Emma Ch. 29 free porn video

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Life was certainly changing at Emma and Charlotte’s flat. Emma and Maisie had at last found a house in a quite well-to-do part of the city, and had moved out to live together there. Emma seemed quite reluctant to move to somewhere so expensive, saying that it tied her more than she wanted to the kind of income she was now bringing in, but Maisie was insistent, and as always Emma was unable to resist any of Maisie’s requests. Their move was not a sudden affair. The two of them had been away rather more often than not for several months now, mostly connected with their television work, staying at distant hotels. Often when they were there, it was only one or the other of them as Maisie would visit her mother or Emma would be away on business which Maisie did not need to attend. When Emma was there, Charlotte would make a determined effort to spend the night with her, but in truth, (as Josephine knew quite well) the urgency and significance that Charlotte had once associated with her lovemaking with Emma were much less now. She had come to accept that Emma’s real love was Maisie, and had moreover come to feel her love for Josephine much more strongly.

Susan still stayed in the flat. She had lost her previous home, as her boyfriend had started a relationship with another man and Susan no longer felt able to come and go as freely as she’d once done. She quite naturally moved into the bedroom vacated by Emma and Maisie, and although she still professed to a great unrequited passion for Charlotte, she no longer felt the need to spend too much time looking after her. She had even had a brief affair with a Pakistani girl, Aisha, but this relationship didn’t last too long. Josephine understood that Aisha had begun to express rather more desire for commitment in their relationship than Susan was prepared to offer. As Susan explained to Josephine, she was a professional fuck actress and any lover she had would just have to accept this fact. In any case, Susan expressed more passion in her occasional lovemaking with Maisie, herself and, less often, Charlotte, than in any of her nights together with Aisha. Josephine felt rather sad that their love affair hadn’t lasted very long, as she’d quite enjoyed the taste of Aisha’s cunt and she adored the way her tongue managed to insinuate itself into her anus.

Josephine was finding that Charlotte was expressing a desire for a seriousness in their own relationship that went far beyond anything that she’d ever experienced before, even in her boyfriends. She had in fact gone as far as proposing marriage.

“Marriage!” exclaimed Josephine. “Do you understand what you’re saying?”

“It’s perfectly legal now. Didn’t you read about it in the papers recently? Marriage is now no longer to be defined on rigid gender grounds. Men can marry men. And women can marry women.”

“Well, maybe so. But what’s the point of getting married anyway? What can’t we do now that we can do if we’re married?”

“It’s not a question of what we can or cannot do. It’s symbolic. I just want to say to you that you are special in my life. Unique. That I love you. That I want to live with you. That I want to stay with you for the rest of my life.”

Josephine was rather overwhelmed by the intensity of Charlotte’s declaration of undying love, and tightly cuddled her lover. They were very soon making very passionate love on the strength of Charlotte’s declaration, but what Josephine found particularly striking and somehow most appealing of all was Charlotte’s claim that she wanted the two of them to have a baby. Josephine didn’t want to confess to Charlotte that as a result of some unpleasant operations she’d had when she was less than thirteen years old it was extremely unlikely that she could ever be the mother of a child. She always hid from her lover the darker side of her past and the abuse she’d received in her family from her parents and other relatives. This meant that the only one of the two of them capable of child-bearing was Charlotte, and she was remarkably enthusiastic about the idea.

“Whether it’s you or me, it doesn’t matter!” Charlotte claimed. “I’d be proud to carry a child knowing it to be ours.”

“Isn’t there a bit of a problem in either of us fathering a child?” Josephine wondered.

“The father doesn’t matter! What matters is that it belongs to both of us: even if only one of us is the biological mother. I would so like it if we could have a child. We could call her Emma or, if it’s a boy, Robert or Charles or something.”

“Yes, we could. But we need to find a biological father.”

