Carolina’s Caper free porn video

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This is a long tale in seven parts, meant to be read at leisure.

Part 1

I was deep in thought as I strode down the hallway to the office restroom, grappling with the morning’s problems…the little, unexpected bureaucratic ones that always seem to crop up each day. I was so engrossed that I almost didn’t see her, a slim – though very curvy – African-American woman in a tightly fitted light blue sleeveless dress that lent much credit to her dark chocolate complexion. She apparently had seen me, though, and felt compelled to hug the opposite wall to avoid me running into her. She walked daintily…almost on tiptoe, as I blundered on. I looked up just before colliding with her and she murmured, ‘Hi!’ flashing a stunning smile.

‘Hi,’ I mumbled, still preoccupied, until I focused on her. Then I said, ‘Whoa, Hi! How’re you doin’ today?’ after being struck by her facial beauty…and that of the rest of her.

‘Just fine, thank you,’ she said, and passed me, continuing to walk sensuously like a cat, her toes seeming to touch the floor first. I spun around after she passed, watching her, and continued walking backward a few paces until I reached the men’s john, where I backed into my office mate, Joe, who was coming out the door.

‘Whoa, man!’ he said, then looked down the hall at the disappearing young woman. He grinned, took a pull on his pipe, and cackled, ‘So that’s what you were looking at! I’m not surprised!’

Joe was just my temporary office mate, a psychologist who’d been instrumental in me getting my job at the institute where he worked. It was late in the year 1970, and I’d recently scored a grant through the U.S. government to train young people from inner city ghettos – ‘black’ youth they were then called – for individual careers, by fast-tracking them through intensive, job-specific programs. I’d allied myself with the institute, and – since I’d brought a large sum of grant money into its think tank – top management was in the process of finding me a permanent office.

‘That was Carolina Brown,’ he said, leering at me as I got back to the office.

‘So, what’s her story?’ I asked, turning back to my tasks.

‘Master’s degree and a Teaching Credential, from Detroit…Wayne State,’ he responded. ‘Very bright. Divorced, coupla kids, I hear, staying back there with her mother.’

‘Nice to look at,’ I offered, my mind not really on what Joe was saying.

‘Careful, son,’ he said. ‘She’s a power freak. She’ll turn you every way but loose.’

I looked up and saw that he’d meant what he said, since he’d fixed me with a no-nonsense look that was rare for him, replacing his usual grin with pipe clenched between his teeth. Joe’s ancillary job, it seemed, was to gather as much information about the women in the office as he could, and dispense the knowledge to those he favored. Horny old dog, I thought to myself about the married 48-year-old, 18 years my senior. I should talk. My own sex life was lurid enough, since I was obsessed with women, especially the more exotic ones. Minutes later I’d forgotten about his warning…and then Carolina walked in after tapping lightly at the open door.

‘Hi, Joe,’ she cooed, in a faux sincere tone, and walked in to lean toward him on both hands over the front of his desk. She’d done this before, I sensed, on more than one occasion. My desk faced his, though separated by six feet or so, and was set off at about 45 degrees from his in the big office.

I returned to my work: detailed recruitment criteria for people who were going to staff my project. Joe and Carolina conversed in hushed tones, no doubt because of my presence. Though I was very busy my mind soon lost its focus on work. My gaze followed the attractive black woman’s movements as she bent her knee closest to me, leaving her empty high heel on the carpet while lifting her calf, and began to scratch the back of her other knee with her foot. I watched as the maroon-painted nail of her big toe worried one particularly troublesome spot, her pose spreading the six-inch kick slit on the back of her blue dress. She wore no hosiery, and I was mesmerized by the pale, light tan sole of her well-formed foot. Through the slit I saw that her upper legs were smooth and supple, though well developed – not unlike those of a former athlete – and unblemished in their dark color.

It was one of those dreamlike instants that a bachelor might muse about in a free moment, when he’s kindling fanciful, sensuous feminine images, as opposed to thinking about some rudimentary task during the workday. Regardless, I continued my staring, and followed the line of her thighs up past her high, muscular butt, then up her back to her beauteous profile and her short, straightened hairdo, parted casually in the middle, that ended at her neck. Though I have a good suntan for a white guy, I’m sure I blushed as she caught me undressing her with my eyes and riveted me with a gaze over her left shoulder. Her look indicated that she knew I’d liked what I’d seen. The ensuing silence was deadly as our eyes met, like the second just before a thunderclap.

