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Katherine, Lady Dunrossiter, propped herself up on one elbow and gazed down at the man in bed with her. Earl Dunrossiter was younger than she, and his well formed chest was only sparsely haired. By contrast, the hair at his groin was abundant and thick, which could also describe the cock laying idly between his outstretched legs.

Lady Dunrossiter gently moved the bedsheet down off their bodies, to gaze at his nude form, feeling a stirring in her naked loins. She reached out and deftly took his shaft between her fingers and began to stroke him back to life. Although he stayed asleep, the massive organ soon was standing tall and proud, overfilling the hand which began to manipulate it.

Katherine could scarce believe the events of the past few years, culminating in her present condition…

Chapter One

Arthur, 7th Earl, Dunrossiter, mounted his stallion and took the reins from the groom. He checked to see that the brace of pistols was seated firmly, and that his saber was nestled neatly along his leg, then set out down the lane to the gate. He never considered himself in any danger, if the worthless bog Irish peasants decided to give him any trouble, he was perfectly content in finishing it off.

Earl Dunrossiter was pleasantly sated as he loped through the green countryside. He had spent the morning whoring and fornicating with a pair of the scullery maids, a buxom pair of sisters who needed the miniscule wages he paid to help support their families. He had particularly enjoyed taking Sadie in the arse viciously, luxuriating in her whimpering tears of pain while her sister Mary, crying as he lightly caned her supple buttocks, was forced to use her mouth on her own sister’s cunny. He had so enjoyed it that after he had spent, he had forced the two girls to revive his large and soiled manhood with their mouths, then had made them reverse positions and repeated the process. Afterwards he had lunched with his sons, then had departed.

It was a pleasant hour’s ride from the estate, up the valley and across the ridge to Sir Dunston’s small manor. He knew that Sir Dunston was old and rarely left home anymore, so that he was almost assured that the gentleman would be home. Riding up to the manor house, he climbed down and tossed the reins to the groom that scurried forth, then announced himself to Sir Dunston’s English butler.

Earl Dunrossiter’s visit was an annual occurrence and he followed the butler into the manor, waiting in the foyer until he was admitted. Moments later, he was ushered into the parlor, where Sir Dunston was rising from his armchair.

‘Sit down, sit down, Malcolm. No need to get up on my account.’, said Arthur.

Sir Malcolm Dunston managed to slowly climb to his feet, and said, ‘Welcome, Arthur. Pleasant ride?’

‘Perfectly fine, Malcolm. Now do sit down, please.’ He went around to Sir Dunston’s side and allowed the much older man to rest a frail arm on his wrist and lower himself back into the chair.

The butler came in and poured both men a glass of sherry, then left. Dunston smiled at his old friend and said, ‘I suspect I know what you are doing here today. You’ve come to inquire whether I will sell my lands to you, eh?’

Dunrossiter smiled back benignly. ‘Malcolm, can’t I simply be here visiting an old and dear friend?’ Dunston simply gave him a knowing smile, and Dunrossiter continued, ‘Well, can’t that be one reason? Yes, I’m here to make my annual pilgrimage, to make sure you know I want these lands. I don’t want you selling them off on me before I get my say in, what?’

‘Not while I’m alive.’, said Dunston with a smile. ‘Although who knows how long that will be, eh. After all, my three score and ten was a few years ago.’

‘Nonsense, Malcolm, you’ll dance on my grave! I just feel that you’d be more comfortable living in London, away from these foul Irish bogs.’

‘Bah! I have no interest in being anywhere near court, thank you. I’ll live out my days here. Why, even my granddaughter is coming back here. Now there’s an idea…’

Dunrossiter looked at his host, hiding his disappointment. He needed these lands for water rights and pasture. If Dunston would move off them, he’d have been happy to pay through the nose. His children had died several years ago. What was this about a grandchild?! Now he’d never get the estate! ‘Eh, what was that?’, he asked in confusion.

‘My granddaughter, she’s moving back here from London. She’s been living with my sister since she was a little girl, and is of a marrying age. You marry her, and you’ll get the lands eventually.’, he said with a smile.

‘Bah on you, now, Malcolm. I’ve already buried two wives, I have no interest in a third. When is she due?’ Dunrossiter began turning the possibilities over in his head. Provided that the girl never produced an heir of her own, then his sons would inherit Dunston’s lands without question, and what better way to insure that than by marrying the girl himself. ‘When does she arrive? You should have a ball in her honor.’

‘Today. A ball, here? Not today, of course not.’

‘No, of course not, towards the end of the week, obviously. Today you say?’

‘Indeed, Arthur, I expect her at any moment.’

