starting to work between her legs, squeezing and rubbing against her crotch through the material of her slacks.
She screamed out loud again, shouting for George. She was beginning to think there was no way she could stop this shameful assault. One of the men had gotten behind her and lifted her top up so that the men standing in front could easily fondle her bared white breasts. The men were laughing as they handled both of her firm tits expertly and despite herself she was feeling more aroused when suddenly she heard loud voices and whistles in the distance.
The men abusing her looked up, then dispersed quickly when they saw several security guards led by George moving towards her in a hurry. She was shaking badly as she covered herself and tried to regain her composure. Her large nipples hurt and were still stiff enough to protrude through her top.
She felt a warm stickiness between her legs and realized to her utter dismay that she had actually leaked a bit of juice from her pussy.
When they got back to the truck George lifted her in and even he took advantage of the situation, momentarily resting his large right hand full on her still aching breast. She thought to protest, but quickly realized George was her only passage to safety and kept quiet. After the terrible experience she was just glad to get in the truck and be driven home.
Alone in the safety of her home, she quickly stripped off her clothing and stepped into the shower. As she was washing herself under the warm water, she looked down and noticed that her nipples were still aching and sensitive to her touch and that gently rubbing the swollen buds sent a rush of pleasure straight to her whole body.
Despite feeling extremely confused and conflicted by everything that had
happened that afternoon, she rather ashamedly began to feel a another type of
need, one she could only relieve by sliding a finger between her
slippery labia until she found her hypersensitive bud.
Replaying the events of that afternoon, she needed very little friction before those lovely, exhilarating feelings were flowing through her body. Her pussy lips were swollen and open and she desperately wished Ray was there as she pushed first one finger and then another deep into her slick vagina and began to pump them in and out. When her orgasm hit minutes latter it was so violent she almost collapsed on the shower floor.
When Ray came home that night she told him what had happened. He was very
upset and said he would contact security, report the event and arrange to have a
guard with her at all times when she went into the village. She was therefore
somewhat surprised and not a little
aroused when he asked her to tell him every detail of what had happened to her,
leaving nothing out.
Sensing that she might be arousing him in some way, she did as he asked, explaining how she felt when she got home and how those feelings of intense horniness had led her to masturbate in the shower. As she hoped, this turned her husband on powerfully and within moments he had stripped her naked and was sucking noisily on her still-sensitive nipples while she held his head gently in her hands. She reached into his pants, fished out his smallish cock and began sucking it while he reached between her legs and massaged he clitoris.
He looked down at her perfect white body, full breasts and bald cunt and blessed the day he had found her. She was extremely aroused now, moaning around his cock, and Ray knew from experience it was time to fuck her. He kissed her hard as she arched her back, spread her legs and pleaded, "Fuck me! Fuck me Ray, please hurry, I need it... now!"
He pounded his cock into her for only a few minutes when he saw her face
blush pink and then felt her body stiffen and spasm under him as she climaxed.
At almost the same time he bucked his hips forward, burying his entire cock into
her with room to spare. After a few
more strokes, he groaned and spurted a small trickle of cum inside her. They
both lay side by side on the floor afterwards, deeply winded and very relaxed,
until they both fell asleep.
Kim didn't go too far in the next few weeks and although Ray did continue to chase up security, nothing out of the ordinary happened.
One morning, with about nine months left on Ray's tour, Kim heard a buzz from
the front gate. When she answered, she found it was a security man from the
village. She let in a fat, very short, sweating little man who introduced
himself as Magarshi, the head of local security.
The first thing she noticed about the poor little man was his size, he barely
came up to her chest. She also noticed that, like most of the local men, his
eyes seemed to be on every part of her at once. She was getting so used to this
treatment that it hardly
bothered her any more; indeed, she had almost come to expect it. And she had
been caught a bit off guard that morning, wearing only a tight pair of short
shorts and a very flimsy, see-through top minus her bra.
When he asked her to go over her assault in the village, Kim told him as much
as she could without going into too much detail. He was nothing but polite as he
listened to her story, making notes on a flip pad while asking the occasional
question. He kept taking a
handkerchief out to wipe the perspiration from his rounded face, which Kim
thought was rather unattractive. She finally asked him if he would like a drink
of water. He thanked her, saying, "Yes, please, madam."
