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Chapter 8
Barb looked back and saw that they were out of sight of the doors.
‘Let’s go ahead and get you taken care of Mr. Jacobs. It will take them quite a while to get the shit back there cleared up. By the time they get to looking for us we may be done. X-ray is down this way.’
Barb then noticed that she and Ken were not alone. ‘Pardon me miss, may I help you?’
‘I’m staying with Ken, every time I let him get away from me bad shit happens.’
Barb looked over at Ken with raised eyebrows, ‘I thought you said that you didn’t have a girlfriend?’
‘I don’t, Connie is a friend and co-worker at the lodge.’
Connie was behind him looking at the nurse with a serious expression slowly shaking her head back and forth.
‘Oookaayy.’ Barb turned and led the way to the X-ray room.
Back in the waiting room things were more than a little tense.
Three police officers were standing in the doorway pointing their guns at Marcia. Into this setting strode the Public Safety Director for the city of Carmel-by-the-sea, Elizabeth Turrington.
‘Marcia Friedman, what the hell are you doing?’
‘Hello Beth, I wondered if you would show up. I’m keeping control of these hoodlums, they broke in here and shot one of your people. I’m not going to put this gun down until they are restrained so you had best get your people over there.’
‘What about the man on the floor? He doesn’t look like he would be much of a threat.’
‘He’s the one who shot Officer Billy, Beth.’
Chief Turrington waved two officers over to secure the men under discussion. ‘Now would you like to tell me what is going on?’
‘Don’t say anything else Mrs. Friedman, and where is Mr. Jacobs?’ The lawyer from Marta’s firm had arrived. He was a tall reedy type with glasses dressed flawlessly in a pinstripe grey suit with a bright blue tie and carrying a briefcase.
‘Hello Wilbur, I am glad to see you. Ken is getting his arm x-rayed. Are you aware of what happened out at the lodge?’
‘Yes ma’am, I am. My brother Wilbur is out there keeping Mrs. Horne out of trouble. Walter Neilson at your service Ma’am.’
‘My apologies Walter. Are you and Wilbur twins?’
‘Yes ma’am, don’t worry about it, happens all the time. Now I need to talk to you for a minute in private before you answer any more questions from the police. I’m sure you understand Chief.’
‘Yes, I do. If Marcia will just hand me that gun you two can step outside and talk for a minute. I’ve got a bunch of people in here who can tell me the events of the last few minutes.’
‘Be sure you ask those crooks what they have to do with Donny Drake, Beth. While they were robbing us they said something about taking off to Mexico with him.’
‘Thanks Marcia, I will.’
Marcia handed the gun to Beth, ‘This belongs to the man on the ground, he used it to shoot your officer.’ Marcia then led Walter outside and off to a private little alcove.
Inside The hospital Beth started her questioning of the suspects, she pulled one of the men off to the side and spoke to one of her officers. ‘Hey John, see if you can get someone to look after that guy on the floor, he doesn’t look too good right now.’ Turning to the man she held, ‘You, on the other hand, don’t seem to have any problems other than participation in the commission of a felony. You want to tell me what this is all about and what connection you have with Donny Drake?’
‘I’m Eddie Cullen, Donny and David Drake are guys I hang out with sometimes. David is Donny’s brother, he’s in the red shirt over there. If I tell you what I know, can you do anything for me?’
‘That depends on what you tell me. I can guarantee that if you talk to me it will go easier on you than it will on the others.’
‘Okay, I’ll give it a try. Here’s what happened. We were down at the Ranch Club drinking and this dark skinned Mexican gal comes in. Donny said that she wasn’t getting away from him tonight, he was going to get some from the half-breed. He tried dancing with her and she told him off, so then he stopped every one else from going over to ask her to dance. When she saw what he was doing she just packed up and left. Donny told us to hang loose and then he followed her out.
‘The next thing we know is about an hour or so later Donny calls Jerry and says that he had to knock out a doctor, and he’ll pay us good if we can get him out of the ER. He said that there was a cop in the waiting room, we’d have to take care of him. We piled into Jerry’s car and came over here. As soon as we walked in Jerry pulled a gun and shot the cop.
‘I swear I had no idea that he was going to do something like that. Donny has a lot of money and he pays good, but I would never have signed on for something like that. Anyway, David took the cop’s gun and headed down the hall to find his brother. We started taking wallets and purses from the folks in the waiting room for something to do. The next thing we hear a crash from down the hall, then a few minutes later Jerry falls and there is this fucking barbarian standing over him holding Jerry’s gun telling us to go stand in the corner.
