CM- Assassin Ch. 01 free porn video

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February 6, 2009. London. 11:57.

I ran out of the convenience store, ripped the cap off of my coke, and took a gulp of the sickly sweet black liquid. I drank again, this time swishing the sugary concoction around my mouth, hoping to cleanse it from the metallic taste left by blood.

‘Fuck’ I iterated in anger. I swore another 4 times. I let out a roar, less angry now more in elation. My phone rang, interrupting my rant. I fished it out of my pocket, looked at the caller ID, and unlisted number.

‘Bonjour’ I greeted.

‘Is it done’ Russ, my CIA contact, greeted me with a question.

‘Yes.’ English now.



‘Good’ He hung up. I did likewise.

January 3rd, 2009. New York City. 9:56 pm

I was state side, visiting the only civilian connection I had left: Pearl. Pearl is my connection to the human world. I visit her every month or two, she is my only known contact. This is a bit too regular for me, but well, Pearl is the love of my life. She is my friend, my lover, my absolution.

I got off the Air France flight from Charles De Gaulle, walked through the maze of intertwining corridors, going down escalators until I finally found my self to baggage claim and saw my first glimpse of New York in the New Year. Snowing again, typical, perfect, the way I like New York. It comforts me somehow, to know that one of the biggest cities on the earth is still subject to mother nature. Knowing that no matter what is thrown at them, the New Yorkers will continue to hurry after fleeting lives that just slip through their fingers. Comforting it may have been, yet it was also unsettling. To walk through the crowds, too aware that I didn’t belong. Once you take a life you are never the same they say. Well that’s a lie. Everyone else is different.

I picked up a plain black bag, unremarkable enough to be forgotten, cheap enough to be replaced. It’s a hassel waiting for baggage off carasels now a days, and it slows you down and creates a possible opening, yet post 9-11 traveling without bags flags a little message in every security personal.

Normally it doesn’t matter, they see your license, sometimes run a check, it is fine. But my I don’t deal in computers, oil, politics, or one of a thousand other mundane jobs. My business is death. I don’t like people looking into my background. I may use fake IDs, but it isn’t worth the risk anymore. I don’t want anybody to find me, much less to know my regular schedule. This way it is easier, a bag filled with cheap clothes, maybe a box of cheap chocolates, and even a fake watch, nothing too interesting to warrant attention, but nothing too sparse to puzzle a bag checker. Simple, medium, average, that’s me.

I walked out of the airport, looked left, right, up, and off into the future. No one stuck me as dangerous. I jumped into a taxi.

‘Where you going?’ a gruff New York accent greeted me.

‘Times Square’ I replied, and rode the rest of the trip in silence. Look behind me, look to the right, check number plates. I barely even noticed doing it. This was my job, notice things, avoid danger, stay safe, stay alive.

I got at Times Square and immediately blended in. I walked the 18 blocks to Pearl and my rendezvous checking all the time I wasn’t being followed. I arrived at ‘La Café’, a traditionally American coffee house trying to adapt a sense of culture that it had no understanding for, with twenty minutes to spare. I pushed through the heavy oak doors and moved into the small cramped bistro that is so typical in Manhattan. France my foot.

I have sat and sipped lattés in cafés upon the Champs-Elysees, they are filled with culture, vibe, you instantly get the feeling you are just a fleeting moment in life. I love it. I crave it. Yet here they were determined to hang mirrors everywhere. I hated it, I loathed it, but Pearl loved it, and I love her. I ordered a disgustingly sweet latte and sat down in a too soft armchair and flipped through one of the magazines on the table, ‘Wild Hunting’, once again I was struck at how badly the Americans could fail, they always missed out on the small details. I chuckled at myself, I had been here no longer than two hours and I had already remembered why I was desperate to get away.

I heard the little bell over the door chime. I looked up and froze. There she was! Pearl. Looking radiant in a thigh length leather jacket, long black two inch heeled boots, a pair of snug jeans, and a black turtle neck sweater. He illustrious golden-brown hair trickled swept across her face to rest mid breast. She saw me, and her face broke into a smile. I stood, shaky, and motioned for her to sit. She hugged me instead.

