Caught With His Pants Down Ch. 01 free porn video

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Chapter 1: Don’t Do That. Do This.

Katie DeWitt couldn’t help watching. Her step-son, Tony, was beating off again. He was seated at his desk, naked from the waist down, in front of his laptop. Katie assumed that he was watching some sort of porn. She gazed at the boy in horny fascination as her husband’s eighteen year old son stroked his long, thick cock.

‘Good god,’ she thought, not for the first time, ‘That thing is incredible.’

Her massive breasts heaved with her breathing. She clutched one wide, t-shirt covered orb as she watched through the narrow crack in the door. She wanted that pussy pleaser every which way possible.

‘I should go get my dildo,’ she thought. But, she couldn’t tear her eyes away from the prodigious pole sticking up from the teenager’s crotch.

The scenario had been playing out like that for nearly a week. It started when Katie had been carrying a load of laundry up the stairs and heard the sound of moaning coming from Tony’s room. Thinking that the boy might be in some sort of pain she dropped the clothes basket and ran in the direction of the sound. The door to Tony’s bedroom was slightly ajar. It almost always was. The latch had never worked right and the door would swing open just a crack after it seemed to be securely closed.

She was about to run in to find out what was wrong when she stopped dead in her tracks. Through the crack in the doorway she saw Tony stroking the biggest cock she had ever seen.

‘That thing must be, at least, ten inches long,’ she thought, ‘How can such a short, skinny kid have such a huge dick?’

She stood staring for several minutes as her nipples hardened and her pussy moistened. Suddenly she shook her head as though to bring herself back to reality.

‘No,’ she thought, ‘He’s just a kid. I can’t.’

Quickly she ran back down the hall to pick up the dropped laundry basket. After getting all of the clothes put away she spent an hour pleasuring herself with her vibrator. The stark image of Tony’s big, thick cock was branded on her mind.

What Katie didn’t know was that Tony had been masturbating to porn for a long time. Every afternoon as soon he got home from school, he would run up to his room, close the door, boot up his laptop, and surf the porn websites. His favorite was a site called ‘Massive MILFs’. It showed stacked older women seducing younger men or teenage boys. He’d watch the videos and stroke his cock imagining that Katie was the MILF and the he was the teen. Ever since his father had first introduced them Tony had fantasized about having Katie on her knees sucking his cock or, better yet, wrapping her giant jugs around his pole until he shot his load on her face.

Of course, Tony had no idea that the object of his fantasies had spent several days standing outside his bedroom door watching and fantasizing about him, or that it was starting to make her a little crazy.

She loved her husband, Roger. He was kind, intelligent, funny, and fun to be with. That’s why she had fallen in love with him in the first place. It hadn’t mattered at first that she was only thirty and that he was nearly fifty. The age difference wasn’t important to them at the beginning. That didn’t take center stage until later.

For all his virtues Roger was a big disappointment in the bedroom. His penis was somewhat smaller than average and he seemed to have no idea what to do with what he had. A marathon love-making session, for Roger, was going for half an hour. He usually only lasted for ten to fifteen minutes. He would grope and suck her tits for a bit, give her clit a few cursory licks, stick his dick into her, dump his load before she was even halfway there, roll over, and fall asleep. She had been frustrated and horny for almost the entire two years they had been married.

Her relationship with Tony had always been good. They had liked each other from the start. She had never tried to assert a parental status with him. On the day she had married Roger, Tony had asked if he should start calling her ‘Mom’.

‘No,’ Katie had told him, ‘Not unless you really want to. You have a mother. She’s just divorced from your father, not dead. You’ve called me Katie up until now. There’s no reason for that to change.’

Tony had looked relieved and, from that day on, their relationship had been more like housemates than step-mother and step-son.

They had similar senses of humor, so their conversations had almost immediately fallen into an easy banter. One-liners flew like bullets in a war zone, each trying to top the other.

It was during the previous year, however, that she and Tony had bonded to become genuine friends. Her father had died suddenly of a heart attack. He had been, to all appearances, healthy as a horse with no history of heart trouble. The abrupt loss had devastated her.

Roger had done his best to be a comfort. In his way, he had been sympathetic and attentive. But, his long hours at work made it difficult for him to be there when she really needed him. During that time Tony had become her pillar of strength.

