Emma Ch. 34 free porn video

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Salim wasn’t at all sure she liked all the changes that her lover had dictated on her niece. First, the breasts, now so unnaturally firm and hard, resisting all attempts of gravity to lower their profile. Then the lips now in such a firm unchanging pout which made her seem as if she was constantly ready for sex, but also somehow moody and sullen when she wasn’t smiling, which was really most of the time. Next were the hips and upper thighs which, together with Amna’s newly trimmed waist, gave her a much more pronounced figure, so different from the slightly pudgy girl she’d originally fallen in love with. Now Fatima had dictated that Amna should remove all trace of pubic and anal hair (quite a feat in itself) achieved with waxing and depilatory cream. As Salim’s tongue roved over the smooth flatness of her niece’s vulva, she found it hard to reconcile it with the lush growth of dark hair that once flourished there. She found it difficult to believe that this was the same vulva, the long hairy strands of which used to entangle in between her teeth.

Fatima preferred this appearance. It matched her own pubic smoothness, which Fatima also found somewhat new and disturbing. Why shed such a natural and really rather friendly and reassuring growth? She especially didn’t like the sexual exercises which she insisted the young girl needed to further her career. Wasn’t her own lovemaking with Amna sufficient? And even that, Fatima did so much more roughly with the tools she had at her disposal. Was it necessary for Fatima to pretend to be a man: thrusting a dildo deeper inside Amna than all but the most well endowed man ever could. Fatima herself was not at all enthusiastic about using such aids, and had time and time again reproved Fatima when she surreptitiously tried to include them in their own sex life. Salim could live without them. Why couldn’t Fatima?

Salim was even less pleased the first time Fatima invited a man to her house to practice practical sex with her niece. Did it have to be brought so vulgarly to her attention? She felt restricted in her own home, forced to preserve her modesty under a scarf and a flowing ankle-length dress: only her hands and some of her face at all visible. Men were not welcome company as far as Salim was concerned. The silk underwear remained hidden out of sight, even though Amna remained naked in her newly constructed body, so accustomed now to her habitual nudity that she almost had to be reminded to put clothes on when she ventured out of the house. It was true that Amna felt less comfortable in clothes than before. The new contours of her body were not designed to be hidden. Jeans squeezed uncomfortably tight over her broader hips and tee shirts pushed upwards by the steady pressure of her breasts.

Salim was more disturbed to see Fatima, the woman she loved to distraction, making no attempt to present an appearance of even secular modesty in front of Robert. She wore nothing but her most lacy and slight underwear, and of course the black silk stockings and stilettos she so rarely removed. Salim blushed as the details of her nipple appeared so obviously in the outline of the brassiere and was aware that had Fatima not shaved her pubic region so smoothly it would almost all have been revealed on the fringes of her red laced panties. However, Fatima not only insisted on dressing so immodestly, but also that Salim should hide her natural modesty to the extent of watching her niece and this man fucking together on Amna’s bed, the detritus of teen magazines, videos and compact discs cleared unceremoniously out of the way.

Somehow, watching Amna’s cunt being penetrated so close and so physically was even less pleasant than watching it on video, as Salim had had to do rather more often than she could care to remember. Fatima occasionally gave advice to Robert and Amna as to what they should do and how to do it, keeping her mind on the photogenic aspects of the physical act, ensuring that the thrusting penis and recipient cunt were on display at all times. Amna’s large breasts swung up and down, back and forth with the stiff unrippling rhythm that the silicone dictated. Finally, after how long Salim didn’t care to say and after the penis had thrust its way deep inside Amna’s anus as well, Robert pulled out his erect and throbbing penis and with the assistance of Amna’s tongue released spurt after spurt of semen onto Amna’s face and chest. A long trail of viscous liquid dribbled down the side of Amna’s nose, lightly luminescent against the darkness of her skin, and trailed several centimetres down below her chin. On Fatima’s urgent prompting she pretended to enjoy it, smiling in apparent ecstasy and moaning in a way that sounded so utterly false to Salim’s ears. Surely, the fact that Amna did this sort of thing on celluloid and acetate was enough.

But clearly not, as far as Fatima was concerned, who persuaded Salim to join her in applauding the success of Amna’s lovemaking. “Bravo!” Exclaimed Fatima clapping her hands. “Much better! One day you may even start enjoying it!”

