Charlie Ch. 25-28 free porn video

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Chapter 25

Day 1 gave her ‘I wanted to.’ Day 2 was simply quiet. Day 3 welcomed her with a ‘Good morning, sunshine’ and nothing else. Day 4 pissed her off when he told her to get some sleep. Day 5 dragged because her insomnia was riding her full force, and all Nathan had to say was ‘LOL.’ Day 6 came with a ‘Be home tomorrow. Shelley says hi.’

The morning of Day 7 meant Nathan would be home soon. Sometime, that day he would be home. Charlie couldn’t focus on her work. After re-opening her bedroom curtains, she sat looking at his bedroom for an hour. She wandered around her house constantly straightening, cleaning, or organizing something. Laundry was already done. Her bed was made. She had taken a shower. She kept looking for things to do. At one point in time, she sat down next to her painting easel and began alphabetizing the paints by name. When that didn’t look right to her, she reordered them by color palette.

Just as she was finishing with the paint organization, she heard the roar of his jeep’s engine. Okay, what now? What now? She didn’t want it to seem like she was waiting by the door for him to get home. If that were the case, she might as well have pushed her face up against the glass of the living room window. It had to look like she was doing something. She ran up the stairs two at a time, grabbed her reading novel off the night stand, and jumped on the bed. If it looked like she was reading, it would look like she was relaxed, not some ball of nerves that were jumping up and down like Mexican jumping beans.

Wait, no! Would being on the bed be too suggestive? What did it matter if she was on the bed? Not like anything would happen on the bed? Wait if something did happen on the bed?

She couldn’t get her mind to quit spinning. She shoved the book away from her and climbed off of the bed. That was when she heard the footsteps coming up stairs. Unnerved, she ran into the closet. She quickly started pulling clothes off of the shelves. Yeah, she was organizing her closet. That’s the ticket!

She heard a throat clearing and saw Nathan standing in the door way of her closet. He leaned against the frame with his arms crossed.

‘Should I tell Melanie you are coming out of the closet?’ he smirked. Charlie hurled a t-shirt towards him, and he swatted it away before it made contact with him. He simply stood there smiling, waiting. Charlie froze with a sweater that was in her hands. It was much easier to type in a text message rather than try to get the words out.

She looked down to the floor. ‘Why did you kiss me?’

‘I already told you why. I wanted to.’

Charlie looked up and saw that he was still smiling, still leaning. He was still Nathan. Abruptly, the closet felt like it had no air. She pushed her way past Nathan into the open room. He moved ever so slightly to let her by, yet, she still ended up rubbing most of her body across him as she made it past. Flustered, she did not know what else to say, so she started straightening items on her dresser.

Nathan moved over to the chair in the corner and sat down. He still looking relaxed, but ever mindful of her movements. He knew she was feeling out of sorts, frantic. Cleaning and straightening were her coping mechanisms. He followed her with his eyes as she scrambled around the room. He simply crossed his arms across his chest and laced his fingers together. He knew Charlie would come down off of the panic shortly enough. She just had to ride it out for a bit.

When Charlie did finally stop moving things around her room, she sat down on the edge of her bed. Nathan gave her a reassuring smile.

‘Why did you kiss me?’ she demanded.

‘I wanted to.’

‘That’s not an answer.’

‘It’s a perfectly acceptable answer. People put their lips together for a kiss based on many reasons. The first reason stemming from physical attraction and desire. I desired it. I wanted it.’

Charlie huffed at the idea of physical attraction just like Nathan knew she would. It all went back to the idea that she did not appreciate herself, but he did. No huffing or puffing on her part was going to change that.

‘Physical attraction? Huh? So you just wanted to get you some. Now it makes more sense.’ Charlie got up from the bed and began to fold the clothes she had thrown out of the closet.

The smile on Nathan’s face grew larger. ‘People also kiss as a form of affection, to show strong feelings of love.’

Charlie looked up from the piece of clothing that she had been memorizing. ‘But that’s not me.’

