Check Up! free porn video

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Star stood outside the doctor’s office, holding the card her friend Tonya had given her the week before.

‘I’m telling you Star, Doctor Johnson has helped me a lot! He showed me that I wasn’t sexually dysfunctional like my boyfriend said, that I just needed to relax is all. Go see him. He’s gentle and has a great bedside manner and he’s really cute!’ said the little perky brunette.

‘I don’t know Tonya. I hate gyn appointments, they’re so personal and invading.’ Star said with trepidation in her voice. ‘I’ll think about it, ok?’ Tonya watched her sad faced friend as she walk out of the room.

Since Star’s fight with her boyfriend, she hadn’t been the same girl. She remembered last weekend when Star came home and told her what she and Brad had fought about. Brad said he was very disappointed in their sex life and told her she was a frigid bitch that couldn’t please any man. Since then, Star had been moping around the apartment. Having had a similar problem a few years earlier. Her family Doctor had referred her to Doctor Johnson. The doctor showed her techniques on how to give herself pleasure as well as her boyfriend. Tonya hoped that she enjoyed her session with the ‘Good Doctor’ as she did!

A week later Star is standing outside his office holding the card Doctor Johnson had given Tonya. It was a plain white card with a red heart in the center. ‘Give this to him and tell I sent you, ok?’ Tonya said handing Star the card. ‘He’ll know to treat you very special!’ Tonya was smiling as she walked away knowing just how special he’ll treat her friend.

Star entered the cheerful waiting room, it was painted in hues of blues and greens, and ahead of her was the receptionist’s desk. Star tapped on the frosted glass and watched the pretty young women dressed in pale yellow slide open the glass. ‘Yes, Can I help you?’ The young women asked.

Nervously, Star smiled, ‘Hello, I’m here to see Dr. Johnson. My name is Star Fields, I’ve an appointment at 4:45 pm.’ The young women reached for the appointment book and searched for Star’s name. ‘Yes, here you are, please have a seat, the nurse will fetch you in a few minutes.’ The pretty blonde motioned to the vinyl benches around the room.

Star picked up a magazine and had just started looking thru the advertisements when a matronly nurse called her name. Gathering her jacket and purse, Star followed her thru the hallway to the nurse’s station. After being weighed, blood pressure and pulse taken she was taken to an examination room.

‘Doctor Johnson will be with you in a moment.’ The nurse told her with a small smile, easing her terse face. The nurse laid out two sheets on the examination table and left the room. After about fifteen minutes a knock sounded on the door and it slowly opened. ‘All right to enter?’ A deep masculine voice asked. Star’s whimpered a ‘Yes.’

‘Hi, I’m Doctor Johnson.’ The tall man said extending his right hand to Star, she reached out and shook it, quickly removing it and placing it back into her lap. He was attractive with short blonde hair and blue eyes. After asking about her family history and about medications she may be taking, he put down his pen and turned to Star. ‘Now, how can I help you?’ He said with a charming smile. His warm brown eyes gave Star a strange excited feeling deep inside her. Star was feeling a little shy about telling a stranger her personal feelings let alone a man, but he was a doctor!

‘Well my boyfriend says I’m frigid, that I can’t please him and that I don’t have a single inch of erotic sensation in my entire body!’ Star said in a rush. ‘When I told my friend Tonya she gave me your name and this card.’ Star hands the card to the Doctor. ‘She said that you could help me. Please! I don’t want to lose my boyfriend!’ Star says shaking, tears appearing in her eyes.

Dr. Johnson looked at the little card in his hand, then at Star. His gaze traveled over Star. From her strawberry blonde hair caressing her shoulders over her large ripe breasts, narrow waist, full hips and long tapered legs. ‘Why would any man have a problem making this women scream with pleasure?’ He thought to himself. ‘This card meant she wanted the full special treatment! Hmmm! I’ve been pretty horny all day, this will be very enjoyable.’ ‘Well Miss Fields, I have a form for you to fill out, it states that you agree to a full examination and treatment.’ Dr. Johnson opens a desk drawer and pulls out a slip of paper, which he hands over to Star with a pen. He watches excitedly as she quickly signs without reading the form and returns it to him.

