Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
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Why in the world had he taken a job teaching at this shitty high school? Oh that’s right, his unit had been called up for Iraq, he’d come home eight months later and he didn’t have a job any more. His fucked up former employer had used some legal loop hole to, ‘eliminate his former position’. He’d talked to the JAG officer, he wasn’t in a union or a non-exempt, he was classified as management. Shit out of luck. There was nothing they could or would do. Everyone thought that employers had to hold a job for a service member called back to active duty and sent off to a combat zone but many were using gaps in the laws to fuck folks like him in the military.
Let’s see, what other good shit had happened while he was in that fucked up cesspool of a country with those fucking sand rats trying to blow his ass up night and day? He’d had to sell his nice car, he couldn’t afford it anymore on military pay. His rent controlled apartment, which he wasn’t allowed to sublet? Gone. His girl friend, correction, fiancée? The absolute love of his life? She’d dumped him and moved, leaving no forwarding address. She’d also cleaned out their joint account, stolen most of his furniture and fucked up his credit rating by running up his credit card. The only part of that little bitch he would miss would be…well, her cunt…and of course her mouth…and she did love it up the butt. Semper Fi, mother-fucker, Semper fuckin’ Fi.
Fortunately his dad had gotten in touch with him and told him what was going on in time for him to take her name off of the other accounts or cancel them. He’d saved a little money in Iraq in an account that she couldn’t get access to. He still had a little in his 401K and some stocks that she couldn’t get her grimy little hands on.
He paid off the damn credit card and after several letters back and forth, seemed to have gotten his credit rating back on track. He’d taken this crappy job because he needed to have some cash flow. Let’s see, the previous year he’d made over eighty-grand. In the military, that had quickly dropped to around forty, he was doing just slightly worse than that as a teacher.
Decent jobs were damned hard to find in this depressed part of the Midwestern rust belt. He had to thank his mom who had been a school teacher for over forty years for demanding that he get a teacher’s certificate along with his business degree. It had been a pain in the ass carrying a double major. His student teaching in a broken down urban school like this one had convinced him he never wanted to set foot in the public school system again. Still, dear old mom had been right. You could always find a teaching job.
He’d registered with the county’s school administration on a Monday and provided them with his credentials. He had to go through a finger printing and a criminal back ground check. In spite of their inefficiency, thanks to the computer age, they’d cleared him to teach by the end of business on Wednesday. He had six calls to come in for interviews by noon on Thursday. Teachers got sick, took early retirement or just got fed up and quit. He was certified in secondary education and had the course requirements to teach math and science. With an MBA concentrated in accounting he could also have taught business, which was pretty much a complete joke in a public high school.
The schools that contacted him were so desperate they would have let him teach anything and legally could have done so, at least through the end of the year. Hell, half the teachers they had weren’t course qualified and a quarter weren’t even certified. Why had he picked this one?
The principal was an absolute bitch but she seemed to run a pretty tight ship. The assistant administrator who would be over him, a large and rather imposing woman who was, he was sure, unquestionably gay, had served in the Army as an MP. He soon learned that all of the other teachers were scared to death of her but he had hit it off with her on first meeting. Disciplinary problems were common at this school and a strong, no nonsense assistant administrator to back you up was essential.
The Instructional Lead teacher, Ms. Linder, Carol he seemed to recall, was really sharp, very candid about the problems the school faced and a hot, tall, no nonsense blond that made his dick twitch. With the door closed in her office, she had a nasty little mouth, with, ‘fucked up’ being one of her favorite expressions. He’d been quite taken by her, even smitten, and he thought there was a hint of interest on her part. He’d seriously planned to work on getting in her pants but she quit three weeks after he started to take a job one county over in a far better school system. Rumor had it that she was also getting married. If he didn’t find something better and had to teach for another year, he was already on the waiting list over in the other county.
Unofficially there was an opening expected due to a planned retirement in a nice suburban, middle class school with kids that wanted to learn and parents that gave a shit and were involved. His academic credentials were stellar, he had graduated from a top state university with honors and to his surprise, that county had a policy of giving veterans preference and veterans who had served in combat special preference. They paid a hell of a lot better, far above the state minimum and would also give him credit for his reserve and active duty military service toward pay increases and starting pay.
