- 4 years ago
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Chapter 10
Dinner for Two
It was some time before either of us had the energy to even speak, let alone move, each content to lie in each other’s arms as our bodies slowly recovered from the totally shattering experience we had shared.
Hanna made the first move, slipping from my arms and sitting up then bending to kiss me lightly. ‘Would you like to stay over Mac?’
‘I’d love to Hanna.’ I said. ‘But it’s a bit impractical tonight, I have to be in Brussels early tomorrow morning and I brought nothing with me. If I’d had any idea.’
‘I know, I understand, I wasn’t certain myself.’
‘But you thought we might?’
‘Share my bed? Yes, well to be truthful, I hoped we might.’
‘I wish I’d know that.’ I replied, pushing myself up and taking her face in my hands. I looked deep into those darkly sparkling eyes for several long seconds and knew she could tell I was about to say something I thought important.
Although at that moment I knew exactly what I wanted to say to her I also thought I needed to be careful, not come on too strongly too soon, so I struggled to find the right words. Eventually I made a decision, and said. ‘I know this is neither the time nor the place to say this, but I’m going to take a risk and say it anyway. I have been waiting a long time for someone like you to come along, and I think you might have been doing the same thing. The only way we can find out if what we have been feeling for each other this evening is more than physical attraction plus a healthy dose of lust, is to spend lots of time with each other. And not all of it in bed.’ I added with a grin.
Just as it had earlier, when I’d been trying to dress after she had asked me to stay for a meal, I felt my heart start beating wildly when she replied. ‘I agree Mac, I think that’s a very good idea.’
I couldn’t help myself, I dropped my arms around her and hugged her tight. ‘Darling, darling Hanna.’ I whispered in her ear, feeling her bed-tousled hair tickling my face.
I hung on to her for a long time, at first fearing that if I let her go she might change what she’d said, but when I realised she was holding me just as tightly, just because it felt so good, so very, very good.
But eventually nature forced my hand and I released my hold. ‘I’m sorry but I really must use your bath-room.’ I said, adding with a happy grin. ‘But don’t you dare to suddenly disappear on me.’
‘I won’t, I promise.’ she said softly as she unwound her arms from around my waist.
The idea came to me while taking the much needed piss, and the more I thought about it the better I liked it.
When I returned to the bed-room she was still sitting up in bed, the sheets drawn just to her waist, leaving her beautiful breasts on display. ‘If you’re going to make a habit of sitting around looking like that I might never get anything else done.’ I said.
‘I’ll remember that Mac. And I could say the same about you.’ she replied.
‘Me? There’s not much to look at right now.’ I said, glancing down at my completely flaccid cock.
‘Oh I wouldn’t say that, and apart from anything else I have a particularly good memory.’ she added with a positively wicked grin.
‘That’s nice to know. But to more important things, two of them in fact. One, dinner this evening, will you join me? And two, what are your plans for this coming week-end?’
‘Dinner would be very nice Mac, and afterwards?’ she answered without any hesitation.
‘I’ll show you where I live.’ I said with a smile.
‘I should bring a few things with me then?’
‘That would be a good idea. And the week-end?’
That time she thought for a several moments before replying. ‘There is a small concert, but it’s not that important that I be there. And there were a couple of minor things I was going to do, but they can wait a few days. What did you have in mind?’
‘I’ll tell you tomorrow evening, there are a few things I have to organise first, so I’ll wait until I’m certain. But if all goes well I think you’ll like the idea. Now I had better get dressed, while I still have the will-power to do so.’ I said, moving closer and bending to kiss her, taking that brief opportunity to cup one breast in the palm of my hand.
She returned my kiss with passion and as she pressed herself firmly against my enfolding hand she disentangled her arms from the sheet, lifting one up around my neck and reaching down between my legs with the other.
‘Are you sure you don’t want to stay?’ she whispered when we broke for air, keeping her fingers curled around my totally depleted cock and balls.
‘No I’m not sure Hanna. But this time I must go, tomorrow night will be different, I promise. And if all goes well we’ll soon have several days, and nights together.’ I replied as I pulled myself free of her disturbing hold.
‘Promises, promises!’ she said, her face taking on a pretended sulking expression. ‘But this time I’ll trust you. Now, where to meet this evening?’
‘Oh let me pick you up, if that’s OK? I can drop you back whatever time you like the following morning. Or even in the middle of the night if you get tired of me.’ I added with a grin.