Amna smiled foolishly as she wiped off the semen that wasn’t already beyond recall from her face and chest, and crawled over the bed towards Fatima in the obvious hope that Fatima would complement the lovemaking with her own affection. To Salim’s horror, it seemed that Fatima would at first, and in the presence of this strange man, as she removed her knickers and allowed them to drop to her feet. Salim’s horror deepened, however, as it became obvious that the object of her sexual advances was not to be Amna, who appeared relatively nonchalant at the fact, but Robert.

Fatima crawled onto the bed, past Amna, and over to Robert’s now limp penis which she nevertheless began coaxing into a new life with her lips and tongue. Salim covered her face with shame, but watched nonetheless, as Fatima took the growing penis into her mouth, while running her fingers up and down its length, pumping it into renewed life with each rhythmic caress, and its purple glans swelled to very much the size of Fatima’s open mouth. Fatima smiled lasciviously at Salim while exercising Robert’s member.

It was not at all long until that long penis was once again ensconced inside a cunt, but this time Fatima’s, with Amna participating on Fatima’s prompting by licking Fatima’s clitoris or nipples. Although Salim rarely if ever saw things from a male perspective, she could see that Robert was in a very fortunate position in having two beautiful female bodies, the only ones that Salim had ever loved and who she would always love to distraction, wrapped around him and ensuring that his penis would not easily remain limp for very long. It particularly disturbed her that Fatima showed rather more true and honest pleasure in the lovemaking than Amna ever had. Her cries of passion were unfeigned, guttural and frequent.

Salim could only take so much of this. Despite her normal desire to please Fatima’s every whim, she raised herself to her feet and was about to stride out of the bedroom to where she could more easily forget all that was going on under her roof. However, this immediately prompted Fatima, now wearing only her black stockings, her slim breasts hardly moving at all despite the rapid bobbing up and down of her body, to break loose of the lovemaking and run over to Salim and grasp her by the hand. Salim’s face was flushed and there was a slight urgency in her expression.

“Don’t leave, Sally! Stay. It’s your turn next!”

“My turn!” Gasped Salim in sheer terror. “No. I don’t know what you mean!”

Fatima pulled up Salim’s dress with a sudden abrupt gesture to reveal her own knickers and stockings. “Don’t be so hasty! You can enjoy Robert as well!” A hand ran up the top of Salim’s thigh and caressed her groin around the knickers.

Salim hesitated. Fatima had after all enjoyed making love to him. And she had felt rather l
eft out of the proceedings. Perhaps in the company of the two women she loved, the only two lovers she had ever had, she could lose her virginity with regards to heterosexual love. It was, after all, a critical part of her that even into her thirties she had not yet expressed. She looked at Robert who was spread naked across the bed, his erect penis grasped by Amna’s dark hand. She thought back to the only part of him that had at all interested her in the lovemaking, and that only because of where it was penetrated. She mused on the length of engorged flesh, with its purple end and its hairy base. She could never have that enter inside her!

Salim shook her head shyly, kissed Fatima tenderly on the lips and continued on her way to the living room to read a book or watch television. There were some experiences in life, she decided, which were really not worth experiencing. Ever.

Fatima’s efforts in promoting Amna’s career pursued every possible avenue. She agreed to meet Isabel, who, on the appointed day, was sat in her office in the television station’s main building. She was skimming through the pages of the professional sex media magazine she received free each week, contemplating the advertisements from the countless agencies who offered their sex starlets for the services of film, video, television or interactive software. Some of the advertisements were particularly lurid, but she had learnt to mistrust these when she was recruiting. The sexual adventurousness of the starlets was not really an indication of the quality of their performance, except in particular fringe aspects of the industry. She always professed a professional and competent approach to recruitment. She eased her large breasts down as she raised her wrist to glance at her watch. She was expecting to see Fatima and her candidate, Amna, in a few moments for an audition for a television series that Isabel was producing concerning Asian sexual practices. It was tentatively called Brown Cunts and Slit Eyes, but was likely to be modified to just Brown Cunts and Slits in deference to the all too vocal sensitivity of the Asian minority.

Fatima and Amna were dressed quite appropriately for their rôles when they arrived. Fatima wore a green business suit with a very short skirt that very nearly revealed the suspenders of her black silk stockings. Amna was totally naked except for a pair of stilettos on which she tottered in obvious unease and a heavy pasting of make-up. Isabel sat back in her chair and nodded approvingly as Amna twirled round on her heels revealing all she had to offer.