‘Well, then, I’ll stay and greet her while I help drain your sherry. I don’t think I’ve seen the girl in ten or twelve years, what? Her name is Kathleen?’, he asked.

Dunston answered, ‘No, Katherine. Well, all right, if you wish.’ He rang a small bell and the butler reappeared and refilled their glasses.


Katherine Dunston appeared within the hour, and Dunrossiter helped his friend to his feet and down the manor’s steps as she climbed down from Sir Dunston’s carriage. She curtsied pleasantly to the two gentlemen, the Dunston helped her to her feet and clasped his arms around her, hugging her fiercely. Pulling back slightly, he turned her towards Dunrossiter, and said, ‘Katherine, let me introduce you to a neighbor and family friend, Earl Dunrossiter. Arthur, my granddaughter, Katherine.’

Katherine curtsied again and Dunrossiter bowed to her, then took her hand and bent low over it, kissing it gently. She blushed graciously and took her grandfather’s arm, helping him back into the house. ‘What brings you out here, milord?’, she asked.

Arthur Dunrossiter had been pleasantly surprised at the sight of the young woman alighting from the carriage. He had been more than a bit afraid that the girl would resemble Dunston, an obese and florid man with an immense nose, or worse, his late son, a man even uglier than his father. Katherine Dunston was an astonishing beauty. She was slight and slim, though possessed of what appeared to be an amazing bosom, with long and curly brown hair, wide-set blue eyes, a pertly upturned nose, and a pleasantly heart-shaped face. How she had managed to stay unmarried past her sixteenth birthday was a mystery, since any land-hungry nobleman would by all rights have snapped her up for himself or a son. Instead she was still unwed at the almost spinsterish age of twenty! His friend’s joke no longer seemed ridiculous, but was an obvious possibility!

‘Oh, just here to visit and see how your grandfather is, Lady Katherine. My estates are on the far side of that ridge over there.’, he said, pointing. ‘Sir Malcolm was just telling me that he planned a ball in your honor.’

‘I was?’, asked a confused Dunston. He knew that he was starting to slip as he grew older, but he could have sworn that it had been Dunrossiter who had said a ball should be held.

‘Grandfather, really?!’

‘Um, eh, well, yes, I did say something like that, didn’t I.’ He gave his guest an odd look, then shrugged it off. ‘Do you like the idea?’

‘Why, yes, of course, sir.’

Dunrossiter took this moment to interject himself. ‘Milady, I know we haven’t seen each other since you were but a child, but since you have been away so long, would you allow an old family fri
end the privilege of escorting you? I think your grandfather would appreciate a gentleman that he knows introducing you to the local society, at least until you have had a chance to meet and make new friends of your own. I pray that I am not being too presumptuous.’

Katherine’s eyes had widened at the thought, and she took in her grandfather’s guest. Earl Dunrossiter, though more than twice her age, was in the peak and prime of his health. He cut an immensely handsome figure, and dressed as his immense wealth allowed. She glanced at her relation, to see him eyeing Dunrossiter curiously, then turned back and nodded, saying, ‘It would be my honor, sir.’

Chapter Two

If Katherine Dunston had any intentions of choosing a husband more her age, Arthur, Earl Dunrossiter, gave her no chance to realize them. She had never before met such a mature and forceful man as the one who began squiring her around and found herself swept off her feet. As her aged grandfather’s health declined, she found herself spending vast amounts of time with his neighbor. By late summer he had asked Sir Dunston for her hand in marriage, and the old gentleman, now moving into senility, agreed.

The marriage was held at Dunston Hall, and although it was a large reception, the only relatives of the bride were her invalid grandfather and his slightly younger sister. Still, it was more than pleasant enough, and a laughing Katherine, Lady Dunrossiter found herself being bundled into her husband’s carriage for the ride back to Dunrossiter shortly before midnight. The entire staff greeted them by torchlight at the entrance to the main hall, and Dunrossiter carried her not only across the threshold, but up the grand staircase and to his rooms. He gently set her down, kissing her tenderly, and allowed her new maids to prepare her for her wedding bed.

Dunrossiter smiled as he left the room, retiring to his study. He had employed several investigators in London to determine the girl’s marriageable status, and had been pleased and surprised with the results. His new wife had only blossomed into the incredible beauty she was within the last few years. She had matured late in life, being an ugly duckling that had become the most beautiful swan. As he had suspected, when this had occurred, the young swains had begun vying for her intentions, to the extent that two men were killed in duels and another took his own life when she spurned him. Exasperated, her elderly great-aunt had sent her home for safekeeping.

