Gina Makes Her Debut
- 2 years ago
- 41
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This is the first chapter of a total of thirty.
01 – Debut
Ah, the beach in Hawaii. One of the young women who just walked by with her two girlfriends had wonderfully large and almost perfectly hemispherical breasts. They looked firm, or at least firmer than my wife’s. Not that my wife has floppy breasts, mind you. Hers are really great, not much less firm than when we met more than a dozen years ago.
But, the young woman who just walked by, maybe in her early twenties, had tits like my wife, Amanda, used to have. I’m still enjoying watching her and her friends walking off in the distance, hoping she’ll turn sideways just a little so I can see those wonderful boobs, even from this far away, in profile.
The problem I always have is my memories from before Amanda. There was a woman who, well…
It’s not that I’m not happy. Amanda is a beautiful woman, often heads will turn when we walk into an event together – and they’re not looking at me, unless it’s the guys asking, ‘What does she see in him?’ Plus, Amanda is extremely intelligent, caring, a great mom, and she loves me.
In addition, we have a great sex life. With the kids, of course, it’s certainly less frequent than before they were born, but it’s still good. We fuck a few times a week. Occasionally we do other stuff, too. As I mentioned, I’m not unhappy.
It’s just that I sometimes think about a woman I used to know who was the perfect woman, the most incredible, as in hard-to-believe, amazing woman.
Although, I guess that’s not true or we’d be together, right? Yet, she was the perfect woman in so many ways.
Her name was Simone and I met her when I was 27 and working at a large management consulting and accounting firm. I was working during the day towards my CPA and going to school nights and weekends to get my MBA. It didn’t leave much time for anything else.
One day, though, I saw this vision at the gym and it changed my life, changed it forever.
The urban-suburban area where I lived was not that close to work, but I rented a sweet apartment, my gym was a block away, and it was convenient to many local shops. The gym was a classy place: free towels, both the small ones to wipe up one’s sweat and big cushy ones for after a hot shower. It was expensive, but worth it for the convenience and some of the hot women whom I’d see there.
With the stress of school and work, it was worth it for as much as I enjoyed working out and certainly it was worth it to be able to ogle unknowingly (well, so every guy thinks, right?) the array of good-looking women who were members too.
What’s that old joke? Question: What’s the definition of a perfect woman? Answer: Three feet tall, no teeth, and a flat head so that you can put your beer on it. OK, so I can’t tell a joke. Sue me.
It’s just that this woman I used to know, Simone, had some qualities that sometimes make me ache when I think back…
When I was in high school I had two ‘serious’ relationships. I thought I was so mature and knew it had to be true love. One of the girls was tall and skinny. She wanted to wait and stay a virgin, but loved to suck me. She was OK at it, but, though she’d let me come in her mouth, it always made her gag a little and she wouldn’t swallow. But, hey, I got blowjobs. I’m not complaining. It’s just that when you have a great orgasm in a woman’s mouth, having her almost retch on your semen is not the ideal way to have a good feeling about the whole experience.
The other girl was smaller and a cheerleader, muscular and curvy with big boobs. I played with those babies whenever I could, but it didn’t seem to do much for her. When it came to sex, all she would do is let me play with her boobs and pussy while she jerked me off.
High school, for me, didn’t involve a whole bunch of fucking, but it made me desire or actually hunger for boobs and blowjobs. (I doubt I’m in the minority on this, I mean, the desire for a woman with nice boobs and who enjoys giving blowjobs.)
I remember sitting there at my high school graduation thinking: If only I could get the boobs and the blowjobs from the same girl, life would be perfect. Maybe I’d find someone with big boobs who loved to give blowjobs (and swallow) when I got to college in the fall.
I had a great time in college, met some really wonderful women, and got laid at least some of the times I wanted to. Women who enjoyed giving blowjobs and had great big boobs, less so, but I had my share of relationships and one-night stands. It was all good, even if I never found that perfect woman.
Fortunately, that happened ten years after that realization during the playing of a tune that we all know as Graduation Music (but for those music lovers it’s Edward Elgar’s ‘Pomp and Circumstance March Number 1’).