‘This room isn’t large enough, would you please follow me?’ Dr. Johnson stands and holds the door open for Star. He quickly walks down the hallway to the room at the end and opens the door for her. The room was three times larger with no windows. In the middle of the room stood a large examination table with stirrups and straps. A large light hung over the table for illumination. To the right against the far wall stood a wall-to-wall shelving unit, loaded with awards and medical books.

‘Miss fields, I’ll leave you for a few minutes. Please completely disrobe and be seated on the table. ‘After the doctor left Star walked over the curtained area and removed her jeans and shirt hanging them on the provided hooks. Then she quickly walked over to the table and covered herself with the sheets lying on the table. Then she sat on the end of the table and waited.

Doctor Johnson went to his office and paged his assistants Mike and Laura. They entered his office a few minutes later. ‘Laura I have this last patient and then we’re closing for the night, Mike can help me, so you can go ahead and leave, and tell Maggie that she can leave as well, make sure she locks up the front office and the doors ok? We’ll leave thru the back entrance.’ Laura smiled, happy to leave a half hour early, the pretty redhead turned to leave saying her good byes.

‘Mark I have a ‘special’ treatment in room one. She has a problem with sex and satisfying her boyfriend. I think between the two of us, we’ll have her cumming in no time at all. You game?’ The doctor said smiling ludely.

Mike nodded, smiling also. ‘Shall I put a tape in the video recorder and turn on the mics, to document the treatment?’ Mike says winking at the sitting Doctor. ‘Yes, and make sure everyone has left, we want no interruptions tonight.’

Doctor Johnson states standing and walking toward the door. ‘Wait for the buzzer, then enters the room.’

A soft knock then Doctor Johnson enters the room. ‘Well all ready to get this over with?’ He smiles at Star. ‘First I’ll do a preliminary exam to make sure everything is normal and functioning correctly, then if it is, then we’ll begin your treatment. I promise you, you will walk out of here able to please yourself and your boyfriend. Please lay down and scoot your bottom to the end of the table.’ the doctor watches Star’s shapely tail move to the edge, his cock hardening at the site of her exposed privates.

The doctor tells her to relax as he dons rubber gloves and sits between her open thighs. Her scent wafting thru the room. His cock jumps against his pants eager to slide inside Star. ‘Now I’m going to touch you and then insert the speculum, ok?’ Star agrees. His fingers gently open Star’s outer lips of her shaved pussy and slides over the inner labia as he examines her thoroughly doing his job first, the fun later. Then he inserts the speculum into her vagina. With the aid of the strong light he finds a normal, very wet little hole.

After removing the speculum from her vagina he stands. ‘Now I must check the size of your uterus.’ Removing his glove under the table and away from her site, he lets it drop to the floor, wanting to feel her with his naked fingers. He adds a little KY jelly to aid in the insertion. Sliding two fingers slowly, enjoying the heat and moister he finds there. Moving his fingers deep inside her is making his cock throb painfully. This is part of his
job he loves the most. After checking her uterus he decides to play just a little to see how she reacts. The doctor starts moving his fingers in and out of her pussy slowly fucking her and watching her face. Her eyes close and a small moan escapes her lips. Taking his thumb he gently applies pressure on her already enlarged clit. Star’s body twitches at the contact, opening her thighs a little further. Louder moans accompany the massage of her clit. The doctor starts rubbing his cock over the tent in his pants, almost moaning himself.

Reluctantly he pulls his fingers from her aroused body, knowing that she just needs an able lover to make her cum, and he’s going to be that man!

