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Chapter 32: Brenda
I am an intermediate school teacher, that is the school to which the demented ones go, ages twelve to fifteen. I liked it there because that was the last age group a teacher could influence kids on how to treat a planet, or each other, or themselves. That is also the group that begins to become aware of sex so getting their attention is impossible at times.
Once they leave for high school their minds are pretty much hardwired and there isn’t much anyone can do.
I was known for my patience. When I yelled at them it was in the voice of Pee Wee Herman. When they did well I brought candy. But most of the time they were happy when I just nodded at them.
At home my patience was tested too. My wife was a sales representative and traveled often. Soon I became superfluous to her, like earrings she never wore. I suspected she had a lover so I contacted a private investigator with ties to offices in the Midwest to check up on her.
When their report came in I was deeply saddened and knew it was hopeless but I gave her and our marriage another chance.
Our sex lives had been good, she loved the way I treated her in bed. She loved our long sessions and her multiple orgasms.
She suddenly decided to just wait for me to get done. I decided to stop all my advances, she was happy I did.
I went to our towns only real divorce lawyer. We talked and she asked if I had tried counseling and I told her no, that I did not want to be married to someone that did not respect me.
I mentioned that I had proof of her infidelities. She said to hold on to it until it appeared that we would need them. She was served as she left the house for a trip to Chicago. I was told she became very angry but went ahead on her trip.
I called the investigators and asked them to follow her in Chicago and if possible photograph her activities. I got pictures of her having sex with her usual lover and two other men.
When she returned I had moved out and there was a for sale sign on our front lawn. It was my house, not ours, and I knew I could never live in it again. I rented a two bedroom patio home and had already moved in.
The only one that knew where I was, my lawyer, told her she didn’t know where I lived. My wife told her she would fight it to the end. I took the folders of photos to my lawyer and she looked through them, and cried.
‘Her principal lover is my husband,’ she said amid her tears.
I quickly took the photos away from her and apologized over and over. I told her I did not know the guys in the pictures. She asked me to mail one photo to my ex, a companion to the photo she kept and asked me to come back the following week.
I mailed it but did not give any indication of where it came from.
Three weeks later the lawyer and I were both single and our former spouses had left town.
I had kept my personal life to myself, my ex did not like my friends. I took my wedding band off the last day of school and went on my usual camping/baseball stadium trip. My ex had refused to accompany me over the last two years but had encouraged me to go. I now knew why.
I got back home in late June just in time for our towns celebration day. I had always helped and did so again that time for Larry and Doris, I loved their fish restaurant. A friend named Wendy was the first to notice I no longer wore a wedding band.
‘How are you doing,’ she asked. It was not a casual question, she wanted to know how I was handling it.
‘I am at the acceptance stage already. I was not very surprised too learn of her….adventures.’
‘Good, glad to hear it. Brenda is not there yet, she has been moping for a while but pretends she is OK. Do me a favor and give her a kiss on the cheek whenever you see her. If she asks why tell her I told you to do so then kiss her cheek again before you walk on.’
‘I’m not ready for a relationship.’
‘And neither is she but you need to remind her she is not the only one suddenly alone. You went through the events together. And she is very pretty.’
‘Yes, she is. OK, I will unless she slaps me then I will tell her it was your idea.’
‘Good enough. Do me a favor and get us some empanadillas, I’ll cover for you.’
I did and found Brenda there. I nodded with a smile, asked for two and as she handed them to me I kissed her cheek. I saw the look of astonishment before I turned and left.
‘You know, you are a lot more devious than you look,’ I said to Wendy. She treated me to her remarkably musical giggles.
I did not see Brenda again until the July Fourth fireworks show. I was headed for the ice cream truck as she walked away from it. I stepped in front of her and as she stopped I kissed her cheek then walked on.
I could not tell if she was irritated or concerned. I decided neither of those would be enough to stop me. I had started to enjoy kissing her.
A wedding brought us together the following weekend. I was an usher and she was a bridesmaid. After I led her to the altar I kissed her cheek. That time she was blushing.
‘You like doing that don’t you,’ Wendy said as I got back to the head of the aisle. I kissed her cheek. She giggled.
