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Chapter 1. The Emptiness Inside

Sally the receptionist/nurse stuck her head round the door and said, ‘That was the last, Prue.’ Prudence cleaned down the examination table then washed her hands. A dog with ‘The Itch,’ a cat with an aching tooth, a snake that wouldn’t eat and a budgerigar in its cage but already dead, that had been the evening’s work.

She went out to the reception area where Sally was doing the last of the clearing up.

‘You go and get something to eat, Prue,’ Sally said, ‘I’ll finish up here.’

Prue smiled her thanks and envied Sally that she would go home to the vineyard block and to husband Stan and a couple of kids. She went into the kitchen and not feeling like eating she made herself a cup of tea and sat brooding.

It had been a hard day, not because of the work load, but because it was the anniversary. It had been on this day four years ago that Jerry her husband had been killed in a glider accident. Another vet who was a glider enthusiast had taken Jerry up with him, ‘It’s as safe as houses…safer than an international airliner,’ Jerry had assured her. Some houses were obviously safer than others because a clump of trees, a sudden change in wind direction and pilot misjudgement had ended Jerry’s life.

Just two years of marriage to her beloved Jerry and it was all over. That hadn’t been the only thing that was over. She had been carrying their child and the shock of Jerry’s death had caused her to abort it.

With that double loss Prue’s life seemed to come crashing down. The plans they had for their family, the veterinary practice they were going to open together, the deep love they had shared, all gone.

When she came out of hospital Prue had returned to working in Joe’s practice. He and his wife had been very compassionate, but Prue’s heart wasn’t in the work. Had it not been for her neighbours Elise and her husband Frank, Prue thought she might have gone mad.

Those two listened to her repeating the same story again and again as she relived the moment when they had come to tell her of Jerry’s death until even she could not speak the words one more time.

After a year of grieving Prue knew she had to make a change in her life – make a new start, but what, where? All around her were reminders of Jerry and the life they had planned. She knew she must get way to some new place, and it was almost pure chance that she decided it was to be Queens Bend on the banks of The Great River.

As a first step in her new life Prue had taken a holiday and had stopped off at the Queens Bend pub for lunch. There she had met Sally and family celebrating her husband’s birthday together with friends. Somehow she got drawn into the festivities, but as she was to discover, Queens Bend people were like that. They drew you to them and made you a part of their lives.

It was in discussion with Sally that Prue mentioned she was a vet that led Sally to say. ‘I trained as a veterinary nurse and I wish we had a vet in Queens Bend. The nearest one is forty kilometres away and he’s getting near retirement.’

Instead of driving on as she had intended Prue booked into the pub for a couple of nights and in that time looked the little town over.

Queens Bend, as its name implies, is situated on a wide sweeping bend of the river – perhaps one of the most beautiful spots in the whole hundreds of kilometres of the river. The population of the town itself is less than a thousand people, but beyond the town were the vineyard blocks, a couple of wineries, and a bit farther out cereal growing and some mixed farming.

‘This is the place,’ Prue had decided, and had hunted around for a suitable property to establish her practice. She looked at several places and finally settled on a house that was more expensive than she had planned for, but it was close to the river with only a bitumen road and an expanse of tree strewn reserve land between it and the river bank. From the front windows of the house the broad sandbar on the other side of the river could be seen, and often in the evenings kangaroos and wallabies would come down there to drink at the waters edge.

The house served both as residence and the place of her practice and after nearly three years Prue had established herself as ‘The Vet.’ Prior to her arrival, and because of the inconvenience of getting to the only other vet, the locals had tended to treat their animals with home remedies that often did more harm than good, now they looked with pride on ‘Our Vet Prue.’

Finishing her tea Prue sighed and rose. She still didn’t feel like eating so she wandered out of the house, across the road and stretch of park to stand on the river bank. It was late summer and in the deepening twilight the moon was rising.