This was not of course a particularly difficult task for Josephine who in her years in sex theatre had met rather a lot of men who were more than willing to make love to both Charlotte and her. It was necessary that in the lovemaking that both Josephine and Charlotte should be there together, otherwise it wouldn’t be ‘their’ child, as Charlotte insisted on calling it. Her view was that if the father-to-be conceived the child while making love to both of them at the same time, then in a real sense it could be said to have an equal chance of motherhood by either of the two lovers. Again, Josephine had no wish to disillusion Charlotte as to the relative probabilities.

This became a regular occurrence. Josephine would bring home with her one, two or even three male acquaintances or colleagues of different colours or ethnic backgrounds (this was not thought at all important) and before long the two lovers would immerse their bodies in each other with the additional presence of penises thrusting into their vaginas. Charlotte insisted that the men should release their sperm inside both of them, and not over their face and breasts, as some professional actors had a tendency to do. This required Charlotte or Josephine spotting the moment of seminal release and taking the black, pink or brown penis out of its current orifice as it seeped out its oozing yellowish liquid and insert it immediately in both of the girls’ vaginas in the hope of insemination. Once this was done then the intention was that the man, or any other man who was servicing them at the time, should do his best to produce more of the precious liquid for further insemination.

Some of the men whom Josephine brought home very much enjoyed their rôles as sperm-providers. It didn’t bother them at all that Josephine and Charlotte showed no interest at all in their bodies beyond their sexual equipment and its productive capabilities. Often they actually enjoyed being so closely involved in lesbian lovemaking and participating in a rôle of nearly minimum emotional involvement with maximum release of semen. Some men however felt somehow cheated by it all. They felt rather marginalised by the way the only tenderness and passion the two girls showed were to each other, however much their vaginas or anuses where being penetrated or stimulated by the men’s penises. Josephine could see that Charlotte, despite her avowed lesbianism, actually rather enjoyed having sex with men, as Josephine did herself, but the focus of their affection was very definitely each other. It might be pleasant to taste again a nice firm erect penis in between the teeth or jostling with the larynx. It might add to the ecstasy of orgasm to have a real live penis (rather than a dildo) thrusting in and out of the nether orifices. But the subject of their passion remained each other. Neither Josephine nor Charlotte felt any great feelings of affection nor emotion for the men, although they soon came to have favourites who they were happier to have back again, perhaps the following night, for another chance of impregnating one or other of them.

To each other the men were identified better by their penises than by their names, faces or personalities. Charlotte might reminisce about the particular productivity of an originally unpromising rather squat penis. Josep
hine might recall the length and duration of effort of another penis that might have given both of them rather more pleasure than normally but was actually rather less productive. Some men were recalled for the short time in which it took them to produce semen and how so much of it was wasted on the sheets rather than in their cunts. But the two girls’ new hobby (of which Emma, whenever she visited, disapproved totally) was one that occupied them more nights than not, filled their bodies with viscous pale fluid and required rather more changes to the sheets than had hitherto ever been required.

Somehow, Susan no longer felt as content in her life as before. The reorganisation of the flat left her feeling somewhat sidelined. Emma and Maisie were so rarely at the flat, and whenever they were it always seemed that it was Charlotte who got the most attention. Even Maisie these days seemed somehow more distant, even if she would insist on fucking Susan with whatever flavour of dildo had taken her fancy at the moment. She felt rather banished, staying in the bed with Josephine and Charlotte where she had spent so many happy months at the peak of her passion and obsession for Charlotte. Now, however, she felt obliged to admit that Josephine was to be the centre of Charlotte’s life and accept that it was indeed not a bad choice for her. The presence of men in their bedroom had made the room seem somehow less inviting. It reminded her too much of work to watch two men humping away at Charlotte, a penis in the arse while underneath another was deep inside her cunt. She had somehow lost her taste for male sex. It was good at work. It provided her with a living, and while she was being filmed she genuinely enjoyed having her orifices filled with rubbery but stiff organs of pleasure. However, she no longer felt that a man could provide her with quite the emotional satisfaction she craved. And as she found in her brief but passionate relationship with Aisha, not all women were necessarily going to provide it for her either.