My next escort was a teacher friend, I kissed her cheek when after I took her to the altar. I had kissed the woman on the cheek for years so she simply accepted it.
My job was done so I sat at the back of the grooms section. The groom was my assistant principal. The bride was one of our teachers.
At the reception Brenda came to me and put her cheek out for a kiss. I kissed it.
‘Well, do you think this marriage will last?’ she asked.
‘Yes, these are much better people. Their not so secret love affair is now in it’s seventh year. They were afraid that if it was found out one of them would have to switch schools. Mo set them straight last Christmas.’
‘That is so nice to see.’
‘Yes it is. The buffet is open.’
‘Good, I’m starved. Oh, prime rib.’
‘I wonder which of them has the money for this spread?’
‘Her mother. She is a big corporate attorney in the city.’
We sat at the same table and I kissed Mo and Wendy on the cheek as they came by then kissed the groom on the cheek as he came by much to the amusement of all.
Brenda and I danced a couple of times and I walked her to her car when she decided to leave. I decide why not and kissed her lips before she got in her car.
Wendy saw my big smile when I walked back in and interrogated me then Mo interrogated me.
I told both the I thought we were now friends but that was all.
‘Did you kiss her on the cheek?’
‘No, I missed,’ I said and walked away. Two hands swatted my butt. Their giggles were in harmony.
I did not see Brenda again until school open house in August. I asked her if her daughter was in my class and she said no.
‘I debated whether to have her schedule changed so she would have you but thought that would cause too much gossip. I came over to hear your spiel to the parents. Most likely many now think you must be demented.’
”Actually all of them do especially the ones that had a kid in my class before. They just put up with it.’
She said, ‘I have heard that everyone is very happy the old you is back. They are happy the witch is gone.’
‘I’m not surprised, she did not like any of my friends.’
‘I have to go find my semi-terrified baby,’ she said and waited for her kiss.
I kissed her cheek.
She said, ‘You missed, you will need to make up for it with two next time.’
She walked away leaving me a bit dumbfounded. She liked me.
As the event ended she came to me with her daughter and introduced us. Brenda told her that when she got in trouble to come to me and I would make her troubles infinitely worse. Her very cute daughter Penny giggled.
I kissed Brenda’s cheek and s
he whispered, ‘That makes four.’
I went home happier than I had been in years.
We did not see each other again for three weeks. It was a Thursday afternoon and several of us had gone to Doris’ place for the all you can eat catfish special.
Brenda and Penny came in as I got my third basket. The place was crowded and the only table with two chairs was mine. I waved them over and were soon digging in on the fish.
My companion was a math teacher and coach named Angie. I introduced them and learned Angie was Penny’s math teacher.
‘No parent teacher talk while we eat please,’ I said.
All giggled.
After finishing her third basket Angie got up and kissed my lips which caused nary a stir since the entire town knew she was a lesbian. I was left with Brenda and Penny.
I was also full and was just drinking tea but I was enjoying their company so I stayed until they surrendered.
I waved my napkin and Doris nodded and rang me up then I nodded again and she put Brenda and Penny’s charges on my tab. I kissed Doris on the way out and walked them to their car. We didn’t pay our bill,’ Penny said with some alarm.
‘I have an account there, she put us on it. They take it out as a debit at the end of the month plus fifteen percent tip,’ I said.
‘Oh, nice,’ Brenda said and kissed my cheek. A first. Penny giggled.
Before she got in her car I kissed Brenda on the cheek and she whispered, ‘Six.’
I decided we needed to go on a date.
During lunch that Friday I called her and asked her to tell me when Penny would be at a slumber party. We would go on a date.
‘As luck would have it she has one tonight. Pick me up after seven. Where are we going?’
‘The yacht club for dinner and dancing.’
‘In that case pick me up at eight. Bye.’
At exactly eight I rang her doorbell. A millisecond later she opened the door, grabbed my hand and pulled me to her bedroom. She was nude. She was glorious. She was horny.
I somehow found myself nude and was invited to fuck her. I declined and began to kiss my way to her tits. I adored them for a while and resumed my voyage down. I rubbed my beard on her pubic hair then kissed her pussy. It was very wet.