‘So, this is the new boy wonder!’ she exclaimed suddenly, returning her foot to its shoe and then turning her back to Joe, though again grasping the edge of his desk, hands slightly behind her at her sides. Her stance highlighted her high breasts, probably a generous B-cup – maybe larger – protruding nicely over a perfectly flat tummy, and accented her thighs, their slopes gently curved to perfection. It’s as if she were posing to give me total visual access, this time to the front of her body. ‘I’m Carolina Brown,’ she finally said, taking a couple of steps toward me and extending her hand.

I stood quickly and said, ‘Umm, Richard, call me Rick.’ She looked to be about 5’8′ in her heels, as opposed to my 6’2′.

‘Oh, I think it should be ‘Dr. Pederson’, shouldn’t it, ‘umm, Richard, call me Rick’?’ she said, looking coyly up at me and pointedly making fun of my discomfiture, then scorching me with her large brown eyes.

‘That’s a…a new title,’ I said, modestly, referring to my recently conferred doctorate. Then I sat back down.

‘Better use it, baby,’ she said, sounding cynically Machiavellian. ‘Most of the ol’ Ph.D.s around here’ve never brought in as much money as you have.’

Was that a slam at Joe? I wondered. And how did she know? ‘Couldn’t have done it without these guys,’ I said, especially for his ears. He didn’t appear offended by her remark, but rather was amused, drawing slowly on his pipe and leaning back in his chair, grinning as he watched Carolina toy with me as one would a virgin poker player.

‘Staffed your project yet?’ she asked, giving me the impression that she already knew the answer. Apparently the drumbeat had already reverberated throughout the institute about my recent success, and Carolina was merely the first to check the veracity of its message.

‘No, I’m just finishing the detailed formula,’ I said.

‘Well, I’d like to see how you’re coming,’ she said. ‘I’ve got a half hour at the end of the day. I’ll see you at 4:30, okay?’ she said, presumptuously.

‘Okay,’ I responded, hesitantly, at her aggressive attitude.

‘Bye for now,’ Carolina trilled, waggling her fingers in the air as she left, walking with that toe-first catlike stride that made her hips and high butt swish softly, forward and back, like two velvet sofa pillows. She walks as if she’s fucking, I thought, lewdly.

At exactly 4:30 she tapped on the door and glided in. Joe had left early, since he was having an ongoing affair with a very attractive, married, Research Associate overseeing his project. Pulling a side chair up to my desk, Carolina faced me. The hem of her blue dress stretched over a taut thigh as she crossed her chocolate legs, swinging the top one languidly in the age-old rhythm that has always driven office-bound males to distraction. ‘So, tell me about ‘the formula’,’ sh
e said, with an amused look in her flashing eyes.

‘Well, as you know – working in a federally funded think tank – I’ll need a number of black people as line administrators on the project.’

‘Got anybody in mind?’ she asked, leaning forward and resting her chin on one hand with its index finger pointing upward along her cheek. Her lovely dark, oval face was framed like a pixie with her rather short, shiny black hair.

‘A few,’ I said. ‘Grad students I know…and guys I was with in the Army.’

‘You gonna hire brothas?’ she asked, seemingly surprised, using the street term in addition to its accompanying accent. ‘Ex-G.I.s?’ Her large wide eyes had extremely long lashes. Her finely boned nose was narrow and almost aquiline, ending in a tip that she’d inherited from a non-black ancestor. Her elegant ivory teeth shone between her full, pouting lips, on this day tinted with dark pink lipstick.

As I sat there, drinking her in, I realized the difficulty I was having in keeping my mind on the conversation. ‘Well, yeah,’ I said. ‘They’ve got leadership experience…and vets are good role models.’

‘Lemme see your job descriptions,’ she said, exasperatedly, and got up to walk behind my desk to stand next to me. Her left hip touched my upper arm and I pushed the stack of paper toward her. Her hand touched mine and static electricity from her movement on the carpet caused a palpable spark. ‘Mmnn, sorry,’ she said, acknowledging the inadvertent galvanic touch.

I didn’t care. Her hip was all that mattered, which she didn’t move. If anything, she increased its pressure against my shoulder. I felt her heat. I smelled her sweet fragrance. I also felt my face warming and an erection forming in my pants as she scanned the papers, leafing through them one-by-one.

‘Are you interested in one of the positions?’ I asked, stating the obvious next question.