Removing the other glove Dr. Johnson walks around to Star’s left side. ‘Now I’ll check your breasts, then we’re done with this part of the examination.’ Star nods and lowers the top sheet to expose her large breasts. Her nipples are stiff from the pleasure she received from his fingers. Star blushes at the thought of the wanton way her body reacted to the examination, and the knowledge that she didn’t want it to end.

The doctor placed his hands on either side of her left breast and quickly did the examination, having it done he took a little extra time to relish the feel of her sweet tit in his hands. He couldn’t help himself from pulling on the hardened nipple, playing with it a little. He looked to her face and saw the beauty close her eyes again, with rapture covering her face. He couldn’t wait to see that face when she has her first orgasm!

He quickly finished the right breast and covered her chest again. ‘Now Star, I find nothing wrong with you physically. So I think I should do a few tests and experiments to see how you react. Maybe we can find the problem. Ok?’ Dr. Johnson says reaching below the table for the left wrist strap.

‘If you think it’s what I need Doctor. I’ll do what you say.,’ said Star.

‘I’m glad you feel that way, please place your hand in the strap, this will assist you in the test.’ Dr. Johnson says holding out the strap. Knowing the video is running and showing Star’s compliance.

Star gives the doctor her wrist and watches him strap it to the table, and then she watches as he does her right wrist and both ankles. Then watched as he walked over to the desk and pushed a button. ‘Mike I’ll need your assistance now, please come in.’ A few minutes later a young man entered the room. This new man was about average height, much shorter then the handsome doctor. Mike had dark brown hair and brown eyes. His ready smile helped Star relax again. ‘Yes Doctor Johnson, you needed me?’ stated Mike as he walked into the examination room. ‘Yes Mike, we need to do the sensitivity test for Miss Fields, is EVERYTHING ready?’

Knowing Dr. Johnson was asking if everyone had left, He replied, ‘Yes, everything is ready to start.’

‘Then we’ll start, please take your place Mike. Miss Fields, these tests are, shall we say a little unorthodox, but if you bear with us, you will be a happier women in the end. Just relax and enjoy the sensations you will be receiving.’ With a nod from Star, the doctor slide a small stool between Star’s open legs and sat down. Mike stood beside Star to the left, his hands on the edge of the table. He looked down at the pretty women, mouth watering at the sight of her beautiful erect nipples poking thru the sheer sheet, looking forward to sucking her and making her moan.

‘Now Miss Fields…Star. Mike and I are going to spend the next few hours giving you the best sex in your life.’ The doctor said with a huge smile on his face.

‘What?’ Said a shocked Star, straining against her bonds. ‘You can’t do this! Let me go!’

Mike and the doctor exchanged knowing smiles. ‘Well Hun, you signed an agreement saying you wanted me and my assistant here to fuck your brains out and that you release us from any legal obligations. So all you have to do is be a good girl and enjoy!’ Looking back at Mike, ‘When ever you’re ready Mike, you can do whatever you want to our little patient here’ The doctor stated. Mike agrees with a happy nod.

Mike gives Star a smile and starts to remove his clothes, Star stares in fear at the nude assistant as his pants and shorts hit the floor. His throbbing, thick 8′ cock showing Star that they are serious. She moans, still pulling on the restraints. ‘Please let me go, I won’t tell anyone about this!

Doctor Johnson smiles from between Star’s open thighs, ‘Now don’t fuss, You’ll enjoy everything we do, just relax.’

The doctor starts kissing the inside of Star’s right thigh, taking in her sexy aroma. Sliding closer to her awaiting nether lips, gently giving her little nips with his teeth. He opens her outer lips with his fingers and licks her with the tip of his tongue from anus to clit. Star’s body stiffens from the intimate contact. Mike in the meantime massages her beasts and leans down to suck on her stimulated rosebud. Taking his time to tease and scrape it with his teeth.

Star’s reactions are immediate, soft moans come from her mouth as she closes her eyes. A deep curling sensation fills her taut abdomen, with the massaging and sucking of her breasts and the expert licking from the doctor, she quickly relaxes and is enjoying the increasing pleasure. The doctor teases her clit sucking and flicking the nub to throbbing hardness, her juices are lapped with each teasing stroke of his tongue.