Stripping his clothes from his form, he had slipped a dark green silk dressing gown on, then had returned to his bedroom. Katherine had already returned and was now turning down the bedcovers. She started when she saw him return, and he could see the fear in her eyes. She had never known a man before, and knew little of what to expect, except that it would probably be quite terrible. Trembling, she moved towards the candle, bending slightly to blow out the flame, when she felt his hands on her arms. Turning she looked up at him in confusion. ‘Sir…?’

Bending over her, he lifted her face to his gently and kissed her softly on the lips. ‘No, child, leave the candle lit. I wish to see you in all your glory.’ Her eyes widened at the thought of being seen naked by a man, but after all, he was her husband now! Dunrossiter gently led her to the foot of the bed. Laying his large hands on her shoulders, he slowly pulled her long, white nightdress off and down her body, allowing it to fall to the floor around her feet.

He gasped with delight to see her naked, and his bride closed her eyes with embarrassment, standing stock still before him. She was even more beautiful than he had imagined. Her breasts were magnificent mountains of flesh, capped with large and prominent nipples. Her waist was extremely narrow and he thought that he might be able to circumnavigate it with his hands. Her furrow was lightly downed in a pleasingly dark brown, and her legs were flawless. Her complexion was a perfectly unblemished pale white. He knew that she would provide him with many delightful trysts.

‘My God, but you’re beautiful!’, he exclaimed, at which she opened her eyes in wonderment, astounded that she had not yet been ravished and thrown aside, which is what her great-aunt had warned her would surely happen next. Her eyes widened further as she watched her new husband undo the belt of his dressing gown and peel it off. She marveled at his strong and manly physique, the wide and muscular shoulders, the well-formed sinews of his arms, the thick hair which covered his chest, still a dark black like that on his head, the narrowness of his waist. Her gaze stopped as her eyes lowered and she gasped at the sight of his manhood. It was huge! Long and thick, surrounded by a dark mass of hair which could not hide the pendulous sac beneath it, it reared up mightily, pointing at her, pulsing with life and vibrancy! There was no possible way that she could accept such a monstrous organ within herself, it would tear her asunder!

Tears began welling up in her eyes and she looked up at her husband piteously. It was then that Dunrossiter decided to spare Katherine as much pain as he could, rather than taking her immediately for his own needs and pleasures. Wiping away her tears with a fingertip, he led her to the bed and settled her onto it, then climbed up after her. He stretched out on the bed and rolled towards her and took her in his arms, hugging her and caressing her back and flanks. Katherine began to slowly relax.

He began by hugging her to his breast and calming her tears. His bride relaxed as she realized her imminent rape was not to be forthcoming. Loosening his grasp, Dunrossiter slid an arm from around her naked back and began rubbing it along her side. Slowly his hand began wandering further afield, and Katherine gasped quietly as she felt his strong fingers touching and fondling her breasts. Flames of passion shot through her at his touch. Never before when she had toyed with herself had it ever felt like this!

As his wife relaxed and began responding in his arms, Dunrossiter slowly pushed her onto her back and began making bolder advances. He lowered his face to the breast he held and began licking and suckling on the nipple. He smiled as his bride began moaning encouragement. Sliding his hand lower, he reached between her legs and cupped her sex. It was already hot and moist with her desire. Gently inserting a fingertip, he found her button and began caressing it gently. Katherine reacted as if she had been struck by lightning, thrashing and crying out incoherently.

It was time for the next step. Removing his finger, he grasped her hands and drew them between them, pressing them against the member which throbbed against her. She gave a violent start as she realized what was occurring, but Dunrossiter held her hands at his crotch and resumed suckling her overly abundant breasts. Gasping with passion, she instinctively took hold of his manhood and began stroking and pulling it towards her, as if she unconsciously wanted it closer. The secretions which slowly flowed into her hands lubricated it gently. Dunrossiter returned to manipulating her womanhood.

Finally, as his virgin bride writhed beneath him, gasping and crying at the sensations tearing at her, Dunrossiter deftly crawled on top and between her thrashing legs. Her juices were running freely, oiling his hand and soiling the silk sheets, and the tip of his cock slipped easily into her pulsing slit. As his cockhead seated itself against her maidenhead, Katherine let out a cry, opening her eyes and staring up at her husband in horror. Smiling, he thrust forward savagely, tearing through the flimsy defense, and she howled in anguish. He lay atop her quietly, pleased with the copious flow of her tears, and held her firmly as her pain began to subside.