‘Lemme put it this way, sweet cheeks,’ she said, lapsing into a smooth, southern drawl. ‘First, I’m already workin’ here, which means y’all gotta consider me before lookin’ outside. Second, if you’re lookin’ to hire black vets just ‘cuz they’re vets, they’ll end up ruinin’ the project, probably ‘cuz o’ dope. Third, under this placid, girlish exterior, darlin’, there’s an experienced educator just waitin’ for her big chance…to show you what she can do.’ Her last statement was punctuated by a quick thrust of her hip against my shoulder…for emphasis. ‘Furthermore,’ she said, pulling away to lean a hand on the corner of my desk and articulating her words perfectly, without a trace of an accent, ‘…our culture is matriarchal. Women run it.’ At this point her body was forming a long, easy, ‘S,’ in a comfortable sideways curve, and facing me from only two feet away as she made her point. I tried to keep my eyes on her face.

‘I know a little about your culture,’ I said. ‘But, I hope to do my part in bringing black men back into the family mix, like any good liberal would.’ I watched for a reaction to this. Her elegant ivory teeth shone slightly between her full pink lips. Her chin was vulpine, with a hint of a cleft. ‘Since you’ve shown an interest, though, let me think about it,’ I said. ‘These kids, our prospective students, are pretty tough, you know. They could cause you a lot of trouble,’ I continued, sounding like the archetypal whitey.

‘Let me worry about that,’ she offered, folding her arms under her breasts. ‘I can handle any brotha alive,’ she boasted, spitting out the label contemptuously. I was struck by the apparent antipathy she harbored toward males of her own race as I continued to look at her. The rich, dark brown skin on her face and neck, plus on her bare, lightly muscled arms and hands, had a healthy sheen to it that attested to years of devotion to expensive beauty products. Then she changed the subject: ‘Incidentally, Nancy – you know, that white girl up in publishing – is havin’ a cocktail party on Saturday. You goin’?’ she asked.

‘Don’t know. Hadn’t heard about it,’ I confessed. I was brand new on the job and, though the buzz was out that a new, single, white Ph.D. was in the office – and feminine smiles were easy to come by in the hallways – no one had extended a social hand to me.

‘Well, you have now…an’ you’re goin’ with me. Okay?’ Carolina asked, watching closely for a hint of hesitation. There was none. I’d never been a racist, and had enjoyed dating women of other ethnic groups for years. Aside from my Asian military experience and university social life, one of my most lustful memories centered on a coffee-colored cheerleader who had entertained me for hours on the back seat of a ’54 Chevy one Spring night in high school. This brief flashback, combined with Carolina’s beauty and audacity, had put a small but sincere smile on my face. Whether she understood it, I couldn’t tell.

‘Sure. Give me your address and number, and I’ll pick you up at…what…seven?’ I asked.

‘Perfect, Rick,’ Carolina said, relaxing a bit and reverting to being sexy. She wrote down the information and, glancing at her watch, said, ‘Mmm, gotta go now. See y’all Saturday, sugar,’ she oozed, sashaying out. I grinned at her southern pronunciation of the word ‘shug-ahh.’

Part 2

The party was a bit stiff. The hostess had gone to a Seven Sisters college in the northeast and there was a sprinkling of those oh-so-proper folks, male and female, who held their wineglasses by their bases as they exchanged cocktail party trivia. Nearly the entire institute staff was there, though, spilling out onto the patio and garden in the unseasonably warm night. And I was kept very busy, meeting them all. Carolina saw to that.

Making no secret of who’d accompanied her, she stuck to me like glue. Picking her – our – spot to stand close to two main intersecting rooms in the concave curve of a small grand piano, she acted the part of secondary hostess or greeter. Most of the guests had to pass close by us. Dressed in blazer and slacks, I looked rather run-of-the-mill. Carolina, however, had prepared herself well. Her legs – long for her height – were clothed in black silk pants, tightly fitted to her outstanding butt and hips, then razor creased down straight, cuffed legs to show bright red painted nails peeking from black, ankle-strap heels. On top she wore a long-sleeved silk blouse with an open neck. Its pattern consisted of black, green and red splashes of color – the hues one associates with sub-Saharan Africa – with a hint of gold.