Sweet tension fills Star’s body and her first climax builds, her hips rocking against the doctor’s face. Her legs shake as her unaccustomed body feels each tender movement of hands and tongue, the combination is almost more than Star could take. With a loud cry of relief, Star cums, thrashing against her bounds, rubbing her wet pussy on to the doctor’s greedy tongue. He moans aloud as he swallows and licks every sweet drop of her first orgasm.

Watching her face the doctor slides two fingers into her dripping hole, Star gasps as they fill her and slide in and out, shocking her at the intense feeling. The doctor licks her clit while quickly fucking her to another more intense orgasm. Star’s screams, clamping her thighs around the doctor’s head and shoulders.

Mike’s cock is so hard now it’s drooling pre-cum onto the floor. Moving to the head of the table, he climbs onto it and places his knees on either side of Star’s head, dangling his angry cock inches from her relaxed face. Feeling the movement from his climbing, Star’s eyes open and widen at the huge cock hangs inches from her mouth.

‘Now baby, it’s time to learn the proper way to suck a man’s tool. Open your mouth.’ Mike commanded. Star shook her head. ‘No! I won’t do that! I’ve never sucked a man’s…cock! Get that thing away from my face!’ Star says angrily. ‘I don’t suck my boyfriends, why should I suck yours?’ The doctor walked over to Star’s right side and turned her face to his. ‘Now you have a choice, suck Mike’s cock or leave now and lose your boyfriend to someone who will!’ The doctor returned to his place between her open legs.

Reluctantly Star opened her mouth, grimacing at the texture of the gland entering his mouth. Mike watched as inch by slow inch entered into her open lips. The sight made him swell even wider. When he was satisfied to the depth, he began to slide in and out, receiving wet sounds of Star’s sucking reaching his ears. ‘Suck me good Star, that’s the way! Not so bad is it, giving me a lot of pleasure and teaching you is giving me a great blow job!’

The doctor watched as Mike fucked Stars mouth. He was on all fours now, with his hands on the table next to Star’s waist. His hips moving up and down keeping a slow deep penetration in Star’s mouth. He smiled as he heard Star start to moan while sucking Mike off. She’s starting to enjoy it.

Doctor Johnson reached down and pulled out the hidden step in the bottom of the table. Then after removing all his clothes, he steps up and in between Star’s gaping thighs. Stroking his cock, he reaches out and teases Sta
r’s pussy with his fingers, feeling how wet she was getting sucking Mike.

Taking the huge head of his hard cock and rubbed Star’s wet folds to lubricate it, then he firmly taking her hips in his hands–slides deep into her pussy in one swift stroke. Star’s body stiffens with the entrance, arching toward the ceiling. Her nipples return to rock hard points at the intrusion. Her deep moan of pleasure is mumble around Mike’s busy cock.

The doctor waits for her body to relax again, then starts the pulsing movement, his hips grinding against hers with each stroke, his ball sack slapping against her ass, keeping tempo. The table rocks slightly with both men fucking Star. Star’s moans fill the room as both men have filled her.

Star’s sex sleeve wraps tightly around the doctor’s invading cock as it advances and retreats over and over. Deep fiery sensations flood Star’s body. Never has she ever felt so alive and desirable. The sweet excited tension has returned to her young body as she nears another climax, it’s intensity heightened by the moans and grunts from both men as they use her body. Shortly her velvet folds clamp down on the doctor’s cock as the spasms rack her body. Mike’s throbbing member absorbs muffled screams and moans. Her climax triggers Mike’s as he moans aloud, his face grimaces as if in severe pain, as long heated streams of his cum shoots deep into Star’s throat. Almost gagging her at first, she quickly swallows his seed.