Nathan caught her eyes with his. She never really paid attention to how intensely green they could be. ‘That first kiss was definitely physical attraction, but if you let me kiss you again, it would be love.’ Charlie stopped breathing. She dropped back onto the edge of her bed. When her autonomic nervous system kicked in and forced her to breathe, she gasped and inhaled a big breath. Her mind just couldn’t really comprehend what he might or might not be saying.

‘Kiss me again?’

‘Yes, please.’ Just Nathan smiling eyes.

Charlie’s involuntary and nervous laugh came forward with the simple word, ‘please.’ She felt like she was in the Twilight Zone. Rod Sterling was going to walk out and begin a monologue at any moment.

For your view pleasure, a woman in her late 20s, being asked by her best friend if she wants to be kissed. Note that her fear is paralyzing and crippling. Will it be yes? Will it be no? We will find out the answer as we enter the Twilight Zone.

‘Come here, Charlie.’ Those words cracked her feeling of absurdity. They were real. Nathan just said them. She dug her hands into the quilt. Sudden paralysis was a real thing. Some people could just wake up in the morning and not ever be able to move again in their entire lives. Was it like hysterical blindness? Charlie’s mind would not stop racing.

‘Come here, Charlie.’

Chapter 26

Charlie remained still on the bed, watching Nathan in his relaxed posture. He made no threatening movements, nor did he try to approach her. The ball was in her court, but the only problem was she didn’t feel like she knew the rules of the game. They continued to stare at one another until it felt like hours had passed. Her eyes flicked to the clock on her dresser. Okay, not hours, but definitely minutes had gone by, and her hands remained clenched around the bed quilt. She couldn’t will herself to move or speak. It was almost aggravating how Nathan sat looking at her, that half cocky smile.

Then, as if the whole silent conversation was finished, Nathan got up from the chair and made his way out of the room. Charlie rushed after him as they descended the stairs.

‘Where are you going? I . . .’ she stammered as she followed a couple steps behind him. Nathan stopped so abruptly that Charlie ended running into the back of him. He threw out a hand to steady her, so she wouldn’t topple over.

‘Get ready. We are going out,’ he said through that same smile. He continued through the rest of the stairs and made his way to the back door. Charlie continued her pursuit through the house.

‘What do you mean we are going out? Wait a second! We need to talk,’ she said as she grabbed his arm. Nathan swung around to face her. Charlie was suddenly aware of lack of space between them. She thought about taking a step backwards, but she couldn’t convince her legs to move in that direction.

‘Casual clothes. I’ll see you in a half an hour.’ There was that maddening kiss on the forehead. Charlie actually reached up to rub it off of her face, Nathan only laughed. The door closed, and Charlie stood in the kitchen feeling even more confused and irritable as before. A loud beep alerted her to a new message. She grabbed her phone from her painting area.

Nathan: Get ready

Charlie: Where are we going?

Nathan: 28 minutes

Charlie: Where are we going?

There was no further response. She shoved the phone into her pocket and quickly scurried up the stairs into her room. Stepping over the piles of clothes that she had ripped out of the closet, she began to toss shirts this way and that. As she bent over, she heard the familiar beep of her phone.

Nathan: Nice view!

Charlie looked over her shoulder and found Nathan half sitting in the open window of his bedroom. That grin was really starting to piss her off. Charlie flipped him the finger and continued her rooting through the piles. She pulled out a white collared-shirt and a pair of jeans. Beep!

Nathan: Good choice!

Charlie shot him another hard stare as she moved the bathroom and shut the door. She made sure it had that completely closed and was locked. Yes, it would have been just as easy to close the curtains again, but she really didn’t like the feeling of her room being that closed off. Or was the feeling of being disconnected from Nathan? Dang it! Those types of thoughts really need to stop. She finished dressing and pulled the door open to allow fresh air into the bathroom again. Nathan was playing ‘Sober’ by Pink, one of her favorite songs. Her eyes drifted back to the window, but Nathan was no longer on his perch.