Her face was a beautician’s dream. Perfectly done, very dark red blush on her cheekbones was complemented by a lip gloss of bright red to match her nails. Mascara on her lashes made them look an inch long, and her eyelids were dusted with shadow the same color as the dark blush, with a hint of what looked like gold dust. She wore small gold studs in her ears and a large-linked gold necklace around her dainty neck. The open collar of her blouse drew my eyes constantly to the fine bones of her clavicle. Her appearance was stunning, and was much appreciated by the male guests as the evening wore on.

The women reacted differently. Each time one engaged me in conversation, Carolina would link her arm through mine and press a thigh against me, looking up at me fondly as if I were dispensing the wisdom of an oracle. I was uncomfortable with what seemed to be a cunning motive behind her public show of affection toward me, particularly when she grabbed my hand and stretched up to breathe in my ear, ‘Gotta go to the ladies’ room, Rick. Back soon.’ She tarried a few seconds more for effect on those around us, batting her lashes against my cheek and smiling as if we were sharing an intimate secret. ‘Watch out for these horny bitches!’ she whispered in breath like honey, and turned to go, lifting my hand up toward her as we separated.

I continued to socialize, talking to the institute librarian, a slightly overweight white woman in her late twenties whose wine consumption had made it easy for her to as
k me: ‘So, when’re you gonna take me to lunch?’ As I finessed her bold question, I began to look around for a savior and saw Carolina. She was speaking with some people across the room. She saw the woman hitting on me and beamed, giving me a finger-wiggling wave as she continued her conversation.

Joe’s beautiful, brunette Research Associate, Linda, about 28 – there without her husband – also talked with me for a while. ‘Enjoy being in the spotlight?’ she asked.

‘Is that what this hot, tingly feeling is?’ I asked, being openly suggestive with her since she and Joe had used my apartment near the institute for their lunch hour trysts. I leaned down at her and whispered, ‘I’ve smelled your perfume on my sheets…more than once.’

‘You’d better be careful,’ she said. ‘A lot of people are watching you, very closely.’ Like Carolina, though white, Linda struck me as a very perceptive, ambitious woman on the way up who would do anything to further her career…or the number of notches on her bedpost.

Joe then stopped by, causing Linda to drift away since she was anxious to avoid her lover’s spouse. Joe introduced me to his wife and a couple of other attractive female employees in another department. One was Sarah, a thinly built former Peace Corps volunteer in Kenya who boldly asked me to accompany her to a new museum exhibit in town. The other was Rita, a tall, willowy, large-breasted Native American/Hispanic woman whose penetrating dark-eyed gaze seemed to melt all of my self-conscious defenses. There appeared to be a large population of women on-the-make, who were dying to do much more than meet and merely exchange pleasantries.

Then, an informally clad young woman in her mid-twenties stepped up to me and introduced herself as Leola. She was dressed in a dark green long-sleeved turtleneck sweater and matching corduroy jeans, both of which were skin tight. Her flawless skin was the color of café au lait, and her figure was breathtaking…as good as any beauty queen. She looked to be a quadroon. She had a short, barely black ‘natural’ hairdo, and light hazel eyes behind glasses with rectangular black plastic frames. She oozed sexual energy and I was immediately taken with her. After a quick biographical exchange, she murmured, ‘So, when are we going out?’

‘Huh?’ I asked, dumbly.

‘You heard me!’ she flashed, slightly more loudly. ‘If we don’t, you’ll never know what you’re missing!’

‘Uhh…I think maybe…,’ I said, though was interrupted as Carolina walked to my side and linked arms with me. She’d seen Leola and me meet and, after a few minutes, had extricated herself from her conversation to stride across the room and reclaim me.

‘Lee-o-la!’ she seethed, her voice dripping with saccharine, potential invective that made me shudder. ‘You look so slick tonight! Now,’ she hissed, ‘you wouldn’t be hustlin’ my date, would you, li’l sista?’

‘Uh-uh, girl,’ Leola said, breaking her continuing, unblinking look at me through light, feline eyes to acknowledge Carolina with a quick glance. Looking right back at me and flaring her nostrils, she said, ‘Givin’ ‘im a li’l sniff. You know how I jus’ looove white boys!’

I felt much like an unattached woman must feel when two horny, alpha men begin parrying over who is going to win the privilege of going home with the catch of the day. ”Scuse me, ladies,’ I muttered, finally tired of it all, ‘I’ve gotta get some air,’ and left them both to walk outside onto the patio. I lit a cigarette – a habit that I’d not yet broken – and walked toward the totally dark corner of the garden, which was now empty of partying guests. In moments I heard the click of high heels on the patio, then silence as Carolina caught up to me on the grass near the house’s adjoining garage.