‘With that condition in mind, OK. What time should I be ready?’
‘Seven thirty, eight o’clock, is that all right?’
‘Perfect. And I hope your idea about the week-end works out Mac.’ she added softly.
‘So do I darling, so do I.’ I replied, bending to give her another, much briefer kiss before gathering up my discarded clothes.
First thing the following morning I made a few phone calls and within an hour or so I had two sets of plans in place. A couple of years before I had been heavily involved in the development of a resort complex on one of the smaller islands in the Aegean Sea, and rather than take my full fee as taxable income I had converted part of it to a time-share arrangement on one of the better apartments. I had stayed there only once myself, soon after finalising the deal, with a girl whose face I had to struggle to remember. Since then most of my allotted time had been used to ‘thank’ some of my contacts for their help in various ways, but I still had a healthy balance of time available, and had found the place could be made free for the days I wanted.
Another couple of calls had reserved alternative flights and cars, and a boat to transfer us from the Greek mainland, so all that remained was to see just how much time Hanna could spare from her commitments.
Later that morning I rang what I liked to think of as my ‘local’, a small restaurant next to my apartment building, and reserved a table for Hanna and I for that evening. Then really knuckled down to work, going right through until it was time to shower and change.
It was just a little after seven thirty when I pulled up outside the Bellecoeur and Georges, the seemingly ever present concierge, told me that Madame had just come down to the foyer. While he hurried back up the steps to bring her small overnight bag down to the car Hanna appeared, then gave me a kiss that although brief still somehow managed to convey much.
The evening traffic was no better than usual so our conversation was stilted and I thought I would leave the important questions until I had parked the car and we had gone up to my apartment to drop Hanna’s things off. But the questions had to wait a little longer than that, because no sooner had I closed the door behind us than we were in each other’s arms, kissing feverishly, our hands roaming over each other’s bodies.
We didn’t even get any further than the hall-way, we fucked right there, both of us equally unrestrainedly impatient.
Although I had been mainly concentrating on negotiating the traffic during the trip across Paris, that hadn’t completely stopped my other thought processes. Having her sitting so close, being able to see her out of the corner of my eye and having her subtle perfume
drifting up into my nostrils, all brought back pictures and memories of the previous evening, and triggered thoughts of what might lie ahead in the next few hours.
Images of her, standing naked in the middle of her bed-room, asking me which part of her gorgeous body I liked best. Sitting up in bed with her beautiful breasts uncovered. Of her sex, pouting moistly as I bent forward to kiss it.
Memories of the sound of her voice, ‘Your turn for a little selfish pleasure’ she had said before pushing herself down on to my rearing cock. Then ‘Yes, well to be truthful, I hoped we might.’ when the subject of whether or not she had anticipated us sharing her bed. Of her obviously delighted exhilaration when I took her to a climax.
But even stronger than those were the thoughts of what new experiences we had yet to share, what joys we had yet to give each other.
So although outwardly I may have appeared to remain cool, calm and collected, inwardly I was a seething mix of desire and need by the time we reached my apartment, and my cock had responded in its usual way. So when she crushed herself against me as we kissed there was no way she could have missed the feel of its already rigid length pressing against her thigh.
As our lips bruised each other’s and our tongues probed and twined Hanna gripped my bottom with both hands, pulling me even tighter up against herself. I didn’t even waste time trying to free her breasts but dropped both hands down and began scrabbling her skirt up with my fingers. I don’t know whether she sensed my intentions, or was driven by her own equally strong needs, but as I did that she let go of me and having pushed me back a little, began unfastening my trousers.
Even though our frenzied kissing gave us very little room to move somehow we quickly managed to free the lower halves of each other’s restraining garments, and then we both felt the jolting shudder that ran up through my body as her fingers closed around my already inflamed cock. ‘Oh that feels so good!’ she said breathlessly, then added in an even more urgent tone. ‘Do it to me, right now Mac!’
My early years in the building industry included a good deal of hands-on work and a sometimes volatile work force meant I had to learn to take care of myself, so I had developed a better than average musculature. And although later years had required brain rather than brawn I had maintained my general fitness and most of my strength. So I was able to lift Hanna straight up off the ground, then by putting my hands under her arm-pits and pushing hard against the wall, hold her there, suspended.
‘Good God, a bull!’ she exclaimed in surprise, but then realising what I was doing meant that the next move was up to her, she lifted her knees and spread her legs, then reached down to guide my cock-head to her sex.