She sat on a wooden bench looking out over the river. It was running slowly now, the melted snow from the mountains far upstream having long ceased its influence. She heard the plops of fish leaping to feed on hapless insects, and the screeching of corellas settling down for the night in the cliffs beyond the town.

Farther along the bank from where she sat a couple of houseboats had pulled in and there was laughter and music coming from them. Looking back at the town she saw the lights in the house windows and thought of the families behind those windows, and no doubt there were people in the pub having an evening drink or eating a meal.

The town had embraced her, but for all the friendship she received, there was a dull ache, an emptiness inside her that even in the midst of good company and conviviality would suddenly make itself felt. For even when surrounded with people, it seemed that everyone had someone, a husband, a wife, children, it was almost as if in the town of Queens Bend she was the only one who had no one to go home with, to tuck into bed with, to make love with.

Certainly she had received offers, but in that respect Queens Bend differed little from the rest of humankind. There were predatory males – husbands looking for ‘a bit on the side.’ The main difference was, that unlike living in one of the large metropolitan centres, everyone in Queens Bend would know almost before the deed who was climbing into whose bed. In any case Prue did not want that sort of relationship, but what sort of relationship did she want? She did not know the answer to that question, for having loved fully once and lost, she hesitated to risk love again.

It had grown dark and the moon was well up, its light reflecting on the river streaking the water with silver. There was a burst of laughter from one of the houseboats. A vision of her and Jerry making love and then falling asleep in each others arms came to her. A tear ran down her cheek.

She rose and made her way back to the house trying not to think of what had been and what might have been. In the house she went to the kitchen and despite the fact that she still didn’t feel particularly hungry she made a sandwich and pouring herself a glass of red wine sat down to consume and meditate. This always seemed to be worst part of the day. It was okay during the working part of the day, people coming and going, animals to be seen and put right, it was the nights that were so often lonely.

She decided on an early night and a read in bed. The house had two stories, the only house in Queens Bend that boasted such lavishness. She made her way upstairs and after a shower clambered naked into her lonely bed.

She was reading for about the third time ‘Wuthering Heights’ by Emily Bronte, with its wild landscape and brooding if often veiled sexual hunger. It was possibly not the best read on this particular day. Heathcliff’s cry of desolation, ‘Cathy…Cathy…’ dragged an echo from Prue, ‘Jerry….Jerry.’

She let the book fall and reached into the drawer beside the bed, and taking out her vibrator she plugged it into the wall socket and placing the vibrator head against her clitoris she switched it on. She had
it on its lowest setting and she lay relishing its gentle buzzing and soothing massage, so like Jerry’s tender touch.

Her hand began to stroke her breast and little thrills of excitation began in her vagina. She knew this presaged her coming orgasm and she pushed the button on the vibrator to speed up its action. She started to shake as the vibrator drew her orgasm closer and she began to squeeze her nipple.

Another press on the button and the vibrator was operating at full speed. Her fingers pinched more firmly on her long pink nipple and the gasps that she had been emitting became whimpering cries, and as the full force of her orgasm struck she screamed out, ‘Jerry…oh Jerry…my love.’

The climax passed, and with tears coursing down her cheeks she slowed the action of the vibrator and gradually the tremors diminished. She thrust the vibrator away and turning on her side she laid in a foetal position, a finger inserted into her vaginal tunnel and a hand still resting on her breast she slept, the bed light still on.

Chapter 2. A Dog, Canoeist and a Rotten Fish

She woke before dawn and lay watching the growing light slowly silver the tops of the gum trees she could see through the window. The leaves seemed to shimmer in the sunlight and she felt a hard lump pressing against a buttock. She had moved during the night and the vibrator was under her.

She rose and taking the vibrator with her she showered to remove any possible residual odour of her lubricant discharge of the previous evening and cleaned the head of the vibrator.

While dressing she reviewed the day ahead. There were computer records to be checked and if necessary to be updated. Sally would be in at nine to make sure the reception area and surgery were ready for use.