Katherine Dunrossiter could scarce believe the change from the supreme pleasure that her new husband had been providing and the searing torture she was now suffering. The
subtle smile on his face made it seem almost as if he was enjoying her pain! Then she felt him begin to move within her, his hips slowly bucking forward and backwards and the pain receded, to be replaced by the most astonishing feeling of pleasure she could have imagined. Once more she began writhing in her husband’s arms as her body began responding to the outsized organ pistoning within her. Within moments she was gasping as she shook in but the first of her wedding night orgasms.

Delighted with his wife’s response, Dunrossiter began pummeling his cock into her abused sex. It was far tighter than he could believe, though her natural essences flowed freely, easing his assault. He rarely concerned himself with the pleasure of his partners, and maidens were particularly bothersome, carrying on and crying so, but he was rather pleased in this case. He spent himself while his bride was in the midst of her second orgasm, arching his back and roaring out his pleasure. Katherine quaked beneath the force of his upheaval.

He stayed within his wife, hardening rapidly as she shivered with joy beneath him, and he was delighted as she began taking a more active role in her own pleasures, wrapping her legs around his waist and goading him on. Their third bout was the best of all, as she whimpered endearments to him, urging him to greater and more prodigious efforts, and afterwards, both collapsed into each others arms, rolling apart with heaving chests, to sleep cuddled against each other.

Chapter 3

Dunrossiter awoke in the late morning and gazed across at his bride. Jade and rake that he was, he was forced to admit that her performance the previous night had been nothing short of spectacular! Her cunny had grasped at his organ like few before it had, milking his seed from him till he was limp and tired. Now, as he gazed down at her naked form he felt a stirring in his loins. He reached over and began stroking one of her firm breasts, smiling as her nipple stiffened even though she was still asleep. He continued flicking his fingers across the dark flesh, contrasting so nicely with the rest of her flawlessly creamy skin, until she began to stir.

Katherine woke slowly to the delicious assault and gazed up at her new husband lovingly. She could see his manhood stiff and expectant, swollen with desire, and knew he wanted to begin anew. Raising herself up on one elbow, she was surprised at the soreness in her loins, and groaned lowly. ‘Oh, Arthur, please, not just yet, darling, please?’, she begged of him.

Dunrossiter was not overly surprised by this turn of events. She had been a virgin at this time yesterday, and some pain was to be expected, after all. Well, that was what the servant girls were good for, in any case. ‘Certainly, my dear. Perhaps later, after a nice soothing bath?’

‘Oh, thank you, sir.’ She smiled at the Earl and said, ‘Yes, milord, I’m sure I’ll be better by this evening. I’m sorry, darling.’

‘Of, course, Katherine, go back to sleep now.’ Dunrossiter stood and wrapped his dressing gown around himself and left the bedroom. He used the chamberpot in his privy, then stepped into his dressing room. As expected, a servant girl, Jenny, was waiting for him. He stepped in front of her and removed his robe. His manhood sprang forth stiffly. Grasping her firmly, he pulled her top down around her waist, then pushed her to her knees before him.

Jenny had been used numerous times by Earl Dunrossiter, as had all the women of the household. The potato crop had been poor the last two years, and looked to be no better this year. Work on the Dunrossiter estate was the best, and almost only, work to be had, and a complaining worker would have been sacked and whipped off the lands that they were indebted to. Every worker needed their pitiful wages, it was often the only thing standing between their families and starvation.

Jenny opened her mouth wide and guided his oversized organ between her lips. Dunrossiter began thrusting fiercely, gripping her red hair in his fists as he fucked her mouth. Jenny angled her head slightly as she felt it begin to enter her throat and fought off gagging, knowing that it would only cause him to cane her bare ass. She sucked strongly, hoping that he would explode rapidly, and was pleased when she felt his cock swell in her mouth and begin pumping his seed down her throat. She continued sucking and swallowing until his manhood softened and he pulled away, then she gathered her clothing around herself and stood. She kept her eyes towards the floor as she turned to leave.

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Honestly I was a virgin until this happened. Im a 18 year old male 6'2'' with a 9'' cock. My parents were going out to dinner and a movie that night. I called one of friends thats a girl, not my girl friend. I did not think she would wanna chill with me because im not the most popular. But to my surprise she was happy to come over. Now this girl is 6'' with HUGE 36dd boobs, an ass to die for and an awesome face. When she got to my house I put in a movie and made some pop corn. Tonight she was...

1 year ago
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BlackValleyGirls Demi Sutra Working At The Car Wash

Demi Sutra always has had the biggest crush on her neighbor, but he never pays her any attention. Today he is having a car wash, and she wants to see if she can finally get some attention from him. She brings her car around and asks if he can wash it, but while he is scrubbing down the exterior, Demi starts to explore her black plush interior on her own. Her neighbor obviously catches on and opens the door to her shock and amazement. How could he have possibly noticed her masturbating in broad...