He had sat listening to her talk about her father, and held her when she could no longer force back her tears. He had done what Roger couldn’t. He had been there to lean on in her time of need.

Until she had accidently seen his amazing appendage she had never thought of him in a sexual way. After seeing it she couldn’t think of him any other way. As she stood, for the fifth consecutive day, outside his door getting hornier by the minute, she was nearly at the breaking point. Her husband wasn’t doing it for her. Her vibrator wasn’t doing it for her anymore. She was living in the same house with the owner of the biggest cock she had ever seen and there seemed to be nothing she could do about it.

She knew how wrong it would be to go in there and seduce him. She also knew how easy it would be. Her nipples were so hard that they ached. She had her hand down inside the yoga pants, which hugged her wide hips and bubble butt like a second skin, fingering her dripping pussy.

‘Damn, that kid’s got staying power,’ she thought feverishly, ‘He’s been stroking that thing at top speed for half an hour.

Get a grip, girl. He’s Roger’s son. You’re his step-mother. It’s just plain wrong to want fuck him.’

Then she heard the game changer.

Tony moaned out, ‘Oh, Katie.’

Katie’s eyes went wide with shock.

‘No shit,’ she thought, ‘That makes this whole situation stupid. He wants me as badly as I want him and neither one of us are getting it.’

The decision had been made. She was going to do it. There was no excuse for both of them to be miserable for the same reason when they could do something about it. The question was how to go about changing it. Should she wait a while and slowly seduce him later? She knew that it was a silly question as soon as it entered her head. Now that she knew what they both wanted she couldn’t wait any longer. She decided to just take the bull by the horns, as it were.

Yanking her hand out of her pants, she threw open the door and yelled, ‘Anthony Bernard DeWitt, what the hell do you think you’re doing?’

Tony freaked! His worst fear had just been realized. Katie had caught him beating off. It was also his most frequent fantasy, but he was sure that this wasn’t going to be a fantasy coming true. He was only eighteen years old, but he’d learned enough to know that when a woman shouted out your full name you were in deep shit. He was so shocked that he hadn’t even had the presence of mind to stop stroking his dick.

‘Is that how you treat me, young man?’ she continued in mock anger, ‘Do you just sit there masturbating while I’m talking to you?’

He dropped his dick as though it had burned him. Then he, just as quickly, tried to cover it up with his hands. No matter how hard he tried he couldn’t seem to make his raging boner go down. It wasn’t possible with Katie standing
in the doorway with her hands on her wide, womanly hips, her yoga pants hugging every delicious curve, and her massive breasts radically distorting the rock logo on her t-shirt.

‘You should know better than that,’ she said sternly as she stalked toward him.

Tony tried to tell her that he was sorry, but he couldn’t get his voice to work.

She brushed his hands away from his crotch and said, ‘Playing with yourself is such a complete waste of time,’ she knelt down beside him grasped his cock firmly in her hand and whispered in his ear, ‘when you live in the same house with beautiful, horny woman who will let you fuck her with that thing anytime you want.’

Every synapse in Tony’s brain shorted out. She couldn’t possibly have said what he thought she just said. The minister at church had been right. Masturbation will make you insane.

Katie began to slowly stroke him. His cock was hot and hard. It was nearly as thick as her wrist.

She looked at the laptop screen and asked, ‘Is that what you like, older women with big tits?’

Tony nodded weakly.

‘Do you think of me when you watch them?’ she continued.

He was afraid to tell her the truth. It was embarrassing. Somehow he managed to nod anyway.

‘That’s good,’ she cooed, ‘I want you to think of me. I want you to think of my soft lips, my big tits, my round ass, and my hot cunt.’

Tony couldn’t believe what he was hearing. If he was losing his mind so be it. His mind could damned well stay lost. He was too turned on to care.

‘But, you don’t have to just think about them. They’re all right here waiting for your hard cock,’ she said as she continued to stroke him, ‘I’m right here.’ Then she licked his ear.

Tony almost ejaculated on her hand right then and there. He was beside himself with pleasure, confusion, and amazement. If this was a hallucination then it was a great one. The steady rhythm of her fingers on his pole was incredible. The pressure of her heavy breasts against his arm promised much more to come.

‘I’ve been thinking about you too,’ she told him.