I exposed her clit and kissed it then slowly ran the flat of my tongue over it. She had an orgasm. I kissed her pussy lips until her orgasm had passed then returned to her clit which was long enough to pinch between my lips. She had another orgasm.
I kissed my way up and as I began a kiss to her lips she crammed my cock into her. I took slow strokes lengthening them as I went on. I felt my cock leave her pussy completely then slide back in deeply and she had another orgasm.
I rolled us over and she paused for breath then sat up.
‘This has already been my best fuck ever and we are not even done,’ she said.
She rose until my cockhead was kissed by her pussy lips, paused, then rammed down hard on me. She gasped.
She did it again but it took three trips to bring another gasp to her. After that she went crazy and tried of fuck me to Albuquerque. Her intense orgasm brought mine.
She collapsed over me, breathless. I caressed her from the back of her neck to her ass. I kissed the top of her head. She fell asleep. Minutes later I did too.
I felt her stir. My cock was still in her although inert. I kissed her as she awoke.
‘What time is it?’ she asked.
‘Eleven thirty five according to the clock on the night table.’
‘We wont make it on our date tonight. Sorry.’
‘Not a problem. right here right now is just perfect.’
She giggled and said, ‘You are right. It is perfect.’
My cock began to grow into her and we waited until it was firm and she started a slow loving fuck. After her orgasm she said, ‘I have to pee.’
‘Me too,’ I said.
We got up and she stood behind me and aimed my cock for me. She was not very accurate and most of my piss hit the underside of the cover and seat. She giggled through the episode.
She lowered the wet seat and sat as she slurped my cock into her mouth. It stayed there for several moments after she had finished her pee.
She cleaned up the commode while I adjusted the shower. We fucked as water cascaded over us for a while and washed for a while then fucked some more but neither of us had an orgasm.
We dried then walked to her kitchen naked, we were starving. We made BLT’s with slices of avocado and drank root beers. As soon as we had finished our sandwiches I gave her long kiss.
‘OK, thats two, just nine more to go.’
‘You are not a math teacher, are you?’ I commented.
‘My math doesn’t matter, I know I’m right. Just eleven more.’
We made it to three before our next fuck was getting out of hand. She had two orgasms and I had mine before we could start on kiss number four.
‘That’s two,’ she said. I agreed.
Suddenly it was morning. Brenda panicked about the time and we hurriedly dressed. We were drinking coffee in the kitchen when Penny came in.
‘I am treating you two to breakfast at the resort this morning. Drop you bag and let’s go, we have been waiting for you for a while and we are starving.’
We had waited about a minute and a half. We poured our coffee in the sink as Penny ran to her bathroom. We waited for her at the door and Brenda said, ‘Your windshield is covered with dew.’
I ran to the car and started it and ran the wipers. Brenda distracted Penny with questions about the slumber party as I drove us to the resort.
We ate too much and barely made it to the terrace before we sat down again. Brenda and I had coffee and Penny had a coke.
Penny asked her Mom, ‘Are you two dating?’
‘Yes, well I think so. We are going out to dinner tonight if that counts.’ Brenda answered.
‘Oh, where?’
‘The yacht club.’
‘I want to go.’
I said, ‘Well, I guess you can. But you will need to close your eyes often.’
‘I will like to see you kiss so no, I wont close my eyes. Don’t let me stop you though.’
I smiled at her then kissed Brenda on the lips.
‘Oh, gross, I changed my mind,’ she giggled.
We went for a walk along the beach, I held hands with both as Penny filled us in on the details of the slumber party.
We left the beach by the side of the Gallery and Wendy’s jewelry. Mo and Wendy came out and gave Brenda and me exuberant kiss then gave Penny cheek kisses then walked back in their stores without saying a word.
Penny giggled, ‘Well they approve.’
‘I better take both of you home before the rumors begin,’ I said.
‘Too late, here come Ruthie and Edie,’ Brenda said.
We were assaulted with wild kisses all the way to my car. The kiss Brenda and I shared at the door told Penny all she needed to know. Apparently Brenda and I were now a couple.
We went out that evening and took Penny with us. I danced with both. After Penny kissed my cheek she exaggerated a yawn and went to her bed room.