‘Salut Charles’ She greeted me, pressing herself into me, snuggling under my chin until her head rested over my heart.

‘Hey Pearl’ I answered. We sat, saying nothing, but drinking in each other’s appearance. It had been too long. It always is too long.

‘How have you been?’ I asked, with a feeble grin, recognizing how typical it was. Christ I thought I may as well have said How’s the weather. She let out a burst of soft laughter, my heart leapt.

‘Good Charles, good.’ I loved the way she would call my Charles, saying it with a French accent.

We lay spent two hours on her king sized bed, our clothes strewn across the floor haphazardly, dropped were we had ripped them off. The sheets wrapped around us like a cocoon, warding off the cold from our naked, sweat, entwined bodies.

‘I love you’ I whispered into her ear.

‘You better’ She answered with a playful slap to my chest.

I pulled on top of me, and caught a strong whiff of her perfume. I was instantly aroused.

‘Ready for round two already?’ she asked.

‘No I’m happy like this.’ I whispered into her ear. She reached down and slid her hand over my stiff member.

‘Mhmmm I can tell.’ She said seductively in my ear. I ran my hand down from her shoulders, over the dimple in the small of her back, to her soft, perfectly formed buttocks. I gently squeezed.

‘Mhmmmmmmm’ she sighed. My hands continued their search until I found her smooth, damp, slit. I rubbed her up once, and then rolled off of me until she lay flat on her back. Her head propped up by the pillow, her green eyes stared into mine, her head started to bob up and down in a silent plea. I leant in and kissed her softly on her lips, then more passionately. Soon I moved from her soft, full, lips to her neck and started to kiss the smooth skin there. My journey continued until I reached her right breast, I held it in my hand and gently massaged it. My head, under a force stronger than gravity, was pulled towards her nipple. I took it into my mouth. I felt it stiffen instantly. Once again Pearl moaned. My left hand moved from her left breast down to her belly button and further down, I crossed the soft, smooth, expand of her pelvis and came to rest just above her clit.

‘Go on, you bastard, go on!’ She commanded. I followed her order, I started to slowly rub the little nub, picking up the pace which was replicated by the speed and pressure of my mouth on the nipple. Beyond long I could take it no longer. I moved my body down the bed further and buried my head in between her legs. My tongue found her slit and it caressed her lips, parting them to enter her. Her musty, strong, delicious, taste greeted me. This time we both moaned. My lapping continued for two or three minutes, her hands found a hold on my ears and pushed me into her, holding me there tight forcing me to go on harder faster.

I retracted my head, she let out a soft sigh of disappointment. I moved up her body and kissed her lips. She took hold of my stiff pole and pulled me towards her. In a sudden move she pushed me to the bed with her spare hand, and sat on top of my muscular thighs just above the knees.

‘You’re turn!’ she said with a devious grin. She began to stroke and fondle my scrotum. Still keepin
g one hand on my dick and the other cupping my balls, she started kissing my chest, moving down until she reached my happy trail.

‘Where does this lead I wonder?’ She asked. Well she soon found out. She followed the thin brown hair down to my pubes and to the rod sticking out of them. In one swift move she engulfed my head in her mouth and moved down until half of me was buried in her velvety soft mouth. She started to bob up and down, running her toung over the underside of my dick, swallowing on when going down, and sucking when retracting. Within four minutes I was close.

‘Ba… ba… babe… almost… almost….’ I warned and encouraged. To my utter dismay she released me from the confines her of her accommodating orifice. She left my pole hanging in the open, straining, craving attention, and moved up my chest until her knees were on either side of my biceps. I looked up into her face, framed by her breasts on either side.

‘I think you owe me something.’ She shuffled forward until her dripping opening was hovering above my nose. I inhaled her strong, arousing scent. I grabbed her but and pulled her down until I could slide my tongue in and out of her, occasionally stopping to swirl over her clit. Within minutes she was getting close.