She concentrated more effort in her work, and had taken the advice of her agent in promoting herself more actively in androgynous rôles. She cut her hair short and boyish, and took to wearing shorts, shirt and tie which made her look like a curious kind of oriental school boy. She also took up the fashion of shaving her vagina every morning aware that this increased her marketability to the makers of films about androgynous sex. The actual sex didn’t change much (although there was undoubtedly a greater demand for anal penetration and even back entrance finger-fucking) but the films had a tendency to be set in schools, gymnasia and holiday camps, and there was more male homosexuality and transexualism practised than in most films she’d been in before.

It was on the set of Teeny Fuck Vacation that Susan met Salim. She had no idea who she was of course, but had been fascinated by the sight of her during the fuck shoot when she was being penetrated anally by a man in his fifties with a Kiss Me Quick hat and very knobbly knees. She stood to one side of the set looking very mysterious in her long dark dress that came down to her ankles and the head-scarf that covered all her hair. Most women watching sets were either participants in the filming process or anxious porn starlets hoping to learn by watching the professionals at work. Salim obviously didn’t fit into either category. Susan was quite surprised to be approached by the woman afterwards who introduced herself rather shyly and asked even more timidly if they could talk somewhere after the film. Salim was somewhat older than most of the women of her acquaintance, certainly more so than anyone who’d shared her flat, but Susan could tell that her face at least was very attractive and curiously not markedly Asian at all. Susan agreed to meet, more out of fascination than anything else.

They met again at an ice cream parlour nearby where over pistachio and almond ice creams, Salim told Susan about Amna and her obsession for Susan and how much it troubled her aunt. “She’s totally obsessed by you! It’s the only thing that seems to give her any pleasure in life. Otherwise she’s so listless and apathetic. It’s as if she doesn’t care about anything else at all.”

Susan could see the genuineness of Salim’s plea and was astute enough to guess that there was a sexual element to Salim’s concern, although she was not sure that it was likely to have been satisfied. She remembered Amna quite well as the funny little shop-girl who had taken an interest in fuck films and whom she’d helped out. She was a little surprised to learn that Amna had continued to work in the profession. Her feeling, and one shared by Aisha, was that the girl hadn’t really enjoyed her time in Hot Asian Lovers, and would probably not wish to get involved in any more films. She remembered her tearfulness after one day’s shoot in which Aisha and she had to help her to a taxi. Susan found, though, that she’d been in another fuck film, Corner Shop Cunts, and had been accepted for a rôle in Eastern Ecstasy. It actually upset her to discover that Amna had actually lost her virginity in the audition for Hot Asian Lovers. However, Susan couldn’t see that there was actually anything that she could do and accepted that Salim had come to see her pretty much out of desperation. Amna was currently spending a few days with her family where she continued the pretence that she worked in a clerical capacity, despite the evidence of a somewhat better salary than most semi-skilled clerks would normally earn.

Salim took Susan back to her flat and showed her Amna’s bedroom with the posters and memorabilia all around the room. Susan felt both flattered and upset. It was undoubtedly a compliment that someone should find her so attractive that they would collect videos of her non-starring films, find posters of her in the fuck posture clichés so preferred by cameramen and search out magazines which had pictures of her in them. It was also quite frightening to see herself idolised in this way. She knew from her obsession with Charlotte, that it didn’t mean that she was actually deified, but it did mean that Amna was expressing rather more interest in her than could possibly be justified. She was after all not a very unusual person and not really one of the world’s most attractive either. Her assets in the fuck film industry had been more her lack of breasts, the slimness of her body and the enthusiasm of her lovemaking. Her one-time sexual problem where she could only make love to someone while being watched had been gradually overcome as a result of her lovemaking in the flat she now shared with Josephine and Charlotte. She certainly didn’t deserve this kind of attention.

