The Family Resemblance
- 3 years ago
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>,>, Inspired once more by the art of DeTomasso … This time, bouncing off from the fact he and others have done some many different versions of the character.
It was never established as an official thing, and it hadn’t ended on very good terms, but for a few months Margie Bannon had been a sort of apprentice of Lara Croft, assisting her on a couple of expeditions. And during that period she had got very good at mimicking Lara’s style. At first it was just a silly joke between them. A couple different people had commented that they looked like sisters, and also Lara remarked on a few occasions that she found it disturbing when other women idolized her too much. That had been intended as a gentle criticism/warning to her overeager student. Margie’s playful response was to present herself the very next day as the complete obsessive copycat that Lara feared she’d turn into—emulating not just Lara’s clothing and her signature single braid (she had to dye her hair to get it dark enough), but her whole manner, including her accent (though Margie was always rather weak at that part of it). Thankfully, Lara took the entire daft performance in the right spirit. And then later on, they twice put the act to real use, with Margie serving as a decoy. First it was to lead paparazzi astray and allow Lara to take care of a ‘delicate personal matter elsewhere’ (Margie never learned further details) … The second time was much more dangerous and much more thrilling—she was bait to draw out an enemy, enabling Lara to nail the bastard first.
Currently, though, Margie hadn’t seen or spoken Lara in over two years—hell, almost three by now. It was completely her fault things had gone wrong. Margie had developed a thing for a friend of Lara’s, an older man she bought rare books from. He looked a lot like Jeremy Irons. When the man turned Margie down, she hadn’t handled it well. She threw a bit of tantrum and accused Lara of interfering. Lara simply told her she was being childish, and Margie could recognize now that was true—in fact in her gut she’d known it at the time—but she could never bring herself to admit it out loud and apologize. She just took off on her own and that was the end of their connection. Damn shame. She’d learned a hell of a lot from Lara, but if she hadn’t screwed everything up, she knew she would have learned far more.
Three times since then, Margie had done her Lara act. First it was at a little Halloween party with some close friends in grad school. The second time (and on a dare from that group, after she’d impressed them so much) she did it at a very big party, a high society event—passing herself off as the real Lara, just to see if she could get away with it. And she had. Margie still wondered if Lara herself had ever found out about it. She might have, for the thing had got a ton of press, thanks to the embarrassing antics of some other celebrities in attendance. And also the dress she’d chosen to appear in. It had been rather attention-grabbing. So Margie-as-Lara in that flashy number ended up featured on television and in several magazines, and of course on the internet. But Lara hadn’t contacted her afterward or made an issue of it. Either she hadn’t noticed, hadn’t cared, or just possibly she’d been amused by the stunt. Margie hoped the last one was the case.
She told herself she wouldn’t press her luck, after that. She’d never try that shit again.
Only then a situation arose that forced her to. Well, pretty much. Kind of.
The impersonation had opened some doors that wouldn’t have opened otherwise.
When she started out on this trip, dressing up like Lara wasn’t meant to fool anybody again, but as a kind of preparatory spiritual thing—psyching herself up for the adventure, to get in the right mindset. Like war-paint or totemic masks. She felt bolder in that outfit, and tougher, with her hair dyed and braided. Ready for anything. The world’s at your feet, when you’re wearing asskicker boots. And when you’re sneering down your nose through sassy tinted specs. She loved the gloves, too. They were meant to make your hands stronger and they totally worked.
Margie was borrowing her famous mentor’s strength and courage—and the sexiness, too, ’cause hey, it felt great. The shirt that said ‘Yeah fucker, go on and look how great my tits are, and my abs too.’ The shorts that said the same thing about her legs and her bottom.
But then she couldn’t get where she needed to go. She still had some big gaps in her information. There were a few key people she needed to talk to, in order to fill in those blanks, and none of the fuckers would take her calls, let alone meet with her in person. Not until as a last resort she tried using Lara Croft’s name instead of her own … as well as her accent, or at least Margie’s weak and wobbly version of it. But bad as it was, all the men bought into the act. Because she looked the part, and because they wanted to. They wanted to believe the real Lara Croft was talking to them, and needed their help. She didn’t end up giving any them any of the money she’d brought—they wouldn’t take it, trying their damnedest to impress her with their chivalry. Well, if it had made them feel good about themselves, fine and dandy.
