I Thought I Were Straight... free porn video

I'm an Asian female. I'm brought up by a quite conservative family and society. You know, outside we are conservative, inside we are ordinary human being who need all those basic needs and sex. In fact, I'm very hot. I make a loud sound when I reach the point. As I mention, I thought I were straight. I always look for men never am interested in women. I would say I was very naive about sex, even though I have 4 exs but I only had serious relationship with 2 of them. I mean with those I had sex with. One of them was short and small. In fact, his manhood also small and he was very quick. I mean not more than 10 strokes he exploded. The thing is he tried to make amend by his tongue. I would say that he was pretty talented licking, sucking, especially licking my sweet button below. He did it so well and was very willing to do it over and over. I just lie down and enjoy. Mine is shaved and clean and still fresh, not very often used. When I was with him, he would start with my nipples both sides, and that pleased me a lot already. However, when he moved down to my sweet button, it was heaven. He was never tired of licking and I was never tired of enjoying. Unfortunately, for some reasons, we broke up. Well, I didn't miss him but I missed his tongue. Anyway, no point to think about it, we're not going to return. ...(to be continued) I will come back with how I ended up with another female instead.

- 20.03.2023
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- Female