Charlie began to sway her hips to the rhythm of the music as she pulled her hair into a loose bun, allowing some wisps to fall loose, so they would frame her face. Afterwards, she brushed on some mascara and painted her lips. She stood back to check her appearance, turning side to side to check her entire appearance. She had left a few extra buttons undone on the front of her blouse in order to show off the black bra underneath. A little voice in the back of her head began to ask why she was getting all done up for Nathan. Realizing how ridiculous it was, she reached for a Kleenex to wipe away the make up. Beep!

Nathan: You look beautiful

Charlie turned her head back to Nathan’s window. He had resumed his sitting position on the window sill. She did a small curtsy and then a bow. He began clapping his hands and yelled for her to meet him downstairs. After she grabbed a pair of fantastic black heels, she made her way back down the stairs. Sitting at the kitchen table, she put on her heels. Nathan stuck his head into the back door, urging her to pick up the pace. Following him out the door and to his jeep, he unlocked the doors.

‘Where are we going?’ Charlie asked as she climbed into the passenger seat and buckled herself in.

‘Out,’ Nathan answered cryptically.

Charlie reached over and swatted his arm, letting him know her irritation. She had always hated surprises and avoided them at all costs. Nathan glanced at her out of the corner of his eye and simply smiled as he continued driving through the streets. As much as she wanted to needle him for information, she tried to relax back into the seat, watching the lights of other cars and building flash past her eyes.

Chapter 27

As Nathan swung the jeep into the parking lot, he could tell that Charlie was holding her breath. The anxiety of a surprise could be seen in the blue pallor of her skin.

‘Breathe,’ he interjected as he popped the lock on her seat belt. Charlie’s head swiveled towards him, and she had a tentative smile and loud exhale.

‘You know I hate surprises,’ Charlie commented as she exited the jeep, slamming its door a bit harder than she intended.

‘Sometimes, surprises are good things,’ Nathan replied as he grabbed her arm and escorted her to the front of the building.

‘Just like my parents surprised me with the idea of their divorce? How about the time you surprised me with a birthday dinner, and I was in the hospital with anaphylactic shock? Then, there was the time that Melanie surprised me with a stripper, and that guy threw up on me during the middle of a lap dance? Oh, wait! What about . . .’ Charlie was actually counting the surprises on her fingers as she spoke. She was so enthralled with the re-telling of her surprise moments that she had not paid attention to anything around her, including entering the building.

People were crowded in a small lobby area, drinks in hands while they laughing in various conversations. A few people with their cigarettes had congregated in the corner away from the others. Since it was still a small room, the smell of the smoke triggered her nicotine urge. Nathan nudged her with his elbow, and she all but sprinted over to the smoking corner.

Once she had dug the cigarettes out of her purse, a woman standing next to her offered the use of a lighter. Charlie leaned in and accepted the flame. The first puff of the cigarette would go a long way to help calm her nerves. It came back to her that she was in a cramped lobby as a part of a ‘surprise.’ Not overly social, she couldn’t bring herself to ask the people around her why they were there. Instead, she wrapped her free arm around her waist and continued to inhale her favorite vice.

Nathan spotted Charlie in her corner position. He continually looked over his shoulder as he waited for the drinks he had ordered to be made by the bartender. It was just a habit of checking up on her that got the better of him. Then, there was the whole idea that she looked hot in the outfit she had chosen. Legs longer with heels and more cleavage showing than normal. That black bra is going to be the death of me! Some guy had tried to strike up a conversation with her as she smoked, but she got that ‘yeah right’ smile and simply stopped chatting. The guy must have gotten the hint because he took another swig from his glass and moved onto the next lucky contestant in his evening’s festivities.

With drinks in hand, he squeezed through the crowd and eased up next to Charlie. She tried to move her smoking hand away from him, but the room was way too small. Instead of his normal ration of crap about her smoking, he took the cigarette from her hand and put it between his lips. He replaced the cigarette with a rum and diet soda. Taking a sip, she scrunched up her nose. Charlie then tried to get the cigarette back from Nathan, but he swatted her hand away, he determined to get a few drags off of it before she reclaimed it. Charlie eased back onto the heels of her shoes and took another drink.

‘What are we doing here?’ she asked as she eyed the other people in the crowd.

Nathan blew smoke out the side of his mouth before he answered. ‘You’ll see.’