The strength of the sensations that coursed back through it as I plunged deep into her warmly welcoming pussy were unbelievable, totally blanking out any thoughts of the finer points of love-making. I was driven by lust, pure, unadulterated, animal lust. And in that position, hanging there, Hanna could do little more than take whatever I did to her.
But that obviously suited her mood too, because once she knew I was fully embedded she slid both arms down around me and gripped my naked arse, her finger-nails digging almost painfully into the flesh as she urged me on. ‘Do it hard Mac! Fast and hard!’
For one brief moment I realised just how ridiculous the situation was. We were two mature adults, with a choice of comfortable venues, and both the evening and coming night to enjoy all the numerous aspects of love-making. Yet there we were, about to do it for all the world like two over-anxious teen-agers having to steal a minute or two of purely mindless fucking.
Yet right then I wouldn’t have changed a thing, the sheer excitement of such wildly spontaneous sex, especially with a woman as beautiful and as wonderful as Hanna was, was truly mind-blowing. So I began giving her exactly what she had asked for, began fucking her as hard and as fast as I could.
But even though it was what we both wanted it still seemed unfair that the needs driving us should be satisfied so quickly, that our bodies didn’t give us a chance to enjoy those thrills for just a little longer. But we weren’t, after just a couple of minutes of truly violent thrusting I felt my balls tightening as a rising surge built deep inside me. As it rose higher I thrust even deeper, each forcing a loud, grunting gasp from Hanna as my body drove her even harder back against the wall.
Feeling the sudden increase in both the speed and power of my action she managed to lift her legs higher and use them to grip me even tighter. Then, just as suddenly as my own responses had started, she cried. ‘Yes! Oh yes, yes! I’m coming! Come too Mac, come now!’
I felt her tensing, then, as though wanting to grip my cock as tightly as her legs and hands were my body, her pussy tightened, increasing the friction and so further intensifying the sensations I was getting.
That was more than I could stand and I heard myself crying her name over and over again as successive gouts of semen ripped up through me and jetted deep into her convulsing core.
And from Hanna’s response it was obvious that the furious pounding I was giving her was exactly what she needed right then, her initially excited cries turning to whimpers of happy disbelief as my cock continued pistoning in and out, each thrust spouting yet another load of hot, sticky semen.
But of course eventually my strength gave out, and the intensity of what we had done left me both trembling and weak-kneed, still pushing hard against the wall, but by then purely for the support it gave me.
‘Phew! I wonder where that came from.’ she whispered breathlessly in my ear when I lowered her back down to the floor.
‘I have no idea darling, but I’m not complaining.’
‘Oh nor am I, nor am I. That was exactly what I needed, and you were truly amazing. So strong, in every way.’ she said with a tone of admiration in her voice.
‘I always did as my Mother told me, ate all my vegetables so I would grow up big and strong.’ I said with a grin.
‘Well they certainly worked, on both counts.’ she replied with a low chuckle, then added as she bent to pick up her panties from where she had dropped them. ‘But now I’ll need to go a freshen up before we eat.’
I only had a momentary glimpse of the flimsy material before she scrunched it in her hand but saw it was pale green, and noted that as before, it was exactly the same shade as the shirt she was wearing under her suit.
Then I gave her a quick tour of the apartment, ending up in my bed-room and opening the door to the en-suite. ‘All yours darling, there’s no rush, I’ll pour us a drink while you are tidying up, what do you fancy?’
‘Do you have any Campari?’
‘Yes I do, how do you like it?’
‘With soda please, just a weak one, and lots of ice.’
While pouring the drinks I suddenly remembered that in the construction files for the resort I still had a few of its brochures, so while waiting for Hanna I went through to my study and popped one in my pocket.
‘That’s better, I feel respectable again.’ she said when she returned just a few minutes later.
‘That’s a pity, I could easily get hooked by the disrespectable side of you.’ I replied as I handed her a glass.
She gave that soft, deep-throated laugh that I was growing to love so much, raising her glass to me and answering. ‘If you can assure me it’s guaranteed to bring out the bull in you, I’ll make sure it’s never too deeply hidden Mac.’
‘That’s a deal.’ I said in return.
‘Now tell me what you have in mind for the week-end, you sounded quite mysterious about it.’ she said as she sat down on the settee.