‘Sorry ’bout that, Rick,’ she said. ‘But that high yella bitch an’ her friends are always givin’ me shit!’

Fed up with the whole game, I groped for a reason to relieve my tension, saying, ‘It may surprise you, Carolina, but I get really pissed off when I hear racist labels, especially from educated black people!’

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Carolina Reaper

Tremendous fascination can be found in spices—take capsaicin. While leaving most other living species indifferent, it induces sharp, lasting pain in mammal mucus. Owing to these features, it has found widespread use in agronomy against rodent pests or as doping in equestrian sports. The reason for the pain is because it fits like a key to a lock in the active site of the pain receptors of our nerve endings. The reason for the duration of the pain is that the body's defense mechanisms fail...

1 year ago
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Mein Weg in die Zuhlterei Part I

Wildfremden Truckern vorgeführt und ihnen zur Benutzung in ihren Kojen überlassen worden… 1.) Meine Wenigkeit… Zu meiner Person … ich heiße Anita Jäger, ich bin 19 Jahre alt bin Single und komme aus dem Raum Darmstadt / Bickenbach. Zur Zeit absolviere ich gerade meine Ausbildung zu einer Fleischerei Fachverkäuferin. Seit ich mich vor 6 Monaten von meinem kindischen Freund getrennt hatte, hatte ich Lust auf sexuelle Abenteuer… Um diese zu finden bewegte ich mich im Internet auf der verschiedenen...

1 year ago
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Short but sweet

He was soft against my lips. Slowly getting stiffer. My mouth couldn't get enough, I wanted all of him. I took him in. I sucked gently. He moaned. He stiffened more. I ran my tongue around his glans. He twitched. He stiffened. He moaned softly. He wasn't hard yet, but he was getting there. I gently wrapped my hand around his shaft. I stroked him softly while I gazed at his cock. His beautiful cock. I kissed the head. Again. He stiffened. I took his head between my lips and slid him in and out....

2 years ago
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Naughty Kid gets dealt with by a Naughty teacher

     "C'mon Miss, can't you just put my best mark on the report card"My teacher laughed. "You would have to do something for me." Then I swear she licked her lips but nobody else realised anything so I thought nothing of it. Our Teacher, Miss Jones, was about thirty probably a few years younger. She was the gymnastics coach so had a gorgeous trim body, some say she would have been good enough to go to the Olympics except her cleavage was too big. She had dark hair and soft pale skin, perfect...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Birthday Boy

BIRTHDAY BOY Carmenica Diaz Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Ross, Happy birthday to you…Birthday Boy! 01 of 12: Just another Saturday night. Rosshung his head, his heart was pounding and an overwhelming sick feeling threatenedto swamp his stomach. Naked, gagged and huddled on the floor in the cornerof his own bedroom with his hands handcuffed behind his back, Ross couldn'tbelieve this washappening! He couldn't believe that his wife, Debra was doing ...

1 year ago
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At My Desk

I made it a habit to get to the office earlier than the others. There were really good reasons for it, some were work related but most were because of her. And when she could, she would come in early too. Sometimes it was to just say hi, to smile and walk her sexy ass away. But most mornings we tried to sneak in some serious lip locking in a secluded area of the office. It was risky but oh so sweet. You see, we discovered that we had a common interest. It was raw, physical but...

3 years ago
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Society Whore Anjali 8211 Part 2

Vo sunday ka din tha or mere pati mahesh ghar par hi the jiska matlab aj dophar mai chudne se bach jaugi par raat ka koi pata nhi kon kon mujhe chodgega. Jab se anil ki duty night ki hui hai tab se mai puri colony ki famous rand ban gayi hu har raat anil or uske dost mujhe colony ke gate or sadko par chodte hai or din mai laxman mera doodh wala or din ki duty wala mere gand marte hai. Unhoone mujhe apni rand bana liya hai vo log mera pura istmaal ek personal randi ki tarha karte hai vo meri...

2 years ago
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Sarahs StoryChapter 2 Sarah and Ben

It was coming up to Easter when, one evening in the coffee bar the group sometimes used Ben turned to Simon and put a proposition to him. They had become good friends over the months going out together on occasion and visiting each others houses to listen to music or just chill out. They shared the same taste in music and video games which they played late into the night. The affinity was strong but never questioned or analysed. Both were mature enough to recognise that many allegiances were...