‘We do what he says and then he gives the gun to this woman and tells her only to shoot us if we fuck up. Conan took off with a nurse and the babe Donny was after, then you came in. Is that good enough to help? That’s all I know.’
‘Yeah Eddie, I’ll do what I can for you. Now go outside with this officer and wait for us in the car while I check what you said with the others.’
Outside Walter was being brought up to date by Marcia.
‘Okay Mrs. Friedman, I don’t see where you are going to have any problems from this. You haven’t done anything anyone would have a problem with or try to sue you for. Mr. Jacobs, on the other hand, is in serious need of assistance. The altercation out at the lodge shouldn’t cause much trouble because he stopped as soon as the assailant was no longer a threat. His actions here seem to be more in the line of a vigilante than pure self protection though. The legal ramifications of that can be quite extensive. I need to get together with him and be present whenever he talks to the authorities. You do realize ma’am that this is going to take time and money to do. Defending Mr. Jacobs is not your or Mrs. Horne’s responsibility.’
‘I don’t like the sound of that Walter. Ken has saved our lives and tonight I am sure that he saved at least Consuela’s and probably several more. There is no way that Marta or I are going to drop him on a public defender. You and the whole law firm if necessary are going to keep our employee from suffering for his actions in our defense, do I make myself clear, Walter?’
‘Completely Mrs. Friedman, and I am pleased that you have. I was hoping you would say that, but I had to give you the option. Now, do you think that you could distract Mrs. Turrington while I locate and brief Mr. Jacobs?’
‘Yes, Walter, I think I can. Please call me Marcia, Walter, I believe that I would like to get to know you a little better. Are you or your brother married?’
‘I think I would like that Marcia, and no, neither of us is married. We both were right after college, but the girls were not able to deal with Wilbur and I being so close. They seemed to think that just because we married them that my brother and I should not spend as much time together as we liked to do. It is hard to explain Marcia, but Wilbur is a part of me, I can no more take actions without considering how they will affect him than I could walk over hot coals without considering what it could do to my feet. Finding women who would see that and be able to deal with it is hardly easy. We have been going to twin conventions to try to find a matched pair.’
‘Ooh, that’s kinky. Is Wilbur giving the same line to my sister?’
‘He will probably try, but Wilbur is constrained by the fact that Mrs. Horne owns the firm we work for. Hitting on the bos
s is frowned upon. I however, have no such problem.’
‘We’ll talk more about this later Walter, right now let’s get back inside before we have more problems. You remember what I said though, Ken means a lot to us and we don’t want anything bad to happen to him. Take care of him for us please.’
Inside the x-ray room tension was mounting. Barb decided to cut it back a bit. ‘Tell me about yourself Ken. How did you find yourself in this situation and what are your plans for the future?’
Connie was still looking daggers at Barb, but she was interested in the last part of the question as well, so she contented herself with being close to Ken and touching his bare chest and arms as much as she could without looking too forward.
Ken didn’t want to get too personal with someone he had just met, and besides that Connie already knew most of his past, so he was just going to gloss over the facts. ‘Well I got married while I was in trade school and I had to drop out to support her and the baby on the way. After she left me I was working at the mall as a security guard when Mrs. Horne gave me a job at her lodge. I want to go back to school so I can have a regular job and maybe get my little girl back. Do you want to see her?’ He was trying to get to his wallet in his left back pocket with his right arm when Connie took pity on him and pulled it out.
‘Here, this is my little Mallory. Have you seen this Connie?’
‘No I haven’t Ken. Ooh she is darling. Such a little princess. I assume that is your ex holding her?’
Barb saw the picture as well and she and Connie shared a look behind Ken’s back.
‘So you got this woman pregnant, married her, and then she left you? What caused that?’ Barb asked.
‘Actually I didn’t get her pregnant, Mallory was born less than seven months after I met Belinda. All she saw me as was a meal ticket. I think her mother convinced her that she could get the same money without having to live with me, so she left.’
‘That’s even worse. What trade were you training for?’
‘Mechanic, I have been working on cars most of my life. This job with Marta is pretty good, but there isn’t much of a future with it. I would like to have my own garage at some point in the future.’