There was a Dalmatian that had swallowed a fish hook while scavenging along the river bank to be operated on. People would sometimes catch a fish they did not want and if when getting it onto the bank the line broke they would leave the hook in the fish. Scrounging dogs scenting the forbidden fruit, or rather fish, would hastily assault the prize and swallow the hook.

She breakfasted and then went for her customary brisk walk along the river bank. One of the houseboats looked closed up, the curtains drawn. ‘They must have made a night of it and are sleeping in late,’ Prue thought.

As she drew near to the other boat a man and two children were casting off the mooring ropes, the engine throbbing as it warmed up. There was a woman at the wheel who looked up at Prue, smiled and waved. The man and the children climbed aboard, the engine revved and the boat backed out into the river, turned upstream, and churned away on its journey to somewhere.

Returning to the house Sally was already there and doing something to the accounts on the computer.

It was strange, but Prue always felt as if she knew when Sally had been making love with her husband Stan the night before. She had a dreamy, relaxed look, and was more than usually pleasant to be with. She had that dreamy look now.

‘Ready to started the operation?’ asked Sally, ‘I’ve got it all set up.’

‘Good, let’s get to work then.’

The operation completed and their patient recovering, the morning as usual was given over to people with appointments, unless some dire emergency arose. The first in line that morning was a flatulent peke followed by a tortoise that, according to its owner was, ‘Off his tucker.’ A goldfish, that the mother of the four year old who accompanied her announced, ‘Hasn’t been too well the last couple of days,’ was floating belly up in a bowl of water. It had to be pronounced dead and this drew wails of anguish from the four year old. The promise of another goldfish stemmed the lusty howls.

A dog with a grass seed stuck in its eye, a cat to have its teeth cleaned, and another cat, an emergency, that had escaped death under a car but had sustained a broken leg, brought the morning to a close. Sally tore off home because, ‘I like to have lunch with Stan,’ and Prue settled for a bowl of soup.

The Dalmatian was returning to the land of the living and was giving out little snorting whimpers. Prue was in the process of checking her work on the dog when Sally came in and said, ‘There’s a guy just come in with his dog, he says he thinks its swallowed some poison, probably a fox bait.’

‘All right, send them in to the examination room,’ Prue said, and headed there herself.

A young man came in with a Border Collie. The animal would normally have looked very attractive but now it simply drooped, its tail between it legs and its eyes expressive of discomfort if not outright pain. It seemed barely able to stand.

‘She keeps vomiting,’ said the young man.

Between them they lifted the dog onto the examination table and Prue began to question where the dog had been lately.

‘We’re travelling down the river in a canoe,’ the young man told her.

This was not unusual since occasionally bolder spirits began as far up river as possible and over several weeks paddled their way down to the river mouth. The young man was in complete contrast to his dog, tanned and obviously very fit, and despite her professional stance Prue felt a twinge of desire, the response of the female to an attractive male.

Prue proceeded with her questioning and finally deduced that like the hook swallowing Dalmatian this dog had also found a fish left lying on the bank, but this time no hook was involved, but decay was. The dog was suffering from food poisoning brought on by consuming a rotten fish.

An injection, some tablets, and an instruction to bring the dog back in a couple of days, drew a protest from the young man that they needed to keep moving. Prue countered by telling the young man that the dog really should be rested comfortably for a few days and ought to be seen again to ensure all was well.

Reluctantly the young man agreed that they would camp for ‘a few nights’ near the town and Prue informed him where the town camping ground was. Prue typed details of the visit into the computer, ascertaining that the young man’s name was David Baxter and the dog was Pat. He gave an address that caused Prue’s eyebrows to be raised, it was one of the most affluent suburbs of the state capital.

Her surprise was partly because the worn jeans and T-shirt that David wore did not seem to accord with an affluent background, but of course, one would hardly wear a tailored suit to paddle a canoe for weeks down river.