1 year ago
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When I got home from work the two of them would be playing on the grass and I sat and watched as they played, I even caught the odd glimpse of Sharon’s panties as they played, which only made me want to touch her again as I did those few nights before, but couldn’t figure out how. Wednesday after work when I got home mum and Daryl had gone round a neighbour’s house. Sharon didnt want to go, and was lying on the grass when I arrived home from work. I got myself a cold drink and watched her...

2 years ago
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Friday AfternoonChapter 4

Norma declined the invitation to stay for breakfast and visit with her sister. She was anxious to get home to see her son. Rather than having satisfied her lust, the previous evening's phone call and subsequent sex play had only inflamed her that much more. It was eight oclock as she pulled in the driveway and she hoped Bobby was still asleep so she could get cleaned up and make herself attractive for him. As she entered the house and went to hang up her coat she heard him moving around in...

3 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 246

The week passed fast - before I knew it, it was Friday morning already. Jenny and I went to her doctor again and sat in the waiting room for two hours. Lisa had been dropping hints about wanting to come with her but Jenny said, "No way. I was twenty before she ever let me see the doctor alone." There were more tests and another sonogram. Then there was the discussion about eating and exercise. Even with all her eating and carrying twins, Jenny was still doing well with her weight. Then to...

2 years ago
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Wanton Pleasure

She was standing nude before him, her dress draped on the back of  his chair, her underclothes in a pile on a nearby table. She was clearly restless and impatient, her nipples taut, her skin pinked in arousal, her hips undulating faintly as if she could barely wait until he was undressed and inside her To that end, he began disrobing, dropping his clothes on the floor with male disregard for subtleties. His shirt was off, as were his shoes and socks. He was just about to open his pants when she...

3 years ago
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OHGIRL My Triumphant Return Home from Vegas

I moaned in pleasure as his hard white cock slowly slid in and out of me. Bill, my manager at the strip club and boyfriend, hadn’t been able to pick me up at the airport, so he had sent Brett that morning, the current night bartender and my secret boy toy. I had just landed from a 2 week business trip to Las Vegas and it was nice to see a familiar and sexy face. We had barely gotten the door closed on my apartment before Brett had ripped off my clothes and began to ravage me. He may not have...

3 years ago
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Sarah Meets Gregs Parents

Sarah was about to do something which made her want to vomit all over the car. She was going to meet Greg's parents. Sarah and Greg had been living together for several months. Sarah had talked to Greg's mom on the phone several times over the duration of their cohabitation and had heard Greg's dad grunt a few times (according to Greg's retelling of the story which Sarah told him). Sarah had said that she wanted to meet her "in-laws" but as the car got closer, she was beginning to think...

2 years ago
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Mami Ki Gand Mari

Hello friends this is sunny back here again with a new incident of my life where I fucked my mami. Thank you for appreciating my earlier stories and anyone who want to exchange pictures of their relatives or some hot pictures of them kissing any woman or any girl want to exchange nude pictures can contact me at To main story per ata hun ye 2010 k garmiyon ki chutiyon ki ghtna hai, jab main chennai gaya hua tha apne mama k ghar wahan maine meri mami ko seduce kar k unhe khub choda or gand bhi...

3 years ago
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Butchytown II

Butchytown II By Trapper Jock McIntyre After their encounter in the girls restroom, Angie and Kathy walked and continued to talk about plans for Kathy to give Angie a masculine makeover. Well have to go out and buy you some fly-front briefs and some undershirts Kathy said. If were going to do this, we best do you right. Ill build you up from the inside out Sounds like a plan Angie replied. And how about a shirt and tie to complete the outfit Sounds dreamy! Oh look, theres...

2 years ago
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Single Mother Encouraged by Her Son

I’m a 33-year-old single mother living with my 16-year-old son; I fell pregnant with him on the first time of having sex and have never had a man since. Caring for my son, on my own in the early years, took up all the time that I had and a social life was out of the question, I’ve never really think about men now. We have a good relationship, me and my son, we have always done things together, especially in the early years, like having a bath together, sleeping in my bed, I only stopped it when...

2 years ago
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Balling Hot DaughterChapter 5

Chrissy was starting to slide her cum-soaked lips down around his prick. She was drawing in her cheeks, getting ready to suck the last drops of jism out of his cock. Ben desperately wanted her to do it, but he was coming back to his senses now, fully aware of the kinky incestuous scene he was involved in. He grabbed Chrissy's head and pulled her away from his dribbling cock. "All right, young lady," he said firmly, "that's it. That's enough. You get your ass to bed." Chrissy didn't...