Susan felt slightly faint, so Salim thoughtfully took her downstairs to the living room. She had taken off her head-scarf, but still kept on her thick dress. She spoke sadly of how much Amna’s obsession with Susan had troubled her. How much she’d wanted to meet Susan herself to find out what she was like. And how pleased she was that Susan wasn’t anything like as bad a person as she thought a porn actress should be despite the disgusting and unmentionably vulgar nature of her work. It was at this stage that Susan became quite clear in her mind just how far Salim’s relationship with Amna had progressed. She took Salim’s hands in her own, squeezed them gently and muttered kind words of comfort.

At first Salim struggled ineffectually to release her hands, but she relented and let Susan’s caresses become more intimate. She was evidently quite upset and Susan was quite a mistress of such situations. Indeed she found Salim’s freckled face rather attractive and she enjoyed the fullness of the older woman’s smile. She soon released Salim of her thick confining dress and was surprised to see just how very sexy her choice of lingerie was. This was a world of dress habits Susan had never known about before. Most women she knew of who owned such clothes
wore them only in a professional context and would never wear such clothes otherwise. Here was someone who wore silk and satin, garters and stockings, for herself rather than for the stimulation of male libidos.

Susan released herself of her shirt and trousers in a few very brief gestures and stood naked in Salim’s clasp smiling lasciviously at Amna’s aunt, aware of the flash of alarm burning across her face. Salim stood up, belatedly bringing her hands up to cover the breasts that Susan had uncovered earlier.

“We can’t! You can’t! I shouldn’t! What if Amna…?”

“Do you know what Amna does every day at work?” Smiled a nonplussed Susan, striding across to Salim and delicately pushing down her arms and removing the bra. “Don’t you think she already knows only too well what I do every day at work?”

“Yes, but…” Began Salim, but her protests were plugged by Susan’s tongue which plunged into the woman’s welcoming mouth and was pleased by the readiness and passion of Salim’s response.

Susan spent the night in Salim’s bed, enjoying a night of passion that lacked in technique but was compensated partly by the extent of Salim’s curiosity. She could see that the relationship between Salim and Amna had not really progressed as far sexually as Susan was accustomed to in her relationships. Salim showed some reluctance and ineptitude in many of the activities Susan encouraged her to participate in. She had hardly considered the anus as an object of sensuality, for instance. Penetration even in the vagina had been limited to fingers and tongues, it seemed. There hadn’t been anything like the passion and ecstasy which Susan was able to orchestrate and which after several orgasms left Salim drained and helpless. She lay collapsed on her bed linen, her face burrowed into the pillow and her bottom in the air with a smile of contentment on her face that even Susan had rarely seen before.

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Midday When they got back to the pod Sam had finished his sleep-training session and was engrossed in a video game. Currently he wanted to be a Navy fighter pilot so he was playing a fighter simulator, battling Swarm ships. The games he played varied depending on his ambition of the moment, though he was usually more inclined to the Navy than the Marines. Jane managed to pry him away from his joystick so he could help her and Viv get the others ready to go out again to eat. She was able to...

4 years ago
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chase the pool boy fictional

after the thunderstorm and hurricane wreaked havoc on our town, and we had a lot of damage, my house was repaired but my pool was full of crap from the hurricane, no one could come out and help, everything was pretty much shut down, food was being dropped in by helicopter. well finally, everything began to fall in place, but my pool still needed work, so my neighbor lisa(the shemale) came over and and said her friend was staying with her due to the death of his father, and knew a lot about...

2 years ago
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The Neighborhood MILF Kate

Not everyone in our group that I like to call the “Neighborhood Milfs” is actually from our neighborhood. Kate is our insurance agent who lives just on the other side of the bridge in Wisconsin. The fellow redhead was a year ahead of me in school, and was always considered to be kind of a nerd. But the petite bookworm seemed to do pretty well for herself, marrying some rich bigwig from one of the local manufacturing plants. Kate probably didn’t need to work, but DJ and and I have always been...