Brenda and I kissed and talked for about an hour before Brenda checked on Penny.
‘She is sound asleep, love me,’ Brenda said. I managed to get home by three AM.
Two weeks later I was spending nights there. Penny saw that as a normal progression. Two weeks after that I lived with them.
It was November when Penny asked us if we were going to get married.
‘Huh?’ Brenda said.
‘Yes,’ I said.
‘Huh?’ Brenda said.
‘When?’ Penny asked.
‘Next month,’ I said.
‘Huh?’ Brenda said.
‘I have dibs on Maid of Honor,’ Penny said.
‘Uh, what, who, wait. Who decided all this?’
‘Wendy,’ Penny and I said.
‘I’ll kill her!’
‘You will have that opportunity soon. That’s where we are going. It’s time to pick your rings.’
Her expression was…priceless.
There were maybe eight people there
already. Wendy took her hand and led her to the office as I sat and Penny sat on my lap.
Brenda was already my wife but not legally. I decided it was time and Penny agreed with me. Wendy had done all the preliminaries and it was time to just do it.
It took Brenda just over a minute to pick her ring, it was the one everyone wished she would choose.
I went to the register and twelve women took her across the street. Penny stayed with me and after I paid for the rings we went to the resort for hot chocolate.
It was about an hour before Brenda joined us. She gave voracious kisses and said, ‘It was a nice surprise I will grant you that but if you try something like that again I will kill you both.’
We smiled sweetly at her took her hand and I said, ‘Your ring should be ready by now.’
It was and she cried, then got mad, then cried again, then became very loving.
Penny asked, ‘Are you sure you want to marry her? She is a basket case.’
‘Now that you mention it…..’
We did not begin to run until it was too late. We got our butts slapped hard.
We took her hands in ours so she couldn’t swat us again and walked to Julians. We got applause when we went in.
Mo came in and sat with us. After kissing everyone she told Brenda her first day of work was after Christmas break and her office would be ready the week winter break began. ‘Go in and make yourself at home. Some of us will still be there.’
‘Huh?’ I said
‘Huh?’ Penny said.
‘You hadn’t told them?’ Mo asked.
‘No. I was waiting to see which name was going on the door and now I know. Eat with us.’
‘No thanks. Marie wants us to go to String of Pearls, we need to rehearse. We will be dancing at nine if you’re interested.’
‘We will be there.’
Mo was still kissing her way out before Penny and I said, ‘What?’
‘As you know I was not making much money as a lawyer, not enough juicy divorce cases lately. Mo told me the school districts legal department head was retiring and asked me to apply for the job. I did and was hired.’
‘Your work days match the school years?’
‘Not entirely. I work all of June and half of August but I have all the other holidays. I really hated leaving you two to come up with Thanksgiving dinner but you did a great job. Still I would not risk that again and now I wont have to.’
Penny and I kissed her repeatedly until interrupted by dinner.
We noticed Brenda was slowly waving her left hand for everyone to see. Several came over for a better look at the ring. My friend Angie asked Brenda in a horrified voice, ‘You are marrying him? Are you insane?’
I pulled her to my lap and kissed her then said ‘Shut up’ then kissed her again. She ate a shrimp off my plate, kissed Brenda and then giggled her way out of the place. I wondered if she would be insulted if I asked her to be my best man.
Our wedding, Ruthie’s concert, and the Vegas shows were fabulous. Angie cried when I asked her to be my best man. She wore a nice gray mans suit with a pink shirt and pink shoes. She looked fabulous.
When school resumed we went back to our regular routine and by spring break we were just another family in the neighborhood.
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Author's Note The wicked step mother is a familiar theme and Aaron Swindling's Step Mother Knows Best, is my particular favourite. I wanted to write one where the step son refuses to be a victim and succeeds in maintaining his dignity and essential decency under difficult circumstances. Be warned there is very little sex and no humiliation. Summer Holidays Holiday Plans Shay Pegg gazed out of the window of the rapidly moving train, idly watching as the countryside...