That’s when I saw Simone at the gym – and it wasn’t exactly like you see it in the movies. She wasn’t wearing anything sexy, there was no sexy music, no back lighting as she might shake her head and long hair in slow motion. (How retro, huh?)
As a matter of fact Simone seemed to try to make herself as unappealing as possible, though she would never be perceived as unappealing. No way.
The first time I saw her, I was putting weights on a bar to do some presses on a bench. She was just about to sit down, facing away from me, on a pull-down machine. She was wearing baggy long shorts (now that’s a phrase for George Carlin fans, like ‘jumbo shrimp’), running shoes and socks, and a big, baggy long sleeve shirt over a t-shirt.
She had strong, but thin legs like a model. Even with the big shorts you could tell those long lean legs went up to a perfectly formed bottom and narrow, but seemingly long waist.
That was about all I could see from behind, but I remember sensing that there was something wrong with this picture. I just didn’t know what it was. After doing three sets of presses I got up and looked for her, but she was gone.
I made a note of when it was and, for the next week, tried to go back at the same time, but I never saw her. After two or three weeks my mystery woman began to disappear from my fantasy world and I just went when I could.
Fortune had not forgotten me, however, and about a month after I first saw her I noticed her get on a treadmill a few down from one I was using. She had on similar workout clothes and I was able to see her in one of the gym’s mirrors. I was just staring out into space, but if I kept the corner of my eye on this one mirror I could monitor the cute blonde without ogling overtly.
It was after about ten minutes that she had warmed up and had a good running pace going she spread her legs to stand on the outside rails of the treadmill and took off the top that was over her t-shirt. She pulled it over her head and for a second it seemed like every sound in the gym hushed as I – and virtually everyone else, men and women – thought he or she was looking at her surreptitiously. Because of her running she’d perspired a bit and the t-shirt clung to much of her torso.
She was so very slender. Her rib cage was so thin.
Yet, it was huge.
It was impossible!
At first this young woman appeared super tall, but I realized she was simply tallish, perhaps 5’9′ or 5’10’ with the thin body of a ballet dancer or a fashion model.
But then there were the breasts. The massive breasts. After a few moments of silence as she finally got the light sweat shirt over her head, threw it on the floor in front of the treadmill, and got back into her running pace, sound returned – and maybe breathing too – to the room. Heads kept glancing in her direction.
It was surely a joke. She must have taken cantaloupes and gotten some kind of contraption to hold them over her own boobs. Weird. Sexy, but weird.
Well, I said to myself, maybe she’s just a piece of work. Let’s face it: tall, thin women who look like they just left a lingerie modeling shoot
don’t have boobs that large. They have proportionately sized breasts or possibly expensively enhanced, but natural looking breasts.
What was so strange was that she appeared to be very serious and focused on her workout. Unlike many other women there she seemed to wear no make-up, lipstick, eyeliner, mascara, or any of that other crap. She didn’t smile, didn’t make eye contact with anyone. She ran for about three-quarters of an hour, cooled down, and got off.
That was when it happened. It’s a guy thing or maybe it’s just sick, slightly perverted me, but I had to continue looking at her throughout her treadmill routine. Those large whatever-they-weres didn’t seem to bounce much, but they probably weren’t real. Maybe she was a stripper or topless dancer and she’d had them done ‘extra large’ to earn big money.
Truth to tell, though, she didn’t look like a stripper. She looked more like a college student, young, determined, and, even with that impossible physique, sweet and innocent.
But, back to what happened. She got off the treadmill and walked around front to pick up her gray sweatshirt. As she leaned over to pick it up, I had a split second glance down her t-shirt. She was not wearing one of those sports bra contraptions, it was just what, in that quick peek, looked like a regular white bra with huge cups. And, I saw a glimpse of a boob that was unlike anything I’d ever seen except in porn. She had tits the size of her short, blond-haired head and cleavage that, well, let’s just say, if you went exploring, bring a flashlight.