Charlie glared at him. ‘Should we continue to run down the number of ‘surprises’ that have gone wrong in my life? I think I was up to number seven in a very long list.’ Before she could continue down that line of thinking, Charlie picked up on the sound of instruments over the chatter of the crowd. She kept tilting her head left and right, almost like a dog with a unique sound. Nathan let his gaze follow her movements, knowing she would understand the evening’s event.

Soon, Charlie began to recognize some of the chords and notes. She couldn’t place them right away, but they were definitely familiar, but still jumbled. Instinctively, she began to hum along with the music, but she just couldn’t get her mind to focus on where she had known the music. Just as she opened her mouth to ask another question, a bouncer pulled back a curtain. The crowd pushed forward towards the opening. Nathan fell into step behind her, using his body to shield her from any pushing or shoving that might ensue.

It didn’t help being in such a confined space or having the front of his body pressed against her back. He wanted nothing more than to wrap his arms around her waist as a form of protection and affection, but Charlie wasn’t at that point. Who knew if she would ever be at that point? Who knew if she liked him the same way he liked her? Lots of questions, and no answers. If his week away and many conversations with his sister Shelley had taught him anything, it was that answers would come in their own time. He couldn’t force the situation
any further than he had already. Charlie needed to make the next move.

They continued moving forward with the crowd. As soon as they were past the curtain, Nathan guided Charlie to a set of high top tables in the corner. Charlie scrambled into a chair and stared at the stage. She still had a concerned look on her face. Nathan smiled to himself as he pulled up the chair next to her and took out his phone. He pulled up Shelley’s number for a quick text message.

Nathan: Thanks sis

‘Whatcha doing?’ Charlie tried to peek over his hands to see what he was doing with his phone. Nathan chuckled and shoved the phone back in his jeans pocket. It was then that the lights in the room lowered. Charlie’s attention went back to the stage.

The lights on the stage had not come on yet. The crowd was sitting in the dark with the exception of the red exit signs and a few other security lights. Charlie caught herself actually holding her breath. What had Nathan gotten her into this time? Then, there was that music that she recognized again. This time, it was the actual beginning of a song. She knew this song. There was no mistaking it, it was the beginning of ‘Will You Remember Me?’

The lights on the stage came up, and there was her favorite singer of all time, Jann Arden. Charlie felt her own eyes begin to bug out of her head. Her mouth dropped open. She couldn’t believe she was actually looking at Jann Arden. Her head snapped to the left, Nathan wasn’t watching the stage. He had been waiting for this reaction. He had the biggest grin on his face. When he mouthed the word, surprise, Charlie returned his smile with a huge hug. Nathan dropped his head into the crook of her neck and inhaled sharply. This would be enough.

They pulled apart, and her attention moved back to the stage. Song after song played, each new song brought an enthusiastic round of clapping and yelling from Charlie. When Jann would tell stories, Charlie found herself holding her stomach because she laughed so hard. Nathan caught glimpses of her swaying to the music in her chair. She was also lip synching the words too. Occasionally, her eyes would close as she listened intently. It was a sight to watch, at times it was so engaging to watch her drift into the music. Beauty seemed to fall off this woman in waves. He was more than willing to drown in it if she would let him.

Chapter 28

At the end of the concert, Charlie stood on her feet, clapping and screaming. Her throat and hands hurt, but this was the moment of a lifetime. Her heart was pounding from the thrill of it all. She had wanted to attend a Jann Arden concert for over ten years, but there were all of the normal excuses, like not enough money or being too far away. As Jann exited the stage, Charlie threw herself at Nathan. She wrapped her arms around him again and squeezed as hard as she could. If there were ever a surprise to beat all surprises, Nathan had just pulled it off.

When Charlie finally pulled away from the hug, she was smiling so big, it looked like her face might crack. Nathan watched her eyes glisten and sparkle from the excitement of the evening. He couldn’t help but laugh out loud at the awe-struck look that swept across Charlie’s face. That was when she felt his hand on her cheek. The pad of his thumb was gently rubbing her skin. Slowly, it moved to draw the outline of her lips.