A few moments later Mike climbs off the table, and watches the doctor as he continues to pump his cock deep in Star’s dripping hole. The doctor looks over to Mike and with a nod towards the wall shelves. Mike smiles and walks over to the wall shelves. With a movement from his hand, he releases a lever, releasing a queen sized Murphy’s bed, and flicking on a light to brighten this side of the room. then returns to the doctor.

Doctor Johnson watched Star’s face and he slowly screwed the lovely redhead. ‘God she’s beautiful!’ He thought, ‘her boyfriend must be a totally idiot, not to make this women his sex slave.’ Wanting to prolong this wonderful sensation, and not cum yet, the doctor pulled out of her, with a wet pop. ‘Are you willing now to continue your treatment, over onto the bed where it will be more comfortable for all of us, with out restraints?’

Star was deeply disappointed that the doctor had removed his cock from her excited body. She looked at him in a lustful haze and shook her head ‘Yes, I would like that.’

Having removed the straps, both men assisted Star to the awaiting bed. She sat down looking at the doctor. ‘What now, Doctor Johnson?’ she asked getting nervous again.

(To be continued)

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ChristinaChapter 12

Tina was dressing in jeans, just right fit, and a long-sleeved dark blue cotton shirt that set her hair and face aglow. We pulled into Elise's driveway, got out, and knocked on the door. Brother-in-law Joe met us at the door. "Damn, Alan, she's a cutie. Hi, Tina, I'm Joe. Elise's husband. Ya'll come in!" We walked into the house, smelling the wonderful aromas of the foods I'd been raised on. "What's she doin, a pork roast?" I asked. "Smells like my grandma's," Tina said. Joe...

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Office Sex

Hi, One more incident from me, which is about a year and a half old. Please provide feedback at . I was standing in the boardroom waiting for the meeting to begin. I could still smell the cologne I had used that morning, it was Eternity for men, a gift from a friend. I smiled – she was a special friend and exceptionally good in bed as I remembered. I was wearing my “smart trousers” as she called them. The door to the boardroom opened. I looked up to see a tall, slim woman enter the room. She...

2 years ago
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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 60

June 1st, 2020 Hello Everyone, I’m checking in as it’s been a minute. I’ve settled into a narrow gauge of behaviour and environment. As long as I don’t push myself or get stressed or overstimulated I’ve been able to function pretty well. I still have the memory issues which get me in trouble as I forget when or if to pick somebody up. I’m having to renew my commitment to the checklist and written reminder system. My headaches are more frequent again and I’m having to take extra pain...

4 years ago
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Becoming Julie part 1 ndash The Earliest Years no se

Becoming Julie, Part 1My name is Anthony, or just Tony, for short. I was born in the American South, in the 1960s. Fortunately I was born in a college town, which meant there were educated people around, and the town was progressive, both politically and sexually, which is good for the rest of this story.I was an only c***d. My parents raised me to love everything about life. From early on I went to movies and plays with them. Our town was small enough that sometimes, weeks after a play, my...

1 year ago
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My Vivid Memory of Sex with a Shemale Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

I am a lonely man in his forties. I love to travel, dine and explore new places by myself. But I often wish for a partner. I got divorced early, so the little chance of being with someone was also ruined in my memory. So, each morning I would go to work, do my mundane bank job and visit my nearest LGBT bar. I am sharing my memory of sex with a Shemale and how I found pleasure in it. I am not gay or have any element of pride in me but what really fascinates me is Shemales. I believe they have...

4 years ago
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Meeting Him

I wait nervously in the hotel that you told me that you would meet me at. I've been yours for a while now and we're about to meet for the first time since I became your slave. I'm pacing back and forth, awaiting you anxiously. I finally give up pacing and lay down on the bed, curling up and watch an old episode of Friends, with thoughts of you filling my mind. Yawning softly, I drift off to sleep.You let yourself into our room with your key, surprised that I don't greet you at the door as you...