Alina Lopez is having a rough time with school, but that’s okay because this hot chick has a plan to get on to easy street. She’s hanging out on the couch texting with her friends when her mom, Kit Mercer, and her step brother, Rion King, arrive home. Kit tries to figure out why Alina isn’t studying. When her stepdaughter is a total bitch, Kit suggests that Rion help Alina out. This plays right into Alina’s plan.As soon as Kit leaves, Alina starts making moves on Rion....
xmoviesforyouConfessions Of A Naughty Bad Girl: Ties that Bind I'm a Lawyer. I'm very busy on most days, so when my roommate Nicole suggests I go on a blind date with her friend, I use work as an excuse. "You're always working; I'm sure whatever it is can wait. Its just one night, Danielle," Nicole says in my ear as I'm sitting at my desk on the phone. "I don't have time for a blind date, Nicole," I reply "Make time, fake a sick day; have a day for Danielle once in your life. You're gonna lose your naughty...
Straight SexWhen I awoke Sunday morning I lay in bed thinking about the previous evening. I had had my first lesson in both French kissing and nipple stimulation. I experienced touching and tasting a wet pussy for the first time and I received my first (and second) blowjobs. I even received the promise of Mary popping my cherry if I had a condom when we went out that evening. Just thinking about these new experiences caused me to have an erection. Knowing jacking off would not compare to a blowjob I...
The trip cost me money, it was one of those impulse trips. Decided late evening, put to reality early morning. For some reason it seemed like the last minute tickets were taken out of the system back in those days, I didn’t get away cheap. As I sat on the train I wondered if this was really the right thing to do. Visit a stranger for one thing only, Lust. To visit him even though I knew he had three broken ribs. (Apparently you can cough your ribs off.) He said it would be fine. That he still...
Harlequin By Tyrone Slothrop Chapter 1: Breathlessly, She Awaited Her Lover "I watched as Raoul's shadow darkened the moonlit wall of my boudoir. I could smell the scent of the man, his primal essence entering my spirit as I hoped he would stay long enough to enter me for real." "My brave white dove, I have been gone too long. The damn Navy seems to hate pirates with a particular passion these days. I am now at your service, Milady." "He stood there, his smile radiating...
Mind Swapping Chapter 21 Sunday morning, I awoke curled up in Tom Collins' arms. I opened my eyes and saw that he was still sleeping. He was a very handsome man. I snuggled a little closer and pressed my face against his broad hairy chest. After the countless orgasms that he had given me the night before, I felt very content to lay in his sleeping arms as the morning sun shone through the curtained window. I thought of what I had decided last night. As soon as I could talk to Carol...
I really liked Mr & Mrs Bolter. She was a kind lady who seemed to have boundless energies and was part of all kinds of voluntary work and events for the local church. She was always out and about in her little Volkswagen car. Mr Bolter always seemed to have a nice sweetie in his pocket for the local k**s and had always called me sweetheart which I liked, even though I was now in my teens. I'd known them for years though not intimately, just as the nice old folks across the street. They were...
Ronnie was subdued. It wasn’t because it was Saturday afternoon and she’d already been involved in two sexual situations that day, three if one included her peeking at Bob and Alex in the wee hours of the morning. A lot had happened in just that one day and it felt like she’d stepped through a door into a different world. Most strange of all was how, as Bob’s finger had been claiming her virginity (that’s how she thought of it) she’d stared at his stiff penis, right there in front of her, and...
Special Thanks to Ran57gr for coming up with Shautha’s name. _________________________ Kallin stood in the middle of the rapidly emptying street watching the clouds expand across the sky. The low dark invaders held the promise of rain. Secretly, he hoped it would be a broken promise. In a couple hours, the Kae Solune would have to go to work. While he could work in the rain, it was more comfortable not having to. There were more chances to slip up in the rain. And, if he slipped, a good...
This story is almost completely true. He heard the trill of the ringer notifying him of the new email that had arrived in his personal email box. He ignored it for a bit as he finished up reviewing a work document on his iPad while sitting on his screened-in porch. ‘What a great invention,’ he thought to himself as he took a break from the iPad to refill his scotch and returned to casually check his email. The re line stated: ‘Craigslist– Response to posting ‘Erotic Hypnosis’.’ The sender’s...