‘What about your love life? Do you intend to get married again?’ Connie’s expression got a little more intense at this question.
‘Oh, I don’t know. I suppose if I meet someone I would be willing to try again. It would be nice to have a few more kids too. At least the sisters taught me that Belinda was wrong about me.’
By this time the x-rays were done and the three were just sitting waiting for them to develop. As Barb pulled them out she said, ‘I can’t wait to hear about this. Just what did these sisters teach you?’
Ken was getting into a full blush when Walter Neilson found them.
‘There you are Mr. Jacobs and you as well Miss Gomez. Pardon me miss,’ he addressed Barb, ‘but I need to talk to my clients in private. Are you done with them for now?’
‘Yes, you can just stay here if you would like. I need to take these x-rays to a doctor to read them and make some decisions as to treatment. I’ll be back as soon as I find out.’
Barb closed the door behind her and left.
Walter listened to Ken and Consuela recount to him everything that happened that evening and he only had a couple of comments. ‘Criminy, you killed him with a bedpan, that is justice squared man.’ And the other comment was, ‘A spear, you made a spear out of an IV pole? Well at least you didn’t MacGyver it up with a scalpel or something. And Mr. Jacobs was correct Miss Gomez, you did nothing wrong to bring this situation about, but you should never have been going to these places alone. Please tell me that you will not do that again.’
‘I promise Mr. Neilson, besides, Ken offered to take me next time.’
‘All right, that would be best, now neither of you is going to talk about any of this without me being present. If need be, and it shouldn’t, I will get someone else to represent you Miss Gomez. I will need to concentrate on helping Mr. Jacobs here. We’ll let them question you and Mrs. Friedman first, as your stories are pretty close and you were mostly victims, you did very little on your own. The main advice I have for all of you is to tell the truth, that doesn’t mean tell all of the truth, just what they ask about. Answer their questions, but don’t volunteer any information. If you are asked why you did something, wait for me to interject, your motives are none of their business, just your actions, I’ll make them restate the question.’
There was a knock on the door then and when told to enter Barb stepped in. ‘Good news Ken, your arm is not broken. There is extensive and deep bruising, and a few cracks, but no breaks. You will need to wear a sling for a couple of weeks and then do some physical therapy, but that is all. I told the doc about the scalpel you had stuck into your arm, and he made out a prescription for some antibiotics just in case. You will need to come back in next Friday so I…he can check on your progress. Why don’t you take me to dinner afterwards? There is a nice restaurant on fisherman’s wharf and I am willing to go dutch.’
Ken was flustered at this. He had no idea what to do in this situation. Connie, on the other hand, got a very calculating look in her eye. ‘How about this Barb, I will be accompanying Ken here, and he promised to take me dancing later that night, so let me join you two for dinner, and you can join us dancing? How about that?’
A surprised Barb answered, ‘Why not? Sounds good to me, it’s a date.’
Ken was bewildered, and Walter was laughing.
Chapter 9
‘SHE DID WHAT!!?? Roared Ken.
‘Relax Ken, it’s all under control. The man Walter hired called social services and the police. Belinda is in custody and Mallory is waiting for you to come and get her. I made reservations for us and the limo will be here in an hour. Please calm down, everything is being done that can be.’ Marta was stalking back and forth the whole time she was talking. Her agitation was evident by the wringing of her hands and her quick steps.
This was Monday morning and Ken had been relaxing by the pool with Marcia, after doing what exercises he could with his arm in a sling. Then Marta had come out from answering a phone call. The call had been from Walter Neilson. He had told Marta that the investigator watching Ken’s ex-wife had informed him that Belinda had gotten drunk Saturday night and left the baby in a biker bar under the supposed care of one of the waitresses. It had taken all day Sunday, but the judge had ruled that the father could come and get the child until a full custody hearing could be done. Belinda and her father were both in jail for two separate counts of drunk and disorderly. Her mother was out of town visiting a sister, so she was not available either.
All of this was happening after the longest weekend of Ken’s life. The interrogation after the break in attempt was bad, but this time he had descended another three levels into hell. The Carmel police had not been too bad, the events at the lodge were pretty straightforward and easy to explain away. The hospital though, had been under the jurisdiction of the Seaside police. They had been another 30 minutes in responding after the Carmel police, and they had treated Ken as a homicidal maniac. Without Walter staying with him and filtering the rage he was developing, Ken would have lost it and probably spent a lot of time in jail trying to get things sorted out. Watching Marcia and Walter tiptoeing around each other and feeling out the beginning of a relationship helped though, and it kept Ken from examining his own romantic troubles too deeply.