2 years ago
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Sister Daughter

I really need your feedback please so I can learn to write better. Thank you all. Sister / Daughter Brother - Mom was away for the night. His eyes were shivering in fear, or was it anticipation. He was nervous and for whatever reason, I had little care. He was a boy, a thirteen year old boy. You can’t break one of those. It was dark in his bedroom. I was sure it was warm but my skin still crawled with millions of shivering bugs. All I wore was two thin pieces of cloth,...

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Celestial MattersThe Demons Chamber

-Devnik- A chilled wind swept through the country side. "Your home is so ... beautiful..." she marveled, her gaze still fixated on the chateau. I moved to stand behind her. I wrapped my arms around her clasping them just under her breasts. I put my chin on her soft shoulder. I whispered directly in her ear, "I'm glad you approve Maria." She shivered. I could see goose bumps appear on her neck, but that could have been from the cold... She was still so nonplussed with my house that...

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A DaughterinLaws Love

It had been a year since my father-in-law's wife passed away. Ed, who is retired, was not handling the loss well. It had been years since Ed lived by himself. He was lonely and depressed. It was winter and my husband Jon suggested he take a break from the cold of Chicago and visit us in Arizona. I always enjoyed Ed and welcomed his visit. The first week was a bit strained. Ed was uncomfortable and stressed. I tried to get him to take part in various activities however, except for meals, he...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 44 Showing the Renovations

Wednesday, April 13, 2005 (Continued) Julia was waiting for us at the car drop-off place when we arrived at school. This was unusual as we tended to arrive fairly early and where she leaves her bike is a bit of a walk away. After the car had gone, Donna being long gone by then too, Julia greeted us both with kisses on the cheeks. Carol was already holding one of my arms so Julia grabbed the other and we started walking. Julia leaned forward and smiled at Carol, saying, "Good morning my...

1 year ago
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Breeding stud for the aterians

Your name is Will Justice, a simple farmboy from England. Not much happens where your from, and there not many people for things to happen to either! You've reach the age of 25, but are in good condition, the physical labour's of the farm keeps you fit and strong, but as your last girlfriend put it still enough meat for a good ride. This week your parents are away visiting family so you are left to tend the farm yourself. Its been locked up for the night and your winding down with some TV,...

3 years ago
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Hellen The New Office Girl

Hellen had only been working in my office for a few weeks now but I could sense that with our flirting and sexual innuendo’s it would end up going somewhere very soon.Hellen had join my company after us chatting online and being that she was bored of her job she was more than willing to move to a different part of the country and start a new life.Our conversions in work would always end up about the things that we like sex wise and I got more and more aroused about the things that Hellen wanted...

1 year ago
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A Football Sunday to Remember for Vicky

100% fiction! Like every Sunday it's a day of NFL Football at Vicky's house, My husband Paul watches it every Sunday and I too love the game but I wanted to to go and do something 1 sunday so I bugged him all week let's do something this Sunday...So Friday he said we are going to a party this Sunday as a compromise...He said it'll be fun..not exactly what I wanted but why not...So Sunday came, Paul told me to dress in my short plad skirt and my raider halter top and heels, I'm like isn't this...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Young Elizabeth

“The shining light this season,” said Madam Von R--, “is young Elizabeth S--, a Hudson River beauty if there ever was one.” “That so,” I said, sipping her cinnamon tea and waiting for the hammer to drop. “Don’t think I’ve heard of her.” “No reason you should, associating with the people you do.” She smiled. “But this fair miss is, I believe, in some sort of trouble, under pressure or duress. She has been occasionally valuable to the cause, indeed, recently, most helpful.” “That so,” I said,...

2 years ago
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The Costume Party Part 1

The Costume Party Part 1 Have you ever had a girl that you were head over heels for and there was no good reason for it, yet she could twist you around here little finger. Well when I was 22 I had just such a girl. I had been seeing this girl named Lisa on and off for Five months. My name is Tim and we met at a Company Party. She was not all together the most beautiful girl in the world, but she was an admitted slut as I was to find out. As time had...