Kim felt his eyes on her she walked across the room to the kitchen, so on her way back with the water she 'put on the walk,' an ultra feminine movement that accentuated the sway of her hips and the bounce of her breasts. She smiled sweetly as she bent forward to hand him the glass. She felt a slight warmth between her legs, a vague sense of arousal from teasing him this way. It had been such a long time since she had done that to any man, she thought.
After making a final notation, he closed his pad and put his pen in a shirt pocket. When he asked her how long she and her husband had been there, he was most surprised to find that they had only about nine months remaining. He smiled slightly at that, then asked why she hadn't joined any of the various white women's circles. She told him, quite bluntly, that she found most of the women very boring.
After a little more small talk he excused himself, walked back outside to his jeep and drove off. As he had gotten up to leave Kim had stolen a quick glance and was sure she'd spotted a not so small bulge in the crotch of his shorts. She laughed as she thought about how she must have really wound the poor little guy up.
Maybe she would have something she could tell her husband about detail. And she might have, except that Ray came home from work that day with some rather bad news. For the next six months, he explained, he was being transferred further inland. He wasn't allowed to say specifically where, other than that it was not a safe place for white women.
Kim was first angry over the news, then began to argue and sulk, asking him repeatedly if there weren't some way he could get out of it. And Ray, as always patient to a fault, answered her repeatedly that, no, there was no way he could avoid it, the decision had already been made and it was beyond his power to do anything about it.
Once Ray was gone, Kim wondered how she would ever get through all the months on her own. She tried to work on her book, but found she was unable to concentrate enough to make any progress. Only two weeks had gone by before she became so lonely and depressed that she went to see the higher ups in the company, complaining rather loudly about her plight. Several days afterward she received an angry phone call from her husband, who warned her to go easy.
Word had already gotten back to him that she was making noises, he told her, adding that things were touchy enough and he damn sure didn't need her causing him any trouble with his bosses. Kim was near tears when she hung up the phone; seldom had her husband been so short with her.
After she thought it through, she started to appreciate the pressure he must be under. There were probably many things going on that he was not at liberty to discuss with her. She promised herself that she would keep a low profile for the remainder of his absence.
She made one small exception to this rule when she received and accepted an
invitation to a party being given by the British Consulate. She had been house
bound for three weeks and the loneliness was starting to wear on her. She
thought briefly about bring up
Ray's situation with the British Consulate, but quickly decided against it. The
evening of the party she was picked up by a black stretch limo.
She had gone to great lengths with her appearance and she looked stunning in her full length, strapless red dress, no bra, and four inch spike high heel shoes - which made her nearly six feet tall, adding father to her allure. She let her long red hair hang down loose around her shoulders. She looked at herself in the full length mirror and smiled happily; the combination of the red dress and copper coloured hair against all the white skin she was showing made her look very very sexy. She felt good.
After making small talk at the party for almost an hour, Kim was becoming bored. Finally she spotted the British Consulate and took the opportunity to introduce herself and speak to him, although she was careful to leave out any references to her husband's situation. Several minutes later there was a stir, followed by a hushed silence, as someone came in.
Kim saw a rush of people move toward him, everyone wanting to welcome him at once. Kim recognized the short man but knew nothing about him. When she asked the woman standing next to her who had arrived, she stared at Kim for a moment, as if not understanding her question. Her eye's fixed on Kim's. "Oh, that is Magarshi," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "He's the head of security for this area, and a very powerful man. Everyone is extremely wary of him. I suggest you be likewise.
He is very very powerful" Kim sensed genuine fear in the woman's reply and it unnerved her.
Despite the warning, Kim still had difficulty accepting that this ugly little man really had so much power. 'Talk about little and large,' she thought as she watched him hold forth from across the room. Her mind thought back to the visit the small security man had paid her several weeks ago, trying to remember details. Now she wondered what he had really wanted. A shiver ran through her and suddenly she wished she had worn something less enticing.
It wasn't long before he noticed her and came across the room to greet her.