He looked at her incredulously.

‘It’s true,’ she said, ‘I’ve been dreaming about all the things I could do with this wonderful donkey dick.’

He frowned and whimpered when she said those last two words.

‘What’s the matter honey?’ she whispered with concern.

The kid wasn’t sure how he found his voice again, but he managed to squeak out, ‘That’s what the guys at school call it, a donkey dick. They say I’ll never get a girl because that thing would scare the hell out of any girl that saw it.’

‘Nonsense,’ Katie said comfortingly, ‘They’re just jealous because they’re not that big.’

‘They are?’ he asked weakly.

‘Of course they are’ she said, moving her hand lower to fondle his heavy, cum-filled balls, ‘It’s beautiful. Most girls would love it.’

‘It is? They would?’ he moaned as she tickled his scrotum.

‘It is, and they would’ she responded, ‘Some girls might be a little intimidated, but most girls, and women, would take one look at it and want to do this.’

With that she plunged her mouth down over seven inches of his ten inch meat missile. The guy she’d gone out with before she met Roger had an eight in dong that wasn’t anywhere near as thick as her stepson’s mighty prong. She had learned to deep throat that one. She would learn to deep throat this one. But, that would come later. For the moment she was content to finally have Tony’s meat in her mouth.

Tony didn’t know whether to shit or go blind. The moment the head of his dick hit the back of her throat his brain went into complete meltdown. There was nothing left in his head but pile of mush. This had to be real. He didn’t have a good enough imagination to think of anything feeling that good. If it wasn’t real, if he was dreaming the whole thing he never wanted to wake up. He put his hands on the back of his step-mother’s head as his hips started involuntarily bucking.

She pulled her mouth off his dick with a loud slurp.

‘Oh, you’re suddenly getting aggressive,’ she said with a smile, ‘I like that.’ She gave his nuts a gentle squeeze.

‘I want you to fuck my mouth and cum down my throat,’ she said, ‘Would you like that?’ She licked the head of his cock.

Tony’s brain had turned completely inside out by that time. He moved his head in response to Katie’s question. But, he wasn’t sure if had nodded, shaken his head, or waggled it from side to side. The only thing that existed for him was the slick feeling of her tongue and the intense pressure in his balls.

She slid her mouth over his pole as far as she could go, her tongue gliding and dancing over every surface as she went. Tony grabbed the back of her head and did as he was told. He rammed his horse dong down her throat oblivious to her gagging. She fondled his gonads with one hand and clutched one of her full tits tightly in the other.

As he mercilessly pounded her throat they both moaned in ecstasy. Her mouth was hot and slick. He’d never felt anything like it. He never wanted to stop. All at once he seized her head in a death grip. His body stiffened. He bellowed and growled as he blasted rope after rope of jizz down his step-mother’s convulsing gullet.

As he climaxed so did she. It was startling to her. She had never orgasmed from giving head before. On the other hand, she had never had a cock like Tony’s fucking her face before either.

Tony thought he’d never stop cumming. He’d never juiced like this before. It was starting to scare him. It was starting to scare Katie, too. She was certain that the kid was going to drown her in his viscous liquid. She decided that there were worse ways to die and she kept gamely trying to swallow it all. There was just too much of it, though. The stuff began leaking out of the corners of her mouth, down her chin, and onto the high, flat shelf her tits made in her t-shirt.

When he had finally finished spurting he released Katie’s blonde head and slumped down in his chair like a balloon with a slow leak. Katie lifted her mouth off of his cock still trying to swallow her mouthful of cum.

She looked at his cock and thought, ‘My god, it’s still fucking hard.’

‘Did you like that, honey?’ she asked the otherwise limp boy.

Still trying to catch his breath Tony gasped, ‘Yes! That was incredible. That was wonderful. But, I still think that I must be dreaming.’

He sat staring, with lust and adoration, at the stacked blonde who had just sucked him off.

‘Oh, it’s real, Tony,’ Katie said with a devilish smile, ‘very real. So are these.’

With that she stood up and whipped her t-shirt off over her head. Tony was awe struck as her massive tits bounced into view. They were more beautiful than he had imagined. Her breasts were full and round, capped with little brown areolas with thick eraser-like nipples begging to be licked and sucked. He’d thought that he’d felt himself starting to go soft. But, there was no danger of that now that he was feasting his eyes on Katie’s glorious globes.