Margie never liked her real name anyway. It was an old lady’s name, or a fat girl’s name. Sounded too much like margarine. Mean kids used to call her that in school. And because of her last name, it got extended to Margarine Yogurt. She could never eat either of those things without getting sick.
She was looking for a secret room, underneath a ruined windmill. She knew which country it was in, although over the last few months they kept changing the name of the rundown rinkydink shithole because of ‘regime-changes’. She also knew the place was between a river which she didn’t know the name of, a castle with three different names, God knows why, and a factory that used to make tanks in WWII, and that never had a name at all. The castle and the factory and the windmill itself had all got the shit bombed out of them during that war, but then all of them or some of them may or may not have been rebuilt afterward. Ha fucking ha.
So she’d needed help from local experts. Not to say she couldn’t have figured out the right spot by herself, if she put her nose to the proverbial grindstone, but the local guys sure sped up the process. She couldn’t afford to sink too much time into this. Margie wasn’t wealthy—not yet. Not unless this quest paid off like she hoped it would. Until then, she had all the usual monthly bills looming over her, and she could only take a couple weeks off work—unpaid—without losing her bullshit university job. She needed to get this thing done quick and dirty. In and fucking out, no futzing around.
What had happened was she found an old diary in a library archive nobody had got around to sifting through, until Margie came along. It was in code, but not a tough one to work out. The writer had worked for a crime boss with Nazi connections. He made himself a secret room under a ruined windmill where he stashed a bunch of paintings they’d stolen that he stole off them. Big name stuff. Lost Da Vinci’s and Van Gogh’s. Then the Nazis found out about this and paid the guy that wrote the diary to kill his boss, which he had, cheerfully. The war ended and the guy went to America for a fresh start. He wrote his diary in the late fifties, confessing with some relish all the dreadful shit he’d done in his life. His only regret was that he’d never made it back to the old country to clean out that secret room. So all those paintings were still stashed there … waiting for Margie to recover them, in 2013.
But then using Lara Croft’s name must have drawn attention from some of her enemies. Shady characters followed Margie to the windmill and she was too dumb to notice until they attacked her, the moment she pried open the trapdoor to the secret room.
Well, considering it
was her first experience with that sort of thing, Margie actually hadn’t done too bad, once the shooting started. The real Lara wouldn’t have handled herself better. Margie always thought she’d just freeze up useless in that sort of situation, like a deer in headlights, but that hadn’t happened. She’d got too ticked off to get scared. Pulled her guns out and blown away eight guys, bim-bam-boom. How about that.
Unfortunately one of the eight sons of bitches managed a call on his cell phone before he bled out, summoning reinforcements. And that call had brought twice the original number, if she’d counted them correctly. Pursuing her through the woods …
She had bought herself a little breathing space by blowing up a bridge—the secret room had contained some crates of dynamite, in addition to the paintings. And she’d put the shit to good use. Fifteen minutes prior to blowing up the bridge across the river, she had blown up the restored windmill (which was, or had been, a real towering monster, mostly stone, like you’d see in an old Frankenstein movie) in order to bury the secret room’s trapdoor under all the debris. So the bad guys wouldn’t be able to get in there and filch everything before she came back. Which she would make sure she didn’t do by herself next time, now that she knew all the priceless art was really and truly still there. Probably coming alone in the first place hadn’t been the smartest way to go about things, but she would have been embarrassed as fuck if the secret room turned out empty, or if her local helpers had bungled their part of it and steered her to the wrong windmill.
Except destroying the bridge had cut her off from the closest towns. On this side of the river there was nothing but woods and dinky farms, nine out of ten of which were abandoned, until you hit the mountains along the northern border. At least a two day journey on foot, and she had no food or water on her.
For a while, Margie had just dithered around along the shore, not sure what to do. She had her cell phone but she had turned it off because she was afraid the bad guys were tracking it. Then Fortune seemed to decide she had earned a smile. She went over a hill, and saw a little lake in front of her with a seaplane parked on it. She hadn’t known there was a lake anywhere near here—it wasn’t included on her map. Or perhaps she was looking at the wrong part. Easy enough to do, since the thing wasn’t labeled in English. Was the lake connected to the river? It didn’t seem to be but she couldn’t tell for sure. Maybe they joined up further ahead, around a bend.