The breasts were good, Isabel decided. There were never too many girls in the industry willing to enhance their appearance for the tit market. A good pair of breasts were always a good sales point, as she had found out herself in her days as a sex actress, and did wonders for a girl’s career. True, Amna hadn’t committed herself to the same extent as Isabel had when she’d surrendered herself to scalpel and silicone, but she really had no need to, seeing as her native assets as an Asian were relatively distinctive in themselves. Her lips were good as well. They made her look perpetually sexy, if a bit sullen. But then sullenness always attracted that proportion of the target audience who didn’t like the idea of the girls enjoying their lovemaking too much.

“The buttocks and thighs have been enhanced too!” Remarked Fatima with pride, patting Amna on the bottom. “And she takes frequent exercise to keep her waist trim!”

“What about the crotch?” Wondered Isabel. “Is she normally so hairless?”

“Not at all. Without depilatory creams and daily attention, she’d be so hairy you wouldn’t believe! Amna’s naturally hirsute to a prejudicial degree.”

“Is that so? Some of the audience like that.”

“I’ve done my research, Isabel sweetest,” said Fatima daring a little more familiarity than she might normally do with a potential customer. “Hairiness is a turn off for the younger end of the market. Most successful teen stars keep their crotch at worst trim and spare.”

Isabel nodded. That was certainly true. A lot of the potential target preferred the illusion that the girls were several years younger than they actually were, even when they were pretty young to start off with.

“Well, she’s certainly good to look at,” Isabel announced. “But what’s she like when it comes to action?”

“Have you watched the videos I sent you?”

“The videos? Well, I had a brief look. I wasn’t too sure, to be honest. She’s not a natural, is she? It doesn’t come from the heart. Or do you think otherwise?”

A flash of concern passed over Fatima’s face, as if the issue which most worried her had been raised. She smiled broadly, however. “Amna’s a young girl. She’s growing in confidence and ability all the time. She has plenty of expert tuition from myself and true professionals. She’s able to convince even the most sceptical that she’s having a good time when …”

“You don’t mind, – do you? – if I put your claim to the test. Appearance is very important. I’d say it was the most important feature of a good sex actress. But she has to perform as well. I’ve persuaded one of my male sex actors to give her a trial. Is it alright if I ask him in?”

Fatima had expected this. Much of her work and preparation over the last few weeks had been for this very moment. She knew that once a sex actress is accepted then the odd, or even frequent, lapse in performance is tolerated if her charisma as a star or a looker compensated for it. She had spent a lot of time persuading Amna to relax and to overcompensate for her genuine lack of interest in heterosexual love. Fatima nodded. “I’m sure Amna’s up to the task!” She announced, squeezing her shoulder with a comforting hand.

Isabel nodded. “I’m sure she is.” She picked up her phone and spoke to her secretary: “Ask Boris to come in.”

Boris was a tall, quite athletic man whose long hair was tied into a ponytail and had several tattoos on his arms and torso. He pushed a confident hand through his hair, letting his earrings dangle in the slight breeze caused by this action. On Isabel’s nodding, he removed his clothes to reveal a limp penis and a trim figure.

Isabel leaned forward over her desks, her hands cupped underneath the overhang of her enormous breasts. “Amna. If you could please join Boris on the couch over there in the corner and we’ll assess your performance. Don’t be too worried. I don’t expect you to be at your best during an interview: I know only too well the effect nerves can have. Just go ahead and enjoy yourself.”

Fatima knew that passion and love were what Amna associated with making love to a man. To a certain extent it was almost better for her to view the exercise of fucking as a job rather than a pleasure. She watched with pride as Amna went through the motions that she had painstakingly practised for so many weeks. First the fellatio and hand work: building up a firm and stiff foundation for later intercourse. She watched with relief as Boris’s penis gradually swelled to its full nine or ten inches in length. It was soon full, firm and ready for action. Amna expectantly looked up to Fatima for advice at that point, and Fatima scratched her ear absently as they’d prearranged as a signal to say that she’d judged Boris to be prepared to penetrate.

It was at that stage that Amna positioned herself on top of Boris, his face behind her, allowing herself to be fucked again and again while facing Isabel and putting on the various repertoire of expressions that she and Fatima had practised for so long. Isabel was not so easily deceived. She had worked too many years in the industry for that: both as an actress and as a director. Now, as a producer, she could see that most, if not all, of Amna’s apparent sexual satisfaction was feigned. There was really no flush of pleasure
on the girl’s face and the only sweat generated was from exertion rather than ecstasy. But Isabel also knew that what mattered was not how the physical act felt to the actress but how it was viewed through the eyes of a television viewer who only saw those edited highlights that were deemed good enough for the screen.