She bent down to dangle those full funbags in her step-son’s face. She grabbed his hands and placed one on each quivering tit.

‘Feel them,’ she hissed sensuously, ‘Squeeze them hard. Make them yours.’

Tony didn’t need to be told twice. He groped her mams for all he was worth. He couldn’t believe that he was finally getting to feel up his father’s sexy wife. More than that, she was begging him to do it. He tweaked her nipples. He felt the weight and firmness of her enormous bosoms, while she shucked down her yoga pants and kicked off her shoes.

Suddenly she stood up.

‘There will be plenty of time for that later,’ she said, ‘Right now I need something else.’

As she lay down on the bed, she spread her thick, creamy thighs wide.

‘I’m too horny for niceties or foreplay,’ she said, ‘I want you to bring that big dick over h
ere and fuck me with it. I need you to fuck me!’

It was the most wonderful and exciting thing anyone had ever said to him. He stood up, removed his shirt, and crawled up on his bed between Katie’s splayed thighs. She grabbed his dick desperately to guide it into her dripping gash.

‘Ram that thing in there,’ she demanded, ‘Don’t go slow. Don’t take your time. Don’t tease me. Just start fucking as hard and fast as you can.’

Thrusting his hips forward Tony obeyed. He crammed his dick up her twat as hard as he could. Katie shuddered and moaned. She was so wound up with anticipation that she had a small orgasm simply at his brutal entrance.

Tony immediately began bucking his hips, thrusting his stiff weapon in and out of his step-mother’s slick hole. If he had thought that her throat was tight and wet, it was nothing compared to the velvet heat of her pussy. It gripped his powerful cudgel like an oily glove.

‘That’s it!’ she growled, ‘Give it to me hard! Fuck me! Fuck me!’

Katie was on top of the world underneath her step-son. Completely consumed by passion, she had never felt so full. She had never felt so fucked. His huge cock was reaching places in her vaginal tunnel that she hadn’t known she’d had. The relentless friction of his hot piston in her slot triggered another, slightly larger, orgasm. She bucked and groaned at the sheer pleasure of it. This kid had already done more for her in ten minutes than his father had done in two years. She was never going to let him out of bed. She was going to get his pole in her hole every chance she got from now on.

As he fucked the blonde beauty he watched her ponderous melons bounce and dance in time with his thrusts. He grabbed one of the bulky boobs and started kneading it like bread dough. He took the other tit in his mouth to bite and nibble her nipple.

She creamed as his breast abuse triggered another, much bigger, orgasm. She had never had a dicking like this in her life. The kid was a natural. Without any kind of knowledge of sex or women he was making her cum like nobody ever had before.

She wrapped her legs around his waist and chanted through ragged breath, ‘Fuck harder. Fuck harder.’

Tony’s hips were a blur as he rammed his cock home. He could feel the tightening in his balls. He knew that he wasn’t going to last much longer. He gripped her tits so hard that the copious flesh seemed to be oozing out between his fingers.

Katie scared the hell out of the poor kid when she screeched as a final, almost bone-crushing climax possessed her. Tony dropped her tits and stopped fucking in terror.

When she finally seemed to calm down the boy said plaintively, ‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.’

She smiled and hugged him tightly as she said, ‘You didn’t. I wasn’t hurt. You just made me cum harder than I ever have in my entire life, you wonderful man.’

Suddenly it was Tony’s turn to feel on top of the world. His father’s gorgeous wife had sucked him off, begged him to fuck her, and ended calling him ‘a wonderful man.’ He was beside himself with joy.

She pointed to a spot on the bed next to her head and told him, ‘Come up over here.’

He pulled out of her vaginal tunnel with a slurp and moved over to kneel by her face.

She grasped his steel hard pussy pleaser and began to lick it clean. The taste of his cock flesh and her own juices was getting her motor running again.

‘I meant what I said. You’re not a boy anymore,’ she said as she worshipfully stroked his cock, ‘Today you proved that you’re all man.’

She delicately fondled his balls as she gave the head of his dick big, wet, sloppy kiss.

‘You’re a man with a natural talent for pleasing a woman,’ she went on, ‘I want you to please me as often as possible. I want to please you, too.’