After she toweled off the treadmill’s display she quickly disappeared. I – and many other eyes in the room – followed her, but she turned a corner into the area where classes are held. It was not terribly surprising that the tenor in the room rose slightly as some, who’d been as diverted as I had been, went back about their business.
The guy on the treadmill next to me said in a hushed voice, ‘My wife says they’re real.’
‘Huh, what?’ I asked him, still a little preoccupied with the images I was now trying to burn into my brain. Talk about jerk-off material!
‘That girl,’ he went on, ‘those are real. My wife’s seen her in the women’s locker room. She never talks to anyone (apparently quite shy), but my wife’s just caught a peek or two at her when she’s seen her in there.’
After a moment, I thought to ask him how she’d know, but I think women just know. I replied to him in such a way as to show how my mind was not in the gutter like his with a classy, ‘Amazing! Those are the biggest tits I’ve ever seen, but on a skinny thing like that…’ I paused for effect, ‘Jeez!’
You see. Classy, right?
It was the following week that she and I spoke. It was not a ‘meet cute’ moment. I just made an ass of myself when I was staring at another woman while doing a set of flies. She came up on the other side of me and asked, ‘Can I please have the 25s when you’re done?’
I started to say to whomever was being a pain in the neck, ‘Why don’t you just find – ‘ and then I turned, ‘ – your – oh my god!’
Then I dropped both of the 25s. They hit the floor with a loud crash causing everyone who wasn’t already looking at Simone to turn our way.
‘You could have handed them to me, jerk,’ she said, picking them up and walking over to a free bench.
I attempted to excuse myself, but I couldn’t manage to get anything coherent out of my mouth. Anyway, what the heck was this skinny thing – with the largest boobs in the world – going to do with a pair of 25-pound dumbbells?
I moved to another machine, but kept an eye on her as she did some controlled curls and similarly controlled shoulder shrugs. The shrugs caused those massive breasts to move up and down like water balloons on a bungie cord in slow motion. It was mesmerizing, virtually impossible not to stare.
A half-hour later I saw her in the lobby, dressed in boots, jeans, and a short, leather, zippered jacket on her way out the door.
Throwing caution to the wind – as I did not like being rejected – I ran up to her I said, ‘I must apologize for dropping those weights. It was simply that you startled me. I’m just glad I didn’t drop them on your foot.’
‘Well, you came awfully close,’ she replied. ‘You should be more careful.’
Then she paused, eyeing me as if to see if I was a jerk. It seemed that this had happened often.
‘And the way you – and almost everyone stares at me in there – I find it hard to believe that I’d startle you!’ she finally said, daring me to come back with some snide comment about her body.
Fortunately for me, I managed to bite my tongue. Maybe it was because the jacket was partly unzipped, but quite large, it was really hard to know what was jacket and what was her.
So, forgetting for a moment that she was a one-in-a-million woman, I managed to stay away from anything to do with her body and said in my most deep, manly, mocking voice, ‘Well, uh, we men, you know, we hunt to provide nourishment for our womenfolk and we work hard to see to their safe keeping – um, and the young-uns, o’ course. The future of the race depends on our knowledge of what goes on around us. So, it’s important for us to be vigilant.’
‘What a bunch of sexist bullshit,’ she said, cracking an adorable smile and ultimately laughing as she said, ‘but I will give you points for originality, albeit, stupid originality.’
Realizing that I was actually breaking the ice here, I said, ‘I’m sorry, uh, my name is Ed Spectere.’ In an instant I thought about and dismissed the follow-up: ‘And you are?’ I wanted to make sure to get her name, but this would leave me open for the old ‘…not interested’ response (as in ‘I am … not interested.’) Instead I just smiled, hoping she’d tell me her name.
‘Simone Ponte,’ she said. Then added, with a tad of contrition, ‘I’m sorry if I lost my sense of humor.’ With a slight hand gesture at her body and a glance of her beautiful blue eyes, she added, ‘Occasionally the staring just gets to me.’
Thinking I was probably moving too fast and – wishing I could take back what I said, the moment I said it – out came, ‘Well, Simone, do you have plans for dinner tonight?’