Are you male or female? FEMALE Age? OVER 21 At what age did you start masturbating? 7 How many times a week do you masturbate? AT LEAST ONCE A DAY How many times do you orgasm each time you play with yourself? EVERY TIME Where do you masturbate: In bed? YES, WITH MY HUSBAND & SOMETIME MY sister WATCHING In the shower? YES In the bath? YES Outdoors? YES At work? ON OCCASION Every room in the house? YES, EVEN THE GARAGE In a car while traveling along the interstate? OH, YES! I LOVE THIS...
I used to think that I should have a different name, after all, Jack Hart sounds like he should be interesting, dynamic and with an air of mystery. This Jack Hart had just spent the last 3 hours standing in some god-forsaken corner of Birmingham with a camera and a notepad watching a bunch of diesel locos being run up and down a yard. No anorak, no thermos, no spots, but very much a teenage trainspotter. 18 years old isn't a great age to be a trainspotter, well, a heritage train fan, or...
MIKA GOES PUBLIC - PART 2 CHAPTER 5 Tuesday morning a few days later First person narrative - Mika It was 8.15am and I was standing in front of a very luxurious looking block of flats, situated at a very posh part of town. I looked at the names by the entrance and found the name of my new employer, 'F5-7, Jennifer Blackman'. Then I looked around and saw another less impressive entrance a few meters away where a notice in bold letters was announcing, 'TRADERS AND DOMESTIC STAFF...
Morning came, and I found myself snuggled up to Sandy, in bed. Both of us were completely nude, and my hard dick pressed between her legs. One arm was over her, as she lay on her side in front of me. I could feel the hard nubbin of a breast’s nipple. What a wonderful way to wake up. Gently teasing her nipple, I stroked my dick softly between her firm legs, pressing myself against her round ass, with each thrust. Sandy stirred, so I slowed my gentle thrusting, and began to kiss the back of...
I seethed in frustration all day, I wanted to get back at him for doing this to me again, I wanted to get even, but how? It was a few days later that a plan came into my head, I hadn't worked out the details yet but I thought that somehow I could get my revenge through his daughter Sara who also worked in the office. She was young and beautiful and very popular with the guys. Over the next few days I started to take opportunities to chat to Sara, only a little bit at first but I gradually...
Since no one, of any danger to us, knew that we were in Memphis, I wasn't in any hurry to leave. We drove through the down town and even drove over the Mississippi river. The skyline was much prettier from a distance. The on line photos that Eve pulled up were much prettier than the actual views of the town as well. Still breakfast and the early lunch were both good. I personally would just as soon have eaten my breakfast at Helen's. I did like the Memphis barbecue, but it was certainly no...
For the life of me, I didn't understand what had happened the night before. I thought Jason would be up for a threesome with Heather. I thought he'd be excited by the thought. I thought he would have been happy for me, but instead he storms out of the room. I felt like such a slut, only I didn't know why. I hadn't been able to fall asleep for hours, and when I finally did it wasn't pleasant. "Go away," I mumbled into my pillow as someone shook my shoulder. "Jennifer," said a...
The glow of the fireplace touched the right side of Angique's face. It also warmed her bare right shoulder and part of her leg. While sipping tea she once more tried to shrug off the thin layer of melancholy that stuck to her lately. She insisted that it could be easily ignored, but if so, why did she have to remind herself so often? Of course it was all about the lying tramp. What the fuck was so special about her? It'd been months now. And the slut could hardly compete with girls Angique...
The man's eyes narrowed in annoyance and sparks blazed in their amber depths. Taking a deep breath, he carefully considered his words before he responded to the woman he loved as a mother. Releasing the breath, he cast his voice allowing it to land quietly just next to the old woman's right ear. "Helen, I realize that you have many unusual responsibilities and understand your point of view can oft times be called unique. However, I fail to see how the subject matter of my dream is any of...
Preface: I always like to do things a little differently. So since most stories about the ominous ‘first time’ are from the woman’s point of view I decided to present the other side of the coin. This is my first story as seen through the eyes of Cody; an average 18 year old boy. Ok, first, I wanna get something straight. I love women. I love the graceful curve of a luscious figure; I love how they smell, and how they can entice you with even the slightest nod. Secondly, I love sex… Well at...