‘Okay, no more teasing’ she told me. I started to get up and she pushed me down. ‘No! Let’s try something new.’ She impaled herself upon me, facing me, and started to gyrate up and down, while rocking back and forth. She arched her back and tilted her head back. We started to moan in unison. My body arched to meet her every down stroke. Faster. Faster. Harder. Louder. The squelching noises of my juice coated dick sliding in and out of her sent us over the edge. She climaxed. Her pussy clenched around my swollen head and rigid shaft. This sent me over the edge, my balls raised further into my body, and I shot out stream after stream of my seed into her.

‘Fuck’ I said. ‘That was good’ We fell asleep in each other’s arms.

January 6, 2009. New York. 12:43.

I walked through central park, enjoying the birds singing around me and the cold breeze on my face. I felt alive. My heart was beating, my head was swimming. I was in love.

My phone rang, my heart froze, my stomach dropped, and I stopped mid step. I hoped against hope it was Pearl, calling to tell me she loved me, but deep down I knew it wouldn’t be her, she was working all day, in some fashion industry.

I fumbled for the phone in my pocket and managed to answer it.

‘Hello.’ A large Texan voice boomed at me. ‘Charles Morgan.’ It wasn’t a question it was a statement.

‘Who is this?’ I asked.

‘Charles Morgan?’ It said again, this time slightly unsure. Good, keep them on the back foot. If they’re only contact information about me was found in a file, then they also knew my history.

‘Who is this? I won’t ask again.’

‘Russ Williams, CIA.’

‘What do you want?’

‘I have a job’

‘That’s nice, so do I’

‘No, no I meant, I was calling to see if… if you would be interested in doing me a… favor.’ I laughed on the inside. Inexperienced. A hardened veteran would not be phased. It was obvious to me that the only contact this Russ had with men like me was in a Langley handbook.

‘I don’t do favors. Goodbye’ I said

‘Wait!’ He yelled ‘Meet me, Central Park, twenty minutes, under the bridge.’

‘Alone’ I conditioned him. I hung up, flipped the phone over, and ejected the sim card. Fuck, how’d they get my number? Fucking CIA, I was determined to get to the bottom of this.

Ten minutes later I sat on a bench 100 meters away from the bridge, with ear buds plugged in, I looked like any other resident taking a relaxing walk in the park. No more than four minutes later I saw a huge man walk up. He kept looking behind his back furtively.

Subtle. I said. Very subtle, no one would ever make you would they? I sat for another two minutes making sure he was along before circling around to his back, checking the trees on either side to make sure he really was alone. I slid my hand into my pocket and opened a folding knife. I rushed forward, and taking the texan by surprised, pushed him under the bridge.

‘Hey wait a minute partn…’ he stopped mid sentence when my knife came to rest against his larynx.

‘How did you find me!’ I interrogated

‘We got a file on you, put the knife down’

‘No’ I pressed harder to make a point. ‘What do you want with me!’

‘I got a job.’

‘Not intersted. Leave me alone’ I kneed him in the balls, slid the knife into my pocket, and began to run away.

‘Hold up. Pearl’ He managed to gasp out.

‘What!’ I turned mid step. ‘What did you say’ I walked towards him with murder in my eyes. ‘Tell me what you mean’

‘She’s in danger,’ he struggled for breath ‘the Company… tracking her… get you… kill her.’ I was tempted to kill him, but decided he might have some information.

‘What do you want from me? How does this help you!’

‘If you kill them, our operatives are able to infiltrate the English crime scene.’

‘Lets go someplace else.’ I glanced around suddenly aware of how very open I was. Two hours later we were sitting in a little bistro off of central park. Russ was holding an ice cold bottle of cold between his thighs. He had just related the story to me.

The Company, the biggest gang in England ranging from petty drug dealers to infiltrating to the highest politicians, was coming after me. Apparently I had killed their man last August while on a job for MI5 last year.

‘I couldn’t have killed an unimportant one could I’ I asked him dryly.

‘Yap partner.’

‘And let me get this clear, you think if I kill this man… Jack, I will wipe my slate clean? They will stop gunning for me?’

‘Shit man, no! But it will create enough confusion to safe your girl,’ Ah yes Pearl. Apparently the Company had been watching her for six months, waiting for me to show up, now they were waiting to kill her apparently, to get to me, to draw me to them. I hate being hunted, I much prefer hunting.