It wouldn’t come close to what he had been making in the private sector. Forty-five for nine months work was the same as sixty for twelve months work. Even with the hours any good teacher spends before and after school in preparation and administration, it would be less than the hours he used to put in at his previous job. During the summer he might go back to school for another degree, teach summer school, take a construction job or whatever. He hadn’t decided. If he decided to work over the summers he’d damned near be back where he was.
The only real problem was that he fucking hated it. He had to drag his ass out of bed every morning to come to this shit hole. His nights were spent grading half-completed homework and trying to put together decent lesson plans. By nine he’d finished off a six pack and fallen asleep on the couch in the crappy little apartment he was renting on a short term lease. It was the only thing he could find that didn’t require a one year lease and he had no fucking intention of still living in this worthless town one day after the school year ended. He didn’t really have any friends here. His friends from high school who had gone off to college never came back. The ones who had not gone away to school had stayed in the God forsaken town. The factory jobs they had depended on had dried up. Most were losers on welfare…or worse.
His sex life…he had none, other than his left hand…he’d never figured out how to jerk of with his right hand. He’d had nightmares in Iraq about losing his left hand and never being able to beat off again. There were a couple of young teachers that were certainly doable but there weren’t a lot of opportunities to strike up a friendship during the school day and most people ran for the exits as soon as the final bell sounded. No teacher in his right mind fucked around with students and even in that department there were only two he saw in a six period day that made his dick rise.
There was one, a really bright and absolutely stunning senior that he certainly planned to keep track of…maybe look her up down the road. She was one of the few in this school going on to college. She had a scholarship and was going to a damned fine school miles from this dump. She was nineteen and he was twenty-eight…not completely out of reason.
The apartment complex he lived in attracted mostly transients due to its month to month lease. He was pretty sure there were entire small families living in the same sort of two room dumps like the one he occupied. A couple of little hotties i
n town to open up some new chain fitness center gave him the eye one night. He was just about to invite them upstairs for a drink when he saw them kissing as they got out of their car. He’d gone out with an old friend who he’d known from high school and met a pretty hot little blond in a bar one night, but she wanted more than a one night fuck fest, so he passed.
So why had he picked this school? The hard nosed principal, the tough no bullshit assistant administrator, the really neat and damned cute IL teacher who was now long gone and the fact that this school actually needed someone to teach Math and Science.
Thanks to the departed IL, he also had one plum, one decent class to teach each day. After early mornings breaking up fights in the gym, lunch duty breaking up fights in the cafeteria, one ‘free’ period which was never really free since he had work sheets to copy or students to meet with or hall duty or whatever, combined with five mind numbing periods during which maintaining a modicum of order was job one, he had his last period of the day.
They’d tried to take it away from him. That cunt principal had tried to take it away from him.
‘They’re really bright, they’ll do fine with a teacher who is not as qualified, but you have a knack for dealing with the hard cases and…’
He was one of the few teachers that knew how to control a classroom full of these little bastards, another teacher had been assaulted and quit and they wanted to replace his favorite class…his only decent class…with a high school special ed class full of felons with severe problems. Hell, there were felons in most of his classes, but the one they wanted him to take was all felons and most of them involved a weapon.
‘No. I’ll take one of those felon classes for you, but it has to be one of my others that you take away from me. Seventh period is the only thing that gets me to come back here each morning. If you’re really set on it, I’ll resign right here and now. I accepted this position over other opportunities in the county partly as a result of being able to teach that class. I also believed you were the most competent principal I interviewed with and I love my assistant principal to death. But seventh period is the carrot your departed IL offered me which made me decide to teach here. There’s a month left in the school year, you can find some retired cop or former drill instructor to baby sit that group of sociopaths’
So he’d stroked her a little, but combat gives you that special look that says, I’m not bluffing, bitch. She knew he meant it.