Chapter 3. Man with Atmosphere

Prue had been mainly concerned with the dog that now seemed to be asleep on the examination table, but she now took a closer look at David. He was of middle height and build, perhaps five feet nine or ten with auburn hair, and now having been relieved of some of his anxiety about Pat, had a cheerful aspect.

Prue tried to make up her mind whether or not he was good looking and finally decided that perhaps he was, but her decision was based not so much on his physical features as an aura of seemingly unselfconscious sensuality he seemed to radiate. She found this slightly disturbing especially since David had not by word or glance implied a sexual interest in her, and that was not always the case with some of the men she met, since she was definitely very sexually attractive.

Normally Prue could ignore the hot glances and risqué comments, but now, even in the absence of such glances and comments, she felt a stirring in the region of her inguen. She became flustered by her response to David’s presence and made great play of putting more details into the computer, making a number of errors as she did so.

She accompanied him to reception and he seemed to have a similar effect on Sally, who flushed as she dealt with the bill.

Prue could have understood her own reaction since she had been, as it were, a veterinary nun since Jerry’s death, but the happily married and apparently
well serviced Sally?

David thanked them politely, smiled, picked up Pat who had gone to sleep on the floor, and carrying her in his arms, made his way out. Prue, Sally and an elderly lady waiting with her dog stared after him seemingly spellbound.

Sally was the first to recover and said, ‘Phew, he’s got something. I don’t know what it is, but definitely something.’

Prue who had recovered her professional stance said nothing, but the elderly lady laughed and said, ‘You don’t meet many of them, but when you do you get trembles up your spine.’

Prue excused herself, saying to the elderly lady, ‘Just go into the examination room and I’ll be with you in a minute.’ Then she fled upstairs to change her panties as the crotch of those she was wearing were uncomfortably wet.

While examining the dog’s rather ancient teeth Prue was regaled by the elderly lady with advice regarding men like David.

‘They’re the ones you’ve got to watch out for, love. The noisy macho ones who come on strong are easy to handle, but quiet ones like that young fellow can be dangerous for a girl.’ She giggled a trifle girlishly and went on, ‘I’ve known a couple in my lifetime like him, thank God, and both of them had the same thing in common.’

‘What?’ asked Prue, trying to sound casual.

‘Ah, well,’ said the elderly lady who was giggling again, ‘I don’t like to say, but get too close to that fellow and you’ll find out. The funny thing is it gets to you even when you don’t know what it is. It’s like it gives them a sort of atmosphere, but don’t ask me how or why.’

Dignity combined with concentration on scraping the dog’s teeth free of tarter deterred Prue from pursuing this mysterious subject further, but David kept popping into her mind throughout the rest of the afternoon.

Chapter 4. Getting to Know You

After the evening clinic and a quick meal Prue decided on a twilight stroll along the river bank. Somehow her feet seemed to turn in the direction of the town camping area, ‘Just to see if he found the place all right and that he’s got everything he needs,’ she told herself.

Still being summer and for many the holiday season, there were a number of caravans and tents on the site. Prue thought that unless she made an obvious search it would be difficult to find David, but in fact she came upon him quickly.

He had a small tent right near the river’s edge and his canoe was pulled up beside it. He was sitting on the grass and, to her professional satisfaction, an obviously much recovered Pat sat beside him.

‘Good evening,’ Prue said.

‘Hello, didn’t expect to see you again so soon,’ he smiled.

‘How’s Pat? She looks a lot better.’

‘Yes, thanks to you. She had something to eat and didn’t bring is straight up again.’

Prue brushed her hand over the dog’s head and was rewarded by a tail wag and a lick on the hand.

Since Pat seemed recovered it was on the tip of Prue’s tongue to say, ‘Unless she shows the symptoms again, you needn’t bring her back,’ but instead she said, ‘I’d still like to see her, just to check her.’

‘Sure, I think the break will be good for both of us. I’m afraid I got a bit obsessive about getting down the river as fast as I could, heaven knows why…I mean, we are on holiday. Sorry I can’t offer you a seat.’ She saw the flash of white teeth in the half light as he smiled at her.’