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Broken Hearts Busted Stereos Ch 02

Janey sighed as she dialed the first 6 digits of Ted’s cell phone before hanging up. Why she had even asked ‘Los for it was beyond her. She just thought that maybe by now he’d be himself again. Head hung as she hung up the phone. It was over. There was no more hope. A tear stung her eye before she shook it off. It had been over two years ago, she was just entertaining some stupid high school fantasy. If she wasn’t so close with his brothers she probably wouldn’t bother leaving her house at all...

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The Good YearsChapter 42

The men my father sent over from Nashville, all arrived together, early Friday morning. I put one of them in charge of production scheduling, and the other one began filling in for Donny and Miss Kitty, arranging for both of them to have some days off from work. I sent the maintenance man over to Jerry Davis, to be checked out on all the equipment we had in the plant, and to be assigned wherever, and whenever, Jerry most needed him. Jerry had already confirmed that the maintenance people...

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I think I can And I did Pt 4

The test were negeative, My scans were normal. Nothing explained what happened to me and honestly I felt just fine. Cassie hailed a cab for me and slid inside. On the ride home, Checking my missed calls and various texts, I remember what got me and Cassie together in the first place. My thoughts. I didnt wanna push it, maybe it was the reason I was here, or maybe I was just being a pansy. So I once again set my thoughts on the curvaceous woman next to me and thought about her touching me. Lo...

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Anne and MaryChapter 46 Mary

I've been working hard with Hero and The Bay. Hero's taught me a lot, and I've passed it along to The Bay. I brought Sarah home for dinner a couple of times, we all had a good time. "Mary, when are you going to try some competition?" "I thought I'd enter the State Western Horse Show. It's in a couple of weeks. I called and got the paperwork. Okay if I ride Hero?" "Good. What's your plan?" "I'll just do my best. From the shows I've been to so far this spring, I might place...

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Book 6 Revanche and LaurelChapter 21

For the next three month's Laurel kept herself busy with the renovations at Zinmer, she had moved into the Manor House for good several days after the fire, Laurel had turned one of the back rooms into a reading room, transferring most of the books from her lair after she had shelves to put them on, with big chairs in front of the fireplace and rugs strewn about the floor it had become a warm, soothing place to go when things got too hectic. Most nights Alex would wake to her soft body...

4 years ago
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Forced To Be A Latexdoll

Forced To Be A Latexdoll By Latex Bondage Boy 2000 copyrighted by Latexbondagefun One night Jim came home drunk after a hard day's work. When he drank, he was a violent person. He would come home and hit and yell at anyone who was in his way. This peculiar night was different. He came home and passed out in the living room. His wife, Samantha, was getting tired of his shit after 10 yrs. She pulled Jim into the bedroom and put Jim into bed. After that, she went upstairs. She went...

1 year ago
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My encounter with me

I have always been very open minded in the erotic world. Try anything once and twice if i like it, which I usually do. As time goes on my sex life has grown along with my sense of self. For a few years I have heard about many different fantasies and of many fetishes, i do believe i have a few fetishes and things i would definitely try. My whole sexual life, from what i can remember, i have been absolutely fascinated with the female body, to me it has so much potential and a lot of mysteries....

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Movings Not So Bad Chapter 2 Callum Underwood Middle School CUM School

Introduction: Chapter 2 of Movings Not So Bad. Jen goes to her new school, and enjoys it very much!! Contains young/Incest. [u]Part 1 [/u] Milk with Breakfast. Jen woke up to the sweet smell of jizz. she had grown accustomed to doing so over her four day weekend. The family had arrived on Friday, when theyd first all fucked together for the first time. Over the weekend the family had done nothing but fucked more. It had taken a day or to for Jen to finally be enrolled at what would be her...