Boris appeared to be taken in by Amna’s performance, producing as much, if not more, seminal fluid as he normally did on the screen, which Amna allowed to spread over her trim waist and into her mouth. Isabel nodded her head as Amna wiped away the traces of sperm from around her mouth and nose.

“Well, Fatima, I think your little friend can consider herself employed,” she announced with a broad grin, picking up a pen and the contract she’d had pre-printed in anticipation of the success of the audition.

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College Days

Tom wakes up and rolls over. "What happened last night?" he thinks to himself. He remembers the party he and his roommates had at their house, but he doesn't remember anything past 12 o'clock. "Another good night" he laughs to himself. Tom rolls over to his right to notice a girl in bed with him. She has long blond hair and is rather pretty. "Way to go Tom" he thinks to himself. He lifts up the covers to find that she is naked.

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How Good it Felt

Introduction: I loved it when I saw it This is a true story and I could give a crap about what you think true or not. Warning: This story contains gay butt sex, women with strap-ons, and please read what else it contains before jugging. Part 1 It was a cold October, my friend John and I had just gotten off the bus as we walked toward his house, I told John that when we get to his house we should look at his dads porn stash since he was away on a business trip. Many times I had asked John to...

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Blood FangChapter 1

Lying on the cold tile Paul sucked in gulps of air, trying to steady himself. Rising slowly he washed his mouth out to rid of the taste of bile. His body still ached as if every muscle had been torn and was re-knitting. Paul Lesner now at 18 years of age had always known something was different but it wasn't until feel his body shifting that he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt. He had seen all the horror movies, so he knew what it was. Looking in the mirror on the front of the medicine...

3 years ago
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Mom fucked by tailor

Hi all, after reading all the hot stories in ISS i finally got the guts to narrate a real incident that happened in my life 2 yrs ago. I am naresh from chennai working for an MNC and i m 22 yrs old. We are a family of 4 consisting my dad, my mom, my younger sister and myself. My dad owns a small scale industries and he keeps roaming half the time in search of new clients. My mom shilpa, is about 44 yrs old and she is a housewife. We are a quite well of family. Now let me describe about my mom,...

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My sweet wife

She was bound by the contract to do the forbidden… Mr. Sam was adamant and wanted a one night stand with me. As we were bound by the agreement we have to give whatever demanded by Mr. Sam. So we had to agree to it. On the day both of us came to Mr. Sam’s house. He was quite straight forward and told us that he has the right to enjoy me as he likes in any way he likes for the night. He asked her husband not to worry and collect me in the morning and he will take good care of his beautiful wife...

2 years ago
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Senior Year Part IChapter 2 Frenemy

Saturday August 27 Brook and I had finally planned some time together. The only problem was that my security was Cassidy. If it had been Paul or Chuck, I could have told them to guard the door or something. Cassidy was more hanging out with us than guarding me. At least she let me drive my Demon. Paul and Chuck were a little too possessive of my new car. I pulled up at the Davis estate and honked. “You better let her have shotgun,” I told Cassidy as I saw the look on Brook’s face. “Next...

2 years ago
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Together Again

Emma sipped absently from her champagne glass and glanced around the room. The three piece band had just begun playing, the lively tune almost drowned out by the thrum of voices. Many of the guests had already found their tables, while others milled around the bar chatting and drinking. She smoothed the skirt of her black strapless dress and tucked a tendril of auburn hair behind her ear. Her stomach fluttered as she searched for Daniel. Her bridesmaid duties had kept her busy enough at the...

Love Stories
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City Life 8211 Part 2

Hello everyone. Thank you for your messages and encouraged by your response I’m going to continue my story about my experiences in Bengaluru. Please read the first part to get a hang of the story. Like I said in the first part, City Life – Part 1, I’m a 19-year-old village guy who had entered the city for my education. I was mistaken for a male escort by one of the cutest and gorgeous girl you can ever imagine, Deepika. Apparently, she’s a very rich girl. Let me continue the story where I had...

3 years ago
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Job HuntChapter 16

When we went out by Sarah's desk, she was still with Dave. I suggested, "When you have him done and sworn in, call Ms. White and have her meet you at this place." I wrote the name of the Mart and the address on a piece of paper. "She'll help you pick out clothes. When you're done there, take the man to Wal-Mart for underwear and socks then take him home to get settled. Tell Howard what you're doing and I'm sure he will agree. Before you go though, check him out a piece like mine so...