‘Are you going to be reapplying here for next year?’
‘Not if I can help it.’
‘You’re very good at this, Mr. Thompson. Kids that I honestly believed were incapable of learning are learning in your classes. Ms. Marble tells me she never has to handle any discipline problems for you. You give them that 1,000 yard stare—is that what you call it? Anyway, they behave for you. My little spies come forward and tell me you’re the best damned teacher they’ve ever had…they can’t wait to get to your class. This is a tough school, it’s a school that needs good tough teachers—like you.’
‘Mrs. Stewart, I’m flattered, it’s nice to know that I’m getting through to some of them. For the first six weeks I was challenged, energized, excited and terribly idealistic. Now I’m just tired and depressed and spending far too much of my paycheck on cheap beer. My military training is the only thing that gets my butt out of bed and in here each morning, plus I need the paycheck to buy more cheap beer. I don’t even know if I want to stay in teaching but if I do, I want to teach, not maintain order.’
‘Sadly, I hear pretty much the same perspective all too often. You can keep your seventh period class. I’m going to have to hire a sub for the seventh period class I have a problem with. It’s going to be across the hall from you. If you could stick your head in every now and again, it would be much appreciated.’
‘I’ll be glad to help in any way I can…and, thank you.’
‘No, thank you, Mr. Thompson.’
Two weeks before the end of the school year he got a call from the other school, the one in the next county wanting him to come in for a real interview. Baring a complete fuck up, he was in. The teacher in place had notified the school that he planned to retire. Rob had informed them that he had a full teaching schedule and couldn’t come over during the day and that it was a good thirty minute drive. Not to worry, his situation was typical, so they would be conducting the interview process after school, just get his butt over there as soon as possible after school the following Monday.
That Monday as his seventh period was coming to a close it occurred to him that he would miss these kids.
‘Are you coming back here next year, Mr. Thompson?’
‘What do you care, Rachel, you’re going to be off at Georgia Tech on a full scholarship probably cheering for your team to win the national championship and waving pom-poms?’
‘Didn’t you hear, Rachel? They’re not going to offer this class next year. The class has already gotten too small for county standards and not enough juniors are interested in…or qualified for…an advanced, honors, college level math course. A lot of the other AP classes are going to be dropped, also.’ said Maria, another of his delightfully bright students.
He was sure it was more than rumor. Most of his classes had over thirty-five students, this one had twelve. There was only one other teacher who was even qualified to teach it, a delightfully irreverent Nigerian who had retired from the Navy and had a friggin’ doctorate in math. The two men had become good friends, sharing their irreverence over lunch but he had hinted that he too needed to move on.
He would miss this class. They all had outrageously high SAT scores—particularly in math. They never goofed off or tried to get away with something. They all had first class minds and gave him hope that there actually would be bright people in leadership positions in the future. There were eight girls and four boys. Two of the boys were Asian, one was Indian and one was just a teacher’s kid. Three of the eight girls were Asian, two were Pakistani and the other three, well, they were just terribly bright, amazingly mature, unreasonably long legged and devastatingly cute examples of good old fashioned, ‘marry and take home to meet your mother’ Midwestern young womanhood.
Those three, well they certainly provided him with more than a couple of late night fantasies. If, heaven forbid, he should run into any of the three two years down the road…two years was actually written into the state law…He’d hit on them in a New York minute. Hell, he’d probably propose. And while he wouldn’t think of flirting with a high school girl, he felt confident that under different circumstances, any of the three would have been interested.
‘Okay, let’s get back to work. No, I don’t plan to be back here next year. I’m applying for another teaching job in another county. If it works out well, I may stay in teaching, if not, I don’t know right now what I’ll be doing.’
A few minutes later as the class was deeply engrossed in what could only be called a near grad school level discussion of probability theory, sweet Rachel’s eyes told him a visitor had slipped into the room. It was Mrs. Stewart, the principal.
Acknowledging her presence, he instructed the class to come to a conclusion and present it as soon as he got back and went out into the hall with Mrs. Stewart.