Straight Sex"Absent, adj. Peculiarly exposed to the tooth of detraction; vilified; hopelessly in the wrong; superseded in the consideration and affection of another. To men a man is but a mind. Who cares what face he carries or what form he wears? But woman's body is the woman. O, stay thou, my sweetheart, and do never go, but heed the warning words the sage hath said: a woman absent is a woman dead." Jogo Tyree Excerpt from "Cynic's Word Book" by Ambrose Bierce © 1906, Doubleday, Page and...
I was dating an older guy who my parents didn't know about. He made me feel special and he did things to my body that were electrifying. Even now, I think he had one of the largest cocks I've ever seen. Not much when soft but once aroused, he must have been eight or nine inches long and so thick..... He was a mechanic and used to drive a sporty BMW, convertible. We drove out to a place called Callandar and on a hill out of the village he parked the car. There were aa few paths leading from the...
FetishThe ConsequencesI looked down to see my cock standing straight out in the summer sun. It was as hard as it could be. I just was so turned on. I didn’t know what was turning me on more. Was it the fact that I was stark naked in front of several strangers in broad daylight or was it from looking at Julie’s incredibly sexy naked body standing next to me?That old familiar excited thrill was stirring deep in my gut. It was that special tingle that exhibitionists feel when they are naked in places...
Stevie was watching, his nose almost pressed against the glass of the front window, trying to catch a glimpse of Santa Claus in the early darkness and blowing snow. In spite of myself, I smiled. He'd already had two false alarms--one from the lights of a passing airplane, the other from the red, blinking light on the top of a microwave tower that was up on the mountain every night, but tonight must be Rudolph, leading the way through the storm. I sat back on the couch, cool beer in my hand,...
*AUTHOR'S NOTE* I started this story 9 years ago when I was in the midst of puberty and so I apologize for the childish dialogue... that aside, enjoy the smut ********************************* John stared down at the little bitch in front of him by his car, who glared right back with a rebellious glint in her eyes. Standing at 5'1" in height, Doe was a petite yet athletic 19 year old. Her boobs weren't the greatest; they were a pair of decent and average B-cups. Her tan skin was the delicious...
BDSMThis short story was written by me quite some time ago. I believe it was back in early '93, about the time my ex-wife and I were contemplating divorce. It reads well enough as a stand alone story, leaving the continued adventures of the formerly nameless hero up to the imagination. Though, I do have a second chapter and part of a third typed up. I had not even remembered I had written more until I stumbled across them in a move! Eventually, I'll get the second part retyped into the...
In math class, Tony usually sat on the far-left side of the room, that being the only place where left-handed desks could be found. But on Wednesday’s class, he scanned the room anxiously looking for Manjula.She was wearing the revealing sundress he’d picked for her. Stretching out her legs in the front row, she looked irresistible. And few guys could resist her — there were two flanking her on each side, each vying in assorted ways for her attention. Tony smiled sadly in her direction and went...
First TimeNow I was committed to buying an apartment in Bourne Mansion I had to come to a decision regarding meeting Miriam, not only to settle the differences between us but also in sharing the proceeds from the sale of 23 Kitchener Road, which I had bought from the local council in 1985. Miriam had lived with her parents after our marriage in 1983 — which was a great mistake, and one I have rued ever since — and only moved in with my mother at 23 Kitchener Road in October 1991, after her parents...
We had laid our note in the kitchen cabinet. We all stood around for nearly eight minutes before anyone moved. Xiomara grabbed my hand. I squeezed her fingers. She let me pull her in front of me. I touched her cheek and leaned forward to kiss her softly. “Awww,” Renée reacted. Xiomara pulled away. She tried to apologize with her quavering smile. “I never thought I’d be kissing you,” She told me, “Yeah, Zoë once had this big idea that we’d get married.” “I remember,” I took up her second...
Might as well go see how Annie, Crystal and Trudy are doing in their PT sessions today. I found Trudy doing leg exercises with small ankle weights around her foot. Crystal looked like some sort of android from all the leads attached to her body as she rode an exercise bike. Annie was looking bored stiff as she relaxed in the quiet resting room until her next session. She gave me a huge smile as I helped her to her feet and went into one of the unused PT rooms. Once I was sure she had...