As they exchanged a polite handshake, she noticed for the first time how large
his hands and fingers were. At least he wasn't perspiring, she thought. After
they had talked for awhile, told her
he had some good news and asked if she would pay him a visit the next day.
Though she felt a bit unsettled by his offer, she knew rejecting it was out of
the question. He explained that he would send his driver for her at 11 AM.
After her morning shower, Kim donned a light yellow coloured summer dress that buttoned up the front. It clung to her figure well, pushing her breasts together to create a nice cleavage. It was short, but not too short, stopping about six inches about the knees. Upon arriving at Magarshi's house, Kim was amazed at how large it was.
It seemed to her almost palatial, at least in this part of the world. As the car made its way up the long, semi-circular driveway, Kim counted at least four security guards with dogs patrolling the grounds. Her anxiety began to increase. He really must have been very important and powerful as people said he was.
Upon her entrance, Magarshi greeted her politely, led her to a comfortable chair and offered her a cup of tea. Though she appreciated his civilized manner, it did nothing to help calm her nerves. After they finished their tea, he looked directly at her.
"Look Kim, I'll come straight to the point," he began.
"I am, as I think you understand by now, a very powerful man. I can get almost anything, how should I say it, taken care of." Kim looked away from him and nodded her head. He smiled at her, his white teeth standing out against his very black skin. "Since you have been with us for over a year now I was wondering if you've learned anything about our African way of life?"
Kim stared at the remains in the bottom of her tea cup for a moment. "I don't think so. What do you mean by that?" she asked weakly.
"I mean to ask, have you ever spoken with the other white women - or girls - about our... sexual habits?"
Kim looked up at Magarshi. "Yes, I've heard that, ah, a few of the white wives have black men as their lovers," she said, trying not to betray the apprehension she was beginning to feel.
Magarshi's laugh was deep and guttural, filling the small room. He brought
his big hands together slowly in front of him, the fingertips just touching.
"Well, let me tell you something," he said. "Over eighty per cent of white
females age 18 years and above have had at
least one if not several black lovers." Kim tried to stay calm, but her anxiety
level was climbing ever higher. Why was he telling her these things? "No, I
wasn't aware it was that high," she said.
His chair creaked slightly as he moved forward, focusing his gaze directly on
her. "Kim, do you love your husband?" he asked bluntly. Kim stiffened slightly,
moving her body back. The cat and mouse game they had been playing was over, she
knew. Wherever this
was heading, she really didn't like it.
She stared back at the security man. "Yes, of course. Why would you doubt it," she said evenly.
"He's a lucky man, you know, having a woman like you." He studied her intently for a moment, as if trying to measure her in some fashion. Then he said: "Now, I have to ask, what would you do to save his life, Kim?"When the reality of her situation hit, her composure finally cracked and she began to tremble and cry. "What? That's not a fair question. I mean, he's OK, isn't he, he's safe. You wouldn't hurt him?"
"Yes," Magarshi replied calmly, "of course he is, at least for now. But, how can I say it, things could always change."
"Let me put this directly, Kim," he said, his tone becoming sterner. "I want
you to be my lover. If you agree, Ray will be safe and you'll have nothing to
worry about. If you don't, things might get, shall we
say, very difficult for Ray. We might even find out that he has suffered a
terrible accident. Do I make myself clear Kim ?"
His tone and demeanour left no room for argument. Kim felt like she going into shock as Magarshi's message began to sink in. He had seemed like such a polite little man; now he was threatening her husband's life. Presuming her response, Magarshi pulled a business card from an inner pocket, jotted a phone number on the back and handed it to her. "That's a private number where you can reach me," he said. "I'll expect a reply no later than tomorrow by mid day. Please remember what I've said. I do mean it."
That night a tearful, near hysterical Kim spoke to her husband, explaining
everything that had happened. He said he knew because he had already been told.
After assuring her that she was in no way at fault, Ray told her he loved her
more than anything in the world, but
he was also sure Magarshi would make good on his threat to have him murdered.
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Disclaimer: The usual boilerplate ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. I would like to offer special thanks to several helpful editors whose feedback and questions prompted this revision, most notably Mare Vir, Fran, and Patrick. The timeline has been cleaned up, many grammar mistakes...