It was happening again, the strange aura, or ‘atmosphere’ as the elderly lady had called it, seemed to emanate from him and draw her in, causing throbbing sensations to course through her body, but focusing mainly in the region of her pudendum. Again it was nothing he had said or done, it was just…what had the elderly lady said? ‘The funny thing is it gets to you even when you don’t know what it is.’

She intended to say ‘goodnight’ and pass on, but instead she sat down near him on the grass. Pat moved to lie near her, gazing up at her. ‘Have you got everything you need?’ she asked.

‘Oh yes, we’re fine,’ David replied.

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Gone Fishing

The lure floated through the air thirty feet before landing with a plop in the water beside the cattails. It created little ripples that disturbed the calm surface of the water. The still air carried the sound a great distance. Ray grinned upon seeing it land exactly where he had wanted to place it. He turned the crank to retrieve the lure while making jerking motions with the rod. He knew if there was a fish there that it wouldn't be able to resist it. It was approaching the magic hour when...

3 years ago
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A day of Fishing

"Hey Lils! I'm about to head out on the boat and do some fishing. Want to come?" "Sure! Let me throw my bikini on and grab a pole! I'll be out front when you get here!"I absolutely love fishing, so when my cousin Zack called me, I was not turning him down! It didn't hurt that he was really nice to look at, too. A day of fishing on the boat, with a blonde, tan, shirtless, hottie. I'm not complaining! Zack and I were never really close growing up, but since I moved back home, we have started to...

3 years ago
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Nymph Fishing

Off the bus, down the metal steps, onto the warm concrete. It was hot, but the wind was cool, coming in waves, ruffling my hair, ruffling my clothes. The heavy smell of petrol hit me heavily as the bus trundled away down the gravel path. The rumbling slowly disappeared behind the trees, leaving me standing in silence in the woods with my hiking bag on my back and my pole and reel hanging off my shoulder. There were trees all around; tall and brown and straight, no leaves near their base, the...

3 years ago
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The Art of Good Fishing

The Art of Good Fishing, © Spitman October 2000 It was a fine sunny afternoon in May, and the beach was pretty crowded fora day so early in the season, but it was rather warm for the time of year,with very little wind and a cloudless sky. Donna lay on her beach towel with her bikini top unfastened, enjoying thefeel of the sun on her back. Others more adventurous, dispensed with theirskimpy bikini tops, offering an impressive display of breasts proudly bared,to the warm rays of the sun, not to...

3 years ago
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Sadistic Predator and the Preachers Kid 1 Just Fishing

Michael was in his mid 40s. He was amazed and relieved to be in his new country and his new community in a place that somewhat reminded him of his homeland Germany. Now he was in Tennessee close to the mountains he loved and more importantly in the country away from any big city and more importantly away from any large law enforcement agency that might look a little too close at his past. He believed he deserved a new chance to put his crimes behind him and get a fresh start. He was stunned by...

1 year ago
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Ice Fishing

We were almost there. I was looking forward to staying in the ice fishing hut... fishing... drinking beer, and just kicking back for the weekend. It was just Jason and myself... we tried talking our wives (Jenn and Karen) into coming with us, but they decided to go to a spa for the weekend instead... go figure. I was glad Jason and I were still able to get along as friends, with no underlying issues, reguardless of what we have done with our wives, eachother, and eachothers wives over the past...

4 years ago
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My Hot Day Fishing

I'm a 48 year old male, who loves to fish. Less than a quarter mile down the road from my home is a stocked river which is generally packed with like minded folks on the weekends. The road on which I live crosses the river via a thirty foot long two lane country bridge. There are low leaning trees on either side which along with the bridge itself cast a cool quite shade on the cement footings twenty feet below the roadway. This is my usual afternoon get away during the week, as I have it all to...