For a moment she took his hard tool in her mouth to suck it lovingly.

‘Your father will be home soon,’ she said, ‘so we need to get cleaned up and dressed quickly. But, there’s one more thing that you need to do. It’s partly for me, but mostly for you.’

The young man looked at her questioningly.

‘I want you to mark me as your own,’ she said, her breathing becoming ragged, ‘I want you to take possession of me. Make me your cunt. Make me you slut!’

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And then the world changed. I’d been aware of the pandemic, had followed it in the news, but hadn’t given it much thought. It didn’t, as far as I’d heard, transfer to horses after all. The morning the lockdown was meant to start I was in the yard, grooming Rosie, when my mobile rang.‘Good morning, John,’ said Julia into my ear. ‘Could you come up to the house please, I need to talk to you.’ I hadn’t seen Julia in a few days, since she’d stolen away in the small hours after the first session...

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Jack and mum were on the first week of lockdown, the coronavirus was affecting everyone's lives. Mum was an Accountant with her own firm; all her staff were working from home apart from the receptionist, who was still working from the office. She was the contact for everyone who was handing in files; once she had them, she would arrange delivery of them to the staff member that was handling the audit. Once they had it, all the files were available on the secure Cloud that the firm used. Mum,...

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Athena Corp Chronicles Chapter 3 Downsizing

“I don't like it” Ian muttered before taking a sip of his jet black coffee. “Don't like what?” Marco asked in between bites of his reheated chicken parmesan. The two sat in one of Athena Corp's many cafeterias. They were chatting over lunch, as they did most days. The talk of fellow co-workers buzzed around them. It was a cacophony of commiseration over the many drastic changes to the corporate hierarchy in recent weeks. “What do you think I'm talking about?!? The shakeup! The layoffs....

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Tabloid Tales Memphis Interlude

Back when Paul1952 published "Sultan's Choice", I asked if I could set a story in the Tabloid Tales universe. He was kind enough to say yes. He was also kind enough to read this story before I posted it and correct some mistakes that I had made in my use of British terms. Thank you, Paul, for your time, your kindness, and your stories. Ellie Tabloid Tales: Memphis Interlude By Ellie Dauber Copyright 1999 The Wheatsheaf Pub -- Wapping London -- October '99 It was...

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Caught with his Pants Down Ch 03

Chapter 3: Taming The Rage When Gloria Carter rang the doorbell at her son and ex-husband’s house and received no answer it annoyed her. She did not like being ignored and she had very special plans for her and her son that day. She was going to do something which would change both of their lives forever. When she tried to determine if anyone was home by checking the garage and found both cars present it caused her concern. When she tried the doorbell again, still received no answer then...

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Blacks Hispanics Fight Racism

My name is Arthur Brown. A tall, good-looking young Black man living in the city of Boston, Massachusetts. And I have an important message to share with you. In celebration of the race created to kick the collective ass of the universe, I give you the African-American National Anthem. We’re living in the best of times right now. The rest of America suffers but we secretly rejoice. We’re finally standing on our own two feet. And we’re prepared to battle any challenge the universe throws our way....

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Breast Milk Masochism

Nicolette Fuck Wheelbarrow’s breasts ached as she moved. That was alright, though. She liked that. Lifting her arms above her head with a sigh, she slowly moved her body into the next yoga pose. Bending her forward leg, she stretched the other out behind her, the motion naturally making her upper body curve to push out her sore, heavy chest. Both of her breasts lifted as she raised her arms, sending little sparkles of pain up her spine. Biting her lip, she forced herself to hold the pose,...

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Erotic Games With Busty Neighbor In Lockdown

Hey guys, this is Raj (name changed), bringing you a real experience of mine that happened with me during this lockdown. Thanks to the virus, I got lucky with a busty woman who satisfied me as I have never been before. The queen of the story is Disha, a 35-year-old married woman with huge, huge melons and even more huge ass. To describe in numbers, she must be 38-28-38. Huge assets with the nicest kamar (waist). She usually wears a saree that reveals the most beautiful deep navel I have ever...

