Doc Ch. 18 free porn video

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Early the next morning we had breakfast with Grandpa, and the rest of the family. Judge Mitchell showed up at the stables as we were hitching the mules to the wagons.

‘Clay, I need to speak to you before you leave. Do you have a minute?’ he asked.

Going over to him, I said, ‘Sure, Judge. We was just getting ready to go. What can I do for you this morning?’

‘The telegraph we sent to Fort Laramie hasn’t had any results as of yet, so here is a warrant for Jack McCall. I’m also giving you ten blank warrants, to use as needed, to get to the bottom of why he was not brought in for a proper trial,’ Judge Mitchell said.

‘Thanks, Judge. These will help. I’ll be back as soon as I can. Please keep me informed by telegraph if you hear anything,’ I said.

Then he handed me a dozen extra badges and said, ‘Be careful, Clay, most of these camps do not have any law so you may have to deputize some help but since you are a deputy marshal yourself. You only have the power to temporarily deputize someone. Try to urge the camps to appoint some marshals or constables to try and keep the law, and to try to get them to vote for a sheriff.

‘Since this is a territory and not a state, yet, everything falls under federal jurisdiction. This is just too big of an area for one man to cover. Also, use your own judgment if you see someone that may make another good deputy marshal. Temporarily deputize them, until the regular marshal… or myself… can make it official. Let them know that the pay is sixty dollars a month, and found. If you need to form a posse, the pay for that is two dollars a day, per man.’

After he left, I grabbed my medical bag and was tying it to the back of my horse, after adding extra ammunition.

I was putting a little food into my saddlebags when Grandpa said, ‘Looks like you’re about to head out. You need me to come with you, to back you up?’

‘No. I shouldn’t have much trouble. Jack McCall was a coward so if he’s still around, I’ll bring him back here for trial. There should not be any problems that I would need back-up on. Judge Mitchell was just talking to me and gave me power to deputize any help I would need, locally. You just go ahead and take the family back home, while I ride ahead. I’m not taking the wagons with me. I need to move fast if I’m going to try to catch him before he can leave the area,’ I said.

I then kissed all my wives goodbye, mounted my horse, and headed for Deadwood. I made it in about two and a half hours, not wanting to push my mount too hard.

Upon arriving, it seemed like the whole town had turned into a madhouse. People were lining up at the undertaker’s, and paying six bits a head to view Hickok’s body. They were also lined up to enter the Number Ten saloon, to view the bloodstained table and the chair where Hickok was killed. They were acting as if the circus had come to town.

The ‘straw that broke the camel’s back’, though, was when I saw the infamous Soapy Smith selling pieces of an Indian’s scalp. I knew that if I didn’t stop this really quickly, it could start an Indian massacre.

Going up to him, I grabbed him and said, ‘Just what the hell do you think you’re doing? Trying to start a massacre? We’re trying to stop all the Indian fighting, and you go out and murder an Indian, and try to sell bits of his scalp! Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t arrest you for murder, right now?’

‘Marshal, I didn’t kill anyone. A couple of days ago this Mexican comes riding in with a head of the young Buck Indian. He was bragging about how he was attacked, and was getting free drinks in all the saloons. I didn’t do anything but scalp an already dead head, and try to sell pieces of it.’

‘Is everybody around here a fool? Don’t they know how the Indians will react to this news? Some other damn fool will go out and try to collect himself a head, and start another damn Indian war? Where is this Mexican now?’ I asked.

‘He was bragging all over town ’till he went into the restaurant. Aunt Lou took a frying pan to his head, and ran him out of town,’ he claimed.

‘I’m starting to think that Aunt Lou is the only one in this whole damn town with a lick of sense! Now I’ll tell you what, Soapy. I know all about your different scams. I even know the scam named ‘soapy’, where you sell bars of soap for a dollar each. The people are told to find the bars of soap with a ten-dollar bill wrapped in them, and just enough bars with one-dollar bills to keep the marks interested. I also know that the one that gets the ten, in the first few bars, is your confederate.

‘So being as that may, I want you out of the Black Hills within the next twenty-four hours, or I will arrest you… or maybe I’ll just turn you over to the miners you cheated,’ I said.