‘So how does this help you, in detail this time’ I questioned

‘Well man, we got tabs on every government in every world, including Cuba for fucks sake. But we can’t get close to Britain without treading on the toes of this fucking Company. If you take out their top man, create confusion, we may be able to get the bloody Brits to wipe ’em out for good, giving us an opening.’ He took the coke out of his legs, took a swig, placed it back, and started at me.

‘No I said all of it.’ I reminded him, knowing there was more.

‘Well shoot man, you sure are sharp aint you? Alright I’ll tell you, they been invading our turf too. Think they can just come in and take over the fucking U S of A! Hell no! We gotta stop ’em… well you gotta stop ’em.’

‘Let’s talk price.’ I said, agreeing to his request.

‘Two mill, USD’ He said off the bat, didn’t bat an eyelash. I whistled,

‘This must be on hell of a guy.’

‘Oh if you only knew.’

‘Alright, give me the file. I’ll contact you if I decide to take it.’ I picked up a manila envelope and left.

January 11. 2009. 08:43

Russ got out of the shower. His large bulk glistened with water. His muscles, clearly defined, could support twice his body weight. He toweled his short cropped hair dry and he walked out of his bathroom into the bedroom. Lying on his bed he saw Maria, or Gabrielle, or something. Upon glancing at her naked body, her 36 C cup boobs lying on her chest, her pubic hair shaved into a heart, his eight inch dick jumped to life.

‘Morning baby’ She greeted him in heavily accented english. He remeberd back to last night, where he picked her up in a bar. He’d gone out drinking to get away from the tedious, anxiious wait of sitting infront of his phone wiating for Charles to call him back. Met her, takled to h
er, felt her up, took a couple of body shots of her, and broght her home to roughly fuck her.

‘Hey there.’

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Joe didn't know exactly what his mother-in-law, Leah, intended to do when she winked at him right before lunch. It didn't matter, either. He found out very soon after he filled his belly. Mrs. Baum gave him a kiss that made it obvious that she wanted to act as his lover. Despite what Judith had said earlier, the family side of the fucking around had increasingly grown passionate. It was just the other lovers that remained purely physical. Judith simply didn't realize it, though she...

2 years ago
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That Time I Banged A Banshee

So there I was, roaming the Irish countryside searching for an abandoned church I heard about online, when lo-and-behold I got myself lost. This particular church was noteworthy because it still had intact stained glass windows, despite being several hundred years old.The exact name of the church eludes me but I heard it was haunted by some sort of wailing spirit that drove everyone away. The village surrounding the church relocated and time wore it down to nothing. Only the church and its...

4 years ago
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My Not So Bright Stepsister Pt 03

by Vanessa Evans Part 03 In the morning I woke before Eva and discovered that we were still spooning and my morning woody was resting along her slit. I slowly manoeuvred myself so that I slid inside her again and slowly started fucking her. “Is that you Luke?” Were Eva’s first words. “No, it’s Henry, don’t you remember?” I replied. Eva’s head quickly turned to see who it actually was fucking her then she relaxed and we both enjoyed a longish fucking session which included us doing a 69...

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Road RashChapter 2

The next weekend, in typical spring fashion in the Northwest, dawned gray and overcast. Rain threatened on the horizon and I packed my rain gear along with dressing in layers. When I pulled into the parking lot of the park with my bike on the roof rack, the turnout was about what I expected whenever rain threatened; about half as many riders as when the weather was nice. Nick had called in sick (read, hung over) that morning, so I was going to have to handle the whole herd solo. Instead of...

3 years ago
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White DelightsChapter 13 Dublin Summer

Kaitlin walked in to the Celt one evening and was just faintly surprised not to see David there. "New boyfriend not here tonight, Kaitlin?" said Noel, who owned the Celt. "Who is your man?" Kaitlin asked. "Sure and I don't know," he answered, "There's various stories about him. He sounds English but an Arab who works on Dublin Bus and comes in here says his Arabic is perfect also, though he sounds Kobekistani he says, whatever that might be when it's at home. The thing I do know...