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Hello deston ye meri real story hai mera naam manish hai main 26 saal ka hun meri sis ka naam deepa hai wo 25 saal ki hai deepa dekhne main bhut mast lagti hai usse dekh ke har kisi ke maan main usse bas chodne ka khyal hi ataa hoga.Deepa ki bra ka size 32 hai uski navel bahut suckable hai uske boobs uski chut sab bhut mast hai uske nange jism dekh ke aisa lagta hai jaise koi gadrai barson ki payasi jawani hai jo machal rahi hai, aur ye sab main kaise janta hun ye hi batana chahhta hun.Main aur...
IncestHello everybody. I am Sujith, want to pen down my experience with Deepa aunt. I am using simple Indian spoken language so as to reach maximum number of readers you can mail me your opinions on my experience to I am 5.8 height handsome, well maintained going regularly to Gym. I am fetish about voluptuous women especially aunties in the mid age with massive ass, because most of them will be neglected at this age. I believe that for love or lust age has no bar. I like women wearing sari and...
Hello, readers, my name is Rustamjaani () As I mentioned briefly in my first Submission ( titled cuckolding my beautiful wife), and a huge response, lots of emails urging me on to write about my affair with the wife of my colleague namely Deepika while I was stationed in Mumbai India by my company. I am 35 years and work in London for a big British MNC as a manager. I am told I am very good looking, 5.11ft tall , fit as well as sporty. My company had taken over medium size Indian company with...
By : Vijay Hello friends I am a Vijay and main dehradun ka rahne wala hoon aur mba karke Chandigarh main job kar raha hoon meri age 24 saal hai aur average body hai meri dick ki length 5,”6″ hai. Aur ye sari baat real hai is site par maine bahut si kahania paddhi hai to socha ki ek ghatna jo meri real life hui hai use v ap logon se sayer karun main is site ka bahut bara fain hoon jo sabhi ko apni bat kahne ka mauka deta hai ab main apni stori par aa jata hoon agar apko (mainly girls) pasand aa...
Hi, readers, this is Rustamjaani () with the second part of the story about me and my colleague’s wife Deepika. Please read part 1 to familiarize your self with the story. I took a taxi to Deepika house, as I didn’t want any one to get suspicious about me being there. I got dropped off a bit early before her house and rang her on her cell. I told her if it was ok for me to come over, She said yes as she had sent the maid home early and she was alone at home but be careful. I asked what she was...
Dear reader of My name is Dev. I am a young boy age of 26. I live in Bangalore. This story began at 3 year back. When I finished my higher education and I went to stay in Bangalore. The day is very nice and I have a really enjoying my daily life here in Bangalore. I just enjoying watching movies and chatting on Internet. One day when I was alone in home the phone bell” rings”. When I pick the phone it was my Aunt from the place. She told me that she is coming to Bangalore to meet her...
IncestBy : Jamesh8080 Hi friend’s what can I do? I get half filled story which excites me I think it will be completed but its doesnt get completed by the real author. Anyway this too I am sending is not mine, It Belongs to one Deepa Patil as per what she chatted with me. I like it as it’s a first insect story that I liked, I hope you too will like the same. Next morning, my cunt was sore. I felt a little discomfort while walking. However, as the day progressed the pain was replaced by a gentle...
Hi readers this is Ashok writing my first story. I am an aunty fan and the most tempting thing for me is aunty navel, especially when aunty removes pallu. Our family moved to an apartment when I was on ninth standard. I am the only son of my parents; father is a businessman, and my mother a housewife. Our neighbours were Telugu people a widow and her son named Suresh. After some time Suresh married Deepa, a Telugu native from Chennai. Deepa is my crush and heroine of the story and myself...
Hi guys, this is schmuk once again coming to you with a maid sex encounter. I have a fantasy with maids, which now is the heart of my sex life. I have experienced sex plenty of times by now since my teenage, but it is with my maids padma (How i finally attained my maid, part 1 and part 2) and gowri (cook became my meal and maid to taste) that i have felt maximum pleasure. Their sexy indian dusky skin color, their toned bodies, supple stomach, tight vaginas, cushion like ass and fleshy thighs...