3 years ago
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Amazing Fuck With A Horny Neighbor In Lockdown

Hey guys! Thank you for the overwhelming feedback you gave that compelled me to write another story. Kudos to the ladies and girls who came closer to me due to my previous story. Like my previous story, this is also a true and authentic experience about an amazing fuck. I have had many fair shares of experience with women around me. For those who haven’t read my previous adventure, please give it a shot. Those who don’t know me, my name is Rocky. I am 6’1 feet tall and have a slim athletic...

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Caught with more than pants down

A few weeks ago I was caught red handed by my girlfriend's younger sister when I was banging another girl from our town. It was a Friday night and my girlfriend was otherwise occupied babysitting for a friend of hers. Sometimes I went along but since her friend had her second kid, romantic nights were now accompanied by constant screaming from the new arrival so I decided to skip my budding babysitting career. It turned out quite well for me because I started seeing this other girl, Paula, who...

Group Sex
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Masochistic Me

Masochistic Me By Cal Y. Pygia Late in purchasing a home computer, I was late in surfing the 'net. However, when I first took to cyberspace, spending hours perusing porn, like any other red-blooded, all-American boy, I soon discovered spanking, both as it is represented in drawings and photographs, still and (in the form of video clips) moving. I also discovered Literotica, to which, by today's count, I have submitted (lovely word, that!) over 682 works,...

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Abhishek Fucking Neighbour Girl Neha And Her Mom Shweta 8211 Part 1

Hi, everyone! Abhishek here! I am a resident of north Bangalore in a posh society. I am 5’11” tall, athletic build and quite fair and I can speak quite well. I am a regular reader of ISS and I can’t tell you how amazing this particular experience has been. I finally decided to share my experience. This is the sex story of how my neighbor’s daughter caught my interest and how I ended up fucking her and then her mom separately. Neha is a sensual babe while her mother is a wild chick. This...

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Banging My Friend8217s Wife During The Lockdown

Hello all, thanks a lot for the overwhelming response to all my stories so far. Your comments and personal messages are the ones that keep me writing more and more. Everyone around the world has had various experiences during the pandemic and lockdown. This is one of the real incidents between me and my friend’s wife, Lata (name changed). We were stranded during the lockdown in the same apartment. The Indian government has announced a complete lockdown, and we were not allowed to go anywhere. I...

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Neighbour Aunty Satisfied My Sex Needs In Covid Lockdown

Hi all, this is my first story on ISS. This was a real-life incident that happened to me in April 2020. The Corona pandemic has been a testing time for all of us. The lockdown made everyone stay at home with the family. This incident happened to me during this lockdown period. Talking about me, I am 6 ft tall, 27 years of age, a mallu guy brought up in a southern metro city. I am doing my master’s in a reputed college in India. We were told to go home in March due to the ongoing pandemic crisis...

2 years ago
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Neighbour Aunty Satisfied My Sex Needs In Covid Lockdown

Hi all, this is my first story on ISS. This was a real-life incident that happened to me in April 2020. The Corona pandemic has been a testing time for all of us. The lockdown made everyone stay at home with the family. This incident happened to me during this lockdown period. Talking about me, I am 6 ft tall, 27 years of age, a mallu guy brought up in a southern metro city. I am doing my master’s in a reputed college in India. We were told to go home in March due to the ongoing pandemic crisis...

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Mr Whiskers Comes To Visit

It was during San Francisco's Summer of Love that he first showed up in our Backyard. (Don't you just hate it when you have an unannounced visitor?) Well, anyway, there we were having breakfast one Saturday morning—we looked out—and there he was! Since we had some eggs left over, my wife being the waste not - want not kind of girl decided we should see if he was hungry. "You know... He's kinda cute for such a little guy," she said. Those whiskers really make him look sort of...

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I Masochist 01 Performance Art

WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...

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Thistle street middlesbrough escort

6 or maybe 7 years ago I was working 6 days a week, 12 hour shifts with only a Wednesday off. So no time for a girlfriend so I started seeing escorts again.At the time I was still old school and finding them in back of the sport newspaper in classifieds section, there used to be around 5 adverts for Middlesbrough in northeast section, there was one think it said something like mboro female 6 days then had home phone number and a mobile number. I phoned talked to a very nice sounding lady who...