4 years ago
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Princess SaraChapter 7

RECAPITULATION Princess Sara, the proud and beautiful only child of King Wilhelm and Queen Amalia had been presented with a stark choice by the Good (?) Fairy. The handsome Prince Adelbert had been prevented by this malicious fairy from seeing the Princess's true loveliness so ensuring that her desperate love for him was not returned. Her heart had been broken by his indifference and she had taken to her bed and was wasting away. The fairy had promised to take away the Prince's blindness...

2 years ago
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Doctor And Nurse

Hi friends I am Jimmy 44 years a Doctor by profession. I was introduced to ISS by one patient who told me that she surfs on this site every day. I must thank ISS because some of my research comes from the stories published on the site. I am a Psychological Sexologist I am an expert in the Study of sexual development and the development of sexual relationships as well as the mechanics of sexual intercourse. Study sexual dysfunctions, disorders, and variations, such as erectile dysfunction,...

1 year ago
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Karenne was in the girls room, fixing her makeup when the fire alarm rang and the PA ordered everyone out. She finished the job in the employee parking lot using a friend's truck, which had big mirrors, and big everything else for that matter. The air was muggy summery and she felt her makeup and hairspray melting into a sticky paste. The truck's owner, a fit and personable middle-aged guy from the tech side, didn't seem to notice the heat as he kept her entertained with bantering that just...

3 years ago
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Cathedral of the Condor

Note: This story started out as a cut and paste. I had what seemed like a slight variation on the story about the serpent of the Incas. By the time I got done revising the premise of the story, it probably would have been easier to start over. I tried to change the plot and keep the sex scenes from the previous story. If the transitions seem choppy, that may be why. If you haven't read the other story, please do, and let me know if you think they are different. Jennifer Marie Stephens was...

2 years ago
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Epilogue to Lindas Short S

Some of the things that are mentioned in the story bear explanation, or clarification. To begin, pictures of her, at the times, are shown in the Gallery, "Getting Her Fuzzy Split, Yet, Again." Picture 1 was taken by Quinn, and 9 was taken in VungTau, at our first house. There was NOTHING under the dress but HER, and picture 8 was taken a few days after we returned from Germany, by the landlord's son.She worked as a "whore" for 24 days, in the "Steam and Cream." HER WORDS! I know some will call...

2 years ago
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Just a Jab Ch 14

Welcome to the latest instalment. Please start reading this series from the first chapter. Thank you very much to those who have left encouraging and helpful messages. These are really appreciated showing that somebody is reading my scribblings. This is on the short side compared to recent chapters, but having taken so long to get this far I am posting it now. My apologies to anyone who picked an error in my previous chapter. Yes, I got my days mixed up. Wednesday should have been day 31. ...

3 years ago
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Hot memories 3 watching other men fucking my wife

Continuation of hot memories watching other men fucking my wife.I of course i did join in many times but was so hot just watching as my then wife was well used in front of my very eyes and her having some explosive orgasms in the process. We would relive those meetings at bed time, the whole wife sharing thing really enhanced our sex life until it was time for another fix and another get together with our bulls. As mentioned, James near always left Monica quite sore from her 4 hour sessions of...

2 years ago
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Transformation of LindaChapter 9 Couplings 2

Will handed the gorgeous temptress Kathy a glass of wine, by coincidence the remnant of the drugged wine Brother Bob had sent home with Linda previously. Will and Kathy touched glasses in a toast as Kathy said, "To what ever you dream of tonight Will. I bet your dreams will come true." They both took large sips of the wine, and thus guaranteed their inhibitions were much reduced. As they had touched glasses, Kathy had intentionally leaned forward, giving Will a complete, if brief, view of...

3 years ago
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family SECRETS PT 2

so the next day after fucking a sucking my dad the phone was ringing i thought dad would get it,but he was not home.i said hello,this is Dr.so and so i'm your fathers THEr****t.He has missed 2 appointments with me.I said THEr****t what the Hell.he said com down i need you to check and see if he has been taking his meds.i said we picked up some sleeping pills last night.he said these are not sleeping pills.look for some thing called PROZAC,they are probably in a medicine cabinet or night stand.I...