1 year ago
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If you wish that you could get your dick wet without putting in any of the hard work of wooing a woman to fuck you, there are many ways to do this. You could flash a lot of cash if you have it on your hands. A certain type of woman will spread her legs when you show a few Benjamins out in the wild, so maybe you could try that at the risk of getting mugged.Or you could just try dating. But goddamn, that's a lot of hard work. If you want a more straightforward approach, why not reach out to...

Escort Sites
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Saras Birthday Party

Sara sighed as she looked in the full length mirror. Her eyes slid down her body taking in every curve. She was beautiful, not that Sara thought that but none the less, she was Beautiful. She was tall almost 170 cm tall, full curvy figure with long long legs. She had the most amazing blue almond shaped eyes and a small rosebud mouth. Her hair was long and dark, it framed her face and gave her the air of appearing younger than she was. Sara was a sexual novice and to date the most sexually...

2 years ago
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My friend8217s aunty

I am HM from Bangalore. I run one business here. Now I would like to share one of my experiences with you. When I was in school, I was attracted to a lady named Sheela. She was working in state bank. Her husband was in railways. At that time she was living near to our house. I always notice her dressing especially saree. She dresses in a seducing style. At the age of 16, I started the reading of sex books and watching blue films. She was my heroine all the time. Even now she is living evergreen...

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The Education of Diana ch 03

As Diana woke up that summer morning she heard a shower running. The bungalow they lived in was rather small, but she and her brother Bradley each had their own room. That was one of the nice things about living here in the village along the coast. The very best thing was her friendship with Tony. She took her time getting up. She needed to use the bathroom, but she had to wait for whoever was in there. As she gathered up clothes from the floor, she was humming. Her window was open, and she...

3 years ago
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Party Time

Party Time By Danielle P As I entered the locker room, I felt cocky. I had just scored four touchdowns in the biggest game of the year, I was the school hero. I walked by a mirror and I stopped, took off my pads and shirt and stared at myself in the mirror. "Damn you're good looking! There's no girl who wouldn't want your sack," I said to myself in the mirror. I was a sight, 6' 165 with no visible fat, sure I was undersized for a fullback, in fact my backup weighed 80 pounds...

1 year ago
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Threesome with my neighbors

A few weeks before Christmas last year, I got a text from my neighbor Tom that simply asked if he could stop by to discuss something important with me. After assuring me it wasn’t an emergency, we decided I would just stop by his house when I got home from work since it would be late. We were friendly with all our neighbors, most of whom were middle-age or older couples with k**s in high school, college or out of the house entirely. Tom and his wife, Robin, have a 19-year old daughter, Jackie,...

2 years ago
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VisitorsChapter 3

That evening, with the girls allocated to the twin-bedded room, Selly to my other double bed room, and me in my own, I thought we should all get a good night's sleep. Especially if the stiffy I'd got from all three females when they kissed me before going to their rooms would go down. I kept remembering how right it felt to have my cock buried deep in Selly's pussy. And the sight of the girls in their wet underwear in the hot tub had been so sexy... It was no good. My prick remained...

1 year ago
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Late night flight

I was sitting in the Mumbai airport restaurant lounge waiting for my flight which didn’t leave for another three hours. It was a late night flight for I never could predict if the meeting could be over in time for evening flights to get back to Delhi, I rushed to the airport n not thinking of checking in some hotel just for few hours. I quietly sat and looked out the window, had some coffee, and watched the other people in the lounge. When few of the flights left, I was the only person in the...

4 years ago
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Lost With Nothing to Lose18 Repairing a Broken Truce

“We can’t afford to wait for Zita.” He turned to the assigned communications officer. “Open a channel to the Zssizliq.” “They’re online, sir.” “This is Al Collins of Earth, representing the Tandorian Empire. We’re prepared to talk.” “Go ahead,” came the nearly instantaneous reply. It seemed they’d be waiting for the message as anxiously as the Tandorians. Despite the brief two-word response, Al recognized the voice immediately. “We’d like to resume our earlier scheduled negotiations, and...

3 years ago
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Wonderful Masturbation Story

Wonderful Masturbation StoryBy: Londebaaz Chohan Alfred was really dejected, disappointed and depressed. He and his girlfriend bought this house only hoping to be living there as a family, making some babies. Blythe loved to have sex and they fucked almost daily for little over a year until they were comfortable with each other and knew they could have each other for life. They moved in here and were there hardly for a month when she had this unfortunate accident and was taken away from Alfred...