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The Lockdown

Whenever a new tenant moves into one of the adjoining flats I’m always interested in who they are, and with good reason. Living in a flat in a converted house (in my case a turn of the last century, three storey terraced townhouse) anti-social neighbours are the last thing I needed. I’ve lived in flats since I was 21 with my current one situated on a tree-lined road around the corner from Cardiff’s Roath recreation Ground. It was my fourth and in the three previous ones I’d had my share of...

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Incognito Sex Chat Between MomSon During Lockdown

Hello everyone! My name is Luv Agnihotri. I am from Jaipur. I want to share my real sex experience with my mom during the lockdown. Let me introduce myself and my mom. I am 25 years old, a young boy working as an Engineer in Jaipur. My mom Savita Agnihotri, is a beautiful, modern, and curvy lady. Her age is 49 but she looks very young because of her gym, dancing and nutrition classes. My mom’s curves always make me crazy especially her soft, rounded, huge ass. Her measurements are 36D-32-40....

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Memphis on the way

Saturday afternoon I had a very good fuck session with my beloved hubby.Later that night Victor drove me to the airport; I had to catch a flight to Memphis, on a very boring business trip. I felt really stupid when I took a challenge from my asshole Boss and accepted to make that trip…In the other hand, my good friends Sheila and Peter lived in Memphis; so it would be a nice chance to meet them after so many years.Sheila and Peter Anne sometimes had played around with me when they lived in...

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Reese Witherspoon dommed

any of the actresses mentioned below. This story is written down for enjoyment purposes only. Reese witherspoon woke up with a headache. She didn't know where she was. All she could feel that she was blindfolded. Not only that, she was tied to the bed with duct tape, unable to move her hands and legs. She also noticed that she was nude. A duct tape covered her mouth so that she shouldn't shout. All she remembered was going to a producer's home for some script reading of a film they were...

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A masochist flasher gets lucky Part 1

A masochist flasher gets lucky Part 1 I am a flasher. I love being naked, wanking and spunking in front of women and young girls. I often go to parks and forests, strip naked and walk around wanking until come across women then I stand and come in front of them. I love all their reactions, some are shocked, cry out and run away, others laugh and watch, others get angry and insult me but they also stay to watch. I have often been attacked by women that I flash to, punched, kicked and slapped as...

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Touchdown.By Phil LaneWith Freddie CleggThe Fourth Story in the Joe & Jenny Series.A sequel to Thesis, Such Sweet Sorrow and Tales from a Far Country.WHAT’S WHAT Touchdown is the fourth episode in the story of the relationship between Jennifer McEwan, also recently known as Vyera Anatol’yevna Kuznetsova an adventurous academic who is studying BDSM games and adult play behaviour and her husband Joe, a civil engineer who is anxious about his wife’s sexual interests and where they might lead....

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A message of optimism Pandemic Lockdown

Pandemic lockdown day 15 I am in my apartment. Just like a prisoner. Prisoner of fear. More people are getting sick every single day. Yesterday the took three of them from my building with severe symptoms. I am getting more nervous every day. Things are going to get worse before they get better they say. I have a feeling that I cannot escape this. I was looking for a way to ease the tension. Sex would have been a safe bet but my girlfriend went away for the weekend visiting her parents and...

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Internship During The Lockdown

Dear ISS friends. This is my recent story during the lockdown. I work for the software industry and have two college students doing an internship in , Divya and Rita. Due to sudden lockdown, they could not go to their home town. Moreover, the office also got closed, and we were working from home. They were staying in a rented apartment in the same area where I was staying. After a few days of lockdown, they must be getting bored doing nothing. One day they called me and said, “Sir, can you give...

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Depantsing David

By: Jimmy wbmaster of - (t/t/t nc oral anal 1st) =========================================================================== "Get off me!" David struggled and yelled. "Let go!" Me and Sam didn't let go, we were fucking with our nerdy roomy. David was one of those dweeb types that just got on my nerves. He bothered me by not bothering me, you know what I mean? Any fucking way, me and Sam had been sitting watching the tube drinking a...

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A popular prank in school is the depantsing of fellow students. There are even several movies with depansing scenes. These include American Graffiti and Meatballs. Any good depantsing usually includes the following elements: The Victim The Bully or "depantser" An Audience Please identify yourself with one of these roles.