‘Surprise!’ he whispered.

Charlie threw her head back and laughed out loud. Nathan’s hand had a chance to graze the skin along her neck. He sucked in a deep breath, going through mental Olympics to keep his self control. Once she was done laughing, she threaded her hand into his and began to pull him from the club. They tripped and stumbled along with the crowd, but Charlie could have cared less. Normally, crowds of people bothered her immensely, however, at the moment she was on cloud nine. It was a wonderful drug and a high she didn’t feel like losing any time soon.

In the parking lot, she started to sound like a howler monkey on crack. She gibbered and jabbered fifty miles a minute, reliving all of her favorite parts of the concert. Nathan was focused on the fact that she was still holding his hand, their arms swinging as they walked. When they got to the jeep, he unlocked the door, and she scrambled inside. He actually became annoyed when they had to break their hand hold in order for her to get into the car. However, the annoyance didn’t stay too long as he listened to her chatter continue they drove home, Nathan could only smile at her enthusiasm and vibrancy as she turned this way and that in her seat. Hands gesturing, she still spoke faster and faster each time she came to a part of the concert that really caught her attention. There were a lot of ‘remember when’ and ‘did you hear what’ comments. Nathan simply nodded along. By the time they had reached the curb in front of the apartments, Charlie had settled down enough that she was talking at normal speed.

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by Larry Malone It was my first summer home from college. All attempts to find a summer job were without results and I was getting desperate. I needed money for gas, dates, etc. My parents were already strapped paying for college and everything else so I didn't want to ask them. Then I found a want ad in the local newspaper for “Encyclopedia Salesmen.” ( As an explanation: Hard to believe but there was a time when there weren’t any Internet, Google or electronic...

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ON THE DANCE FLOORIt was a cold and crisp Saturday night in my college town and I needed a release. Midterms had drained me and my potential fuck buddy had backed out leaving me sexually frustrated and ready to pounce on the next hottest stud with a devilish smile. I gathered up a couple of friends to head out to the so-called “it party” for the night and I could tell tonight would be eventful. I walked briskly with my friends, pulling my tight black skirt down as I walked and crossed my arms...

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Double dicking wife

Just a fantasy!This took place at a biker friend cabin in the woods.My wife is Jill ,she a bbw in her late 40s she has a set of nice big tits and big tight ass.She is shy and rather be taken than to be asked, in other words take her don't ask..which is why we hook up with Gary,Gary is a ex biker in his 60s he has big ruff hands a hairy body. His big chest is big and hairy his cuck is very large and thick, he like to fuck hard and ruff ,his motto is,,I fuck I don't make love!We arrived at his...

4 years ago
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Sexual Exploits During Fest

Hey guys, this is Aakash from Bangalore with another incident of my college days. Before starting I would like to thank all the guys who hit me up on Gmail and showed their love. All those who haven’t read my previous story, I would recommend you do. This story is about how I finally got to fuck my ex-gf Neelima and also cheated on her the very next day with a classmate. So let’s get to it. After my first time with her, I was regularly fucking Vaidehi behind my gf’s back, whenever I went to...

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An erotic encounter

I once had the most erotic encounter. I had been infatuated with a girl who lived down my street, when I was about 18 or 19. She was hot. And she knew it. She wore outfits that were revealing, that flowed over her exaggerated curves, her youthful breasts lightly swaying when she walked with the fabric bristling and sneaking glances of her porcelain skin, her firm butt twitching a her hips swayed and the light breeze blowing her dress against her mons pubis to reveal a smooth and sexy outline....

4 years ago
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Druids Ordeal Chapter 2

by E.Y. Toad It is day seven of my captivity at the top of Arch Druid Kelmane's tower. I have still not seen Kelmane or left this room since I was brought here against my will. Twice a day, one of Kelmane's servants brings food and refills the water bucket I use for washing, and a pitcher of drinking water. He also replaces the bucket that I use for... other purposes, with a clean one. I have been trying to befriend this servant. He is a a small, stocky man, and quite grotesque. I am...