‘I apologize for keeping you waiting, we get very engrossed in these discussions and I didn’t even see you slip in.’
‘No apology required, I actually minored in math and remember enough to know that you’ve got those kids thinking way beyond a high school or even college freshman level. I don’t want to take you away from them a minute longer than necessary. We discussed the fact that you’re probably not comin
g back next year. You’ve probably heard that your AP math class is dead. In any event, I have spies everywhere…even in other counties. I know where you’re going to be after school. I want to give you this. It’s a letter of recommendation, a damned good one, if I do say so myself. I wrote it, but all of the assistant administrators also wanted to write addendums, which they did. We’ll miss you here but where you’re going, well, let’s just say you’ll be, I believe, happy. I hope you end up going home each day and drinking less cheap beer, but more than anything, I hope you get excited again and choose to stay in teaching. You’re very, very good at this…please don’t give it up. You were born to teach. Thank you. You need to go change before your interview, you’re covered in chalk dust. Get out of here! I’ll finish up your class…I’m dying to hear their conclusion!’
And to his complete shock, she gave him a hug. The old bitch gave him a hug. And he hugged her back.
Relieved to have a few extra minutes, he rushed to his shitty apartment to shave, give himself a quick wipe down and change into his best suit. He walked into the administrative office of what he hoped would be his new school just at four o’clock and introduced himself.
‘Mr. Thompson, welcome to Hillcrest! I’m Becky, the school secretary—you made great time. Mr. Stanley will see you first, he’s our principal, he’s just finishing up with a parent conference and will be with you shortly. Please have a seat, there’s coffee, soft drinks and water in the corner.’
He watched people come and go, they were all smiling. They moved with purpose, they acknowledged each other. Before he had a chance to even look at his letter of recommendation, a man came out of any office guiding two parents, who were also smiling toward the door. It was if they were really good friends. He stood as the man turned, saw him, smiled and extended his hand.
‘Greg Stanley! You must be Rob Thompson! Welcome! Come on back!
‘Mr. Stanley, my pleasure.’
‘Please call me Greg, we’re very informal here once the kids go home.’
The office was warm, comfortable and friendly…and alien from where he had just come. Greg Stanley got right down to business as he indicated that Rob should sit on the sofa in front of his desk and joined him there.
‘So, Rob, how’d you get into teaching?’
‘Well, Greg, the short answer is, I needed a job.’
And he then proceeded to give him the long version, to include his mom making him get a teacher’s certificate and the loss of his job, apartment, car and fiancée while in Iraq. He told him about his current job, he told him about his AP math class. He told him that he had lost his enthusiasm. He wasn’t negative or dour, he just didn’t pull any punches.
‘Greg, if you choose to hire me, I assure you I’ll complete my contract but I can’t guarantee you that I’ll come back the following year. I enjoy the teaching part, I suppose in one form or another teaching is what I did in my private sector job—I was in sales— and certainly an integral part of what I did in the military. But I can’t go home every night feeling as if I didn’t accomplish much, and other than my AP class and a few bright moments in which I knew I’d gotten through…well…’
‘Rob, I’ve sat in this chair for almost fifteen years interviewing prospective teachers and I’ve heard every bull shit ‘educationese’ fairy tale answer you can imagine to the question of why someone became a teacher or why they want to be a teacher. Yours is without a doubt the most candid and brutally honest one I’ve ever listened to. I’m going to tell you something. First, thank you—you made my damned day! But more important, hell, you’re well over the hump! Why do some of these young people that waltz in here become teachers? Well, for one thing they’re naïve, idealistic simpletons who haven’t got a clue what managing a classroom is all about. Second, they shunned the academic rigor of a real education and got a damned Ed degree—because we’re so desperate for teachers in this country that we’ve watered down the curriculum. Third, they think it’s going to be easy, you know, short hours, nine months work, a union to protect them and no real need to compete.’