‘Marshal, that’s not enough time! It will take me longer than that to get out of here, ’cause the nearest large town is Cheyenne, and that’s over a hundred miles away!’ Soapy cried.

‘Then you’d better get your ass in gear. I see you after that twenty-four hour period, and you’ll find your ass in jail,’ I said.

I then headed over to the undertaker’s to find out what was going on. The man at the door tried to bar my way saying I had to pay to go in. I slammed him into the wall and asked, ‘Do you think you can make me?’ Walking in I saw the undertaker had propped Hickok up as if on display, and was charging people to see him. This really pissed me, off.

I grabbed him and shouted, ‘Just what the hell is going on here? This was a great man, not some carnival freak. Why hasn’t he been buried already?’

‘Just trying to make a dollar Marshal was no harm done!’ he said.

‘Didn’t he have enough money to pay for his burial? I ask.

About this time, the door slammed open, and Charlie Utter and a large plain looking woman entered looking very mad and shouting at the undertaker, Seeing that I had a hold of the undertaker, they quieted down.

Turning to them while still holding onto the undertaker’s arm I asked, ‘Charlie, what’s going on around here, and who’s your companion?’

‘Doc it’s good to see you again. Let me introduce you to miss Jane Canary, otherwise known as Calamity Jane. She was also a good friend of Bill’s, and we just came to see about putting an end to this mockery,’ Charlie explained.

Giving the undertaker a shake I said, ‘I asked you a question! Didn’t Bill have enough money to pay for his own funeral?’

Charlie said, ‘When Bill was killed, he had over two hundred dollars on a table in front of him. He had plenty of money but this greedy bastard is trying to make money from Bill’s dead body. Look he even stole his guns and his boots. Bill has a young widow back East, and we mean to see that she gets his belongings!’

I slammed the undertaker against the wall and shouted, ‘Is this right? Besides putting him on display you robbed him, and stole his belongings?’

The undertaker started stuttering, ‘But his boots and guns are worth a small fortune, and he isn’t going to need them, now.’

‘You get his boots on him now! And give Charlie Utter all the rest of his belongings including his money, so he can send them to his widow. Then you can put him in your best coffin and give him a deluxe funeral at sundown, tonight. You can also include a marble stone with his name, and the dates of his birth and death. You can get the dates from Charlie, here. He will also tell you what else to put on the stone. And you’re going to do all this out of your own greedy little pocket. If not you can plan on spending the next few years in prison for grave robbery,’ I explained while shaking him the whole time.

‘But… But… That’s going to cost me a small fortune,’ he sputtered.

‘You should have thought of that before you got greedy,’ I said. Turning to Charlie, I asked, ‘Can you stick around here and make sure he gets all this done right? I have a few other things I need to get done, but
I’ll see you at sundown for Bill’s services.’

Charlie and Jane both uttered their thanks to me and told me they would see me then.

My next stop was the Number Ten Saloon going in I found a place crowded seeing that they had roped off the bloodstained table with the blood splattered cards a pair of black eight’s with a pair of black aces and the queen of hearts tacked to the wall was assigned underneath proclaiming it as a dead man’s hand. Look around I spotted a man that was obviously in charge going up to him, I introduce myself and asked, ‘Can you tell me exactly what happened?’

He introduced himself as Dave Mann one of the owners and said, ‘It was about eight o’clock when Bill Hickok came in. Charlie Rich was seated in Bill’s normal spot with his back to the wall when Bill came in. Since Charlie was on a winning streak, he didn’t want to move. He was used to changing seats, but Bill just shrugged his shoulders and took the empty seat with his back to the door.

The night before, Bill had cleaned out Jack McCall for everything he had. But he gave him a dollar so that he would have enough to get something to eat this seemed to insult Jack McCall that Hickok would give him charity. So that night, while Bill had his back to the door, McCall walked up behind him. Before we knew it, he had shot Bill in the back of the head.’

‘So why wasn’t Jack McCall brought in front of the territorial judge, down in Hill City?’ I asked.