2 years ago
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Fucking Her

Fucking HerBy: Londebaaz ChohanWhenever traveling, she preferred to wear Lycra like jeans that stretched and moved with her. Car AC was running full blast and the light green shirt was rubbing on her already hardened nipples due to the cold air. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Rounding a sharp corner, the car made a very strange noise and the engine died suddenly. She pulled it to the shoulder with great difficulty and took out her cell phone; only to find that she was in the wilderness and...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess7e10 Nicola Colback 28

We fade in on a young couple in a large and busy shopping mall. They walk along, her holding his arm, almost hanging off it. Clearly a very close pair. She is slim, and pale (almost as white as a ghost) and very, very blonde – her hair straight, swept across her face, and hanging down over her shoulders. The face itself is pleasant without being sexy. Certainly not unattractive, but her jaw and nose are perhaps a little ‘strong’. She wears a black leather jacket, zipped right up, and blue...

1 year ago
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2ChicksSameTime Chanell Heart Lacey London 22419

What would you do if you walked in on your girl having sex … with another girl? It’s quite the conundrum for Johnny, who finds his babe Chanell Heart gettin’ all lickety-split with their neighbor, Lacey London. It’s a surprise for Johnny, but he turns it into a pleasant one at that, as he sits to watch the ebony beauties bathe in each others’ tongues. But it’s only a matter of time before Johnny’s invited to join in on the fun, so the trio moves upstairs to the bedroom for a little...

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622019 The unbelivable morning I finally fucked

My To start with let me take you back in time to 2003 I was not well on a very hot day and sixteen years old hormones running wild. So my Mother allowed me to stay home From college so I was very I'll on the sofa and the door knocks!It's mother's friend Toni (Total Milf)in she walks this fifty-something year old wearing her usual leopard skin shorts her black leather boots and her white T-shirt with black bra her make up on amazingly as she was once a makeup artist.She sits on the single chair...

3 years ago
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Lost at Sea Book 1 Where Theres a Will chapter 6

This kiss was different. The first had been a question. This one was a demand. It was hungry. Not overly aggressive, but fierce with desire. Janie moaned into his mouth and one of his hands found the back of her neck and gripped a little harder than he probably should have. Her fingers were twined in his hair again. After a brief eternity their lips parted and their foreheads came together to rest on each other.“Wow,” Will said faintly. Janie nodded against his head. She was suddenly aware of...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Truck Stop Fun

Introduction: Fantasy Only Trucker meets young boy at truck stop Truck Stop Fun He dropped me off at the truck stop and told me to go and make some money so we could keep the room we were now living in. Shaking and afraid I walked slowly into the men bathroom with me head held down. I bumped into a guy coming out of a stall and he ask me if I was okay. I said yes, but Im a little hungry and I dont have any money. Well maybe I can help you out if you can do a little favor for me. What is your...

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Wife at Work

Sarah my wife came home in a funny mood last week !! She has been doing an extra job office cleaning for holiday money. The office is very modern, and they have lots of external meetings into the evening. On that day she had been unable to do the conference office as a group was late She had walked in and found them [ about 8 men ] still in meeting, this was met with whistles and cat calls lol So any way she later told me she had got on with the general area cleaning Oh I need to add what she...

Group Sex
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Boyfriend Ne Virginity Todi Ek Dost Ke Flat Pe

Hi all, this is Sneha, I am from Delhi. Main ek MNC BPO mein Gurgaon mein kaam karti hoon. Meri age 23 hai or figure 34 30 34 hai, or meri company ke sare employees’ mujhe galat najro se dekhte hai. Yeh meri ISS pe pehli story hai isliye aapsab logo se request karti hoon ki please jayada se jayada comment kijiye or padhiye. Abhi story pe aate hai, story aaj se 3 mahine pehle ki hai, mere bf ne mujhe ek mall mein bulaya bola surprize hai, main chali gayi, waha ek competition chal raha tha ki...

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The Hucow Database

The Hucow database is a CPU hard-drive that details the entire process of a world's conversion of its entire female population into humanoid livestock. It includes: Instructions on how to implement the Hucow conversion process including blueprints and facilities necessary to begin conversion as well as the funds to do so. Information on the varying forms of livestock and pets (such as ponygirls for pulling carts, cowgirls for breeding and milk production, and as Nekos (cat-girls) for keeping...