The plane was docked to a lopsided cabin or workshop or some damn thing on the gravelly lakeshore. She saw a man rolling a dolly along the narrow pier connecting them, loading shit into the plane or maybe unloading it. Didn’t matter. She hustled down there fast as she could to talk to him. ‘Hey! Hey! I need help!’
The guy turned out to look a whole lot like Sting, when she got close to him. Young Sting from the eighties, when he was hot. (Well, to be fair he was still pretty hot nowadays, but in an old guy way.)
Margie told him she had bad men chasing her, and she needed him to fly her to safety—preferably over the border. He said she looked like Lara Croft and she told him that was because she was Lara Croft.
And then he told he’d be glad to help her if she had sex with him first.
She took it like a joke and offered him a lot of money—much more than she had on her or could actually afford. Except she would be able to in the near future, once she got hold of those paintings. So she wasn’t completely bullshitting the guy. She would have made good with him pretty soon, if he’d agreed.
But he didn’t want the money. He wanted sex with Lara Croft. ‘No money in the world can top that.’
‘Well, fuck,’ she said.
‘Uh huh,’ he said.
‘We don’t really have time for that sort of thing. It isn’t safe.’
‘That makes it more exciting!’ Plus he said they had at least two hours—because the next closest bridge over the river was a two hour drive away. ‘There used to be more, but they got wrecked during the last troubles. This part of the country got the worst of it, you know. That’s why there’s hardly anybody left around here. I enjoy the solitude, mostly. But I was feeling rather low this morning and I’m glad you’ve dropped in like this. Lara Croft, of all people! My sister always says I’ll go crazy living this way by myself for so long, and maybe she was right. Maybe it’s happened, at last. This is too good to be true, isn’t it? My uncle lost his mind, you know, at the age of forty three—he used to think the devil visited him, every evening at six o’clock. I’m glad I’m seeing you instead of the devil. Or are you the devil in disguise? Well, even if you are, I’m going to have sex with you anyway, if you’ll let me. Perhaps you’ll turn back into the devil as soon as things get going, to torment me—but I won’t let that stop me. I shall take the risk. I haven’t got to have sex with anyone in a long time. My girl was killed, in the troubles. I have never got over it. She was very pretty. You are much prettier, though. She would not mind me saying so. She was always saying people are not honest enough, about such things. I miss her every day more and more. But I know she would be angry for me, for not moving on. She always said that wasn’t healthy, when people didn’t move on from things after they ended.’
He was quite a character, this fucking guy, wasn’t he? Jesus. How was she supposed to respond to this shit?
The real Lara Croft wouldn’t have put up with this. She would have shot the guy, or knocked him out. And flown off in the asshole’s plane by herself without a qualm. Actually, could she do that? Did Lara know how to pilot a plane? Margie didn’t know. Well, if she didn’t, she just would have made the guy do it. Stuck her gun in his face, or just slapped the shit out of him. Whatever it took to get him in line.
Margie couldn’t do any of that stuff, could she? Actually she may as well give it a whirl. So she drew one of her guns and stuck it in his face. She didn’t think she could shoot the guy in cold blood but he wouldn’t know that.
The guy smiled. ‘Ah, so it’s the devil, after all. Oh well.’
‘I’m not the devil. Just do what I need like a gentleman and I won’t shoot you, because I won’t have to.’
His response was to grab the gun by the barrel. He didn’t try to knock it away or pull it out of her hand, he just gripped it. But he moved so fast she almost pissed herself, and in the same second she squeezed the trigger on reflex. That should have been that. But it wasn’t. The damn gun only clicked—it needed reloaded. She thought it still had two shots left in it but she must have miscounted. Shit. She pulled her other gun, but in the second it took her to swing it up, she realized he wanted her to blast him. He hadn’t been trying to disarm her, just startle her into blowing him to Hell. And it would have worked if she was less of an idiot.
Well, fuck that. She wasn’t gonna help this crazy loser commit suicide and have to carry that around on her conscience for the rest of her life. Plus that would leave her stranded here, since she couldn’t fly his damn plane. Unacceptable.
‘Let go of my weapon.’
He obeyed, looking sheepish now. ‘Why didn’t you do it?’
‘You got a death wish?’
He shrugged. ‘Yes, a little bit. Off and on.’