‘It happened here, so after we grabbed him, we formed a miner’s court. We tried him right here. I was one of the judges. When it came out that Hickok had killed his older brother in Abilene, in an accidental shooting, the court deemed it not to be murder. He was let go and told to get out of town.’ he explained.

‘When are you people going to learn? You have no legal rights to hold a trial! If you want to be able to hold trials, get the older businessmen and permanent residents to elect a town Council, and a Mayor. Then appoint a town sheriff of your own.

‘But quit taking matters into your own hands. Jack McCall should have been brought in front of the territorial judge, in Hill City. It is less than ten miles away! As it stands right now, I need to track him down and bring him before a real judge. Did you even wire Abilene, and check his story out?’ I asked.

At this time, a young boy of about fourteen entered the saloon and gave me a telegram. It is said that Jack McCall had been apprehended in Fort Laramie, when he had started bragging about killing Wild Bill Hickok. After checking to find out if he had a brother killed in Abilene or any other place (which he did not, as he had no brothers), he was then re-tried, found guilty, and hung by the neck until dead. I showed Mann this telegram, and he started to look real sheepish.

‘See? Justice has been done, and your so-called kangaroo court almost let a guilty man go free! Remember what I said about a town council, and the appointed town lawman.’

About this time, I started to hear a small commotion on the street. Going out the door I was just in time to see both my wagons coming down the street and parking next to the hotel in the vacant lot. I wondered what my ladies were doing here. I went over to see them, to find out why they weren’t at the ranch with the rest of family.

Seeing Dawn and Moon driving my doctor’s wagon, and Running Deer, Little Doe and Standing Bear in the living wagon I asked, ‘What are you doing here? Why aren’t you with Uncle Henry and the rest of the family at the ranch?’

‘We are your wives. We go where you go. You here we here, so when you come here, we follow you,’ Dawn explained.

‘You should not have followed me. It might have been dangerous. I’m glad you’re here but next time, ask. Why is Moon with you, she should have gone back to the ranch with Uncle Henry?’ I asked.

‘She your wife too! You buy her,’ Dawn said.

‘You are my wife and Running Deer and a Little Doe or both my wives but Moon is not my wife,’ I tried explaining getting a sinking feeling in my gut.

‘You buy Running Deer and a Little Doe and make them wives. You buy Moon, too. That make her wife, also,’ Dawn said firmly.

‘It’s not the same thing I gave the man back his money for Moon so as she was not a slave to him and her uncle refused to take her back so I asked her to join the family until she found somewhere else to be,’ I tried to explain.

‘You ask her to join the family, she now wife! We talked to her, and she wants to be your wife also!’ she said firmly.

I could tell that this was an argument that I had already lost, so I said, ‘Okay, I’ll have a talk with her, and see if she wants to become a wife. I will not have any of you pressuring her to become a wife. I already feel I have enough wives with the three of you, but I will talk with her, to see what she wants.

‘I’m supposed to be the man, the head of this family. You two girls keep making decisions without even consulting me. This stops right now! If you girls want to keep making all the decisions on your own, then I don’t see where you need me. I’ll just leave.’

My ladies then rushed up to me, crying and asking me not to go. I looked over and saw Moon standing by herself, looking miserable, and crying.

Going over to her, I hugged her and asked, ‘What’s the matter? Why are you so upset?’

She said, ‘You no want me! Nobody wants me! I don’t know where to go! Unless maybe I go to saloon, become a whore.’

‘I didn’t say I didn’t want you, honey. I don’t know you, little one. We had just met when I had to come here. What I’m so upset about is the fact that they are telling me what to do, and not asking me what I want. I told you that you are welcome with my family as long as you wanted to stay. I don’t even know if you want to become one of my wives.’ I explained.

‘I want to be wife, like others. I can be big help. My father was Herb doctor back in China. I help him when I was younger. Still remember lot of things to do to help sick people,’ she said.

I could tell I lost this argument, and would have a fourth wife. As soon as Grandpa heard this he would be laughing his ass off at me again. After helping unhitched the wagons and taking the mules and my horse to the stables while Standing Bear lowered the leveling jacks on the living wagon. I told my ladies to go into the general store and see about getting dark dresses because we had this funeral to attend at sundown.