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Experimenting In Lesson

First time writing, so all comments appreciated! ^_^ Balls of paper flew around the classroom, narrowly avoiding Jack’s face before pelting the class nerd Sophie in the back of the head. The 16 year old girl’s eyes began to well up, as she charged out of the room, despite the frustrated cries of the tormented substitute teacher at the front of the room. ‘Dammit Tom! I told you to sit down and stop throwing things!’ Miss Smith moaned, as the group of boys at the back of the classroom burst into...

2 years ago
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P is for Paint

Paul Peters. It was a hell of a name for kid growing up. He'd been teased unmercifully because of it. "P.P." followed by jeers, laughter and a lot of finger pointing. Not to mention bullies who shoved him into school lockers or knocked his books out of his hands. He'd fought back of course, several times, but all the good it did him was to land him in detention more often than not. And because of it, he learned to draw. With nothing better to do than just sit there, he drew, sketched, and...

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Destined to serve

It was my eighteenth birthday, and I spent it the usualway, performing tasks about my father's inn. I gave littlethought to celebration on this day, but I hoped in my heartfor some kindly recognition, perhaps a simple acknowledgmentof all my hard work. As usual, the only acknowledgment Ireceived was from the horny patrons of the inn's tavern as Iattempted to keep their mugs filled with ale.I am slight, and pale, but my features are boyishlyattractive and pleasing to the eye. My youthful...

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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 20 Brace For Impact

August 27, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio “Tasha,” I said gently, “you made me promise to keep you pure until we were married, or at least betrothed, no matter what you said! In other words, you made me promise not to do it even if you changed your mind! And I made that promise!” “I can’t change my mind?” “You were very clear that I was responsible for you NOT doing that.” “But isn’t that up to me?” I nodded, “As an adult, in charge of her own decisions, it is. But you extracted that promise...

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Michelles StoryChapter 5

Rodney returned from Geneva to the sight of his beautiful wife. Michelle met him at the airport and the couple was quickly taken to a very nice house by one of Sarge's guards. Sarge had informed Rodney that he would reside in the house during the time he worked in the country. The news made Rodney very happy because he assumed his wife would be staying with him in the quaint residence, which was only a short distance from Sarge's home. The couple continued to hug and caress long after...

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High School reunion3

Logan maybe, he was at least smart enough to get good grades, Devon, on the other hand, was a complete tool and an absolute idiot. Unless he made it to the NFL, which he didn’t, there’s no way he achieved anything with his life. But it’s Logan I want to show up. He always went out of his way to put me down. He tried to act so manly, but honestly, his voice sounded so girly. I’m surprised Devon didn’t give him shit for it. Even though he was shorter than me, being the state champion in...

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One Special Day CAW8

Then she heard a car pull up, and the door close. There standing at the gate was Peter. Their eyes met as he opened the gate and stepped through. Her heart was beating hard as she set her cup down on the counter and stepped out the door. She was in his arms and held tight. "You are beautiful my Kat." He whispered. "Dreaming of this is nothing like being here." He said as his lips brushed her cheek. His fingers ran through her hair as he watched the sun light sparkle through...

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Valentine8217s Day Movie Changed Romantic Views 8211 Part 2

Hi, fans, most of you must have read about my real-life experiences with the Muslim tailor and my neighbour. If you haven’t read it, you can I had received many emails. Some of them are from girls/women who have confided in me (being a woman myself). They have told me their experiences and wanted me to post them. You can read one such story After the movie interval. So, here is the second part of the story, which happened after the interval. You can read the first part from...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 425 Racial Tensions

Since the restaurant was empty, except for our group, I got them all together and said, “In the last few months, I’ve had girls of different colors and races asking me if I minded them hanging out or doing things with me because I was white. Twice since I started being your shuttle bus driver on this trip, I have heard people attacking Wally’s heritage for being Cherokee and Shoshone. You can sit here to say you are Asian-American, African American, Unicorn-American, Marshmallow-American,...