‘Jesus. Well, you’re no use to me if you’re dead.’
‘You can shoot me after the flight. Right after we land.’
‘You want me to kill you afterwards instead of having sex with you before.’
‘No, we will still have sex. But then after the flight, you can kill me if you still want to. I won’t mind. Does that make the sex more acceptable for you?’
‘You are fucking out of your mind.’
‘I know it. I know.’
She tried to talk him down to a handjob or a blowjob, but
he wouldn’t go for it. He had to get the real deal. Finally—half out of exasperation, and half in pity for this strange lost soul—she gave in, as long as he agreed to wear a condom. ‘Of course I will,’ he said, as if astonished that she thought she had to ask.
So they went into his cabin. There was no proper bed in there, just a couch. It was leather or fake leather, and dark red—almost just like the couch she had in her own apartment, except a little longer. And it had sheets and bed pillows on it.
He shrugged off the greasy mechanic’s boiler suit he was wearing and took a quick shower, while she undressed and arranged herself on the couch. How long had it been since she last had sex? Obviously a good while, since she had to think about it. Two months. Three? She remembered it hadn’t been much good, whenever it went down, and neither had the time before that. A run of bad luck. Well, story of her life, for the most part.
At least this crazy asshole was decent looking. She had a big crush on Sting for a while, when she was a teenager. That kind of helped, some. Unless she let herself think about it too hard. Because if she did, then it might maybe make this shittier, instead. Like a fantasy figure from her youth had turned evil on her. Climbed out of the poster on her bedroom wall to assault her. God.
Another thing that helped her get ready for this was it was happening to Lara Croft, not to her real self. That made it much less humiliating. Margie Bannon wouldn’t do this. The guy wouldn’t even want to, probably, if he’d met her in her normal clothes, and talking like she normally did. Of course the real Lara Croft wouldn’t submit to it either. But that was okay too because the real Lara wasn’t here doing this. She was a playing a different Lara Croft, the chief defining difference being that this version would, because she had to. Because she was younger, less sure of herself. And also maybe dirtier. More perverse than both the real Lara and Margie herself ever were in normal regular circumstances.
She would think of this like a roleplay performance. None of this was real. It was all pretend, like in a movie. Even in porn movies most of it’s all staged. They don’t really feel it like they pretend to. They just go through the motions and that’s the same thing she would do and it wouldn’t matter, soon as it was finished.
When he emerged from his bathroom, he had a dinky green towel around his waist. There was no bulge in it—he wasn’t hard yet, unless he had a really tiny pecker. His hair was slicked back, but then he messed it up with his fingers. Shook it out so it was back to the same wild goofy spiny mop as before. It looked good that way. Better than when it was flat and neat. That had both diminished him and made him look sinister.
He had scars on his chest and belly that she thought might have been bullet wounds. But she wasn’t completely sure. She had a cousin who had some moles removed from his back, and they’d left similar craters on his skin.
She considered asking if she could take a quick shower herself, before they got started. Climbing into secret rooms under windmills gets you grimy, let alone gunfights, demolitions, and running through overgrown woods. But then she figured she would rather not delay things any longer. Sooner they got going, sooner it would be over. Plus what was the point in getting clean when this guy was gonna get her filthy again?
The way he looked at her was weird. It wasn’t the look you’d expect from a guy that was about to fuck you. It reminded her of the expression her dad used to get, when he was trying to fix the car or the washing machine or something and he was having some trouble. He wasn’t the kind of man that got upset in that situation, like most dads. He didn’t cuss and kick things. He would think things over very carefully, but also smiling a little, laughing at himself and the whole mess he’d got into as he puzzled through it.
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By the time Terry Menconi arrived at the state juvenile rehab center, he was too numb to react even to the humiliating check-in process. The previous few weeks had been just too unreal for him to relate to. Oh, he obviously noticed the stark contrast between the spare room he shared with another boy and the rather luxurious room he had lived in at home for his whole life. And he could not help but notice the bored, emotionless actions of the employees who processed him. He most definitely...
I narrate a true story which is almost a decade old. I used to work in Ahmedabad as a bachelor in my first job. I passed out of a good business school and got placement in a good company in Ahmedabad. My job involved less of travelling – occasionally overseas was there. The flat was very close to office and I was staying alone.I employed a maid through neighbours reference for household job and cooking.She came just before I left for office and she had one key of the flat. I used to come home...