Going into ‘doctor mode’, I saw patients for the rest of the day. Most of them were just the usual broken bones, bumps, and bruises.

Toward the end of the day a young man came and wanted to know if I could go to his cabin to check on his little girl. He said that she was real sick and was breaking out with blisters all over her body. My mouth suddenly went dry as I remembered another thing from the history of this town.



Edited By TeNderLoin

And IceWolf

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4 years ago
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14 Days on the Mountain Pt 08

Before you read this work, please note that it is adult oriented and very sexually explicit. Also, it is very lengthy and broken into 10 ‘parts’ that should be read in order. Most of them will stand on their own, but certain nuances of the story will be better understood if each part is read in succession. PART VIII (day 11) I awoke the next morning with a ‘morning woody’ that, from what I’ve read, happens frequently to most men. Tiffany was still sleeping next to me, laying on her side with...

3 years ago
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Alterist 2 Return to the SourceChapter 7

Bev and I decided to get away for awhile so we headed up Highway 93. She pointed to a car in the right lane about a half mile in front of us. "Isn't that the car from the movie theater?" I looked ahead. It looked like the one that I'd cut off part of because it had been straddling the line between a couple of spaces. "It looks like it. I can't read the license plate." I sped up until we were a couple of car lengths behind it. "Yep, that's it." I eased up a bit and Bev said,...

1 year ago
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Helping out CH02 the party

I woke up all excited and ready to go. I sat straight up and Adison was standing there. He said morning baby, I love you and I put your outfit in the closet I want you to wear to the party today. I said good morning baby, Happy Birthday, and I am really ready for your party to be over so we can have our fun. He said me too baby. Get up and get ready I will be downstairs. He kissed me and left the room. I jumped out of bed and hurried to the bathroom. I quickly jumped in the shower and cleaned...

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I had a coworker in which I was not too fond of. He called in sick many times repeatedly making everything difficult. Apparently he had some sort of issues in his life, which I understood but it got pretty annoying. Aside from that I didn't really like his attitude either. His responses were pretty snappy. Most of the time he seemed like he didn't even care. I also was not fond of him being bisexual. I mean , no offense, he can do what he wants, but I was cautious when he was around. He was...

2 years ago
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An Unwilling Bride

       It was midmorning in late August, but already the weather was positively sweltering, as the men folk would say ?hot as Hell? when they thought that there were no ladies about.  The air in the bride room at the church was heavy and close.  Margaret, the bride, sat passively in the middle of the room while all the women of her family rushed around making final preparations for the upcoming ceremony.  Her Aunt Ruth and Aunt Debbie fanned her frantically in a vain attempt to keep her cool. ...

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Figure Skating

I am most fortunate. I’m married to an extremely sexual man. I love his fiery passion and the fact that he just can’t get enough, though at times he gets going at the most inopportune times. After so many years of marriage I think that it is pretty phenomenal that we are still going so strong. I must say that part of the reason for our success is how we attend to each other. Take last Saturday for example. We were in the den watching TV. To be more accurate, he was watching the tube and I was...

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The things I do for love Part 2 Aaron0

If it weren't for the thoughts that raced through my mind form last night. The guys, the sexclub, my fantastic make out session with Joshie and the insane pictures he gave me. It was a lot to take in and understand, but I could still feel his lips on mine if I imagined it. I couldn't really enjoy that though. Because the most prominent thought that kept me busy today was: "What the hell is going to happen tonight?" Tonight was my first night as part of the little footballteam sexclub....

1 year ago
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Mile High Experience

It was my last business trip of the year. Hopefully an uneventful flight to Cape Town and a chance to catch up on some much needed sleep. I boarded early, got myself comfortable and ordered a glass of red wine to help me drift off. The plane was a brand new A380 and business class seemed fairly empty, although for some reason I had been assigned one of the twin middle seats rather than my usual single window seat. I closed my eyes for a moment and then heard someone settling in to the seat next...

3 years ago
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Starting With NothingChapter 5

She came home with us that night after a protracted goodbye to her father, she was as excited as I was and clung to me in the back of our taxi, we had to make two journeys downstairs to take all my new clothes up to the flat, but with both of us wearing extremely short skirts and with Jay somehow always managing to be behind us, it became a very sexy task. "It's not very big" Jay said apologetically, but she loved it and when we went down to the shop to tell Mister Singh that she would be...