Sunday night he had finally been allowed to go home and get some sleep. Ken was kissed and thanked fondly by each woman at the lodge. He had even been allowed to give Stefan a hug goodnight, a new first in his re
lationship with Connie.
The limo ride to Frisco and the flight to Boise were tense. Ken was flip-flopping between being excited about seeing Mallory again and enraged that Belinda would take such a chance with the child’s safety. Marta and Ken spent much of the time talking about what changes would have to be made to adapt to having a little girl living with them. Marta wanted to move Ken into one of the larger cabins, but he would have nothing to do with it.
‘Look Marta, we need to talk about a few things. This isn’t the way I was going to do it, but what the hell. I am deeply thankful for everything you have done for me, but the job at the lodge is not what I want to be doing when Mallory goes to school. All of the heavy work is done now and maintaining what I have done will not take as much time or effort. There is no way you need to keep paying me as much as you have been. It is not fair to you, and that is how the job was presented to me in the first place. I want to go back to school now and finish up my certificate. I can keep the place up while I’m at school, but after that you can hire someone about to retire or maybe a disabled vet to do the maintenance. Once I have my certificate, I will need to work as a mechanic for a while to get the other certs I need. I was thinking that maybe you and Marcia would be willing to be partners with me in a garage. I’ve really come to love you both and I think Mallory will too. I don’t want to drop out of your life, just change how I am in it is all.’
‘Are you going to take Connie with you when you leave Ken?’
‘That is the other problem I have Marta. What am I going to do about Consuela? I know that she is thankful to me for saving her from that asshole, but that is not a good basis for a relationship. I found that out with Belinda. She needs to find a man worthy of her.’
‘Damn,’ Marta thought, ‘I thought that we had gotten him beyond this. How do I make him see that he is good enough for Connie, and may be the perfect man for her?’
‘And yet you are taking her and the nurse out to dinner and dancing Friday night. Do you think that the nurse is more your speed, are you hoping that she will push Connie away from you?’
‘I’m not sure what happened there Marta. I don’t remember asking either one of them out, but somehow we have a date. I’m supposed to take them dancing and I don’t know how to dance. Hell, I’ve never even been into a club.’
‘Well I’m not sure how the nurse happened to get into the picture, but Marcia said that you told Connie that you would take her to the clubs if she still wanted to go.’
‘I meant that I would go along as a chaperone, to keep her out of trouble. And barb said something about when I saved her the second time I no longer needed to ask to take her out. I suppose that is a good thing, because I never would have asked her. As soon as she gets over being grateful she’ll leave.’
‘Well, I don’t know this Barb, but I know Connie very well. I helped Selena raise her and I think I have a pretty good idea of what makes her tick. Now would you say that she needs a man who would be kind and gentle with her?’
‘Definitely, but he would have to be able to be firm with her as well. Not physically or anything, but I have seen her go off on a tangent a time or two and her mother or you had to reel her in.’
‘That’s right, she would need a firm hand now and then. Do you think that the man for her should be able to support her and her child?’
‘Of course he should, he should also give her more children to love as she loves Stefan.’
‘Very good. Do you think that he should be willing and able to protect her?’
‘That goes without saying Marta, she is a precious package and needs to be kept safe.’
‘And how about physical love? Do you think that he should be able to provide her with pleasure? Wouldn’t it be good to hear her scream in ecstasy?’
‘Well, yeah.’ Ken said, almost in a whisper.
‘And lastly, do you think that the man for her should love Stefan as much as you do?’
‘Now wait a minute here Marta, I see where you are going and you are wrong. Once she has time to wake up Connie will not want anything to do with me.’
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Phew,hahaha,getting a bit steamed up with all these reminisces.So I'd broken me duck with the spunking & me & me maate,Stevie had had our 1st full on dirty session with his heavily spunked up undies & me own boner was leaking in me dad's undies which I was wearing.Stevie was laying back on the cushions in our little den,legs spread wide & his hot boy-cock flaccid,resting on his hairless nads.His long knobskin had closed over his slimy dark red bell-end but a dribble of his slime...