IncestAmanda and I have been married for nine years. Yes, she is a gorgeous blonde. My trophy wife I like to tell everyone. We married straight out of college. We dated a couple years during school and fell in love instantly. You know. Love at first sight.Amanda was a little on the wild side when we first hooked up. She came from a family where there was strict up bringing. Her Father wouldn't even allow her to date until she was 18. Yes, she had her share of experimenting in College. Thanks to one...
Note to readers: This is set in the same story universe as "Prisoner's Dilemma: Curiosity Killed the Cat," which contains some background information. Prisoner's Dilemma Separate the Men From the Boys The biotechnical research department at Lockman University had made its breakthrough invention in 2002. Its inventor, Professor Ripley, called it the biomorphic reorganizer. The university department literature called it the Biomass Redistribution Platform. The students...
I will be at my desk. Tan, knee-length skirt, white blouse, long sleves, low heels, pantyhose.At noon, I will place my wrists behind me, crossed, as if bound with rope. Legs together as if tied together, ankles tucked under the chair. Mouth shut as if tape gagged, or over the mouth. I will remain that way for five minutes.Please tell me how you would k**nap me to put me in that bondage and what you would do to me. Hint: going for the DiD fantasy, but a little bit of sexiness would be just as...
Can you make her come over and over?" she asked, sucking the last bit of chocolate from her fingers. They were both replete with good food, and slightly drunk on the wine that had accompanied it. Close friends since high school, they were having a companionable dinner together while her husband, Jack, was away at a conference-- nothing new for them. Sharing the pillowy couch for after-dinner coffee and truffles, they lounged, toes almost touching, and talk had meandered onto the subject of his...
Straight SexBored. So fucking, goddamn bored. Fucking virus. Can’t go anywhere, can’t see anyone, can’t do any fucking thing except sit on my ass and watch TV. Well, that and watch internet porn and jerk off, but after doing that twice earlier – utilizing paper towels to conserve my precious supply of TP – that urge is non-existent.Not that I didn’t try, but waggling a limp, worn-out dick around loses its appeal pretty quickly… not that it had much appeal to begin with. I consider eating again but if I...
MasturbationSluttyBi: I need a ride. MissyJ: devilish grin I just gave u the ride of a lifetime last nite, babe. SluttyBi: lol not that ride, silly. I meant I’m picking up my car from the mechanic today. I got a message last night saying everything’s fixed and ready for me to take it home today. MissyJ: OK, where is this place? SluttyBi: do u remember Kev? MissyJ: Kev who? SluttyBi: Geeky Kev from back in high school. He was in the same year as my brother’s and often hung out with...
Group SexTwenty Three The exertion of her encounter with JD, coupled with the outrageous fruit wine and the smooth ‘motion of the ocean’ as the boat slipped through the night had combined to give her one of the deepest, most relaxing sleeps she had ever enjoyed. JD’s breakfast was excellent. She wasn’t sure what he had put into his scrambled eggs, but they were delicious. Sitting at the table munching on them, she had an evil thought that maybe he had put some of his ‘special sauce’ into them....
It was the next day after Daniel, Bruce and Charlie had their way with me, after I was coerced into taken all three of the on one after the other. I woke up in a terrible sweat, panic driven as I rushed to the bathroom and found a hand mirror. Awkwardly bending over, I was able to focus the mirror to show my neither regions. My buttocks appeared to be quite shapely and firm, my butt hole was an angry red and swollen, I could not bare to examine any more of my anal Region. I remembered how...
My name is Mark Woods and the story I'm about to tell you is true. It happened about five years ago now... I was twenty years old and fresh out of a two-year technical college with a brand new Associates Degree in Computer Sciences.I was in Philadelphia on a job interview–my professor told me of a new company opening up and put in a good word for me, so I was following up on it. I wanted to get into the whole computer security field as my professor told me that was where the good money was and...
MoneyMy hubby has this weird habit after working out at the gym, he changes into a dry t-shirt in the parking lot, then wraps a beach towel around his waist and removes his sweaty gyms shorts from underneath the towel before driving home (some ol’ surfer dude ritual, I presume, it’s actually very discreet), he alleges that he doesn’t want to get his seat sweaty. I think it turns him on to drive home with his cock and balls out. He could change in the locker room like everyone else, but oh no. I...