2 years ago
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The Cabin PT 1

While playing with his new GPS system. His best friend Dontay sipped his Gatorade and said “why cant females ever be on time man I swear”, “ha-ha isn’t that that the truth” responded Zodais ready to answer back to him when he saw the front door of the bright blue house open and saw the most beautiful woman stepped out. “Damn my baby looks good today” he said to Dontay. He looked to the direction Zodais was staring and saw the girls walk out the house. They both got out the car and...

4 years ago
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Gay Lust In Dubai 8211 Part 1

It was a Friday morning, one of the two off days I get from my tiring work schedule. I’ve been working in Dubai for 8 months at this point as an accountant, and the salary was okay. I have been living a pretty average life up until this point, going out to the malls with my colleagues at work in the weekends, and going to drinking parties once in a while, but otherwise, it was routine. I have been fascinated by older men since my teenage years, but I have never experimented due to the social...

Gay Male
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My First Time I think

I left my very expensive and very well known Ladies College in June 2001 due to begin Uni in Southampton in September and was totally in the dark about guys. It now seems crazy to admit that at the age of eighteen the extent of my knowledge consisted of gossipy tales (probably made up) of sexual encounters passed around the girls in my dorm, no doubt embellished and dramatised along the way. Then I met Jonny, a leather jacket and everything black kind of guy, a little on the dangerous side and...

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Honeymoon Sex In Singapore

Hi readers, I am a 40 years old man and I look very handsome. I am a rich and successful businessman living in Mumbai. I had not been yet married till this age because I did not find a fitting girl for me. Well, I had many childhood crushes but not good enough to marry. Many women also had a crush on me and wanted to marry me because of my wealth. But I wanted true love. My parents were worried about me and looked for girls regularly. Finally, they met a girl about same my age and they agreed...

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What would you do

You are driving down an empty road. The area around you is completely barren. Suddenly, the engine of your car sputters, and dies. You pull off to the side of the road, clamber out of your car, and pop the hood. Your face is greeted by a rush of steam and smoke. Once the smoke clears, you examine the engine. You don’t notice anything out of place, but you smell a faint aroma of gasoline. Looking more closely, you notice that your gas tank is punctured and a large pool of gas is spilling out.

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360 Please ing mum 3

360 Please (ing) mum It was on the Monday when Sheila met Milly at the butchers, they walked home to Milly`s together though Milly seemed strangely reluctant to talk about work and especially Sid and Saturday, though she did say they had chatted about Mark! Over coffee, Sheila explained that “her and Sid did not have secrets, that she would never have tutored either of the boys had Sid not approved, and she knew ‘her Sid’ had screwed Milly so not to be worried on that score!” Milly near choked...

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Naughty or Nice Santa Claus

WARNING: The following creative artwork includes topics of voluntary sex, crossdressing, and other themes. If you find this sort of material objectionable, then press the back button on your browser. My original story may be copied, reproduced, downloaded, and otherwise shared without restriction. Enjoy! Naughty or Nice By Apollo I was working as the shopping mall Santa Claus, hey, it was a job, y'know? Besides, what else would I be doing on Friday nights and the weekend, my...

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Spin The Bottle

Lorelie, Robert and I have been down the local bar where we often meet and chat on a Saturday night. Lorelie and Robert are in their early 50's, whilst me, I’m 47. Robert is pale skinned and fairly slim, Lorelie is overweight but, in my eyes, has curves in all the right places. As for me I am overweight and tanned. This particular Saturday, Lorelie and Robert invite me around to their place for a drink after the bar shuts. Well I have nowhere to go so I agree, and very soon we are sitting in...

Group Sex
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Nether the Gince

This is my first shot at a Fictionmania Story so be gentle. I'm a fan of TG stories so I thought I'd start writing them myself. FIRST of all my stories will be quite unique from others. Some of those slutty bimbo stories intrigue me, but I don't like how they turn out. So... MY stories will... kinda have a happy ending and have some sort of moral. (I know it'll sound like it's going to be a children's story but it's not.) I don't use profanity in real life but in SOME of my...