2 years ago
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how we got into swinging

Instead of getting mad, she got even, it turns out, she had a date with a guy before we met, but when she saw him ride past with a girl on the back of his motor bike, she walked off, it turns out he was just taking her to work, and also as it turned out, it was my best mate, Mac. So after I had taken my ex out Sue rang Mac, and went on a date with him, and ended up screwing his brains out. She told me about her date and how they had fucked for hours, without thinking I went done eating her...

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Birthday Desires

Tomorrow is my birthday and Master has told me to come get him and bring the bag with the devices he uses on me.  I immediately go and get him.  He tells me he is going to take me out to lunch as a present and we choose a restaurant.  Once in the restaurant we go to a table and he orders me an alcoholic drink.  We begin talking about my submission to him and how we both feel on the subject.  He makes me feel safe in the knowledge that he plans on being my Master for a long time and that...

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The first few calls were horrible. My voice trembled and cracked, even though I had a written script in front of me for each one and I had practiced them. I even had prepared answers for any possible questions. Or so, I thought. But nothing could prepare me for the awkward silences, the soft laugh, or a nervous cough. I could tell what I was asking and telling them was for many, way beyond their experiences or imaginations. But I got through them. Not all at once, but gradually and it...

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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 30 That Really Hurts

At Punishment the next day in front of all the other girls, Jacqui remembered that there are punishments that not even the most devout masochist can enjoy, or convert to sexual pleasure. Martha briefly outlined Jacqui's "crimes", which amounted to risking Martha's income by letting a client nearly kill her, and upsetting said client because his experiment failed. "The punishment will be three strokes of the thin cane for each offence," Martha intoned and Jacqui was truly amazed. The...

1 year ago
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Hymen Repair Vaginal Rejuvenation Designer Vagina Liposuction Vaginal Wart Kegel Exercise Hysterectomy Prolapse The average size of vagina Many women don?t know the size of their vagina, as they normal won?t measure it for any reason. You might have an estimate of the size during encounter. However, vagina wall is very elastic so one might not know the exact size of their vagina this way. Some women believe a tighter vagina will bring more pleasure for both party. It is somehow true since a...

3 years ago
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The Last Night Ch 02

Another familiar face introduces itself. Nancy is her name. I see that her hair is damp as she thrusts out a hand to shake mine. ‘How are you? Is Stephaney here with you or couldn’t she make it?’ she asks me, smiling. ‘Sorry for the damp hands. It’s started coming down out there and I just got in.’ Rain. I can hear it above the dull roar of the room, beating down just beyond the open doors of the auditorium. I think of the first time I saw you. But I always think of the first time I saw you...

2 years ago
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Gaon Ki Bhabhi Ek Raat Ke Liye Hui Meri

Hi Doston… meri pehli kahaani poori english mei thi aur doosri kahaani ke liye mai hindi mei koshish kar raha hoo…Yeh kahaani hai meri aur meri bhabhi ki…Mera naam Mohit aur meri bhabhi ka naam Sunita hai…Sunita Bhabhi ki umar 23 saal hai and unka figure shayad 26-28-28 hoga…haryana ke ek gaon mei rehne wali seedhi saadhi ladki jisne fashion ke naam pe sirf jeans aur kurta pehen ne wali Sunita ko yeh nahi maloom tha ki uski choot kitni bhookhi hai… Mere cousin bhaiya puneet ki shaadi nahi ho...

3 years ago
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Too Hot To Handle

It was early February and the first Cosplay and Fantasy Roleplay show of the calendar was under way in London.  Lucy’s Underwear Apparel had recently delved into the profitable Cosplay sector, and the CEO had sent Gav, their head of Product Development to test the water.  The venue was a shiny new conference hall and hotel and was the first major event for the site.There were two main areas, the first laid out with various marquees, selling everything from costumes, make-up and sex toys. The...