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Disclaimer: If you're underage, stop reading. If you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading; and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. This story is adult material. Finally, if mermaids aren't your "thing," read this story anyway; it might change your mind. Please read "Changes in Paradise, Parts 1 - 15," if you haven't already, and please take a moment to post a comment to the site on which this story appeared, or send an...
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Disclaimer: The usual boilerplate ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Permission to post on any free site. Changes in Paradise: Part Three, A Mermaid's "Tale" By Patricia While it isn't necessary to have read "Changes In Paradise, parts one and two" it might help. Thank you (to...
This is the story I was working on just before I began the Parallelalities set. It bogged down and I didn't know where to go with it. There are spots that will probably seem very similar to Parallelalities - I guess that should be expected - but this story was written in first person as opposed to third person. The standard disclaimers apply to this work. It is a work of fiction copyrighted by the author. Permission is granted to repost these stories on free sites,...
PLEASURE ISLAND: THE POOLSIDE ENCOUNTER Chapter 7A Wendy's Changes Hours and days of feeling the vibrations through your clit, the soaking of your panties and the pool of juices that had formed on the blanket of the bed you finally hear your release commanded from the other room and you are all too happy to comply with her wishes. "Cum for me now!" Wendy demands. You scream out into the ball gag as loud as you can. The explosion that happens inside of you is as physical as the mental...
This is an inspired project that I think can be fun. The following links are what inspired my direction, but please feel free to own your own direction for this story. The Game that Changes is fluid, and the game master can change play of the game on a whim i.e. if a master feels the player needs a Sims like game then the mode will feel like the Sims, but this player needs a fighting game, an adventure game, sports game, etc then the game shifts to manipulate the player, so the player will...
FantasyChanges in Paradise By Patricia Time Line & Pod Trees - as of July 2007 Posted in deep appreciation for "Dan_from_warm_Los_Angeles" thoughtful comments! Thanks to Fran(k) for invaluable work done on the first time- line (I didn't use an outline until Chapter 07, when ... yes, Dan, you can smile ... I was getting people mixed up in my own head). Chapter 01: Patrick and John arrive on 399 (Mermaid Island) - A Radio repairs -A + 2...
Ch...Ch...Ch...Changes (Part 1) Hey everyone, the Island man is back! At the request (encouragement they would tell you) of my employer I went back to school to complete an additional degree so I had to take a little hiatus from writing - but I'm done (at least for now). It's been quite a while since I have contributed to the community and felt it was time to give back again. It's been a very busy time - I'm sure you all understand how it goes ... family, career and life happens....
The cold Chicago wind of the winter of 1948 blew through the grand entrance doors when opened, bringing a chill to the grandiose yet austere municipal building. He dropped to his knees before her in the hall outside the divorce court, and pleaded with her not to go through with it. She stood regal and pompous in her fur coat, enjoying seeing him squirm, and also thoroughly enjoying the looks of utter contempt he received from men and women alike as he humiliated himself. He had noted an...
By M.J Honey August is the most beautiful time of the year. The breeze always feels perfect. It's the time of year in which everything seems to go just right. It could be because I was born in September that I have something to look forward to. It could also be that I simply enjoy the weather. But no, it's more than that. I was married in August. Marriage can be a beautiful thing. Especially when you have someone that you can't stand to be away from. It represents a bond between two...
Having sex with my son a few nights ago has made me a better person all around. I can see myself as a changed woman now, for the good of life. Ever since the other night, I have thought more positively about myself. I feel more beautiful. Maybe it was because my own son wanted sex with me as much as I did with him. I just know, deep inside, my love for him and my husband is starting to develop more strongly than I have ever imagined.I was laying there on my stomach feeling my husbands dick...
This story was custom written to Circe's specifications as a prize for my fourth story contest. Ring on the Changes By Morpheus The Dragon's Trove was located in an old, red brick building, with a large window in the front that had a carefully painted picture of a dragon wrapped around a large pile of books on it. Within the used bookstore, only half of it was filled with the books that the sign represented and more than half of these were of the science fiction or fantasy genre,...