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The Good Neighbour Part Four

Tobin left Jimmy’s house with the key to his empty condo and the note with the address in his pocket and the delirious knowledge that he’d has sex with the object of his desire. In the days that followed he would remember the way Jimmy’s cock felt in his hand and in his mouth, he would remember its taste, and he would think I swallowed him cum. He would think I fucked him. And his friends marveled at the shit-eating grin he randomly wore.He also recognized the wisdom of Jimmy’s plan. He very...

Gay Male
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Lesbian Relation With Malar And Mekala

Mekala and Malar Vizi are women police constables working in D3 Police Station in Triplicane. They have been working there for the last four years. They have become thick friends now. Malar Vizi is from a reasonably well off family and is from Mylapore while Malar is from ordinary middle class family and she resides at Perambur. Malar and Mekala have been deputed to undergo a fortnight training at the Police Training College at Ashok Nagar. It is residential. Even the police personnel of...

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Dominant husband trains wife on her 30th Birthday with 2 BBCs

Most women hate the idea of growing old, and my submissive wife is no exception. When she turned 30, it didn’t matter that she was a gorgeous blond with a tight hard body sculpted from years of intense daily workouts and a low fat diet. As she approached 30, she was 5’2″ and 108 lbs., with D cup tits and legs to die for. She gets lots of attention from men of all ages, and even some women. Yet, the week before her birthday, she was moody and bitchy, complaining about how...

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My Hot Mother Malini And Me Part ndash 3

In my last episode, you have read what romance we had while driving the vehicle and how I enjoyed maa’s boobs after coming home. That day was the 30th december, 2007Read what happened next day. How, we celebrated the new year’s eve and my b’day on 31st december, 2007That night I.E. On 30th december 2007, I had to masturbate twice once thinking about maa and another thinking about my lovely sister vishnu. From the time our intercourse started maa used to wake me by her warm kiss. But today that...

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Large Family Large Secrets Part 1

This story was written elsewhere and copied over to this website, there maybe parts that should have spaces when they don't, though we've checked, there could still be 1 or 2 mistakes. This story is based loosely on a real family's story, there are parts that have been removed or simply not written, parts that are exagerated or entirely fictional, it was written with the help of the 7 main characters mentioned in this story, these are not their real names of course, this account was made...

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Jennifers Surprise Chapter 7

Chapter 7“Fuck my ass,” Jennifer Smith was whimpering aloud, breathing and biting into the soft pillow beneath her head. The 39 year old glasses-wearing assistant sales-director, wife, and mother of two was positioned on her marital bed on hands and knees with her perfectly shaped ass in the air. Her husband Tim was sitting in a chair in the corner pumping his own meat, and her 19 year old son Mark was sitting on his knees behind her, about to insert his 8 incher into the only orifice belonging...

1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Haley Reed Stepsis Has Money Problems

Haley Reed had made sex videos with her stepbrother in the past. She wanted to do it again and hopefully split the profits. She was giving stepbro a dose of what she was thinking by sucking his cock. He was not even able to record yet! Haleys excuse for acting so quick was it just tasted so good. What a little stepslut. The next day stepbro had to pick Haley up from school. She owed him big for this one. He better get to fuck her soon. A few days later stepbro turned up back at the house in...

2 years ago
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The Westhampton Womens CircleChapter 2 Explanations

"It's a sort of game," Julia said. She, Liz and Hannah were sitting in Hannah's kitchen with cups of coffee and the jar of cookies that Liz had brought over earlier. The rest of the girls had gone, slipping out quietly after Liz and Julia had untied them. "A game?" Liz was uncomprehending. "You're doing it again," Julia said with a friendly smile, trying to put Liz at her ease. "Sure. Didn't you ever play tie-up games when you were a kid or with your husband?" "No," Liz...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Alex Blake Are You Blackmailing Me

I can tell you’ve got something on your mind sis, what’s up? I’m not sure if I can trust you… Come on you know you can trust me! Fine… I need your help… Could you maybe buy me some condoms? What?! Why do you need me to buy you condoms? I’m just embarrassed to buy them on my own.. please bro! I guess, but you’re going to have to help me out with something too… Anything! I want you to blow me, and I won’t tell mom that you asked me to...