Oral Sex
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Gone Fishing

Gone fishing and getting treated as a sissy It started on a weeklong fishing trip when I was 19 years old with 6 of my friends. After we got to the lake and set up camp it was time to grab the beer coolers and the fishing poles for a couple of hours of intince worm drowning. When it started to get dark it was time to quit and head back to camp for food when we got there it was time to figure out who was going to be the camp BITCH! (all the cooking and cleaning) and since Jim's...

2 years ago
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A while ago, my son asked if he could go fishing with his friend Laurie and her mother. I had met Laurie before, a very cute blonde haired girl the same age as my son. I thought it was odd going fishing with her and her mom and I asked him about that. He told me that Laurie’s mom was a real outdoorsy type. She loved camping, hiking and fishing.  The day after his fishing trip, he told me more about their fishing adventure and about Stephanie and how “cool” he thought she was. He went on and on...

2 years ago
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I was born into a family that loved fishing. To be more specific, my older brother Drake and father Alvin were crazy about fishing. They tried everything in their power to get me hooked on this terrible hobby, but I simply hated it. Fortunately, my mother Rose was my protector in this regard, and although small of stature she was not to be messed with.Much to Alvin’s regret, I was a real ‘indoors’ kind of guy, something he and Drake found very hard to understand. I also think my smaller...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Gone Fishing

GONE FISHING BY JANICE My name is Bert, I am fifteen years old and live with my mother who is pretty self-involved and usually has no time for me, so when our neighbor, Mr. Martin wants to take me fishing every so often, she is glad to get rid of me. I look forward to these weekends because I have more fun than I ever would if I really went fishing. This will be explained as the story goes on. Mr. Martin picked me up at nine am. It took us a little over an hour to get to where...

2 years ago
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Long Day of Fishing

I left home early after filling my mom in on my plans - Fishing with James and a couple of his friends, coming home and spending the night at his place, so as not to wake her up coming in. James, being the good kid she met at church, who was further approved by my aunt who knew him, had no problem letting me go out and spend the night. We were out on the river bright and early with lunch, beer, and fishing gear loaded into the flat bottom boats. It was a hot summer day and the river was...

4 years ago
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Going Fishing

I put my fishing poles into my truck and walked back into the house to kiss my wife goodbye for the weekend. It was a friday afternoon and the k**s were at the neighbors house. As I walked up the stairs, my wife stood at the top. She stared at me as I reached the top, then she winked. I simply said, "I know what this means" and smiled. She reached for my hand and pulled me into the bedroom. She quickly locked the door behind us. She held me close and grabbed at my crotch. She whispered into my...

3 years ago
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The night we went fishing

It was the middle of summer after a long week of working we decided to spend the afternoon at her sisters house fishing, she had a pond not too far from her house. we were joined by her sister, her husband and their two sons, we spent the whole afternoon and into the night fishing catching mostly frogs which the boys enjoyed playing with. It was starting to get late and the boys needed to be in bed so they left leaving me and my wife who were still trying to fish but not catching anything.After...

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Its barely light and you pull up to my apartment I yell bye to my sister, and I run out to your truck and climb in. You look at me and my clothes - say nothing and off we go to the dock. We grab a few things and walk to the boat, you then tell me to get the rest of the shit loaded as you head for the office. Theres a dozen different rods , and what seems like 20 pounds of stinky bait, tackle, followed by bags of ice, sandwiches & your beer. For me, I brought salad , fruit and water. ...

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The summer of 1961 was not all that significant. My beat up old 1951 Chevy was in the garage for some work and as it was a lovely day I decided to walk to the local lake and try some fishing. Travelling light this time only carried my spinning outfit with artificial lures rather than carry a heavy bucket for live minnows, tackle box, metal stringer and lunch box with me. It only took forty minutes to make the walk to my favourite spot, snap a spoon on to my line and start casting out thirty or...