As the driver navigated the short distance to the circus ground, Ellen took the opportunity to re-touch her make up. She tilted her compact mirror this way and that as she reapplied her lipstick, powdered her face and aimed eye drops into her slightly reddened orbs until she was satisfied with her appearance. She remembered with a grimace how Bob’s heel had pressed against her leg but when she examined it, she was relieved to see that there was only a small pull in her hose. Barely even...
MatureOne night, doing the nightly routine visit, I approached and entered her room fairly quickly, she didn't notice me at first- I took just a few seconds to pause at the doorway, just long enough to see her body was squirming under the covers, her head to one side, opposite me, breathing heavy and moaning slightly, as soon as she noticed, me she quickly stopped and re-positioned. When I approached her face to kiss her good night on the cheek, as I usually did many nights before, I could feel her...
The wedding was three days away when Richard decided he'd waited long enough for Brenda to bring him his money. We had Phil, Claire, and Thelma staying with us over the Christmas holidays. It was Phil who answered the front door, after Richard's loud banging interrupted a small family meeting we were having. Not knowing who he was, Phil led Richard into our living room. That's when all the fireworks got started. Richard started right in, yelling at Brenda for her failure to bring him the...
Thankfully, at last, the final box had been unpacked. It was only when moving out of my parents’ house that I realized how much junk I’d accumulated. I was particularly pleased that my apartment was furnished and, therefore, I didn't have to transport furniture. Moving boxes of my personal stuff had been tiring enough.I’d been looking for something reasonably cheap when I saw an advert in the newspaper for what was called a mother-in-law suite. It seemed the lady had passed away some time ago...
ExhibitionismI had no plans on showing up but about two hours before I was supposed to be there I got a text message from them that said I had better be there or I would be sorry. I thought about it for a little while and decided it would probably be better for me to show up. I drove out to where I was to meet them and just waited and they drove up exactly when they said they would. They walked to my car and told me to get out. They said we were going to walk out a little further so there would be...
"Don't come in today," Tabb said over the phone.I was already dressed for work--or dressed in what I wore to work: Sweatpants, baggy T-shirt. All of it would come off in the ladies room when I arrived."It's my business," I said. "You can't do this.""You sold your business," he said. "I'm sorry. After what I've learned, I have no choice.""I thought we had an agreement, Steven," I said.He made a sort of choking gagging noise over the phone."What happened yesterday was unethical. It was a lapse in...
LesbianI’ve always had this thing for my little brother’s wife; young, attractive, intellectual, and I suppose, coquettish would be a good adjective for her.Sure, I love my wife and wouldn’t want to change her for anyone. But every time I see those two little dimples in the small of my sister-in-law’s back, my mind turns to the ovaries that lay somewhere behind them, and I just so want to impregnate them.My wife, Justine, and I are a little ahead of Mark and Sarah in the family stakes. We have a boy...
HumorVanessa had just turned eighteen and still lived at her parents' house. She was very beautiful and could have any man she wanted, but it seemed that her standards were high for someone of her age. Her fetishes were all of that of the supernatural. She could be interested in guys or girls but she wanted something magical and could not settle for less. One day she was walking in the park alone and saw these middle school boys mercilessly torturing what looked like a dragonfly, except oddly...
Mark There’s bad news and then really bad news that comes your way once in a while. I had two major doses of it on Monday morning. I’d been talked into a late start at work so that we could all have a relaxed breakfast, plus bid goodbye to Troy and Janet, and Dan and Sandy. That was fun and we had a heart warming parting. Their departure went like clockwork and they were out the door before seven a.m. to catch their flight to Atlanta. My first bout of news I didn’t want to hear came from...
Author's Note: It's been nearly 8 years since I posted Chapter 7 of this story. Many of today's readers may be unfamiliar with the original 7 chapters I posted in 1995 and those that are may no longer remember the story. For that reason I've recently posted a slightly updated version of the original so everyone can bring themselves up to date. A lot has changed for me since I started this story. I have a different point of view than I did back then. But I've tried to keep the same...