Deepika perfect Milf part 5 Hi, readers (). Apologies for so many parts as the whole story would not upload. Thank you for your patience Story continues. “ What”. I needed confirmation “Spank me” “ Are you sure?” I asked her “ Spank my ass” she screamed with frustration in her voice. I proceeded to slap her both buttocks gently. “ Harder my darling lover, soon to be conqueror of my pussy and all of me” “ Deepika I want to conquer not just your body but your heart too” “ Time will tell,” she...
This is Ashok back again, I earlier submitted a story deepa aunty in blue saree. This story narrates what happened after that. As in the end of first part I was seeing the sex video I shot in my handy cam. I got two more sleeping pills from my fathers drawer for today and went to deepa aunty house. She had come already from shopping. After lunch she went to sleep,may be tired due to my fucking sessions yesterday. I had same plan make her sleep at night and fuck. I felt bored and started seeing...
Hi folks..I am back with yet another experience of mine..first of all i would like to thank all of them who read my previous two stories and mailed me..thanks a lot for the compliment and support u had given me…Now here i start my next story…This happened to me when i was in my second year college.we were basically living in a our colony lived an aunty whose name was tell about her..she was very beautiful,fair,slim and very hot.her husband was working in very rarely...
Hi, readers . () . please read earlier parts to enjoy the story fully. Comments welcome from married ladies. Back to story she played with me, at the same time began to fellate my very hard cock with her left hand, I was putty in her hand, moaning and squirming constantly on the bed. “You like it” “ I love it, but be careful not to make me cum” “Cum if you want, I want to see you shoot” “ No, I want to cum inside you” “ You can’t as it is my fertile time and I am not on the pill either, you...
Hi readers. Please read part 1 and 2 if you are new to this story. In this part I have found it hard to exactly narrate all that happened between me and Deepika, , but I shall attempt it as best as possible. Question for my married lady readers (). If you were presented with a chance for an affair ( like Deepika was), would you as a supposedly conservative Indian woman go for it or not. ? or if you had an affair already what circumstances led you to it.? Your answer would be very educational...
It was doing the spring of my tenth year of high school, a year after my assault by the three delinquents that stole my innounce. My biggest fears had come true and more of my school mates knew of my sexual assault then I thought. Numerous occasions I was sexually accosted by other male school mates and their associates. Not wanting to be slapped around or beat to a pulp I usually just gave in to what ever they demanded and went about my business. Geoffrey R. was a student that I had known...
The Head Mistress returned a few minutes later and found Amber Fox still lying face down in the cushion on her sofa. She continued to sniff and sob loudly and Amelia ignored this as she placed her tube of Aloe Vera gel on the coffee table and removed a couple of wipes from the pack before she placed these on the table too. Miss Marks got on her knees and began to wipe the moist wipes over every inch of the younger woman’s sore bottom. The forty-two-year-old woman ensured that she touched every...
SpankingHello all, My name is Rahul and I live in Bangalore. Recently I came across this site thought that I should share with you what had happened to me a year back. Ok now about myself, I’m 25, tall and an extremely handsome person. I would like to narrate an experience with my cousin Deepa which happened a year back. Now about Deepa, she is 38, married with two kids, her husband works abroad and he visits India only once a year. Deepa is one of my uncle’s daughters and stays close to our house. I...
The Debutante Janet Stickney [email protected] When I was 16 I bought my first formal. It was all white, floor length, with a sweetheart neckline and puffy cap sleeves. It cost me almost $200, but it was worth it simply because it was mine. I tried it on in my room and then hung it in the basement among all of the other dresses that were there. My name is Jeff Grant, I'm 17 now, a short skinny guy with no girlfriend or even many boy friends. A serious student,...