2 years ago
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Tumhara Bahut Chita H Behan K Sath Masti

Hi friends, I am Sahil Raj mein ISS ka regular reader hu ye mere pahle story he agar kuch galat ho to please mujhe maaf kare. Agr apko mere story pasand aye to plz mujhe mail kare, mein apke mail ka wait karunga. Mere mail id h Mera name Sahil Raj he me patna bihar ka rahne wala hu. Mein abhi bba 2nd year ka student hu or professionally I am a gym instructor. Mere age 24 h rang sawala and well build or mere lund ki size 6.5 inch long and approx 2 inch wide h mujhe chudai karne ka bahut schock...

1 year ago
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Turning lesbian into cocksluts

Now two years later, i was living alone. Jane wanted to live with me, she wanted freedom which she couldnt get at home. I agreed as i have one extra room. Jane had a girlfriend, Emma. She was my age and was also really hot. She had big tits and a nice bubble butt. I would often see her and Jane walk around the house in just a shirt and panties. It really made me hard, ofcourse Jane never noticed this but Emma did. She used to tease me alot, one day Jane was in the shower, Emma was sitting with...

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Family Life Ch6 Mother Daughter cum toget

David and his father were at the table eating their meal, Mary was busying herself in the kitchen, taking any opportunity to stand behind her husband so that she was looking directly at David. She was blowing him kisses and David was having difficulty not to laugh but when she raised her skirt to show him her naked cunt he almost choked on his food.“I wonder where Laura is,” Mary said, “she’s not usually late unless she had somewhere to go but then she would have told me, her meal will be cold...

2 years ago
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Cheryl Sues GraduationChapter 1

At fourteen, Cheryl Sue Anderson was nearly as tall as she would ever grow. Her height, however, was about the only sign she had reached puberty. Her hips were still boyishly narrow. It would be another couple of years before they widened and rounded out. Her breasts were but low mounds on her chest. Standing sideways, naked and fresh from the shower, she could see them in the mirror, tipped with their little pink buttons. When she was dressed, however, the shirt had to be very tight for...

2 years ago
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Birthday Sex From My Sisters

Hello all ISS readers. I am Sidharth from Bangalore and I am going to narrate a true story of me and my hot sister with whom I accidentally happened to have sex with. So let me first introduce myself I am sporty guy my age is 21 and I have a good size athletic body and my dick is thick and 6’1 inch. So now not wasting anymore time let’s start to story. This happened a couple of years back on my 19th birthday till the day this incident or accident however you picture it to be, happened I had not...

2 years ago
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In the House of Madam Part Two

When the session had ended, Cassie and Melina took me up to the top floor of the house. A door was unlocked and I was led into a simply, but comfortably furnished bedroom. Apart from a large double bed with an iron frame, there was a bedside cabinet, an easy chair and a low coffee table. A number of books and magazines were scattered around the room. A half-open door from the bedroom revealed an en-suite bathroom. The room was tightly shuttered from the outside, giving no indication if it was...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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My Loving Son

Helo friends i am saima and i am from karachi.This is the true incident of my life which changes all my life.This incident happened after the death of my husband.Jab meray hubby ki death hoi to meri age 42 thi aur mera figure 36 ,29, 40 tha.Gar main mera son aur main he rathae thae.Us ki age 17 thi aur 11th ka student tha. Aik raat jab main computer par kuch porn dekh rahi thi to mugh sae aik incest site open ho gai.main nae us site sae bohat si stories parhi aur mother son ki pics aur movies...

3 years ago
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Finding love as a boy at a girls school

FIRST_NAME = Boy's first name. LAST_NAME = Boy's last name. (Based on Switch76's A Boy at a Strict Girls School) https://chyoa.com/story/A-Boy-at-a-Strict-Girls-School.1902 (this text is by Switch76, reused with permission and slightly modified) It is the first day of term. Your name is John Doe. You arrive at Skyviews school. It has been a girls boarding school up to now. This is the first year that they have decided to allow boys to attend the school. This will be your home for most of the...

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My first biguy

I realised I was bi-curious in my late teens, but it took until I was about 25 before an opportunity finally occurred. I had a small collection of straight hardcore porn mags, remember this was in the days before the Internet, and to this day I remember this double-page spread of this hot girl on her knees in front of 7 fit guys with massive cocks, getting ready to suck. I loved that photo, I always had a quick glance at the girl before focusing on the guys and all those beautiful hard cocks,...

2 years ago
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VeraJane and Susan

Introduction: Jane and Susan do it! Vera, Jane and Susan This is fiction, any resemblance to real people or places is coincidental. ******************************************************************** Jane looked in the mirror admiring her new nightie. Actually, it was a T shirt that had a red heart printed on the front. It was a present from her sister Susan. Even though the shirt was large, Janes pink panties winked into sight when she walked. Three days had passed since Susan had her...