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Bondage Suckpants

Long time ago when I discovered this “device” on the Internet, I thought that it would be fun to try it. And forgot for a while.But recently Dworkin wrote about his experience with this garment. And it all began again…As I mentioned in that thread, I would prefer to wear the hood, and I would like to have a man in the pants, and I would like to be bound. I would like to feel how (at the beginning) a soft flaccid member, which neither looks nor feels like a danger or anything threatening,...

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Inside Mr Fancy Pants Apartment

“You’re shitting me? Wait…No! OH. MY. GODDD!” I exclaimed. “I’m telling you the truth. I saw it with my own eyes,” Cissy said, laughing at my extreme reaction to her news. “You mean to tell me that the hottie in 302 is pretty close to Mr. Fancy Pants in 304?” I asked, bemused. “Yes! I saw him coming out of Fancy Pants’ apartment this very morning, looking all disheveled and shit,” she replied. I was struck silent. My roommate, Cissy, and I have lived in our apartment for almost 6 years....

Group Sex
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A Day out for FrillyPants

It all began with a conversation on Fetlife! Now here I was driving to Bristol to attend a gay pride parade. Not that I am gay, although I am curious but being married I had never had a chance to slake that curiosity, maybe I would this weekend I wondered to myself. No this was a chance to dress up en femme and I was going to take it! So the conversation, well it was between myself and a gurl named FrillyPants. We started the conversation by her saying how much she loved my profile...

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Breast Milk Masochism

Lifting her arms above her head with a sigh, she slowly moved her body into the next yoga pose. Bending her forward leg, she stretched the other out behind her, the motion naturally making her upper body curve to push out her sore, heavy chest. Both of her breasts lifted as she raised her arms, sending little sparkles of pain up her spine. Biting her lip, she forced herself to hold the pose, even though the damp spot on her yoga pants was already down to mid thigh. Ever since she had...

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Multiple Orgasms Multiple Histories Part 2

Emma was walking across the concourse of the Savoy hotel in Covent Garden. Her hips swayed and her head and hair followed them, but in a different direction. Her red heels clipped loudly on the chequered marble flooring. She walked between two gold-topped ornate pillars as she made her way to the lounge. She was so excited. The smile on her face was so broad it would have put Julia Robert’s smile from the film ‘Pretty Woman’ to shame.As she entered the plush lounge she looked around for her...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Multiple Orgasms Multiple Histories Part 1

Emma grasped the cock that she had been encouraging for the last fifteen minutes and forced it upright. It was time to fuck it. She knew what she liked and the one she found before her, in the plush hotel room, attached to a hunk of a male prostitute, was just right.There would be no ‘too soft’, or ‘too hard’ stories to be told here. In fact, as far as Emma was concerned, too hard could never be considered as an issue, and she never experienced a too soft either, especially after she had...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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Sarah Carerra Chapter 30 The Finals Countdown

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: April 12, 2010) Chapter 30 - The Finals Countdown After church the following morning, Ethan, Emily, and I were sitting in Sarah's room waiting for the American Top 40 show to start. This was the first week that my song qualified,...

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Our Neighbour in Lockdown

This is purely a fantasyWe moved into our home nearly a decade ago. Our garden is not attached to our house and we have to get access through our neighbour’s garden. Roger, our neighbour, was widowed a few years before we moved next to him and is now in his late 70s. He can be cantankerous and rude and we have had many disputes with him over our access rights. I have not really gotten on with him, but my wife has tolerated him. The good Samaritan in my wife came out immediately at the time of...

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A New Taste Part 32 Lockdown

It felt like an age since I had pleased a beautiful cock. The virus lockdown had put a stop to my regular servicing and my thoughts circled around like a goldfish in a bowl. The tension was evident when I masturbated and before I knew it and without orgasm, semen started pulsing out of me. I scooped it into my mouth a savoured it. I so enjoyed the texture and taste that I played with the little load pushing it against my teeth and around my mouth for some time as I edged my cock. Images of...

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101 Days of Lockdown

Thanks for that. Well, that’s if you choose to believe that bullshit anyway. The only certainty about this whole weird alternative world we’ve found ourselves in is that however it started it has fucked it for the rest of us. We have to wear masks. We wash our hands a hundred times a day. I use hand sanitizer like my life depends on it. There’s a daily death report on the 5 o’clock news each night that we’re all absolutely glued to watching, to the point that it has become a rote part of...

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