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FemaleThis is a transcript of an interview for a FemDom magazine with Carol M, a twentythree year old female, born in the United Kingdom but now residing near Sarasotain Florida where she is employed conducting research into renewable formsof energy, particularly wave energy. She resides with a nineteen-year-old male named Paul, although their relationshipis somewhat unusual. Interviewer; ?Thank you for talking with me today. I understand youwere born and educated in England but now reside in...
"Man, would I ever like to fuck that!" I was standing next to him at the bar and I turned to see who he was looking at. Couldn't blame him when I saw where he was looking; she was tall, well built and blonde and easily the best looking woman in the place that night. She was also the biggest slut. What the man next to me didn't know was that he could fuck her if he really wanted to; all he had to do was walk up to her and ask. If he didn't have bad breath (Carol was hell on bad breath)...
“Are you going to have your second orgasm this afternoon for me? “You were masturbating like a madman while he was fucking me. “Did watching me take eleven-inches turn you on? “It obviously did because you didn’t last long at all. “And he was watching you while he was fucking me. “While I was having his eleven-inch cock watching you masturbate turned me on even more. “And the noise you made when you came was very exciting for all of us. “I know I promised he could give you blow job...
I met my wife, Carol, at work. We were both junior software engineers and worked with a number of eccentric people who had open opinions about everything. We worked outrageous hours, evenings, weekends, holidays, etc. The company encouraged a social atmosphere. Everyone was very welcoming. In my first week at work, Carol came to my cubicle and introduced herself. She was stunning - blue eyes, long lush brunette hair, firm breasts and ass, a body to lust after. She sat on the edge of my...
Exhibitionism“Are you going to have your second orgasm this afternoon for me? “You were masturbating like a madman while he was fucking me. “Did watching me take eleven-inches turn you on? “It obviously did because you didn’t last long at all. “And he was watching you while he was fucking me. “While I was having his eleven-inch cock watching you masturbate turned me on even more. “And the noise you made when you came was very exciting for all of us. “I know I promised he could give you blow job...
Carol struggled with the Christmas tree that Miss. Collins paid her ten dollars to tie it on top of the car for her. Carol was so happy for it meant she would be able to eat a hot meal tonight. She lifted the six-foot tree over her head when suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her chest and left arm that knocked her to the ground, her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Miss. Collins called 911 on her cell phone while a young girl laid Carol’s head on her lap instead of the rocky ground. ...
“Well I am glad that you two finally did it “Lee said “ see Carol I told you that you would like him. Are you two ready for breakfast or shall I wait a bit”,Lee said then stood up and walked to the door. She turned around seeing Carol go back to my cock then chuckled”well the coffee is hot too. I will wait until you two come out to start breakfast”she said blowing me a kiss. Carol took her mouth off of my cock long enough to say “I love that woman” then continued to finish what she had...
(((((Re-written))))) It was the Christmas after my visit (related in Hotel Antics) to Jason’s fraternity that he came to stay with me at my Charleston hotel for the holidays. Jason's biological mother had moved on after divorcing his dad and had another husband, chi*dren and life four states away. Except for the occasional call and a card on his birthday she pretty much ignored that she had a son in South Carolina. With his dad and both sets of grandparents dead, so far as anyone knew it was...
Please read Part one of this story to get the background.Can be found here. you like it, please comment, I'm still a novice writer and feedback is always helpful, and makes me want to write more!!Part 2.Rob looked fondly at the sleeping form cuddled next to him, the soft white sheet covered most of the delicate creamy flesh, but it did show a creamy white breast, the soft pink nipple resting against his ribs.With his free hand, Rob reached...
Note from Author: It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything. This story is a relatively long romance story about the blossoming of love between two unlikely characters. There is sex in it but if that’s all you want look in the latter pages. I hope you like the story, I’ve lived vicariously through it while writing it. If you like it or not please let me know. As always this is a work of fiction, any similarity to any persons is purely coincidental and this story is intended for adults, and...
She was now the captain of the 39 foot sailboat named “Crossbones” on Lake Erie. For years she and her husband had raced the boat in the many regattas that were held there. He’d had the boat when they married and their honeymoon was a 10 day voyage to Lake Huron. They’d sailed naked and screwed out in the middle of the lake as well as every other chance they got. But cancer got him and she was now left with the memories and the boat. To play along with the boat name, her husband had gotten...