1 year ago
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Rate My Ass

Are you in the mood to rate some ass pics? I invite all the cultured men to come and join a subreddit called r/RateMyAss/, which basically speaks for itself. If you are an ass-man, then you are more than welcome to check out this subreddit, and if you prefer tits or whatever the fuck, you might as well go to a different subreddit instead.I am here to talk about r/RateMyAss/, and what the fuck this subreddit has to offer. Well, first thing’s first; you have lots of hotties who want you to rate...

Reddit NSFW List
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Under The Blanket With Mausi In January Part 8211 1

Hi, everyone. My name is Sayantan and this is my 3rd story here. I’m a 5’4” tall guy with an average build, wheatish complexion and a tool size of 6 inches. I would not say I am excessively handsome or have a dick size that can drive women mad, but I more than makeup for that with my hunger and sexual energy. Girls, Women, and aunties of any age can mail me at to know more and chat about any topic (whether sexual or just general). I am well placed as Software engineer in an IT major in Kolkata...

2 years ago
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OliviaChapter 14

The walk back to the mall offices was made uncomfortable by the constantly buzzing egg. Olivia was still pissed about the events in the hallway — "amateurs," she thought. Their inexperienced fondling in the food court had only fired up her horniness due to the public nature of it. The fact that anyone walking by would have seen her exposed sex and two boys hand's jamming away into her privates, was what had turned her on. She so badly wanted to have everyone watch her public display of...

1 year ago
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SheLovesBlack Angelika Grays Striking a Deal with the Accountant

Slender blonde hottie, Angelika Grays, can’t give up her luxurious lifestyle despite spending more money than what she currently earns as the boss of her company. The naughty babe with alluring blue eyes is willing to do everything it takes to make her accountant handle all the extra spending she has. After arranging a private meeting with her accountant, Angelika quickly puts her plan in motion. She does a bit of a striptease while the lucky stud watches her on the couch. The sexy blonde...

3 years ago
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Screwing my slutty sister with my brother at the l

The other night, after Brian and I got done with a 13 hour day of sealing and stripping parking lots in an Arkansas city, we headed for our dad’s cabin out on the lake. We had two things in mind, get drunk, and forget everything else. We stopped at the pony keg just outside the park, picked up some booze, eggs and munchies and headed out. Now the cabin is hard to get to, and if you don’t know where you are going, you probably will miss the lane, even in broad daylight, so we were surprised...

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Geiler Samstag

Es war Samstag Vormittag , ich war gerade dabei die Garage auf zu räumen , da überkam mich die Geilheit . Ich hatte die ganze Woche über viel gearbeitet .Immer spät nach Hause gekommen und meine Freundin kaum gesehen . Also auch die ganze Woche keinen Sex gehabt . Sie musste heute noch arbeiten . - Pflegedienst Frühschicht - .Ich schrieb ihr eine WhatsApp , sie möge bitte viel Mineralwasser auf der Arbeit trinken . Ihr müsst wissen , wir sind NS-Liebhaber . . " Mach ich " schrieb sie zurück ....

3 years ago
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Selena and JoeChapter 14

The days had grown to only a few before the lovers left on a vacation alone for the first time. Joe made the arrangements to fly into New York City on Saturday afternoon before her meeting with Wall Street Global. He planned on showing her a bit of New York that night and after her interview, if time allowed. He worried her by telling her that she should tell the group whom she was dating and planned to marry, and what he did. He wanted to be sure there was no conflicts involved with her...

1 year ago
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Dancing with Kate

This happened while I was living in London some years back. 27 years old, I was working as an office clerk during the day, while the evenings were spent on my favourite hobby; dancing. And it was at a dancing course I met Kate. Kate was the best dancer in the group, and the instructor often used her as an example of how we should do the various steps. She was 30 years old, and a very nice person who everybody got along with. This particular evening we were learning some jumps, and Kate with her...