Chapter One I dropped down to the bed in nothing but a black bra and pair of silk white panties. My hand shot down to my crotch as I turned my attention to the magazine next to me. Frantically I swiped through the copy of Vogue looking for something, anything. There it was. The cologne ad. A shirtless man. He was finely chiseled, young, and featured the scruff that girls like. My hand was caressing my most intimate areas as I felt myself growing hot. I looked at the man and imagined I...
Disclaimer: If you're underage, stop reading. If you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading; and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. This story is definitely adult material. Finally, if mermaids aren't your "thing," read this story anyway; it might change your mind. Please read "Changes In Paradise, parts 1 - 12," if you haven't already, and please take a moment to post a comment or send an email. Permission granted to...
Did I see the three punishment girls shiver in fear? “You know, they can wait right here while we have our discussion in private,” I told the woman who was head of their family. Once we were in the room behind my office, she started to strip, but I stopped her. “Hold it,” I told her. “I didn’t bring you back here for that, and it really wouldn’t be appropriate, I don’t think. I have other things in mind for you, and they are in the refrigerator.” The implant pinged me and told me that she...
Matt was a college student who was facing some tough times such as how to pay tuition this semester and still afford to live. He had to worry about girl problems (or the lack thereof), rent and so on. To make matters worse he was recently laid off at Wal-mart and now he had to find a new job soon if he wanted to eat. Sure he could mooch off of some friends for a bit but this would last a few days at best. Desperate for anything he came upon a solution that seemed too good to be true....
Note: Thanks again to all of you for the kind notes of encouragement! Sorry it took longer than expected to post this episode. I've been really busy with other stuff lately and haven't had much time to write. I'll do my best to write more soon if the interest is still there. I've posted some new fictitious photos to depict what my characters might look like. Take a look at my story photo blog if you're interested: College Changes a Boy - Part 4 Taylor...
I am the world’s greatest gigolo. Well, at least I was the world’s greatest gigolo. My clientele were usually wealthy women with husbands who rarely spent two seconds at home, much less tended to the raging sexual desires of their hot wives.This is where I came into the picture. It only took a couple of hours a day to bring these women to their peaks and watch them explode in orgasms. I made enough cash in an hour to get by for a week. Occasionally I accompanied a client on a weekend getaway or...
This is a work of fan fiction based on Lee Most's "Big Changes Revisted" which is itself based on CutePatti's "Big Changes." Lee Most incorporated all of "Big Changes" into "Big Changes Revisited" making the latter a stand-alone story that doesn't require knowledge of the former. This story is not so kind and is absolutely unable to stand on its own. Do yourself a favor and read "Big Changes Revisited" here on Fictionmania. This story is much poorer without Lee Most's...
The following story contains characters owned by DC Comics/Warner Bros. It is written as a fanfic parody story not intended to make any use of actual story lines in published books. The story is purely for fun, with no profit to be made by the author. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the author is given proper credit. I would really love to hear any comments you'd like to send me. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy it! I wrote a story a few years...
Disclaimer: The usual boilerplate ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Permission granted to post on any free site. Changes in Paradise: Part Five, The Rescue By Patricia You really ought to read "Changes In Paradise, parts 1 ? 4," if you haven't already. Thanks for the...
I am a husband that has been married to the same woman whom I love very much for over 25 years.However, I like many husbands have this recurring fantasy to watch my wife being fucked by another man and to watch her climax with wild abandonment. There is nothing I can imagine as thrilling than to watch your wife being fucked by another man or men, unless however if that person happens to be a hung, Black or Hispanic.My wife is a very attractive woman 54 yrs young that stands 5’6″ with green...
Donna sat up, slowly waking up. What woke her up? She looked around the room. It was still dark, still early. “What time is it?” she said softly to herself, as she sleepily looked for the alarm clock somewhere on the nightstand. Then she heard what had woke her up. The phone was ringing downstairs. “Four o’clock.” Donna saw, “Who would be calling me at this hour?” She turned on the light, and searched for a night gown or something, and found a bath robe. As she tucked herself in she...