Der Kontakt war über eine Kleinanzeige entstanden. Werner hatte die Annonce aufgegeben und sie war die erste, die geantwortet hatte. Er sehnte sich danach, nach langer Zeit endlich etwas Besonderes zu erfahren. Ein wenig Nervenkitzel, ein wenig Spannung. Der folgende Mailverkehr faszinierte ihn enorm. Er mochte sie sofort und konnte das erste Treffen gar nicht abwarten. In dem Moment, in dem er ihre rauchige Stimme am Telefonhörer vernahm, war es um ihn geschehen. Täglich rief er sie an. Und...
BDSMEllen was waiting for me when I stepped off the pad at Jupiter Station. "Hi, Ellen, what are you doing here?" "Captain Edelmann, your crew ratted you out. They told me that you would probably be free tonight and looking for company. I didn't want you to have to look too hard." With that she gave me a hug. It was a good one, the kind you give men you expect to be in bed with within a few minutes. This was a good deal more cheerful a lady than I had met coming off the shuttle just a few...
18 SANDY a sluts day outGot to Germany around 11am, I was wearing a denim skirt white vest with jacket, G string in black and my black bra with my high heel flip-flops. Our host, Ralf, picked us up, made me sit in front of the car with him, no sooner had I shut the door, than he started kissing me. Steve, really surprising me, by telling Ralf; “Go for it matey she begging for it!” This made my mind up straight away so peeled off my G string and I opened my legs Ralf took no time in sliding his...
Samantha and I had been married four approximately 8 years, before I ran out and had an affair with a much younger woman. The other woman is a petite, cute and sexy, she is 20 year old woman. I’m 30 and Samantha is 28 year old babe. Samantha really felt hurt when she found out that the woman was only 21. Immediately the both of them started to argue when they met up one evening. They had made lots of rows, bickered all the time they could have an opportunity, and had tons of phone arguments. It...
This is the third installment of my story of helping Amanda and Tessa, a Mom / daughter home that needed some help. They head off to the shower leaving Melissa, my daughter and I alone and naked in the bedroom...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Amanda and Tessa both got up off of the bed after recovering from their shared pleasure. Melissa and I barely stirred. We were all rather tired and spent and even with the tight bindings on my privates, I was starting to lose some of my...
I didn't write this story, but did enjoy reading it. I couldn't see it on here after a quick search so thought I'd share it. Hope you enjoy it as well.CHAPTER ONE:THE ONE WITH THE ANTS IN THE PANTSTiffany Daniels squirmed in her seat. Her delectable 16-year-old ass slid forwardand back, forward and back, rubbing against the wood. As she rubbed her buttagainst the seat, she crossed and uncrossed her legs.Tiffany Daniels, high school junior, cheerleader, princess tease, was antsy. Veryantsy...
Ms. Jean grabbed her dildo and sat in a chair with her legs spread as Mr. Rick laid me on the bed. I looked to my left watching Ms. Jean as she worked her flesh colored toy into her smooth shaved pussy. Mr. Rick’s mouth was kissing down my belly to my wet hairy mound making my pussy quiver. I was still in a bit of disbelief that a 50 year old man was licking my 16 year old pussy while his wife watched on as she masturbated. I whimpered as Mr. Rick’s tongue circled my swollen clitoris. I felt...
This happened on our first wife sharing experience after Monica had sex with an american sailor some few weeks before, read the story. After ages of bedtime fantasy talk and especially Monica's encounter with the sailor it was time to take the plunge and finally invite another man to join us for a threesome. I would get to live out my fantasy of seeing my wife fucked by another guy and joining in and her to experience another man. What took place wasn't how we expected things to play out but...
Hi, guys, this is the real incident which happened with me during the marriage at our home, my cousin was very much attached with me and both of us enjoyed each other company a lot. We were very close friends and never had any second thought for each other until that night of dec11 which changed everything. Both of us are married now but never thought this will happen. Anyways I am coming to story direct. Her name is preeti and she is shifted to punjab after marriage. So now after the time...
IncestOnce upon a time, long long ago, there was a beautiful girl whose name was Ashley but who acquired the name Ashsweeps, or Ash, since it was her job to sweep the ashes from the hearth every morning, gather the wood and light the new fire. She was also the cook, did the laundry, mended clothes, fed the animals, milked the cow and much else. Her mother died when she was quite small. Her father, feeling lonely and unsuited to raising his child on his own quickly remarried. Two children followed,...