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Angels First submission

Angel's First submissionShe arrives at her Master's home at the appointed time. She is dressed exactly as she was instructed to dress, short black leather skirt, white braselette, white garter, black silk stockings, black heels, nothing else. She pauses at the door to catch her breath and collect her thoughts. She is nervous. They have spoken for months now on the computer and on the phone yet this is to be their first r/t meeting. He told her she would be tested today. Her heart pounds at the...

2 years ago
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How I Became a Slave to Black Cock

My first few weeks at the school were fairly normal (crazy and hectic). The other teachers, mostly attractive white women from their late 20s to mid 40s, treated me with respect. It was a feeling out period on a number of different levels. They wanted to see how I taught, how I could control the kids, and surreptitiously whether or not I would fit into their environment sexually. Questions I found a little weird became much more obvious after my introduction. “So…you’re married,...

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Cumming in the Car

The summer heat suffocated us as my girlfriend and I sat stuck in traffic after spending a few luxurious hours in the local mall. Inch by inch we moved forward, it would be at least 45 minutes until we made it home. The air conditioning had not yet kicked in and any bare skin stuck to the leather interior. Every few seconds one of us would pull forward to remove ourselves. ‘Jesus Christ,’ said Jess, who was driving. ‘We didn’t plan this very well.’ ‘I know right, but we had to do something on...

2 years ago
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A Perfect Friday Night

A PERFECT FRIDAY NIGHTI stepped out of the shower and began to dry off. Less than 2 hours to wait and my heart was racing in anticipation. I thought back on the times at the gym. I spent hours getting my perfect waistline, toning up my ass and legs, but often my mind would start to wander. Before long I was always eyeing up the hunks and wondering how big and juicy their cocks were, how they would taste, how they would feel.I was starting to get horny again, the anticipation was driving me...

3 years ago
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My first shemale experience

This day started off like any other however it will end with a fantasy being fulfilled…. I woke up with my traditional morning wood and like most mornings I reached over and grabbed the lube bottle and slowly poured a healthy dose of lube all over my throbbing cock. Some of the lube made its way down the crack off my smooth ass and slowly ran across my tight asshole. I loved the feeling of my asshole getting lubed up…..I decided I wanted to be more adventurous then normal, so I reached...

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Outwitting Mickis Father

CHAPTER 1 The slightly over-weight thirty-something (actually thirty) brunette with arresting near-luminous eyes was working hard in the office gym when Riley Lewis from her office entered as she lifted light weights, feet on the floor and stretched back on the padded bench. ‘Gosh Micki your crotch is almost dripping and look at the pool under your breasts. Your armpits must be in line to become cesspits.’ ‘Run along you scurrilous lying a-hole,’ snorted the attorney to the latest new...

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Sharing Cindy Chapter 23 Cindy Sandy Two of a Kind

Introduction: Cindy and her friend Sandy share some fun times. Sharing Cindy Chapter 23 Cindy and Sandy: Two of a Kind This chapter will be centered on a particular friend of Cindys. Her name is Sandy and the two of them managed to get into a lot of situations through the years. We met Sandy right out of high school and she has continued to be a part of our lives. As I told you about in an earlier story, a couple of friends of mine were in a band. They played drums and guitar while a cousin...

3 years ago
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Hidden In Plain Sight

Inspector Charles Moore sat down at his desk in the J Edgar Hoover Building and broke the sealed envelope that his boss had given him. The people who worked in his department were more security conscious then most, but when one worked in the Department of Witness Security, otherwise known as WITSEC, one had to be careful. To minimize the chances of a spy in the department passing on the names of witnesses to those who would do them harm, and doing untold damage to the program's...

4 years ago
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Threes Company

Well, one night a group of friends and I had decided to go out for a night of drinking and dancing. Mostly girls I worked with but a couple of the guys tagged along too. We started off with something to eat, then started club hopping. Drinking and dancing from bar to bar, getting slightly more loose as we went. Late into the night/early morning, a few of the girls decided to go to a club that didn’t even open until 2am to finish out their night of partying. I was pretty lit by this time...

2 years ago
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Things get steamy between best friends

Introduction: Hi, this is my first ever submition so please be gentle with me. I just thought Id share with you all something that happened between me and my best friend a few weeks ago Ive wrote it as if it was a story but believe me, it happened Jess was my best friend.. Id known her since school and we were always the inseperable ones. Id never thought of her as anything more than a friend, but there was no denying she was gorgeous. 58, slim, long black hair and the most mesmerising bright...