Escape by sammig82 Edited by DocVS My thanks to you readers for the encouraging and kind words seeing that this is my first attempt at writing a story. English was never my primary language and I needed guidance from you readers to help improve the story. I can't say how grateful I am to DocVS for the reediting. So I think you readers deserved a release of the edited version. I hope you'll like it. Chapter 1 WARNING: This story contains TG, masturbations, incest and a very...
When flaccidly resting his mock impotence is taken for granted, lack of excitement showing in his diminished size. Where does his mass disappear to? He looks peaceful lying there silent, patient, waiting for a feeling that he is needed or some sign of interest from a female. Until then he will lie restfully limp. Then suddenly, as if to show that he is alive, he wakes. Rising tall and straight out of the surroundings. No slow waking, no delay. He springs to life. Nothing to everything in an...
We’re tracking through an alleyway behind a shopping centre, signs on the outside of the grubby buildings read, “BOOTS PHARMACY”, and “EURO SUPERSTORE”, there are limited parking spaces but most of the road is covered with yellow hatch-lines, making sure trucks delivering to the shops can always get through the lane. Opposite the large stores, the rear of another line of smaller stores – each with its own lock-up garage. We move through the car park toward a gap between two brick walls, a...
This continues from the previous story. I took the youngest dick in my mouth and held the other 2 dicks in hand. The 3rd brother with the biggest dick knelt and licked my neck. Slowly he removes my nightdress and makes me suck them with just a bra and panty. They start to act aggressively and undo my bra and throw it away. They slowly took turns placing their dicks in my mouth. The hardest to suck was the third brother. His dick head did not fit in my mouth, so I licked the head to balls for...
Carol Learns About SpankingChapter One: Carol?s First SpankingCarol could not believe her ears. Her Uncle Ray had just sent her a text stating that he wanted to see her in his study tonight at 8 PM about her $400 cell phone bill. And, she also knew that he was still mad about her bill from last month. Last month it was more than $200. Now it was more than double. When she talked with Uncle Ray then, Ray told her that if it happened again she would have to pay the consequences. And, she...
Annie and I squeezed into bed beside the soundly sleeping Julie and held each other as we drifted off, it was her who woke us in the morning getting dressed, "I think I've got flu'" she said miserably, her voice just a croak, "I need to go home and get to bed" "Stay here, we'll look after you, doctor Dave and nurse Annie at your service" "Aw bless you both you're lovely, but I'd better go or my mum will get worried, thanks for a smashing time, I'll see you when I'm...
Hello everyone mera naam aman hai mai mechanical engineer ho aur mai pehli bar apni story aap k sath share kar raha ho so agar koi mistake ho jaye to please forgive me aap sab apne feedback mujhe meri email id par de sakte hai meri email id hai aab mai bore na krte hue apni story par aata ho Meri 1 cousin hai naam hai neha wo mere mama ki beti hai uska figure bohat mast hai i think 36-24-38 hoga aur wo kisi bhi model se kam nhi hai har koi usse patane ko try marta tha aur maine bhi kai bar...
Lauren was never one to go to wild parties, even when theywere hosted by friends. The idea of watching her friends get shit faced was just not for her. The only reason she even decided to go to this one was because of Jack. Her boyfriend insisted all day that it was going to be the best night of her life. So far she has only been hit on 5 times while Jack went to get some drinks and look for the host. The color code that evening was black and red almost everyone was wearing some sort of sweat...
Kenna James and Layla Sin are two smoking hot babes that just love licking and tasting how sweet they are. Layla can not get enough of Kennas beautiful firm tits and giant nipples. She just wants to suck and nibble on them forever. Kenna loves the attention making her so horny and full of lust to fuck Layla and taste her gorgeously wet delicious pussy. She is so fucking hot. Layla sits on her face and there is no better place that Kenna wants to be. To run her hands all up and down Laylas body...
xmoviesforyouSo we've had 3 experiences before this one, but none at our house. We've met for drinks and then gotten hotels or gone vack to the one couple's house for fun. The last one was in October, so we've been anxious to have some fun. Work and k**s are our biggest obstacles, and we don't get many free nights. So the other day my wife was on xhamster and started chatting with one of our friends who is exceptionally well-endowed on her lunch break. I got a text from her as she was going back telling me...