4 years ago
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Jimmys Discovery Part 2

a moment thinking about everything that had happened last night. Just as my cock started to stiffen I saw the door open and my mom walked in carrying a tray. She walked up to the bed, got on her knees and held the tray out. "I made you breakfast Master." She was smiling as she said it. "Thank you Kitten" I replied and took the tray from her. On it were eggs (scrambled), bacon, sausage and toast. She stood up and gave me a kiss and said "Master, may I take a shower before going to...

3 years ago
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Seduced Mom with the Help of Stranger Part ll

Mom requested him to sit in the nearby chair and thanked him for coming and helping us thinking he is real doctor. Mom use to wear saree all the time and it was dirt and not proper since she is sick and bed rest and he signaled me to go out of the bed room but I didn’t obeyed. Then he took me to the hall and told me plan will not work if I am there and told me to look inside through the door side. Then he went inside and asked my mom about the health problems and started looking at the tablets...

3 years ago
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The Hunt Ch 17

17. Returning home. ‘The final morning, your last breakfast here, don’t miss it,’ Jennifer called out to the girls. They all got up, and had their breakfast. Everybody was quiet, they were all impressed by the past week, and looking forward to going back home. They did not say much, no-one knew what to say. It was all just so surreal in a way, the time they spent here, what they had gone through together, and now to be returned back to their normal lives. When they were almost finished with...

3 years ago
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At The Stables ndash Juliersquos and Maryrsquos Tiff

At The Stables – Julie’s and Mary’s TiffPreambleI’m David, 35 attractive with a hard body. Toned after two years fixing this place up. I was your average horny husband and never strayed. My wife and I enjoyed an active but vanilla sex life. I have no complains. We would fuck at the drop of a hat and enjoyed oral especially, if one was tired or we had time limitations. That ended two years ago in a car crash in which my wife died. The compensation from the crash paid for these rundown stables...

3 years ago
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Alysons Urge for a Huge Black Cock

Alyson had been happily married to Graham for many years and had a twenty something daughter. Their sex life had always been very satisfying but recently her mind had been fantasising more than usual. She regularly pleasured herself, most of the time she used a black dildo and it was this had had been occupying her mind most recently. She had woken up feeling particularly horny one morning and as Graham had to get to work, a fuck was out of the question. As she showered she loved the feeling as...

3 years ago
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The Beginning

We married in the mid 70’s and as newlyweds we sucked and fucked everywhere we could and some places we shouldn’t as well. My Hubby David had just been given a junior promotion in the engineering company he worked for, he was a hard worker, at work and when he was doing me. Well the company always had a dinner dance which doubled as a presentation evening every year This was the first time we had gone to it. The company also provided rooms overnight, which was good; it saved having to drive...

2 years ago
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Just a day before the wedding

Just a day before the weddingMe and my friend have been best friends for many years. We shared everything. But After he started going out with his girlfriend seema, things were different. When they decided to get married I was the first one to know. I was close to seema as well. If they ever had trouble between them, she would always bring it up to me.But before I get into the story let me tell you a little about myself. I am married and my wife is amazingly good looking. I am 5'9 decent built...

2 years ago
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The Pink Panties

David, a friend of mine came to visit one Saturday. It was a nice day so we decided to sit out on the balcony while we had a couple of beers. Hazel, my wife, and I live in an apartment and we have no outside space to dry the laundry, so we use a clothes airer on the balcony. David noticed a couple of pairs of Hazel's panties on it, his eyes nearly popped out at the sight of them. "Does Hazel wears those?" he asked. When I told him she did, he gave a low whistle and said. "You're a lucky...

1 year ago
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Gloria Goodnights Glamorous GamsChapter 2

Eventually, I came to understand that I never had a chance with my best friend Gloria. I don’t think it was because she was so beautiful and I was a bit of a dork. In fact, I think the simple truth was that she was interested in guys that made her juices run like those bulls over in Europe with all the men running their ass off to keep from getting gored. It was hard for me to watch one of those newsreels because I had this silly fear of getting gored by a sharp point horn and the very...