1 year ago
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An Erotic X-Files Story Trudi Bowman slowly unwrapped another soft cube of strawberry Bubble-Yum and added it to the now nearly flavorless glob already in her mouth. The surge of flavor did little to lift her spirits as she shifted her feet behind the counter of the nearly-empty Road Pantry convenience store just outside Hallville, Pennsylvania. It was eight- thirty on a Saturday night, another hour before her shift ended, and time seemed to be standing still for the sixteen-year old girl. Her...

4 years ago
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A Haunting in MissouriChapter 2

Sarah bounded out of bed the next morning and went to the closet to retrieve a fresh white blouse and blue pleated skirt school uniform from there and threw it on the bed. She then placed the blue tie and a white bra and thong set on top of it and headed into her bathroom. Turning on her shower for the water to warm, she slipped her pink baby doll outfit off and tied her hair on top of her head and placed a shower cap over it. Finding the water at a comfortable temperature she stepped in and...

2 years ago
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The Sins of the Flood

I highly suggest, if you haven't already, that you check out the previous entries in this 'Sinful' series of mine:1) https://xhamster.com/stories/the-original-sin-99136252) https://xhamster.com/stories/the-sin-of-murder-9941208Also, just for fun - though it isn't required, I recommend that you listen to "Here's Your Future" by The Thermals, to really get into the spirit of this story. That song sure helped me get into my groove whilst writing this :)Have fun and...

3 years ago
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My Itallian girlfriend Mia loves skiing and girls

After Mia had talked me into having an orgasm with her in the Jacuzzi we used to meet most afternoons in the sauna and steam room but always there was other people about, men, women, older guys and a couple of younger girls as well so mixed. Anyway one afternoon we met on the slopes as well and she said she was very tired and sore as she had fallen a few times and would I come off the mountain early with her for a sauna, I thought this is probably a come on as there was never anyone in the...

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The Professor who said I was a Good Girl

Introduction: My story of how I passed a biology seminar. It was the Spring Quarter of my Freshmen year of college at a very academically prestigious school. I was studying for my Biology degree, coming to the end of my first year. Usually this is the time when people go out, have fun, and have sex, but I was having none of those things. I had completely overwhelmed myself. While my dorm mate was constantly going out, getting drunk, and bringing home suitors, I would study, sleep, and attempt...

2 years ago
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Wish I May Wish I Might

Arthur Lambert and Mark Wheeler had been classmates since the first grade. Both sons of university professors, they lived a block apart, adjacent to the university, in what is known as the hill section of the city. Besides excelling as students, they were excellent athletes. To the consternation of their parents, they were successful at the scheming and plotting necessary to pull off pranks that might have gotten them thrown in jail, if they were caught. Like the time they "borrowed" a cow...

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Crazy Kids In Love

When I was 18, and nearing the end of my senior year in High School, I fell in love with one of my closest friends. Her name is Kelsey. We used to talk back in middle school, and hang out a lot. Then we stopped talking for years. In my senior year, I signed up for a drama class, she was in it too.I asked her to the senior prom, she said yes. A few months later, the night arrived. I was looking handsome (I guess), and she was beautiful. On the way to the banquet hall, I had to stop off at my...

Love Stories
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My Hot Sexy Model Mom With My Friends

Hi, I am Shiva from Mumbai. I am 19 years old and studying in the first year of my degree in college. My father is a businessman who works in Dubai and visits us once or twice a year. He is 45 years old. Coming to my mom. Her name is Leela. She worked as a model and quit her job last year. She is 40 years old with a hot bubble butt slim and fair skin with a handful of big soft boobs. Her structure is 36-28-34. Anyone would die to fuck her. Guys in our locality always sexually see her. She...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Chloe Temple The Masking Tape Muff

An extra small chick like Chloe Temple sometimes needs help doing physical labor. Like today, while she is moving, there is no way she can handle all those boxes by herself. Luckily, our stud is there to lend her a helping hand. He brings her boxes inside and soon, Chloe is showing off her own special box. He tapes her mouth and wrists before letting her lips free to suck his fat cock. Then, he eats her pussy while holding her up in mid air! She rides his thick prick and then he spurts hot jizz...

3 years ago
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The Country House Part 2

Tony began to remove the rest of his clothes whilst Lizbeth used the bathroom to clean up Tony opened his luggage and found his new Victorias Secret black lace basque with the red edging and his black sheer stockings with the lace hold up section as it was a special evening he also removed his blonde bob wig and his makeup box.Under his lingerie he found what he was really looking for something to set the night off with a bang, a small self seal bag containing seven grammes of Columbias...

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