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Missy Day Fifteen

That Monday morning I was in my pjs eating a bowl of cereal at the kitchen table with Mommy and Daddy when there was a knock at the door. Since it was a long holiday weekend we were all off and I was hoping to spend the day playing with Mommy and Daddy. Hopefully whoever was at the door wouldn’t derail my plans. While I may have been confused by the unexpected visitor Daddy simply looked up and put down the leftover Sunday paper. “That must be Andrea,” he said standing. Daddy looked...

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Tianas Hypnotic tales

Tiana just turned 21 and moved to a new town and wants to explore where will she go to the hospital, the park, downtown, or stay at home. What will happen to her does she become a mistress or a slave. Maybe she gets transformed into something it's up to you to decide. What will you have her do.

Mind Control
4 years ago
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ഏറെ അടുത്ത സുഹൃത്തുക്കളാണ്‌ ജിഷയും മിനിയും. ഒരാൾക്ക് മറ്റെയാളിന്‍റെ മനസ്സിലുള്ള തീരെ ചെറിയ, ഒരു കുഞ്ഞുറുമ്പിന്‍റെ കുഞ്ഞുമൂക്കിനോളം പോന്ന, വിഷമമോ സന്തോഷമോ പോലും ഒറ്റ നോട്ടം കൊണ്ട് മനസ്സിലാകുന്ന തരത്തിലുള്ള അടുപ്പം. എങ്ങനെ അവർ സുഹൃത്തുക്കളാകാതിരിക്കും? അടുത്തടുത്ത വീടുകളിൽ താമസം. ഒരേ സ്കൂളിൽ ഒരേ ക്ലാസിൽ പഠനം. ഇരുവരുടെയും വീടുകളിലെ സാമ്പത്തികസ്ഥിതിയും ഏകദേശം സമം. കാഴ്ചയിൽ പോലുമുണ്ടായിരുന്നു അവരിൽ കൂടപ്പിറപ്പുകളെന്നു വരെ തോന്നിച്ചേക്കാവുന്ന ഒരു രൂപസാദൃശ്യം. ഇങ്ങനെയൊക്കെ ആണെങ്കിലും സമ്പത്തിനെയോ...

3 years ago
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Cousin ke chudai

hello friend mera nam ali hai main pakistan ke sehar karachi main rahta hon main rahta hon our koi shayad pheli dafa karachi se storie likh raha hoga main ne yahan ki bohat stories pare hein our tab se he mera dil bhi karne laga ke main bhi kisi ke sath sex karon kyun ke main first time likh raha hoon tu main ne details se bata raha hon mujhe nahi pata ke kese likhte hein bas jo howa wo bata raha hon our main ye nahi kahon ga ke ye bilkul sahe haii ya galat hai kisi ko yakeen karna hai tu sahe...

2 years ago
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Opening Earth Part 3Chapter 19

Days 4 & 5: It was Day 4 and Sereine was to make her presentation to our attackers and the lawyers they had retained. Yesterday, Sto, Coral, and the kits had moved back to their home with Sereine. The kits were doing fine. Aunts Sereine, Misty, Betty, Carol, Rita, and Cindy were taking turns making sure they had everything they needed. Sereine started her presentation with a detailed description of the laws pertaining to the commission of an act of violence against another party and the...

1 year ago
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The motel

Craig couldn't believe his luck! Buying the Sunny Day Motel had been the best decision of his life! He had gotten the idea to install hidden cameras in each room from one of those "Candid Camera" shows on television. Right from the beginning Craig knew that this little ten room motel could be a gold mine if it was run "properly"! After taking possession of the motel, Craig got down to the business of installing his hidden cameras and microphones in every unit, until by the time he was finished...

2 years ago
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Dont Sleep on the Subway Book ThreeChapter 20

OCT 1940 ITALY INVADES GREECE “Hitler truly loved and admired Mussolini just as much as he genuinely detested Italians, although he sometimes talked about a sentiment of friendship towards them. He considered Italians as corrupted, unreliable, liars, racially mixed and their political and military leaders as incompetent cretins who belonged to an “aristocratic mafia”. On the other hand he regarded Mussolini as a true political genius, the “Maestro” who showed the way to fight Socialism (the...

1 year ago
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Asian Mom Jenny and her son Chris part 2

Introduction: This is the second chapter of the story. Thank you all for the comments and suggestions, I will be sure to consider all of them. So continue to leave them in the comments section. The next morning I woke up just as early as usual, even though it was a Saturday. I guess my body had just naturally adjusted itself to that time to get up. I walked through the silent house and into the kitchen to get some coffee. But as I opened a magazine to read, I heard the sound of footsteps down...

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