3 years ago
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A More Than Fun Marriage 8211 Part 1

Hi All, I have been reading stories on ISS and always thought may be I should also contribute and share some of my experiences. So here I am with my first story. This is a real experience which I had 2 years back at my friend’s marriage. If you like the story or not and want to give feedback, feel free to contact me on So before I start with the story let me tell you about myself. I am from Delhi and working in a MNC in Delhi. I am 5’8″, athletic build and I love to play football. About other...

2 years ago
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Wank Fun in Black FFs

I met Roger online in a MSN chatroom (remember them), he was an openly gay man, what we had in common was we both had a fascination and love for women who wore nylons especially FF's, even though he was a gay man, he still appreciated a women in FFs he said it reminded of his c***dhood and of his mother, after we had spoken a few times, he told me he would often wear them himself and would wank in them, and to prove it sent me a video clip, which I admitted to him that I loved the clip and that...

3 years ago
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Maa Ko Bas Mein Kiya Chodne Ke Liye

Hi friends yeh story meri mom aur mere sex ki hai. Aap ko to pata hai hamare yaha mom ke bare mein aisa, yani sex vagera sochana sin hai. Incest feelings kisi ko pasand nahi hai. To agar aapko mom ke sath sex karna ho to bahot difficult hota hai. Pehale to mom ko fasana hota hai. Maine almost 2 years tak mom ko fasaya. Fir is garami ke chuttiyon mein maine mom ke sath sex kiya. Pehale to mom ke bare mein. Meri mom ki age 38 hai. Mom jab 18 ki thi tabhi main paida hua tha. Mom apni figure ka...

4 years ago
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Wonderful And Thril Nights

Hi Friends,I m Ravi, i finished my engg.Now i m in chennai.1st time i m writing my experiance…i have 7inch cock.Its my 1st exp wit my own aunty. My aunty is one of the very very sexy lady in world, her name is Anu.(sorry friends,i changed her name). Which encouraged me to have sex with Anu.her boobs like water-melone , and i want suck it. Basically she is from small village and she is also a good friend For me.Her body and eyes are very admirable one.she has great Boobs 34D, 28 waist and 38...

1 year ago
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A Game of Lust Chapter One

We are in my marital home. My husband Will and I met when I was 22 and he was 24. Five years later and we have been happily married for three years. Now at 27 and 29 we continue to be a handsome couple who share a high libido and taste for lust. Tonight, Will and I have invited three friends over to join us for games that will thrill us all. I am 5'3", petite, 32E with a golden complexion mirroring my Mediterranean heritage, waist length wavy dark hair and chocolate eyes with rose lips. Shaven...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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Tisdale High

“Quit complaining, young man. Your sisters work their asses off twice harder than you and you don’t hear them whine all the time.” “But Alyssa’s 14, can’t she walk home from school on her own?” “I’d prefer not, this town isn’t the safest for two pretty girls…” What the hell? Ottawa, an unsafe town? What has my mom been smoking? I knew arguing some more would only get me in trouble, so I simply agreed. I wasn’t going to do it anyway, but she’d never know. “Fine, I’ll go get Alyssa and...

3 years ago
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Mc Allisters RedemptionChapter 5

Lelainde woke, the warm sun spilling through the farmhouse window. She lay there for a moment, luxuriating in the light and warmth. With a start, she jumped up, recalling the events of the night before, and ran to the stable, her night-wear flapping behind her. Sighing, she found the barn empty, though there were no hoofprints on the hardpack floor, there were in the lane. Lelainde walked back into the farmhouse, lost in thought. Once inside, she sat at her writing table, pensively. With a...

3 years ago
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Getting ready for the first day of school

As I wake up from my afternoon nap. I come out to the living room to find my girl doing another girls hair. She had told me were having company, but I didn't remember. So to my surprise I find a tight jeaned girl sitting in the chair with some cleavage showing.Now keep in mind that I have my thinnest sweats on with no under ware and a tank top. My girl wearing apron and not much revealing. We also have two c***dren running around the house being k**s. Now my bulge always shows in these...

3 years ago
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Mia Chapter 1 Introductions

Chapter 1 - Introductions 10 Aug 2010 Dearest Mia, I’m using the several thousand miles between us as an opportunity to start my letter writing hobby. I think as a generation we lack the romance of a hand written letter being delivered through the post. That being said, it also gives me the chance to perfect my English language skills and feel a bit more Jane Austen-esque. J (Damn it. I almost wrote a smiley face there.) I also think you get more out of a handwritten letter than Facebook,...


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