2 years ago
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Betrayed by my Dog Part 2

Betrayed by my dog 2 We last left off where Kevin had been caught by his parents dressed as a girl. The clothes my mother had giving me where pink shorts, a white shell top and white sandals and a pair of pink panties. Mom I said I can't wear these clothes people will laugh at me. You should have thought of that before you did what you did, it is obvious. That you liked wearing your sister's swim suit she told me. Do want to be a girl? Mom asked or do you just want to dress like...

2 years ago
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Harry Potter Chapter 8 Pt 3

All eyes were turned towards Ginny as she reigned God over the other three for the duration of the game. Ginny thought intently on what she wanted and finally came to a conclusion. "Hermione", Ginny said, "get in the middle of the circle." Hermione paused for a couple of seconds awaiting some more instructions, but none came. Reluctantly, Hermione got up from her spot and walked to the center of the circle. When she got there, Ginny told her to get on all fours. Hermione looked...

2 years ago
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Late For DinnerChapter 72 Wake Up Call

Kathy felt something tickle her nose. It's that darned Teddy Bear she thought as she struggled to scratch the itch. Then she realized it was wasn't fuzzy like a bear; it was soft and warm and smelled like roses! It was Christi's hair! Her heart sang as she blinked awake. It had all been just another of those curious dreams and she was safe and sound in her beloved's arms. "Are you okay?" Christi whispered gently. "You were really saying some strange things." "I didn't know I...

2 years ago
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GirlFriend Tricks Me Lesbian PT2

"No way! I'm NOT walking down the street naked in broad daylight! You're crazy!""Slave Miranda, I don't remember giving you my permission to disobey orders. Remember the deal? You are my sex slave for the day, and when I say 'jump' you should say 'how high, Mistress Karen?' When I give an order, say 'yes Mistress Karen.' and then quickly comply with that order. Are you clear on this?"I could have quit at any time, nothing was stopping me. But she was right; we had come to an agreement, even if...

1 year ago
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MonstersOfCock Kira Perez Stepdaughter Fits It All In

Richard Mann is considered his stepdaughter’s grades are slipping. Kira Perez is ready to go to the beach. He confronts her about the academic performance. Kira blows off the situation. She’s curious about the last time he had sex. Richard is flustered. She goes in and grabs his cock. She is impressed by the size of his monster cock. She tells her stepfather she’ll study if she can fit his giant cock inside her tight pussy. He agrees. She immediately starts sucking her big...

2 years ago
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Out with the girls

When something, or someone is taboo, it is a slow delicious ache, needing fulfillment. We had an on the job training session of seventeen weeks. By the 10th week, the innocent flirtations had become increasingly bolder, with slow insidious rubbing, light smacking of each others' ass, and furtive gropings whenever we felt "safe" from prying eyes. Luck allowed us a training class outside our home state, requiring travel and hotel rooms. Having built up to the moment, we got adjoining...

4 years ago
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Im Your Gal Pal Pal

We’re playing video games and having our usual laughs. You know I’m gay. I dress like a lady. You told me you wanted to hang out with me like that to show you’re my friend no matter what. I’m secretly hoping you try something. You’re secretly looking for your moment.We’re old school so I have to blow on the cartridge to get the next game working. I’m on my knees. My lipstick looks like candy. You get hard when I stumble and land on my elbows, giggling. On all fours. My ass up in the air. You...

2 years ago
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Fisting Nancy

When I was in my late 20’s I was working at a company and I’d often take lunch the same time as Nancy She was in her late 30’s, maybe 40 something. She was pretty hot and lots of guys took her out. She liked to talk about sex, and how when she was horny she’d use ‘stuff’ to help her. I showed such interest, that we agreed to go out for a bite and go to her house after and ‘play’From our first date she had me mesmerized. She loved to show off and get me hot she would masturbate with all kinds of...

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My New Girlfriend Kay Part 4

My New Girlfriend Kay P 4 After Ann left, it gave Kay and myself plenty of time to eat lunch and be alone together. As I have mentioned in the past, Kay is a really good cook, and everything she made tasted great. She even made me a blueberry pie. When we had eaten out, I always ordered a blueberry pie, so Kay knew what I liked as far as food goes. After the food was put away and I helped Kay with the dishes, we sat on the couch and talked. “I like the fact you like my girlfriend Ann and that...