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Prurient ParishionersChapter 19 Rescuing Anita

George Smart and Deacon Robert Ramsay neglected an important factor in their dissolute business and one of the subjects of their discussions was making some arrangements of her own. Rita Gonzales had been terribly distressed by her employer's actions. She had known when she went to the hotel room with him that he was going to take advantage of her. When he kissed her down below however, she fell in love with him. It had been tremendously exciting and she was sure that none of the macho guys...

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Here pussy pussy pussycat

One moment I was walking down the Strand at about 3 o’clock, just past Charing Cross Station, when it hit. What “it” was, I have no idea, and all I remember was a light, brighter than anything I had ever seen before, which just burst and surrounded me. Then nothing, just nothing, it was like my mind had frozen, I could see nothing, hear nothing, and think of nothing, though somehow I was aware of the inner me. Time passed, or at least I thought it did, until then with joy, I found I could see....

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A Golden Haired Trap

Hi Folks, I am look for Cds, FemBois, Sissies, and Gay Feminine EMOs to PM with. Please check out my page enjoy all the many vids and photos I have (be sure to click "My Favorites in the phot section, then also click see all)Read my "About Me" carefully If you like what I say there, then Please send me an invite and the PM I ask for thereLooking forward to people who invite after reading my "About Me"Here goes Once again this story was written for a friendLast...

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The Addictions of Mature Swapping Part 2

So three days have passed since my hot sexy mature wife Trisha was swapped by Tom & Shelly. I thought my hard Italian dick pounding her pussy for 15 to 20 minutes was pretty good, however Tom fucked her hard, fast and deep for close to an hour. It was a complete turn on to see that hot little size 4 bouncing up a down another man's hard cock, listening to her scream, FUCK ME, FUCK ME like a slut. He was able to cum in her pussy three times and just when I thought he was done he rolled her...

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That Night

We met them three years ago. A chance message on a website to a faceless, nameless couple. The usual banter back and forth using the typed word. Luckily I could type and was able to keep them interested with conversation. After several months of conversation and an exchange of as we found out later to be outdated pictures, a meeting was set. I remember the rain that evening as we drove to the meeting place, a nice restaurant in a neutral town. We parked and waited in the car as we had left far...

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Sister help

Rohit is a software engineer.He is 28 average looking guy with 6 feet height and married with gorgeous fair lady Sonam, who is 26,for 2 months.This couple always tried something new. "oh I m going to cum right now, leave it sonu ,please",orders Rohit who was lying on his back on his bed and Sonam was sucking his cock in 8:30 morning.Rohit was moaning louder and louder.Sonam left him cumming in her mouth licking all of his cum."I was going to fuck u",Rohit.Sonam "It is 8:30,you have to go office...

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Moving to a Retirement Community

Chapter 9 Rob and I retired to my bedroom where we sat on each side of the bed and began to undress. I looked over at him and he was bent over taking off his shoes an socks and his shirt was riding up his back, exposing the top of his butt crack to me. I decided to hold my judgement until I saw him completely naked, so I turned around and continued getting my things off as well. Once I was finished I turned and saw him lie back on the bed, his cock resting on his belly. From what I could...

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My Very Large Girlfriend Part III

My Very Large Girlfriend, Part III By Sandy Brown It was the first time I had woken up in a bedroom other than my own in a long time. It took me a second to get oriented, especially since I was wearing a baby doll nightie. Pam was no longer in the bed. She was busy making us breakfast. I had a moment alone to ponder my situation. It was pretty clear that Pam had a very strong maternal instinct, and at least for the moment, no place to channel that instinct, other than towards...

4 years ago
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Better Alive Than DeadChapter 2 Departure

Jack awoke to the pleasurable feeling of fellatio. As he opened his eyes he saw Quillé already working hungrily on his cock. The petite goddess was sucking long and deep, while grinding herself against his leg, leaving wet trails on his shin. Jack couldn’t help but smile. Is it me or is she like this with everybody? Looking at the time on his bionic lenses he saw that he had slept for eight hours. Fuck. This was going to be an expensive visit. However, he paid by every commenced hour, and...

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