Chapter 1: Meeting Judy This sexy incident occurred one summer when Tom was a cadet at the Air Force Academy. He'd finished up his junior year and the Air Force had sent him to an Air Force base in the Midwest part of the country for a period of four weeks. Before the dozen or so Air Force Academy cadets had departed from the Academy for their summer tours, an organizer for a debutante ball at the base where they would be had contacted them and asked if they would be willing to serve as...
This is Sandeep from Maharashtra. Here I am going to narrate my amazing day with my elder sister. We fucked and sucked each other many before marrige. But now I had very less chances to fuck her. This January I came to home and my wife at her native. I get call from didi to come to her home as her husband going to his native from city for a farm-work for 2 days & her c***dren are also at my home. I was more than happy & started my journey to her home.At outside of her house, I met my...
Hi to all the ISS readers! I am RK from Chennai with my 2nd story on ISS. For feedbacks and private sex for ladies in Chennai can mail me at . This happened 2 weeks ago with my neighboring girl deepa who is 19 yrs old. She is from bengal and lives with her family. She has a perfect porn star figure, Big boobs around 42 but not too fat. She is a virgin till then. Her family and my family are good friends as our fathers worked together in office. Deepa was good friend of mine. We use to play...
Hello all, I hope you all doing well! This story is about a housewife Deepali’s hidden desires. It is a true story. Without wasting any time, I will start my story. I am Deepali, and everyone calls me Deepu. I was married at the age of 21 to Dhananjay. Dhananjay is from a rich background, and he is working in the government sector. So without any second thought, I married him. I look innocent, but I was horny at the time of marriage. I was very excited to fulfill my dark imaginations with my...
The Debutante Timmy had been suspended from school for the second time. Ever since he had reached puberty he had been in trouble in some way. His mother was at her wits' end. This time she was determined to do something about it. She sent him to his room immediately and poured herself a drink to calm down a bit. What could she do? She did not want him to turn to a life of crime. She loved her son and since her husband's death it had been very difficult. If she had a daughter it might...
Robert had become my secrete sex partner, he's somewhat kinky. He only wants to engage in sex acts out doors or in basements. We both were students in the same urban college, but resided in different dorms. Not once had we ever had sex in our respective dorm rooms. Robert stood 5'8" tall and weighed close to 190lbs, he wasn't heavily built, yet he was well defined. His penis was average, about seven or eight inches long and 1 to 1 1/2 inches wide, balls the size of a peach stone that hung in...
Hello friends, this is karthik here again. This is a continuation of the first part published on the topic “Affair With Married Secrete Friend In Discrete”. First part is more about how we started the affair. Here let me describe how wonderful was our first love making session. It was awesome, I get tempted even today when thinking of what happened on that day.we grew very strong relationship just like a real husband and wife. We use to meet whenever we get time. chat for the whole day through...
It was a few months after my sexual assault by Charlie, Bruce and Daniel. I was staying much to myself as I continued my classes I was still the my ninth grade. The three ruffians had taken numerous of me being sexed by them in numerous positions. When they wanted me again a picture would some how end up in my locker or posted to the students info board. Most would have a note saying ' ... meet where we ran ... '. I knew it was the wooded area behind the track field so I would head there and...
Hi my name is mathi alagan , etha matter oru 4 years back nadathatu apo na diploma padikaren deepa aunty enaku childhood la iruthu therium avaga paka kuspu mariya irupaga apadiya nala far ah irukaga avagala marriage ayaruchi but husband ku vera girl kuda affair iruthuchi poitaga enga home la one day yarum illa avagala vetula vanthu iruka soillethu bangalore poitaga my family la tat day she was wear only pant and long tops uilla onumay illa avaga nadakum pothu back apadiya transparent ah...
“If you don’t ask – you don’t get.”That’s what Amber Fox, Amelia Marks’ secretary, kept telling herself.The thirty-two-year-old woman with the flowing red hair had been unable to get the experience of watching Amelia Marks caning those two naughty Year Eleven girls in her office out of her head. It had been a couple of weeks since Miss Marks had punished Emily Richardson and Chloe Williams in her office and a couple of weeks since she had invited her secretary to witness the girls’ punishment....