I sat beside her and reached into my pocket for the brochure. ‘I didn’t mean to, it was just that I didn’t
know if the place would be available at such short notice. But it is.’ I said, handing it to her.
As she turned the pages I explained the back-ground to my involvement in the business and the time-sharing arrangement I had. ‘It’s not just available for the week-end either.’ I said. ‘As they have had a late cancellation we can have it for five or six days. Now I can’t get away for that long right now, but I can free up Friday and Monday, so we could have four days there.’
‘Friday and Monday too?’ she said thoughtfully, then turned to me with a smile and, arching one eye-brow, said. ‘But what would we do for four days?’
‘Well as you can see, there’s tennis, golf, fishing, scuba-diving and snorkelling, sight-seeing trips by boat. And although I have only been there just the once before, the dining is especially good, and there is a nice little combo to dance to, that gives everyone an opportunity to dress-up and step out. I don’t think we’d be bored.’
‘And if none of those activities appeals?’
‘Then we’ll just have to make do with the indoor sports, that or find ways of amusing ourselves.’
‘Ah, now that sounds much more promising.’ she said huskily, then added. ‘So long as you eat plenty of vegetables between now and Friday Mac.’
‘You can make it?’
‘I think so, I’ll need to check tomorrow morning. Certainly I can make the week-end and Monday, there are a couple of things I should be doing Friday, but I’m almost sure I can get someone else to take care of those. But even if I can’t, three days would be good wouldn’t it?’
‘Three days will be wonderful, three days and nights, simply heaven!’ I replied enthusiastically.
While we slowly sipped the rest of our drinks I told her more about the resort, how we would get there and in answer to her immediate question, what type of clothes were most suitable for her to take. Then when we had finished I suggested it was time we made our way to the restaurant.
‘Where are we going, I forgot to ask before, is what I am wearing suitable?’ she asked with a note of concern in her voice.
‘Perfectly Hanna, it’s nowhere special, just a small family restaurant, in the adjoining building. I eat there frequently. We just pop down in the lift, then pop back up again, that way we don’t waste too much time.’ I said with a grin.
‘Ah I see, very practical. So long as there is something else also popping up before the end of the evening.’
‘Oh I think we’ll be able to arrange that for you.’ I replied as I took her empty glass.
Although just one of the many family restaurants scattered throughout Paris I had been more than happy to continue using this one on a regular basis for several years. Their menu was a mixture of old, ever reliable favourites and a number of regularly changing dishes that never failed to please. Marie Claire took care of the kitchen, her husband, Jacques, plus their eldest son, Pierre, the front of house. In the time I had been going there I had become almost a friend of the family, and on a couple of occasions had been able to help them through small, quite temporary financial difficulties. Pierre and I had become especially close and although very happily married himself, and I rarely took anyone there with me, he never failed to check with me as to the goings on in my own love life.
So when we went in and Pierre hurried forward to greet us I immediately, but very discretely made sure he understood that Hanna was a very, very special lady. He raised his eye-brows in surprise, gave me a broad grin, then turned to Hanna. ‘A friend of Mr. McHenry is a friend of my entire family, welcome to our small restaurant, our service is here for your pleasure.’
I could see Hanna was a little taken aback by Pierre’s somewhat effusive greeting, but she smiled and thanked him for it, then turned to me. ‘I think we are going to enjoy our meal Mac.’
And that we certainly did. Pierre obviously quickly alerted his Mother and Father to the fact that I had a very special lady friend with me because I saw several pairs of eyes scrutinising Hanna, then smiles being exchanged when they apparently approved of what they saw. And with that they gave extra special care to all that they did for us, recommending minor variations to our initial orders, ensuring the dishes were both especially appealing to our eyes as well as our palates, and immediately attending to our smallest wish.
Message-ID: X-Original-To: [email protected]: [email protected]: From: Johnnie X-ASSTR-Original-Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2010 21:34:42 +0000 (GMT)Subject: {ASSM} Hannah - the whole story - (bbbbFF, MMMMMF, Slut, p**o, sex slave, voyeurism, exhibitionist, piercings, tattoos, b********y)Lines: 5435Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2010 08:10:08...
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This was turning into a very awkward conversation. The girl in the next door apartment had as good as invited herself in for coffee. Normally that would have been fine, in fact more than fine. Hannah was single, in her mid twenties and good looking. She was slim with a nice figure and shoulder length brown hair. But as he was making the coffee, she’d seen a print out from a local mistress that he’d accidentally left on the coffee table. And to make it worse he’d annotated it with possible...