Rob stretched his arms above his head and twisted his body to get the kinks out of his back while looking out the window of his bedroom. It was early morning in the city of Sundsvall in Sweden. Located about six hours north of the capital of Stockholm by car it was what Rob considered a town, not a city. Being from Chicago, anything with less than five million people was a town or village to him. It had taken him a month to get used to his new environments and the darkness that held the city...
MatureIntroduction: Carol loves to have sex. In the back of a cab….. Carol in Mexico Carol is 39 and holding. Her ex bought her a pair of C cups that are perfect for her slim frame. Nature gave her marvelous legs, she keeps them firm and slim. Blue eyes and a pleasant face dont tell the real story, though. This is a story about one week in the best sex year of my life. After my divorce I went from 20 years of what Carol called housewife sex to the hottest girl I had ever had. Carol didnt just like...
You may want to read our previous post on the preparations for our summer cruise and our first swinging encounter for this all to make sense. To summarise we met Rob and Deb whilst out shopping and ended up having a great evening of sex with them.We kept in contact with Rob and Deb after our encounter and respective cruise holidays, we spoke about meeting up around Christmas for a weekend in the country however that didn’t happen. Sue and I were both back at work full time and weekends seemed...
The first time I played with a girl was with my best friend Carol. I had just got my first bra and I had to show it to her. I pulled up my shirt and she began to look me over then put her hand inside my bra and feel my tits. Then she pulled up her shirt and asked if I wanted to touch her tits. We began rubbing each others tits and feeling our nipples get hard. It did not take long till we had our shirts off and was sucking each other like babies nursing. Every time she sucked my nipple I got a...
When she listened to her heart, she knew her marriage was solid, the family would be all right. Listening to her head, however, happened far more often, and she was sure all was tearing itself apart, never to be mended. It wasn't just she missed Harry, although his absence was a hole in her sense of self, and her sense of the family. There was so much tension, so much fear, so much anger ... no one was who they should be anymore. Except for Rachel. The arrival of Eddie's little sister...
I Love All Black Gangbangs Story For Moni Moni And Carols Vacation By: Me Written on January 20th, 2013 Nice fantasy from a friend Moni and her friend Carol had decided to go on a girls only vacation to Jamaica with some resistance from the husbands. They said they would be fine at a resort what can happen there. They left for Jamaica in march still be cold in Canada the girls were looking forward to some sun and beach. They arrived in Kingston and were bused away to the resort. looks like a...
Rob and Sarah considered themselves a typical American professional couple. Both worked in America at the start of this tale. They lived in what might be described by an Englishman, in typical American, white, suburbia. Lawns, gardens, driveways, spacious homes, spaciously apart, professional mediocrity where life changes little. Everybody is polite and superficially neighbourly. They had seen very few Black Americans. They considered themselves educated, and sophisticated. Americans who knew...
The next morning as Rob Taylor sat in the coffee shop, Azmat came up to him and said "Hello Mr. Taylor."The 39 year old British technician looked up, his hazel brown eyes showing his pleasant surprise to see her; she usually was part of the afternoon shift in the coffee shop."Hello there" He said with a big smile and a sparkle in his eye"You're here early today"Azmat made a fuss of straightening the tableware and replied "Shift change. I am on early duty for the next month."Azmat stood beside...
191 Avis a night out with les carol With my black lover Jerry back home, my friend Carol decided we needed a ladies’ night out and said she would take me to a private place she knew that catered to alternative lifestyle people. I again put on a sheer black blouse, no bra so that my tits could be seen, see through black skirt showing off my panties and garter belt that held up my black stockings and my 6” open toed ankle strap stiletto heels that I loved so much. Carol dressed in a similar...