3 years ago
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Four years after tuna fishing

It is a snowy February Saturday and the four of us are sitting in our TV room getting ready to watch a movie after a great relaxing dinner. We searched the pay per view and found Bait Shop, a comedy with one of those Blue Comedy guys Bill something. All of us loved to fish and we spent many days together out on our boat. Shortly after the movie started Karen stood up and walked over to my wife and whispered in her ear then they both smiled. My wife said, well it is now time to tell the...

4 years ago
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Fishing ! Mom and Dad were gone for the weekend. My brother Dave was home for the weekend of rest from playing baseball on the collage team. He's built like a model six foot , nice body. If I wasn’t his sister I would **** him. I decided to go out by the pool and get some sun. I put on my sexy bathing suit, and a towel and laid by the pool, reading this love story. Some girls get it all, rich boy friends and all. I don’t believe half of this stuff.Just then she heard the door open, her brother...

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Just then she heard the door open, her brother comes out with his fishing gear and wearing the smallest shorts she had seen him wear “Where are you going?” She asked him. “I thought I would take the boat out and do a little fishing, why do you want to go along?” ‘I don’t know, the way you are dressed, I thought maybe you were going after something else besides fish,” then she laughs. He looks at his sister and grins, “well you never know what you’ll find when you’re out...

3 years ago
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Gone fishing

This event we' ll call it happened last year. We decided we needed to get away from the cold and snow so what better place then Key West Florida. We finally get to our room and it's about 9:00 at night.we were tired and raining out but still nice out, so we stayed in and went to bed.morning comes and it's still raining but is supposed to clear up by noon or so. I was to go fishing on a pretty big sport fishermen boat . 42 ft ,my wife was to shop but of course the rain. I called the captain and...

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Jerry asked Roland if he wanted to go fishing with the boys. He said, “Seymour has a nice boat docked on the Jersey shore and every so often they take it out to fish for Blue Fish. Roland told him he didn’t like boats, because he gets sea sick. I told him “If you don’t mind I’d love to go out on the boat, it sounds like a lot of fun and I can work on my tan.” Jerry looked at Roland and asked “Is it Ok with you if your wife is alone miles off shore with a bunch of old men? He said “I’m sure...

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Hot Day Fishing

It was just another warm July day, so I figured I would go fishing. Little did I know that July day would be the beginning of a wonderful and crazy relationship… So like I said it was a warm and beautiful day to go fishing so I grabbed my gear and pole and jumped into my jeep. I then drove down to the river stopping only to get bait and vodka. Because what’s fishing without booze… As I neared the spot where I park I noticed there were already a few cars around and another just pulling in...

2 years ago
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Fishnets: "I do recommend it for all girls, and boys, out there: put on a pair of fishnet stockings and find your inner sexiness!" - Nia Vardalos I am still me, I try to tell myself, as I look down at my burgundy nail extensions typing these words out on my computer keyboard as part of a therapy exercise my girlfriend Nia Constantinou has given me. Nia told me I needed to write my story down, both to help myself to understand who I now am, and to help other men to discover their...

4 years ago
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An Afternoon Fishing

The dragonflies slipped above the surface of the pond as we lay next to the water. I cast my eye to the strand that led from the rod to the water wondering if I would get a bite. As it was I bit into the delicious fried chicken and sipped at the parsnip wine and cradled your head into my lap. Looking up at me you smiled and reached up and wrapped your arms about my neck and levered up to kiss me on my lips. You looked into my eyes and with your eyes sparkling you spoke. ‘I am wearing the red...

4 years ago
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Day of Fishing

The boat planed as Dan opened the throttle up. It was a beautiful day for fishing -- sunny and clear. The mild temperature made the breeze that now rushed past the three people in the boat a little cool. Charlotte's braless nipples stood up promptly with the chill. It made her a little self-conscious in front of Jeremy, the friend they'd invited along. But she'd had a mild crush on the younger man from the time she had met him. The 'thirty something' bachelor didn't attract her as much as...