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He’d only been gone for an hour and a half but already she couldn’t get thoughts of him out of her mind. Angelina, known to most as Angel, had been seeing this guy steadily for almost four weeks and she was getting ‘The Feeling’. You know, the feeling like this could be “The Real Thing”. This scared Angel. She was only 22; was she ready to settle down with someone? At the same time the prospect excited her. The thought of sharing her life with this man sent tingles down her spine. In her...
MasturbationMemories By Robin Y. I often think back to how I came to be the feminine male I am. There remains a lot of wishful thinking, but wishful thinking never changed anything and I try to use what I remember to gain some understanding of why I am who I am. I don't know if that is possible....I'm sure those memories are tainted with time, but I do believe that they offer some clues to why I chose the paths I have. Why we have the inclination for these choices may never be clear....but...
**Authors note: Thanks to my ‘fans’ who have loved M&M so much, I decided to humor you with another go-around! This story is meant to be a stand-alone from my Max and Megan series. This story happened in no particular time or order from the real series. ** Max watched Megan as she stared quietly at the flickering flames of the campfire before them. She seemed lost in her own thoughts, of what he did not know. She was so beautiful in the firelight, her strawberry blonde hair and pale skin...
We lay together for several minutes, enjoying the cuddling while she softly stroked my chest, then moved to my abdomen. "You know, Jimmy, you have grown into quite a handsome man. I never realized it either until just now, but you are pretty sexy in your own right!"Then her hand moved even further south and wrapped around my still rock-hard cock. "And now that Tiffany is all rested up, she'd like to play some more... if you're 'up' for it, James!""You're a naughty little slut aren't you,...
IncestI've mentioned Bondage but it's only very mild, similarly the place of work isn't a prominent feature, it's more a romance with sex than anything else. But it's not all that bad... Liz Part One One of the nice, if infrequent, perks of working for a large Company is visits by sales reps, keen to sell the newest all singing, all dancing products or trying to increase the level of consumables we order from them, with this in mind lunch is invariably an expensive drawn out...
Hot young thing Emily Willis is feeling neglected in her marriage. By coincidence, Lucas Frost, one of her old lovers, is in town. After careful contemplation, Emily decides to do what any hot blooded woman would do: She invites Lucas over while her husband isn’t home. While she waits on him, she puts on some scandalous lingerie beneath her dress and makes herself up nicely. Lucas loves what he sees as he walks in the door. Emily doesn’t play pretend about her wants. She draws Lucas...
xmoviesforyouIt was the summer of 2012. I just finished the last semester of my junior year at Miami Dade, and I was searching for a summer job when I came across a house-sitting ad. I got in touch with the couple who ran the ad. It turned out that they were a wealthy retired couple planning on spending their summer in Europe. They were looking for someone trustworthy and dependable to live in and care for their beach house located in the Florida Keys.I talked it over with my boyfriend, asking him to come...
TrueThe December 2021 Fantasy of the Month features Anny Aurora, Santa’s naughty sister. Her job is to hand out coal to all the naughty people. She feels overshadowed by Santa, but what can she do? She’s feeling super horny this year because Santa caught her getting frisky with one of the elves right before she had to set off. Her last coal drop of the year is for Damon Dice. She’s running late, and she discovers too late that she’s out of coal. Even worse, Damon has found...
xmoviesforyouMiria paced the floor nervously, thinking to herself that he had been gone longer than expected. Bastion was usually only gone a day and a half to check the lands and head to town for supplies. Today marked the third day he had been gone, and she was starting to worry. ‘Where is he,’ she thought. Her mind began to race with questions of where could he be, was he hurt, or maybe just tired of being around her. After all, she has been here with him for three years now. Bastion had saved her after...
I woke up at six , I was alone, I walked down to my room Kate’s door was shut I got dressed and went to make a cup of tea, I walked through the lounge, sally was still laying there on her stomach, her blanket was half on the floor her dress was half way up revealing her bum, her knickers half between her cheeks, she was sound asl**p I made some tea and looked out the window,it was pouring with rain just what I needed on my paper round, I finished my tea and went to put my cup in the sink,...