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birthday bash

Mom as been in her new home,for a couple of months...its a bungalow.with a very nice front garden...but the the best,s not other houses...not very wide,but is quite long...about 75 yards.with beautiful boarders,filled with plants and spring bulbs...there,s a,that meanders,down one side...and as you go further down...the grass just gets.a little more long....but just looks like a meadow,with could lose.yourself...and leave the...

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Inflection by Dawna Tompson July 2020 Rated R A man reflects on the long path he's travelled in coming to grips with a lifetime of perverse TG sexual fantasies. --- The soft sunlight streaming in the window gently woke him from his slumber. He was awake but left his eyes closed to extend the pleasant feeling of the dream he had just left. It was a good omen, a sure sign, he felt, of a day that seemed to have great promise. He lifted his hand and pulled at his long dark hair...

4 years ago
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An Old Relation

My plan was to visit my friend Max, he and I were close for a while during freshman year. We would hang out and play games a lot and often smash shut to pieces in his yard, his family never cared. My other friend Jason, was a bit different than Max, he liked to play games and talk about stories he’d read on the internet, most of them I found rather interesting. Then there was Jason's sister, Jazy, my god was she beautiful, the love of my life during my sophomore year. Our relationship...

2 years ago
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Pet Project

Doug sighed and stroked Rachel’s long dark hair as she devotedly sucked his dick. He groaned as he came and she greedily gobbled up his jism. Then she sat back on her naked ass and smiled adoringly at him. “Good girl, Rachel!” Doug praised and she quivered with delight. “Thank you Master!” she said. “But you better get dressed now,” he instructed. “It’s a big day!” “But I like to wear my collar,” she complained, toying with the red leather strap around her neck which was her only attire. “But...

Mind Control
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The Gutenberg RubricChapter 2

A light shone in Keith’s eyes. Something held them open and he couldn’t block out the light. He tried to speak, but no sound came out. In fact, there was no sound anywhere. When the light went out, he was alone in silent darkness. He must have slept, but there was no sensation of sleeping. The light came on. How long had it been? He couldn’t see anything. It was just light. He heard muffled noises as if he had cotton stuffed in his ears. The noises—voices, he thought—were too remote to...

4 years ago
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New Style New Look New Me part 2

New Style New Look New Me Part 2 By Sim1cats Hi I'm Veronique Dubois age 23 Lead singer of the band Veronique and Purple Haze but this was not always the case I was formerly Eric Walters aged 53. Please read part one of the story for the background story of how my change came about in Pt 2 my journey continues. Part 2 As I laid there I ask Rowan and Primrose, will I remember anything of my past life "some you...

1 year ago
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copyright ©2008 All rights reserved. (Author’s note: This is an adventure/love story.) PART 1 — REVIEWING IT ALL CHAPTER 1 He flexed his palms against the back of his head and kept staring at the endless blue above him. The smooth, dark gray rock beneath him was becoming too warm. He would have to move into the shade soon. He wished he had some sunscreen, something in SPF 1000 if it existed. He had gotten burnt badly when they first hit the island. Everyone had. He wondered what Cheryl...

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A picnic in the woods

“Yes!” I screamed, “I fucking love your hard cock ramming into my wet cunt and filling it with spunk!” As I made that admission, and it was a heartfelt admission, I had the most wonderfully intense orgasm. It shuddered through my entire body. You may have noticed that we jumped from Friday morning to Saturday breakfast in the last part. Well, not to put too fine a point on it, all day Friday we fucked, and slept, and made love, and fucked and.... well you get the picture I'm sure. We only left...

2 years ago
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Descent Into DarknessChapter 17

Weeks passed and Franchesca grew stronger with each new day. The injuries she had suffered from the rapes were healed and her legs were strong and she could walk well now. They took many walks out into the forest, hand in hand, so much in love. He took her riding on Darkness, too, along the narrow paths that snaked thru the woods. He also brought her to Diana's Pool in the late afternoons when the local children were all gone back home from their days there, swimming and jumping from the...

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