3 years ago
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Little Big Man gone fishing

It was Thursday night as I was playing Skyrim that I heard the noise. I lowered the volume and listened to the creaking of the bed overhead. Dad was fucking Mom. The creaking sped up and suddenly stopped. That was fast.I heard footsteps overhead, going into their bathroom, followed by a flush and running water. The steps then went towards the kitchen and stopped. Not heavy steps so I assumed it was Mom. No further noise.I played for another two hours before heading to bed. I thought about...

2 years ago
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Little Big Man gone fishing

It was Thursday night as I was playing Skyrim that I heard the noise. I lowered the volume and listened to the creaking of the bed overhead. Dad was fucking Mom. The creaking sped up and suddenly stopped. That was fast.I heard footsteps overhead, going into their bathroom, followed by a flush and running water. The steps then went towards the kitchen and stopped. Not heavy steps so I assumed it was Mom. No further noise.I played for another two hours before heading to bed. I thought about...

2 years ago
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Going Fishing

I was supposed to meet a buddy of mine to go fishing on Saturday morning. I arrived at his at 6:00 am as planned. Upon arrival I noticed that his truck was not there. I knocked on the door, his wife Mary let me in. I asked where Jim was and she said he had gotten an emergency call from work but should be back by 10:00 if all went well. She offered me a cup of coffee and said I could wait for him if I liked. Since my wife was going to shopping I decided I might as well wait.Mary said she was...

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Gone Fishin

Henry Stark took a deep breath, the salty aroma of the sea air made him feel good. Two weeks holiday in Devon was just what he needed, a total break from the noisy, tedious work he endured in the car factory back home. The doctors had warned him, take a break now or look forward to a nervous breakdown. He was glad to take their advice, he had not had a vacation for over six years, it was about time. He was looking forward to today, he was going fishing, just himself, a small boat, a packed...

4 years ago
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Goin Fishin

I hadn’t paid a lot of attention to the ‘For Sale’ sign on the house next door until the moving van showed up early on a Thursday afternoon in the middle of June. The moving company was owned by my high school buddy Dave, so I wandered over to see if, as was often the case, he was doing any of the actual moving. I was dressed in the running T-shirt and jeans that I usually wore when I didn’t have to go into the office, and it had been a few days since I’d shaved. ‘Hey, Bob,’ I said to one of...

3 years ago
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The Deep End Of The Fishbowl

This was the third time this week Mia had to sit in this damn conference room and listen to her team drone on about things that didn't matter. The walls were covered in posters from ancient advertising campaigns and the lack of windows made it seem tiny and oppressive. The only good thing about this room was when the door was closed, the lights were off, and the projector was in wait mode. The blue light made it seem like you were inside a relaxing aquarium and could daydream about...

Office Sex
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The Deep End Of The Fishbowl

This was the third time this week Mia had to sit in this damn conference room and listen to her team drone on about things that didn't matter. The walls were covered in posters from ancient advertising campaigns and the lack of windows made it seem tiny and oppressive. The only good thing about this room was when the door was closed, the lights were off, and the projector was in wait mode. The blue light made it seem like you were inside a relaxing aquarium and could daydream about...

Office Sex
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The Fishbowl

Kimmi takes a deep breath. Sir can tell she is nervous and squeezes her hand. She is wearing a tight white tank top with no bra that shows off her big breasts and perfect suckable nipples. A short black skirt barely covers her firm, round bottom. Kimmi is short but curvaceous. She has always been a little shy about showing off her curves.If this weren't a masquerade party, she wouldn't have the nerve to go dressed like this. Her hair is pulled back in a messy ponytail showing off her slave...

3 years ago
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Gone Fishin

Sarah slips on her white cotton panties and matching bra to cover her double Ds, she struggles to pull her white tank top down over them but she doesn't mind jigging her fun bags around. Sarah finishes her look with her favourite yellow skirt and high heels. her skirt came down to her knees but is loose and blows up in strong winds, Sarah would feel like Marilyn Monroe when she would have push her skirt down. Sarah struts her stuff down the street grabbing the attention of a every man she walks...

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