Number 18 of a series of individual stories. A Return to Where it Started By SONIA e-mail [email protected] Please send comments, favourite pictures etc.!!! Chapter 1 - The Anniversary I have been dressing up as a woman or just enjoying wearing panties for quite a while and this has made my sex life with my wife, Sally Anne, almost too amazing to believe. My dressing up started when we were away for a weekend and Sally Anne dared me to go to the pub looking like a...
I was at this hopping frat party, and was just about to bang this hot chick when I got a drunken txt from my sister. Grt homee now! Now Becky normally gets on my case about my txt speech so I knew right away something was up. I walked in to the living room to the sight of my mother passed out on the sofa wearing only a thin bright yellow summer dress and plain white panties. I could see her panties because sitting next to her, my drunken naked sister was trying to pull them off. This sight...
Montague Street was about a mile from where I lived, slap bang in the middle of town. Drew had purchased number twenty-two, a dilapidated and frankly rather ugly two storey building, on moving back to Stow Newton three years ago. He’d intended to do the place up in his spare time, convert it into two flats and flog them off at a profit as soon as possible. In the event, he’d done everything except sell the flats, staying put in the top flat where he’d camped out during the renovation and...
I met Lady Dee at a retail store. It was kind of a high end retail shop and Lady Dee was a floor manager there. She was dark skinned and very pretty. Her hair was always well kept and she wore two piece suits, skirt and jacket with stockings and sensible leather shoes. She was about 5'4", weight proportionate to height and very professional. She spoke perfect English in warm sensual vocal tones. I really liked what I saw and I let her know it but she remained professional at all times on...
Hey guys.Hi my name is Vijay.I want to share my sexual experience with you people out there.This happened with me last year with my sweet bhabhi.You see my brother is married & we all stay together in a big bunglow just on the outskirts of Mumbai.My bhabhi Anita is a really hot women.She looks gorgeous wearing those sarees.Her big butt.Her juicy boobs.her wet lips always used to arouse me but I never got a chance to even touch her.But my luck soon changed.One day everyone went out for...
IncestLike most young people, my best friend lived next door. His family moved in when we were in school, and we became firm friends in an instant! Over the succeeding years, we made other new friends of course, we even 'drifted' a little at times. But 'best friends' we were, and best friends we stayed until his untimely death aged 24 in a motorcycle accident... That was some 30 years ago now, but I recall how instrumental he was in my sexual awakening.I came from what you'd call a strict family. We...
Reaching the edge of the city, just past the market square that she often visited, Suzan and Anita noticed that hardly anyone was around the homes there. Looking around as they reached the edge Suzan could see that something had gone horribly wrong. There were doors that were broken in, overturned stands, and destruction everywhere. Trash and broken items littered the road. Still in shock Suzan asked "What happened here, what is all of this?" "This is what happens when Trolls raid our...
This one time, I was really pissed with my mother as she insisted on saying,"What can a doctor achieve?You need a boy to fulfill you,love."I don't understand what is the necessity for me to search for boys being in high-school .I cursed violently and entered into my dorm I shared with my roommate , Zafar. Coming to my roommate, he was a complete knock-out. Hot, lean ,athletic, short straight black hair,the bluest of blue. And guess what? He never has a girlfriend. never! It's been so long that...
Hi guys, one more story for Indian sex stories, I received lots of comments & mails after my first story, but one mail has brighten my life ones again, hence here with new story .those who haven’t read my previous story, here is the link . Well let me tell you about myself first, HI, this is abhimanyu (25), Adventure lover & Businessman from pune, Marathi guy with fair complexion, chubby looks and 5″ dick. Any girl/woman of any age from Pune may contact me at for a thrilling sexual...
I arrived at the prison to collect Eloise de La Zouche early the next morning. Captain Ramsey wanted her aboard, and her dunnage stowed, by 8 am, although we were not due to sail until the afternoon. The prison governor greeted me with the news that she had escaped. He took me to her cell; the door hung open, and on the floor lay the body of the bearded turnkey, his trousers around his ankles and his throat cut. "He was discovered when the morning shift came on duty at five. The surgeon...
I laughed as I got out of bed and headed for the shower. My sister Kay, was swearing at me between gasps for air. Two hours earlier I had stopped by to check on her since her husband was out of state for work and she had basically demanded I take care of her or she was going to go crazy. Being the wonderful older brother that I am… I made her cum orally a few times before I finally gave her the cock she wanted! By then, the bed was soaked because I had her so horny she had squirted on my face...