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Sexi maami ko choda

Hi all iss readers, first of all me Veenu Rana From punjab Near paki boarder. Ma apko apni ek sachi story btane ja rha hu jo ajj se 6 saal phele ki ghatna ha. Muje pta ha ke aap sabi ko meri yeh khani psand ayegi mera email id ha: is par aap apna response de sakte ha. Ab ma phele apne bare me btata hu meri umar 30 saal ki ha. Meri body fiting kafi gud ha. Ma ek sadhi sudha hu meri sadhi hue karib 5 saal ho gye ha. Ab ma apni khani ki taraf ata hu. Muje jab b free time milta ma apne mama ke...

4 years ago
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Johnnys ClosetChapter 11

Saturday. Nothing to do but sit with Marie and talk about the rest of our lives. Now serious lovers, my 12-year-old sister and I had decided on our future after only two days of nonstop masturbation and voyeurism. She had discovered me peeking at her in the bathroom through a hole I had made in the wall of my closet. And then she admitted to me that she'd been watching me for months through her own little peephole. Neither of us was angry with the other. It was a turn-on, we agreed, and...

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The Artist Is A WizardChapter 8

As soon as I got back home, I called my attorney and informed him of the appearance of Mathew... who had turned out to be alive, well, and visiting some friends. I explained I had gone back to Wyoming, and he really gave me hell for that, but he did say he would contact the police to see what they had. After I hung up, I realized I was out ten thousand dollars for my attorney already, and I still had no clue as to why it had happened. The police hadn't bothered to tell me. Someone owed me...

2 years ago
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Serving Hard Time2

Serving Hard Time (2)   with Bud the Sub   TJ Ryderhttp://midnightx.com/fpage/links/Rhino1/rhino1.html Complete Illustrated Stories at http://www.midnightx.com/ andhttp://www.slavex.com/     A few days after his first latrine duty, now into his second month of his sentence, Bud was again between work details and back in his cell trying to figure out how to make a sit-up board out of his bunk.  He liked to keep in shape, and even with the work details the confinementof his cell made him...

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Claudias Condition the HealingChapter 43

“I have to ask you this. Claudia told me about your marriage lifestyle and her Condition. You’re okay with other men fucking her?” “Yes, I am. At first, I was a little jealous, of other men fucking her, or her giving them blow jobs. I guess that’s natural. It was awkward to hear other men making her cum and seeing her swallowing their cum after a blow job. Now feel I proud of her because she’s mine and after all our loving it’s our bed she sleeps in.” “She basically said the same thing to...

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Secret Affairs with my friends son part10

Adam woke up and asked, “What?” “Your mom is coming home in an hour. Get up,” I said getting out of the bed. “Go to your room, and get ready to welcome your mom,” I said, mentioning that he couldn’t have a shower with me because then we would be having sex again and his mom might caught us too. I went into the bathroom. After taking shower I came out of the bathroom and didn’t find Adam in the room. I quickly picked out a dress from my bag and got dressed. My bra, panties, heels and other stuff...

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Threesome with my sister in law

After Janette and her friend used me for their pleasure I decided it was time for some pay back. I arranged for her to come round one Saturday when no one else was in, telling her I had a special treat lined up. When she arrived I let her in, “What is this special treat?” she asked running her hands over my chest, rubbing my nipples through the fabric of my shirt. “I have a very special surprise for you.” I replied. Janette stood in the hall way with her hands behind her...

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ProfNigma Stories 10 Schneiderrsquos Island 3

[Warning - there is no sex in this story, so please don't hate me for that]Freddie made sure he got up early the next morning, and was really torn as he looked down at his sl*eping lover, who was wearing one of his old plaid shirts, her mouth agape, deep in dreamland. He desperately wanted to get back into bed with her, but right now, he really needed to get away and take care of some pressing matters.The former tech producer threw on some shorts and a t-shirt, the perfect outfit for jogging,...

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