Group Sex
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Jims Gran Ch2

Jim's Gran               A continuation of a wonderful relationship   In the first chapter of this story, I only got as far as my Gran wanking my off. I will now continue with some more of our loving that night. * After I had my shower and cleaned up, I put on my PJ's and went downstairs to join Gran for dinner. Gran reassured me that I shouldn't be embarrassed because of what had happened, and asked if I was OK. I just nodded and replied "fine" in a husky voice. We sat on the lounge watching a...

3 years ago
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Our Fashion Show

I suppose this story really began when my husband of fourteen years, a professor at a local university, walked out on me one day for one of his students, leaving my ten-year-old daughter Kim and I to fend for ourselves. God, it was hard, learning how to manage as a single mother. But I was lucky enough to get a job I could do from home, so I could still be on hand to raise my little girl. And Kim, bless her, was a wonder – helping me out in every way she could, always giving me the...

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My Japanese love p1

My Japanese loveMy family thought I was nuts for going to school and majoring in History. After all I really didn’t have good grades in history while in high school. I passed the classes but I was mostly bored. That and I thought of myself as a natural in history so why should I study. I never studied and I was pulling C+ or B- easily. So here I am a freshman in college. A chance to start over as it were. Except that I could only get into a college that was 30 minutes from my house.I probably...

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Sex With Ghost 8211 Part I

Hello my ISS readers pehle to me aap sab logo ko thanks ki aap logo ne meri story like ki aur muje a66e responses bhi mile. Aur ku6 ku6 bure bhi mile bt its don’t mind but yaar me yaha pe bahot ku6 padha he jo muje sahi nahi lag raha he lagta he ki fake hi fake likhte he. Koi bhi sach nahi likhta ku6 logo ko 6odkar baki sab to jhoothe hi lagte he. I have proof, log yah ape story me likhte he ki me raat ko 10 baje uske ghar gaya aur takriban 1 ghanta ya aadha ghanta sex Karte he ya uss se bhi...

3 years ago
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Watching My Mum Take A Huge Young Cock

Hi I Am Kyle , 18 m uk My Mum Is Called Suzanne , She Is 48 years old ,She Has Short Blonde Hair,Blue eyes and is nicely tanned , she is not fat but has a bit of a chubby belly due to age , she has natural 38c breasts and is trimmed down below.About 4 years ago my mum and dad divorced and my dad moved far away, he still sends me money and stuff at Xmas but we dont really see each other alot due to the distance.i have lived alone with my mum for the past 4 years ,she has had the odd boyfriend...

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The Husband

Kate was young and beautiful. She was in an abuse marriage that she sometimes was confused about. She was dirt poor when she first met Ron and he swept her off her feet. He bought her clothes and jewels. He was a lot older and very rich. He married her when she was young and the sex was good but rough at first then it got to be brutal. He loved to degrade her calling her names and abusing her body. He was generous with money and gifts but she did pay for it. He had complete control of her. Last...

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Protection and Preservation Book 07Chapter 20

[Arnold's manuscript] It was a long wait. It was full dark when Maria came out. She said, "I'm not really hungry. I will just have snacks and water in my room." She started for the kitchen. I cried out, "Maria, please wait. I'm sorry. I truly don't know how to handle a relationship in a functional way. You may never be able to forgive me. If that is true, I will understand. I will have to regret that for the rest of my life." She had stopped and was looking at me. I walked to her...

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My Wife Fucked A BBC

A story my Wife told me last night about something that happened while she was still with her previous husband.She had told me before about John, a black guy she was fucking. He had met her in the course of his work for a telecom company when he visited her flat in London to do some work. I haven't got the details of their first time and how it happened, yet. My understanding of why her first marriage fell apart was because her husband, was always fucking away from home.She told me he had a...

4 years ago
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Strings Attached a There and Back Again StoryChapter 30 Leliana

Sneaking back to her tent was a simple matter. Nathaniel had demonstrated his abilities back in Denerim, and he’d been half-starved and weakened from weeks of torture at the time. Now only her own, considerable skills even allowed her to follow him when he disappeared into the shadows of the darkened camp. It would have been even easier, if not for the slight shaking in her hands, and the queasy sort of quaking in her stomach. It had been a long time since she’d had nerves related to going to...

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