Carol is 39 and holding. Her ex bought her a pair of ‘C’ cups that are perfect for her slim frame. Nature gave her marvelous legs; she keeps them firm and slim. Blue eyes and a pleasant face don’t tell the real story, though. This is a story about one week in the best sex year of my life. After my divorce I went from 20 years of what Carol called ‘housewife’ sex to the hottest girl I had ever had. Carol didn’t just like sex. She needed it. If we missed a couple of days she would rub...
"Hi there , you must be Carol" , I was pleasantly surprised.My best buddy had set me up on this blind , double date with his new wife and him , and carol.I love big tits and curvy girls with big asses who's body wobbles when pounding them so Carol is tottaly 'not my type'.She was beautiful, with long straight blonde hair hanging to her waist , big 'doe like' eyes , supple lips , a white even smile but.... she was tiny.Not only was she under 5 foot tall , but she was thin and seemed flat...
I have had a long sexual relationship with Lee, a woman 15 years older than I. Me being just 50 and in a soured relationship with someone else Lee filled the void. Sex was what Lee wanted with me and was always happy to see me when ever I dropped by. Lee in her younger years was a prostitute but as the years went on so did her activities with the men. When I came along she had already given up and had begun to think she wasn’t attractive any more. But I changed that because to me she was...
Part 1.Rob had nothing but admiration for this girl. The fact she was his daughter made little difference. He gazed upon her with love in his eyes.She had suffered many tragedies in her short life, many were shared with Rob, yet, she still smiled everyday. She'd grown up happy, in good health, with loving parents. Rob and Claire had been married since they were sixteen. They bore two c***dren, two years apart. Eddie was the elder, Summer the younger.The first tragedy struck when Eddie was...
Me and Rob was hanging out at our apartment. Linda was getting ready for a girls night out with her BFF Stacy. Linda came out in a black dress, it went down to her knees. Spaghetti straps, no bra.Linda came over to me, straddle me and whisper in my ear. She said, I shaved my pubic hair off and I’m not wearing any panties. I started nibbling on her neck. She said, Tonight. She got off of me and said by, and said by to Rob too.It was getting late and the fight we were watching was over. Linda...
Until quite recently, when I related it to someone else on this site, I'd never ever told anyone about this experience, that I had many years ago, so it's a bit of a first. I was probably about fifteen or sixteen, at the time, but I'm pretty sure I was still at school when it happened. I was going out with a girl called Carol (not Barry's sister who I'd mentioned in another of my reminisces) who was about the same age as me if not a little younger but quite advanced sexually for her age and was...
I have hooked up with Rob a few more times since our first meeting. And he has trained me quite well, that huge dick of his will always be difficult to take but I will keep trying. Rob asked me to come over to his apartment for a few drinks but I knew what that meant. I told him I will be sl**ping over, his laugh and said no stays at the “Rob Hotel” for free. I thought to myself, ran to the shower and did a shave. I wanted everything nice and clean, all over for him. I packed a bag of a cute...
I have hooked up with Rob a few more times since our first meeting. And he has trained me quite well, that huge dick of his will always be difficult to take but I will keep trying. Rob asked me to come over to his apartment for a few drinks but I knew what that meant. I told him I will be sleeping over, his laugh and said no stays at the “Rob Hotel” for free. I thought to myself, ran to the shower and did a shave. I wanted everything nice and clean, all over for him. I packed a bag of a cute...
She felt Tamara before the knock at the door – a tornado of fear, anger, and despair. So it was Carol who shot out of the bed, and hurried toward the door, scared for her oldest friend. “Tammy?” she said as she opened the door. Her friend, always small, seemed even tinier, drawn in upon herself, struggling under some great weight. “Tammy, what’s wrong?” In reply, Tamara held out the phone, and played the voicemail over its speakers. When it was finished, Carol said, “Candy, wake ‘em up....
** This story is the third segment of this series. I would suggest reading the1st & 2nd chapters if you are new to the series. The story is about two young college grads and how the women of the church offer no end of opportunities for their sexual fulfillment (some willingly and some with a little pressure applied.) On Saturday morning, Joe and Rob were looking forward to the party at the house of the pastor that evening. Since they had done all of the landscaping and beautification of the...
Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...