With Annie's help, I got a lot done on the house over the weekend. Turns out she was as excited about remodeling the place as I was. She also had some useful talents and enthusiastically put them to use. For instance, when it came to stripping off old wallpaper, she could kind of slip her hands under the old stuff and just lift it right off the wall. I followed behind her with a putty knife and a sandpaper block, taking off what little dried paste was left behind. We managed to get three of...
During the good old 1960’s, in my college days as staff photographer for the school paper, I had the fortune of having many opportunities to cover beauty contests. On one occasion, I was taking candids of the contestants and also scouting for possible models in private shoots off campus. A freshman from Korea, Mimi, was petite--about 5'1", 95 lbs., with short, but slender legs. Her parents were well off, working for the local embassy. After the campus event ended, I caught Mimi as she was...
Fetishit was night and it just rained my friends Jada and Tina just came from a hockey march so we were so tired.i went to the bath to have a wash down,i really stayed for long at my return i saw Jada sucking Tina's nipples it was so string that Tina moan loudly .i that moment i didn't had any idea,so i climb up stairs grabbed my plastic and flexible strap-on went straight to the kitchen held Jada from Tina and dipped my dildo in her anal.i fucked her like 1hour cos i was drunk and took a sex...
I’ve always been a very sexual person. My husband realized that very quickly and has encouraged me to have fun. As along as I let him know what I’m doing, and even let him watch, he's my biggest cheerleader. I was very reluctant at first because I felt I was happy with my sex life and the idea of being a hotwife seemed totally crazy to me. One day, we left a friend's wedding for an overnight stay in a hotel, and we struck up a conversation in the hotel bar with a salesman. He happened to sell...
CuckoldSaint Valentine’s Day has many misconceptions and murky history. V day is an age-old event where people express their love for those who loved, romanced and were turning point in life. This is a popular event in the western world. I appreciate those who loved and admired. V day is an event that reminds me of those who want to be loved, and have the desire to enjoy. Those who have a dream to have a love of their life and romance follows it, unfortunately, missed it. I have empathy for them.It...
TrueDaniels parents owned a newsagent, which meant they started work around 4.30am and finished around 7.30pm each night. It wasn't much of a life and certainly not a career I or Daniel ever thought about pursuing. Because Daniel's parents were rarely home we got to hung around his house a lot and watch his dads collection of porn. This is how my first encounter started, I was 15 at the time, athletic build, a winger on the local rugby team, and not too bad looking if I do say so myself. Daniel was...
Gay MaleCockatoo Part 6Alex grabbed my hands, ‘Please, James, it's the only way we could thinkof to get you over there as quickly as possible without Jandaeng beingaware. You could be back here in two days and then fly to Bangkok asJandaeng expects you to next week. Please?’Areeya came up behind me and put her hands on my shoulders. ‘James, I amso worried about my father. I would be very, very grateful if you coulddo this for me.’ Areeya squeezed my shoulders, and my imagination wentinto overdrive...
Mary Monroe, 21, secretary, single, enjoys one-night-stands more than a continuous relationship. In her vivid fantasies she uses her body to entice and encourage men to a spontaneous encounter without responsibility. Making love with the same partner for more than once seems to bore her and to hinder her for the all so fascinating new adventures: I'm a bit nervous on the first day of my new job as a secretary. The manager that introduces me to my duties is young, handsome and very lively. With...
I love taking candid photos of sexy teens, and I was always sneaky enough to not be caught. One day my luck ran out.I was eating dinner at the meal hall in my university one night. When I saw the sexiest piece of ass I had ever seen. I was getting a second helping when I noticed her at the buffet. She was wearing white vans, black leggings and a light blue crop top style hoodie. She was about 5’4” and had the best damn ass I had ever seen. It was so thick and disproportionately large compared...
Friday 3rd November 2017Seven o’clock on Friday evening, after a six-hour door-to-door journey from Dallas to our home in Pinecrest, Miami, I was dog-tired as I opened the front door. Looking forward to a quiet night in with Jill – hoping she wasn’t too tired from her current stressful work situation.The first thing that hit me when I opened the front door, was the high-pitched sound of female giggling. The second thing assaulting my senses was the strong waft of perfume, stronger than I was...
Wife LoversI was just young teen boy of eighteen when Madam Rekha made her everlasting impact on my life, converting me forever into a submissive worshipful masochistic slave to older dominant and aggressive women. I was in ninth class and stayed in the hostel attached to the school. I was a slim delicate boy and usually aroused strong maternal instincts in women. Our term had started two months back and it would be the Diwali holidays in another month. The post of warden and math teacher was vacant and...