4 years ago
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A visitor at my door

Derby University 1995:When I was (very briefly) at Uni I maintained an entirely heterosexual profile, this despitemy many trysts at school, with the girls and the nuns and two lads.One night I was dead asleep after a RIGHT session in the Students Union bar, when I was awoken by the knocking of doors. Firstly not my door, but getting closer. Then they WERE at my door. I got up quickly and opened it. Standing at my door was a girl I knew, called Leigh. She was very drunk, and naked, in...

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Aunts Bargain A Happy Deal

From the time that I could remember my Aunt Liz always had a playful demeanor with an edge of sarcasm within her playfulness. When I was just a c***d and she came over to visit her younger sister (my Mom), she would always take the time out to show me some attention. Generally back then; even though it encompassed some physical touching, the playfulness was wrestling or tickling, or a combination of both. Aunt Lizzie lived in our state’s capitol a couple of hours away from us so it wasn’t as if...

2 years ago
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Community TooChapter 12

Susan's turn: I am an engineer. Mom and Dad both have college degrees, both in business, but I have an engineering degree. They were proud of me. They were proud of my husband who was in the receiving line ahead of me to get HIS degree. Getting a degree is not the news that made their decade, though. That would be my positive pregnancy test. Mine? No, OURS! I stopped taking the Pill a couple of cycles ago. It was NOT a unilateral decision. I know all sorts of stories about accidental...

1 year ago
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You stood in before the door of the throne room. Your hands clasped together in front of you as you watched, waited. You knew the soldiers were nearly to you. The castle guards tried to barricade the hallway to the eastern wing of the palace where you now stood, but the Kravan soldiers got past. At the sound of the blockade being broken through all the palace staff ill suited for battle fled. Down the hall you can hear swords clashing with one another. It's only a matter of time. The sounds of...

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My First Day at a Girls Boarding School

When I woke up I decided it should be time for me to go to school today. I was told it is a very special school so I decided to wear my special uniform. First of all I took a shower and trimed the hair on my body. I made special care to shave my anus man vagina. When I was done I've put some lotion on a small tampon and put it in my vagina for it was a day for menstruation.After that came the miniature thongs, a short black schoolgirl skirt, my bra, a white shirt, and my favourite black and...

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Taking Care Of Pregnant Pooja

Hello Friends, this is Shravan from Bangalore. The following new story is completely a FICTION and it’s not related to real life. I hope you will like it and please do send your feedbacks to Enjoy my latest Fiction story…… My Dad worked in a local manufacturing plant as a Manager, and mom stayed home. When I was 19 years old a new family moved into a house near my home. The family consisted of a man, woman and small boy not quite three years old. They were related to my dad’s sister in law ....

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Gender Change At the Office

You get to the Mega Corp parking lot about five minutes early. It has been less than a month since you joined the company and have been enjoying it so far. You see a few of your coworkers filling into the building most you only know by face. You get to the lobby and are greeted a new receptionist. She has silken brown hair and wearing a silk blouse with a hint of a lace bra peeking through the fabric. Her ass was clad in a black satin mini skirt. "Good morning," she says. "It's nice to see you...

3 years ago
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Missy Day Two

The next morning I made a pleasant discovery. It seemed like the more I masturbated, the more aware of my body I was. Everything felt different. The sheets felt softer on my bed, making me stretch lazily like a cat when I woke up. My cute little toes pointing and toned legs stretching to their full length. When I stood up my perky little buds of breasts felt heavy and swollen. My hands slid up my body to cup them through my cotton sleep shirt. My nipples tingled and tightened. I could see...

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