Altered Fates: Changes By Morpheus My toolbox felt heavy in my hand as I examined the room. It was a real mess. The walls were scorched, even badly burned in spots, the obvious marks of a fire. However, to my expert eye, the damage was only skin deep, fairly easy to repair. Still, it would several days to replace the sheet-rock and repair the walls, not to mention redoing the carpeting and paint. But it would give me a nice hefty paycheck. Apparently the fire had been caused by...
Disclaimer: The usual boilerplate ? if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Permission to post on any free site. While it isn?t necessary to have read ?Changes In Paradise,? it might help. Thank you (to those of you who deserve it) for the comments, suggestions, and encouragement on...
Disclaimer: The usual ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Please read "Changes In Paradise, parts 1 - 11," if you haven't already, and take a moment to post a comment or send an email. Permission granted to re-post on any free site with attribution. Thanks for the comments,...
Disclaimer: The usual ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Please read "Changes In Paradise, parts 1 - 10," if you haven't already, and please take a moment to post a comment or send an email. Permission granted to re-post on any free site with attribution. Thanks for the...
Changes By Julie O Edited By Itinerant Chapter 1 "How did I do?" asked sixteen-year-old Scott Helms as he took a long drink of water. "You were perfect," replied Jack Roberts. "I couldn't be prouder of you and the way you stood up to the defense today." "How long was I in there today?" asked Scott. "I sort of lost...
OK, I promised to continue telling our experiences with showing off. This is part 2 where my husband and I went out for dinner again but this time took my husbands Stepson with us. The restaurant isn’t that fancy but they have very good waiters and good food. I wore a skirt that isn’t considered too sexy for my age and we enjoyed the great food and wine. Afterwards we went to a local tavern where we know people that hubby works with and had a great time. My husband told me that many men...
Husbands HumiliationLosing my job devastated me. All my life I'd learned that the man must support his family. Any man who can't be the breadwinner is not a man; he's a loser - beneath contempt. Being a stock broker only made this worse. I was used to pushing around lots of money, of being in total control over people's lives. Now I'd lost control of my own. I could push anyone around: a multi-national company, a millionaire client, my wife. For weeks, I woke up every morning wishing I could...
OK, I promised to continue telling our experiences with showing off. This is part 2 where my husband and I went out for dinner again but this time took my husbands Stepson with us. The restaurant isn't that fancy but they have very good waiters and good food. I wore a skirt that isn't considered too sexy for my age and we enjoyed the great food and wine. Afterwards we went to a local tavern where we know people that hubby works with and had a great time. My husband told me that many men...
ExhibitionismLove in the Verge of Changes Synopsis: After strange balls fell on Earth, the World goes through a massive change. Could the love of our two protagonist survive such turn in their live? Author's note: this is a work of fiction, so is completely fictitious, any resemblances both in the content or in the character is purely by chance. It is my first story that I post and I hope people will like it. I plan to write it as a three chapters story, and I hope to finish the other...
Comdex, Clothing and Confusion, Part 2 ? Changes and Memories Beth Williams Copyright 2003 I would like to thank ALL the comments on my first story. I will take the criticisms to heart. I may not agree, but I will keep them in mind. I would like to add the following: Yes, I understand that few men are "passable." However, I typically spend 10-24 days a year "en femme." Much of the story is autobiographical. I am indeed 375 pounds and 6' tall. I am a computer geek. I am and have...
Small Changes by X_Zero_23 Alfonso Dukamon hated A. Franky Midgill with a passion. He had only known of his existence for five short months, but during those months he had looked at the young man with nothing but loathing. Both were trumpeters in the Weldon City orchestra. An inconsequential little assemblage to be sure, but it played very large in the life of Mr. Dukamon. It was in fact the most important thing in his life. Al had started out in life with such promise, and an I.Q....
Without answering that dumb question, what else can you fap to, hombre? I have come to learn that it's the small and simple that make life lively. With online porn being flooded with all manners of sex – wild orgies and extreme fetishes – it's the simple, intense handjobs that make you erupt exceedingly. Handjobs feature the art of stroking! Horny lusty babes can't wait to get their hands around a dick and choke it mercilessly until a hot load spews on their fingers. Watching her hand move up...
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