Hi everybody, mera naam raju hai aur main punjab maen rehta hoon. Meri mausi bhi punjab maen rehti hai uski ek beti hai sonia. Yeh 2005 ki ghatna hai jab meri didi ki shaadi hui thi. Shaadi wale din sonia mere saath baithi hui thi tabhi jeeja ji k college times friend hamaare bich aakar baith gaye woh sonia ko bhi pehchaante the aur sonia se kaafi frank the. Unhone sonia se majaak karte huye pucha k tumhari behan ko toh aaj chudai ka licence milja raha hai aur ab jab dil chaahe woh lund le...
My sexy pink satin panties felt so good against my skin and looked great with black stockings and garter belt, my matching satin camisole top was so soft and I was gently creasing my pert nipples through the fabric. It was around 10pm and I was feeling a little bit tipsy after my bottle of wine The DVD was playing Cock in Frock and had some sexy clad shemales in compromising positions, god I love my nights in. I have always loved dressing like a slut and have now shaved all my body well...
Chapter 3: Summer & Jordan - Discovery Summer strode through the corridors from Dee Dee's laboratory towards the infirmary. She had her skirt and bikini top on, as was common among the girls on the Island, but she was still getting continual stares from the girls she passed, thanks to her new height of nearly seven feet. No one had raised their voice to Summer, but she knew instinctively that it was better to obey quietly, rather than rock the boat and ask questions. Neither Dee Dee or...
The remaining weeks sped by, filled with advanced exercises for the residents. The girls were inventive as they individually, or in covert teams, staged enticing setups for Ned to act out his immediate impulses. Ned was tantalized constantly by everyday activities that were duplicitous sexual provocations. Real or role playing activities mimicked such scenes as topless or nude volleyball, scanty schoolgirl uniforms in the library, innocent office intern or secretary slut displays, the flirty...
The first half of the drive home was accompanied by non-stop chattering from Bonnie as she told us everything about her night and everything she thought we should know out about her new friend Marcus. Eventually Dad said, “So, you had a nice time then?” “Totally,” said Bonnie. “Am I in trouble for butting in at the start and talking to Marcus?” asked Dad. “Or are you going to let me off the hook for that?” “No, that’s okay,” said Bonnie. “It was embarrassing at first, but I think you...
During the second year of my graduation, I was writing a paper. I often spent my day in the Library, surfing through books and reading on the internet. The Library wasn’t a popular space in our college. It was a gloomy two-story building in one corner of the campus. We also had a separate student space. People generally used it instead of the Library. It was at the college’s centre and just beside the canteen. It was almost two weeks since I had started spending more time in the Library. During...
It was one of those sultry afternoons when even lifting a cup of coffee to one’s lips was almost too much of an effort. There was not even a breath of wind to stir the dust in the gutters, the air was thick and cloying, and his clothes hung damply on his body. He sat unmoving at the table with a barely touched glass of pastis in front of him, idly watching the passers-by through hooded eyes.To a casual observer, the events of the next few minutes would have seemed unremarkable. A young woman...
Straight SexPart 1 “Gentle Beginnings” I find it hard to remember the exact order of events all those years ago, everything I am going to tell you happened, just maybe not in the exact order that I tell it. I had a happy middle class childhood, being born into post war Britain, rationing was just ending, work was plentiful, kids were on the whole well behaved and discipline at school was real! I must have been 7 or 8 when I first got into trouble at school, I kicked a ball through a window, I was...
I had met Lynn the usual way. She had read one of my erotic tales in one of the Xhamster newsgroups and had gathered up the courage to write me a letter of praise, telling me how much she so wanted what I so expertly described. We exchanged e-mails for a couple of months and as the trust grew between us, she slowly revealed the wanton lust for submission that existed inside this 42 year old wife and highly educated woman. Soon we exchanged photos and she called mine "intimidating" while I...
“Morning,” Bobby grinned as he looked back and forth around the restaurant. A waitress came to the table and Bobby ordered a coffee. “What’s up?” I asked. “Tell me this,” he said as she left to get his coffee. “What do you like best about our Saturday night games?” He was referring to the adult board games that we and our wives had been playing every other Saturday night for a number of weeks. “That’s easy,” I responded. “It’s getting drunk, getting naked, and messing around...