Crystal is my girlfriend. She is fifty-five years old, five feet four, and about one hundred twenty-five pounds. She has 36C tits, nice, slightly chubby ass and white/platinum hair bleached by the Arizona sun. When Crystal is dressed up, she is a stunning piece of womanhood. Crystal has suddenly developed an interest in the Sonoran Desert. She is not a biological science major, but someone whose friends have been telling her stories about central Arizona. I agreed to take Crystal out into the...
VoyeurThis material is meant for readers of 18 yrs old or older. If you are not 18 please leave now. This story is fictional. Please send me any feed back you may have. To the love of my life, I still remember the first Valentine’s Day we were together. We had met the previous May and been married in November so this was the first time we had been together on Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s fell on a Friday and I told you I had to work when in reality I took the day off to watch you. I had spent...
The stunning Gina Varney is next up as one of our Sexy British Babes and after a long afternoon of shopping, she’s headed back home to her boyfriend who has a threesome surprise in store. The cocks of Raylan Franco and Chris Cobalt await and Gina wastes no time getting the fun started started as she bends over and warms up with a couple of deepthroat blowjobs. Then watch the rest of the action unfold on www.private.com as this sexy babe offers up her pussy and ass for an incredible anal and DP...
xmoviesforyouWhen I started college last summer, I met the most beautiful girl, her name was Annabel. She was 5’2” with short brown hair and big green eyes. She was thin, but had curves in all the right places, with a full B cup breast. Well, we met the second day of school when I just happened to run into her on my way back to my dorm. “I’m sorry. I was just lost in this book!” She said, smiling softly at me. “I’m Annabel.” “Hey, it’s fine hun. I’m Emma.” I said, smiling at her. It was after that day that...
LesbianThey say that as you get older past memories will always come flooding back whilst those of today are soon forgotten. Here is one of my many reminiscences, if it sounds familiar let it be, for I write for pleasure not personal reward.It was a barmy summer’s day so with an itching to get on the bike I said bye to my parents and set off down the road. Living in Eastcote it wasn’t long before I hit the open countryside, so with the wind blowing around my ears I began to meander through the...
First TimeSlumber party I just don't know how I am going to handle 6 girls...First off I don't think I have the strength. Hmmm I guess I will have to cheat. I think I have an idea. At lunch I looked for Lori and Keri and told them as much as I would like to make love to 6 girls I felt it would be unfair to them to have to divide myself up that much. How about if I ask my friend Tony to spend the night too. Tony was considered to be a Dreamboat by most of the girls. He had curly black hair,...
Partial Character List: Jeff – The Prime. Diana – The Clan Queen and Jeff's first wife. Arlene – Jeff and Diana's daughter and Jeff's young wife who is also a Queen. Susan – Wife and Diana's mother, who is also a Queen. Jennie – Young wife. Melissa – Young wife. Laura – Wife and computer guru. Ann – Laura's daughter and Jeff's young wife, also a computer guru. Helen – Genius wife and teacher. Nat, Nicki, and Whitney – Young wives who were rescued by Jeff and his team. Joyce –...
"Hello, Wednesdae," I barely croak out, my heart still racing, my mind swirling. "I met Wednesdae last week, and I just knew I had to enjoy her body. She came over today to help me get ready for a sex toy party I'm hosting tonight. I forgot all about it," Tuesdae says with a giggle. "I'm sorry, babe, but you'll have to go out for a few hours. But don't worry, I have a few plans for you before you go." She puts her hand on my chest and tells me to stay put as she heads over to the bed and...
TabooThe rest of the week was a non-event as far as my part of the case went. I made a conscious effort to just relax and let Rebecca do her job. Between school, cross country practice, working on PR ideas for Mr. Dennis and the goon squad, homework etcetera, I felt I had plenty on my plate to keep me busy. Not too mention keeping my two girlfriends happy. It all kept me pretty busy. In fact I wished I could find a few spare hours to do some research on a subject I really wanted to look into. Both...
Lexi woke in the dimly lit bedroom, a warm soft body touching her side. She turned her head just enough to see the dark hair of Nadia sleeping beside her. Confused for a moment she rolled to the side, only to find that her arms were once more cuffed behind her. Her movement woke Nadia who quickly rolled over and flipped Lexi onto her back. Lexi looked up into the dark eyes of the other girl as she straddled her stomach. The feral and predatory look in Nadia's eyes, nor the taunting smile on...